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My Long Time Love

Three years ago at Sugarcube Corner...

"I'd like an extra strawberry drink please!" Pinkie Pie requested.

"Good choice I mean," Pinkie turned to a boy who's around her age, sitting beside her. "I mean, I may be a sugar expert but I gotta say; I believe this place has the best treats in Canterlot City."

"No arguments here," Pinkie replied. "This is one of my favorite spots in Canterlot City."

"Yes," the boy agreed, and nods in agreement. "I love stopping here and then going to the record shop down the street."

"I know that one!" Pinkie answered. "The owner's super chill, and he had one of the best songs I needed when I'm making parties!"

"Wait, you like making parties?" The other boy asked. "Me too!"


The boy extends his hand to Pinkie. "I'm Cheese Sandwich by the way,"

Pinkie Pie returns the gesture. "My name is Pinkie Pie."

"Um, do you maybe wanna head over there after we're done here?" Cheese shyly asked her.

"Of course silly!"

The scene cuts to the Record Shop, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich are checking over some songs showcasing.

"Everyone says the Photon's Forming is Stereo Fighters' is best album, but Smiling Balloons is my favorite." Cheese said.

"Oh, me too!" Pinkie replied.

They both laughed, and the scene cuts to the carnival.

"There's something about working as secret spies that is somewhat fun!" Pinkie said.

"Yeah… me too…" Cheese added.

Then the scene cuts to McDonald's restaurant. Both of them were eating right some food on the table.

"Whoa," Cheese says. "This is like the worst thing I've ever tasted!" He joked.

"Me too!" Pinkie added, and then they both laughed again. Then the scene cuts back to Sugarcube Corner.

"Today was really fun," Pinkie continued. "I never met anyone besides my friends had so much common with!"

"Me too! I mean, me, either…."

Pinkie Pie started to blush. "Well…. Do you want to… um… hang out again sometime?"

"Yeah, I'd love to-!" But then he realized something. "I can't Pinkie I'm sorry, but I'm leaving the country because my father's got a new job there. And that means I'll be studying to a different school. I'd give you my number, but my old phone was broke."

Pinkie Pie was saddened by this. "Oh…. Yeah…."

As they were both saddened by this, Cheese Sandwich notices a stack of postcards, this gives him an idea and picks them up.

"I have an idea," He says. "In three years, when I'm back in Canterlot City, I'll send this postcard to you. If we're both single, we'll meet up and pick up where we left off. How's that?"

"That seems like the most logical way to stay in touch," Pinkie replied.

Cheese gives one to Pinkie Pie. "Here, write your address."

Pinkie complies. "I hope to see you in 3 years, Cheese Sandwich!"

"Me too," Cheese replied.

Then they both hold hands together, this was the moment they'll never forget, that they have to remember that they'll be together again after 3 years.


Pinkie Pie along with Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Twilight and Human Sunset at the staircase from the entrance to CHS. Applejack comes over to them, holding a stack of postcards in her hands.

"Guys, another issue of Fart Weekly Magazine came today, which I distinctly remember telling you Rainbow Dash that you do not get sent here. They're flooding the mailbox next door!"

"Relax," Rainbow told her. "It's natural."

"Rainbow's right," Sunset agreed. "It's not healthy to hold in it."

Applejack sighs. "At least cancel it already!"

"Hey Applejack, is my tax return in there?" Human Sunset asked her.

"Nope," Applejack answered then she gave one to Pinkie Pie. "Here ya' go Pinkie Pie. This came for you." She left off, while still holding these postcards.

Pinkie Pie reads the postcard. "Now let's see…" as she reads the whole card, she gasps in surprised.

"What is it?" Twilight asked her.

"It's the postcard from Cheese Sandwich!" Pinkie answered.


"Who's Cheese Sandwich?" The Human Sunset asked.

"The most loving boy I ever met!" Pinkie explained. "3 years ago, we made a promise to meet when he returned here, and now he's back!"

"Nice one, pinks." Rainbow complimented.

"Yeah, that's really awesome," Sunset added.

"So when are you going to see him?" Twilight asked her.

Pinkie reads the postcard again, only to realize that it's not written where they were supposed to meet, and she forgets. "I don't know! The image in my mind seems familiar when I keep thinking about I but I can't comprehend of what it is! I can't read anything else on the card! It's too busted up! What am I gonna do?!"

"Relax, pinks," Rainbow told her. "We just need to take a better look. Let's take it inside."

Cuts inside the band room, they were busy looking wisely at the postcard.

"Okay, so how about…." Rainbow tries to read in different angles but it doesn't help."Nope, I got nothing."

"Dude, what happened to it?" Human Sunset asked. "It looks like it was in someone's mouth."

Our Sunset takes the postcard. "I don't know, I can't tell with all these change of address stamps."

"Oh, yeah, I moved around a lot. It probably got stuck in the postal system for a while," Pinkie added.

"Well, I think the first part is: "Dear… Dear Pinkie Pie'?" Sunset read the postcard out loud.

"We were on that part, Sunset," Twilight told her.

"I'm something something, something somethiiiing you! Best wishes, Cheese Sandwich." She continued reading.

"Ugh!" Rainbow groaned. "Thanks for getting us nowhere."

"Here," Sunset gives the postcard to Twilight. "Let me try to flatten it out." She flattens the postcard and flips it over. "Hey, there's more writing!" She declared and then she read out loud, "Let's meet between 6 & 7 pm on March 20th."

"March 20?" She checks her watch, the time is 4 pm, the day of course is March 20, and 19 days have been passed. "IT REALLY IS MARCH 20!"

"We may not be able to figure this out, but I know someone who can help us," Twilight said.

Cuts to the police station, Shining Armor lead his sister and her friends down the hallways.

"These are some of the best forensic guys I know," Shining Armor said. "If they can't decipher the letter, no one can."

"I really appreciate you helping my friend here," Twilight said gratefully.

"Don't thank me yet," Shining replied. "While they're the best forensic guys I know, they're also the best chop-busting guys I know. If you want their help, you're gonna have to chop-bust 'em right back." They came across a room at the end of the hallway, Shining enters a room with two guys. "Hey, Karim, Patrick!"

"Hey yo!" Karim greeted him.

"Shining Armor!" Patrick added. "Gimme six!" He laughs. "Just bustin' your chops!"

"So, Shine, what's with all these girls?" Karim asked him. "Is the circus in town or something?!" He and Patrick laughed. "Just busting your chops."

"Ah, this is my sister, Twilight Sparkle and her friends," Shining Armor introduced them. "They need your help reading letters in a postcard."

"Need help reading, huh?"

"You girls try opening your eyes?!" They both chuckled. "Just busting your chops!" They repeated and they laughed again.

"Well, we can't read it because the card's all busted up." Sunset explained.

"Oh, it's that card that's all busted up, huh?" Karim asked them. "Are you sure it's not your face?!"

"Did your moss dress you this morning?" Rainbow taunted.

"Sorry, rainbow kid," Patrick replied. "But you must be at least," puts his hand somewhere taller than Rainbow. "this short to enter the conversation!" They both laughed and give each other high fives.

"Alright, not bad," Human Sunset smirked. "Hey Karim, how'd you grow a moustache on your butt? Oh, wait, that's your face!" She blurted out and laughed.

"Well, since you're looking out for me," Karim said. "I gotta tell ya, that you should move that lawn mower you've been letting cut your hair!"

After a bit of silence, Pinkie Pie answered, "You two just bust chops on guys who have no power so they're invulnerable to your chop-busting. But really you're just a couple of disc jockeys who haven't seen any real action since you left the academy!" The two cops gasps at that joke. "Just bustin'n your chops!"

"You've gone too far!" Karim yelled.

"You can't talk to an officer like that!" Patrick added. "Get on the floor, now!"

Pinkie Pie lies down on the floor. She looks up, "Sorry, sorry, is this okay-"

"Did we say you could move?!" Karim interrupted her sternly. "Put your hands where I can see 'em!"

Pinkie Pie reveals her arms, they both look at each other, and laughed again.

"Just bustin' your chops!"

Pinkie starts to chuckled, followed by her friends, she stood back up.

"Alright, you got me," Pinkie said. "Foiled again…" she muttered.

"You guys can bust chops with the best of 'em," Karim told them. "Now, let's that letter."

He and his partner proceed to analyze the letter, it took them awhile but they manage, but barely. So they gave it back to Pinkie Pie.

"What does it say?" Pinkie asked them. "Where am I supposed to meet him?"

"I hate to tell you but that's something we can't make out on," Patrick replied.

Pinkie Pie reads the postcard out loud for everyone to hear. "Dear Pinkie Pie, I hope you remember our promise we made three years ago. I was back in Canterlot City and would love to see you. If you're still single, let's meet up at blank Italian Pizzaria blank and blank. If you don't show, I'll assume you've found someone else"? Best wishes, Cheese Sandwich." She drops the paper. "Oh no! If I don't show up tonight, he'll think I'm not interested! I'll never see him again!"

"Keep it together pinks!" Rainbow comforter her, holding her shoulders, then turned to the two cops. "Come on, guys. There's gotta be something else you can do."

"There are few more tests we could run, but they'll take some time," Patrick answered.

"Time? I don't have time!" Pinkie urged. "And It's almost six o' clock!"

"Relax, Pinkie Pie," Shining Armor told her. "Look, Italian Pizzaria's a chain and there are only a few in the area. We'll start checking them while Karim and Patrick run the tests. One way or another, we're gonna find him, together."

"You can do it," Sunset replied.

"Yeah, we'll help you," Human Sunset added.

"Thanks, guys," Pinkie said thankfully.

"Alright, let's roll!" Shining declared.

The montage begins with the group searching around the chain restaurants in Shining's police car, they went over to the Italian Pizzaria, Pinkie Pie checks out, but Cheese Sandwich was not there. They were given more information by his friends, saying that they discovered the restaurant called, Italian Pizzaria Oven, so they went there, but again, Cheese Sandwich was not there. They've been going over this for a while and still no signs of Cheese Sandwich, the time are almost 6 tonight and Pinkie Pie is getting desperate.

"Aah! Why are they all chain restaurants?!" Rainbow complained, throwing the map to Sunset.

Finally, another call comes in.

"Hey, I think we got something." Patrick announced.

"What's the stitch?" Shining asked through the walkie talkie.

"We got another word: Seven. Papa's Famous Italian Pizzaria on Seven."

"Seven?" Shining asked again skeptically. "You think it's on Seven Street?"

"There's one on Seventh Street in Canterlot Boulevard!" Rainbow added.

"On it!"

Shining Armor accelerates to the restaurant and stops in park. The girls run to the door, Sunset turns the doorknob but it's locked.

"It's locked!" Sunset said.

Twilight notices the sign and reads, "it says they're fumigating this week."

"Aw, sick!" Rainbow gagged.

"Now what am I gonna do?!" Pinkie starts banging the door. "CHEESE SANDWICH!"

The rests are shock and tries to get Pinkie to get a hold of her.

"Pinkie, take it easy!" Human Sunset told her while still holding her.

"He's not in there, dude!" Rainbow added.

"He would've waited outside if this was the place!" Twilight sums it up.

Pinkie Pie calms down and takes a very deep breath.

"Sorry, it's just on the right one…"

"Girls, get over here!" Shining called them.

They run back inside his car as another call came in.

"Alright, we finally got the whole line. He's waiting at; Papa Famous Italian Pizzaria on 7- Ahh! Oh, man, my chest!"

"He's got a heart attack!" Patrick exclaimed through the walkie talkie. "Somebody call a doctor!"

"No! Not now!" Pinkie panicked.

Then they heard them laughing and they all glared.

"Eh, just bustin your chops!" The others groan. "But seriously, it's 'Grain.' "Papa's Famous Italian Pizzaria on Seven Grain."

"Then we got no time to lose!" Rainbow boasted.

"That place is in the shopping centre across town," Twilight added.

Sunset checks her watch to see that it's 10 minutes to 6.

"But there's only 10 minutes left!" Sunset warned them. "We won't make it with the traffic!"

"Guess I better start flooring it then." Shining Armor replied in a serious deep tone.

He puts his car in full speed and drives through the city of Canterlot, cutting through traffic, going to alleyways, taking shortcuts.

"There's the exit!" Rainbow pointed to the exit up ahead.

Shining Armor takes the exit, only to find more traffic up ahead. And there's no way to get passed it.

"How are we gonna get past this?!" Rainbow exaggerated.

Shining Armor looks to his left to see the mall.

"Looks like we're gonna have to cut through the mall," He declared.

"What?!" Twilight cried in surprised. "But that's illegal!"

"Not when you're a cop, sis." He suddenly breaks through the door and passes by many citizens as they quickly get out of the way.

"Remain calm, citizens!" He shouted through the megaphone. "Routine procedure!"

As he reaches the end of the mall, they finally come across that exact restaurant they were looking for.

"There it is!" Human Sunset pointed out. "You still got time, Pinkie Pie!"

Shining Armor puts the car in park, Pinkie quickly comes out of the vehicle and walked inside the restaurant. She looks around for Cheese Sandwich but she can't see him, she saw an empty table, indicating that Cheese Sandwich had left. She was saddened by this, and walks back to her friends.

"They said he was there, but it was pass 6 now. I was too late…"

Sunset tries to comfort her. "Look Pinkie Pie, I'm sorry ou-"

But Pinkie interrupted her. "Thanks, but I just wanna be alone right now…" She sadly walks away. "I'm such a party pooper…" she muttered sadly.

"We're gonna order some pizza to cheer up," Rainbow says but Pinkie ignores her as she walks away from them.

Cuts back to Sugarcube Corner where Pinkie Pie sulks while waiting for the Cakes to ask for her order.

"Can I get an extra strawberry drink please?" She asked sadly.

"Good choice, that's my favorite," Pinkie was surprised to hear that and turns to see Cheese Sandwich again.

"Cheese Sandwich!" She exclaimed and hugged him tightly. "That letter you gave me was so busted up that we have to take to the police station to make out what you're saying through the letter, then we went out on a search for our meeting spot but no luck and I thought I was too late!"

Cheese Sandwich chuckles and patted her back, "It's okay, Pinkie Pie. I honestly thought I can't come as well."

"I wasn't sure what to do, and I just wound up here."

"Me too." Cheese Sandwich replied.

The two smiled and hold their hands once more as a first sign of their impending relationship.