• Published 30th Aug 2023
  • 241 Views, 4 Comments

Random Invation - discordjediknight

The Yolkian aliens invade Ponyville.

  • ...

Chapter 4 Infiltration

"WHAT!!! My darling's been pony-napped." Discord yelled as Pinky Pie just finished retailing the entire story up to this point. Then he realized what he just said. "Oh, Uh, I mean uh, Fluttershy has been kidnapped," he nervously laughed.

Spike rolled his eyes at this knowing all too well how discord felt about flutershy.

"Yes well, I can see this is quite the predicament you've found yourself in. Hmm," he stroked his beard. "Perhaps it would be best if I intervene here."

"So you'll help us by snapping your fingers and making the aliens go away?" Smolder deadpanned.

"Oh I could but actually I'm under oath, but no worries, I can do this the diplomatic way." He grew excited. "Oh, won't Fluttershy be proud." He literally made a duplicate of himself and patted himself on the back.

Cadence raised an eyebrow wondering where he was going with this.

"I'll just make a call and get this all sorted out." He pulled out a banana, taped it as if he were dialing a phone, and put it to his ear. He then sat back with a smile, confident in his own actions. He heard a beep, "Ah yes I would like to..., huh, on hold, uhh I've been put on hold."

Spike rolled his eyes at Discord's antics but didn't question any of them. Discord tapped his foot waiting for someone to pick it up, but no one did.

"Ok well, he's gonna be no help, As usual," Starlight mentioned.

"No, I am helping," he grumbled, he then hung up the phone. "Look all I got to do is go see the king, I'll just hop on one of their ships and go straight THEM."

"Why can't you teleport," asked Glimmer.

"Same reason you can't, he argued.

Starlight shrugged, "Fair enough, so your certain we'll be able to talk to the king."

"Absolutely, why all we have to do is go up to them and demand them to take us to their leader. Once they see me," he examined his claw, "this whole thing will be sorted out." He said confidently.

Cadence rolled her eyes, "there most likely going to capture us."

Smolder then chimed in, "but Discord doesn't have a bad idea." At that, everyone was surprised including Discord.

"Well, finally my genius is being appreciated," he smirked.

"Go on," her teacher encouraged the dragon.

"Well what if we hijack one of their crafts and use it to fly it to wherever the king is, I mean we might have to force him to do it, but with Discords powers that won't be an issue."

Discord stroked his beard in thought of this idea, "Hmm could work, fine but as soon as we get there let me take the rains I promise you I'll be able to negotiate,"

"Since when do you even know that word," asked Glimmer.

"Since Twilight keeps giving me dictionaries for hearts warming, he shrugged, they do make a great holiday snack," he licked his lips.

"Alright then but how are we gonna do this, I mean we can't just walk up to the ship and say Hay take us to you leader."

"Umm actually we can, for the most part anyway," smiled Smolder. "Don't worry guys I got a plan."

With her words, a sense of pride in her student came from Glimmer as did a sense of pride in the young dragon came from the queen of her kind. "If that's the case I vote Smolder to lead the team. "Said Queen Ember. "I second that" Glimmer expressed.

Smolder eyes grew at this, "wow really,"

"Your plan your move," Spike set a claw on her shoulder. The other leaders nodded. In agreement.

"Wow thank you, I, I'm honored," she said in disbelief.

"Yes, yes congrats to the Yong dragon, now can we get a move on, I have a friend to save," Discord complained.

"Alright then listen up because here is my plan."

Dash as quickly as possible undid the helmet on Twilight, Apple Jack, and Apple Bloom. It took them a moment but slowly the three of them came back to their senses and asked dash where Re we.

"We've been kidnapped by Pinky's Aliens, remember?"

"Hmm oh yeah," Twilight said as she rubbed her head. "Applejack nice to see you again."

"Likewise Twi," replied the orange pony who looked like she had a hangover. "What in tarnation are we wearing?"

"Those aliens put us in those, they also have a lot of equestrians and plan to feed us all to something inside a giant egg, poultry they called it."

"Poultry? They plan to feed us to a giant chicken? Asked AJ, confused. Dash shrugged. "Well either way how are we going get out of here?" AJ asked.

"I don't know but I have quite the headache." Said the youngest of them.

"Apple Bloom," her sister hugged her. "Oh, hay sis."

"Sorry to interrupt the family reunion guys but we need to get out of here," Twilight told them. "Dash so you know anything else. "

"All I know is these goofy-looking hats are what are mind-controlling us. But when the goo in them is all out we turn back to normal. I've been trying for hours to get them off your heads. They not easy to get off." Dash claimed.

Well, we can't leave almost all of Equestria under their control, but it'll take time to take off their helmets," AJ confirmed.

Apple Bloom walked over to Sweetie Bell and tried to remove hers. "Wow, these things really are tight."

"But, problem is once we have them how to get back home."

"We could steal a ship," Dash said.

"Do you know how to fly one of those things," AJ asked.
"Fly please I'm a pegasus I can fly anything how hard can it be?

"Hmm alright, so far that's our best option. Let's do it guys. First things first," Twilight used a magic beam and shot off the ear tubes on Sweetie Bell's helmet.

Just then they heard someone coming. "Shh, here put this on and act like the others," Dash said in a panic, she got back in line just as the king returned with his guards. "Hmm alright, it's about time PREPAIR then to be SACRIFICED." he then chuckled.

At this news Dash and those who were awake, all had one thought, "Oh no too late."

"Oh here I am, just a normal pony in the middle of the woods walking around," said Glimmer. "Oh dear, I hope I don't get abducted by a bunch of aliens." She said as she pulled along Trixie's wagon.

Just then a window opened up revealing Discord. "You know you really should work on your acting."

Glimmer glared at him for that when Smolder spoke up.

"Quiet down and close the window, we want to ambush them remember." She angrily whispered.

"You know I'm just saying you guys are heavy" Glimmer sighed showing how tiers she was. With the window closed Starlight began her speech again. "Oh, here I am, a pony walking in the middle of the woods. Hoping no aliens gonna try to capture me, or alien-controlled friends of mine."

Just then out of the wood work glimmer was surrounded by a bunch of morons and changelings all with the machine on their heads and the same suits.

Glimmer screamed as she was grabbed and taken to the ship dragging the wagon with her.

An alien ship began to defend on the scene and Glimmer looked up frightened as can be, she then grew a smirk and shouted, "NOW!"

Members of the group jumped out of the wagon and tackled the changelings and Kirin nocking out their head devices.

The Yolkiang saw this and tried to escape on the ship but as he hit the gass the ship didn't move at all. The ship was held in place by a glow of strange purple and yellow energy. Discord snapped his fingers and the ship crashed and landed on the ground, not enough to break it but enough to shake the yokian out of his craft.

Discord snaped his fingers and the yokian came straight to him. Discord lowers his face into the glass of the Yokian egg-like jar. "Now take us to your leader," Discord said a bit intimidatingly.

The Yolkian scared out of his mind only nodded his eyes, "Of course just please don't hurt me."

The alien's craft flew up past the moon until they saw the massive egg-shaped mother ship and then defended into it.

"Ok now what smolder," asked Glimmer.

Smolder smiled, "Now we find our friends get them to the ship, and fly us out of here."

"No, need for that." Discord smiled, "Spike your with me, well just negotiate their surrender. The rest of you stay here, and let the men deal with this."

Spike shook his head at that "Go with him Spike, make sure Discord doesn't well Discord things too much alright," Glimmer told him. Spike gave her the thumbs up and followed Discord out into the Alliens hallways to do whatever Discord had in Mind.

"Alright, the rest of us start searching for our friends, you." Smolder pointed at the Yolkian, "Where are the other ponies you've captured?"

"Why should I"? He spat.

Smolder raised her claw.

"Alright. alright. I'll take you to them just don't hurt me."

"Hmm, such a coward." Glimmer mutterd.

Meanwhile, all those who were controlled and on the ship were marching into the large arena and encircled the massive chicken egg. Dash, Twilight, and the others did all they could to not look suspicious but began to shiver at the sight of the large egg.

"Oh dear," said Twilight.

"That's one big chicken egg," said Apple Jack.

"Where's Scootaloo when you need her," nervously laughed Apple Bloom.

"Achoo," Scootaloo sneezed as she and the others were led to the detention level where the cells were. But when no one was here Smolder turned on the Yolkian. "You think this is a joke where are our friends?"

"Oh uh if they are not here," the Yolkian coward in fear, "them I'm afraid they are about to be..." He gulped.

"Bout to be what," Scootaloo crossed her arms.

"Ummm sacrifices," He squealed out with a high-pitched voice

"Sacrifices!!!" They all yelled out.

Glimmer turned to Smolder, "Well Smolder any new ideas?" She asked.

"Teach I thank you for your encouragement, but I have no idea anymore."

"Come on Smolder it's obvious what we do now," smiled Guilda, Who gave her claws a pound?

"I'm can't believe I'm saying this but Gilda right," Cadence nodded.

Smolder looked at the group she was with. "Yeah, I guess so. Let's pound them!!!" She shouted.

"Yeah," they all shouted.

"Oh, finally something I can punch." Gilda smiled.

"Hay cadence where's Flurryheart," asked Glimmer, "Oh I left her with Grampa Gruff, I'm not dumb enough to bring a baby to a battle," she smirked. "Besides I'm sure he's handling. It.."

At that very moment, Grampa Gruff was running around trying to avoid being blasted by the laughing filly and her magic.

Author's Note:

Don't forget about that little filly now, shell have a role to play soon. LOL