• Published 8th Mar 2024
  • 776 Views, 38 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 6) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard continue to keep the peace as they try to fight off Scar's continuing attempts to take over the Pride Lands and Equestria along with learning and teaching new friendship lessons along the way

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Episode 6: The Kilio Valley Fire

Episode 6:

The Kilio Valley Fire

As the following days pass, the daily patrols come and go. With Starlight in company, they had extra firepower on their side even though she is fully aware of the circumstances of her role in the Guard.

So far, things have calmed down in the Pride Lands but not enough to get everyone off-guard…

...at least until one day, the Army of Scar made their next move, by creating a fire at the elephants beloved and sacred home, Kilio Valley.

“That's it! Keep it up, everyone! We can't let the fire spread!” Kion instructed of everyone as they all work their hooves, paws, and magic in trying to neutralize the fire’s threat along with guiding the elephant herd to safety.

With Kion, Fluttershy, and Twilight taking lead in leading the herd away, to Starlight, Kyoga, and Rarity extinguishing the flames with their magic, to Fuli, Ono, Pinkie, Applejack, Beshte, and Bunga all creating burrows in order to cut the fire off from spreading any further and creating more damage than what has already happened. It was so far a progressively successful job on their part.

“Incoming!” Ono shouted while dumping dirt to extinguish the fire on the very top of a tree branch in front of him followed by Rainbow Dash swooping down from above to do the same to the nearby trees that were going to singe the elephants passing by.

“The fire break's done, Kion.” Fuli reported after doing so along with Pinkie who saluted to the leader of the Lion Guard once more.

“Great job, Fuli and Pinkie.”

“Applejack! Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called out. “Help Beshte and Bunga bury the flames!”

“You got it, Twilight.” Applejack proceeded to do so without second thought.

“On the double!” Rainbow stated before proceeding to continue her swift flying to put out the remaining fires as Applejack moved to help Beshte and Bunga dig up dirt to extinguish the fires on the ground.

“Heads up!” Ono called from above once more as he dealt the last fire the final blow to put it out for good.

Aside from a few trees, the elephant’s home has been saved from anymore damage.

“Great work, guys.” Kion congratulated after catching his breath a little. “The fire could have been a lot worse for Ma Tembo and the elephants.”

“But we did it!” Twilight stated feeling relieved before turning to Rainbow with a nod up towards the sky to make sure that all of the fires are truly gone who proceeded to do so.

“I’m just glad that the elephants still have a home. Just the very idea of all these Pride Landers without a home is just something I can’t even imagine happening.” Fluttershy expressed in relief before she and the rest of the Guard approach Ma Tembo's herd to give them the good news.

“Kilio Valley is safe now, Ma Tembo.”

“You're good to go back.”

Both Kion and Twilight happily reported.

“Thank you, Kion, Twilight. Lion and Pony Guard.” The leader of the elephants gratefully returned to their saviors.

“Too bad you didn't get here sooner.” One of the elephants, Zito, bitterly complained. “My favorite grove's been completely burned.”

“Zito. That's a small sacrifice compared to what could have been.” Ma Tembo quickly scolded.

“Not to mention a simple thank you is in order, Zito.” Rarity further scolded out of irritation to the elephant’s rude and ungrateful response. “If anything that’s better than nothing.”

Before the argument could continue, Rainbow Dash’s voice shouted out to everyone down below. “INCOMING!”

“What?” Starlight spoke up as she and Ono spotted more fire coming down from the guy. “Oh, no.” She spoke with wide-eyed horror.

“Uh, are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Applejack asked the others who all can see it clearly now.

“Yeah. What are those?” Fuli asked.

“I’ll see what I can see!” Ono squawked when one of the fires nearby singed his wings. “It's fire! From the sky! They must be embers from the fire!”

“No they’re not!” Twilight stated otherwise upon closely examining the branches the fire is coming from. “Those are recently lit branches! Fire bombs!”

“Which means Mzingo and his flock are up there!” Starlight also deduced.

Upon realizing what is happening, Twilight wasted no time in spreading her wings to take flight to the sky. “Starlight! Rainbow! You’re with me up in the skies! The rest of you, take care of neutralizing the fires that have already restarted. Fluttershy, guide the elephants to safety.”

All three ponies wasted no time in carrying out the alicorn princess’s commands.

“Let’s go!”

“Right behind you!”

“Got it!”

Just then Zito himself ended up stepping on an ember. “Gracious!”

With the aerial team already up in the skies, Kion took control in taking care of things on the ground. “Lion and Pony Guard, it's up to us to put out those fires!”

“But Kion, the fire's everywhere!” Ono pointed out.

“Then we will be too.” Kion stated with a resolve to stop this by any means.

“My strongest elephants can help, too.” Ma Tembo then said quick to offer her herd’s support. “Zito, Zigo, Johari. Help the Lion and Pony Guard fight these fires! The rest of you, follow me! And stay close!”

“Thank you, Ma Tembo!” Kion returned as she and the other elephants did as their leader told them to do before turning to those who stayed behind. “Okay. Zito, Zigo, you're with Fuli, Applejack, Pinkie, and Bunga on fire breaks.”

“Let's make sure they work this time.” Zito irritably said to the others which sparked irritated fury from the country pony and fashionista.

“Zito!” Rarity sharply growled with her flaring horn. “Mind your manners!”

“Yeah, what she said!” Applejack said with a snort from her nostrils. “Mind your manners!”

Zito rolled his eyes in response before doing of what the leader of the Lion Guard asked of him.

Up in the skies, Twilight and Rainbow were quick to spot out the source of the missing embers that keep coming down on the valley. And it is none other than their flying fiends that had Rainbow Dash sporting a very scornful scowl towards them.



“And Wind Rider!”

“Guilty as charged.” Mzingo returned without remorse before he and the others proceeded to drop more lit torched down towards the ground before being quickly engaged in battle with the two fliers with the magically levitating unicorn following suit.

“Johari. Beshte. Rarity. Kyoga. Ono. Put out as many flames as you can!”

“Got it.”

“We’ll do our best.”

Both Beshte and Rarity vowed before quickly getting to work.

Fuli got to work in making more fire breaks with Zito assisting in using the nearby dirt to put out the fires in front of them.

“I need to make more fire breaks! Keep putting out those flames!” Fuli instructed as she went off to do so.

“As if I wouldn't have otherwise…” Zito muttered under his breath which was met with Kyoga quickly extinguishing the fires that nearly touched his trunk.

“Heard that. Now focus!” She barked before moving to work her magic to serve as a fire extinguisher alongside Rarity.

“Gotcha.” Ono declared after catching and immediately snuffing a fire ember.

Back down on the ground, Bunga grabbed Zigo’s trunk to have it blow out the fire embers trying to land on the ground. “Not this time, falling sky-fires!” By working together they were able to snuff them out no problem. “Yeah! Gimme some trunk!” The two shared a fist-trunk bump together in celeberation.

But without realizing it a couple of fire embers moved to nearly land right on top of them, had Kyoga not quickly dispelled them with her magic when she did. “Maybe save the celebration until after we stop the fires, guys?!”

Both Bunga and Zigo nervously grinned back at her before proceeding to continue with their task.

At the same time both Pinkie and Johari are working alongside Beshte and Applejack who are both using their super strength in turning bolders onto the fires in order to put them out.

“We got this one, Johari!”

“Grab more dirt and get on the other fires!”

Johari quickly did as he was told to do while Pinkie followed after him while stuffing special confetti and water balloons into her party cannon that’ll help neutralize the fires faster.

Elsewhere Ma Tembo and Fluttershy are both guiding the herd to safety away from the fires.

“Stay close, everyone!”

“And keep your trunks to the ground where there's less smoke!”

Unfortunately for them, they came across a voice accompanied with faces that they’d wish they aren’t seeing right now.

“It ain't smoke you gotta worry about. It's us!” Janja told them while he and his clan appear right in front of them.

“You again, Janja?!”

“Hyenas. Circle the little ones, and move!”

The elephants proceeded to do so while Fluttershy stays behind to give the hyena clan her stare once more leaving the hyenas struggling to resist giving into her glare’s power. However, the hyenas didn’t come alone.

“Why, hello, elephants!” Reirei greeted with her pack of jackals by her side before making a lunge at the elephant leader’s feet.

“Away from the jackals, everyone! This way!” Ma Tembo tried to lead her herd in the only other escape route, but by then it was too late.

“Guess again, Ma Tembo.” Kiburi stated smugly leaving the elephants trumpeting for help just when a masked predator managed to get a sneak attack on Fluttershy while her back was turned in shock at seeing most of the Outsiders here right now.

“Face it, Ma Tembo. Between us and the fires, you got nowhere to go. Not even with your animal loving buddy, Fluttershy around.” Janja taunted as the predator, wearing black catsuit, gray hoodie, red shoulder pads and knee pads, and a white and red theater mask, proceeded to use his jaws to hold the knocked out and defenseless pony hostage while cackling triumphantly.

Said cackling alerted Ono, Rainbow, and Twilight of what else was happening at that moment just when they managed to repel the vultures and the enemy Pegasus ponies.

“Oh, no! Kion! Twilight! Ma Tembo's herd! They're surrounded by hyenas, jackals, and crocodiles...and some masked predator we don't even know! And they got Fluttershy!”

“They have Fluttershy?!” Rainbow reacted with alarmed anger while spotting them. “Not for long!”

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight’s voice stopped her before she could do anything. “Think it through and coordinate with the rest of the Guard before taking action! I don’t want you recklessly risking yourself getting captured too!”

Rainbow sighed before having to compose herself enough to take her warning to heart. Especially since she had just learned how to be patient after not doing so kicked her in the flank, many, many times.

“What about the rest of us?” Ono asked Kion as he spots the flying brigade of Scar’s army making their way back with a vengeance with a horde of changelings flying right beside them to lead them back onto the battlefield. “Oh, no!” He gasped upon seeing the reinforcements coming their way. “Kion!”

“I see them, Ono!” Kion stated as the sight along had him making a tough decision here. Especially upon seeing that the Guard is now fighting a battle they can no longer win.

“So... What do we do?” Ono nervously asked.

“We save the herd.” Kion firmly answered but not without regret. “Forget the fire.”

“Forget the fire?”

“There's no other choice!” Twilight stated fully understanding why they have to retreat before giving both Ono and Rainbow commands. “Tell the rest of the Guard and the elephants and get them all to safety! I’ll take care of the changelings, vultures, and the former Wonderbolts.” To prove it’s something she can manage, she casted a protection spell that extends all across the Pride Lands to keep the fliers from advancing any further.


“On it.”

Both Ono and Rainbow set out to do so while Starlight moved to flew by herself to help her maintain that spell long enough to ensure the herd can escape.

With both Kion and Rainbow joining in on the fight they were quickly able to help the elephants repel the crocs and the jackals who were trying to sink their teeth in the elephant’s trunks to no avail.

At the same time, Janja was prepared to lung his claws into Fluttershy ready to kill her along with Mtoto who bravely stood in his way to keep him from doing that to her.

“Hello, Brave Little Morsel trying to protect your little friend!”

Thankfully before anything else can happen Bunga was there to quickly push Janja away allowing Rainbow Dash to swoop in, knock aside the masked predator, and scoop Fluttershy up to safety.

“Goodbye, Janja!”

“And good riddance!”

And perfect timing since by then the Outsiders have moved to surround the elephants and the Lion and Pony Guard all unable to completely fend them off without a complete team along with reinforcements by their side.

“Kion, there's too many of them.” Fuli said to him while barely managing to fend off Kiburi’s crocs that attempted to come right at her.

“And the fire’s headed this way!” Rarity added while keeping herself on her hooves in employing her martial arts skills on the jackals that attempted to come after her while Applejack lassoed them away from them.

“I know!” Kion acknowledged. “We have to retreat. Ono and Rainbow are finding us the safest way out of here!”

“But why?” Rarity asked trying to understand why they have to give up Kilio Valley with her guard and fighting skills still put to use in action. “We usually take out the bad guys and make sure they retreat from battle. Not us.”

“Are you sure you’re okay from that scorpion sting, Kion. Because this is not like you.” Applejack inquired and pointed out.

“I’m sure he is. Look.” Kyoga backed him up when she managed to spot the very sight of what’s getting Kion to declare this. “Changelings!”

Everyone all looked on towards where said changelings are coming from as they’ve managed to make their way towards the barrier both Twilight and Starlight put up.

“Now that you mention that, never mind.” Applejack quickly said retracting her previous comments. “What’s the safest way out, Rainbow Dash, Ono?!”

“Still finding it.” Rainbow called back before turning her attention to one area that hasn’t been affected by the fires yet. “Until now!”

“We’ve got it!” Ono stated upon regrouping with the others alongside Rainbow Dash. “But we'll need to move quickly before the fire spreads!”

“Then lead the way!” Kion stated before turning the Guard’s Strongest. “Beshte, Applejack, clear the path for the elephants!”

“We’re on it.”

“You got it.”

“Bunga, Pinkie, Fuli, Rarity, keep 'em safe!”

“Will do.”

“Of course.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Let's go.”

With that decided, Kion moved to knock away the crocodile trying to snap his jaws on Ma Tembo. “Get away from her!” He growled in his direction before moving to inform the herd leader of the much needed retreat they have do. “Ma Tembo, we need to get everyone out of Kilio Valley!”

“You want us to leave? But…”

“I know, but we have no choice. The changelings are coming. Look.” Kyoga quickly explained while gesturing her towards the shield that is barely keeping said fliers along with the Pegasi ponies and vultures at bay thus shocking and terrifying the elephants upon seeing them.

“I want to save your herd.” Kion once more asserted. “So we gotta go! Now!”

Both Beshte and Applejack managed to move a rock aside to allow everyone a clear gap for them to make their escape from.

With this is light, Ma Tembo moved to take lead as the Lion and Pony Guard move to guide them away from Kilio Valley, even knowing how hard it is to leave home. “Everyone! Follow the Lion and Pony Guard out of the Valley! Immediately!”

“This way, everyone!”

“Hurry up!”

Both Ono and Rainbow directed everyone away from the fire and on to the path of safety as everyone else follows them. Upon seeing that everyone is safe, Twilight and Starlight ceased their use of magic on the spell and using the remaining magic they have to teleport out of there in a flash before the changelings could try to get an attack in.

With the Lion and Pony Guard having retreated, the Army of Scar watches on smirking triumphantly as they have managed to win this battle, and thus gained control of Kilio Valley.

After retreating to safety, as their now former home is now burned down. A magical dome with the Mark of Evil symbol appearing for all eyes to see from afar where the heroes can only look from afar after experiencing another sting of defeat.

“Fires are a part of the Circle of Life. But this... This was the biggest fire I've ever seen.” Ma Tembo said solemnly from atop a nearby hill with Kion, Twilight, Applejack, Ono, and Beshte by her side.

“I'm so sorry, Ma Tembo.” Kion apologized with it being the only thing he can say right now.

“You're "sorry"?” Zito returned deeming what happened unforgivable. “If you'd put out the fire properly to begin with, we elephants would still have a home!” Kion could only look down in shame in response.

“Hey!” Twilight was quick to defend her friend looking very aggravated by the elephant's continuing rudeness. “In case you haven’t fully comprehended of what just happened. I think he along with me and the others are the ones who did what we could by at least saving you and the herd’s lives.”

“But you still didn’t save Kilio Valley!” Zito sternly retorted. “And if you had worked more of your magic in fending them off, then you could have stopped this from happening!”

“And risk your lives to a warmongering half lion and alicorn?! Not happening! If you and the others go, there goes any chance of stopping this war against Scar.”

“Which wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t helped him in the first place!” He returned while towering his daggers and trunk in the alicorn’s face.

“Really?!” Twilight returned rather annoyed than insulted with that remark thrown in her face as the others look on in shock and worry at the growing tension. “You’re really gonna go there?!”

“Yes I am!” Zito dared to say as Twilight didn’t flinch nor back down in the face of his angry eyes and sharp tusks. “After all, you’re the reason he took over the Pride Lands once more right?”

“Yes. But that was all in the past and I made up for it by reclaiming the Pride Lands back from Scar.”

“But that still didn’t stop him from returning and retaking Kilio Valley, again!”

“And it’s our fault we couldn’t predict everything Scar does? Even when he just so happens to be very unpredictable that he will always find a way to get around us no matter what we do?! In case you have forgotten, even if we did stay and fight to put out the fires, Scar would sent more of his followers to double down on his attacks until we’re spread thin, before personally conquering the Valley himself if that didn’t work. We did everything we could to at least save you from being captured or worse.”

Zito however scoffed once more. “Not enough since we didn’t have a real lion and pony leader backing us up!”

“Zito!” Ma Tembo quickly scolded while equally shocked along with everyone else that he said that. Especially Starlight who is fuming furiously at the elephant to the point she planted her hooves into the ground to restrain herself from giving into the urge to attack him right on the spot.

“Yeah, I said it!”

Kion looked on very hurt by that statement while Twilight looked on very angry and disappointed even in the face of the direct insult towards them.

“A real lion and pony leader, huh?” She frowned with a calm tone of voice before turning her back on him while moving to comfort Kion. “Thanks. Thanks a lot.”

After several seconds of prolonging tension, Ono spoke up trying to make light of the situation. “You know...Fires do clear the way for new plants to grow.”

“It's true.” Ma Tembo acknowledged. “Our Valley will return. And so will we. But in the meantime, we elephants need a new place to live. Somewhere we can all be together.”

Twilight seeing that Kion is still down from the lost battle, moved to speak what he would have said in his place. “I know we can’t make up for the fire, Ma Tembo. But I promise we’ll find you the perfect place to stay.”

“Thank you, Twilight. Kion.” The elephant matriarch gratefully returned. “I know we can always rely on you two.”

“And with very loyal friends by your side, that is something you can be sure of.” Rainbow chimed in to back them up to state that’s a well-known and true fact along with shooting daggers in Zito’s eyes to showcase her anger at him for what he just said to his friends. “Something that you of all elephants will and should know because otherwise, you and I would definitely be having a serious talk for this.” With that Rainbow flew off ahead leaving the elephant in the dust to think about his poor behavior.

Meanwhile back in Kilio Valley, the Army of Scar is now looking in very pleased with what they’ve accomplished today with the fires all have now calmed down, leaving everyone surrounded with burnt trees and sooth and ash covered dirt around them.

“We did good, boys. Just like Scar asked.” Janja said proudly. “Now he's gonna know he can rely on us hyenas.”

“You hyenas?” Reirei returned with a disbelieving scoff as she approached him. “You couldn't find your own tails without us!”

To prove her point Chungu found himself trying to find his tail. “Why? Where'd they go?”

Kiburi thoroughly annoyed with his actions moved to whack the hyena away with his tail. “Quit it! You're making me dizzy. We all know it's the crocs who made this day a success.” He then proudly boasted.

Though Mzingo and his vultures along with Lightning and Wind Rider begged to differ on that as they floated down on the nearby tree branches to assert they have the higher ground on this matter.

“Yes, did someone say "success?" It seems our mission has been a rousing success. And all thanks to we vultures' pyrotechnic genius.” Mzingo said feeling superior than everyone else.

“Genius?"” Lightning returned like it’s a joke. “If you're so smart, why's Mwoga still holding that stick?”

Mwoga panicked upon seeing said stick still lit. “Oi! Emergency motion to allow me to extinguish this fire…“ He got rid of it by simply tossing it to the ground much to the vultures embarrassment and annoyance as evidenced with the heavy glares they shot at him. “Motion rescinded.”

“Good call.” Wind Rider commented as he simply flew over, licked his hoof before using it to snuff out the torch. “Especially considering it was a team effort on everyone’s part considering it took everyone of us to force the Lion and Pony Guard on the run with the elephants.”

“Not to mention, having to increase our numbers since it is the Lion and Pony Guard we are dealing with so that they would be compelled to retreat.” Pharynx then said as he and the other changelings are all surrounding them right now. “So even if one of us stood out, it was still a team effort.”

"And that is something I agree on..." The masked ally spoke as he removed his mask revealing himself to be none other than Makucha himself. "...and if it weren't for me napping that pony Fluttershy, they would have had less of a reason to be forced to surrender."

“Whatever.” Janja rolled his eyes not caring for this conversation anymore. “C'mon furbrains. Our job's done here. Let's go back to the Outlands.”

But at that moment Scar himself appeared from the smoke that appeared from the sky to have a say in the matter. “Go? But you've only just arrived!”

“Scar?” Janja uttered in complete surprise at seeing the half lion alicorn leader floating over their heads now of all times. “Uh... What're you doin' here?”

“I came to say well done. Kilio Valley is ours, for as long as we remain and lay claim to it. So... There's no going "back."”

“You mean you want us to stay here?” Kiburi asked as he figured out what he meant by that.

“But, why?” Reirei asked feeling confused even though the place is now rendered uninhabitable.

“All part of my plan. We will take over the Pride Lands and Equestria piece by piece. So in the end... There will be nothing left for the Lion and Pony Guard to defend!” He then evilly laughed in triumphant leaving many Outsiders rendered speechless and horrified with how far he is willing to go for the sake of his revenge.

Elsewhere in the Pride Lands the Lion and Pony Guard’s first attempt in finding the elephants a new home involves a stop at Ndefu Grove.

“Ma Tembo, welcome to your new home.” Kion said to them as they arrived.

“Ndefu Grove?” Zito returned not liking it one bit. “You're making us live with the galagos?”

Ma Tembo was quick to chide him once more. “Hush, Zito. It looks like a fine place to stay.”

“It is.” Kion said with a friendly smile. “It's big, there's lots to eat, and the galagos are always really welcoming!”

Said galagos all wave at the elephants ready to offer them their hospitality.

“Welcome!” Laini greeted from the branch of the tree she’s currently standing on.

“See?” With his point proven, Kion moved to seek her permission to make this happen. “Laini, there was a fire in Kilio Valley, so Ma Tembo and her elephants...”

From there Laini didn’t need to hear another word to make up her mind. “Need a place to stay? We'd love to help! Come on in!”

“Okay!” Pinkie said delighted to see of how warm welcoming the galagos are. “That was easy!”

“Like my dad always says, "There's always room for another hippo in the watering hole."” Beshte commented.

“Thank you, Laini.” Ma Tembo gratefully returned.

“Our pleasure, Ma…” She then stumbled when something bumped into her tree.

“Oh, my! Laini?”

As it so happens the elephants trying to get by and squeezing by nearby trees ended up causing the galagos including Laini to fall out of their trees.

“Hey, look at that! The elephants and galagos are already playing together!” Bunga commented already feeling they’re getting along very well despite obvious evidence to the contrary.

“Bunga, this isn’t a game!” Applejack corrected. “That’s the elephants accidentally getting in the galagos way!”

“And they’re scaring them!” Already worried for them Fluttershy sprung into action. “Elephants! Stop!” All of the elephants all freezing in their tracks.

Laini then quickly jumped on Kion’s head to make it clear to him that already this isn’t going to work out. “Kion, Twilight, this is a disaster! A disaster!”

“It's okay, Laini. I've got this.” Kion assured. “Elephants, keep holding still!” They all continue doing so. “See? Everything's okay now.”

“But only because they're not moving! When they walk the ground shakes, and the trees move, and…”

“It’s okay, Laini.” Twilight said with a raised hoof to get her to stop rambling. “There’s always somewhere else we can try to help accommodate the elephants. I’m sure of it.”

Already getting the message Ma Tembo moved to assure her they’ll leave in peace. “We elephants don't want to cause any trouble for you, Laini. We can find some other place to stay.”

Hearing sparked relief to Laini’s ears. “Really?” She corrected herself upon realizing she said that out loud. “I mean... If you think Kion and Twilight can find you someplace else...”

“Oh, without a doubt.” Zito snidely remarked earning himself another glare from both leaders of the Guard.

“Zito, we said we’d find you a new home…”

“...and when we said it, we mean it, and we will. Elephants, follow us!”

“Phew!” Laini as hard as she tries to be helpful couldn’t be more relieved the moment they left.

So with that the Guard went on over to Acacia Grove where the giraffes live, hoping they can help the elephants feel at home there.

“It just makes sense.” Kion reasoned. “Giraffes and elephants are both big. You both eat leaves. It's a perfect match!”

“Maybe…” Twilight acknowledged what he is saying but couldn’t help but feel there’s quite a big size difference that might conflict with that. “...maybe not.”

None of the less Twiga tried her hardest to help them out. “I suppose... If they really need someplace to stay...”

“Thank you, Twiga.” Kion gratefully returned. “Ma Tembo, you and your herd are welcome in Acacia Grove!”

“What a relief. Thank you, Twiga.” With that the elephants made themselves at home.

“Pride Landers helping Pride Landers. That's what it's all about.” Beshte commented feeling pleased to see what he is seeing.

“Yeah... It really is.”

But just before things could feel like all said and done. Twiga’s voice sparked out in horror with what one of the elephants just did. “What? What are you doing?


“It looks like we might need to keep looking.”

Both Ono and Fluttershy commented knowing that this isn’t good news and quickly figured out why.

Said compliant happens to be Zito pulling down a whole branch of leaves. “I'm eating.”

“But you pulled down the whole branch!”

“Well, yes. It's how we elephants eat. Look around!”

Twiga could only watch on in horror as the elephants eat more than their fair share before voicing her objections to both leaders of the Guard. “Kion! Twilight!”

Kion was quick to try to insist to least give a little time to adjustment to each other’s needs. “Twiga, I know the elephants' ways are different. But please. They need help...”

But Twiga won’t hear anymore of it. “Then get someone else to help them! If they stay here, they'll eat our whole grove!”


“Giraffes need food too, Kion! Do you want us to starve?”

“Don’t worry, Twiga.” Twilight quickly assured to get her to calm down. “We’ll find another way. Elephants. Let’s move.”

“I guess the giraffes don't want us around either.” Mtoto said now feeling upset for upsetting them with his mother quick to comfort him.

“I'm sure it's not that.” Ma Tembo quickly and gently said to assure of it. “She's worried about her own herd, that's all. There is another place we can go, isn't there?” She then asked both Kion and Twilight.

“I know the perfect place!” Zito proposed. “Lots of space, beautiful groves of trees. Oh, wait. The Lion and Pony Guard let it burn.”

“Zito!” Twilight once more scolded. “There is another place. We just need to figure out where.”

The next herd they could think of on short notice, is the antelope’s grazing ground.

“Their home is gone, Bupu. Can they stay here for a while? Please?” Kion asked of Bupu.

The antelope leader always someone who will listen when shown proper manners here and there moved to give it a try. “Well, since you asked politely.”

“Thanks, Bupu.”

“Yes, thank you. Elephants, let's make ourselves at home!”

But thanks to the elephants habit of tossing dirt around in a careless manner, he was quick to change his mind. “Unacceptable!”

“Beshte, are the antelopes going to kick us out too?” Mtoto worryingly asked.

The Lion Guard’s Strongest had a difficult time answering that. “Um…”


“Can’t say that won’t unless the other elephants make some much needed adjustments, assuming they can.”

Kion however was quick to keep that from happening...at least for now. “No. They're not.”


“A little time, Bupu. That's all I need. Just so I can figure this out.”

Bupu reluctantly complied as the Lion and Pony Guard step aside so they can have a more personal and private discussion about it.

“How much time do you think he'll give you?” Fuli asked the leaders of the Guard.

“Not much.”

“And as for where they are going to live, that depends if there is somewhere else in the Pride Lands we haven’t tried or somewhere where the elephants can feel welcome without bothering anyone else.” Twilight added feeling uncertain herself of how this is all going to work out.

“But about Equestria?” Pinkie asked. “They managed to toughen it out in Diamond Valley and in Ponyville?”

“As much as I hate saying it, I don’t think that’s work either since we’ll run into the same problems the other Pride Landers experienced today.” Twilight informed after recalling of how difficult it was for them to adjust to living in Ponyville. “It took a lot of digging around along with careful consideration of others just to find a spot for them to call home long enough until I could defeat Scar first time around.”

“And while the Valley has remarkably recovered since Scar’s attack there years ago, I really would rather not put it in danger along with compromising the elephant’s needs all over again.” Kyoga added feeling certain it’s not going to work out herself.

“And the same can be said for Kilio Valley since now that we know of what Scar’s plan is we’re definitely not getting the elephants back in there now that he has control over there.” Starlight added in agreement. “So that unless we have more powerful reinforcements on our side, I don’t see gaining back control there happening anytime soon.”

“No way!” Pinkie gasped. “He can't do that! Can he?”

“I’m afraid he can, darling.” Rarity regretfully returned.

“The Pride Lands just got smaller. And I let it happen.” Kion then said feeling more downcast and disheartened with the loss himself.

Back at Kilio Valley, the Outsiders minus Makucha, and the changelings who have been granted permission to leave, are all struggling among themselves that they have to occupy the land under Scar’s orders. But on the bright side, he did supply them with a buffet he managed to conquer from the meat shops in Ponyville beforehand which quelled their arguments for the time being.

“We all agree this place is a dump and no one likes it, right?” Janja then said to everyone who are all nodding in agreement.

“I think it's cozy.” Goigoi commented otherwise wasting no time in taking a nap in the ash and sooth he is laying on.

"And here I thought, things were bad when Twilight was around to help keep things in order." Reirei grumbled otherwise to herself.

“Well, since everyone else hates it, I'm willin' to do you a favor and have us hyenas be in charge.” Janja then said and offered, though the other leaders strongly disagree with this proposal.

“You hyenas?”

“No way. Scar didn't say nothing about you running things.”

“Territorial leadership claims cannot be determined without proper parliamentary procedure! Isn't that right?”

The other vultures also agreed.



“Even someone needs to be in charge of here, that honor goes to me!” Lightning stated feeling herself superior to the others.

“Guess again, Lightning. Because that should go to someone who’s been with the Wonderbolts the longest, and that is me!” Wind Rider voiced to disagree himself.

“We don't need no procedure. Just let me run this dump!” Janja asserted before breaking out into a song even in the face of the resentful Outsiders.

I'm Gonna Run This Dump

Music start at 0:35 onward.

After Janja sang voicing his desire to run the burned down valley, Reirei, then, Mzingo, and even Lighting Dust and Wind Rider got in on the singing voicing their objections and their own desires and stances of why they should run Kilio Valley. And at one point they all turned to Kiburi giving him a chance to sing himself and follow suit to which unlike the others or even the higher ranked bosses themselves did, did not with only this to say in response.

“I don’t sing.”

And once their song had ended, it dissolved into heated arguments with one another as they all got into each other’s faces all trying to assert that they should be the rightful leaders of the land they now claim all while at each other’s throats something that did not go unnoticed by Scar himself who is secretly watching on and is now personally considering of how to resolve the matter in order to quell their arguing.

Meanwhile, Kion is trying to walk along to clear his head with the Lion and Pony Guard for company. “I can't let Scar win. He may have destroyed Kilio Valley. But I won't let him turn the Pride Landers against each other.”

“What are you worried about, Kion?” Bunga tried to say to make light of it. “I bet by now the antelopes love having the elephants around!”

“Yeah! All they need is just a big party to help them get along and feel more welcome amongst each other.” Pinkie happily proposed.

“Pinkie, I’d hate to burst your bubble...again. But I’d hold off on the party for now.” Rainbow returned as she and Ono got a scope of the antelopes seeing to that the elephants leave their grazing grounds.

“Rainbow’s right! The antelopes have kicked them out too!”

This however did not sit well with Kion. “No! This can't keep happening. Come on!” He is quick to lead the team to intercept Ma Tembo before she could lead the herd another step forward. “Ma Tembo! Ma Tembo. Whatever happened between you and the antelope, I can fix it.”

“Thank you, Kion. But, we don't want to stay where we're not wanted.”

“And it seems we're not wanted anywhere in the Pride Lands.” Zito condescendingly added in an “I told you so.” manner.

“Are you kidding? Of course there is somewhere in the Pride Lands.” Pinkie interjected. “We just haven’t found out where it’s going to be.”

“Yeah!” Bunga agreed. “Just because the galagos didn't want you, and the giraffes didn't want you, and the antelopes didn't want you... You know, he might have a point.” That along earned herself a glare from both Fuli and Applejack with the latter slapping him on the back of the head for it. “Ow!”

“There's still lots of other places.” Kion then offered now sounding a bit desperate himself. “Like the zebra grazing grounds. Or…”

But Ma Tembo had already made up her mind as she kindly cut him off mid-sentence. “Thank you for trying, Kion. But I'm afraid Zito is right. My herd needs a real home. It seems we'll have to leave the Pride Lands.”

Seeing that this is it Mtoto moved over towards both of his idols for this heartbreaking farewell exchange. “Goodbye, Beshte. Goodbye, Applejack.”

With nothing else to say, Applejack tipped her hat to the young elephant. “Best of luck, Mtoto. The same can be said for the rest of the herd.”

“At least let the Cutie Mark Crusaders along with other friends know that I’ve been called away?”

“Of course, young elephant. That I can promise.”

“Thank you.”

Beshte however couldn’t find anything to say himself and only recovered from his shock long enough to turn to Kion hoping he has another answer to resolve this. “Kion... What are we gonna do?”

Kion however didn’t have anything to resolve. At least not right now. “I'll be back.” He told him before moving to find somewhere quiet and private so he can talk to Mufusa with Twilight following after him.

“Where are they going?” Starlight asked curiously.

“They’re going to talk to and see Mufusa.” Rarity answered. “A common thing they do whenever Kion’s feeling down after dealing with a rather difficult dilemma like with what happened earlier.”

“Oh. I see.”

“Grandfather Mufasa?

Right on cue, Mufasa's spirit show up. “Yes, Kion. I'm here.” He greeted with his usual warm tone and smile.

“Grandfather... I failed the Pride Lands. I lost Kilio Valley to Scar.” He sadly admitted.

“And the loss weighs heavily on you.”

“Of course it does! My whole job is to protect the Pride Lands! And I couldn't do it!”

“There is more to the Pride Lands than just land.” He assured and reminded. “What happened to the elephants of Kilio Valley?”

“They're all okay. But they're leaving the Pride Lands because I can't find a new home for them.” Then he came to admit to himself. “Maybe they're right to doubt me.”

“No, absolutely not.” Twilight asserted otherwise while shaking her head at the very idea. “And if this is about what Zito said earlier, never mind that.” She then moved to recall a past experience she once had where the roles between them were reversed. “Kion, do you remember back when the Pride Landers were adjusting back to living in the Pride Lands after Scar’s defeat?”


“Well, for somepony treated as an outcast for her role as the Princess of Darkness, a wise prince who became the Prince of Friendship at the time once told me that they’re were just upset with what had happened and needed time to properly adjust for the better. It took me time away from the Pride Lands along with competing in a musical band battle against the Evil Lions of the Pride Lands Past for me to see that but when I did I was able to push forward and help them see why I deserve to be forgiven and seen for what I’m capable of. Just when it seemed like others have lost faith and trust in me I was able to prove them wrong and regain that faith and trust.” To make her point clear. “Do you understand what I’m saying, Kion? Things got better once I got over doubting myself and not allowed anyone not even Zito thinking we’re not a real lion and pony to dictate my capabilities as a good leader.”

“Well said, Twilight.” Mufasa said with a warm approving smile. “What other animals think is beyond your control. But don't let their doubt cause you to doubt yourself. You have indeed suffered a defeat. But how you deal with defeat is just as important as how you deal with victory.” With enough advice and wisdom given to his grandson, he disappeared back into the clouds, with the hopes that he’ll pull through like Twilight did before.

Just then both Ono and Rainbow came flying over to them upon finding them.

“Kion! Kion!”

“Twilight! Twilight!”


“Ono, what's going on?”

“It's another fire!”

“This time in Ndefu Grove!”

“Was it Scar again.”

“Where are Janja and the others?”

“Let’s see.” Both flyers moved to get a look of Kilio Valley where they see the Army of Scar still occupying the land and are all still fighting each other. “They're still in Kilio valley. And they're fighting each other.”

“Arguably the best news we’ve heard all day.” Rainbow sarcastically quipped. “But that aside, for once, Scar is not behind this.”

“Good to know.” Twilight replied with Kion ready to follow alongside her ready to take action.

“C'mon! Let's go save Ndefu Grove!”

In no time, the Lion and Pony Guard managed to make their way back to Ndefu Grove.

“Okay! Beshte. Ono. You two…”

Just then Laini came up to them leaping up on Kion’s face in desperate need of help. “Lion Guard! Pony Guard! You have to save my galagos! Please! Please! Please! Oh. Sorry!” She quickly detached herself from the lion’s face after realizing she’s clamping his mouth shut from saying anything, though he didn’t really mind it.”

“Don't worry, Laini. We'll save them.” Kion vowed to which the happy galago clasped her little hands together with a thankful smile in return. “Let's go.”

Taking action, both Kion and Fuli, accompanied with both Twilight and Rainbow Dash managed to run and fly over to the tree where the galagos are all screaming and hanging for dear life on a tree.

“Ready when you are, Rainbow.” Twilight said while getting into a ready position with her wings spread out.

“Great!” Rainbow said with her wings spread out ready herself waiting for the galagos to be rescued.

“Just aim for my spots and jump!”

“We'll catch you, don't worry!”

Both Fuli and Kion assured while strecthing their backs out ready to catch them.

“Yeah! I'm a great catcher!” Bunga added offering his assistance.

With their faith placed in their saviors, the galagos all leaped down and all landed safely in Bunga, Kion and Fuli’s care thus giving their flying friends the signal to take action.

“See? I'm good at this!” Bunga proudly remarked. “Wanna do it again?”

“No!” Both Twilight and Rainbow firmly stated against the idea before carrying out their planned duo maneuvers together.

With a quick feat of circles and swirls all colored with a mixture of both ponies mane colors combined created a powerful gust of wind that put out the fire.

With that they went over towards the other who are all trying their hardest in putting out the fires much like they did last time. And much like last time, it is looking like another losing battle.

“Kion. The fire's spreading. Ono and I can't put it out fast enough.”

“And Kyoga and I need more magic to keep the fires at bay!” Rarity reported as she strained with some fatigue endured from the last fiery battle with her struggled grunts. “Twilight! Please help us!”

“Oh, right.” With that Twilight was quick to come to their aid which proved to be very vital in holding it off more successfully while Applejack and Pinkie double on their efforts in creating burrows to create fire breaks to keep them from spreading any further.

“But even still I'm afraid we might lose Ndefu Grove!” Fluttershy voiced with worry while trying her hardest to keep herself at a safe distance from the fires while putting them out with the fastest speed her wings will give.

“No.” Kion shook his head at the very idea. “I'm not losing any more of the Pride Lands. We just need some help.” With the idea of reinforcements in mind, Kion figured out how they can do it. “Keep at it guys! Don't give up yet!”

“On it, Kion!”

“You can count us, darling!”

Both Pinkie and Rarity vowed for the team as they continued keeping it at bay while Kion ran to catch the elephants with Starlight running after him.

“Right behind you!”

While this is happening, Fluttershy and Fuli moved to bring the galagos to Laini who is very happy and relieved they all made it out alive.

“Hooray! Thank you, Lion and Pony Guard. Thank you!”

“You’re all very welcome.” Fluttershy sweetly returned while sporting pink cheeks.

Elsewhere, both Kion and Starlight have managed to catch up to Ma Tembo's herd who thankfully haven’t gotten far.

“Ma Tembo, please stop. Please!” Kion pleaded with Starlight quick to teleport right in front of them to get them to stop.

“Kion. I know you and your friends want us to stay…”

“It's not about that right now. We need your help.”

“Ndefu Grove is on fire, and we can't save it on our own.” Starlight added.

“Ndefu Grove? Shame there aren't any elephants living there…” Zito returned without a hint of care towards other lives in an almost callous manner.

“Zito, hush!” Ma Tembo once more scolded.

But that was the last straw for Starlight as she is now locking eyes of fury straight at him while telling him off. “Now listen here, Zito. I know you’re upset and frustrated that we couldn’t save Kilio Valley along with being unable to live with the other animals in the Pride Lands, along with whatever you think me for what I did to contribute to this along with Twilight, and we’re sorry for that. But you haven’t done any favors by openly complaining every chance you got along with putting my friends especially Kion down when all he’s trying to do is help. But enough said for now, we really do need your help, especially the galagos who are also about to lose their home just like you all. So if you still have a heart inside of you, at least put aside that stubborn and rude attitude of yours and at least help save their home alongside the Lion and Pony Guard. It’s the least you can do.” Once Starlight was done with her speech and rant, Zito could only look on amazed and then ashamed with how he’s been acting once again but not enough to admit it and reconsider.

“And even if with all things considered, you're still Pride Landers!” Kion then said. “Please. Help me show everyone what that really means.”

And that was enough to get Ma Tembo on board. “Of course we'll help.”

“We will?” Zito asked rather befuddled at his leader’s decision who is quickly to sternly lecture him of why they are going to and should help them out. “Yes Zito. The Pride Landers are our family. And you don't turn your back on them. Even when they make mistakes.” With that said Ma Tembo then said to Mtoto's Mom “Stay with the little ones.” She nodded as Ma Tembo spoke with the rest of the herd. “Everyone else, with me! We'll go to Ndefu Grove by way of Lake Kiziwa!”

“Thank you, Ma Tembo.” Kion said very pleased they are willing to listen to them as many of them head on over to Ndefu Grove.

“And you’re welcome, Kion.” Starlight chimed in feeling proud herself. “Plus it felt good to put that mean elephant in his place for the way he treated you.”

“Thanks, Starlight.” Kion returned with a chuckle.

“Anything for a friend.”

Zito however still remained behind with Mtoto’s mother and the little ones still adamant on helping out. “Don't worry about me, then! I'm staying right here. With family that appreciates elephants!” He called after them before turning to the others. “Am I right? I'll take that as a yes.” They all frowned at him in disapproval towards his abrasive attitude.

Back at Ndefu Grove, the fires have remained at bay thanks to the combined efforts of the Guard, and it was then Kion and Starlight arrived with the backup they very much need.

“It's Kion and Starlight! With help!” Ono spoke up being the first to spot them after everyone heard loud rumbling nearby.

“About time!” Rainbow remarked feeling very relieved that now they can put out this fire much more quicker now.

“Ready... Now!” On Kion’s command, Ma Tembo's herd spray water at the fire and managed to put out most of them in a matter of seconds.

“Whoa! That feels great!”

“Yeah! Quite refreshing I might add! Do it again!”

Both Bunga and Pinkie happily said to them when that happened.

While Kion was overseeing the fires being put out, he found himself no time to work his magic when a tree moved to fall on him with no warning and leaving no time for Twilight, Starlight, and Kyoga to come to his rescue…


“Look out!”

“Behind you!”

...as luck would have, Zito had arrived in time to put his back in the way of the falling tree thus saving the young leader’s life.

“Zito! You came!”

“Yes, well…” Zito then said with a change of heart. “You don't turn your back on family. Unless your back will save them from a falling tree.”

“Thanks, Zito. C'mon! Let's put out his fire.”

Zito wasted no time in joining Ma Tembo's herd helping take care of the fire, and in very short time, the fires were all put out with little to no damage, and thus saving Ndefu’s Grove.

“Is it over?” Laini hopefully asked as they see their home obscured by smoke.

To answer her question, Ma Tembo's herd along with the Lion and Pony Guard all emerged from the smoke with the elephants all trumpeting victoriously to assure them that they indeed saved their home.

“Thanks to the elephants, the damage isn't bad.”

“Once everything cools down, you can go back.”

Both leaders of the Guard happily shared.

“Thank you.” Laini with great gratitude said to them while doing the same to Ma Tembo and her herd. “And, thank you. You and your elephants saved our home. Even after we pushed you away.”

“We know how it feels to lose a home.” Ma Tembo returned with great empathy for them. “We were proud to help save yours.”

“Please live with the galagos! We'd love to have you!”

“Thank you. Your offer is most generous.” Ma Tembo then turned to Zito with a stern and expecting look towards him. “Isn't it Zito?”

“Well, we have to live somewhere…”

“And…?” Starlight chimed in expecting him to say more than that.

“...and we won’t be having this conversation, if it weren’t for you and Kion to help me understand of how much your home means to you all.”


“...and I’m sorry for what I said earlier, Kion. You too, Twilight. And I hope you can forgive me in time.”

“That won’t be necessary, Zito.” Twilight firmly stated with a stern look which soften up into a happy smile. “Because we’ve already have.”

“Hooray!” The galagos cheered while climbing onto Zito's trunk already welcoming him and the other elephants into their home to which the grumpy elephant moved to smile at them in return.

“I think this might actually turn out okay.” Fuli optimistically voiced as they see the elephants and galagos all working together to help each other live in Ndefu’s Grove in peace.

“That I think you’re right, Fuli.” Fluttershy said in agreement.

“Definitely right!” Rainbow stated fully sure of that.

“Your darn tootin!”


Both Applejack and Beshte chimed in.

“I always knew it would.” Bunga said with crosses his arms to which earned himself another frown from the farm pony and slap to the back of the head. “Ow!”

“But still...this calls for a victory party!” Pinkie happily declared before wasting no time in getting all of her party supplies, refreshments, and decorations all set up for the elephants to enjoy to celebrate this occasion.

But during the celebration, both Kion and Twilight happened to spot and come across Ma Tembo who's sadly staring on at Kilio Valley where smoke is still brewing from the aftermath of Scar’s attack. “Kilio Valley...”

“We'll get you back home one day, Ma Tembo.“

"We promise.”

Both leaders vowed and assured.

Thank you Kion. Twilight.” Ma Tembo smiled. “I look forward to having our land back. But as for home…” She turned back to see the galagos already playing with Zito and the other elephants still enjoying each other’s company during the party that had just started which further brighten her smile. “We're already here.”

Author's Note:

Here in this episode, as the title above says, is the Kilio Valley Fire where the Army of Scar make their first move since the close call at the Crystal Empire, and succeed in taking the land itself forcing the elephants to retreat and relocate.

Said task itself, is difficult when elephants have different needs compared to other Pride Landers that make trying to live alongside unable to work out. Along with Zito, giving both leaders of the Guard a hard time with little gratitude for the fact that he is still standing and not cornered by his enemies.

Fortunately, after another fire that's not Scar's doing along with a group of Pride Landers who were ready to give the elephants another chance to help them remain in the Pride Lands by trying to offer to share their territory once more.

Anyways that's it for this month, when April opens up next week we'll see Twilight, Rarity, Kion, and Bunga travel back to the Dragon Lands where they see Spike compete with other dragons to decide who will succeed the Dragon Lord as he finally steps down after a lengthy reign. So stay tuned until then...