• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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32: A Dark Turn

Spike and the team chased after the leader out of the prison, even if they don't have Master Ox and Croc here to help, they're gonna catch that guy and make him pay for all he's done to this town.

The leader ran out of the prison and too a driver who had a carriage behind him and jumped onto it.
"Get me out of here!" He ordered just as Spike and the other's ran out and saw him driving off.
"Yes sir!" The driver said with fear while he ran as fast as he could.
"After him! Let's go!" Spike shouted flying off with the others while Po looked around and saw another carriage was nearby and he got an idea. Spike and the others ran through the crowd as fast as they could while they saw the leader escaping.
"Faster!" Monkey shouted before they heard Po scream with joy and saw they saw him land down in one of the carriages too.

"Po let's go!" Spike shouted while he flew besides him and he used his strength to keep the carriage moving.
"Lose them!" The leader ordered again which made the driver turn another corner.
"Yes sir!" He replied while they ran through the crowd and they turned another corner and were about to miss it.
"Viper!" Po shouted right as she coiled around a pole and grabbed Spike's hand who took the carriage.
"Hang on!" Viper shouted before she whipped them into the alley so they can catch up.
"Thanks Vipes!" Spike said gratefully while he began running on all fours now.

The leader saw they were gaining on him and he saw they were heading to a market area, he then looked at the driver and grinned before he picked him up and laughed mockingly.
"Watch out!" He mocked before he threw the driver at them, Spike used his tail to safely catch him and place him by the side before continuing to chase after him again.
"That is very uncool!" Po said angered with his rude management.
"Well how about this?!" He mocked again before he started tossing a bunch of supplies all around the place and Spike and the 5 had to throw them aside to help Po move faster which made him laugh again, but then the leader countered this by pulling out a bunch of bunny's in a basket.

"How about something small?!" He mocked while the kids were laughing in joy.
"Oh no!" Po shouted right before he threw them all at Po which made them fly on his face, this caused Po to stir off course and they saw the leader head down while Po went to a construction sight.
"Po watch out!" Spike screamed while he was heading to a dead end which made Po scream with fear, Po stopped the wheels with his feet and that made him go onto a rooftop to save themselves for a moment while the 5 were searching for them below.
"Fire!" A kid screamed playfully while Po realized his foot was on fire!
"We've lost them.." Tigress said right before she heard Po screaming and they saw Spike and Po on the rooftop above.
"Po throw them to me!" Spike shouted holding out his hat, Po did so and as they went flying off a ledge, Po threw each kid at Spike and Crane who caught them safely with their hats.
"Guess that's a good reason to have hats now huh?" Spike asked handing Crane the last.
"That's one reason, you look nice with yours by the way." Crane said while Spike put his back on before he flew back after Po who landed on the ground, but his carriage was destroyed mostly and only a wheel and a pole was left.

The leader saw this and laughed mockingly again before he tried escaping again.
"Guys guys guys, give me a shove!" Po shouted while Spike grabbed the thing with his Chi arm.
"Mantis now!" Tigress ordered before Mantis grabbed her and made a strong throw which sent her right to Po, Spike charged up his Chi arm and he and Tigress both striked Po's back at once which sent a powerful shockwave around the area, Spike quickly grabbed onto the pole and Spike and Po screamed as they went flying all the way down the streets with the floor being on fire as a result from it.
"That arm is way too strong Spike!" Po shouted while the leader saw them and screamed just as they crashed into him. Spike held onto Po's back and got on his shoulders and growled seeing him.
"Throwing innocent kids at a panda?! You realize that's gonna get you more years in jail right?!" Spike mocked while Po tried punching the dude repeatedly.

"Is that all you two got?! Because it feels like a big old fluffy cloud and a pillow!" He mocked while they kept flying through the streets.
"Well this cloud is about to bring the thunder!" Po countered before pinning up and he used the signs to hit him repeatedly.
"And this pillow has rock heard crystals in it!" Spike shouted while he kicked him in the face over and over too.
"Your turn!" He mocked before he pulled the carriage down and Po took his turn.
"Po duck!" Spike shouted before he ducked under as Po got hit in the face multiple times too.
"Why. Are. There. So. Many. Signs?!" Po asked in pain before he saw they were nearing a staircase and screamed before ducking down too and they began heading down some stairs, Po and Spike noticed the bumps and got an idea and raised they're fists so they could hit him repeatedly again.
"How's that punk?!" Spike asked mockingly while Po laughed at this, but their moment was cut short before they went flying off a ledge and they all held eachother while screaming as they went flying through the air. But Po and Spike quickly made a finishing move and pinned him below.
" Alaka-Squasho!" Po shouted right before they slammed him into the ground and made a large crater as a result.

"Yes! Taste the defeat!" Po said in victory as the others finally caught up too.
"Don't mess with a dragon punk." Spike said getting off of him with Po.
"And let me tell you something, the next time you mess with a panda you better bring a whole lo..." Po said right before they heard a lot of growling and saw they were all surrounded by hundreds of wolves, they all surrounded the group and they all got ready to fight.
"Guess nobody told you, you mess with a wolf, you get the fangs." He mocked before he punched Po in the stomach really hard, he went to punch Spike in his Chi arm but that only resulted in him being knocked back because of it's strong power.
"Never go for the obvious overpowered arm there dude." Spike mocked while clutching it which made him growl.
"Eh I'll hit you twice! What are you gonna do now?!" He asked mockingly, Po saw they all had no way out of this, but got an idea how to get through, and made an announcement..
"We surrender!" Po shouted to all the wolves who growled hearing this.

They got a lot of chains for each one of them and Spike's arms were chained to his back and the others were harshly chained too.
"You can chain my body! But you will never chain my.." Crane said before his neck got chained too." Warrior spirit!" Crane finished with a muffled voice.
"Hey don't forget the little guy." Po said holding out Mantis.
"Did you just call me...?!" Mantis said before he was put in a cage too.
"Po what are you doing?" Tigress asked while they all tried finding a way out.
"I can easily break out of these chains you know." Spike whispered as this didn't mean much to him anymore.
"Trust me I got a pla.. ow!" Po said with pain before he noticed what chains these were.
"No way! Eight-Point acupressure cuffs?! Just like the ones that held Tai Lung the more you move, the tighter they get?!" Po asked excitedly before he was suddenly being dragged on the ground.
"These are the best cuffs!" Po finished before he and the group were being dragged to Shen together from the wolves, Spike had no idea what Po was planning, but got a feeling it'll get them out of here.

Back at the top of the tower with Shen, he was practicing his movements so he can strike fear into Po and Spike when he meets them.
"Greetings panda and dragon.. at last we meet!" Shen said menacingly before he realized that didn't sound right.
"No no no, that won't work.." Shen said before he pulled a few more swift movements and held his sword in a specific way.
"We meet at last! Yes that's it! Greetings panda and dragon. We meet.. at...." Shen said right before the Soothsayer appeared behind him somehow.
"You are afraid for a reason." She said seeing through this display of his.
"I'm not afraid, they're coming to me in chains, if there's anybody who should be afraid it's.." Shen said before she finished again.
"You.." Soothsayer said calmly which irritated him, he noticed her looking at his clothes and pulled them away.
"Don't even think about it." Shen said irritated with her constant attempts.

Back with Spike and the group, they were still being taken to the tower Shen was in and could see how huge it was just from the entrance.
"I hope this turns out to be better then your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and drinking boiling water instead of just having.. you know Spike heat up the rice with his fire." Tigress said not thinking this is a good idea.
"This plans nothing like that plan, cause it's gonna work." Po assured before he suddenly slid on the ground and stopped for a moment, but they all looked to where this rubble went and they all looked in horror as they saw a familiar broken hammer hung at the end of a wall that was almost destroyed.
"I already hate Shen.." Spike said with a growl as they all really knew by now.. Master Rhino really is dead..
"Keep moving." The leader ordered while chuckling evilly, everyone looked at eachother and just got more determined to avenge him while they were brought into the tower and were at the very bottom.
"Ah, my old enemy.." Po said with a grin as they looked all the way up, and saw they were about to face a huge flight of...
"Stairs..." Po said seriously while everyone got ready to climb this extremely large case.

We cut to the top of the tower where Shen was awaiting they're arrival, loud stomping was heard follow by grunts of Po, everyone in the room was getting more and more tense as they got even closer, and Shen held out some knives to make sure he was ready to fight, but the grunting soon stopped as they saw Po finally come up with the others, he was being carried by a gorilla and was put down after a lot of climbing.
"We need an escalator made one day." Spike said breathing heavily as that took a lot out of him.
"Thanks for carrying me.. those last few flights man, I threw up a little on the third floor, is there some sort of evil janitor or something?" Po asked hopefully while they all were being carried forward.
"Greetings panda and dragon, we meet at.." Shen said before Po interrupted again.
"Hey how ya doing?" Po asked casually looking at him.
"How ya doing bird lord?" Spike mocked which caught Shen off guard while they kept moving inside.

"You've grown up bigger then I thought." The Soothsayer said walking up at Po and he poked him a little.
"Uh hey stop poking around please?" Po asked while she inspected him.
"Strong.. healthy.." She observed looking in Po's mouth before closing it before inspecting Spike, and she saw Spike's glowing Chi arm.
"Already tapping into your potential, I see you growing to be a strong dragon one day." She complimented which made Spike smile a bit.
"Uh.. thanks?" Spike asked a bit unsure of how to feel about that.
"Look we don't know who you are, but please stand aside sir." Po advised which made Viper shake her head.
"That's a lady.." Viper whispered which caught him off guard.
"Oh sorry, that beard is kind of.. misleading.. false advertising.." Po whispered which made her smile a bit but Shen had enough.

"Enough of this nonsense! Bring the prisoners to me." Shen said menacingly which made them move forward again.
"Sorry Ma'am. Careful guys, keep your eyes peeled for the.. weapon!" Po shouted as he saw a tiny model of the canon Shen made and quickly kicked it into the air before he shattered it completely.
"Yes! We did it! I just Kung fu-ed it did you see that?! I was all like.." Po said before he made a Kung fu sound before turning around and they saw an even bigger canon that must be the REAL weapon.
"You really think a tiny thing like that could've killed one of the most experienced masters of our time Po?" Spike asked annoyed while Shen laughed mockingly.
"Do you actually believe these are the warriors destined to defeat me? I see the chance with the dragon, but him?!" Shen asked laughing hard while looking at Po.
"I do not.. I know he is.." Soothsayer assured once more which just made him laugh harder.

"Oh look at him! A lifetime to plot his revenge and he comes to me on his knees." Shen mocked looking at Po again.
"What? A lifetime? No we did not, we only heard about Master Rhino a few days ago, and we came to avenge him!" Po said with a serious look.
"You came to avenge nothing else?" Soothsayer asked surprised he didn't know about.. the pandas..
"We also came to avenge the city and the people you've been taking advantage of, what else is there?" Spike asked while Viper was picking the lock on Tigress's chains.
"Nothing else?" She asked again which confused them all.
"You probably did some other evil stuff on the way, I don't know, what'd you do?" Po asked not understanding where she's going
"You really don't know?" Soothsayer asked again.
"Know what? What's so funny?" Po asked while Shen laughed even more.
"The very thing that you clearly do not know!" Shen mocked again which made Po have enough now.
"Okay enough with these riddles! Will you guys just spill the beans? First we come in and we see the weapon is tiny, surprise it's big. And this lady over here, i think is a guy.. because.." Po said before Shen suddenly held a knife by Po's face which shut him up.

"The only reason your still alive.. is because I find your stupidity.. mildly amusing.." Shen whispered with a menacing tone.
"Well thank you, but I find your evilness extremely annoying." Po countered while Tigress growled at him.
"Says the guy who's over designed, seriously what's with all the silver stuff?" Spike mocked as well which made Monkey chuckle a bit.
"Who do you think you are panda and dragon?" Shen asked the both of them.
"Who do you think we are Peacock?" Po countered again, but that simply in resulted in Shen laughing hysterically and Po laughed as well before asking something.
"Why are we laughing?" Po asked as Shen was finally calming down.
"Take aim." Shen ordered the soldiers.

Everyone got tensed up as they saw the canon begin to move down and lower towards them, Viper was making quick work of the lock in the chains and Spike prepared to break free while Shen laughed evilly.
"Fire." Shen ordered again before the leader ignited the canon and laughed again.. but didn't see the canon fire for some reason.
"Well light that.. thing!" Shen ordered getting irritated with him.
"Uh I did!" He said in defense before he lit it again, but a familiar green blur went past it multiple times while he tried lighting it, until he was suddenly knocked down by Mantis who was freed and he held up the lighter.
"Fear the bug!" Mantis shouted with rage which made Shen look at the small cage and he saw it was only a Mantis action figure in there which made Po laugh in victory.

"Now!" Spike shouted before Viper freed Tigress and Spike broke free with his Chi arm finally and they used they're skills.
"Get the weapon!" Po shouted as all of them broke free finally and struck they're fighting poses.
"Let's go!" Spike shouted as he and Tigress jumped in the air to the canon, Spike used his arm to punch the thing into the air and Tigress kicked it upwards even higher so they can deliver a finishing blow. Po charged over to Shen and made a battle cry while he did a belly flop right onto him while Mantis went up to the tip and slammed the thing down through the floor, everyone watched as they saw the weapon fall all the way down and was finally destroyed and everyone cheered in victory.
"We did it!" Spike shouted raising his fist while Viper hugged him again. Po pinned Shen to the ground and was gonna finish him off, but Shen raised up his tail feathers which had the exact same symbol as before, this caused Po to have another vision and he froze up as he saw the memory of his mother leaving him again, but now he saw what looked like Shen ordering his soldiers to destroy a village that was on fire which completely caught him off guard, Spike saw Po had froze up again and tried helping him.

"Po!" Spike shouted running to him again to help stop him.
"You were.. you were there.. " Po said with shock while Shen was getting back up.
"Yes.. yes I was.." Shen mocked before he lunged towards the window, everyone tried to stop him but they were too late, and they watched him fly out into the sky as the sky had become very dark now, the Soothsayer was shocked that he couldn't stop him before a gorilla took her away to save her life from what's about to happen.
"You just let Shen get away!" Tigress said upset with them failing to catch him.
"Well at least we destroyed the weapon!" Mantis said glad that was over. But Shen flew all the way down to a factory of sorts and turned to the tower.
"FIRE!!!" Shen shouted with rage as the camera pins to the windows, and it was revealed he had dozens of more cannons which fired at them all!
"No freaking way..." Spike said with horror while they all backed up at this.
"Oh.. no he's got way more.." Mantis said quickly regretting that statement, Spike saw Po was in the line of fire and knew what he had to do.
"Po!" Spike shouted before he used his left arm to push him out of the way just as the cannon hit him directly in the arm as well as everyone else..

Po screamed as he went flying to the wall from Spike's shove and fell to the ground while everyone was hurt very badly.
"My wing!" Crane said with pain as it was bent up extremely badly and he couldn't fly from this now, but they're shock was turned to fear as they heard a scream of pain from Spike.
"Spike!" Viper said with worry as they saw him on the ground holding his left side.
"Don't worry Spike it's gonna be oka..." Tigress said before they saw him slowly get up.. and when he turned to them.. they saw his left arm was blown off completely too which horrified them all.
"Oh my.. god..." Mantis said with horror before he turned around and puked at the sight of this.
"Spike!! Not again!" Viper said with horror while Spike held his left side, his Chi arm glowed brightly and he poured some Chi into the side to stop the bleeding from getting worse.
"I do not have any luck with my arms.. first those demons.. now this.." Spike said with pain while Po helped him up.

"Guys I'm so sorry, I don't know what went wrong!" Po said really horrified of what's happened here.
"It doesn't matter, we have to get out of here, now!" Spike said as the tower was hit by more cannons which was making the place collapse while being covered in a hellish red all over the place.
"Spike's right, everyone head for the exit at the bottom! Go!" Tigress shouted before she jumped down one of the hooks holding the lanterns.
"Can you keep moving Spike?" Po asked while they started making they're escape.
"I lost one arm before, I can move on with just one!" Spike shouted before he jumped off the ledge and used his Chi arm to slide down the ropes with Tigress.
"Oh Spike.." Viper said with regret while she went after him.
"We're gonna need to get a replacement.." Crane said sadly before he jumped off too with the others.

Shen grinned evilly at the tower and knew what must be done.
"Run run little panda!" Shen mocked as the cannons kept firing at the tower to bring it down. Spike used his wings to fly him and Viper to safety while Po screamed as he fell to the ground, Monkey made a monkey screech just as Po landed on his body to break his fall.
"Po come on! We need you to focus!" Tigress said helping him up while Monkey helped Crane move because of his broken wing.
"I got it, I got it!" Po shouted as they went for the exit.
"Bring it down!" Shen ordered the soldiers who fired on the tower even more which made the wolves outside back up again.

This made the door be blocked off after the blast and they were trapped inside.
"We're trapped!" Po said with fear trying to find a way out.
"This way!" Tigress shouted before they all quickly made they're way up the stairs while the tower was beginning to tumble over.
"Hahaha, goodbye!" Shen mocked as the canons fired once again. Tigress slid on one of the floors and kicked a wall down so they could get outside, but they saw more wolves aiming they're bows at them.
"Fire!" The leader shouted before they fired arrows with fire at the end which made everyone take cover.
"Get back!" Tigress shouted while she flipped over the ropes, she quickly looked to the side and saw a ledge that led out of the place and got an idea, more arrows came behind her but she quickly caught one that almost hit her before going back to the others.
"The only way out, is up!" Tigress declared while she began jumping off the floors.
"What?!" Everyone shouted at once while the place began falling over even more.
"To the top guys! Come on!" Spike shouted while he used his wings to help them get up more.

Tigress grabbed Po and they held onto eachother while she tossed them both upwards as the place was collapsing the more they spent time there.
"Yeah!" Po said with amazement while everyone was making they're way upwards.
"Follow me! Come on!" Po shouted as they all can run on the place normally now.
"Where are they going?" Shen asked confused with they're plan.
"To the top!" Tigress shouted while Spike jumped off more debris.
"Come on! Keep going!" Viper encouraged while she whipped Spike upwards and Spike grabbed her with his tail to keep them moving faster. Monkey took Crane's hat to shield himself from another fire arrow, but that only had the tip of his head be on fire as a result. The tower was just about to be completely destroyed and everyone was running to the very tip of it all.
"Here we go!!" Po shouted right as they all jumped off the tower together at once, everyone screamed in slow motion as the tower behind them finally was taken down and destroyed while the soldiers tried firing at them, but everyone was able to safely land on a rooftop and they quickly made they're escape.

Shen was infuriated with them escaping and knew they had to move.
"You idiot!" Shen shouted to a gorilla and he hit him in the face.
"Ow! My nose!" He said holding it tightly while Shen went up to the large map he had.
"Call in the wolves all of them! I want them ready to move! The Year of the Peacock, begins now!" Shen declared holding his wings out.
"Right now? Because it's.. the middle of the year, so you'd only get like.. half the year of the Peacock.." The wolf leader asked which made Shen turn to him.. and he held a knife by his face which made him scarred.
"And.. this is the Year of course.. of.. the Peacock.. happy new year sir.." He said with fear while backing up a bit.
"Get the wolves ready.. we're loading the ships.. NOW! NOW NOW NOW!" Shen shouted which made him run down to the soldiers to prepare the ships.
"Move! Move!" He ordered everyone who began working as fast as they could to build more cannons for the invasion.

Back in the city, a wolf howled to the night sky which made every single wolf in the city start making they're way to the factory, there were among hundreds of them and it shows that this is a true challenge for everyone tonight. Spike and the others hid in the streets and were making their way back to Gongmen jail.
"This way.." Tigress whispered while they went down another alley, Spike held left side and sighed at the sight of him losing yet another arm. Everyone peaked around a corner and they heard a wolf howl again which made the two guards start moving too which let them go inside.

Everyone burst into the place and they quickly made they're way to the center to think about what to do.
"You! What did you do?! It's chaos up there! What happened to stopping Shen?!" Ox asked furious with Po failing to stop him, and that made the other's look at him too.
"Yeah, what happened Po?" Spike asked getting back up too.
"Guys come on give me a little credit.. I meant for him to get away.. cause it was a trick so we could.. figure out his plot more.." Po said nervously while they didn't believe him one bit.
"That makes.. no sense." Mantis said bluntly.
"What do you mean? Sure it does..." Po said not wanting to say everything.
"Po, the truth. You had Shen, what happened?" Tigress asked marching up to him with a serious look.

"What are you talking about? I don't know what your talking about... okay okay he caught me off guard.." Po lied again which made Spike shake his head hearing this, even he would've told the truth if he froze up like that.
"The truth." Tigress said once more waiting for an answer, but Po didn't say anything and that made Tigress decide one thing.
"Alright, they will keep you far from danger." Tigress said looking at the two masters.
"Real far." Croc said chuckling a bit.
"What?" Po asked confused at what this means.
"Your staying here." Tigress said as they were about to leave, even Spike was gonna go too even with one arm.. again.

"Wait! I have to go ba.." Po shouted before Tigress turned to him and made a intense glare which shut everyone up.
"Your staying here!" Tigress demanded not wanting him to go.
"I'm going, and you can't stop me!" Po declared trying to move past her, but she grabbed his arm and turned him around to make sure he doesn't go past her.
"Okay.. I wasn't ready that time.." Po said as he got ready to try again.
"Guys don't.." Viper begged while Tigress got in a fighting pose.
"Ready." Tigress said ready to push him back.

Po tried to make her look away while moving past her, but that resulted in her grabbing him and he was tossed to the air and was sent back to the ground, Po tried getting back up and just ended up facing the wrong way again which made him groan with annoyance. Everyone watched Po try moving past her, but it just kept resulting in Po being pushed down even more.
"Stay down.." Viper begged not wanting Po to get hurt.
"Po, if you freeze up like that again, Shen may not just get away, he may even kill you. It's for your own good, please stop this Po.." Spike said not wanting this to keep going.
"I have to get to him.." Po said weakly while he tried getting back up.
"Tell me why!" Tigress demanded once more, and Po saw he had to tell the truth, and just let it all out.

"He was there! Okay?! The Peacock was there the last time I saw my parents! He knows what happened, where I came from, who I am.." Po admitted which shocked them all hearing this..
"Po.." Spike said sadly while they saw him slowly get back up.
"Look guys, I'm going, I need to know the truth.. the hardcore can't understand.." Po said really wanting to give this another shot, but Tigress was moving forward and almost did something.
"Tigress no!" Viper shouted before she suddenly came in and gave Po a hug which made everyone's jaws drop to the floor from the shock of this.
"The hardcore do understand.. but I can't watch my friend be killed.." Tigress said softly which surprised them, she rarely ever showed her emotions, and this was something that was surprising to them all.

Tigress then turned to the rest and was ready to leave.
"We're going." Tigress declared which made them all turn around.
"Hey.. maybe you can't watch.. me be killed?" Crane asked nervously which made her scoff.
"Stop being a wimp." Tigress said coldly which shut him up.
"And.. she's back." Monkey declared while Po was being left alone, Spike sighed at this and turned to him to talk with him.
"Guys, go on ahead, I'll catch up in a bit." Spike advised looking back at them who nodded in response.
"Okay Spike, take the time you need sweetie." Viper replied before they all left the two alone so they can talk.

Spike turned to Po and sighed sadly, he knew this would not leave his head, and he needed to help him move past this
"I know what it's like to not know who my parents are.. just be glad you have a slight clue as to what happened to them.. for me.. I never found a thing.. and now I don't know if I'll ever.. know who my birth family is.." Spike said sadly while looking at his Chi arm since it's the only one left now..
"What happens if you do find a clue though? What would happen if you knew what happened to your family? Would you.. choose them over your found family.. just.. what would you do?" Po asked which made Spike flinch a bit, but he had an answer that was obvious.
"I'd choose the family that's given me the life I have now, all of you. But if my real family ever does show up.. and wants to see what my life is like.. then maybe I'll have both.. but if not.. I'd choose what I have now.. I can't just abandon what's given me the amazing friends, and family I have." Spike said sitting next to him who sighed hearing that.

"I'm sorry about this Spike, I'm sorry about you losing your arm again.. for Shen getting away.. and now.. I don't know if I can face him without freezing up again.. he's the only clue I have to finding out what happened.. and I.. I don't think I'll ever understand who I am if I don't find out.." Po said looking at his paws, Spike patted his back and tried helping him more.
"Just because you don't know who your birth family is, doesn't mean you shouldn't brush over what you have now. You should be glad for what you have now.. but if you really want to know.. then I'm gonna help you find out." Spike declared while he got b ack up.
"Really? Your gonna help me find out?" Po asked while Spike helped him up.
"We're practically the same at this point, we have a lot to relate to, and I don't want you to feel alone, and not know who you are. I know what that struggle is like." Spike said which did make Po smile a bit.

"Thanks Spike, I'm glad to have a friend here. You think you can make it through this?" Po asked looking at Spike's badly damaged left side, but Spike's felt this pain before, and just tried moving past it.
"Pushing through this pain means it'll show how much stronger we are. I'm not gonna let Shen get away with this, so are you with me Po?" Spike asked holding his arm out, Po smiled and took it respectfully.
"Let's do this, Spike, let's stop Shen." Po said seriously which made him smirk.
"Then let's go." Spike declared before he and Po ran out of the prison together, even during this dark night, they still had one hope to stop Shen before he conquers all of China..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know it's a bit lazy to have Spike lose his arm again during this chapter, especially so soon after he lost his right arm, but this movie took a dark turn during the second half and I wanted this chapter to help reflect the movies tone, this is where I originally intended to have Spike lose one of his arms if I didn't have the previous arc happen, but I decided to do it again because I wanted to help show how strong of a character Spike is when pushing through the pain like this, and I'll make sure he gets a replacement at the end. I know some of you guys may not like this happening again, but I promise Spike won't lose another body part in this story again, the only minimal thing that can happen is Spike getting a scar on his eye or something, but again, it won't get this dark again I swear. But other then that, I hope you all liked this chapter and look forward to more!

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