• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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27: Shadows Of The Village, Part 7: Clash Against The Demons

After Spike's talk with Death, and asking Viper to come with them, the group started to make they're way to the Mountain where the monster's were coming from, despite Spike feeling pretty weak with his body right now, he still had the strength to keep moving, and he wasn't wanting to waste another second to stop these monster's. From what Death said, they are on a time limit, and if they don't stop these monster's before they all get lose, there's no saving China, or the rest of the world, so they needed to make it fast.

Spike was explaining all of this to Viper on the way, who Death is and why he's here, she is in complete shock to know why, knowing that he was asked by Oogway himself to come help, it made her feel both honored and a bit afraid knowing such a person was here.
"So.. this is Death? Like.. actual Death? A being that's existed since the beginning of time, and has brought every soul that passes to the afterlife?" Viper asked as they were making they're way to the outskirts of the village at this point, Death was walking ahead of the group and chuckled a bit being asked that.
"From what i know, yeah, he is Death." Spike said looking at him ahead who turned back to them.
"It's not rhetorically or poetically or metaphorically, I am Death." Death said staring directly at Viper like how he d id with Spike, and she got chills from hearing the menace in his voice.

"How.. how are you here? We're still alive, and yet your.. perfectly able to exist alongside us?" Viper asked confused at this explanation.
"I can be seen just as any regular person, but I can also be there when you don't expect, I'm always lurking in the shadows, looming over the living beings of this world, watching the choices they make in they're lives, and decide whether or not they should continue on, or if I should.. take them right then and there." Death said twirling his sickle around which made Viper a little suspicious.
"Are you saying you can decide whether or not someone dies?" Viper asked a bit upset at this.
"No.. not entirely. I mainly bring the souls of those who are gone to the afterlife, in fact.. I had just brought your father to the Spirit Realm before I came to see Spike." Death explained which got they're attention.
"How.. how is he?" Viper asked really worried for him.

"Don't worry about him Viper, he's fine now. When one enters the afterlife, all the pain that they felt before they're death is gone, they emerge in the Spirit Realm like they were at they're best states in they're lives, but he was really sad to know it. But he wanted me to tell you all something before I came here." Death explained while they began walking through the woods that led to the mountain.
"And what would that be?" Spike asked holding his right side while they continued to move.
"He wanted me to tell you that he loves his family no matter what, whether in life or death, he's always there for you. He knows your all going through a tough time, but he hoped that those words can help ease you into continuing to go, and fight these monsters." Death explained softly which made Viper smile a little, even though she didn't trust this guy one bit, hearing this was a bit assuring, and it made her feel relief knowing her dad is alright in the Spirit Realm..
"Dad.." Viper said looking down a little while feeling sad to know it.
"It's okay Vipes, you still have me and your family. We're always here for you." Spike assured once again since they've talked about this before.
"Right.. thanks Spike.." Viper said gratefully as the group continued to move on.

Spike and the team continued to make they're way through the forest that led to the mountains, it took hours to make it through at this point and the moon was high in the sky, Spike kept looking at it with hope in his eyes, whenever he looked at the moon, he always hoped Luna was watching over them, and would give them her strength for what they're about to face.
"Spike, you doing alright?" Viper asked which got his attention, he saw Viper was next to him still, and she saw him looking up at the moon.
"I'm.. okay Viper, it's just with what's going on right now, it's a lot to take in, we have one shot at defeating these demons before they completely break free.. and if they do.. I don't know what will come from it.." Spike said with fear while thinking over the bad thoughts of these monsters.
"I know, those things proved to be a really tough challenge against us, even when we tried the hardest we could.. and the reason I'm still alive is because.. my dad saved my life.. If I wasn't able to fight against them.. how can I this time?" Viper asked agreeing to this too, Death was hearing this as they kept walking, and despite this mission being important, they still needed to have they're courage to stand against them.

"Don't think that because you lost to them the first time, doesn't mean you can't learn from your mistakes you two, don't forget, you two are kung fu masters, you always gain skill and learn the more you train, if you can keep your focus and skill at your best, you can defeat these monsters, I keep my eye on my target at all times, and even when I'm knocked down a page against them, I always get back up, and keep fighting till they finally fall, you shouldn't give up on what you two have trained for, you both have special skills and talents that make you who you are, and that is what's really important." Death said smiling at them, they were really surprised to hear that coming from someone like him, but it was nice to hear from someone like him.

"That's.. really assuring to hear, but how could you know that? Your Death, can't you like.. you know.. not be defeated?" Viper asked as they were starting to move up a mountain path, they had been far enough from the village at this point, and were now entering the mountains, and getting closer to the Mountain Of Death.
"Even Death has his struggles against foes, those demons may be tough, and even I struggle against them, but I was able to save some lives back at that village when it was attacked, even though my job is to make sure souls make it to the afterlife, I can't just let them die when it isn't their time. I am an immortal being, I can't die, it's like you Discord says he can't die when you last saw him Spike, beings like me and him can rarely be defeated, and even when we are, it's only temporary." Death explained which surprised Spike since he knew Discord.

"You knew Discord?" Spike asked surprised to know this.
"Of course, I practically hung out with him during his time when he was turned to stone, we were drinking buddy's most of the time, even if Discord's immortal, and uses his powers for chaos, that's what he is, the God of Chaos, he's just doing his part like how I do mine, even if he went to far with what happened back in Equestria, but I'm sure within time, he'll try and be.. less chaotic when he's freed from his stone prison." Death said shrugging his shoulders while they were both interested to hear.

"What makes you think he'll break free from his stone prison again? We made sure he wouldn't do that again unless we absolutely have to." Spike asked walking by his side.
"There's the thing, IF you have to, you need to remember that there are strong foes in Equestria too, and even they will require extra help to defeat, and if I know Discord, something tells me Celestia and Luna will have no choice but to release him, but maybe some convincing from that Mane 6 group you call friends, will be able to help him turn around." Death said as he knew that could happen.
"Hmph, I'll believe it when I see it.." Spike said shrugging his shoulder as they kept moving up the mountain.

They kept moving through the mountains throughout most of the night, only barely taking small breaks here and there to rest, Death wasn't in need of rest, but Spike and Viper often did, but they made it only a few minutes. But as they kept getting closer and closer to the Mountain of Death, they could feel the demons presence.
"Stay close guys, I smell them, they're in the shadows, watching us.." Death said ominously as they were now traveling across a carved path that led to the mountain, they were getting closer and closer to the mountain, and Spike could just barely make out some dark shadows coming out of it.
"Death, I gotta ask you, do you know how I can use Chi? I was told that it's the only way I could stop these monsters, but I needed to.. understand myself and who I am in order to use it, you have any advice?" Spike asked hoping he could help too.
"Who told you that.. Chi, could stop these monsters?" Viper asked as she hasn't heard this part yet.

"Oh.. right.. remember the time I was out for a few days, well to make it short, during that time, I got in touch with Oogway in the Sprit Realm, and he told me in order to stop them, I needed to understand and learn to use Chi, it may be the only way we can stop them.." Spike explained which surprised her to hear such a story.
"You saw Oogway in the Spirit Realm?! How is he? Is he okay?" Viper asked hoping he was.
"Don't worry Viper, I've seen the Spirit Realm, it's a beautiful place, for people like us, that's where we'll go when we die, and Oogway seems to be handling him self just fine there." Spike assured which made her sigh in relief.
"That's good to know, I'm glad to hear that he's alright, did he.. help you find out how those things started to appear in the first place? Or when they escaped in the first place?" Viper asked hoping he found out, but Spike flinched being asked that.. since well... you know what happened..

"What? What's the matter Spike?" Viper asked worried with his lack of response.
"Viper.. I can't lie to you. do you remember when me and Po defeated Tai Lung, and when we used.. 2 Wuxi Finger Holds on him at once?" Spike asked showing her the move which concerned her.
"Yes.. why?" Viper asked already getting worried as he kept explaining.
"Well.. turns out.. that wave that we created was so powerful.. it went all across China, and that includes this mountain.. and.. it.. caused a crack in the underworld to open.. which resulted in those demons emerging.. and your home.. being attacked.." Spike said as his voice was slowly breaking down the more he explained this, he knew he had to tell her this at one point, and judging by her shocked expression, his fears were right.
"You mean.. you and Po.. caused this?" Viper asked really shocked to hear all of this.

"I didn't know this would happen Viper! I didn't think the blast was powerful enough to do this! I never meant for this to happen!" Spike said really afraid if she would be mad or really upset with him, and Death saw this too.
"Spike was just protecting the valley, Tai Lung would've done just as much if he managed to escape, please don't let this be a 3rd act break up Viper, that kind of stuff makes me roll my eyes into my skull, he didn't mean for any of it to happen, believe me, I assure you that." Death said really hoping this doesn't happen.
"Spike.. did you.. know about this..?" Viper asked looking at him who was really ashamed to have hidden this from her.
"I've.. had nightmares about it.. I thought they were just nightmares.. but they were really.. I didn't think or know they would come to the village.. and during our journey there.. I had a deep fear they were coming.. I just.. didn't know what to do.. I'm sorry Viper.." Spike said as he kneeled down while having tears in her eyes, Viper could see he really didn't want to hide this, especially after what she was going through, she knew he was a caring person, and only wanted to help, and if he explained this.. it would've been really worrying if they knew about it.. even if.. Ethan could've lived.. even for a short while..

"Spike.. I'm sorry you had to keep this to yourself, but.. I understand why, with what I was going through, I know you didn't want me to worry. We've been through a lot together, and this is just as important, I'm not mad at you Spike.. I can understand why you hid this.. It was because you cared about me and my family.. and for that.. I'm glad to know this now.." Viper said putting her tail on his left shoulder, even with one arm, it was really assuring to hear something like this from her.
"You.. you really mean it.. your not mad about this?" Spike asked hoping she wasn't.
"No.. I'm not.. while I would've defiantly wanted to hear this sooner.. I can understand why you didn't tell me, but even with all that's happened.. I'm just glad you were doing what you could to help my family.. and I'll always appreciate it Spike.." Viper said softly which made him smile hearing that.
"Viper.. thank you.. I don't think I could've had a better friend then you.. even back in Equestria.." Spike said as he held her tail with his claw which she smiled at from.
"Same goes to you Spike, we'll make it through this, I promise." Viper assured which relieved him a lot hearing that from her.

Death chuckled a little hearing this from the two as he let them talk it out.
"You know, you two are cute together, I'm glad to know that there are strong and kind souls like you out in this world, it's people like you that make me glad to exist, even if it's sad when I.. eventually have to move their souls to the afterlife." Death said regretting that last part which made them a bit concerned, but they brushed it off.
"Thanks Death, your not so bad yourself. I honestly never thought I'd be getting to team up with you, guess the future is unpredictable for all of us huh?" Viper joked which made him chuckle a little.
"Yeah, that's true, that's very true Master Viper." Death said as they were finally moving through the path again.

"So.. back to our topic at hand.. do you know how I could learn Chi? I've been told this by you two before, but any extra advice you'd like to give me Death?" Spike asked wanting to make sure he had every way to learn this technique.
"Well, Chi is a complicated technique, it takes one a long time to learn it, for Oogway, he sat alone in a cave for 30 years and questioned one thing.. who am I? That question is something we all ask ourselves at one point, even I did too, but over the years of my existence.. I've come to understand who I am, and what my place in the world is. For me, I'm meant to help souls move on to rest peacefully, and to know how to use Chi, you need to turn you, into you." Death said putting his finger at Spike's chest.
"... that doesn't make any sense.." Viper said not really understanding it yet.
"That's what they all say at first, but they do eventually. Just reflect on your past Spike, just ask yourself this, who are you? Are you an apprentice to Oogway? A number one assistant? A kung fu master? A dragon? Ask yourself all of these questions, and all of them will combine into one solid answer, that will help you with your path to learning Chi." Death advised which they were starting to understand better by now.
"Who am I..?" Spike asked himself as he looked at his claw, as he got a small idea of what he had to do to unlock it..

But they're talk was finally stopped when the ground suddenly shook violently, they heard a loud sound coming from the mountain and quickly looked up to it, they saw the dark clouds above it were spreading, and that meant one bad thing..
"The demons are almost free, we have little time, come on we need to go, now!" Death said seriously which got them to look serious too.
"We'll fly over there, hop on guys!" Spike said spreading his wings, Viper quickly coiled around him and Death held onto Spike's waste.
"Let's stop these monster's guys." Viper said with a hiss while Spike got ready to take off.
"Let's make them feel fear.." Death said with malice before Spike finally took off from the ground and headed to the mountain at fast speeds, while they could've done this far sooner, they needed time to prepare for what they're gonna face..

Spike flew through the sky's as fast as he could, they all could see the mountain getting closer and closer, and they could hear the roars of the demons they've fought against, they knew this was gonna be a last resort, and they had to give this everything they got.
"Guys, this is gonna be a tough fight, but whatever happens, we do this, together!" Spike said seriously while Spike was flying to the very top.
"Be on your guard you two, the only way we can stop them is if we close up that crack they're coming from, we need to find a way to seal it off, that'll stop them for good." Death said as they could see the crack at the top of the mountain now, and they could see dozens upon dozens of demons emerging from it.
"We'll find out how to close it during the fight, you ready guys?" Viper asked making sure they had prepared.
"Let's do this.." Spike said seriously before he flew down directly to the crack, once they were close enough, Death and Viper jumped off of him and slid down on the walls that led down to the crater, Death rolled down the path without much trouble, while Viper quickly jumped over any rock she was coming up on, Spike twirled around in the air for just a bit until they all finally landed on the ground together and struck they're fighting poses.

The demons were emerging from the crack, they all were finally starting to break free, the crack kept growing more and more, and that led to even more demons then before to emerge from it.
"You guys ready to do this?" Spike asked as the demons all saw the three of them and made loud screeches at them.
"Let's bring fear to these heartless monsters.." Death said as he took out his sickles and moved them across the ground which made some sparks as a result..
"This is for you dad.." Viper said seriously as the monster's started to charge at them.
"Skadoosh!!!" Spike screamed as they all charged at the monster's and began to clash against them.

( Felt like this music could fit what's happening)

Spike, Viper and Death all scream with rage as the monsters lunge at all of them, they all decided to take on different groups to keep up against them, so Spike went for the demonic birds while Death took on the largest ones, and Viper took on the wolf demons.

Spike roared at the demons and flew directly against them, the birds screeched at Spike with rage and took out sharp feathers that looked like knifes, and threw it at him, Spike flew his way out of the attack and grabbed one of them to counter the attack, Spike threw one of them back at a monster's head and knocked that one down, Spike took a deep breath and shot a stream of fire at the demons that defeated that group.

Spike could hear more screeching from above him and saw even more of these monsters were charging at him, Spike roared at them in response and flew directly to them, one of them tried to slash against Spike, but he grabbed the talon with his left arm and began to twirl it around like a cyclone, Spike sped up with his flying as he tossed it around before he aimed directly at another demon and threw it to it which made them both disappear.

Spike's senses went off and he felt something coming at him from behind, Spike quickly ducked down and saw another monster almost hit him, Spike quickly twirled around in the air and delivered a roundhouse kick to kick it to the ground, Spike made a battle cry and flew directly down into it and delivered another strike that took it down finally, and Spike could see even more demons, but he didn't let this get to him, and charged at them all to ensure he could fight against them.

Viper swiftly dodged multiple lunges from dozens of demons at once, Viper jumped in the air and whipped her tail directly down on one of the monster wolf's heads and defeated that one, Viper then landed on the ground and hissed at the demons before her, she may have lost against them before, but she won't this time.

One of them lunged directly at her and Viper had a look of rage, Viper quickly slid under the wolf to dodge the attack, she then grabbed the monster's leg and began to smash it against the ground repeatedly with rage.
"This if for my father!!" Viper screamed with rage before she slammed it's head into the ground, the other demons roared at her and tried to take her down once again, but Viper had the courage to fight them now.

Viper lunged directly at them and went right in between two of them as they went right by her, Viper then quickly coiled around they're legs and made them smack against eachother, Viper then twirled them all over and threw them against the walls of the crater, more and more demons began to emerge from the crack as the clouds began to have lightning flash from them, they knew this was do or die, and they weren't gonna die here, not today.

Death twirled his sickles around as the larger ones that looked like bears and even dragons charged against him, Death jumped in the air and went directly over one, Death aimed his sickle at ones neck and delivered a strong slice that cut it's head off which made it disappear, Death quickly ducked under a slash from behind and sliced the claw off in response while making a wolf howl.

Death quickly delivered a strong kick to one of they're chins to knock it in the air, Death then jumped up and delivered multiple slashes at the monsters head at inhuman speeds, Death landed back on the ground and twirled his sickles around as the monster fell on the ground, now cut to pieces completely from that attack.

But Death couldn't rest right now as he saw even more were surrounding him, he got irritated as they just kept coming, and knew he can't hold back for this one.
"Let's see if you feel fear monster's!" Death shouted as he put his sickles together and now created what looked like a double bladed scythe, Death twirled it around as the monsters lunged at him and Death snarled at them all, Death jumped in the air and cut through one's body completely, Death then jumped off it's corpse as it turned to dust and flew directly at 5 more of them, Death screamed with rage and aimed his weapon in the air, he then threw the thing around like a boomerang and he watched as it swiftly cut down all of those demons at once, and Death quickly landed back on the ground and caught the weapon as they all vanished again.

Spike and Viper landed against him and they could see over 50 of them surrounding them all.
"Remember, stick together guys!" Spike shouted as he took a deep breath.
"No need to tell me twice!" Viper shouted as they dodged out of multiple knife shots from the demonic birds.
"Spike on your right!" Death warned which made Spike quickly turn around to see another demonic bear about to strike, Spike quickly rolled around the attack and shot another fire ball at the monster which made it roar in pain.

The camera spins around them all as Spike, Death and Viper all do they're parts to fight against them, Spike and Death combined some of they're moves together to take more of them down, Spike did another Shoryuken on one of the demons which sent it directly in the air and knocked multiple demons up with it too, and Death swiftly cut through them with no effort at all, they then saw another group charging down at them and they got another idea, Death grabbed Spike's tail and quickly threw Spike in the air, Spike was given Death's weapon for just a moment, and he screamed as he twirled it around and cut through all of them at once.

Spike then landed back on the ground and gave Death his weapon back and they kept on fighting the monster's, Viper coiled around one of the demonic birds and slammed it against another demonic bug that tried attacking Spike, Spike then grabbed the monster's head and twisted it while lightning was flashing all around them, Spike then backflipped in the air and spread his wings, Spike roared with rage and used a new move he just came up with, Spike began to twirl around in the air and he breathed fire around his body which made the fire spin around him like a tornado, Spike then dived directly into another large group like a homing missile and made a huge explosion that knocked even more of them down from the blast.
"I'm calling that, the Tornado Dive!" Spike declared as he punched another down without looking.

Viper and Death had another group to deal with now, and Death and Viper knew what to do, Death howled like a wolf yet again and put his weapon on the ground and slashed against the floor which created some pink flames that surrounded the demons, Viper hissed at all of them and jumped directly into the fire and took them all down from the inside, Viper screamed with all the rage in her soul as she stabbed multiple demons with her tail and took all of them down, she wasn't gonna let a single one escape this time, even if it costs her own life.

The flames soon died down and they all faced back against eachother, they could see more demons coming out of the crack, and got frustrated as this was never ending.
"They just keep coming!" Viper shouted as they barely dodged multiple demons coming for them, the numbers just kept increasing, and they now could see what could be over 100 emerging from them, Death growled with rage and was at the point where his blood was boiling.
"I've had about enough of you all.." Death said with rage as he was twirling his sickles around at extremely fast speeds.
"Death, what are you doing?!" Spike shouted while he breathed another stream of fire on another group, Death twirled his sickles around even faster as dozens of demons surrounded him, Death put the weapons by his sides and readied a special move as the demons lunged at him.

" JUDGEMENT CUT!!!" Death screamed before he pulled off a move so powerful, Spike and Viper couldn't believe it. Death swiftly cut through each and every one of the demons in less then a second, the flashes of his weapons clashing against the demons as they could feel time slow to a crawl, and it felt like reality was cracking all around them, Death then came right by they're sides and twirled his weapons around, before he put them back on his sides, this finally made time resume and everything shattered around them like glass, all the demons screamed with pain as that move was strong enough to defeat all of them, they all fell on the ground and vanished once again while Death breathed heavily.
"Whoa.. Death.. where the heck did you learn that?!" Spike asked completely amazed with that move.
"That was the coolest move I've ever seen!!" Viper said really amazed with this too.
"It's a special move I learned myself, I've seen it used before, but I took a lot of time to learn this, that should give us some time to rest for a moment, we have to figure out how to seal this crack." Death explained as they all turned they're attention to the crack, and began walking up to it.

"What do you think we need to do to close it?" Viper asked worried on what to do.
"Well, Oogway said that these monster's can be stopped with Chi, so it must tie into how we can close this thing." Death theorized as they could see the black mist coming out of it.
"You said one can learn it is if they understand who they are, by turning him into himself, how can I do that?" Spike asked trying to figure out how to use it.
"You need to know who you are, remember what I told you, who are you?" Death asked again trying to help him understand this.

But they're talk was stopped once again as the ground began to shake violently again which worried them all, they all saw the crack was beginning to open up even more and the ground began to fall.
"Go, move, move!!" Spike screamed as he quickly grabbed them with his one arm and took off in the air, Spike went back to the ledge of the crater and they watched with shock as the darkness was bursting out of it like smoke from a volcano. A loud roar was heard from inside the crater which hurt they're ears badly.
"What's going on?!" Viper screamed as the ground shook violently around the whole mountain.
"The crack is breaking, if we don't stop this now, they'll break free!" Death shouted as lightning flashed all around them.

Something loud was heard climbing up from the crack which made them scarred, they're fears got even worse when a huge monsterous claw emerged from the crack, followed by another that gripped onto the mountain, and they watched with terror as something truly horrific emerged from the mountain, they witnessed a familiar 3 headed monster emerge from the darkness, a creature so large it towered over all of them, and could be just as big as the mountain itself. It was.. a demonic hydra.

The hydra screeched with pure fury which hurt they're ears from it's scream, and for the first time in years, Death actually felt fear as he saw this thing, even he couldn't handle this.
"We need to get out of here, go move!!" Death shouted as he quickly pushed them out of the way of some falling rocks, they could hear the monster emerging even more as the shadow was bursting out of the mountain like a volcanic eruption, everyone in Viper's village could see the chaos happening, and all were extremely afraid of what's to come.
"Viper, Spike.. please be safe.." Emily prayed as they saw the hydra emerge from the mountain.

The weather around them turned into a harsh thunderstorm and it began to rain very hard, Spike and Viper were dodging more falling rocks while Death tried to protect them.
"Death, what do we do?! How do we stop this thing?!" Spike shouted with fear as all of them were backing up from the creature.
"I.. don't know.. I haven't been in a situation like this before.. ever.." Death admitted which really meant this was bad. The hydra soon noticed the three heroes below it, and roared at all of them with rage. It began to raise one of it's claws in the air and slowly struck against the mountain, this caused a huge cliffside of boulders to begin tumbling down directly to them which they all were afraid that, but Spike could see they were about to hit Viper and Death, and knew what he had to do.
"Get out of here, go!!" Spike shouted before he suddenly pushed the two of them out of the way which surprised them both. They both watched with horror as the rocks all came to Spike just as he pushed them out of the way, and they all fell directly onto him just after they were saved.

"Spike!!" Viper screamed with terror as the rocks crushed him completely.
"No, no! He can't be, he can't!!" Viper screamed as she tried to get the boulders off of him.
"I'm not losing another one! Too many have lost because of events like these, I can't let this happen too!" Death shouted as he tried helping her.
"Death, you know if someone is dead or alive right, can you feel if he is? Please?!" Viper begged as she really hoped he wasn't.. gone.
"I can feel him, it's faint, but he's alive! But he won't be if we don't help him, come on!" Death shouted as they tried to push the boulders off of them while the hydra roared with fury which could be heard all over China.

Spike was in a black void as he was crushed by those boulders, it was the last attempt he could make in order to save Viper's life, he had hoped he could find a way to save everyone.. but.. he didn't..

Spike could feel his life flash before his eyes, he reflected on the times he's had during this journey of his, all the times he's spent with his family's, the adventures he's gone on with Twilight and the five, from him and Po defeating Tai Lung, and all the times he's spent with Viper..

Viper was his closest friend.. the one he was first friends with when he came to, it was people like her that helped him keep training, and learning to become a warrior, but if the world falls.. so will she..

"Did.. I.. fail? Is.. it over?" Spike asked himself through the void as he didn't know what to think, if that crack splits open completely, the world is done for, he tried the hardest he could to stop this, but despite his best efforts.. he.. failed..

But that's when he remembered the talk he had with Death, he remembered how he said failure can help us all learn from out mistakes, and become better, if even Death himself has learned from these mistakes, he and Viper can too. And that's when he finally realized something.. who is he..

After reflecting through his life, remembering the fun times he's had with both family's, the times he's saved the valley with the 5, to the fun adventures he's had with the mane 6, the struggles they went through, and the battles they fought against, they all tied into one important thing in his life, something he's questioned for a long time..

"Who.. are you?" Oogway's words echoed as he finally realized what this meant, Spike's body began to twitch and he finally felt himself move again, he finally understood this, after help from Death, Ethan and Emily, Viper's siblings, Oogway, and Viper.. it gave him his answer..
"I.. am.. Spike.. the Dragon.. Master.." Spike said as he finally opened his eyes, and they now were glowing pure gold as he felt the power of Chi soar through him, and the void he was in was blinded from the powerful light coming from him..

Death and Viper tried pushing the boulders out of the rubble, trying to save Spike's life.
"Come on, we're almost there.." Viper said with tears as the hydra was spreading the dark clouds all across Viper's village.
"We can't give up.." Death said as they pushed another boulder away, but then something happened.. a bright golden light began to emerge from inside the rubble which surprised them.
"What?" Viper asked shocked as the light was glowing even brighter, and that's when Death recognized what it is..
"He's finally unlocked it.." Death said with surprise as the rubble began to shake as lightning flashed over them again.
"Wait.. do you mean?!" Viper asked as she got the same idea from this.
"Get back!" Death shouted before he pushed them out of the way just as the rocks were blown away from a powerful golden explosion.

A huge powerful golden light began to spread across the mountain which made the hydra scream from it's aura. Viper and Death could barely see from the light as they were blinded a bit from it, but when they're vision came into focus, they both had a look of amazement with what they saw, they saw Spike had broken free from the rubble, he was floating in the air with his eyes now having golden pupils, he was wearing a special clothing of golden fabric, and had a green dragon symbol going around it, and he had a little hat on his head for style.
"Spike?!" Viper asked amazed as Spike flew even higher in the air, and he began to move his hands around in a special way.
"He's finally unlocked his Chi.. this could save us all." Death said amazed as Spike glowed even brighter.
"Awesome.." Viper said amazed as they saw Spike stand against it by himself.

Spike made a loud battle cry and he unleashed a powerful golden wave across the mountain, the hydra finally was drawn to this and turned it's heads to Spike, Spike's body began to forge a golden construct around him, a powerful move that made it look like a dragon, Spike kept moving his hands all around the area and had golden waves of Chi help form it.
"It's time you know who I am monster." Spike said seriously as lightning flashed over the two of them, the demonic hydra growled with rage as it saw this golden dragon standing against it.

Without a second thought, the hydra lunged at Spike and tried to finish him off, but Spike wasn't gonna play around, Spike raised his left fist in the air and delivered a powerful uppercut on one of it's heads which created a powerful shockwave across the mountain, Spike then moved his tail around to move the constructs lower half around to, he twirled the thing around the hydra and began coiling around it like Viper can do.
"It's time for you to meet your end monster!!" Spike shouted as the construct roared at the hydra. He then spun the thing around extremely fast before he threw it high into the sky's, Spike then flew his construct directly at the thing to finish it off, the Chi was so powerful against the demons, and he finally understood why he needed this power. Spike took a deep breath which made the construct begin to charge up a powerful blast of Chi, the hydra saw this and tried to escape it, but it was too close, and Spike had aimed at it perfectly.
"Skadoosh!!" Spike shouted before he shot a powerful Chi blast that was like a energy beam. The blast went directly to the monster before it could even react, and it impaled the thing straight through it's body, the hydra screamed with pain as the Chi overtook it's entire being, and it completely exploded from the overwhelming power which cleared the storm from the blast, and it was finally destroyed.

Spike's eyes continued to glow gold as he finally unlocked Chi, he knew what this was now, and felt amazing when using this. But he had one last thing to take care of, Spike turned the constructs attention back to the crater, he could see more demons were trying to escape, but he wasn't gonna let that happen. The construct roared with rage at the demons as it came directly over the crater, he then began to breath a golden stream of fire all over them, the demons all screeched with pain as the light destroyed them for good, and the fire covered them all, Spike focused his Chi as hardest he could, he made the construct use it's power to create a seal on the crack, the flames began to form around the crack and began to block any dark mist coming from it, and the flames slowly went into the crack to prevent anything from coming out, and with one special hand gesture, Spike made the golden fire completely seal up the crack, and the flames soon turned into rock and earth again, finally sealing the demons away for good..

Spike breathed heavily as he felt so much power flow through him, Viper and Death were completely amazed as Spike had saved the day, all the villagers who were able to see this cheered with joy as the monster was finally gone, and Viper's family all smiled proudly as they knew Spike and Viper saved the day.

Spike's body lowered to Viper and Death as his power flowed through him, the dragon construct finally disappeared and Spike landed on his knees, he breathed heavily as he felt the power leave him, even if it was for a brief moment, using this power was a moment he'd never forget.
"Spike, you did it, you did it!!" Viper said with amazement as she quickly came in to give him a hug, Spike breathed heavily and saw she had tears in her eyes while holding him close, and Spike returned the hug and smiled proudly.
"It wasn't just me who did it.. we did it.." Spike said gladly while holding her close, but then he felt something move on his right side, and his eyes widened in shock.
"And look what you have there.." Death said as he pointed to Spike's right side.

Spike and Viper turned to where Spike's missing arm was, but they saw something that shocked them completely, Spike's arm was back.. it was now a golden arm that looked like it was made of Chi itself, even if it's not his real arm, it still feels like his old one.
"My arm.. I have it back.." Spike said completely shocked as he gripped it, and he could feel it, it was real..
"How.. how did you unlock Chi? How did you realize how to use it?" Viper asked turning back to him while he was still shocked at this.
"I finally understood what Death told us, my will to protect you, my friends, my home and family, it's all who makes me who I am, and to me, I'm Spike, the Dragon Master, and it's.. my feelings for you that helped me unlock them too.. all the times I've spent with you.. it gave me so much joy, and I knew that my place, is here, and by your side.." Spike said smiling at her while she had tears in her eyes.
"Oh Spike.." Viper said with relief as she held him tightly, extremely happy to see he's okay.

Death smiled at the two of them and felt proud for being able to help them out.
"Spike, you've done good. I'm not one to show much respect to others, but you are one special soul, to think two of you have earned my respect, that's something I'd get 2 nickels for." Death joked which confused Spike.
"What do you mean.. two of me?" Spike asked not understanding that at all.
"Eh it's not important, know that you've done a great deal for everyone in this world. And I owe you for this, you've earned my respect kid, and I'm glad to have fought beside you." Death said as he held out a claw again, Spike smiled at this and took it with his new Chi arm, and they shook in a respectful way.
"It's been a huge honor fighting alongside you Death, you think you can teach me that Judgement Cut move one day? I think it would really come in handy." Spike asked which made Death chuckle in response.
"Maybe one day Spike, you've got a long way to go, even with Chi, there's still stuff you have to learn yourself." Death replied as Spike looked at his new clothing.

"Yeah.. even with what I got now, all that power I used kinda went into stopping those demons.. but even if I can use Chi a little, it will definitely help out a lot.." Spike said while Viper let go of him.
"Even if you don't have complete control over Chi, learning to use it is a feat on itself, Shifu would be very proud of you for this." Viper said patting his shoulder which made him smile a little.
"Yeah, your right. Even if it's just a Chi arm right now, I'm sure one day I'll master Chi fully." Spike said as he moved his new arm around and was getting used to it.

Death smiled as he saw there was no need for him to be here now, and he could see the sun starting to rise in the distance.
"Well, I guess my job here is done then. I'd best be going back to what I do best. It was good meeting you Spike and Viper." Death said as he turned around and began to leave.
"Wait, don't you wanna rest in the village for a bit? You should at least take a break?" Viper asked worried for him, but he smiled and shook his head.
"I have no need Viper, I have a job to do. I'll see you again one day, I know it." Death said as he saw the path below them, they could understand he may not be one for being in crowds, so they understood it's best for him to go.
"If your sure about that, then be safe out there Death, thank you, for everything." Spike said gratefully as they looked at eachother one last time.
"Your welcome Spike, thank you too." Death said before he made one more whistle as he finally left them and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving them alone.

Spike and Viper took in this moment, and saw the sun was rising on the horizon.
"Well, I guess we should head back to the village, your family's probably wondering what happened, we'd best not keep them waiting." Spike said with a smile as they looked over the village from the distance together.
"Yeah, they will, it's been a crazy journey, but I'm glad it's over, a lot's happened, but I'm just glad we made it through this." Viper said really relieved this is done with, and the demons are gone.
"Me too Viper, ready to go?" Spike asked as he held out his Chi arm to her, Viper smiled and gently took it herself.
"Let's go Spike.." Viper said proudly as the two of them began to make they're way back to the village, while they were glad the day was saved and the demons were gone, they still had one more thing to do before they headed home..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter! I wanted to try and make this final fight feel like a climatic battle, while I do think it may have been too fast with the part with the hydra, and that it felt like the ending of the 3rd movie a bit, I think Spike unlocking Chi after almost dying was handled well and didn't feel rushed, and I'm glad I was able to make something cool from it.

Now let me get one thing straight, while Spike can use Chi now and has an arm made of Chi, he still isn't nearly as powerful as Po was when he fought Kai after defeating the hydra, that power was only used for this fight against the hydra, and what I'm gonna mainly do is have Spike's Chi arm be properly used and make sure it doesn't' feel like a plot device, like Spike could break out of any situation with a powerful Chi arm. And he still hasn't mastered Chi, he's only understood who he is in spirit, but he still has other steps he needs to take to understand Inner Peace.

While that may sound confusing, I'm just trying to make sure Spike doesn't feel like he's just there in the next movies, and doesn't go through any major arcs like Po did, it's just so Spike can be on his own path to Inner Peace, and make him stand out, but also relate to Po in other ways, and he could help Po understand Chi in the 3rd movie since he knows how to use it to an extent. I hope that's understandable enough, I promise I'll properly have Spike use Chi in ways that make sense, but not forced or feel stupid, we are one more chapter from finishing this arc finally, hope you liked this and look forward to more!

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