• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 3,055 Views, 197 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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24: Shadows Of The Village, Part 4: Family Bonding

Spike had proceeded to have what was lunch with Viper's family after this little talk, to say Viper's family was interesting to meet would undersell it, Spike always heard of Great Master Viper's story's, or Ethan as he's called, and always was amazed by what he was able to do as a warrior single handedly defending this village. Spike could see some relation to Viper and her family like how he did with Twilight's, even if it's been quite a while since he last saw them all, it was pretty similar in some areas.

Viper's siblings were interesting to meet too, they are younger sure, and yet they all act so much more pure and more hyper then Viper was, she was normally calm and always nice, while her siblings are nice too, it was like they were Viper when she didn't keep her innocent calmness, it made them so pure and nice to see, it made Spike just wonder what Viper was like when she young was like them. This village was interesting to know too, to think it being named after his own kind for both honor and respect, it certainly wasn't something Spike was expecting, but it was welcome. It just made him feel nervous on how some would react knowing his kind.. isn't the best back in Equestria, but if it's for dragons from this world, that would make more sense.

While they ate, Spike just kept thinking about how things will go here, while they know Viper's dad is.. most likely dying, he still looks like he has a few months in him, which will give him some time to spend with Viper's family, Shiji, Linjin, and Beihe were fun to know to, even if they got a little to close to him for his liking. Spike could already tell Viper had some history with them, Linjin kinda looked like she often did a friendly dance completion with her, Beihe was seemingly the youngest and most energetic, while Shiji was even more energetic with how hyper she is, really did remind him of Pinkie Pie, but he just wondered how he's gonna handle being with this family for a while, wondering if he's gonna make any mistakes that make them dislike him, or something else, while that's a 100 to 1 chance of ever happening, it did worry Spike a bit on what may happen.

Spike and the family had just gotten done with they're lunch for today, and they went to get ready for a little trip to the village, Spike offered Emily with some cleaning which she appreciated since Ethan needed to rest a bit more, while Viper went to settle in with her sisters for a moment in their own rooms, this was a calm and relaxing place to be in, it was like a perfect sanctuary for one to come and relax. Spike helped clean up the dishes with ease, his hands made it easier while Emily handled it well with just one tail.

"So Spike, i must ask you something." Emily began which got his attention.
"Of course, ask away." Spike said simply while putting another plate away.
"How long have you and my daughter known eachother? Have you been friends since you became a Kung fu fighter?" Emily asked curious looking up at him, it was an easy question to answer, but for some it might be a bit tough.
"It's been over a year at this point, i was almost a teen when i came to this world, while there was a lot to process with suddenly learning to be a Kung fu fighter and everything, Viper was the first friend i made while here, she was the kindest and most supportive, she really helped me keep my confidence that i could be a real master.." Spike said recalling what happened with him after he met the 5.

While most of the 5 were still curious about him like Crane was, some people like Tigress didn't trust him, while Monkey and Mantis were jokester's at points, Viper was the most supportive of them, she always was able to help him if he was hurt from training, or got sick. It easily made her the closest one he's been with since he came here. Hearing this made Emily smile knowing just how nice she was to him.
"I'm glad to know my daughter was helping you through that time, may i ask how you even came to the valley of peace in the first place?" Emily asked wondering what a real dragon was doing here.
"That's.. a little complicated to explain, but to make things simple. I wasn't really feeling like i was able to do much back home, while my friends Twilight and her friends were seen as heroes by most of Equestria, i wasn't really able to do anything that big. While Twilight and her friends often went on adventures, i was often left behind to do chores or other small things like that. It just made me feel like i wasn't able to live up to what i could really do. And when i wished to go to a place where i could reach it, i ended up here, Oogway found me by the Peach tree near the palace, and he took me in, they all did. And over time i grew to be the Dragon Master, something that would really define who i was meant to be.." Spike explained recalling all that's happened in his life, it was a large change to happen in just over a year, he was still surprised on how quickly he learned things when living here, but it all eventually helped him to be the awesome hero that people see him as.

"That's a lot i'm sure.. i can't imagine what it must've been like, suddenly appearing in a new world like that. I'm just glad Viper was there for you." Emily said smiling at him which made Spike smile back in response.
"Thanks Emily, she really is the best one of the 5 in my opinion." Spike said not ashamed to admit that, but Emily could see something else in him, especially given that little golden bracelet Viper had on her earlier.
"Spike, i'm seeing something more between you two, may i also ask how often you two hang out together?" Emily asked with a smirk knowing where to take this.
"Uh.. well, we often cooked together to help with lunch.. and when we didn't have training for most days, Viper and i would head down to the village for shopping, we often fought together against attacks, and Viper and i feel some relation with eachother given how some people see our species." Spike explained recalling the talk he and Viper had last night.
"To me Spike, it sounds like you and my daughter spend far more time together then normal friends would, and i'm guessing you were the one who got her that beautiful golden bracelet she has right?" Emily asked moving this further, and Spike was starting to see where it was going.

"Yeah, i got her that during the Winter Festival that happened some time back, and she gave me that ribbon she used to save this village as a gift too, they were both great gifts, but Viper's gift just really showed how much she cares for me.." Spike said taking out Viper's old ribbon and Emily looked at it amazed.
"Spike, if my daughter trusts you enough to give such a prized possession like that, knowing you'll be able to take care of it. That is telling me that there's something more between you.." Emily said looking at it's beautiful color.
"What do you.. mean by that?" Spike asked a little nervous about this.
"Oh come on Spike, i'm sure you know, with how often you two spend time together, from these special gifts for eachother, to those looks i keep seeing Viper give you, to me.. it sounds like you both have some feelings for eachother, and not just as friends." Emily said standing up on her tail to look in his eyes, and Spike just was nervous being told that.

"Ma'am, i'm sure it's just us being close friends, it's not like Viper would feel the same way.. right?" Spike asked not sure of what to say which made her smirk even more.
"I know my daughter Spike, while she does hesitate to show her love to someone, if she loves that person, she'll do what she can to grow close enough until she confesses, and from the looks of it.. my daughter looks like she'll confess any day now.." Emily said while she went over to show him another family picture.
"I.. guess you may be right about that.. to be honest.. i've felt this for Viper for quite a while.. while i haven't told her yet, i just didn't know how to, with all that's happening with you and Ethan, i didn't want something like this to distract her from something really important, even if i felt like confessing how i feel to her.." Spike said sadly looking at the photo, and seeing how happy her family was together.
"While i appreciate your concern and are doing your best to make her happy, i'm sure that even during a time like this, if you confessed to her, or she confessed to you first, it would make all of us happy seeing you be together. Even from just meeting you, i can tell your someone who'll do whatever it takes to protect her." Emily said softly putting her tail on his shoulder.
"You.. will really be okay if we.. fall in love for eachother? Even Ethan would be alright with it?" Spike asked hopefully looking at his ribbon again.
"You really remind me of how i met Ethan, he was so sweet the day we met, and all he's learned to protect me and the village, it's one of the best things about him.." Emily said just loving the thought of him.
"I already can see that person in him, i'm glad to be a part of this." Spike said smiling at her while they kept cleaning together.

Meanwhile with Viper and her siblings, they were all settling things in their own rooms, putting away what they had when traveling here, they all had they're own separate rooms to sleep in, they had the best privacy they could ask for when they were younger, and even if they peeked in on eachother, it was mainly from sibling bonding. Viper had just put the last of their traveling equipment away and sighed in relief before laying down on her old bed that was large enough for multiple people.
"Finally, all that traveling really took a lot out of me.." Viper said relieved trying to relax the best she could, she felt strange laying down in this room after so long, just laying down here gave her memory's of the times she's spent here, when she played with her sister's when they were younger, to her practicing her ribbon dancing while her father was out protecting the village, it was so strange being back here after so long.

But her little rest was soon interrupted again as a knock was heard on her door, she groaned a little while she moved her head up to see the door slide open, and was greeted by her other sisters.
"Hey Viper! You feeling tired big sister?" Linjin teased a little slithering in with the others.
"I wouldn't blame you, we took over a week to make it here, i'd be passed out on my bed if it was time to sleep." Shiji said coming to her side while Viper smiled at them all.
"I honestly thought a Kung fu master would have more stamina, but i can't blame you after what's been going on lately. Beihe said as they all looked over her who stood up again.
"Traveling takes a lot out of you girls, how've you been since i last saw you?" Viper asked wondering what they've been doing.

"Oh you know the usual, practicing my fan dancing and shopping for fine clothing." Linjin said pulling out her fan again.
"I've been helping some children over at preschool's, i've been a fun teacher for them to have fun with." Beihe said excitedly before she took out a photo and showed her one of her and a bunch of kids at a small playschool together.
"And i've been traveling across China, learning more about it's long history, what Kung fu moves were made in certain places, that kind of boring stuff to you guys." Shiji said pulling up a notebook that was full of her in different spots in China, like the Great Wall of China for example.
"Wow, to me it seems like you've been just as busy as me, it makes sense why we haven't spoken with eachother in a while." Viper said impressed with what they've been doing.
"Hey, you've been doing the most work out of all of us sister, who knew you'd actually befriend a cute dragon who also knows kung fu like you do." Linjin said recalling how he reacted when meeting them.
"Yeah, who knew you were dating a real dragon! That's just amazing!" Shiji said amazed which caught Viper off guard hearing that.
"He's not my boyfriend Shiji, he's just, a really close friend, possibly closer to me then the rest of the 5 honestly." Viper admitted looking up at the ceiling to think.

"Oh? Closer then the rest of the 5 Viper? That was a strangely specific detail to know." Beihe teased which made Viper grumble a little.
"It's okay sis, we're just teasing you a bit, sorry. It's just a lot to know with how close you are with him." Linjin said rubbing her head to calm her down.
"Yeah, and from what i'm seeing, he was the one who got you this beautiful bracelet.. wasn't he?" Shiji asked looking at the beautiful bracelet she still had on her, Viper took a deep breath and smiled seeing that with her.
"Yeah, he did, it was a gift, and i gave him my prized ribbon in return, because i knew he would take care of it.." Viper said bringing the bracelet closer to her, she could even see her own reflection in the red gem in the center.
"Viper, i know that look all to well, we all d o. You do have feelings for him don't you?" Linjin asked as her sister laid besides her, Viper sighed and knew they would figure it out eventually, and it was pretty obvious at this point.

"I do girls.. i've felt this way for a while, he's been there for me just as much as i was there for him, ever since he joined me and the 5, we only grew closer each day, i was the closest one he was with during his first few months here, and things have only been getting better for us, but with all that's happening, it just didn't give me enough time to properly find a way to plan out a perfect way to do this with him.. i've.. felt this way for a while now.. " Viper admitted holding the bracelet close to her.
"Viper, you know we're here for you, and you being happy is something we all want to see, especially if it's with someone you love." Linjin said looking at the bracelet too.
"You have a great friend that cares for you Viper, even if we just met him, i already can tell too." Shiji said seeing how she looks right now.
"You girls sure you won't try and get his affection from family competition? I saw those smirks on your faces earlier, it made me worried what you may be thinking.." Viper asked which made them shake their heads.
"Of course not Viper, we were just thinking of ways that will help you confess to eachother, and we've gotten a few fun ideas on what to do." Beihe explained which surprised her a little.
".. what clothing are you gonna make me wear Linjin?" Viper asked already seeing through her idea.
"Oh sweet sister, you know me too well, but don't worry, i won't make it overbearing. Come on, we're about to head to the village." Linjin said helping her up.
"Let's hope dad's good enough for more slithering through town." Viper said hopefully moving out of the room with them.

Spike and Emily finished up with the chores they needed to do, and Emily helped Ethan out of bed for they're little walk today, they all met up with Viper and her sister's too and were walking down to the village for some time together. Viper's siblings had a simple plan for the two, they were gonna take Viper and Spike around the village to help them connect more, either from simple sights to see or fun events, it's just a little plan to help them grow closer, and maybe it will finally have them confess, but for now, the siblings just wanted the two to have fun with them today.

Spike and Viper's family made it back down to the valley, they all just admired the amazing place that was a home to them, what was once a small and simple village like most around China, was a large valley that felt like a sibling to the Valley of Peace, there were tons of villager's going about they're day and having fun with they're family's, and when they saw Viper's family all together, they simply gave friendly waves at them and looked at Spike with awe knowing a real dragon is actually here. Spike looked around the people and smiled seeing how happy they all were, it was a place Pinkie Pie would love seeing, she always loved to see one smile from having a fun time, and this was no exception.

But as he and Viper's family went through the place, a strange whistle was heard only by him, the whistle was slow, chilling, and felt like something one would hear when your completely alone in a dark, empty place. Spike's senses were going off strangely as he turned his head to a large crowd looking at them, but far in the back, was a strange wolf like figure with blood red eyes, and it seemed to be glaring directly at Spike, continuing the chilling whistle which made Spike's blood go cold, making him feel like only he was with him, and no one else was there to help him..

"Spike? Spike are you okay?" Ethan asked which snapped him out of the trance.
"Huh? What?" Spike asked confused looking at both Ethan and back at the crowd again, but that figure he saw just seconds earlier was gone in a literal blink of an eye, like he wasn't even there to them, but only Spike saw him clear as day.
"Um.. sorry about that, i was just.. lost in my thoughts.." Spike apologized rubbing his head while wondering who the heck that figure was.
"I see, but i can understand that Spike, you've got a lot on your mind i'm sure, it never hurts to ask others for help if you need it you know?" Ethan asked while the family was looking at him with concern.
"D.. Don't worry about me, i'm fine. I'd ask you if i needed it, but i'm good." Spike said brushing it off not wanting to draw the attention away.
"Well, we're always in earshot Spike." Emily said as they all regained focus on what to do while the figure was watching on from the shadows...

"So, what shall we do first guys?" Spike asked curious on what to do, and Linjin was the first one to answer before the other's could get they're idea out.
"Oh! There's a clothing shop not to far from here, i saw it on our way through here! You and Viper should come with me, i bet there's a great outfit for you two somewhere!" Linjin said excitedly which made Viper chuckle nervously.
"Yeah.. we're doomed.." Viper said quietly to herself with confused Spike a little.
"Oh come on Viper it sounds nice, i think you and Spike should have some time with each of your sister's, me and Ethan will go to the park with the rest while you three have fun." Emily said insisting they'd go with them.
"Well, this isn't the first time i've gone shopping for clothes, far from it honestly, i'm up for it." Spike said agreeing to this.
"Great! We'll meet back up in a bit girls!" Linjin said quickly grabbing the both of them and dragging them off with her.
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how overboard do you think Linjin is gonna go with their clothing?" Shiji asked her sister.
"... ... 100 out of 10." Beihe said already feeling worry for what's gonna happen with them.

Spike and Viper were quickly taken through most of the village to this clothing shop Linjin saw, they turned dozens of corners and alleys when heading to it, Spike could already tell Linjin had some sense of Rarity in her, and from that hint alone, he already had a worrying idea on how many clothing she's gonna have them wear before buying, whether it's out of they're control or not.

Spike and Viper were lead to a really beautiful looking clothing shop, there were tons of colorful flowers on the sides of the shelves with windows with special glass paintings on them, there were tons of special looking clothing that consisted to tons of variety, from flower themed shirts with a violet red color to them, followed by diamond themed long sleeves that were for warmth, and heavy coats meant for long mountain hikes.

Spike and Viper were asked to put on tons of different choices, it really did confirm Linjin is like Rarity in ways with her clothing obsession, it was like she was trying to pick a specific piece of clothing for them to wear for today.
"Um.. Linjin.. are you sure this one is necessary?" Viper asked embarrassed as she was wearing a full on princess clothing with pink flower's on the side, while Spike was wearing a knight like suit which they had access to somehow.
"This.. suit is.. a bit heavy.." Spike said struggling to keep himself up. Linjin hummed to herself while looking at them.
"Nope, not what i need. But i think this will be perfect." Linjin said as she took out her fan.
"Wait, what are you.." Viper asked before she quickly circled around them with her van covering the screen for a moment.
"Now this is more like it!" Linjin said proudly as the screen now show's what they look like.

Spike was wearing a dark purple tuxedo with green outlines on most parts of it, it covered up most of his body and had a rose flower on it's right side, while Viper was now wearing a Chinese outfit that was mainly flower themed, with tons of sapphire blue's and diamond white flowers on all sides, they both were really surprised with this sudden change.
"Wha.. how did you change us so fast?!" Spike asked shocked with her skill which made her chuckle a little.
"A dancer never reveals her secrets darling, you two look absolutely fabulous!" Linjin said gleefully while Viper looked at it.
"This.. is actually really nice, i was expecting a dark punk theme to your next one or something." Viper admitted which made her laugh a little.
"Oh don't be silly Viper, that's way to far even for me." Linjin said as she went to pay for the outfits, Spike and Viper looked at eachother to talk while she payed for them.

"So she often did this with you guys back when you were little?" Spike asked making sure his tuxedo wasn't ripped or anything.
"Yeah, if there's one thing she loved, it was either fashion design and fan dancing, i cannot tell you how many hours we've wasted while she's still stuck deciding what dad should wear for an anniversary with mom." Viper said chuckling at that old and funny memory.
"She really reminds me of a friend i had back in Equestria, fashion was her main thing honestly, she and Linjin would be a nightmare for us if they did this kind of thing together." Spike said shivering at the thought of it.
"I shudder to imagine that.." Viper replied while Linjin came back to them with a ton of bags on her.
"I think that's enough for now you two, let's go and meet up with the others." Linjin said slithering out of the store with the others.
"At least this didn't last 5 hours.." Viper whispered to herself as they made they're way back to their family.

Spike already was seeing a lot of sibling energy just from Linjin alone, if she was like Rarity in a lot of ways, and Shiji acted like Pinkie, then Beihe may be like either Twilight or Rainbow Dash in some way, but he was glad to see just how well they were doing together even after all this time away from eachother. After some more walking, Spike and Viper followed Linjin into a open park just in the center of the village, there were tons of trees around for people to relax under, there were kids flying kites around with they're parents, and there were some river streams flowing through it for reflection. And they could see the rest of the family waiting for them at a small bench near the center, they already recognized it was them just from Linjin's outfit's they were given.

"Hey mom and dad, sisters, we're back!" Linjin announced while Emily and Ethan looked at the two while the sister's chuckled at their outfits.
"I take it my daughter didn't go.. too overboard with her clothing choices right?" Ethan asked Spike who tried finding a nice way to answer.
"From what i see here.. this may be one of her more.. under control days when choosing outfits, and believe me, i know how that is." Spike said sternly which made Emily chuckle a little.
"Well i must say you and Viper look great in those outfits together, you did a great job with helping them Linjin." Emily said to her who smiled proudly.
"I know how to help two people grow closer." Linjin replied which made all of them chuckle a little.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, what should we do next? There's a lot to see here i'm sure." Spike asked wondering what they're gonna do next.
"There's something really cool i saw just down the street! There's a dancing party happening today and i think it would be perfect for you two!" Shiji said excitedly which surprised them when hearing it.
"Dancing party?" Spike asked curious, but Linjin already came in to answer before they could even say anything else.
"I love it! I've been meaning to show other's how i've evolved! Come on!" Linjin said excitedly slithering ahead of them.
"Well i do love dancing, hopefully this outfit won't get in the way of it." Viper said while they started moving ahead to it too not really having a choice.
"Don't worry Viper, i'm sure it won't." Beihe assured as they walked through the streets some more.

Spike and Viper followed the family through the village even more while wondering what was next, to their surprise, there was a massive crowd around the east side of the village, there were tons of festivities around the place, from stands selling toy dragons and pottery plates, followed by tons of different foods being served all over the place for free. Was there a festival in town that they didn't know about when they came here?
"How did this all go unnoticed when we came through here?" Viper asked surprised to see all the people partying around like it was a casual thing.
"The valley often throws festivals to help bring joy to others, it's just a way of showing how much they care about they're home." Ethan responded since he's lived here longer then anyone here.
"Look at all the beautiful lights around the place!" Shiji said amazed looking at the numerous rainbow themed lights flashing around the place, and there were even some lights shaped like flowers moving around on the ground, and in an open area, there were a lot of people dancing together under the flowers.

"There sure are a lot of flowers around here.." Spike said acknowledging how much flower stuff there was here.
"This reminds me of when i got Viper her lotus flowers, they were just as beautiful as she was, and it just made me feel joy when seeing how much she loved them.." Ethan said looking at the pink flowers Viper always had on her head.
"Thanks dad, they were some of the best things i could ever get from you, that, and always being there for you when you needed it." Viper said giving him another hug.
"Just like how i always would be there for you.." Ethan said holding her close while the other's smiled at seeing this.
"Spike, you good with dancing?" Linjin asked with a smirk lookin gat him.
"Uh.. i've got some experience, i don't know about doing it here though.." Spike said not wanting to draw too much attention.
"Don't worry Spike, i'm sure you and Viper will amaze them all, come on!" Shiji said quickly grabbing them and bringing them to the center.

"Well, i guess we don't have a choice in this right?" Spike asked as he drew his ribbon to put on a show, while Viper was still weirded out with how they're doing this, she can't help but have fun with this right now.
"Just follow my movements Spike, i know how to amaze them." Viper said holding the ribbon too.
"Alright Vipes, take the lead." Spike said feeling better knowing she'll do this, Spike was suddenly spun around by Viper while Linjin took out her fan.
"Let's give these people a show Viper." Linjin said as she used her fan to switch them to different clothing somehow which was amazing the audience.
"She's really got a thing for dancing huh? Hard to believe that those two don't get aggressive when deciding who's the better dancer." Beihe said impressed as Spike was tossed in the air and spread out his wings, he shot a fire blast in the air to bring some more flare to it all before falling back down while twirling the ribbon around like a spiral.
"Viper's really learned a lot over the years, she's shown the village how great she is as a dancer, and i'm happy to know she's finding someone to teach those skills too." Emily said as Spike and Viper spun around on the flowers while twirling the ribbon around, Linjin tossed her fan in the air before jumping up too, and with a simple tail whip, she suddenly tossed around a ton of flowers to the audience to amaze them even more.

"Well to be fair sweetie, Linjin learned a lot alongside Viper, they're love for dancing is just as big as they're will to protect others.." Ethan said proudly while Spike was tap dancing now and was twirling the ribbon around with just one finger looking like he's having a fantastic time.
"I'm just glad to see our family is getting along so well like this, even after all this time apart, it's great to know we can still bond even after all these years.." Shiji said with a tear as Spike, Viper and Linjin did a final move and combined they're skills together to deliver a dazzling performance, Spike shot one final fire blast in the air and Viper jumped into it, she whipped the fire all around the sky to make it form a circle, and Linjin joined in and the two sister's twirled themselves around while Spike spun the ribbon around like a circle, the two directly fell into the ribbon and Spike caught them both with one hand and the fire dispersed finally and the ribbon had a glitter affect to it all as they finished off they're dance, the entire crowd cheered for the three of them and they all looked really proud from doing it.

"Wow, that was really amazing! I haven't' danced like this in a while, but i'm glad to have given them a great time." Spike said while taking heavy breaths.
"If there's one thing me and my sister know, it's always giving a fantastic show, especially if it's with a great friend.." Viper said softly looking at his eyes which made him chuckle a little.
"Thanks Viper.." Spike said gratefully while the two had they're little moment together, Linjin smiled at the two and went back to her family to give them a moment.
"A job well done." Linjin said proudly holding out her fan again while the other's chuckled.
"I'm proud of you girls, helping your sister grow closer with her friend like this is something you all should feel great about, if we keep this up during their time here, they may get together.." Ethan said before making a few more coughs from all the stuff that's happening which concerned them.

"Ethan sweetie, perhaps it's time we get you back to the house, i know it's almost sunset and there's more to do here, but we all shouldn't forget why we came here, its' to spend time with you." Emily said helping his head up while he took some more breaths.
"Yeah.. i guess that's a good choice, these people seem to be doing fine, there's no attacks, no reports of anything bad either, i think it's best we all head back and rest." Ethan said while Spike and Viper came out of their moment and heard this.
"So we're heading back to the house already?" Viper asked concerned seeing he was really tired.
"I'm afraid so, i'd like to have spent more time out here, but there's always tomorrow, you two can continue having fun here if you'd like?" Emily offered not wanting to ruin they're time together.
"I actually think we should help you back home daddy, i'll help make dinner, you ready to go too Spike?" Viper asked looking up at him who was looking around the place for something.

"I think i'll look around here for a bit more, maybe see if there's more stuff i could get for dinner, you just help him back to the house okay? I won't be long." Spike promised which did worry her a little, but she knew he'd be fine.
"If your sure Spike, just be safe." Viper said before she suddenly came up and kissed him on his cheek which made the siblings gasp in excitement while Spike's mind went blank for a moment.
"My my Viper, i didn't know you'd be so forward like that." Linjin teased which made her roll her eyes.
"It's just for a little luck, see you in a bit Spike." Viper said going over to her dad to help him back home while Spike regained focus.
"See you soon Vipes.." Spike said rubbing his cheek while he watched them leave, Viper's siblings giggled at his little blush he had before they left too, leaving Spike alone for now.

Spike took a few minutes to regain his focus before looking around the village, there must be somewhere that he could go to to have a little moment to himself, he just didn't want to get in the way of anything important right now, even if he's welcome to help out, but a little moment to himself wouldn't be too much right?
"Maybe i'll stop to get some drinks for tonight, a few fresh juices won't hurt anyone." Spike told himself as he went through the village while the crowed watched him for a moment before they just went back to what they were doing. Spike looked around the village some more and just couldn't help but admire how peaceful it was, given that it used to be attacked a lot, he's surprised he hasn't seen any crime here, though he shouldn't tell himself that so soon.

Spike looked around the village for what felt like half an hour, he kept on stopping by all the large dragon shrines that there were in certain parts of the village, even though he looks far different then compared to these dragons, with they're long bodies and can somehow fly without wings, either because of some magic they have or even a Kung fu technique, he just found it fascinating to know that even in other worlds, dragons have their own unique history that's different to Equestria's, he may not know much at all about his kind back home, but maybe there are some similarities to them here too, he just hopes they aren't as.. rude as the ones he's met are.

Spike was currently sitting by a pond within the park, the sun was just setting by now and there were some clouds moving around the sky, and were moving over the village, a lot of the villagers were heading into their homes to rest for tonight, while Spike thought he would be back at Viper's home by now, he just needed some time to himself. Spike was looking at a reflection of himself within a small stream of water going through the park, he just couldn't help but reflect on all that's happened recently, even if he's gotten used to being a Kung fu Master by now, and has been doing things other dragons could only dream of doing, there was just some parts of him that felt empty, he still never really knew who his family is, and despite him having the Viper and the others, he doesn't even have a single clue as to where he came from. And with what Oogway told him before he died, it made Spike think there may be more to it then meets the eye.

Spike sighed to himself while looking at his reflection, which showed some stars coming out from the dark sky as the sun was lowering even more.
"Why do i keep asking myself this? I have a great life here, i have friends, a great job and family, i know more then any other dragon does about Kung fu at this point, i'd easily kick Garble's butt by now, so why am i asking myself this? Am i being selfish again? Or is it something else.. just.. why are things like this happening so quickly? And how much longer will i have before Ethan.. goes.." Spike asked himself before he closed his eyes, he just didn't know what to think about at this point, despite him having almost everything he was wishing for after he left Equestria, there was just something missing from him, he didn't know what it was, and it kept on bothering him the longer he thought about it.

But while he was thinking to himself, a strange and familiar whistle was once again heard, the slow chilling tune that made Spike's blood go cold all of a sudden, Spike slowly opened his eyes, and he turned to his right to see a familiar wolf figure right besides him while he finished the tune, just hearing that whistle alone made Spike uneasy being around him, and from the looks of it, this figure may have been following Spike this entire day.

"Well well, if it isn't Spike the Dragon, the Dragon Master himself." The figure said chuckling sinisterly which made Spike concerned already, seeing the blood red eyes of his made it feel like he was staring into his soul, but he can't just stay silent for this.
"Um.. hi.." Spike said nervously while the figure remained silent for a moment.
"Forgive my intrusion, but i saw how well you danced earlier with Master Viper, you really drew my breath away when you performed, i'm just glad to be meeting such an icon that is protecting others." The figure said while Spike still felt something was wrong, he saw he had a couple sickles on his sides, which were extremely deadly weapons.
"T.. thanks, i learned all i knew from Viper, she's the best dancer i know, i'm glad that i was able to.. entertain you.." Spike replied while backing away from him a little.
"You know Master Spike, i've heard all the story's of you and your fights with the furious 5 and the Dragon Warrior, did all of you really take down over 1000 crocks when they invaded a fishing village a few months back?" He asked chuckling a little not wanting Spike just to leave yet.

"Uh.. yeah.. we kept up the fight for around an hour, even when the numbers were at odds, we were able to send them back to prison and made sure they won't cause trouble again, i myself was surprised that i took down like.. 200 of them." Spike said recalling that day.. which was shortly before Tigress and the fish incident.
"It amazes me that a Kung fu master can take down that many with your level of skill, i'm honestly surprised you weren't' the Dragon Warrior, you certainly are more deserving of it in my opinion." He said once more which made Spike shake his head.
"I've preferred just being the Dragon Master, Po earned that title with my help, but it was his determination and commitment to keep going is what helped him earn the title, all he needed to do was just believe in himself, it was what helped him be the warrior he is now.." Spike replied still really proud of how well Po pushed through what he went through.
"Ah yes, i've heard of it too, using the Wuxi Finger Hold to stop Tai Lung, killing him and saving the valley, with you using it on him too, i'm surprised a combined power like that didn't cause more damage to the valley itself after you used it, but i guess you were just that skilled." He said in what sounded like a mocking tone, but Spike wasn't wanting to pick a fight.

"I could've just let Po do it himself, nothing would've changed, but we were both in the moment, and had to do it since he wouldn't stop harming others, even though i still feel regret for having to do it to him. Death is always gonna come for us, whether we expect it or not, but i was hoping i could snap him out of his blind rage so he could move on peacefully when his time comes, i hoped that there was a way to save him, but i guess there was just no saving him.." Spike said feeling regret for what he did while the figure was interested.
"Your right on that, Death comes for everyone, whether they live for centuries or not, either if they lived a peaceful life or violent one, even if they make mistakes that would get his attention, they'll always go by his hand." He said walking around Spike while he was concerned hearing that.
"What do you mean by.. mistakes?" Spike asked wondering what that meant.
"Hmm? Oh don't mind that, it's just how i see it i guess." He said brushing it off while Spike was still worried.

"So.. do you have a name or..?" Spike asked not having it yet.
"Oh right, i haven't told you, my name is Lobo, i'm just a traveler taking a visit here, i travel all over to see how people handle things in separate places, even if a lot of the places i've gone to aren't full of many interesting people, unlike you of course." Lobo introduced and Spike flinched hearing that.
"So.. what brings you here then?" Spike asked standing up to stretch a little.
"I simply came here for the festival that was happening today, it's stuff like these that make me glad, seeing people enjoy their lives and value them, not knowing if they'd suddenly go tomorrow, or if something happens to them, i just appreciate other's value what they have when they're alive, and not doing anything reckless with them." Lobo explained which made Spike more suspicious of him.
"Well you don't have to worry about anything happening here, there hasn't been any trouble from what i've seen." Spike said looking around the village.

"Yet." Lobo said simply which confused him.
"What?" Spike asked turning back to him.
"You don't know that yet, there may not be anything now, but there always is something to expect, and i'm pretty sure you've been worried about something too, i can see it in your eyes." Lobo said looking directly at him, and he was right, that nightmare he had a couple nights back did worry him, especially if it's a vision or not.
"Even if something is coming, i know me and Viper can handle it, protecting the lives of others is something we're sworn to do as Kung fu master's, it's also because we just wanna keep people safe, if there's one thing about Death i appreciate, it's that it just makes me value my time in this world with them, especially with how close Ethan is to it.." Spike said feeling bad for him, Lobo was a little surprised hearing that coming from him, but quickly regained focus.

"That's something that can be foolish too you know, you don't know if this thing is beyond stopping, and if it is, would you be ready to face the horrors it may bring? Even if you may not come out of it alive?" Lobo asked looking at the mountains far off in the distance, which made Spike know he was hinting at something to come.
"Whatever does come, i won't let anything happen to this place, and i'll make sure whatever's coming is taken down." Spike said clutching his claws knowing his vision may be true.
"Hmm, that's good to know your confident, just know that whatever darkness is coming, i'm sure you'll stop it, i'm sorry to have made you uneasy, but it's just something a lot of people feel around me." Lobo said looking like he was gonna leave.
"It's.. okay.. i should get back to Viper and the others, i think it's almost time to sleep." Spike said spreading out his wings for a quick flight.
"If that's the case, good luck Master Spike, your gonna need it.." Lobo said while walking away, making a sinister chuckle while he did so, Spike knew something was up with him, it was like he was holding back a hidden rage in him, but Spike didn't want to cause any trouble, so he simply took off into the sky's back to Viper's house, just wondering what that person was wanting..

Spike flew back to Viper's house pretty quickly, the sun had set at this point and it was nighttime, the village was lit up by the lights that came from the houses, and it was like the view he'd often see back at the Jade Palace, it was a pretty beautiful sight to see, it was one of the things that made Spike feel relief when coming here, after all the worry he's had since that vision.
Spike quietly opened the door to not disturb anyone that may be asleep by now, he was pretty sure Ethan and the other sister's were asleep by now, but he wanted to be respectful when here. Spike quietly made his way's through the halls as all the light's were off at this point, Spike was feeling pretty tired himself by this point and knew some rest was in order after all this. Spike saw the door to Viper's room was open, which meant she may be waiting for him, he didn't expect him to be gone as long as he was, but hopefully he could explain this to her.

After a few more steps, Spike carefully slid open the door to her room, and like he expected, Viper was already on the bed waiting for him, she did look a little worried with how long it took to get back.
"Hey Viper, sorry about.. the wait, i just got caught up in some stuff." Spike said walking to the side of it.
"What kind of stuff Spike? You missed dinner, we thought you'd be back before dark?" Viper asked concerned looking at him.
"I just.. had a lot to think about, with all that's happened right now, and what we're going through, it just was a lot to process, and i needed time to myself, you can understand that right?" Spike asked hopefully while he layed down on a mat that was set up for him, Viper did look worried hearing that, but knew it was a good reason for some time alone.
"I can perfectly understand it Spike, to be honest, while i was waiting, i had to think about all of this to myself too. While i'm glad my dad's okay right now, we both know it won't be like that for long.. eventually.. he'll just be.. gone.." Viper said sadly thinking about him.
"I know, i'm really sorry Viper, but we both knew this was coming, but what's important is that we be there for him, as well as your sister's, they all came here for the same reason, to make sure he's happy and has his family with him. Just know i'm glad to be here for you, your sister's are really fun to be around." Spike said with a smile while covering himself up with a soft blanket.

"Thanks Spike, i just didn't think this all would come so fast, i haven't been here in years, and yet so much has changed, my sister's may still be hyper like they were before, and mom is still sweet and caring like always, but i just can't get the thought about how dad must be feeling right now, having so little time left with his family.." Viper said coming down to him, Spike just felt awful for this too, even if he was here for support, he didn't know how close they really were and still are, and it must be heartbreaking for them all.
"That just gives us all the more reason to appreciate what we have, even if we have weeks, or months left with him, he's still keeping his head up to see all of you, that's something any loving father would do, always be there for they're family.. that's something i know for sure.." Spike said while Viper coiled around his body.
"Thanks, but it's just.. hard to accept it, even when he goes.. i still won't believe it, after all he's done for the village, and my family, him being gone.. won't make me cry every time i think about him from then on.. knowing what he's done for us all.." Viper said with tears which made Spike rub her head for comfort again.

"It'll be okay Viper, no matter what happens next, i'll be there for you, i promise i'll help you all. I'm glad to have come here Viper.." Spike said with a smile which made her a bit happy too.
"I'm glad you came here too Spike, good night Spike, and thank you.." Viper said gratefully while she started to fall asleep.
"Good night Vipes.." Spike said as he fell asleep too finally, after this day, he knew things would get rougher, but he was hoping he could help in the best way he can. But far away from the village, within the mountains that were high in the sky, there was a dark crack that had opened within the center of it, and monsterous black claws were emerging from it, followed by roars of anger and fury..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! Sorry for the wait on this but i've been trying to make sure i move this arc along the best i can, i know there hasn't been much interaction with Spike and Viper's family individually, but i'll try to do that in the next chapter, this will be the point where there will be more action continuing on, while i'm not the best with original stuff, i'll try to do my best with a fight like what's to come, especially with the future chapters, there will be darker stuff to the later chapters in this arc, it's to help flow with the 2nd movies darker tone before it begins, so i hope you don't mind it, i just hope you liked this and have a great day guys!

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