• Published 8th Mar 2024
  • 778 Views, 38 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 6) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard continue to keep the peace as they try to fight off Scar's continuing attempts to take over the Pride Lands and Equestria along with learning and teaching new friendship lessons along the way

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Episode 7: Gauntlet of Fire

Episode 7:

Gauntlet of Fire

Following the eventful days of helping the elephants and galagos get settled in Ndefu Grove together, came another day of relaxation for the Lion and Pony Guard to allow them to unwind and mentally prepare themselves for their next battle. During which Spike and Bunga had agreed to accompany Rarity to the Ponyville caverns where it is a loaded gold mine for diamonds. Diamonds the unicorn needs for her suits and dresses with the young dragon hungrily eyeing them since it’s his source for his favorite treats, which is very common for dragons nowadays.

“The last time I was here, I woke them and ended up with a mane full of bats!” Rarity expressed in a hushed tone to avoid waking said bats sleeping up on the cave ceiling while cringing and batting her front mane curl. She then sighed in relief and smiled at her two companions. “Thanks for being my basket holders, Spike. You too Bunga.”

“Basket holders? I thought we were your bodyguards.”

“Yeah! Me too!”

“What?” Rarity giggled realizing she did say that before hoof. “Oh, heh, yes, yes, that of course, too. Oh, for once I wish unicorn magic wasn't so...luminescent!”

Just then a sudden bright glow shined inside the cave, along with getting the bats to bat open an eye starting to wake up because of it. Said light is coming from Spike who’s body is glowing uncontrollably.

“Spike! You'll wake the bats! Turn that off!” Rarity desperately urged of him.

“Ugh, I can't!” Spike insisted while finding himself unable to stop scratching because of whatever is happening with his body.

“Uh oh.” Bunga said realizing what’s going to happen as the bats all move to swarm all over them. “Not on my watch!” Rarity gasped before listening to the honey badger while quickly whisking up face masks for herself and Spike before carrying the latter on his back so she can rush themselves out of the cave before their friend could unleash his gassy weapon on them.

Thanks to that, the bats were all knocked out and rendered unconscious, allowing the proud honey badger to whisk up the diamonds Rarity needed today before making his way out of the cave. “The good ole stink bomb. Never fails.”

Meanwhile, Twilight, Kion, and Kiara are all gathered together at the former’s castle where they’ve managed free time so that the adult lions, along with the alicorn sisters could come by for a casual brunch visit. Something that they have arranged to have once a month.

“I'm so glad you all could come!” Twilight happily expressed.

“Yeah! Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Kion added in agreement.

“Me neither.” Kiara said likewise.

“Of course.” Luna returned feeling equally pleased. “We so rarely get a chance to relax and just visit.”

“There's usually some crisis we have to deal with.” Celestia added. “Somepony always needs our help.”

“Not to mention dealing with the ongoing stress and strategy of dealing with an ongoing war.” Simba added while trying his hardest to maintain a positive cool-headed outlook for one day for his family’s sake. “But for once I’m glad I had a clear slot in my schedule to make this possible. Especially for family.”

“Well said, Simba.” Nala said approving of what she is hearing and is listening to her wishes along with listening to what his own mental health need’s. “And always like prior months, this gathering’s quite delightful. And…”

Just then they heard Rarity’s shrieks of help as she entered the room with Spike in tow. “Help! Twilight! There's something wrong with Spike!”

“What's wrong?”

“What is it?”

Both leaders of the Guard asked.

“Phew! And what’s that smell?” Kiara asked after his nose picked up something foul before seeing Bunga follow in after them. “Never mind. I don’t want to know why.”

“Aside from having to scare the bats away from attacking both Rarity and Spike…” Kiara frowned in response. “...it all just happened when we were out diamond digging.”

“And then all of a sudden, my scales just started glowing and... burning!” Spike added as he still can’t stop himself from scratching himself like crazy.

Upon close examination Princess Luna was quick to explain why. “Little is known about dragon culture, but this is a phenomenon we've seen before. It is the call of the Dragon Lord.”

“Dragons glow whenever the Dragon Lord has need of them in the Dragon Lands.” Princess Celestia further added.

“Great... H-How do I make it stop?!”

“The only way to end the summons is to answer it.” Princess Luna answered. “You must journey to the Dragon Lands and see what is expected of you.”

“What?!” Kion exclaimed in shock at the idea. “But the Dragon Lands are dangerous!”

“Yeah!” Rarity also exclaimed equally shocked. “And they're full of ghastly and rotten creatures!” She then had to correct herself after seeing Spike. “Oh, oh, not you, of course, Spikey-wikey. But remember that rotten Garble?”

“How could I forget?” Spike nervously gulped upon recalling said memory. “He would have burnt us to a crisp if you weren't there. If I have to go to the Dragon Lands, would you four come with me?” He then asked of Rarity, Twilight, Bunga, and Kion.

“Of course!”


“Anything for you, Spike.”

They all replied very quick to offer support and back up for him for the trip.

“How about you, Twilight? Will you come too?” Spike asked hoping it isn’t too much for her given of how much she cares of him like a beloved son.

“Yes!” Twilight calmly replied much to Spike's further relief and delight. “Like I wasn’t thinking of going with you to ensure you’re safe or even let you go alone? Because if you were think again?” Twilight further assured with a motherly hug. “And who knows maybe I might gain more information on dragon culture and customs out of it.” She then had to reign in her own excitement for Spike’s sake. “That is of course when everything all is good with your well-being.”

“Be very careful.” Princess Celestia cautioned. “The Dragon Lands are particularly dangerous for ponies. It would be wise to be discreet.”

“And I don’t need to remind you of what could have happened the last time you were in the Dragon Lands, Kion.” The lion king reminded.

“Nope.” Kion shook his head understanding of what’s expected from him while there. “We’ll be careful to the best of our ability.”

“And be safe.” Nala added out of motherly instinct while she and Simba both gave their son a farewell hug with Kiara joining in wishing her brother the best of luck as well.

“I will. We just need to be more stealthier this time.”

“Ooh!” Rarity remembered something. “I'm sure I still have the dragon costume we used the last time we snuck into the Dragon Lands!”

“Actually…” Twilight spoke up with something else in mind. “I think we might want something a little more practical this time.”

“Like what?” Kion asked as he observed the alicorn lighting her horn for a magical solution...

...to which nobody can see.

“Wow! We’re invisible!” Bunga commented in amazement with the spell Twilight cast on her allowing only himself, Twilight, Kion, and Rarity to be able to see each other while invisible.

“Oh! I see!” Kion remarked equally amazement before doing the same for himself and Rarity.

“Hmmm…” Rarity commented. “Well, it may be practical, but this disguise isn't flattering in the slightest!”

Twilight was quick to hush her. “It's not supposed to be flattering. It's supposed to blend in! And by being invisible, nobody can see us.”

“Shh!” Spike who is sitting on a nearby rock quickly hushed his friends as many dragons who have gathered are all taking their seats on the nearby rocks too awaiting for what the Dragon Lord seeks of them.

During which a certain red dragon crossed paths with Spike. “Hey-hey, look! It's our old friend Sparkle-warkle.” He mockingly greeted.

“It's Spike.” The young dragon irritably corrected.

“Are you sure your pony friends didn't give you a pony name? And what about your little animal friends, huh? Did they go you an animal name, too?”

“It's nice to see you too, Garble.” Spike crossed his arms while scowling at him who likewise scowled back at him.

“I didn't say it was nice to see you. It's not. I don't like you. Was I not clear about that?” To prove his point he rudely shoved Spike off of the rock he was sitting on before making himself comfortable on it.

“Hey! That's my rock!”

“Oh, really? Then why aren't you sitting on it?”

The other dragons nearby laughed alongside him much to Spike’s further irritation. Though thankfully it didn’t last due to Twilight secretly using her magic to make the stones and rocks the other dragons were sitting out feel very hot to the point they all screamed and danced around like little girls.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!”

If anybody could see her, they would see her smirking with pleasure and relishing in seizing her moment for the opportunity presented to her.

Thankfully, before anything else can be questioned or said, the Dragon Lord himself made his appearance known so everyone’s all eyes and ears for why he has summoned them here. A large blue dragon with horns pointed downwards with orange scales, wings, and a tail with a large and booming voice to command respect who is now perched on a large stump over every dragon before him.

“Dragons of Equestria, hear me! I have been Dragon Lord for longer than many of you can remember, and my reign has been extraordinary!” After brief silence he then shouted and demanded. “Agree with me!”

The dragons all shouted in agreement along with shouting. “Torch! Torch! Torch! Torch!” After some lengthy shouting, the Dragon Lord raised a claw to get his followers to stop chanting.

“Who is that?” Spike asked upon noticing something up in the sky.

“It's Dragon Lord Torch, dummy.” Garble rudely returned thinking he meant the torch itself.

“No, next to him.” He corrected pointing towards the blue dragon floating by the Dragon Lord.

“That's his daughter, Princess Ember. I wouldn't even look at her if I were you, unless you want Torch to eat you!” Spike nervously gulped in response while hoping that he is not toast himself.

“This is fascinating!” Twilight whispered to both Kion and Rarity while secretly taking notes. “Dragons are notoriously reckless, but they do whatever the Dragon Lord says!”

“Who would have known?” Kion returned as it is news to him before turning their attention back to the Dragon Lord who then continues with what he has to say.

“Unfortunately, according to dragon law, it is time for me to step down. Sad, I know.” After brief silence yet again. “Be sad!” He then commanded thus getting his followers to cry. “This is why I have summoned you to compete for the throne in the Gauntlet of Fire!” The dragons all cheered in response finding this very exciting news as their Dragon Lord presented a gem crafted staff in his fingers due to his large size. “Whomever has the strength and fortitude to retrieve this blood stone scepter from the heart of the flame-cano will be crowned Lord of the Dragons!” He then proceeded to casually flick the staff into a random volcano not too far away which erupted the moment it landed inside the caldera, causing a magical explosion and eruption that caused the shimmering magic on all of the dragons to dispel.

“When the scepter disappeared, the dragons stopped glowing! We are learning so much!” Twilight proceeded to continue writing notes as the Dragon Lord continued explaining of how this challenge works.

“The Gauntlet is dangerous, for I designed it myself! Only dragons with my ferocity, strength, and determination will be able to finish. We will gather at the cliff when the sun is at its peak!”

While all of the other dragons cheered, Spike however saw this as a window of opportunity to sneak away. “I don't want to be Dragon Lord or dragon toast, and I stopped glowing, so let's sneak out of here!” He whispered to the others.

But before he could get Twilight to turn him invisible, he was quickly spotted by the Dragon Lord. “Ah! Where do you think you're going, little dragon?!” The other dragons stood aside in order to ensure that he is directly asking Spike and can’t sidestep him when addressed.

“Oh, uh, hi, your Lordship. Uh, I was just going home!”

The Dragon Lord leaned his head down to his eye level to speak more directly to him. “You don't get to leave unless I say you can!”

His daughter Ember however understood his reasons for wanting to back out before flying down to his level to back him up. “Dad, look at him. He's just a runt. Besides, he doesn't even wanna compete. Let him go.”

“He is rather tiny, heh-heh.” He admitted with a chuckle. “I could squish him with my pinky claw.” Spike nervously chuckled in response trying to laugh it off as a joke, though no one was laughing about it not even the Dragon lord himself. “That wasn't a joke. It was a fact. When I want you to laugh, I will say "be amused!"

“Of course, your Lordship! I, uh, guess I don't understand dragon customs. Another reason why I shouldn't compete.”

“Hm.” And after hearing that, the Dragon Lord conceded to their valid reasons. “Very well then, little dragon. I release you.”

“Thank you!” He also made sure to extend his thanks to the dragon who vouched his case for him. “And thank you.”
Ember however rolled her eyes back before setting out to meet with the other dragons at the cliff…

...only to be quickly stopped and caught her father before she could get by. “Where do you think you're going?”

“To prepare for the Gauntlet.”

“No, you're not. You're not much bigger than that runt I just sent home!”

“But I'm smarter than most of these boulderheads and you know it!” Ember protested as she flew up to his eye level.

“Being smart won't help you win this Gauntlet! It was designed for a big, strong dragon to win, because it takes a big, strong dragon to lead! Besides, I said no!” He then shouted loudly to the point he sent her flying a little leaving the disgruntled dragon to growl and fly off on her own.

“I hate when he does that!”

And she wasn’t the only who felt that way as both Twilight and Kion took great offense to that dismissal since the former managed to conquer a kingdom and the latter relies a little more on his intelligence when performing his duties as leader of the Lion Guard.

At the same time they managed to take a look at the other ‘eligible’ competitors who are already voicing what they have in mind should one of them become Dragon Lord.

“Ha. When I become Dragon Lord, I will make burps an official greeting!” Maar, the light purple dragon vainly declared.

“Ha, you? Please!” The brown dragon, Barry scoffed. “When I win, I will pillage Equestria for all their pillows. Why should these ponies be comfortable while we sleep on rocks?”

“That's nothing!” Garble scoffed at the both of them. “When I'm in charge, the first thing I'll do is get revenge on those puny ponies! They'll regret they ever crossed Garble! We'll take whatever we want from Equestria and burn the rest!”

“Hevi Kabisa!”

“Oh, my gosh!”

Both Kion and Twilight whispered to the others in horror of what this means going forward.

“Ooh, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope that burping dragon wins!” Rarity expressed while cringing at these less than ideal candidates to become Dragon Lord.

”Me too!” Bunga agreed. “But I mean it won’t be too bad, right?”

“No! None of them can win!” Spike stated. “Equestria's in big trouble if any of them are in charge!”

“Which could mean bad news for the Pride Lands once they hear about it.” Kion added while feeling the dread and anxiety from when Scar took over the Pride Lands a couple years back surfacing up a bit.

“But what can we do?” Rarity asked knowing that they can’t be Dragon Lord themselves.

“There's only one thing to do, and only I can do it!” Spike then bravely declared. “I have to win the Gauntlet of Fire!”

“Oh…” The others expressed in worry at the very idea.

“What do you mean you have to win the Gauntlet?” Rarity asked first while both Kion and Twilight dispelled of the invisibility spells.

“It's the only way to protect Equestria from the dragons. You heard them! They have horrible plans for ponies if they win! So somehow, I have to do it!”

“But there has to be another way.” Kion then asserted. “It's too dangerous. Besides, if you win, you'd have to stay here!”

“I know, but there's no other way to keep my friends safe.”

“I understand.” Twilight said while trying to figure out how they can help while being supportive of Spike’s wishes. “Well, if you're staying to compete, then we're staying to cheer you on!”

"Yeah!” Bunga cheered himself. “Win that Gauntlet and rule all over those mean dragons who will bow before you, Garble too.”

“Thanks.” Spike thanked before setting out towards the cliff where every dragon is meeting up to begin the competition with the invisibility spell recast as they all watch after him every step of the way.

At the same time, between Twilight knowing of another dragon that has true leadership potential moved to seek said dragon out.

“Twilight?” Kion spoke up upon spotting her. “Where are you going?”

“To pursue another idea.” She said after reappearing right beside him. “But in the meantime, just keep watching after Spike while I'm gone."

Kion could only look on confused but none of the less obliged to tailing Spike along with the others while Twilight goes off on her own to ensure Equestria’s safety without losing Spike win or lose.

Though she isn’t the only one who sees this phenomenal change of events for the dragons as something that can be used to their advantage since both Lightning Dust and Wind Rider who have secretly witnessed this conversation from afar, were quick to report this discovery to Scar himself inside one the nearby volcanoes where only they can see his fiery spirit.

“Did you get all of that, Scar?”

“A new change in leadership is about to happen among the dragons.”

“Yes, I did. You did well to report this to me you two.” Scar looked on ahead at what he is seeing right in front of them. “And this certainly changes things, especially when said change could change the direction of Equestria’s future going forward.”

“No kidding! Many of those dragons are sure going to wreak havoc on all of Equestria, the Pride Lands too once they find out about the place.” Lightning added.

“They sure will.” Scar agreed before thinking to himself of how to handle this before focusing his full attention on the mean red dragon, Garble, along with the more honorable blue dragon, Ember. “And with many dragons filled with a burning passion to wreak havoc on any kingdom they come across this could also be an opportunity to burn down our enemies.“

“So how do you want to handle this?” Wind Rider asked.

“The same way Twilight, Kion, Rarity, and Bunga are handling it.” He answered while spotting them getting by the Dragon Lands invisible. “By following the potential winners closely. And once they are where the coveted Gauntlet is, we give them a fight they can’t handle. At least long enough for the more deserving dragon to obtain it.”

“So you want us to follow after them?”

"Correct, old timer.” Scar nodded much to the pony’s irritation to which the other pony chuckled at his expense until he added. “Both you and Lightning.”


“Yes you too. Is that a problem?”

“No.” She quickly shook her head.

Scar looked at the Pegasus in the eyes unconvinced, wanting a more solid answer. “Not too slow for you, Snails?”

Hearing that sparked a more fiery, positive, and determined answer. “Heck, no! I can handle a couple of Rainbow Crash’s pony friends! Let’s go!” She stated to Wind Rider as they moved to follow suit.

“That’s what I like to hear and see!” Scar said with a satisfied and evil smile before disappearing from the flames so he can continue to secretly observe their work in progress.

At the cliff where the Dragon Lord oversees all of the dragons preparing to compete to become his new successor with a handful of dragons wearing armor for the occasion, he finds that Spike has to decided to join them. “I thought I released you, tiny one!” He quickly questioned said dragon.

“I decided to compete. I am a dragon, after all.”

“Are you sure? You can't even fly!” Garble once more mocked with the other dragons following suit.

Dragon Lord Torch the only one who didn’t laugh along with one other dragon dressed and decked with gold armor, moved to state that it’s no issue. “All dragons are welcome to compete, but they do so at their own peril! Flying to Flame-cano Island is the first of many challenges you will face in your quest to find the bloodstone scepter!” With a mighty roar of fire, the dragons all flew out towards where the scepter is located.

“Good luck! Just kidding. I hope you lose.” Garble said to Spike before kicking him off of the cliff and into the water.

“Thanks, Garble! I was planning on swimming anyway!” Spike sarcastically returned before setting out to do so while his friends follow from behind unseen.

“You can do it, Spike!” Rarity cheered.

But of course, getting the scepter isn’t as easy as it looks due to a swarm of giant sea worms emerging from the water spraying geyser sized streams of water on them with intent to knock them out. A good handful of dragons were taken out because of it. It also didn’t help for them to think to expect some kind of obstacle along the way. During which Garble got a taste of water while backing into the dragon with gold armor who got hit from behind and knocked out because of him as he continued forward without further trouble. Thus leaving the dragon, to hit the water down below right in front of Spike who had just enough time to witness the dragon submerging underwater.

“He's gonna drown!” Wasting no time, Spike moved to dive into the water to save the dragon.

“Spike!” Kion called after him in worry when he did so.

Fortunately, he didn’t sink too deep and Spike managed to quickly rescue the dragon before making their way on over to the shore where he would stay until he was sure he came to the rescue in time.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked the dragon upon seeing opening eyes. He then removed the helmet so the dragon can breath and when that happened he came across on who he just saved. “Princess Ember!”

“What do you think you're doing?” The dragon sternly asked in return while getting to her feet.

“Only saving your ungrateful scales!” Rarity answered while frowning at her for the way she is talking to him.

“Yeah!” Bunga voiced in agreement. “You know a “thank you.” is the least you could do for the dragon who just saved your life.” Though he found himself nervously smiling and clasped his mouth upon being given daggers by the others for jumping the gun and blowing their cover while doing so.

Hearing all of this sparked confusion from the dragon as she looked around and saw only Spike’s nervous smile. “Why are voices I don’t know where talking to me? What is going on?” She demanded of Spike to answer. But before the conversation could escalate, the voices she heard appeared before her. “Ponies?! A lion?! And...a mongoose.” She spoke in shock upon seeing them.

“No.” Bunga shook his head now further annoyed. “I’m a honey badger.”

“Whatever. What are they doing here?!”

“They're my friends!”


“That’s right!” Bunga proudly stated.

“Hard to believe but it’s true.” Kion then said to confirm it.

“Dragons don't do friends.”

“Well, this dragon does.”

“Whatever. I don't care as long as none of you get in my way. I have a Gauntlet to win.”

“But wait?!” Bunga spoke up feeling the need to ask. “I thought your dad said that…”

“I don't care what my dad said!” Ember angrily interrupted nearly knocking the honey badger off of his feet. “I'll show him and every dragon who thinks I'm just a little princess there are better things than being big and strong!”

Just then Garble was brought down by a large creature who tossed a large boulder on his body and pinned him down onto the ground nearby. Seeing them, had Kion and Twilight quickly recast the invisibility spell over the other non-dragons including themselves.

“Don’t leave me here, Spike!” Garble pleaded while struggling to remove the boulder from his body. Even though he had no reason to, Spike went ahead and helped free Garble from the boulder he was trapped under. And once he was free he wasted no time in gloating at him for it along with kicking dirt in his face. “Ha-ha! Knew you'd do it. Your pony friends made you soft.”

“Uh-huh.” Spike returned sarcastically since he expected that. “You're welcome.”

“For what? I didn't say thank you.” He then caught a whiff of him. “Wow, you even smell like ponies.” He sniffed once more and managed to pinpoint that it is coming from nearby. “Or is it coming from over there? And is it also coming from a lion and a skunk by any chance?” Bunga growled in further irritation and anger but had Kion holding him back to keep him from blowing their cover.

Imitating a gruff voice, Ember quickly spoke up while clamping a claw on his nose. “Uh, that's just me. I, uh, robbed some ponies on my way over here.”

Already Garble was impressed with the dragon he is seeing and hearing. “Huh, I like your style. Have I met you before?” He moved to examine her. “You kind of look like…”

Spike quickly rushed over to cover for her. “My, uh, old neighbor! Uh, Sandy... Rockbeach!” From nearby and unseen, Kion and Twilight both put a hoof and paw to their faces at that hastily scrambled up name he came up with on the spot.

Even while finding it a bit fishy, his attention was drawn back to the large creature that knocked him down here in the first place. “Stupid slingtails knocked me down! But I've wasted enough time making small talk. Get it? Ha-ha! Because you're too small[ to win this! I'm funny.” With another rude shove to Spike’s face. He continued his way on over to where the gauntlet is located.

“Yeah...no.” Bunga dryly remarked before using his smelly spray to disorient him and thus managed to get him knocked down and pinned by another boulder.

After that had happened, Ember turned her attention back to Spike now astonished with what he just did. “Why did you cover for me? You could've had one less competitor.”

“I could ask you the same thing. You could've told Garble about my friends.” Spike returned before catching attention to more dragons getting knocked down to the ground by more boulders.

“Yikes…” Ember winced. “That looks rough. But that's what makes it a challenge.”

“Are you kidding? Those boulders are huge!” Just then Spike himself got an idea. “Hey, what if we worked together? You fly me up there, and I'll help look out for boulders, like a second set of eyes!”

As soon as he made that offer, Rarity whispered. “Pssst!” To get him over for a quick word and opinion on the matter. “Spike! Are you sure it's a good idea to team up with Ember? You don't know her too well.”

“I do know she could've told Garble about you, but she didn't.” Spike pointed out to which no one dared to argue with him there. “I think we can trust her.”

“I agree.” Twilight said already liking the idea. “Her behavior does seem contradictory to everything I've noted about dragons so far.”

“As much as it seems risky, I don’t see why not.” Kion said unable to disagree with it himself since the fate of Equestria and the Pride Lands depends on a truly worthy Dragon Lord. "It may be our only shot at preventing an all-out war with the dragons."

“I say let him do this! It’ll make it easier!” Bunga encouraged.

“Hey, you, little fella!” Ember called out to the dragon to get him over to her so she can speak to him. “I've thought about it, and your plan makes sense. Let's do it.”

And Spike himself felt delighted to hear that. “Really? Great! It's a deal!” He moved to shake on it though differing customs had him settling for a pinkie shake.

“Just so you know, this doesn't mean we're gonna pick flowers or exchange necklaces or whatever pony friends do.” She reminded before walking ahead.

“Wouldn’t expect you too.” Bunga said after her with a smug smile knowing for sure she’ll definitely see things their way by the end of the day.

“Good luck. We'll meet you at the top.” Twilight waved after Spike before he moved to catch up with Ember for this new alliance.

In order to get by the flying rocks and boulders, Spike rode on Ember’s back while guiding her so she doesn’t get hit by them.

“Pull up! There's one on your tail!” Spike alerted when he spotted one thrown from behind to which she did so on time. “Go left!” And it all worked wonders and allowed them to get by unharmed only seconds behind Garble who had managed to free himself alone this time. “So what do we do now?” He asked now that they made it to the cave entrance.

“I think we go through there.” Ember pointed to the main entrance they landed in front of where two dragons went inside. But seconds later, they returned outside after getting fired, literally after being reduced to burnt small puppies.

“Oh, that looks scary!” Rarity yelped before correcting herself. “I mean, you can do it!”

Before doing so, Ember then spoke with Spike with something on her mind after he went out of his way to help her. “Listen, Spike. I wouldn't have made it this far without you. So I guess, if you want to, we could keep working together. I mean, just until we get through that tunnel.” She then offered.

It didn’t take even a second for Spike to make up his mind. “Okay!”

“We'll be right behind you!” Twilight vowed before she and the other invisible friends followed after them.
Upon going inside the cave, the two have found their next challenge, rocks, stalagmites, all moved up and down with the sole purpose of crunching down on those who try to fly and make their way across. By even with seeing of how difficult it is the two proceeded on forward with the same eye to eye coordination that allowed them to get on by without a scratch even pulling ahead of Garble who found himself held up by a couple of rocks that sandwiched him in the middle. But even still he managed to squeeze by and keep himself close behind the two.

Then while the two dragons were making their way by the large crystals that try to land and attack them from side to side, one crystal nearly fell and landed on Ember had Spike not pushed her out of the way. An act that had earned himself a smile as they continued forward while pressing forward even ignoring Garble who managed to walk himself into getting slammed to the side by the crystals in a moment of blind arrogance.
Next up is an area of the cave where they find large pools of lava all streaming down like a water fountain, ponies have made sculptures with. But before they could proceed they heard familiar voices right behind them.

“Oh, you made it!” Rarity expressed in relief. “Oh, we were so worried!”

“About us?” Spike scoffed it off like it was no big deal. “That tunnel was cake!” But then he instantly passed out a second later to showcase that it was really the most heart-beating experience they’ve dealt with.

“Wait.” Ember realized upon seeing them. “How did you two get through?”

“Easy!” Bunga smirked with crossed arms. “We just followed right behind you like Garble was…all without getting hit and battered by the obstacles we’ve encountered.” He then heavily panted. “And boy, that was the hardest obstacle course I’ve ever encountered.”

Just then rumbling shook the ground they were standing on causing Rarity to lose her balance and nearly tumble over the cliff.

“Rarity!” Wasting no time, Spike was quick to grab a hold of her just before she could fall over and pulled her to safety.

“Phew! Oh, thanks, Spike!” Rarity expressed in further relief.

“It was nothing.” Spike humbly returned.

“Nothing? You just risked everything to save her!” Ember pointed out saying it speaks more volume than a simple good deed. “And they're putting themselves in danger just to support you!”

“Well, that's just what friends do. Don't you have anyone who looks out for you?”

“Not really. Unless I count you.” She admitted before doing a sudden 180 on him. “Which I don't! Because we were only helping each other get through the tunnel, and now we're through the tunnel, so that's it.”

“Wait, what do you mean?” Spike asked confused by this sudden change.

“Well, there's only one winner, one scepter, and one Dragon Lord. So I guess it's every dragon for themselves.” Ember coldly reasoned.

“Oh.” Spike returned looking quite hurt by that declaration. “So we aren't really friends?”

“Maybe if we were in Ponyland, but like I said, dragons don't do friendship.” She confirmed before flying off leaving Spike in the dust much to his dishearten dismay.

So with that, Spike continued his way on foot. “I can't believe Ember ditched me.” He then uttered in bitter disappointment.

“Me neither.” Bunga said equally bitter and disappointed.

“Oh, you're better off.” Rarity tried to assure. “She was only looking out for herself. She's just like all the other dragons.”

“She's not, though. I know it.” Spike asserted otherwise. “She saved me, even when she didn't have to. I don't care what she says. That makes us friends.”

“I agree.” Twilight replied fully believing that’s the case herself but yet still not deterred and thinking this is the end between them. “I think she really just needs more time to understand there is no shame in that.”

Before Kion could pursue the topic further, he then noticed something odd with their current surroundings. “Hey, is it just me, or have we seen this crevasse three times already?”

“It's kinda hard to tell.” Spike honestly replied. “They all look the same.” Then he spotted something else that caught his eye. “Except for this one!” He ran ahead towards said crevasse which led them all towards the sole area that contains the Gauntlet. “Look! We made it! I can't believe I'm the only dragon to make it this far!”

But then trouble arisen when one dragon made his voice and presence known to him. “You're not!” Garble stated with angry eyes before getting right up in his face. “And I'm not losing to a puny pony-loving dragon like you!” He proceeded to grab him by the head ready to throw him over the side for a deep fall.

Rarity yelped in shock with what she is seeing. “We have to do something!”

“Look!” Twilight pointed out to something that caught her eye...

Ember who quickly came to his rescue and knocked Garble off of his feet while doing so and ended up knocking into a magical gold dome that Kion quickly produced on instinct while Twilight quickly produced a magical trampoline like barrier to bounce Spike to upwards and into Ember’s claws when she swooped down to catch him.

“Ember!” Spike exclaimed in delight upon being caught by her savior. “I thought it was every dragon for themselves! Why did you save me?!”

“That's what friends do!” She admitted along with trying to correct her choice of words to an extent to no avail. “And I am. I mean, we are. I never should have left you back there. Agh, please don't make me talk about my feelings!” She groaned apologetically.

Just after recovering from the impact had ended the invisibility spell both Twilight and Kion had been casting thus exposing the whole group for Garble to see.

“What the?!” He growled menacingly upon recognizing them.

“Yes, Garble. It’s us!” Bunga declared with his fists raised ready for a fight along with Kion, Twilight, and Rarity who all got into fighting stances as well. “Remember us! Because if you do then you’re in for a world of hurt. And if you don't well...still the same outcome.”

Garble growled while trying to lunge a claw at him before finding himself tackled by the leader of the Lion Guard with a fierce drive to protect his friend. He then proceeded to follow it up by putting the dragon in a hold with his claws literally digging deep into his scales to make it painfully clear he will not allow any harm towards him.

“So if I were you, I’d give up and leave in peace because you’re outnumbered and you’re all alone.” Kion then stated with a fierce look ready to do more if he doesn’t stand down now.

“Not anymore!” Lightning Dust stated with her voice echoing inside the cave before slamming herself right into Kion to knock him off of Garble. “Because now we’re looking at a much fairer fight.”

Just then Wind Rider appeared before moving to engage himself in another fight with the detective that exposed him to which she was quick to back flip her way before rebounding with a karate kick to the face that knocked him aside.

"I see we still haven't learned our lesson since the last time we fought, Wind Rider?"

"Keep dancing and prancing, detective. And we'll see who's really learned from the last time we fought."

The two exchanged before resuming their duel.

Instantly and on instinct, Bunga leaped right around Lightning to force her off of his friend. “Zuka Zama!”

Lightning growled before proceeding to duel the two with quick and precise attacks and moves since it’s two on one but not without using her super speed.

With that, it left Twilight to deal with Garble herself. “Well, guess it’s just you and me. Bring it!”

Garble growled in response before lunging to attack the alicorn princess who immediately conjured a shield and sword with her magic to counter his attempted moves. Through a combo of using her shield to block off his attacks along with using her sword to keep him at bay it was an even fight where no one had the edge of the other.

But even seeing said fights going on prompted Ember to take action to assist them to keep them from getting hurt. “Spike! Get the scepter!” Spike ran off to do so without second though while the ongoing fight went on.

Wasting no time, Ember made a straight charge for Garble just when Twilight was able to deliver a magical blow to the face to force him tumbling backwards. She had managed to pin the red dragon briefly before he broke free from her grasp and made a straight charge for Spike who was nearing the Gauntlet.

But before he could reach Spike, Twilight quickly rushed over to body slam the dragon away from him with Ember following it up by dragging him upwards. After several seconds of tugging, Garble was able to grab onto Ember’s throat before pinning back down to the ground where they wrestled among one another.

With the specter with his reach, he saw that Ember is starting to have along with Twilight needing another minute to fully recover from the body slam hit she delivered to Garble prompted Spike himself to take action to stop their opponent.

Acting quick, he leaped onto Garble pulling onto his scales for a few seconds up until he managed to toss him aside. The little dragon nearly fell over when his grip slipped away. But luckily, Twilight had fully recovered to come to his rescue by working her magic into roping it around Spike’s arm. Once she had fully secured him in her magical grasp she levitated him upwards and flung him right in between Ember and Garble. From there Spike unleashed a tail whip along with a breath of fire that burned his face while knocking him backwards.

But at this point, Garble was now madder than mad when he attempted one last lung at the three. “I'm sick and tired of you two helping each other! And I’m sick of you helping too! Dragons don't do helping! Ponies don’t fight alongside dragons!”

"These dragons do!”

“And so do these ponies, lion, and honey badger!”

Both Ember and Twilight asserted before they along with Spike went in for one last offensive charge.

Twilight went first by unleashing a series of attacks with her sword to which Garble barely blocked, easily blocking off the one attack he could try with her shield before delivering a solid punch to the face that knocked him backwards.

Then Spike went next going for a charge to which Garble was quick to catch and moved to toss him upwards into the air. But with his eyes focused on the little guy he was unprepared for Ember charging in and flipping him over her head followed by Spike finishing it off by performing a solid four limb punch and kick then knocked him out cold.

At that moment, the others had managed to defeat both the former Wonderbolts and send them packing home with bruises and scratches on their bodies. And at perfect timing since the other dragons had managed to get by all of the other obstacles forcing the non ponies to readopt their invisibility disguises to avoid being seen.

But that was plenty of time, for Spike himself with Ember’s backing since she feels he truly deserves it, moving to obtain the scepter. When that happened it glowed brightly and unleashed a power blast of red fiery magic that burst through the top of the volcano and up into the sky, signalling to every dragon that a winner has been declared.

"Leave her alone!” Spike declared while catching Garble trying to sneak up on Ember.

“What? You?! You have the scepter?!” Garble was left at a loss of words. “But that means that you're…”

“The Dragon Lord. Dragon Lord Spike.” Ember declared with a bow with the other dragons following suit with each and every one of them present giving Spike a look of respect.

Garble groaned before following suit as he had no choice but to concede to defeat. “Dragon... Lord... Spike…”

“That's right!” He firmly stated before giving Garble his first command as Dragon Lord. “Uh... Now, go start your long journey home. And give every dragon you see on the way a hug. Don't tell them why.”

“Awww! But that'll be super embarrassing!” Garble whined but Spike wasn’t backing down. After all he deserves this punishment.

“I command you to do it!” He once more ordered.

"I can't believe this…” Garble grumbled in annoyance before carrying out his orders with the first dragon, a large blue dragon with silver armor, the first dragon he hugs to which he very much enjoyed.

“Dragon Lord Spike. Hm, has a nice ring to it.” Ember proudly said to him.

But even with his victory, Spike decided to hand the scepter to Ember instead of keeping it. “Dragon Lord Ember sounds a lot better.”

Ember looked on in surprise and astonishment by that decision before trying to give it back to him. “What?” No. You're the Dragon Lord now.” She insisted even when the staff briefly glowed it’s red magic.

But Spike’s mind was already made up when he refused to take the staff back. “The Dragon Lord is whoever brings the scepter back to your father! Besides, you'll make a great leader. I was just doing this to protect the ponies along with their friends. But I know you'll protect them just as well as I would have.”

“You sure about this?”

“Absolutely. My home is in Equestria with my friends both there and the Pride Lands.”

Ember felt touched by his commendable actions. “Well, you'll have at least one friend here too.” Spike then moved to hug her much to her discomfort. “What are you doing?”

“It's called a hug!”

“Oh. I don't know if I like it. But... okay.” While surprised she still accepted it instead of pushing it away as evidenced by patting his scales with an embarrassed blush.

“Awww!” Both Twilight and Bunga said while watching the scene while Rarity giggled and Kion looked on with pride.

Sometime later, all of the dragons now led under Ember’s command made their way back to Dragon Lord Torch who was awaiting the winner from the perch where he gave his earlier announcement. And the sight of the winner was something he did not expect at all.

"Ember? You?!”

"I know you didn't think I could do it, but I did.” She assertively stated.

“I expressly told you not to do it, because you're not—!” He angrily shouted before being cut off by his daughter who still stood her ground.

“I'm not big and strong. I know. But you know what? I won anyway. So maybe it takes more than just being big and strong to be a good Dragon Lord!”

Upon seeing the other dragons smiling and nodding in approval after having learned a thing or two from her, he came to soften and humble himself up with his next words. “I was wrong, Ember. You might not be big, but you are strong and smart, and perhaps that counts for more than I thought. And you will make an excellent leader.” He then declared with a proud smile as she landed on his head

“Thanks, dad.” Turning back to the other dragons. “Agree with him!” She shouted at them who all looked on in brief confusion. “Just kidding! That's not gonna be my thing.” She quickly assured.

The Dragon Lord himself got a chuckle out of it before making it official. “Dragons, hear me! I present to you our new Dragon Lord, Ember!”

The dragons all cheered and applauded for her as she floated upwards and waved to everyone.

And at that moment, Garble arrived to give the now former Dragon Lord a hug on his snout much to his discomfort and confusion. “Hm? What is the meaning of this?!” He demanded.

“I can't tell you!”

From above, Princess Ember laughed in amusement seeing the karma hit hard for the dragon who gave everyone around him a tough time.

So with a new and trustworthy leader at the helms in the Dragon Lands, the accompanying Lion and Pony Guard now visible for all eyes to see made their way back home, now feeling accomplished with what they have done today.

“You did well, Spike.” Twilight complimented her adopted son. “With Ember as Dragon Lord, the ponies will be safe and you've gained us a powerful ally.”

“And a new friend!” Spike added.

“Plus, Ember said I could write to her anytime I had questions about dragon culture! With this much information, I'll be able to write a whole book on dragons!”

“And have someone by her side in case Scar and his army make their next move.” Kion added.

“Of course.” Twilight acknowledged. “And with what happened back there, I’m sure she’ll have questions with me about it. So we can expect some writing on the matter sooner than you think.”

“Not only that. I gained tons of ideas for a new line of camouflage clothing!” Rarity stated with a new wave of inspiration in her head. “I think I'll call it "Camo-Maud"!

The group all shared a good laugh over it knowing full well of how closely named it is to Pinkie’s sister, Maud, as they continue making their way home as the sun sets.

"By the way, Twilight..." Kion then brought up. "...what exactly did you say to Ember before the whole competition between the dragons started?"

"Oh, that. Well I just gave her a little pep talk to convince her to participate in the competition with an open heart. So that way she'd be one of the dragons who would go and win alongside Spike and learn a thing or two about friendship." Twilight simply explained with a shrug. "Also because I wanted her to prove a point to her father about underestimating the power of brains and intellect over brute strength."

"Oh!" Kion realized now understanding why. "So you wanted that to happen?"


"Twilight..." Rarity then said who couldn't help but shake her head amused himself while admiring her. "...you are a pony with a way of words."


"That's Twilight for you." Spike added fully accepting of that.

The group laughed once more as they made their way back to Ponyville together.

At the same time, Scar looks on with his magic back as he spots them from afar coming towards the Equestrian borders with both Lighting Dust and Wind Rider by his side. Both looking hopeful, that Scar isn’t going to punish them for not getting Garble to become Dragon Lord.


“About what happened back there we….”

Both flyers began with fear.

“Both did well.” Scar finished not showing a hint of anger at what had happened back in the Dragon Lands.

“We did?” Both blinked in surprise and confusion.

“Of course. Even if it wasn’t the red dragon who won, I actually liked the blue one more, because she proved herself worthy of the title.”


Scar chuckled in response while looking in the Dragon Land’s direction with a sinister and dark smile. “Because of one thing we have in common. Brains over Brute Strength. Besides…” He then said and added. “...I’m quite certain a few words from myself should convince the new Dragon Lord to do what we want her to do. Under perfect timing...”

Author's Note:

Here in this episode, we have a new change in leadership among the dragons, and that meant a trip to the Dragon Lands to find out who is going to step up as the new leader. Initially Spike wasn't interested...at least until learning that there are no other suitable dragons truly qualified for the job...at least not ones that don't want to destroy Equestria.

But thankfully, that didn't happen thanks to Spike's own determination and a magic and friendship filled heart opening up to another dragon that actually is capable of friendship, and after tackling the journey to the gauntlet together, a new friendship between the two and by extension Equestria and the Pride Lands as a whole. So amazing, what showing kindness and friendship to others can do wonders for everyone involved.

Next week will be another friendship lesson for Starlight Glimmer as she finds herself making friends with someone who she can see eye to eye with alongside Twilight and without saying anything...

She's great, she's powerful, she's...

You get the idea, so stay tuned until then...