• Published 30th Aug 2023
  • 241 Views, 4 Comments

Random Invation - discordjediknight

The Yolkian aliens invade Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 1 The woods

Author's Note:

SO!!!! this was a team effort between me, Nocepandi20, and Ghost Bus. I met them through Discord when they wanted someone to give their idea of the Yokian aliens invading pony vill a whole story. this is random and for fun, and I had a blast writing it. it was a fun challenge and I would like to thank them both for giving me this oputnunity and allowing me to have some freedom with the story, putting in my ideas.


"As the wind blew past the trees, and the littlest ponies sat trapped in the middle of the woods, something began to hunt them. Something that was tiny green and from the sky above. As the little fillies hid, whatever was following them stopped just In front of them. Whatever it was they could make out no detail, and did have time to as a bright light shined over the little ponies, they tried to scream but could make no sound as the little ponies disappeared, into the night sky, they were captured by, aliens!!!!"Shouted a very excited pink pony with curly pink hair.

"PINKY!!!" The crowd shouted at her.

"What?" She whined a bit.

"Pinky with all due respect aliens are not real." Twilight deadpanned.

"Ugh, you guys just wait, just wait, till you all get abducted you'll see then," Pinky grumbled.

"Well, there's an hour we're not gonna get back." A light blue pony with a rainbow mane put in her two senses.

A pony then slammed down his hoof. He was a light brown pony with his mane and tail smoothly brushed, and three bags of money on his flank. "Can we please get back to looking for my daughter, I've had enough of fooling around."

"Mr. Rich is right, we must find those two and fast." A white pony with a swirl of dark purple main commented.

"Yes Rarity, we just have to track the steps". The alicorn with the most authority in the room told them.

"If that's the case, Rarity, get out your gear, your a great detective."

"Thank you, Dash, but finding out who framed you is a little different from some pony gone missing." Rarity pointed out.

"Speaking of missing has anyone seen Applejack? She should be a part of this conversation."

"Haven't seen her since this morning when she and I were bucking apples." Said a deep country voice, it came from a big red stallion known as Big Mac, AJs brother.

"Wait so she's missing too. How many others are missing here?" Dash asked.

"Hmm, maybe it is a good idea to start searching for her two." Rarity said her thoughts titled.

Suddenly a door busted open, "twilight!!!" Called out Starlight Glimmer.

"What, what is it?" Asked the violet Alicorn.

Starlight glimmer caught her breath for a moment. She breathed in and out heavily before she spoke again. "I just ran here from the school. Thire missing!!! Every one of them!!! And I can't find Trixie anywhere!"

Pinky gasped horrified. "The aliens have taken them."

At the sound of this, everyone rolled their eyes. Except Starlight who only raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What is she talking about?"

"No, no I am not listing to a whole nother hour of Pinky's alien story, good by." Dash flew out the window.

"I'm not making this up, we live in a world with magic, griffins, whatever discord is, and talking ponies, and aliens is really where you draw the line!" Pinky asked angrily.

Twilight turned to Starlight with a sigh. "Let's start looking. Rarity go to Flutershys and make sure the CMC, spike, and my nease are safe. I'm going to join up with Cadence on the search for a silver spoon and diamond, the rest of you start searching for everyone else in school, will you?"

"Sure thing, they answered back.

As the morning sun rose it shines into the little cottage, its light shining over the 3 little bumps in the guest room bed.

With a mighty yawn, one of them rolled over onto of the other, waking that one up.

"Hay I can't uh." The orange pegasus struggles out from under one of her friends and popped up as the sound of a rooster called her, and the others awake.

A white unicorn got the worst of it since she fell out of bed with a big thump as she came to. "Owe... Morning guys." Said the white unicorn, her main and tail a complete mess but was a swirl of purple and pink.

"Yawn... Morning sweetie Bell." Said the pegasus, she then taped on the shoulder of the third bump on the bed, who nearly choked her to death. "Apple Bloom, apple Bloom wake up!!!" Shouted the pegusus.

"Huh, what," she said as she was spooked awake. "Oh hi," she yawned "Where are we?"

"Don't you remember, were at Flutershys because of what happened the other night?"

"Na uh not till my, morning coffee." She said laying her head back down on the pillow.

"Well, one thing is for sure." Sweetie Bell stood up.

"Oh, what's that?" Scootlot asked.

"We're too big to sleep together in that bed like when we were little." Just then the bed legs broke. "Huh, I see your point". Scootlot commented as she got off of it. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Girls, are you awake?" Asked a familiar male voice.

"Yeah, spike come on in."

Spike opened the door, revealing himself to be a tall skinny dragon with wings, a long side of him securing around was a five-year-old Alicorn. "Now, tell me again what exactly happened on your trip," the dragon questioned.

Nope, not until I get my coffee." Said apple Bloom who wobbled out of the room to fetch herself the morning Joe.

"We told you spike, for Diamond Tiara's 15 birthday we all went camping in the woods. Us, Tiara, and Silver Spoon." Scootaloo began.

"That was until Apple Bloom started telling her silly ghost stories and scared everyone out of their minds." Laughed sweetie bell.

"And then what happened," asked Spike narrowing his eyes.

"She ran off into the woods..."

"We all had a good laugh at first but she never came back after that. We searched and searched but finally, we had to come home and report her missing."

"It's been almost three days since she disappeared." Apple Bloom mutter as she turned on the coffee machine.

Spike leaned over to sweetie Bell and asked, "Since when does she drink coffee she's only 15."

"Since she was 13 it's been a while since we've all been together actually how are you doing?" Asked sweetie Bell.

"I'd be doing a lot better if I wasn't called in the middle of the night to get on a train from Canterlot to here."

"Heh well you know Mr Rich, hell do anything if it's his daughter."

"Yeah well coming straight to the capital of Equestria demanding Twilight help over a missing pony in the middle of the night. I think is a little excessive." Spike deadpanned. "especially during a conference of peace between all the nations of Equestria, Preparing for the arrival of a new nation." He rolled his eyes.

oh, whos the new nation, asked sweetie Bell, spike shrugged, apparently, Discord of all ponies talked one of his bizarre friends into joining. you remember the smooes right, it's his people. "

"The smooes, she asked trying to remember, oh you mean that weird slime creature that ruined the Galla a couple of years back?"

"yep, that's the one,"

Scootaloo started playing with the young filly flurry heart in the background, just as Fluttershy walked into the room with a yawn, her hair a pink mess but she smiled softly. "Good morning you guys. "She then saw the bed, "Oh my." Her eyes widen.

"Sorry about the bed Fluttershy will fix it," Scootaloo told her.

Fluttershy smiled at them just as a knock came on the door. "I'll get it." Spike sighed as he opened it, to his surprise no one was at the door at first, then in a flash of pink something nearly attacked him

"Aliens!!!" Shouted Pinky, who stood catching her breath.

"Hi Pinky have you found them yet," Fluttershy asked with hope in her voice.

"Nope," she said cheerfully. "I did find more proof of aliens. There's a huge crop circle in the Apple's corn field. She smiled and then her expression grew serious. "We have to stock up on weapons and defensives and take down the aliens once and for all."

They all looked at her with a look of confusion and concern but shrugged it off as Pinky just being Pinky.

"I'm here to get Rarity to make some cool sci-fi, defense suits."

Sweetie Bell raised an eyebrow at that. "My sister's not here."

"Oh yes she is, she was sent here last night to check up on you guys."

Sweetie Bell shook her head.

Pinky gasped, "She's been taken by the aliens. Come on we got to go."She grabbed their hoves and pulled them along. "Turns out most of Starlight's class was captured too well have to be swift if we're..."

"PINKY!!!" They all shouted at her.

"What," she whined.

"Uh, is it just me or is it quiet?" Asked Spike.

"Too quiet," Pinky narrowed her eyes.

"Ok, Apple Bloom makes sure she doesn't get any of that coffee. Spike smirked. To which Apple Bloom's only response was to nod and finish off her morning joe.

"Seriously tho, where is everyone?" Asked Sweetie Bell. They stood in the middle of the empty town. Not a pony in sight, not a bird nor even a squirrel in the trees. Fluttershy scratched her head as they wondered where everyone could have gone. "The aliens took them!!!" Shouted Pinky, causing the rest of them to roll their eyes.

"Pinky do you know where mommy went?" Asked the tiny one of the group.

"Hmm oh yeah she went in the woods searching for the missing ponies, probably battling off the alien invasion with her super cool unicorn powers."

"Pinky!" They shouted as Fluttershy picked up Flurryheart and began rocking her back and forth. "Oh now I think your mommy is gonna be just fine."


A ray of magic came from the alicorn's horn creating a crystal barrier. That won't hold them for long, Cadence declared.

Twilight was behind her freaking out. She grinned crazily as she began to laugh.." haha aliens, aliens are real. Hahaha. Aliens, Pinky was right, Pinky was right.!"

"Snap out of it already," Dash slapped her friend in the face.

"Thanks for that". Twilight replied annoyed as she rubbed her face.

"No problem, but we gotta get out of here!!!" Shouted Dash.

Suddenly a blast of magic blew up the crystal barrier revealing several ponies all standing before them.

Down in the front stood Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara dressed in green suits, their faces with a dead expression on them. On top of their heads, a strange mechanical device ith anytime on them. Weird tubes went down their ear canals as something green was being pumped into their skulls Behind those two were, Bonbon, Granny Smith, Big Mac, and many more.

"Run!!! Shouted Starlight." They all took off in the opposite direction as they approached the old cattle of the two sisters.


Pinky and the gain ran into the forest as fast as their hooves could carry them, while she explained her whole story.

"And so at the end of it, a spaceship landed right in front of us, both diamond and silver spoon walked out looking all funny and told us we were to be sacrificed to the god poultry, then they tried to capture us, luckily we had two alicorns and the most powerful unicorn, together with their mighty powers they ran to fight another day..."

"Uh, yeah Pinky but um where do you fit into all of that?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Oh, I wasn't there, silly."

The others raised an eyebrow at this, but before they could even act, they heard a loud moan.

"Did you hear that," Sweetie Bell asked

"Yeah sounds like someone's hurt," Apple Bloom announced as they took off in that direction.

They soon stumbled upon an orange dragon. Who moaned once again in pain as she began to move.

"Smolder!?" Spike called out. "Smolder what happened to you?"

"Hmm, oh hi Spike. CMC." She rubbed her head.

"They were attacked last night by the aliens," Pinky confirmed.

"Uh, how did you know that?" Asked sweetie Bell.

"Well duh, isn't it obvious?"

Spike rolled his eyes.

"Oh, Smolder come on well get you back to town and look over your wounds," Fluttershy said sweetly.

"No, no time,e my friends, there, they were already taken, we have to hurry, before," Smolder got up despite the pain in her body. "Something bad happens to them."

"You're not going anywhere in that condition," Fluttershy scolded. "Come on well fix you right up..." Just then they heard a mighty scream coming from deeper into the forest. Smolder didn't hesitate and ran in its imidate direction. "Oh, come on!?" Complained Spike before they all took off after the sound.

"Aliens, I can't believe we're being invaded by aliens," Twilight said still shaking her head. Just then they came to an abrupt halt falling to the ground, they looked up at whatever they jumped into, and to their surprise bulk biceps were standing before them, his mind controlled by the machine on his head. He quickly grabbed Twilight and Dash. Standing there blocking the way of Cadence, as she was being cornered by the enemy cadence thought surely this would be it, surely she would be Captured too when suddenly a yak came smashing in, pushing aside the other mind-controlled ponies alongside her on her back was a blue griffon who swiped at them with his punches.

"Winona, gallus," said Cadence confused. "Sorry no time to explain just run," Gallus told her before Gallus had his foot stepped on, he screamed out at the top of his lungs, a very girly scream. Cadence used her magic to blast the pony who stepped on galluses foot away freeing him.

"Uh, can we forget I just screamed like a girl?" He asked nervously. The two girls chuckled at that, planning never to let him hear the end of it. But their moment of humor was short-lived, as a spaceship descended above them, as it opened up its door they saw the other class members all mind controlled.

They slowly came down about to grab the three when suddenly Pinky came swinging in on a vine nocking out a griffin who was about to grab Gallus.

"Pinky where'd you come from?" Asked cadence.

"Oh, I went to go get some backup. And back up I did get," she said pointing at the others.

Cadence, Glimmer, Yona, and Gallus smiled at them but were cut off by their friends crying for help. They were being lifted by a beam of light held by bulk biceps, as they struggled a group of robotic arms came down holding them in place as they were forced into strange green suits. Everyone watched helplessly as strange devices were strapped to their heads. Dash and Twilight struggled to get loose but as the helmet turned on a green substance filled the tubes entering their ear canals. Within seconds their eyes widen, as they went limp. A vacant expression filled their faces. The arms let them go but the light beamed them up.

"Ahh the alien's mind control device got them," Pinky shouted. They all wanted to question how Pinky knew any of this but now was not the time. "Come on we have to let the other governments of the friendship alliance know we've been invaded." Shouted glimmer. They all nodded as they took off for safety.