• Published 8th Mar 2024
  • 777 Views, 38 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 6) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard continue to keep the peace as they try to fight off Scar's continuing attempts to take over the Pride Lands and Equestria along with learning and teaching new friendship lessons along the way

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Episode 1: The Crystalling Part One

Episode 1:

The Crystalling Part One

Back before things were all full of bright colors and exceptional talent back at the village where Starlight Glimmer once ruled. Said mare herself was personally relishing at what she has accomplished as she walks around town viewing in her mind the perfect village and utopia. No cutie marks, nopony and nobody stands out from one another, and with everyone all treated equally.

As she walked across town she’s greeted with forced and friendly smiles just like she wanted them to.






“Thank you, very much everypony.” Starlight kindly returned to them as she made her out of town. “Be back in a little while.”

As said mare went off, the other mares particularly those who personally didn’t agree with this lifestyle and wishing they could be able to more than what they are capable of now look on in relief that she is gone for now. But at the same time, saddened since she is heading up the path that leads towards that secret cave of hers. The one and only one where she has contained each and every pony’s cutie marks of all of the ponies that currently live in her village.

Once inside her cave, she looks on at each and every cutie mark as collectible trophies to remind her of how much power and control she has over them. The very thing that led to the heartbreak of never being able to see her childhood friend again. Though at the same time, a part of her is downhearted, and wishing she could be able to reunite with him and rekindle her friendship with him. But at the same time, she doesn’t know how and where can she find and be able to do so. After all, as she last recalled she is off fulfilling his dream to become a big and important master of magic wizard. A dream that he has always wanted his entire life.

“If only wishes are that easy to make come true…” Starlight said to herself just when she heard a voice inside her cave that would go on to change her life forever.

“Depends on who you ask, Starlight Glimmer.” A certain voice said to her. Starlight upon hearing that voice quickly yielded her staff with her magic at the ready to attack whoever is inside the or just outside the cave when needed.

“Where are you?! Show yourself!”

“Now, now, now, no need to resort to violence and hostilities.” Said voice continued to speak to her as she looked around the cave trying to spot out the intruder. “Especially when there’s a golden opportunity in life right in front of you.” Said voice made it’s appearance clear as crystal when Scar appeared right before her very eyes as a reflection from where the cutie marks are being contained.

“Like what exactly? And who are you supposed to be?” Starlight skeptically asked as she looked on finding herself at a standstill given where he is now appearing since trying to attack him right there would destroy her hold on every cutie mark she has in her grasp.

“Someone who has something worth hearing out. Specifically something or someone that stands in your way of obtaining the perfect village you have always desired.”

Hearing the right words had Starlight considering this is worth her listening ear. “Go on.”

“Residing right in the heart of Equestria are a group of ponies along with companions who work together in bringing peace and unity to the whole kingdom.”


“Each and every one like you, all have cutie marks, very special and fascinating cutie marks that would make your growing collection look even more better than before.”

“Hmm. Tempting. Tempting. And this is worth my attention, how?”

“Because Starlight as of recently, the Lion and Pony Guard are starting to answer calls towards friendship problems expanding beyond Ponyville. Which means sooner or later, they’ll be coming right up to your doorstep and will uncover your secret. The secret of you having a cutie mark beneath that very equal sign on your flank.” To prove that he knows, he simply blew on it to make her true mark show for his eyes to see.

Starlight groaned as she quickly covered it up like that moment never happened before voicing her thoughts about what she is just told. “Okay. That is definitely worth my attention. Especially when you put it that way.”

“Indeed.” Scar smirked as he prepared to make her an offer she can’t refuse. “Now if you want to ensure that doesn’t happen…” He said as he showed Starlight a visual of castle throne room. “...I can help you out.”


“Just listen to my instructions and follow them to the T and you’ll find your life changing for the better. Now, are you in?”

After a moment, Starlight gave him her answer. “Yes.”


Interestingly and ironically, things did work out for the better as Starlight is now working to be a redeemed pony having just become the Princess of Friendship’s new student. While she is still facing legal trouble given her involvement with Scar, she has nothing to worry about other than mandatory missions and patrols with the Guard while under probation, thanks to her last second decision to accept Twilight’s hoof in friendship and reformation. A decision that allowed her to save everyone when it seemed like half of the Royal Family nearly succumbed to their near fatal injuries and the whole Guard was about to burned to death over a pool of lave inside the Outlands Volcano. A decision that is now leading her on towards the beginning of her first friendship lesson instead of spending life in the Canterlot Dungeon.

For Starlight herself, it is definitely a start to a brighter future.

"Okay. Library... Library... Where did they put the library?" Starlight Glimmer asked herself as she wandered around through the castle hallways albeit while feeling lost. The castle itself is so large with tall ceilings and long endless hallways with a variety of doors that all looked identical to one another. She opened the first door which she believed was the library, or would at least lead her to it. When she did, all she saw was yet another line of hallways in opposite directions. The unicorn sighed in annoyance.

"This castle looked a lot smaller from the outside." She said to herself before closing the door and turning to open another one with her magic when she did she heard the sound of running water. Inside, Spike was brushing his teeth in front of a mirror, wearing a towel around his waist and fuzzy slippers on his feet.

"Morning, Starlight!" He greeted with a muffled sounding voice due to the toothpaste in his mouth.

"Whoops!" Starlight Glimmer quickly shut the door and shielded her eyes in response to what she saw.

Even while Spike never really wears clothes, and he didn't appear embarrassed about seeing the unicorn and mind at all, Starlight didn't feel right about interrupting someone while they were in the bathroom. At least she caught him brushing his teeth instead of anything else.

"Sorry, Spike! I guess I'm still trying to find my way around. You don't happen to know where the library is, do you?"

Spike poked his head from the door and pointed with his toothbrush. "Next door on the left!" He said, his voice still muffled and full of toothpaste.

Starlight turned her head to the door that was right in front of her coming to realize that she was standing in front of the library this whole time. "Oh. Thanks!" Using her magic, Starlight opened the door and walked right in to see Princess Twilight looking over some scrolls. Once she noticed the company, she stopped and greeted her friend.

"Starlight, good morning, come in! What brings you here? Everything alright?"

It hadn’t been long since Starlight had reformed and joined the Lion and Pony Guard even if it was a requirement under penalty of law. So far, she was accustoming nicely to her new lifestyle. While under pony supervision her time on patrol with the Lion and Pony Guard has been off to a smooth start. At least while encountering various animals she’s terrorized from serving as Scar’s right hand pony none of them moved to jeer, scream, shout, yell, insult, curse, and throw rocks at her. But then again, it could be because Twilight and Kion insisted against it since she’s already being punished enough for her actions.

Aside from that, with Starlight using her powers for good now, her magic proved vital in helping spot out the Outsiders whenever they try peering from the border. It also does help that she does know the ins and outs of the Outsiders sneaking around given her recent past experience and knowing exactly how Scar’s cronies operate.

“Yep. Everything’s all peaches and cream!” Starlight replied. Though, Twilight could tell from the tone of her voice that this was not the case.

"Expect...?" Twilight asked with a raised an eyebrow to prompt her to open up about what’s really troubling her right now.

Starlight sighed before replying with, "Sunburst."

"What about him?” Twilight asked with concern.

"Nothing other than the fact I really miss him. It wasn’t until relieving the last time I saw him it started surfacing up in my mind. Now that I do, ever since I’ve wished I could have gone back to the many opportunities I had to reconnect with him and took it. And before you say anything, I’m not asking for another time travel spell so I can go back in time and change it, it’s just what I now see as one of my biggest regrets in life.”

“I understand.” Twilight replied with a tone of sympathy. “And you’re not the only pony who feels that way.”

“Really?” Twilight nodded as Starlight figures out instantly that she is talking about herself. “Do you have any big regrets?”

“Yes, I do. Two actually. The day I decided to join Scar in his campaign to take over the two worlds in the name of revenge and the day and the way I handled things leading up to my brother’s first attempt at the wedding which I regret the most.”

“You mean how Chrysalis tricked every pony into believing that she was Cadance and got you acting irrational to the point you got into a heated argument with her and then your brother chewed you out and kicked you out of the wedding all together along with your pony friends all ditching you in the dust?” Starlight asked before quickly adding to assure she isn’t trying to hurt her feelings. “Just asking because Scar kinda already told me what he did and how he orchestrated Chrysalis’s plan to work in his favor along with giving you that scar on your face.”

“Yes.” She replied with closed eyes of shame. “Had I not acted so rash and irrational back then, the Pride Lands and Equestria wouldn’t be at war with Scar, and everyone wouldn’t be at edge waiting for when he might attack again.”

“I see.” Starlight shifted her eyes uncomfortably feeling she reopened that wound of hers. “You know I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad, right?”

“I know.”

“I was just thinking of how while Sunburst didn’t mean to ignore, you however didn’t have the same fortune as your friends deliberately ditched you even Princess Celestia. And if they hadn’t done so you never would have gotten hurt and wouldn’t have reason to turn against them. You know what I’m saying.” She further explained while hoping her honesty isn’t pushing the subject too far. “I’m sorry. I’m just curious is all.”

“It’s okay, Starlight.” Twilight assured not bothered by her questions. “Both of those statements are true but even still I don’t use that as an excuse for what I did up until I reformed myself. Because at the end of the day I ended up being no better than Scar himself and I nearly did something unforgivable because of it.”

“Right, right, the whole Midnight Sparkle rampage.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Twilight nodded.

“Wow.” Starlight breathed astonished with how much they can relate. “Amazing of how much we’re the same deep down, huh?”

“Yep. Sisi Ni Sawa.” She then turned to a pile of papers she had placed on the table. “And if you want, one reformed pony speaking out to another, I have something that can help you out with that.”

“Like what?”

“Since we’re planning on going to the Crystal Empire for the upcoming Crystalling, you could use the time before then after we arrive to meet with Sunburst since he is now currently living there.”

“Really?!” Starlight’s ears perked up with hope upon hearing this. “You mean he actually lives there?!”

“Yep.” She presents a card with his home address on it. “That is of course if you’re up to it.”

“I’d have to think about it a little, but I might be open for it and consider it my first friendship lesson.”

“Okay. Just let me know before we leave so I can arrange it. In the meantime, why don't you go join the others in the throne room? They're planning our trip to the Crystal Empire when Shining Armor and Princess Cadance host the Crystalling ceremony!"

"Throne room! Got it!" Starlight quickly made a mad dash out of the library and headed for the throne room…only to return a few seconds latter, "Um, which way is the throne room again? All these doors look the same." She asked with a nervous and apologetic laugh and smile, making Twilight sigh and roll her eyes with a smile as she gave her the directions to said room.

Starlight Glimmer entered the throne room and, like what Twilight said, all of the Lion and Pony Guard are present. Each and everyone from the team all sat on their respected thrones.

"Well, I think we should leave ASAP." Rainbow Dash suggested as she sat on her respected throne. "I don't want to miss the Crystalling!"

"But we haven’t been invited yet, Rainbow Dash." Ono voiced against the idea while shaking his beak. "And it would be considered rude for friends of family to show up without an invitation."

“Hate to break it to you, Rainbow, but Ono’s right.” Fuli said in agreement.

“And I’m sure it’ll come soon enough.” Beshte assured.

"Frankly, I'm not exactly clear on all the customs and traditions of the Crystal Empire, especially when it comes to a Crystalling." Applejack commented while sitting on her throne.

"What's a Crystalling?" Starlight Glimmer asked just as she walked in.

Rarity was the first to answer her question, "Well, that's just it, darling. While Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's baby is already here, we're still not sure of when it’s going to be in light of the drama that has happened recently. I mean it’s still going to happen, it’s just a matter of timing it perfectly so that Scar doesn’t try to turn it against us...again. And even with that we’re still not sure. The Crystal Empire was gone for a thousand years. A lot of their customs are a bit murky."

“But we do know it’s got something to do with the new baby." Bunga spoke up.

"And a party!" Pinkie Pie said rather quickly as she poked her head from underneath the rounded table, surprising both Starlight and Bunga with the latter more delighted than shocked. The pink pony smiled widely with her nose now touching Starlight’s.

"And the Crystal Heart." Fluttershy added.

"And a party!" Pinkie repeated while frightening Fluttershy.

"And some kinda cool energy." Rainbow Dash said last, only to have Pinkie Pie appear on the table.

"And… a party!" She repeated again while exploding confetti everywhere. Rainbow Dash returned an annoyed and deadpan look, while Starlight looked on in confusion.

"It's not hard to understand. Most things in the Crystal Empire aren't." Spike explained as he and Kion entered the room with the latter’s tail tightly clinging onto something very delicate. An ancient purple colored vase with beautifully artistic images painted around it. Spike jumped onto his throne and unfolded a scroll he was carrying, revealing an image of himself holding the Crystal Heart. "Like how I'm a big hero there, for example!"

Said reminder was met with indifferent looks from the rest of the group, while Rarity stifled a giggle. Kion only rolled her eyes and placed the vase onto the table very carefully. "Plus, me and Twilight did do a lot of research on Crystallings."

He then moved to explain of how the Crystalling works as Kion worked his magic to make the drawings of said event come to life much like Makini’s staff.

"Whenever a baby is born in the Crystal Empire, the parents bring it before the Crystal Heart. They get the purest shard of crystal they can find, then pick a crystaller to present the baby to everypony who comes. Then they all share the light and joy they feel, feeding it into the crystal that joins with the Heart, and increases its power! And this is going to be a royal Crystalling, so pretty much the whole empire will show up. That hasn't happened in a millennia!"

"What do you mean it increases the Crystal Heart's power?" Starlight asked.

"It increases the energy powering the magic it uses to protect the Crystal Empire. Without, the entire place would be lost to the Frozen North with a never ending blizzard of snow." Kion answered while moving to explain to everyone how he knows. “I’ve worked with Twilight as she explained it to me.”

“Before gushing over being able to spend more time with her new little niece.” Fuli asked with a teasing grin.


“And what about you, Kion? You excited to see your little niece, too?”

“Oh, yeah!” Fuli looked on not totally convinced. “I am really! I’m just still taking in of how unique she is.”

“Like her being an alicorn baby?”


“Do tell.” Bunga then further pressed on his best friend while grabbing him by the cheeks. “Seriously do tell!”

“Okay, okay.” Kion relented as he recalled the memory of first meeting her while her parent’s were recuperating in the hospital while shaking Bunga off. “It wasn’t until the parents were healed enough to allow company outside of family that I was able to finally to see their new baby. And when I did she sure was quite a sight.”

“And since we were there that’s something I definitely remember.” Ono remarked while recalling said memory himself.

The entire group walked into the nursery, where the new mother, Cadance, new father, Shining Armor, and the alicorns, awaited. Rafiki gestured to the bed while standing to the side to allow the group to walk in the room and greet the adorable little bundle of joy, wrapped around in her blanket. Twilight moved to greet the child once more, with Kion by her side since he is the baby’s honorary uncle.

After all of that drama from recently, Twilight herself was rewarded by being able to greet her very own niece for the very first time as an aunt. Everyone in the team was absolutely amazed and adoring the newborn child. Said filly was colored of light pink in coat color with a long unicorn horn, light purple hair with light blue streaks, and a cute tiny little nose perfect for giving nose kisses. And Kion was especially delighted to see the little one since this is the first time he gets to see a baby pony. To him it was just as beautiful as when Muhimu had her foal.

“Hello there! It’s me Aunty Twilight!”

“And this is your uncle Kion, little one. Here to welcome you to the family.”

The baby foal upon seeing them babbled in delight as she wiggled herself out of the blanket she is tucked in.

“Aw, so cute!” Bunga gushed with clasped paws while the others looked on equally awe-struck at the lovely sight.

Even Fuli and Kyoga couldn’t help but smile and look on with amazement at seeing the little pride and joy of the Royal Family.

“Seriously, how can you be so cute and adorable.”

“I know, right!”

“Comes and goes with each and every baby. Common knowledge, really.” Ono replied with sincerity and happy eyes locked on the filly. “Like father, like daughter.”

The little fill then wiggled the blanket off of her body to reveal her body from her adorable hooves to her tail and ears earning a whole crowd of gasps.

“Or I could be wrong.” He then uttered just completely stunned at what he along with the others are seeing.

However, it wasn't the hooves or ears everyone was looking at nor the blue diaper she is wearing. The real shocker is...her wings. On her back appeared a pair of large pink feathered wings that spread out in an open span the moment the blanket came off of her body.

Twilight on the other hand, only looked on in confusion, not gasping or gazing in shock, just trying to comprehend the expression’s on her friend’s faces. “What?” She asked with an arched eyebrow including at the jaw dropped Kion. “Why are you all staring me like this is the biggest shocker you’ve ever seen?”

“Um, because, how can I say this…” Ono began.

“Because the baby has wings!” Bunga exclaimed with his arms both spread out both directed at the wiggling foal herself who simply let out a burbling sound its mouth and began sucking on her little hooves. “But she is still very cute, though.”

“No questioning that.” Fuli commented with a shrug after getting over her brief shock first before moving to get close with the filly herself. “And aren’t you such a cute and silly girl. Yes, you are! Yes, you are!” The baby giggled as she attached her tiny hooves onto her nose with Fuli moved to hold her as she did so.

Twilight along with Cadance and Kion both chuckled in amusement with how well they are getting along. And this is a cheetah who normally would knock whoever tried to hug or touch her like that off of her body with zero hesitation.

“Okay, great!” Ono expressed with a mixture of sincerity and confusion. “But that doesn’t explain how this foal became born an alicorn. I thought that had to be something earned.”

“Exactly.” Rarity stated in agreement. “Only by accomplishing a great princess worthy deed, darling."

“That’s what we thought too.” Shining Armor commented. “It would seem Cadance’s magic might have something to do with along with Princess Luna’s magic in her efforts to keep us alive long enough for us to be cured.”

“I’m afraid he’s right.” Luna admitted. “For it took every ounce of my magic just to barely keep everyone in the room from passing on and meeting an unfortunate end due to dire circumstances.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with that.” Kion quickly assured. “You did what you had to do.”

“And by doing what you did you saved everyone.” Beshte added in agreement.

“And for that I thank you greatly, sister.” Celestia warmly shared to which had her sibling feel much better about herself.

“Me too.” Cadance shared feeling very grateful herself. “Admittedly, it’s something that’s a surprise to us to, Rarity.” Cadance explained. “Especially with what else we discovered she can do.”

“Like what?”

“Well…” Shining Armor began just when the baby’s nose crinkled.

Everyone looked on eagerly awaiting for a cute little sneeze when...

...A powerful beam of light came shooting out of the baby's horn the moment she sneezed, shocking everyone in the room, forcing them to step back. Their eyes widening in shock as the beam blew a hole right through the ceiling. One of the pony nursemaids poked her head from one of the floors, the top part of her hair completely singed.

All eyes fell back on the baby, eyes wide and jaws dropped. The baby rubbed her nose and went to sleep.

“...there is that.” The baby’s father finished rather sheepishly.

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed in shock. “Did she just do that?!”

“Yep.” Fuli replied while handing the baby on over to Twilight out of precautionary measures since she was dangerously close to getting singed herself.

“And that was something I was not expecting at all.” She commented as she gently gave her former foal sitter her baby back.

“It appears her magic is more powerful than that of a newborn unicorn. Perfectly normal for alicorns, but a tad dangerous for normal ponies." Princess Celestia commented as she observed the child snuggling and sleeping under her mother’s care. “But nothing that can’t be tamed with the right and proper care.”

Pinkie Pie then popped up already excited. "Wow! A unicorn, and a Pegasus! So she could be a super-strong flyer and have crazy baby magic!"

"Well, I know all about super-strong flying!" Rainbow Dash remarked as she made a soft air flip to emphasize her point, crossing her hooves and smiling confidently.

"And Kion, Kyoga and I can help keep tabs on her magic!" Twilight vouched, as the baby cooed with her little hooves reaching out to her aunt.

“Well I can assure you all that you’ll have that chance when the upcoming Crystalling happens…” Shining Armor assured before adding in a somewhat unsure in his tone and expression. “...assuming current events and circumstances will allow it.”

“Any idea when that might be?” Applejack asked.

“Not sure. At least when we’re completely sure Scar doesn’t have any plans to use this to his advantage.”

“Maybe that is for the best.” Fluttershy agreed. “Considering that every time we try to celebrate something there’s always something that Scar will take advantage of and nearly take over our kingdom’s.”

“Yeah.” Kion nodded as he began to connect the dots dating back to the first Canterlot Wedding. “He always does.”

“Well, hopefully he won’t.” Bunga optimistically commented. “And there can be another wonderful party all across the Crystal Empire.”

“We’ll see, Bunga. We’ll see.”

Back in the present, with the memory having already processed in their heads, Pinkie was the first to speak her mind of what’s come.

“And to think that any day now since Scar hasn’t been causing any trouble recently…” She pulled out an empty green balloon and blew on it, inflating it instantly and wrapping a string around it so she can float from the ground. “...This Crystalling is gonna be some party!" She said just as the balloon popped a few seconds later.

“Pinkie…” Fuli said not feeling comfortable with having to break it to her like this. “One good week after a near-death experience doesn’t mean it’s going to happen like nothing happened.”

“Do you think they’re going to call it off?” Bunga asked unsure of what to do himself.

“I would like to hope not.” Rarity expressed feeling unsure herself. “I can't imagine canceling such a beautiful and important ceremony over something so potentially adorable!"

“Yeah so are ponies who can be capable of deceiving anyone without them being aware of what’s happening until it’s too late…” Fuli quickly turned back to both Twilight and Starlight apologetically. “...no offense.”

“None taken.”

Both girls replied in unison though Starlight still feels guilt surface up due to playing a part of Scar’s campaign for world conquest.

“Point being…” Twilight quickly spoke up. “… it’ll happen when it happens and all we can do now is hope that things will work out in the end.”

“I suppose.” Starlight replied hoping that’s the case. Though a part of her can’t even deny that someway somehow things will rear it’s ugly head one way or another.

Unbeknownst to the heroes, Scar himself is looking alongside Sombra through magical surveillance, both looking on feeling certain about their next move, with the Crystal Empire being the next target on their minds.

The days throughout the following week went like time was moving along. On one day Starlight was once more dreading the very potential day when Starlight would find herself reconnecting with Sunburst, all while still struggling to navigate the castle's many confusing hallways. And it she had the misfortune to happen to open another door and find Spike posing, flexing his muscles in front of a mirror with a smile on his face.

"Ugh! I swear, I am never gonna find my way around this place! Never!"

Spike quickly hopped down from the stool he'd been standing on to use for his posing, rushing up to the insecure unicorn and comforting her to the best of his ability. "Everything okay, Starlight, aside from constantly getting lost around here? If so, there’s nothing to worry about. It just takes time to know your way around.”

“No...it’s just...this is still all a shock to me.” Starlight honestly admitted. “It was only just recently I went from being enemies to becoming friends and the student to the very pony I focused my hate-filled vendetta against.”

“But it’s all in the past now.” Spike reassured. “Not only do I see you as family but Twilight sees something in you that not every pony does.”

Starlight Glimmer only returned a glum look as she replied. "Right. Potential. The very drive to got me to despise cutie marks in the first place, and try to get revenge against Twilight for showing up and exposing me in front of the village I used to rule over along with their cutie marks, and nearly help Scar take over both worlds.” She sighed. “It’s not that I am not grateful for the fact that I now have friends and not spending time behind bars. Not even being in good graces with the princesses and king I conspired against is that. It’s just…”


“...one of the potential friendship lessons involves meeting up with the one pony I hadn’t seen in years along with confessing to him of what I’ve done since yet is.”

“Have you told Twilight that? I’m sure she wouldn’t put you up to it if you don’t want to see Sunburst.”

“I did. It’s like a part of me doesn’t want to go but another part does and wants to try to reconnect with him.”

“Right a split decision. I see what you’re saying.” Spike nods sympathetically very understanding of her thoughts. “So I guess the real question now is, do you really want to reunite with Sunburst or not?”

At that moment, Starlight began to recall the memories she had with Sunburst when growing up together as foals. Back when they were living in that small village and back when Starlight had her mane worn in pigtails instead of her current style. Including the one memory of the day Sunburst got his cutie mark, the very last day they ever saw each other.

"Well…” Deep down she was about to say no, at least until she remembered how much Sunburst meant to her. How much he helped and encouraged her even when things didn’t match up to the bar he was setting. “...the more I think about him, it’s like the more I’m leaning on wanting to say yes. But I just can’t because chances are I tell him the truth and he’ll just turn me away for good.”

“Never hurts to try.” Spike said otherwise as he advised. “And if not, Twilight won’t take any offense to you saying no you’re not up for that. In fact, it took her weeks before she regained the courage to come back to Equestria.”


“Yeah. And considering she knows what it’s like coming off the heels of being a bad pony, she’ll be very understanding of whatever decision you make.”

“Hmm...maybe so…” Starlight came to agree herself as she more and more feels that Twilight truly can relate to her.

“Go for it, Starlight.” Spike encouraged as he gestured towards the library which isn’t far from the room they are currently standing in.

In short time, Starlight managed to find her way back to the library where she managed to come across Twilight once more looking over some papers. And judging from the look on her face along with the reduced number of papers, it would seem things have been narrowed down for her.

“Twilight.” Starlight greeted.

“Oh hey, Starlight.” Twilight greeted happily.

“What have you got there?”

“Oh, funny you mentioned it. Because I just going to call you.” She then turned to face her new student as they moved their talk out towards the balcony. “I did some thinking and I’ve thought of some other options that you can do for your first friendship lesson.”

“Oh, really?” Starlight looked on hoping it’s something that’s actually worth pursing. “Like what?”

“Other than reuniting with Sunburst, there’s a potential trip to Griffonstone, making friends with any griffon can be a challenge in and of itself. And there is also having you tag along with the CMC the next time they try to help somepony find their special talent.”

“All right.” Starlight commented feeling intrigued yet still not fully committed to a decision. “That’s something.”

Starlight’s hesitation to fully commit quickly brought her teacher’s attention. “Still thinking about Sunburst are you?”


“Any thoughts whether you want to do this because there is no shame in saying no. There is always other friendship lessons we can work out for you to try.”

“Well…” She still hesitated with a nervous smile before continuing her thoughts. “...I mean...they’re all very good options it’s just so hard to choose from just one. And right now I’m starting to consider the option with Sunburst.”

“Are you sure you are up for it?”

“Believe me, I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve come to decide that I’ll give it a try. I mean worst thing he could do is say no and I’ll have to wait another day until he’s finally ready to reconcile with me, right?”

One look in her eyes can tell that she feels committed for the most part of wanting to pursue this reunion. “If you’re sure you are up for this, then I’ll go ahead and start writing up your lesson plan for when we visit the Crystal Empire.”

Starlight calmly replied in just a second after her mentor had finished talking. “I’m sure.” Spike having witnessed their conversation looked on proudly.

Twilight smiled seeing the courage inside Starlight for wanting to do this along with feeling comfortable enough to tell her what she really wants. “From one pony to another, I can understand of how hard it was to work the courage in facing someone you don’t feel comfortable with seeing. And I can tell you right now that you are making the right decision making those big steps.”

“Thanks.” Just then a cold wind blew in their direction. But unlike any normal wind chill, it was completely different. It’s actually a snowflake sparkling as it floated towards them. And to Twilight as she smiled in delight. "Spike! Kion! Come quick!" The dragon peeking from the corner immediately ran over to her side just when the snowflake landed on the alicorn’s hoof.

“What is it, Twilight? Everything okay?” Kion asked with a look of worry and hoping nothing’s wrong.

“Yep!” She gleefully presented the snowflake in her hoof. One that is made of paper, the edges designed with crystal styled hearts. It also doubled as an envelop, opening up in four pieces with a note inside. ‘

"The official Crystaling invitation!" Spike said excitedly upon seeing the letter.

"Shining Armor’s a father and Princess Cadance is a mother!” Kion happily declared.

"And I'm an aunt!" Twilight exclaimed, equally thrilled as she levitated the letter, "Not to mention, you’re an uncle, Kion. And the official Crystaller for the baby!"

“What?!” Kion seized the letter back, reading the words once more. “Wow! Pinch me I must be dreaming.” Suddenly he felt a literal pinch. “Ow! Bunga!”

“Guilty as charged.” He replied as he appeared right behind him. “But for the better as a pinch helps you grow an inch.” Kion looked on still somewhat annoyed. “What? It’s true.”

Starlight smiled for her friends in response. "I'm so happy for you both!"

"So am I!" Spike stated very pleased with how well things are turning out right now.

“Me too.” Scar ominously voiced while watching the scene unfold from above unnoticed with an equally pleased yet evil smirk before disappearing.

The day had finally arrived and The Lion and Pony Guard were already on their way to the Crystal Empire for the Crystalling of the newborn child. Each member came with a bearing a gift for the child. Fuli with Rarity and Kion’s help was able to create a jeweled and golden tiara. Both Beshte and Bunga got the baby two blue and red fish plush toys respectively. And Ono with Twilight’s help was able to craft together a magic-proof rattle.

Rainbow Dash yawned from her seat, waking up from her nap, looking over at Applejack's gift, which is currently covered by a blanket. "Um, Applejack, what is that?"

"Oh, just a little somethin' for the young'un." Applejack pulled the blanket off, using her mouth, to reveal a wooden baby crib with apple imprints on it. "Made from genuine Sweet Apple Acres apple trees. We make 'em for all the Apples, and anypony related to Twilight is practically family." Twilight felt deeply touched by both the gift and the comment.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, rolled her eyes in response. "Yeah, it's okay... But it's no Cloudsdale mobile! Bam!" The pegasus proudly unveiled the baby mobile with rainbows, clouds and lightning bolts hanging off of them.

"Ooh! Pretty!" Pinkie commented as she taped on one of the hanging lightning bolts. The touched caused it to fall off and shatter on the floor earning herself an irritated look who smiled apologetically.

"Well, a mobile is real nice... as long as you have somethin' to lay in so you can look at it." Applejack commented while tapping her hoof to the crib.

"And a fetching blanket to keep you warm." Rarity added as she placed a blanket she had made for the child and placed it neatly on the bed of the crib, making it look even more fitting and adorable.

"I'm sure Shining Armor and Princess Cadance will love all our gifts." Twilight assured. "But I think they're more happy we'll be attending the baby's Crystalling."

“Especially since this is the first celebration the Crystal Empire is having since the Equestrian Games.” Ono chimed in before quickly adding in Twilight’s direction upon realizing what he just said. “No offense.”

Twilight this time wasn’t bothered by that comment. “None taken. After all, I’m not one to dwell on the past anymore. And even if I did have the opportunity to go back in time and see to it getting this scar never happened, I wouldn’t take it.”

“Why not?” Starlight curiously asked. “Even with all things considered?”

“Because Starlight, even if some things don’t happen the way you want them to go down, whether we made mistakes or have regrets, it something we have to learn going forward. Maybe things happen for a reason.”

“Like keeping both worlds from falling into chaos due to a little time travel change?”

Twilight nodded in response seeing that her new student is getting the idea. “Exactly!”

“Right. And I don’t suppose that applies to my upcoming friendship lesson does it?”

“Well, with all things considered I think it came at a perfect time by combining this with the Crystalling. For your benefit and my benefit. And once the hard part is over, things get easier from there.” She then spots their stop coming up on the horizon. “Speaking of which…”

“We’re here.” Ono stated with his keen eyes locked on the incoming train station in front of them. “And so is your brother, Twilight.”

“My brother?” Twilight looked on surprised as she spotted what the Guard’s Keenest of Sight is seeing too.

Her brother is indeed there and sleeping. Not to mention his mane is messy and his eyes have circles and bags under them.

“Is your brother okay, Twilight?” Beshte asked upon noticing him like this.

“I’m sure he is, Beshte.” Twilight assured. “Aside from going through an adjustment period.”

“A what?” Bunga asked looking on like it is the most disturbing thing he has ever heard in his life.

“Adjustment period. Meaning life taking care of the baby must be more difficult than he imagined.” Twilight explained with an annoyed and disgusted look on her face.

“Ooh!” Bunga expression turned into a more understanding look now that he knows whats really going on. “For a second I thought you were talking about…”

“No!” Fuli abruptly stated while shaking and her head against finishing that sentence. “Just don’t go there!”

The train came to a stop and the team boarded off. Twilight immediately called out to him upon being the first to depart their ride. "Shining Armor!" She exclaimed joyfully, which woke her snoring brother up.

"Twilight…!" He eagerly greeted with a smile while shaking his sleepy head, with his voice sounding incredibly tired to match his equally exhausted body.

"I didn't know you were meeting us!" Twilight commented still pleased to see him either way.

"Of course I am! It's me, right here. Here I am. Why wouldn't I come meet my sister? Though we have met before, heh-heh…"

"Are you alright?” Kion asked with an arched eyebrow. “Because you look like you haven’t slept well recently."

"Never better! Being a father is amazing! And wonderful, and amazing, and confusing, and amazing, but surprising too, you know? I mean, not that you'd know. You wouldn't know, I know... You know?" The exhausted prince assured while stills smiling, rather wide and forcibly. He then took a calming breath as he sighed and honestly admitted his current struggles. "Sorry. I haven't really slept since Cadance had the baby. Come to think of it, she hasn't either. It sure would be great to get a break."

"Oh, of course!" Twilight said, placing a hoof on her brother's shoulder, "I don't know what I was thinking! You two probably need all kinds of help! Especially after seeing the baby once before."

“Yeah, and about that invite…I actually meant to send you a letter requesting your immediate help...but I ended up sending the Crystalling letter over by mistake.”

“You mean…?”

“Aw, man!”

Both Bunga and Pinkie pouted in disappointment.

“Sorry, but the Crystalling can’t happen until we figure out how to get the baby under control.” Just then they heard an explosion coming from the castle. “Which might take a while.” He then said with an exasperated cringe. “Oh, no. Don’t tell me.”

“Tell you what?” Beshte asked.

“Rhetorical question, Beshte.” Ono remarked before feeling a sudden chill down his spine. “Brr. Wait? Why does it feel colder than usual?”

“Brr, good question, Ono.” Kion commented as she too felt a shiver herself along with Fuli. “That should only happen should the Crystal Heart be missing or…” His eyes widen in horror as the realization is dawning on him.

“Oh, no.” Shining Armor commented in horror. “Come on!”

With that he quickly led everyone on over back to the castle leaving Twilight to have to deliver the regretful news of what this sudden emergency means for her. “I'm sorry, Starlight, but I guess combining your first lesson with this visit wasn't such a good idea after all."

"It’s okay, Twilight. It just happened." Starlight replied as she tried to sound sympathetic. "I’m not worried too badly about it. Besides, you're an aunt now! And that's way more important than some friendship lesson."

Twilight smiled at her student for being very understanding as she sighed. “I just wish there was still a way to do both.”

Spike then suggested. "Maybe there is, Twilight?" He picked up and presented the scroll. "You’ve already done the work for Starlight’s lesson with this list. All we have to do is follow it.”

Starlight put a hoof to her face as Twilight declared. "Spike, you're a genius!" But then she dropped her smile when she then thought. “But wait! Are you sure you have time for this?”

“Absolutely!” Spike quickly assured. “Shouldn’t take too long. And with you having thought of everything through here, we’re bond to get it over with sooner than the mad king could take over.”

“Very well.” She relented deciding to put full faith in him. “But if things start getting dire, I want you both to head on over to the castle, pronto!”


“Got it.”

Spike saluted while Starlight forced herself to smile as she is still dreading over seeing her childhood friend again, even while personally promising she would commit to facing him.

“If only things were easier said then done.” The unicorn muttered to herself before she and Spike went their separate ways from Twilight who turned to regroup with her brother and friends en route to the Crystal Castle.

The two then made their way way through the Crystal Empire, doing their best to ignore the cold that seemed to follow them everywhere they went all while the unicorn mentally pushes through on her promise to Twilight that she wouldn’t run away from this meeting. Something that Spike would remind her had she brought it up.

“Brr. I’m sure glad no pony has to endure living in extreme cold. Starlight commented with a shiver. “Had I known I would have brought a coat with me.”

“Whatever is going on just happened, Starlight. Sometimes mother nature does what it wants no matter how it works out.” Spike replied as he looked at the directions to Sunburst’s place. “Hopefully it isn’t the worst case scenario and it was just a brief breeze from the nearby mountains.”

“Hopefully…” Starlight personally wished with an uneasy expression to which Spike took notice of.

“I know you’re still worried about this reunion, but I'm sure Twilight's got everything covered.” Spike reassured.

“I know it’s just I wish it was as easy as casting spells.”

“It’ll be once you keep pushing forward with it. Like what Twilight would say if she were here is to just trust the lesson.”

“Of course.” Just then Starlight noticed something that caught her eye. Mainly the huge crystal statue of Spike that stood out in the center of the empire itself. "Wow! That’s quite a statue! It’s like the ponies here think of you as a great hero.”

"That’s because Spike the Brave and Glorious saved us all from King Sombra's wrath!" A crystal earth pony with a yellow coat and red violet eyes excitedly excitedly.

Another crystal earth pony, this one with a blue-purple coat and purple eyes exclaimed in an equally excitedly. "And then again during the Equestria Games! Twice he has saved our empire from certain doom! We owe everything to him!"

"Really?" Starlight questioned and turned to Spike rather intrigued with this discovery. "When were you going to tell me about this?"

"When we didn’t have our hooves and claws full of things that need to be done." Spike humbly replied. "Now come on, we need to get to going!"

"Oh, no." Starlight shook her head and protested as she conjured up a red and white folding chair with her magic and also produced a box of popcorn. "I think hearing the whole story behind all of this is in order."

Seeing that she wasn’t budging, Spike reluctantly sighed and gave into her request. "All right. But after this we’re going straight to Sunburst’s.” He firmly stated before he began to tell his story.

Meanwhile back at the Crystal Empire…

The others have just arrived inside with Shining Armor leading everyone on over to where he thought the source of the loud noise came from and true to his concerns, the worst and unthinkable happened.

The Crystal Heart itself had indeed shattered to pieces with the shocked and horrifed expressions of Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Simba, Nala, and Kiara to back it all up this is indeed happening before them right now.

The baby itself burbled as she landed on her mother's extended hoof, all the while she and the others stared in horrified shock.

“I'm guessin' that's gonna make it harder to do the Crystalling." Applejack was the first comment upon seeing this.

"It's worse than that." Twilight replied with great worry as she looked out the nearby window as the dark clouds, cold winds, and heavy snowflakes grew more powerful by every passing second. “Without the Heart, the Crystal Empire's about to be buried under a mountain of ice and snow!"

Rarity's ears lowered in despair at hearing and seeing what is happening. "So… not only can we not take part in a fabulous ancient ceremony, but we're also about to be frozen solid!"

“But how?!” Ono exclaimed in complete shock like he is on the verge of mentally shutting down. “How does an alicorn baby of all ponies manage to actually break and literally shatter an ancient hard to break and powerful relic?! Just how?!”

“Because even for an alicorn baby her emotions are equally powerful.” Celestia answered and explained. “Powerful but very, very, unstable that proved to be too much for the Crystal Heart to handle.”

“Indeed.” Luna commented in agreement. “And without the Crystal Heart, the dangerous and harsh blizzards from the Frozen North will surely take over and transform this kingdom into an uninhabitable snowy tundra nopony and nobody can endure.”

"But what about when King Sombra ruled the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Heart was missin'?” Applejack brought up. “The city wasn't covered in snow then!"

"Because Sombra just hid the Crystal Heart away, he didn’t break it.” Twilight explained. “And even he knew that it’s very power is important to allow him to be able to have this kingdom to rule over.”

Shining Armor then shared. "Twilight’s right. Good thing we've already told everyone that the Crystalling is not happening today and to stay inside. But now we got two problems to deal with at the exact same time.” He groaned due to his sleep deprived fatigue. “Ugh, and at the worst possible time.”

“Not to worry Shining, we’ll figure something out.” Cadance assured while making sure her daughter is deep in her sleep for now.

“And we can start by having you two go ahead and get some rest while we watch over the baby.” Twilight advised. “Because you two have already endured more than you can handle for the time-being.” She then turned Celestia and Luna. “Celestia, Luna. Can you two hold off the storm?”

“Yes, for some time.” Luna answered. “But even our magic will eventually succumb to the power of the Frozen North.”

“We will do what we can to hold this blizzard, but you must hurry. Because it won’t be long until it’s power grows too strong even for us. Not to mention I’m still a little out of it from that coma I just recovered from.”

Rainbow Dash looked out a window, impatiently flapping her wings ready to join them. "Well in that case...just leave it to me! I could totally bust those clouds by myself!"

"I must strongly insist and advise against it." Princess Luna warned while shaking her head against it. "Those storm clouds are not like the ones you know. This far north, the weather has a will of its own, more powerful than you, Rainbow Dash.”

“And from the looks of it you’re going to need more firepower from us lions.” Kyoga stated as she and her siblings stepped forward to offer their assistance. “We’ll help you hold the blizzard alongside you while Twilight and the others find a way to repair the Heart and keep an eye on the baby.”

“That we can do!” Twilight stated before turning to the others. “Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kion you’re with me on watching the baby while the parents are asleep.”

“Right.” Kion stated in agreement before turning to the others. “In the meantime, the rest of you head on over to the library and start looking for books that might help repair the Crystal Heart so we can stop the Crystal Emprire from succumbing to a never-ending winter storm.”

“Wait?!” Bunga spoke up confused. “Isn’t research your thing?”

Right on cue, the baby started waking up from her nap, started giggling, and without warning immediately disappeared in a golden flash.

“Does that answer your question, Bunga?” Fuli asked with a deadpan look.

“Yep.” Bunga answered, defeated with nothing else to and can say about it before pursing the baby.

“Come on! Let’s go!” Simba firmly stated before following after Twilight as they desperately look around for the baby while the others head on over to the library like they are instructed too with Celestia and Luna taking flight to the skies with Kyoga and her siblings joining them with the former carrying Karabi and Lite on her back so they can withstand and hold off the blazing blizzard as long as possible.

Meanwhile, back with Spike and Starlight, the latter along with the nearby crowd of ponies that had formed along the way were all pretty fascinated with Spike's tale about how he saved the Crystal Heart.

"…and that's how we found the Crystal Heart, defeated King Sombra, and saved the Empire." Spike concluded. The crystal ponies cheered for their hero.

A couple of crystal fillies chanted, "We love you, Spike!"

"Tell the one about the Equestria Games!" One of the fillies eagerly asked.

"Well, as much as I love reliving my heroic deeds, Starlight and I have an important lesson to do, by order of the Princess of Friendship!"

"Awwww!" the little fillies sighed in disappointment. Starlight looked on with equal disappointment but had to remind herself, a deal is a deal. And now they need to get this moving along as the ponies all dispersed.

“Are you sure you can’t tell me about the Games too?”

“Let’s go, Starlight.” Spike firmly said to her while leading the way on over to Sunburst’s house. “Besides…” He presented Twilight’s list “...it says right in step 3, to, uh, "Deal with your fears by facing them, not by putting it off."

“Okay.” She relented while getting out of her chair and followed after him trying to mentally prepare herself for the inevitable.

So it was that the two made their way through the Crystal Empire again (reluctantly in Starlight's case). And it wasn't long before they finally reached Sunburst's house, which stood out for having a green hue, and an orange hat like structure above it. Fitting for a grown up wizard himself.

Starlight steadied herself, reluctantly preparing to knock on the front door. "Well this is it." She aid to herself.

Yet at that very moment, Spike shouted out to stop her. "Wait!"

The unicorn mare turned around and eyed the little dragon with confusion and uncertainty. "What?"

"This is part of the lesson before you knock on the door," Spike explained as he read over the scroll. "It says here: 'Before they see each other, be sure to highlight the importance of the meeting.'"

Starlight looked on like it’s pretty unnecessary. "Are you sure even though I’m fully aware of the significance of this?"

"I’m sure. Especially since it's your first friendship lesson. And before you say anthing, yes, I know Twilight can be a little nit-picky about this stuff but it’s important that we follow this to the T." Spike firmly and sympathetically replied. "And if we skip over that step the whole lesson could go south, and then you might never be able to learn anything about friendship at all! Your whole future could depend on this very moment!" And he pulled the mare close, so close that it would look like from first glance he is trying to kiss her. "Okay, that takes care of 'Highlighting the importance of the meeting'." He said at last, crossing it off on the scroll.

Steadying herself again, the unicorn mare reluctantly reached out a hoof and knocked on the front door of Sunburst's house. All while secretly hoping she might catch a break that maybe he’s not home and could get away with not having to see him again right now.

Alas, the mare's hopes were dashed when the door opened slowly and the face of a very familiar looking unicorn poked its head out from the darkness from behind the other side of the door. The unicorn stallion had an orange coat, his mane and tail has two shades of orange in color that was styled into a loose curl, and had dark blue eyes. Just like Starlight remembered him looking as a colt, the only differences are being that he has a now messy mane, and has grown a goatee underneath his chin, along with sporting silver glasses in front of his eyes. And is also wearing a blue-green robe with colored stars and a brooch on it.

"Sunburst? Are you there?" Starlight reluctantly and nervously asked.

Sunburst answered back equally reluctant and nervous. "Yes, that's me. Who are you? Do I know you?"

Starlight gulped and swallowed hard as she presses forward with this moment. "Actually yes. It's me, Starlight Glimmer. We used to be friends back when we were young."

It only took a moment for Sunburst to realize this before his eyes lit up and he happily exclaimed. "Starlight? Oh yes of course, Starlight! My goodness, it-it's been a long time! What, uh, what have you been up to?"

Nervously, Starlight stepped back a bit as she answered his question. "Me? Not much, nothing of interest. Though right now, I'm sort of the new student of the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. In fact, this is kind of my first lesson."

"Really? That's nice." Sunburst sincerely commented.

"I know right." Starlight nervously chuckled. "Anyways, I just happened to be nearby and I thought I’d stop by to catch up with what you’ve been doing. That is of course you aren’t very busy."

Sunburst blinked in surprise and confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you always talked about being a big, important wizard after graduating from magic school and you must be doing important wizard work here if you are now living in the Crystal Empire."

The unicorn stallion blinked again. "Oh. No. Y-Yes! Uh, y-yes, that's me, yup.” He nervously chuckled. “Important wizard! Really busy with lots of, uh, wi-wizarding... stuff.” After a moment of awkward silence. “Right. Uh, well... good to see you again. Bye." He then backed away from the door very slowly before closing the door.

Starlight looked on confused yet disappointed before sighing unhappily. "That’s what I thought. So much for a long awaited reunion." She then turned and prepared to leave. "Well, I guess that’s that, Spike."

But Spike wasn't about to let Starlight give up on the lesson so easily! "Oh no it’s not!” He stubbornly and firmly declared. "Come on, Starlight. We have to at least explain yourself to him and let him know what Twilight wants!"

Starlight groaned like Twilight would do when annoyed before moving to knock on the door again, where Sunburst was quick to answer it.

All Starlight could do was stand there and nervously smile before preparing herself to continue talking to him. She wasn't looking forward to it, but has no choice in the matter.

Meanwhile, the lions along with Twilight, Kion, and Pinkie Pie have their hooves full in reigning in the alicorn baby as she is proving to be a very magical and energetic child. But thankfully, a certain lioness had a calming paw on the filly’s wild ride.

“Now take it easy there, little one.” The baby stopped focusing on the castle in front of her road before turning her attention to the lion looking at her with the calm blue eyes. “You had enough excitement for one day. Now, it’s time for a nap.”

The baby babbled in protest before pouting with crossed arms...at least before looking into her eyes and found herself seeing eye to eye with her like a loving and caring grandmother would care for her. Instantly, that pout melted into a cute and eager smile as she moved to float down in the lion queen’s paws before snuggling with her. Nala looked on with a proud smile like any other grandmother being able to tame their grandchild while the others look on in disbelief and like they went through a wild ride together along with the rest of the room.

The room itself had some scorch marks on the walls since the baby had already learned how to use her horn and managed to shoot magical yellow beams around the place. Twilight and Kion managed to keep her in check with Simba and Kiara leaping forward to make sure she didn’t hurt anybody with her magic, and even Pinkie Pie tried to hold her down when she was flying everywhere, but only did Nala’s gentle and firm approach actually calmed her down.

“Phew! What a relief!” Bunga stated before passing out and falling onto his back in relief.

“How does she do it?” Twilight asked the lion king who looked on impressed with what she did.

“It takes being around an equally mischievous and energetic lion to know how to tame one.” He replied as he chuckled rather embarrassed when his wife gave him the teasing and smug look.

“And said lion was you, Simba.” Nala moved to embrace the lion with a nuzzle to which the baby moved to giggle and clap at the lovely sight much to Twilight’s delight at seeing the two together like this and their cubs uncomfortable and cringing disgust.

“Why of all times, must they do this, Kion?” Kiara asked her brother who couldn’t come up with a better reply.

“Good question, Kiara.” Kion returned as Twilight giggled at their expense.

“You know both of you will find yourselves doing what your parents are doing when of course you find your special someones in life.”

Both siblings stammered in embarrassment and confusion of what she was implying while blushing.

“Huh? What?

“What do you mean?”

Twilight then turned her head towards Kion as she continues to elaborate on what she is saying. “I mean that someday somehow you’ll meet your special lion whether it’s here in the Pride Lands or somewhere outside of the kingdom. And when that happens you’ll come to understand and appreciate love more.” She then turned her attention to Kiara. “And as for you, it is my understanding that you already have found the future lion of your dreams.”

“Lion of my dreams?”

“You know? The dark furred lion with a dark brown mane and emerald green eyes that regularly visits Diamond Valley along with Kyoga’s siblings and Thorax. Kovu.”

“What?!” Kiara was now flustered. “But Kovu and I are just friends!”

“For now.” Twilight returned with a smug smirk. “Pretty soon you’ll both be something more together.”

“I doubt that.” Kiara said in denial and eyes looking aside and cheeks still pink from embarrassment.

“Anyways…” Kion then said trying to change the subject now that the baby is now calmed down and sleeping maybe we can…” Suddenly the baby suddenly disappeared when everyone least expected it. “...join the others in doing research in the castle library.”

“I’m afraid that’ll have to be put on hold.” Twilight said, to which she personally wished she’d never have to say before looking around the castle for the powerful baby once more on the loose. “There she is!” She managed to spot her flying, giggling, and blasting her horn once more in the air right above them.

"Well… at least she's having... fun!" Pinkie said as she, once again, tried restraining the child who flew around the room once again, shooting more magical beams everywhere. Both Kion and Twilight managed to keep the beams at bay, by countering them with beams of their own.

"Pinkie, hold her still!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I'm tryiiiiiiing!" Pinkie cried out, her hooves screeching across the floor as she held onto the flying baby.

It was only when Simba grabbed onto the struggling mare’s poofy tail that the baby finally was stopped in her tracks.

“Wow! And I thought I was troublesome.” Simba remarked as he maintained his grip on Pinkie and the flying foal.

“More than spending time trapped in a sinkhole with Bunga?” Kion asked his father.

“Yes even the more troublesome honey badger himself.”

“Hey! How is that more troublesome than me? She’s just a baby.” Bunga spoke and stood up looking offended before nearly having the hair on the top of his head singed from the baby’s playful flying around. “Okay. Never mind. Point taken.” He then moved to help the others by trying to hop onto the foal’s back with the hopes of getting the baby to stop causing mayhem wherever she goes. “All right, princess. Play time is over.”

The baby however treated it as an innocent joke by swinging her head around to keep the honey badger from getting a good clasp on her horn which is continuing to leave scorch marks around the castle hallways. And at one point she managed to zap the honey badger off of her and ended up falling backwards on Pinkie’s back to Simba’s back. Upon recovering, he could only give a sheepish grin to the lion king upon seeing the baby in action along with seeing the karma himself inflicted on himself for a change before resuming their focus on the baby that Simba has now grounded with Pinkie’s help holding it to her. All while Twilight and Kion still maintain their control over the baby’s magic.

All while this is all going on both Scar and Sombra both wearing black cloaks and full body suits to protect themselves from the cold look as all of this chaos in the Crystal Empire unfolds.

“Ready for this?” Scar asked Sombra who nodded ready to do his part in the next part of their plan.

“Ready.” He said with a determined expression.

“Time for the Cold War to begin.” With equally determined eyes the two all powerful villains moved to advance towards the blizzard surrounding the Crystal Empire where another battle awaits...

Author's Note:

Here we are back in action as Season 6 gets underway where things pick up right where we left off in regards to the story thus far. And with a new baby in the mix it didn't take long for it's powerful magic to be more than a handle for the main cast. Especially when said infant manages to blow up the Crystal Heart all by herself.

At the same time, Starlight is tackling her first friendship lesson with her upcoming reunion with Sunburst (to which is done on her own terms with Twilight giving her leeway to do so when ready) which is coming across slowly rather than smooth and efficiently like she hoped.

At there is also the matter of Scar returning to make a statement with none other than King Sombra by his side ready to remind everyone of why his latest loss is not something to feel accomplished over.

So all that's left is seeing how it plays out in Part Two...