• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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29: Attack At The Musicians Village

We open to a calm and majestic shot of the world Spike has lived in for a while now, but we see it form into a beautiful artstyle, and it begins to tell of an story that no one has seen before, one that's happened long ago..

"Long ago, in ancient China, the Peacocks ruled over Gongmen city.." A voice narrates as we see two large Peacocks in royal attire, within a large tower over a new city.
"They brought great joy and prosperity to the city, for they had invented.. fireworks!" The voice announced as colorful lights fill the sky, but we now see another Peacock of black and white, experimenting with what looks like gunpowder.
"But they're son, Lord Shen, saw darker power in the Fireworks, what had brought color and joy, also brought darkness, and destruction." The voice explains as Shen creates red and white colors with the gunpowder that gave him a sinister grin, while his parents were secretly watching on with concern.

"Shen's troubled parents consulted a soothsayer, she foretold, that if Shen continued down this dark path, he would be defeated by a warrior of Black and White.." The voice continues as we see the rulers in front of an old goat who was showing them the future, but Shen had seen this too, and was not wanting this to happen.
"The young lord, set out to change his fate.. but what he did next.. only sealed it!" The voice declares as Shen and an army of his own invade a village of pandas, and Shen.. commits genocide on all of them..
And soon enough, Shen returns to his parents with a look of pride, but his parents had looked horrified for what they learned.
"Shen returned to his parents full of pride.. but in their faces.. he saw only horror.." The voice explained as we now see Shen outside the tower, and was being punished for this awful act.
"He was banished from the city forever, but Shen swore revenge. One day, he would return, and all of China would bow at his feet.." The voice concludes as Shen and his men leave the city to whereabouts unknown..

We now cut to a dark and faraway place in China, one no one has been to before, it was a metal factory, and there were wolfs inside the place working away, melting metal down into something that no one has seen before, all the while a blood red color is all over the place, and the leader comes up to a dark shadow who was looking over everything.
"It's almost done Lord Shen, but we've run out of metal." He reported looking up at the shadow.
"Search the farthest villages, find more metal! China will be mine.." Shen said sinisterly as the smoke covers the screen..

We now cut to the current time, Spike and Viper had finally returned home just a week ago, they had been welcomed back by their friends, while also being shocked by Spike's new arm, while Shifu already figured out what it was, and felt proud of Spike for unlocking Chi, they also learned about Spike and Viper now being a couple, and couldn't be happier for the two.

We now open to a shot of the Jade palace during a foggy morning, where we see two kids playing with action figures of Po, Spike and Tigress.
"And then, the Dragon warrior teamed up with the Dragon Master, and joined the furious 6!" The kid said excitedly reflecting on the fight that happened with Tai Lung.
"And they became the most awesomest Kung Fu team ever!" The kid said excitedly as well while they both make fighting sounds with the figures until they heard something from the training room.
"Listen! Listen you can hear the dragon warrior training with the dragon master right now!" The kid said amazed as the camera zooms into the training room.

"Come on Po you can do this!" Spike encouraged while loud stomps were heard.
"Stay focus!" Tigress encouraged as well while the other's were counting up something.
"35! 36! 37!" They all shouted while we see all of them seeing Po doing something awesome.
"How is he doing that with his face?!" Mantis asked amazed with what he's seeing.
"That is one for the history books right there!" Spike compliments as we see Po.. stuffing over 38 bean buns into his mouth, and he finishes the last one just now.

"38 Bean Buns!" Po announced which made them all cheer for him.
"I called it!!" Spike shouted with joy while Viper hugs him.
"Keep going! Hit 40!" Monkey encouraged holding out 2 more.
"He'll never hit 40!" Crane said excitedly not believing he can do it.
"No problem buddy, you sure it's 40?" Po asked while his mouth was muffled from all of the food.
"Do it!" Tigress encouraged with a serious tone.
"No problem!" Po said confidently before he put the last two in his mouth and tried to close it.
"Yea! Yeah! Oh.. give me a moment.." Po said before he finally closed his mouth, and finished all of them.

"Yeah!" Crane shouted with amazement while Po raised his arms in the air.
"He did it!" Viper said amazed as well.
"Well done Po!" Crane congratulated while he patted his back which made Po finally spit out all of the buns, but Spike and Tigress easily blocked them.
"Your training has payed off." Tigress complimented while Po felt really proud.

"Thanks guys, glad you and Viper were here for this Spike, it's so good to have you two back." Po said turning to them both who laughed a bit.
"Hey we had an adventure of our own while at Viper's home, and even if I lost something from it, we also gained more as a result.." Spike said as he looked at his Chi arm again.
"That arm is so cool Spike! What can it do?! Punch Earthquakes? Send balls of light to one of your distant foes?! What will you call these kinds of moves?!" Po asked excitedly looking all over it, he's done this before, but he's never seen something like this so it's alright with him.
"I haven't developed new moves from it yet, but I'm sure we'll come up with something soon." Spike said clutching it, he's gotten used to his new arm by now, and it feels really great, better then his old one honestly.
"You went through a lot with Viper, you should be proud for taking on such a foe by yourselves." Tigress complimented which made them both more proud.

"Hey it would've been cooler if you guys were there, but taking on hordes of demons together, now that is an epic tale." Viper said proudly while hugging Spike again.
"And not to mention we have our cute couple here now, it's about time you two hooked up!" Monkey joked nudging Spike's shoulder which made him chuckle even more.
"Hey we wanted to wait for the right moment, and Viper here helped give us the perfect moment.." Spike said with a smile looking at her.
"I wanted it to be as romantic as it could be.." Viper said lovingly before she gave him another kiss which made him blush a little.

"You two are adorable like that you know?" Po asked while Spike put her down for a bit.
"Don't think our relationship will get in the way of our training, it won't, I promise you that." Spike assured which did relieve Tigress a little.
"There's a lot we have to do with your new arm Spike, be careful with it." Tigress said as she shook Spike's Chi arm again, he had a really firm grip that was honestly stronger then hers, it showed him what can be done if he properly learns to use it.
"Oh don't worry, I'm sure we will." Spike said confidently until they heard a nearby bell sound which meant something.
"Oh Master Shifu! Come on Spike we gotta go!" Po said realizing what it was, Spike nodded in response and began to run out of the room with him.
"Gotta go guys we'll see you later!" Po shouted while the other's smiled at the two.
"Love you Spike!" Viper shouted with a smile which he laughed at.
"Love you two Vipes!" Spike shouted while he opened up the door.
"You'll save those for me right?" Po asked hopefully before Spike pulled him out.
"Come on, let's see what Shifu needs!" Spike said before he spread out his wings and took off to another place.

Spike and Po quickly rush to a nearby cave away from the Jade Palace, it was hidden near a waterfall, and they knew Shifu had been going there for a while at this point.
"Come on, we're almost there Po!" Spike encouraged while Po was looking a bit tired again.
"Don't worry Spike, I've got more stamina then before!" Po said confidently as they both hurry over to the cave.

We cut to a shot of the cave Shifu was meditating in, a drop of water continued to go into the pool around him, Shifu was meditating on his staff and was focusing his mind.
"Inner Peace..." Shifu said calmly while taking a deep breath.
"Inner.. peace.." Shifu repeated until he could hear Po accidently falling in the water.
"Po.." Spike said a bit annoyed while he helped him up.
"Oh.. Inner Peace..." Shifu said once again while Spike and Po finally arrive.

"You called for us Master?" Spike asked while doing a respectful bow.
"What do we got Shifu? Pirates? Bandits of Volcano Mountain?! Whatever it is we will take them down! Cause we are in the mood, I gotta get something done you know that I mean?" Po asked looking up at him, but they then noticed how he hasn't responded yet.
"Are you okay master?" Spike asked a bit concerned for him.
"Spike's right, what are you doing?" Po asked while Shifu took another deep breath.
"One of Master Oogway's, final teachings.." Shifu said calmly as he looked up at the ceiling.

A single drop of water begins to fall, a drop falls on the floor and Shifu moves his feet around it in a special move, he then waves his hand around as another drop of water falls to him, but with a special technique, Shifu is somehow able to catch it, Shifu keeps his eyes closed and calmly places it on both hands, and he finally places it onto a leaf which calmly drops it into the water he's around which amazed them both.
"Wow.." Spike said with awe of what he just saw.
"Oh! That was awesome! How did you do that?!" Po asked amazed with what he just did.
"Inner Peace." Shifu said proudly while looking down at them, Spike understood what that meant, but Po hasn't yet.
"Inner Peace, that's cool!.. Inner Peace of what?" Po asked as he hasn't been told this before.

"It is the next phase of you and Spike's training, every master must find his path, to inner peace." Shifu instructed while he moved around them, and somehow appeared in multiple parts of the cave in the blink of an eye.
"How are you?" Spike asked confused with how he went behind them both without even moving.
"Some choose to meditate in a cave for 50 years, in a cave just like this." Shifu said as he hopped on his staff again and stood below the dragon statue.
"Without the slightest taste of food, or water." Shifu said referring to Po's growling stomach again.
"You just ate 40 bean buns Po, how are you hungry again?" Spike asked confused with this.
"I.. uh.." Po said nervously not knowing how to explain this, but they quickly turned back to Shifu who continued to explain this to them.

"Some find it through pain and suffering, as I did. Po, the day you were chosen as Dragon Warrior.. was the worst day of my life.." Shifu admitted which made Spike chuckle a bit while Po looked annoyed.
"By far, nothing else came close, it was the most painful.. horrible experience.." Shifu said continuing on with this..
"Okay.." Po said waving his hand, he really didn't wanna hear this again.
"I have ever experienced.." Shifu finished while shivering at the thought before he finally calmed down.
"But once I realized the problem was not you, but within me. I was able to harness the flow of the universe.." Shifu finished while taking more deep breaths.

"Oogway told me about this before.. we need to be at one with who we are.." Spike said looking at his Chi arm again, he reflected on the teachings Oogway had with him during the time he was here..
"So that's it? Spike and I just need Inner Peace?" Po asked while looking up at him.
"It takes a lot to try and master Inner Peace, I may have just tapped into it, but I haven't fully accepted everything yet.." Spike said sadly as there was one final thing that prevented him from understanding this.
"Don't worry Spike, we'll master Inner Peace together, it is going down!" Po said confidently which regained his confidence.
"I'm sure we'll master it in time master." Spike said bowing to him again.

"Spike, while I am proud for you being able to unlock Chi within you, you also have much more to learn." Shifu said as he came to observe Spike's arm again.
"I know.. even if I'm a master right now, there's still far much more I need to learn in order to truly become a master.." Spike said in a calm tone while Po didn't know what Chi was yet, but kinda got what he was saying.
"You have been through a lot with Viper Spike, I just want you two to know, I am happy for the both of you, and with what you went through with those demons, I only hope this makes you stronger, and you can master Inner Peace soon, you are already a few steps ahead of Po, and it won't be that long until you master it, but that is something you need to find out for yourself." Shifu instructed while Spike smiled at.
"Don't worry Master, I understand." Spike said clutching it once again.

"Po! Spike! Bandits! Approaching the musicians village!" Tigress announced coming into the cave, Spike looked to where the village was and got a bad feeling.
"Danger. Tell those musicians to start putting on some action music cause it is on!" Po said confidently while Spike spread out his wings again.
"Come on guys, let's kick some butt!" Spike said ready to go.
"Don't worry Master Shifu, we'll master Inner Peace as soon as we get back!" Po said respectfully to Shifu one more time.
"No snack stops this time." Tigress said looking at him which made him laugh.
"Haha.. snack stops." Po said shaking his head while he went with the group before he quickly realized something.
"Wait are you serious?" Po asked while Crane came down to help him travel.
"We are Po! Come on!" Spike shouted with determination as they all flew to the village as fast as they could.

We cut to a shot of the musicians village, people were all looking really scarred as large harpoons with ropes attached to them slammed down on the cliffside from somewhere high above, they all saw wolf bandits and the leader lands down in front of them all.
"Get all the metal you can find!" He ordered while the wolves began to steal from the entire town, they begin to raid the houses of the villagers, stealing any thing that's metal they could find, from pots and pans, to instruments made of metal, and even large bells that were meant for sounding alarms. All the wolves had found every last piece of metal in the village and had taken a hostage as well who tried to hide.
"That's everything, let's get out of here!" He ordered again while they all began to tightly tie up the metal together about to leave, but a familiar sound of joy echoed through the mountains which got all of their attention.

The camera zooms up to the nearby mountains where Spike, Po and the 5 were all running to the village.
"Wings of Justice!" Po shouted while he jumped off a ledge, he started to scream a bit since he almost fell, but Crane quickly helped him recover and Spike flew besides him with Viper on his back.
"Dramatic entrance!" Spike shouted while Po continued to make a battle cry as all of them fell directly down to the village and struck they're iconic poses, until Po realized he was backwards and quickly corrected himself.
"We need to work out on that Po." Spike whispered which he agreed too while the villagers cheered for them.

"The Dragon Warrior, and the Dragon Master!" A kid said with joy which shocked the bandits.
"A panda?! And an actual dragon?! That's impossible!" The leader said with anger turning to them who all got ready to fight.
"My fist hungers for justice.." Po said seriously while clutching it.. until his stomach rumbled yet again.
"That was my.. fist.." Po said nervously which made them roll they're eyes.
"Get them!" The leader shouted before all the bandits charged at them all.
"Let's do this!" Spike said confidently as they all proceeded to engage in battle with them.

Spike and the group all split up to do they're parts with taking on the bandits, Po was swiftly dodging multiple slashes from one of the bandits metal sword, Po quickly caught the bandits arm and smacked him with his belly into a nearby bell that was being carried which made the people cheer for him. Monkey quickly slid under one of the bandits while taking some golden gongs and he smashed them on the wolfs head to take it down. Spike quickly flipped over multiple heads from the bandits and took they're swords, Spike twirled them around and slammed them into the ground over and over again with rage.
"Puny wolves!" Spike shouted before he threw the wolves far away with his Chi arm easily, Viper swiftly dodged multiple slashes from the bandits with her skills and whipped one away with her tail.
"Take that!" Viper shouted which knocked the wolf into a drum, and Spike followed it up by grabbing the wolfs face and slamming it into some more bells which made loud sounds as a result. Mantis quickly dodged dozens of arrows coming at him while he carefully carried an old bunny who was playing a instrument to safety, he then quickly zoomed up to one of the bandits and struck at the wolf's swords with fast speeds which tore it apart, and delivered a strong strike to the wolf's face which knocked him into the metal.

More wolfs charged at Spike and Po and they quickly moved under they're strikes and threw they're bodies at more drums, Spike ducked under an attack from behind and Po followed it up by kicking him in the face into a large bell. Tigress made a battle cry while jumping down from the air, she slammed down on one of the wolfs heads and leaped over a spear attack, she quickly clawed at the wolf's head with strong combos before sending him into another wolf against even more bells while making a growl. More wolfs took aim at Po from behind with arrows and shot it at him who was taking another bandit on with Spike.
"Po incoming!" Mantis shouted quickly flinging multiple disks to block each one.
"Thanks Mantis!" Po shouted before he kneed the wolf in the face and grabbed it's head and saw more wolfs behind them.
"Leave this to me!" Spike shouted before he charged up his Chi arm and delivered a strong strike to the ground, this knocked all the wolves off their feat and Spike used this moment to take them down while Po was using one of the metal instruments against another wolf right above the old bunny.

The bunny kept playing his instrument while Po was swiftly ducking under multiple strikes and slashing against the weapons while keeping the wolf safe. Po slammed one of the instruments on the wolfs foot which stunned it, he then quickly threw the bunny in the air while twirling around on his back and quickly smacking the ones surrounding him down, Spike followed this up by catching the bunny and put him somewhere safe, a wolf tried to slash at Spike's Chi arm, but that simply resulted in the weapon shattering from it's strong power.
"I aint losing another arm today!" Spike said with a growl before he punched that wolf in the groin which made him scream with pain. Po saw more wolfs coming at him and they threw metal spears at him, Po quickly backflipped away with Spike and Spike backflipped to a rooftop.
"Tigress! Double Death Strike!" Po shouted while he and Spike punched the wolfs surrounding them, Tigress saw where they were and quickly flipped over a wolfs back to the rooftop and grabbed Po's legs, Po twirled her in the air and she did the splits on more of them at once, Spike quickly dodged another slash from a metal axe and used his strength to punch through the axe, and he also knocked the wolf out as a result.

Po saw more wolfs jumping off a ledge and coming down to him, Tigress quickly grabbed him and threw him into the air while he made a battle cry.
"Feet of Fury!" Po shouted with confidence before he rapidly kicked each one of them in the faces in a familiar way which knocked them down, Spike caught him while he was falling down and they landed back in the center.
"Tigress!" Po shouted while she roared at another bandit and clawed at it.
"Monkey!" Po shouted while Monkey twirled off of him and jumped onto another wolf's head.
"Viper and Spike!" Po shouted again as Spike did a Shoryuken on another wolf and Viper jumped into the air before whipping it down.
"Mantis!" Po shouted again as Mantis slammed a wolf's head into the ground multiple times.
"Bunny!.. what?" Po asked himself quickly realizing he had the old bunny somehow.
"Oh sorry.." Po apologized before he punched another wolf in the face.

The leader saw they were beginning to lose and quickly made a howl to the top of the cliff, this caused some gorillas who were at the top begin pulling the stolen metal upwards to them, including one villagers.
"They've got a hostage!" Spike shouted while he threw another wolf into the wall with his tail.
"Crane go!" Po shouted as the metal was being carried up and Crane quickly flew up to them.
"I'm on it!" Crane said seriously as he came right up on the metal bell, and quickly cut the rope off which made the metal fall with the villager screaming with fear.
"Guys, now!" Spike shouted before he and Po both jumped off the cliff to reach the villager, Spike quickly grabbed Po's legs as he got the bell, and Viper coiled around his tail and Monkey grabbed onto hers, while Tigress grabbed his own and stood firmly on the ground, the villager screams as Tigress uses her strength to throw them back onto the ground and they all safely land back down.

"Now that's how we do it!" Spike said confidently while all the villagers cheer for them.
"Is everyone okay?" Po asked making sure no one was hurt.
"That was awesome!" A kid said amazed looking over them all which made them feel proud, but they forgot the leader was still there, and was coming up to Po with a hammer from behind which Spike quickly noticed.
"Po!" Spike warned which made him quickly turn around and they all saw the leader.

"I got this!" Po said confidently as he was about to take him down, the wolf made a snarl as it raised it's hammer in the air, but while Po was about to counter his attack.. something stopped him.. he saw a strange symbol on the wolf's arm which completely stunned him, the symbol was like a blood red eye which was affecting his mind, Po somehow was able to see something, and what he saw completely shocked him.. he saw what looked like him as a baby.. where his.. mother was trying to hide him from something.. before she ran away while he cried for her to come back..
This completely stunned Po and he couldn't process what he just saw, which gave the bandit the moment to strike.
"Po!" Tigress shouted while she tried to save him, but the wolf hammered Po right in the face which sent him flying into Tigress and Spike, and they all crashed down into the villagers as a result.
"Chew on that tubby!" He mocked before he hopped onto the last of the metal, and it began to be taken away while he laughed mockingly.

Everyone groaned with pain as they tried getting back up from the attack.
"What was that?" Spike asked rubbing his head while he helped Viper up who was looking at Po with concern.
"Sweetie are you okay?" Viper asked worried for Po who was breathing heavily, Spike patted his shoulder to try and get his attention.
"You okay Po?" Spike asked worried while he helped him up.
"I think I saw.. I think.. I gotta go.." Po said worried about something before he took off somewhere which left the others concerned.
"Spike, sweetie, you should make sure he's alright, I don't think he's frozen up like this before." Viper asked looking up at him.
"Don't worry Viper, I'll make sure he's okay, you guys help out the villagers okay?" Spike asked as he began to go after him, they all nodded in response and Spike gave Viper another hug before he went after Po, he knew something was wrong, and he's got a bad feeling something is gonna come from it..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! So begins the 2nd movie! I wanted to make sure I gained more experience with my writing before I have Spike go through this one, this one had a lot of dark and emotional stuff to it, it's one of my top 3 favorite Dreamworks movies, and I wanted to make sure I could have Spike blend into the movie in a way that helps Po with his journey, Spike does have some relations to Po about what he's going through here, he never knew his parents either, and despite all he has now, that may still be affecting him in ways he doesn't know, so I'll try to have Spike go through something similar to Po to help this movie flow into the story nicely, I just hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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