• Published 30th Aug 2023
  • 240 Views, 4 Comments

Random Invation - discordjediknight

The Yolkian aliens invade Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 5 Final Battle

Twilight, Dash, Apple Jack, and Apple Bloom stood at the base of a giant chicken egg in the center of a massive arena filled to the brim with the strange Yolkian people.

They began to fear for their life as the king walked up( hoverd ) and sat on his throne. He announced to that bellow, here I the king shall give our great god poultry the nutrients he needs to live. Poultry.

"Poultry," they all shouted.

Suddenly the room went silent a giant crack formed on the egg.

"Uhh, what now," asked AJ.

"Now we try to do everything we can not to get eaten," Dash told her.

"Good plan," said Twilight.

Suddenly as the egg cracked into a million pieces a giant alien chicken with three eyes awakens. It had barely any feathers on it, it roared a sound of a click as it came out of its egg. It then nealed over to its offering and was about to take a bite of its first victim which was Diamond Tiara when suddenly above them they heard a loud crash as glass from above sprayed the scene, down came the resistance. They landed on the back of the giant chicken and began punching and kicking as much as they could, to little avail.

Twilight and the others stood jaw dropped as they watched smolder and the others attack the giant chicken.

On top of its head crying out in a blaze of anger Scootaloo shouted, "And here I thought I was a big chicken, But you," she punched its center eye, "take the cake." As it got hit on the eye the giant chicken roared in agony as it began to trip over its own feet nearly stepping on Apple Bloom, Luckily Apple Jack grabbed her and moved out of the way as the beat tumbled into the crowd landing onto most of them.

"No!!?" Cried King Goobat, "Seize them, feed them all to poultry."

"Dash you apple Bloom and AJ work on freeing the others, I'm gonna join the main battle."

"What why can't I fight the giant chicken," she grumbled back.

"Because I'm an alicorn with ten times the power than you," Twilight told her.

Dash thought for a moment, "huh Good point."

With that Dash flew over and began undoing the helmet, but throughout the commotion, a Yolkian saw this and activated the helmet. Now Bulk Biceps went for a punch, but Dash barely dodged it.

She looked up at her attacker and grew a smirk. "Ha, I always wanted to prove who was stronger between us.

Bulk went in for another punch but Dash with her speed dodged as she said, "You might have size and power but I got speed!" She then mid-air kicked his mind control helmet, and it splattered green ooze all over the ground, As it drained the muscle Pegasus slowly came to his senses. "Dash, where are we, I was working at my second job when I was jumped by these weird green goo things in eggs. "

"Yeah it's a long story bulk, but hay, do you mind breaking off more of that helmets with me."

"Hmm, uh sure, yeah let's do it!!!" He shouted and began to punch the mind-control helmets off the other captured creatures of Equestria.

Twilight flew as fast as her wings could carry her once she reached the top of the Aliens chicken she blasted a huge amount of magic zapping it to the side, but she was not alone as Cadence too blasted its other shoulder. It cried out in fury and toppled over.

"Woo hoo, we won," shouted Scootaloo.

"No, it's not over yet stand your ground," Smolder instructed. Twilight's eyes widened as the beast stood back up, shook off their attacks like they were pesky flies, and lowered its head to its position. Its eyes narrowed as it followed Twilight who gently sat back down nervously.

"Uhh guys now what"? Asked Gilda, "I'm all out of ideas."

"Umm I have one," said Starlight.

"Let me hear it teach," said Smolder with the same nervous expression as all of them.

"Well at times like this a tactical retreat could be useful," Glimmer explained.

"Uh-huh," replied Smolder.

"In other words," Pinky said cheerfully,

"RUN!!!" She finished.

With that, the beast cried out its own battle cry and began to chase them as they took off running in circles around the arena, whit each step the ground shook as the monster ran after them.

Between Bulk Dash and AJ all of those captured and mind-controlled were now free just in time to see the oncoming threat and began to run off, or fly away, anything they Could to escape the mighty beast.

The large ship began shaking and swaying back and forth as a result of the motion.

Meanwhile back in Pony villa Grandpa Gruff was running terrified. "AHHHHHHH, little demon pony," he cried out as the young five-year-old filly was laughing and blasting her Alicorn magic here and there.

Grandpa Gruff only came to a halt as he saw a giant egg-shaped ship just appear out of the side of the moon. His jaw dropped but then he turned around just in time to see and hear a blast of magic come from the little Alicorn chasing him.

The blast of magic flew past his head and sped into the sky like a rocket until it eventually made contact with the giant egg-shaped alien mothership's engines.

Inside they all heard something crash into the aise of the ship as it rattled, the lights went instantly off and then it froze. Everyone inside including poultry, all stood quiet with wide eyes.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, "Huh funny, for a second I thought we were all gonna, ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

"Scotaloooooooooo," they all shouted as the ship began to plummet in a ball of fire back down to Pony Vill.

It crashed and landed creating a massive creator where Pony vill was originally. All those inside alien or not flew around mid-air until gravity pulled them back down.

With a mighty loud groan from everyone. Dash was the first to ask, "Is everyone dead yet."

"Naaa were good," answers a Yolkian guard.

Okay good, They all stood up as the wall of the ship fell down revealing the outside world, "With that done back to business right," said Dash

"Yes. back to business", king Goobat replied. "Get them!!!" He yelled and everyone began running out of the ship the mighty creature ran after them.

Soon one pony, a dazzling handsome unicorn by the name of, prince blue blood tripped. In seconds he was gobbled up by the mighty chicken. The crowd all screwed out in terror as the chicken turned its sights on them.

"Ahh, what are we gonna do, are magic is not strong enough to stop that thing." Panicked glimmer.

"Yes if only somehow we could focus all our magic on him all at once it might finally be enough to take it out," said Rarity.

At that moment a light bulb went off in twilights mind. "That's it,' she screwed out.

"What is", panicked Pinky.

"I'll be right back," she told them and flew off to the horizon.

"What, oh great what we do now," complained Guilda.

"Keep running," shouted Smolder.

"Good idea," Yona seconded the motion as the alien chicken came closer to gobbling them up.

Twilight flew as fast as she could but her wings felt tired and she had to land completely out of breath. "Oh if only there was a way to just get there instantly," she complained. "Oh, wait," She said as she remembered she could just teleport. She raised her horn and her magic surrounded her, in an instant she disappeared and reappeared in front of the big three villains still trapped in stone.

Lord Tireak, Cozy Glow, and Queen Chrysalis stood in the same pose as they did when they were imprisoned half a decade ago. Twilight bit her lip as she pondered what she was gonna do, but she sighed in defeat knowing it might be their only chance, With all the magic she could muster she blasted the stone releasing the three mighty villains.

As they came back to life they groaned and complained as their bodies were given freedom once again.

The three all fell to the floor in pain and relief, "Finally," shouted Chrysalis, "someone freed me, which one of my loyal subjects was it." She smiled, but was surprised to see it was indeed the princess of friendship who stood over them.

"Oh what is it now," explained Tireak. Cozy glow just pouted.

"Tireak, do you want to gain your three freedom from me?" Asked Twilight in a serious tone.

Tireak raised an eyebrow at this. "Alright, I'll bite what do you want princess?" He snarled.

"Take my magic, take all of our magic, just use it to destroy that giant alien chicken, and you'll have your freedom. '

"What, Your kidding?"

"No, I am not, that beast can't be taken down unless all our magic is combined you have the power to do that, so I'm offering it to you, in exchange for your freedom, one thing you must promise that when you do, you will leave Equestria alone. Is that clear," she snarled.

"And why would I help you?" He argued back.

"Because if you don't that chicken will eat you too. "

"Chicken ha, what chicken could possibly," then he heard a mighty roar from a few miles away.

"Oh wow that's a big chicken," smiled Cozy Glow.

"Alright, we're out of time, are you willing to help us or not!" Demanded Twilight.

'Yes, yes ill help you."

'And... "Twilight added.

"I'll leave Equestria alone but you're not getting your magic back." He argued.

"I can live with that," dhe replied and lowered her head towards him.

Tireak opened his mouth and drew in her magic, with it he gained his strength back. He then turned his attention to Pony vill, Chrysalis teleported them over since Twilight could not.

Twilight collapsed as her magic was gone, her body became weak with no energy. At the sight of the three major villains, everyone's jaw dropped, They prepared themselves for another fight but Twilight stopped them,

"No, no please, give your magic to them. All of it."

'Are you crazy," Smolder was the first to comment. "I am not handing him my dragon magic, Twilight, he'll destroy the world.

Twilight lowered her head in shame, 'this is the only way to save Equestria now. I made him promise to leave Equestria alone and gain his freedom if he did."

"And you're just gonna trust him," shouted Apple Bloom, only for the alien chicken to roar again reminding them of its presence.

"We don't really have a choice here,' AJ shouted, She then turned to Twilight a bit frightened but determined. With a solemn nod, she gave the alright to have her magic drained.

Seeing one of the elements of harmony give up her own strength to protect Equestria the others felt like they had to as well. They all lowered their heads as Tireak opened his mouth draining all of them and growing bigger than he'd ever been, not only did he have pony vill but now all creatures of equestrian magic. With it, he was now mighty enough to stand toe to toe with the alien chicken.

He punched poultry in the face, the chicken stumbled back.

"No, you can take him," shouted Goobat.

The poultry god stood its ground, tho it was just a hatchling it was mighty and put up its little wings ready to fight.

'Soon the two giants were in a fist-to-fist match punching each other square in the jaw a few times, Tireak came in with a left hook but Poultry dodged it and came in with a right nee, catching him in the gut. It wasn't enough to take him out tho. Tireak tried to focus on a magic beam but poultry was too quick for him.'

"Pinky, why are you narrating the fight in past tense?" Asked Apple Bloom. Pinky shrugged.

Just then out of the crashed ship walked Discord with a few yolkians and spike.

"Oh yes I am sorry about the confusion, once we tell king Goobat well all have this sorted out," said Steeve.

Of course, of course, as your new ambassador I new I could get this whole thing sorted out. Discord smiled.

"I'm rather impressed Discord, who knew you could actually negotiate a proper treaty that wasn't chaos." Spike told him.

'Oh, you see Spike I told you I have changed. Why after all that chaos i ended up causing Twilight in the past I have finally learned my lesson, friendship is the best way to go about things, and I am no longer doing it my way, but hers."

"Im proud of you for that," Spike smiled.

"Thank you my friend, now lets go and, what in the name of Celestia grandmother!!!" He expressed as he saw the mess infront of him.

All of Equestrian people were fighting the yolkians and running away from two giant monsters fighting in the back ground. Spike just scratched his head at the sight of this.

"Discord!" Shouted Fluttershy happily as she ran to him. He still had his moth wide open even when she gave him a big hug. He patted her on the back but was still at a lot of words, as one of the Yokians that were beside him floated by his head.

In a strange deep voice, the yolkian who had no eyes shouted, "Goobat what is all this."

"Wha, what you mean Smoose, this," he gestured to the scenery, "Is poultry's lunch."

"I told you i found a way to feed poultry." argued Smooes in his bizarre deep voice.

"Yeah and here we are you did a great job cousin."


Smooes popped oped his egg case and slimed out of it forming his gooey self. speaking his true alien toung Smooes expressed his disagreement and how much of an entire mishap this all was.

"What?!" The king bellowed in surprise.

"yes, you see in exchange for you joining the friend ship alliance we plan to help feed poultry with enoufe chicken feed for its entire life. This whole thing is just a big misunderstanding," smiled Discord.

"misunderstanding," shouted everyone.

Twilight almost fainted at how discord of all ponies was the one to explain any of this.

hmf well even so i have all the magic in the world and im not... expressed tireak but with a snap of discords fingers all the ponies magic was restored from tireak.

"what, but what about our freedom," asked Cozy Glow,

Chrysalis just rolled her eyes and mutterd, "typical."

"No, no I am an alicorn of my word, so long as you dont cause an issue again, you may have your freedom."

"But Twilight," Smolder expressed,

Twilight just smiled, xin the name of friend ship right," she winked.

"ok so now what," asked Dash.

"Now we go back and start negotiating the friend ship alliance, with the yolkians, Smooes's people." discord pointed out.

"yes, yes lets start negotiating friendship," Twilight was the first to stretch her hoof to goo bat.

the king looked at her a bit confused, "Really we just had you almost eaten by our alien chicken god."

"Yes and it was all a miss understanding," said Discord who steed in behind Twilight. "Believe me these ponies will be friends with anyone," he shook his head and ruffled Fluttershy's mane who was also proud of him.

Smooes slimed over to Goobat and wiggled a bit in Response.

The king finally sighed and shook Twilights hoof with his robotic hand.

"And so the yolkian war came to an end."

"Great story mom, but why did you tell me that when I asked about who was prince blue blood. said the little filly, Cheese Jr.

"Beacuse if i told you he was a jerk pony who got eaten by a giant alien chicken, you would of asked why thire was a giant alien chicken, and then I would have had to tell you the full story any way, silly. His mother smiled.

'Oh, yeah you have a point there." Cheese Jr set a hoof to his chin in thought. "Huh, so thats why we have yolkians in friend ship shcool now, What a wired and random invasion."

Author's Note:

Yes, what a weird and random invasion indeed.
Alright, I hope you guys all enjoyed this one, this was a fun random side project and challenge that was given to me by a few friends, once again thank you to Noicpanda and Ghostbusters for this fun idea. lol.

Comments ( 4 )

You spelled invasion on the title wrong with a “t” instead of an “s” :rainbowlaugh:

lol thank you

im keeping it thogh beacuse thats how it is on the cover just adds to the funnies

What’s up with “???” in synopsis?

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