• Published 30th Aug 2023
  • 241 Views, 4 Comments

Random Invation - discordjediknight

The Yolkian aliens invade Ponyville.

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Chapter 2 Invaders

Gilda, the leader of the griffins followed by her predecessor, now advisor grandpa gruff at a large table with a very annoyed look on her face, as did her adviser. She roped her eyes and set her claws over her ears as she grew more and more frustrated with the sounds of bickering in the background. Finally, her anger began to boil over as she cried out, "All of you shut up."

The others in the room turned their heads to the Griffin party.

With a roll of the head, Thorax began, "Look all I am saying is that it is not the changeling's fault. We've been part of the friendship alliance ever since it started, why would we start a war now?" He held up his legs in question.

"So you could take over yaks' precious resources, yak know, never to trust a changeling." Prince Rutherford huffed.

"These three problems with your theory," Thorax replied, "one, if the changelings did attack, we would send in us as replacements until we got close enough to take you out, and two, were missing our own people, and three, there is nothing we could want from the yaks."

"Ha, Lkly story, changelings want yak snow." He argued.

Thorax sighed his frustration setting his head on his hoof.

The dragon Queen set a claw on her friend's shoulder in a comforting way before she spoke out," I ember, queen of the dragons vouch for him and his people, if he says they didn't do it then he didn't do it." She bared her teeth.

"Oh, of course, you would vouch for them, dragons are just like the changelings, I bet you even allied with them," said the king of the hippogriffs and sea ponies.

"Got a problem beaky," Ember called him out.

"Dragons for centuries have been known for their violent acts and hoarding, I bet one of you is responsible for hoarding the missing."

"I'll have you know some of our own have gone missing too, in fact, the only ones who haven't had any go missing here are them," Ember pointed an accusing claw at the kirin, the Queen who's been quiet this entire time.

"I SAID, NOCK IT OFF!!!" Shouted Gilda, "Uh where are those rainbow color ponies when you need them? We were supposed to be inviting a new species to the friendship alliance, not on the brink of war, we all know that none of us would attack the other because, were all sick of fighting, hell I'm sick of fighting now." She laid back in her chair annoyed. Say what you want about the griffins and of Gilda, but the years have shown how she became a wise leader, even if she has quite the temper, and lack of patients.

"Yes where are our pony friends," said the buffalo chief.

Just then the doors slammed open and to their surprise stood the princess of love herself, glimmer, and a few of her students, along with the CMC spike and two of the heroes of harmony, Fluttershy and Pinky Pie.

"Well, it's about time, Gilda called out. "Where's Dash?"

"Captured, they all captured, including my sister-in-law," Cadence announced.

"Captured? By who?" Asked the crowd.

"By, well," she said not knowing how to put this into words.

"Aliens," shouted Pinky.

The crowd all took one look at her, and a moment of complete silence spread through the room, only to be broken up by the sound of laughter by all.

"Haha leave it up to the element of laughter to give a good joke huh," said Thorax.

"Is true, pink pony always with the funnies," agreed Prince Rutherford.

"No, no, she's not lying," Cadence announced, "they really have been taken by..."

Just then, a wall fell down, revealing Bulk, Twilight, and Dash. Held in her magic a holographic projector that was placed on the table. As it activated a large image of an odd creature could be seen. It was like an egg-shaped container holding a green substance with eyes. "Greetings," said the odd creature. "I am King Goobat, I have come to your world in search of sacrifices to my god Poultry!!! There are many wonderful snacks for him. The snakes of course being you," He pointed at them with a robotic hand. "GET THEM!" the king ordered and his army of in slaved equestrians began to march onto the scene.

"What now," asked Thorax as Prince Rutherford was captured.

"Now we fight!!!" Gilda announced but before she could she was stopped by an arm. It belongs to cadence. "Now's not the time, there to strong, believe me, right now we must retreat and regroup, form an alliance that will actually be able to fight back against them."

"Are you crazy why would I," Gilda began but was stopped by a powerful magic blast by Twilight that she barely dodged, "on second thought living to fight another day sounds great." She nervously smiled. The group fled for safety, trying their berry nest to dodge the oncoming blast of magic.

Suddenly sweetie Bell tripped on a rock, she screamed out as Dash grabbed her.

"Sweetie bell," Fluttershy called out and tried to stop days only to be captured by Twilight's magic. They had no chance of saving their friends, even tho Scootaloo did turn around to stop them, it was Smolder that grabbed her hoof and dragged her to safety. As she heard her friends scream out for help.

Sweite Bell and Apple Bloom were like the others forced into their attire and then brought onto the ship with the others. The ship was like any alien ship you've seen in the movies. It was a large crime saucer with a dome on top with rivets holding it together. The ponies were ordered to walk onto a conveyor belt which took them to the cargo area, a large dark room where due to the concerned nearly lined them all up in towed if four by four. sixteen passengers a load. Sweetie Bell and Apple Bloom stood right behind Twilight as the ship rattled and shook taking off into the air. Above them sitting in the dome was the driver, a Yolkian worker with a ball cap on.

He listened to his favorite song, it's the End of the World as we know it, and I feel fine, humming to it as he brought the ship closer to its destination. They approached the planet's moon, and the light from it became intense as they passed it by, so intense the driver had to put on sunglasses over his egg-like robotic suit. Then over the course of a few minutes as he hummed the last words to the song, "I feel fine," he passed the moon entering its shadow. There in the darkness sat THE MOTHER SHIP, which was a massive large egg-shaped ship that floated just behind the ponies' moon.
The Yolkian with a robotic hand pulled a lever reducing speed as it enters one of the strange hangers of the egg. He soon landed and walked out of his ship, ( floated actually) his shift was almost over, he grabbed a remote control and used it to command the ponies and other equestrian creatures to walk out in solid formation towards their holding cell which was just down the hallway. He floated his way down the hall passing other cells full of colorful creatures from down below.

When he got to their cage, he pressed a code into a keypad on the wall, then pulled the lever on the remote to make the creatures and ponies walk into their cell. He even made one closes the cell door for him so he didn't have to. He smiled at himself for that little deed, then placed one of the remote controls on a table with other remote controls. All of them looked like joysticks on a black box, and that was it.

"Hay Steve," he heard a fellow Yolkian call out to him. Strangle the voice sounded like Patric starfish. He turned to him with a half-hearted smile and a bored expression in his eyes. "Dude if these creatures get any more colorful I'm gonna have to boil my eyeballs." He pointed at his eyes with a robotic claw.

"Yay, I know what you mean, Tod, at least this last group I grabbed isn't as bad as the one before, that one they were literally made of crystals. Seriously who ever heard of a crystal pony?" Steve shrugged. His voice sounded like plankton.

Tod laughed, "Yeah, hay, when lord poultry eats them, you think it will have magic colorful feathers".

"Ooooh maybe, a rainbow chicken would be awesome, all hail rainbow poultry," Steeve joked.

"Yeah, well my shift is over for the day I'm heading to the bar, you?" Asked tod.

"I would but apparently, the king's cousin asked for a report on the invasion, and guess who's the lucky one," sighed Steve.

"Ooh bummer, the king's cousin is kinda a weirdo." Welp good luck then steeve. I'm out of here.

Steve nodded as he watched Tod leave the platform, he then floated his way back to work.

Author's Note:

Insert alien joke here...

I don't even know why I decided to make them sound like Spongebob characters.