• Published 8th Mar 2024
  • 778 Views, 38 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 6) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard continue to keep the peace as they try to fight off Scar's continuing attempts to take over the Pride Lands and Equestria along with learning and teaching new friendship lessons along the way

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Episode 3: The Wisdom of Kongwe

Episode 3:

The Wisdom of Kongwe

Shortly after the Crystal Empire visit, the Royal Family along with the Lion and Pony Guard moved to gather all herd and town leaders within the boundaries of both the Pride Lands and Equestria for a much needed meeting. A war meeting to discuss of how to prepare themselves for war in light of Scar and Sombra’s recent attack at the Crystal Empire. Among the audience, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, Flurry Heart (while sleeping with earmuffs on), Starlight, and Sunburst were all present because of course their business at the Canterlot war room concerns them too.

“Okay, everyone…” King Simba began. “...Enough!” He then shouted at those who refuse to quiet down completely. “...this meeting is now in session. So everyone please settle down.” Once everyone does so, he clears his throat ready to continue. “Now, I’m sure everyone has heard of Scar’s most recent attack in the Crystal Empire and we have witnesses to back up that with.” Everyone all nodded in response. “And I know you’re all anxious wondering what’s going to happen next.” Everyone all nodded again. “So, that said this war is far from over, but I know for a fact that it doesn’t mean we’re on the losing side of all of this.”

“How so?” Ma Tembo asked.

“I’m saying we just need to continue being alert and be ready to defend ourselves when needed.” The lion king explained. “As long as we have our defenses up, Scar can’t do anymore damage than he already has.”

Bupu seemed accepting of the reason enough. “Sounds good, but quick question, though. Just how can we expect ourselves to be ready when needed.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that considering Scar has been very unpredictable with his moves, then who’s to say that Pride Rock isn’t next if our territory isn’t.”

“Bupu has a point, your majesty.” Makuu commented in agreement. “For all we know he could be making a move on my watering hole now as we speak. If the Crystal Empire isn’t safe, there how will we know for sure that a certain part of the Pride Lands and Equestria is, if anywhere is safe.”

“Hmm.” Simba internally thought before Luna decided to speak up on his behalf.

“That’s a very good question, indeed, you both. A very good question.” She then gave it considerable thought before saying her next words. “While I can’t say for sure, I can say is that we can’t give up fighting for what’s ours since for that is exactly what Scar would want us to do. Therefore, we can’t give him an easy reason for him to win.”

“No we cannot sister.” Celestia chimed in agreement. “Since I have lost you for thousand years for a similar argument and I nearly lost Twilight for a while because of him. I’m not about to make the same mistake again.”

“Me neither.” Simba said with his fighting spirit invigorated. “I wasn’t able to stop Scar from taking over and nearly destroy the Pride Lands twice. I’m not about to let history repeat again either.”

“But what about the first time?” Thurston needlessly asked.

“That was when I was a child and couldn’t do anything about it.”

“But what about when…?”

Simba cleared his throat mid-sentence feeling that he is getting too personal about childhood trauma he doesn’t want to relive all over again.

“Again for the final time. Nothing. I. Could do. About it.”

Upon receiving collective glares from everyone, the ditzy zebra wisely clammed up.

“So anyway…” Celestia spoke up trying to move the more important matters along. “...we all know the best course of action for the time being and that is to remain alert, remain constantly active and in shape, and be ready to defend ourselves for when Scar does try to make another attempt at any part of our territory from here to, Canterlot, Pride Rock, and even the northern Pride Lands borders and southern Equestria borders.”

“Okay, I suppose we can do that.” Twiga said understanding of the call but had something else on her mind. “But if I may and this isn’t trying to put anyone in a position or anything but how exactly do we know that Scar isn’t trying to make a move in actually reconquering the Pride Lands and all of Equestria just yet.”

“Yeah, what exactly is he waiting for? I mean since we know what his ultimate goal is why not just make his move now and get it over with?” Big Baboon further implored.

“For someone who has formerly worked alongside Scar, I know why.” Twilight replied as she moved to voice her thoughts on the matter. “For starters, if Scar were to want to take the throne once more and take us all out, he would have done so already. And why he hasn’t done so already, you ask? Because he’s bidding his time waiting for the right for when his army is back to full strength since it is not in his best interest to take us out without followers who will help lead him to victory once more. We might be safe now, but it’s not going to last if we don’t keep our guard. Sooner or later he’ll come back.”

“What is your recommendation to prevent that from happening, Princess Twilight?” Basi asked.

“The best I can offer at the time is having extra eyes on the Pride Lands and Equestria borders in addition we start up training sessions to prepare for the eventual fight for the kingdom and that includes every battle leading up to it.”

“Sounds good to me.” Basi accepted those suggestions as the best course of action. “My pod could sure use after the close call with the crocodiles.” He cleared his throat while apologetically looking in Makuu’s direction to clarify. “The Outlander crocodiles I mean.”

“Read you loud and clear, Basi.” Makuu returned taking no offense to the hippo leader’s choice of words. “And I say that’s an idea worthy pursing, Twilight.

“I agree.” Ma Tembo nodded liking the idea herself. “Because we elephants could use the training ourself to get our trunks swinging in action.”

“Not to mention our horns could use some sharping up.” Mbeya said in agreement. “Especially after nearly cutting it close with the Outsiders the last time we fought.” He recalled a particular memory when fighting in vain against the Outsiders back in the Crsytal Empire his tiny ears nearly suffered a scratch when one hyena and jackal tried to get the jump on him from above.

Both Bunga and Pinkie couldn’t help but snicker to themselves before being firmly nudged in the gut by both Twilight and Kion for that. Especially since it isn’t the time nor place for that since they both were there when it happened and how serious it could have been had they managed to strike a little lower.

“And we can all help you out in due time.” The white alicorn gently assured. “Starting tomorrow we will start holding training sessions on basic combat and self-defense.”

“In separate classes of course in order for all of you to get fully acquainted with your talents and skills.” Luna added to put emphasis that isn’t something they are all going to rush and enforce upon. “Once we are showing exemplary and incremental improvement in the basics we can talk about moving on to the more advanced lessons.”

“Sounds fair to me.” Kion commented liking the plan already acknowledging their fellow Pride Landers past hardships in battle. “Now before we adjourn this meeting, are there any questions?” Nobody had any objections in response. “Then I guess that settles it for now.”

“Agreed.” His father nodded. “And what I can promise you all is that once this is all over things will get much better going forward!”

“You sure, your majesty?” Laini asked.

“I guarantee it.” He confidently returned with an equally positive attitude about the whole situation.

With that the meeting was adjourned allowing everyone to go home and rest up for the rest of the day, provided they all at least have a copy of the upcoming schedule so they know who’s herd will be having class at a certain time, day, and teacher they’ll be receiving that session. In addition, they all have specific moves and instructions of what they’ll be learning and expecting to master.

“Make sure you read these thoroughly because classes start exactly on time and these moves will be what you’ll be trying out by then.” Twilight reminded to everyone as they all each took a copy of the schedule she herself has prepared for them.

As soon as everyone outside of the inner circle all left the room, Simba’s smile faded as he sighed before moving to fall backwards on a nearby couch just looking like he is falling ill again.



Both Nala and Kion asked in concern unsure if he’s still feeling symptoms from the scorpion’s sting.

“Everything okay?”

“That couch suitable enough for you?”

Both Beshte and Rarity asked equally concerned.

“Yes and no.” Simba sighed as he moved to adjust himself so that he is more comfortable on it while still lying on his back on it. “Meaning everything is fine for now and I do thank you for providing said couch for after the meeting, Rarity…”

“You’re most certainly welcome.” Rarity returned with a respectful bow.

“...I just wish on days like this, that keeping the peace is as easy as saying it can be kept.” Simba finished.

“I hear you.” Twilight understood completely of the king’s internal struggle. “It’s like you really want what’s best for everyone and want to keep to your word, but there is just always something that keeps you from making good on our word.”

“Exactly. I just wish it doesn’t come down to the point where I’ve have to step down from the throne for these reasons alone. If I did, it would rather be where I know my successor, at least the future queen can continue to uphold my legacy along with my father’s, and my father’s father, and so forward.”

“And I’m sure you’ll definitely make good on it, Simba.” His wife assured him as she nuzzled his head while leaning right beside him. “Even when you make calls that are at worst morally questionable, you always do by being you.”

Simba smiled in return as thanks for that much needed encouragement, even if it’s not entirely 100% to which Twilight’s keen eye picked up on while his head was turned to the side for a moment.

“Indeed you do, my son.” Mufusa’s voice spoke to him before appearing from the heavenly skies over the castle’s horizon.


Upon seeing him, the whole group moved on towards the balcony so they can continue this conversation to which the Royal Family really needs with all things considered.

“As always it is so good to see you, Simba. You and the rest of your family.” He greeted with his eyes locked on the lions and alicorns.

“Good to see you too, Grandfather Mufusa.”

“Always a pleasure.”

Both leaders of the Guard also returned in kind since he too greets the alicorns as family too.

“Forgive me for interrupting, but I couldn’t help but overhearing of your current struggles in regards to Scar.”

The smiles all dropped upon said name and subject being brought up.

“I’m afraid so, father.” Simba solemnly and truthfully replied first. “Ever since his last defeat, he has managed to escape from prison, and continue what he started.”

“From having the Outsiders keep us on our toes constantly, making attempts on our lives many times.” Kion added.

“The first being when he tried to have Kiburi’s crocs kill Simba himself before attempting to later on kill Beshte and Applejack when they accidentally got swept away in the Outlands.” Twilight continued.

“The mere fact that it took weeks for these here legs to heal well enough to allow ma self to buck apples again is a definite fact that happened.” Applejack brought up. “Not to mention he attempted to deprive the elephants of their melon supply during the dry season and even sent a crazy paralyzing lizard after us to try to stop us from stopping him.”

“He set up Twilight to be framed for attempting to steal the Prized Pearl of the Hippogriffs and later attempted to burn her alive in lava including, Sunset, Spike and me after nearly breaking up her friendship with Kion!” Rainbow also brought up to which Kion looked aside with deep regret for how he reacted during that occasion.

“Not to mention he nearly tried to kill Zazu after failing to extract information from him that could have been used against us.” Rarity added. “And that’s not getting into what he did recently. Oh, dear. The horrors of what he almost did then.” She had a hoof placed on her forehead as she had trouble recalling what happened back then. “The fact that he almost killed half of the Royal Family including all of us in the same day is dreadfully atrocious!”

“He even killed an innocent drongo just for trying to help us!” Fluttershy cried as she buried her hooves into face as she is still heartbroken and traumatized over what back then to which both Rainbow and Pinkie were quick to stand by her so she can be comforted by them.

“And just recently he just tried to bury everypony in the Crystal Empire when the Crystal Heart was briefly destroyed.” Cadance added. “And we’re now not sure if he was even trying, not even when he had Sombra accompanying him.”

“He wasn’t.” Her husband said with a firm look. “He simply took advantage and had fun with the chaos in order send a more successful and different kind of attack on us. A psychological attack. So that way he can put fear in our hearts while delivering us a direct message that we won’t be victorious when he returns to finish the job.”

“I see.” The great king of the Pride Lands Past returned grimly.

“And now we are trying to do everything we can to keep Scar from reclaiming the Pride Lands and Equestria.” Simba further explained. “All without losing the peace I had managed to restore here upon assuming the throne. Question is, how do we defeat Scar before that happens?”

“The appearance of an evil lion from the past is beyond my experience, my son.” His father replied. If he knew he would tell him. But not even knows all of the answers to every problem in the world. “But you have saved the Pride Lands from Scar before. Twice. Trust that the wisdom to defeat Scar lies within the Pride Lands and Equestria, and within you all.” Everyone especially Simba, Kion, and Twilight all smiled as thanks for his reassurance before disappearing back into the skies.

“The wisdom is within the Pride Lands and Equestria." Kion pondered these words before turning to his father. “Dad? Celestia? Do you think Grandfather means a wise animal?”

“Perhaps…” Celestia returned while Simba’s thinking the same thing himself. “Although he could have implied it’s something we’ll figure out ourselves…”

“Maybe, sister.” Luna agreed while Twilight nodded thinking the same thing too.

“...and if he did mean a wise animal, I know exactly who we should talk to.” Simba then said an idea in mind with Bunga looked on wide eyes and a big smile thinking that he is going to be asked for wisdom and advice…

“Me?” Makini returned feeling very pleased and honored with what was asked of her when she and Rafiki were summoned to Pride Rock later that day. Much to Bunga’s sudden dismay. “You want me to escort the wisest animal in the Pride Lands to meet with the King?”

“Yes, yes! It is one of the duties of the Royal Mjuzi.” Rafiki confirmed with great pride.

Bunga moved to walk up to the king himself trying to assert otherwise. “You don't need to send Makini, Simba. I can talk to you right now.”

“I don't think he's looking for advice from you, Bunga.” Kion kindly said to his friend who is clearly not understanding that he is not the wisest of the bunch.

“Most definitely not.” Rafiki said somewhat bluntly not amused alongside the lion king himself.

“100% out of the question.” Twilight stated without second thought.

“Oh, come on. What have I done that says otherwise?” Bunga protested.

“Nearly drowning the herds from a tidal wave and a busted dam that you “wisely” fixed. And there is also of course nearly drowning every important pony at the last Princess Summit in Canterlot after getting the “brilliant” idea of taking advantage of our friendship to get special treatment along the way. So yeah, not happening.”

“Right of course. That…” Bunga backed down and wisely clammed up for now allowing Rafiki to explain of who he is truly referring to.

“Simba seeks counsel from Kongwe, the wisest of the wise.”

“Oh, yeah!” Beshte smiled as he happens to recongize her. “Kongwe's the oldest animal in the Pride Lands.”

“Oldest animal in the Pride Lands?” Fluttershy spoke up intrigued. “As in we’re taking about a tortoise here in the Pride Lands?”

“Yep.” Beshte nodded much to Fluttershy’s delight.

“Ooh! Do you know where she is?”

“Last I heard, she was living along the rocky bank of Urembo River, about a half-a-day's walk from here.”

“Half a day?” Simba spoke not liking what he is hearing. “I'd like to speak to her as soon as possible.”

“Understandable.” Twilight said in agreement.

“Maybe a half-day for them, but I can do it faster.” Rainbow immediately offered as she flew over ready to volunteer for the task at hoof.

“So can I!” Fuli chimed in feeling equally comfortable with said task at paw.

“Excellent. Thank you, Fuli. Rainbow Dash.” Simba gratefully returned to the two speedsters.

“Yes! You shall escort the escort.” Rafiki declared with his signature laugh.

“Indeed they shall.” Twilight declared in agreement before turning to Fluttershy looking like she is going to explode. “And so will the animal-loving expert, Fluttershy.”

“You mean…?”

“Yes, Fluttershy. You have royal permission to escort the escort alongside the Royal Mjuzi, and the Guard’s Fastest.”

"And me?" Kyoga asked with intrigue of meeting this wise turtle herself. "Can I accompany them too?"

"Of course." Twilight nodded once more. "I'm sure they can use some wisdom here and there from you along the way."

"Thank you."

“Hooray!” Fluttershy cheered with great enthusiasm as she did loop de loops all around Pride Rock before taking off. “Well, what are we waiting for?! Let’s go!”

“I can't wait! Let's go, Fuli! Rainbow!” Makini already got excited as she was quick to join Rainbow and Fuli who ran off ahead of her. As she kept pace she really got to work talking along the way. “I'm so excited to spend time with you all. I'll learn all about you and you'll learn all about me. It's gonna be so great! Don't you think so, Fuli? Rainbow? Fluttershy? Kyoga?” She then realized that the others are starting to get ahead of her to which Fuli stopped before she followed suit.

“You coming, Makini?”

“Ooh, yeah! Wait for me.”

With that the escort crew has already made their way to begin their mission.

After they left Twilight moved to answer what Kion was going to ask her. “Yes, I know. But knowing Fluttershy, she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Especially not tortoises along with rare and special animals she has never met before.”

“That’s true. She doesn’t.” Kion agreed and accepted it for as is after recalling of how much she was gushing over him, Spike, and Bunga when they first met. With that said and done, Kion turned to the rest of the team. “In the meantime, the rest of us are on patrol. Whatever Scar has planned for the Pride Lands, we need to be ready.”

“You got it, Kion!”


“You can count on us!”

“Yes, sir!”

Beshte, Ono, Applejack, and Pinkie all returned ready to carry it out today.

“Don’t call me sir, Pinkie.” Kion said feeling it to be unnecessary considering he is a pre teen.

“Yes, ma’am.” She returned still saluting and widely smiling to which had Twilight giggling along with both Simba and Rafiki much to the young lion’s embarrassment.

“Lighten up.” Starlight said with a friendly nudge. “She’s just kidding.”

After regaining his composure, both he and Twilight moved to lead the team so they can carry out their daily patrol together.

Meanwhile, the five escorts have made their way across the Pride Lands where Makini has wasted no time in striking up a conversation with the other girls. “My favorite is definitely bright pink flamingos. Oh, but orange and brown giraffes are pretty, too. What animal do you think is the prettiest, Fuli?”

“I never really thought about it.” She replied only half interested in the conversation.

“Me neither.” Rainbow replied with little interested compared to Fuli.

“How about you Fluttershy?”

“Oh...well...if it was one animal it’d be hard for me say but aside from Angel my pet bunny, there are the hummingbirds, the egrets, and those cute blue birds, and pretty much all birds in general.” Fluttershy replied honestly.

“Oh, blue turacos! I forgot about them. I love blue!”

“So does Twilight.”

“Because she does like wearing blue gowns to the Royal Gala! So true! Oh! And what you Rainbow Dash, do you like blue? The reason I ask is because you’re a blue pony and all.”

“I’m more of a pony who likes red along with warmer and faster colors.” Rainbow returned feeling rather annoyed at this point since she’s talked non-stop since they left Pride Rock but was still able to mask it with a friendly smile. “Nothing personal against that color, it’s just more my style.”

“That makes sense!” Makini returned admiring her multi-colored mane in the process. “It sure makes you quite colorful!”

Rainbow laughed alongside her for a bit. “Yes, it does.”

"No question about that." Kyoga commented with a more neutral reaction to the conversation herself. Sure it doesn't spark her interests but it does help kill the time, especially when they managed to reach their destination without thinking about it.

Fuli had to let out a calming sigh as they spot out their destination while walking on the path laid out for them. “Okay, here we are. Urembo River.”

“Really? We got here fast.” Makini spoke impressed that they’re here already.

"Yep." Kyoga nodded. "Amazing of how much talking can help cover much more distance more than you think."

“Fast is what I do.”

“Me too.” Rainbow said likewise. “So, let's find Kongwe and get her back to the King, quick. What does she look like?”

“Well…” Fluttershy moved to answer that question. “...she is a tortoise for starters so we should be looking out for a large shell where she might be sticking her neck in.” She giggled for a bit before looking around for said shell after earning looks of confusion and disinterest from the others for her joke.

“Well let’s find her and try to make her stick her neck out for us!” Rainbow stated with a laugh which was met with dead silence instead of laughter like she expected. “Oh, come on! That was funny!”

“Yeah, no.” Fuli bluntly replied as she got searching for Kongwe while hopping onto what she thinks is a large rock in a tall area of grass. “Although finding her would go a lot faster if we knew what she looked like exactly.” Just then the supposed rock she was standing moved upward from the tall grass. “Whoa!”

As it turns out it was Kongwe’s shell she was standing on and she had just emerged after waking up from a nap she was just taking. Amazingly, her brown skin and matching colored shell allowed her to blend in with the grass so no one would spot and disturb her while she rested.

“Faster is not always better.” The wise tortoise returned to the surprised cheetah.

“What?!” Rainbow returned like it’s the most blasphemous statement she’s heard.

Makini gasped in delight alongside Fluttershy upon seeing her for the first time.

“Oh, are you Kongwe?


“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy giggled and fluttered around like a fan girl before recollecting herself. “Of course, you are. What you just said sounded really wise.” Rainbow returned giving her friend the stink eye in response to which she took as a message to get this conversation straight to the point of why they are here. “But you already know that, being so wise and all. And that's why the King needs to see you."

“The King?”

“Yes, the King himself. And he wants to see you right away.” Fuli replied kindly.

“I see.”

“But, of course, you're a tortoise.” Rainbow Dash said somewhat irritably which earned her the stink eye back from both Fluttershy, Kyoga, and Fuli for coming across as rude and demanding right off the bat.

Luckily for her, Kongwe didn’t mind the comment and just humored it. “Indeed, for my mother was a tortoise. A child of a tortoise is also a tortoise.”

“Oh, you are wise.” Makini complimented. “Isn't she wise, Fuli?”

“It makes sense.” Fuli replied knowing that’s true. “I mean I can’t imagine a tortoise’s mother not being a tortoise.”

“I guess?” Rainbow said knowing quite getting it herself but none of the less want to get things moving. “Anyways, we should get going now. We don't want to keep the King waiting.”

Makini after getting over fascinating Kongwe’s wisdom came to agree with her. “Oh, Rainbow’s right. We should hurry.”

“To run is not necessarily to arrive.” She said as she slowly made her way onward, which is expected because tortoises can’t move very fast, even if they wanted to.

"True, but much appreciated that we get to Pride Rock as soon as possible to avoid keeping the king waiting."

“That sounds super-wise!” Makini complimented while half-confused. “What exactly does it mean?” She asked the others.

“It means this is gonna be a long trip.” Fuli replied not sounding surprised as she figured this would happen.

“Ugh!” Rainbow Dash groaned as he floated alongside the group with nothing she can do about it.

Meanwhile back in the Pride Lands near home, things are so far quiet for the Guard as they conduct their current patrol.

“So, Kion, does King Simba have a plan to defeat Scar?” Beshte hopefully asked.

“Not yet. Hopefully, this Kongwe will have some good ideas.”

“Or at least help calm and assure your father we’ll find the answer in due time.” Twilight chimed in as she moved to clarify what she meant by that as Kion looked on towards her in confusion. “I mean, I’m not saying she won’t have helpful advice. I just don’t think the immediate answer will come right away. After all, Scar is the one and only evil lion of the Pride Lands Past. And a very powerful master of combat and magic that only someone like me, Celestia, and Luna could defeat him at this point. It’s just a matter of how.”

“But what about me?” Kion asked with a frown feeling a bit hurt and insulted. “I’ve fought him once before and I’m now an alicorn.”

“Yes, but you’re still learning to master magic yourself.”

“I know I am.” Starlight interjected as she has come to know her limits having gone up against Scar before. “And I know she isn’t wrong there.”

Sensing that her friend is still upset, Twilight moved to try to be as gentle as she is firm about it. “Kion, I’m not trying to put you down...again. I’m just trying to help you know your battles and what you can handle alone.”

“It’s nothing personal, really.” Beshte once more tried to say to help assure Kion of that. “She’s just trying to look after you like she does with the rest of her family.”

“Along with not wanting to lose you again.” Rarity said in agreement. “I mean it took poor Sweetie Belle days to overcome nearly losing me when I was once the Princess of Darkness’s protege.” She added somewhat dramatically. “No offense.” She quickly said to Twilight.

“None taken.” Turning back to Kion. “So do you understand now what I’m saying.”

“Yeah.” Twilight moved to hug him to which Kion reciprocated somewhat reluctantly. Once they broke up from the hug, he turned to the skies where the Guard’s Keenest of Sight is scanning the skies. “Seeing anything interesting, Ono?”

“Not really. Unless you count hyraxes crossing the bridge to the watering hole as interesting.” As he caught sight of them along with the narrow and hollow arch bridge they are about to cross he spotted something off about it. “Wait a tick.” He gasped when his keen sight spotted out a loose rock under the arch. “There's a rock on the end that looks a little loose.”

“A little loose?”

“As in that whole thing is coming down taking the hyraxes with it!” Rarity exclaimed in shock as the bridge starts to fall apart.

“Heyvi kabisa!”

“The bridge is unstable!”

The leaders exclaimed when they saw what is happening with the latter quickly appearing right in front of the hyraxes alongside Ono with a teleportation spell.

“Hyraxes! Back, back!” The alicorn princess ordered with a raised hoof while keeping her hooves and weight off of the bridge while Starlight tried to work her magic in stabilize it from under.

As the hyraxes chattered in brief confusion, Ono moved to help guide them to safety. “Off the bridge! Hurry!”

Thanks to that quick thinking, the hyraxes were guided to safety with the rocks itself seemingly ceasing to fall apart with no weight on the bridge.

Thinking that it’s safe now, Bunga moved under the arch. “Ah, I think it's done.”

As soon as he said that with a single touch, he was once again proved wrong when the arch gave out with huge chunks of the bridge moving to right on him along with the whole Guard.


“Bunga, look out!”

Both Ono and Twilight alerted.

Luckily for him, Kion managed to swiftly use his magic to pull Bunga out of harm’s way though both Ono and Twilight had to fly down when they were obscured by the heavy dust that formed around them to make sure they weren’t harmed.

“Guys? Guys?”

“Are you all okay?”

Everyone all emerged unharmed and uninjured as a purple colored dome appeared courtesy of Kion and Starlight when the dust settled.

“We're good.”

“Safe and sound.”

Both Ono and Twilight were now greatly relieved to see and hear that with the latter impressed with what she saw.



“Everyone up there okay, Twilight, Ono?”

The Hyraxes appeared from the stable ledge chattering to confirm it.


“Affirmative. Though we now have a bunch of thirsty hyraxes that can't get to the watering hole. Sorry, little guys.”

The hyraxes all chattered in disappointment as they can only look at the dead end in front of them.

“Aw, they look so thirsty.”

“The poor darlings!”

Both Pinkie and Rarity said in sympathy for them.

“Hey! I can go up there and throw ‘em across the ravine.” Bunga quickly offered.

“I'm not so sure that's a good idea, Bunga.” Ono said while shaking his head.

“Absolutely not.” Twilight immediately stated. “We don’t want to risk hurting them.”

“Good point.” Starlight agreed as she examined the broken rock bridge pieces as she tries to think of a solution.

At the same time Beshte just so happens to be thinking of another idea upon glancing at one of the rock slabs that fell off. “Hmm…”

“What you're thinking, Beshte?” Kion asked.

“Well, if we could move one of those big rocks…” Beshte proposed.

“It could make another bridge.” Kion finished as he put the pieces together. “But how would we hold it up?”

“Don't worry, Kion. We got this.” With that Beshte turned to the Pony Guard’s Strongest ready for a joint effort in creating this bridge as Starlight got in position ready to work her magic. “Ready?”


“Do it!”

Both Applejack and Starlight stated with the former helping Beshte lift up with her front hooves.

“Twende Kiboko!” Beshte grunted with his might as he lifted the rock slab up alongside Applejack.


“Nice one, Beshte! You too, Applejack!”

Kion and Pinkie both spoke very impressed.

“Ono, little help?” Twilight advised.

“Affirmative.” Ono moved to help guide the two so the rock slab can be more centered in the open gap. “Back it up, Applejack. A little more, Beshte.”

“All set.”

“Straight and true.”

“Go ahead, little guys.” Ono then told the hyraxes who all happily made their way across the bridge both Applejack and Kion created for them.

“Careful, everybody.”

“Yeah, watch your step, little critters.”

Both the Guard’s Strongest cautioned as they made their way along the bridge who then happily chattered to thank them for what they just did for them.

“Aw, any time.”

“You’re all mighty welcome.”

“Good thinking, Beshte!”

“Good work, Applejack!”

Both leaders of the Guard commended.

“Sure is quite the Apple-tastic bridge you helped create, Applejack”

“You make an un-Bunga-lievable bridge, Beshte.”

Both Pinkie and Bunga complimented.

“Thanks, Little B.”

“Eh, it’s just holding up stone and rock, Pinkie.”

“Are you kidding?!” Pinkie returned like it’s a joke. “This could be a monumental occasion that deserves recognition!”

“Yeah! The Big B & A bridge.” Bunga agreed.

“The Big B & A bridge"? Ono asked confused.

“The Big Beshte and Applejack bridge! Duh!” Pinkie returned and giggled.

“Of course it is.” Applejack returned as she expected that. “But still sounds mighty nice if you ask me.”

“I like it. But I always like helping the animals of the Pride Lands.” Beshte said humbly as they both took small pride in their work.

“Me too!” Applejack agreed. “So, I reckon we should put it to the side now?”

“Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary.” Twilight shook her head as she turned to both Starlight and Kion. “Since we can just work our magic to repair it.”

“And that we can do.” Starlight quickly got to work as she worked her magic in putting the pieces together, literally. “Ready when you are, Kion.”

“Okay. Then let’s get to work, Starlight.” Kion moved to do so as both he and Starlight work together in re piecing and reestablishing the arch so that other small critters and animals can safely walk and run across without any serious injuries and repercussion.

All while Twilight smiles upon seeing the two get good pratice at using their magic out of it as both Applejack and Beshte manage to move themselves out from under the rock slab they just held up together.

Elsewhere in the Pride Lands, both Fuli and Rainbow have taken lead as they make their on towards Pride Rock with Makini, Kyoga, and Kongwe close behind.

“Okay, if we keep up this pace, I think we can be back at Pride Rock just after sundown.” Fuli analyzed before turning to her side only to see that Fluttershy, Makini and Kongwe aren't with her. “Or not.”

Rainbow Dash groaned upon seeing this. “Not again!”

"Sorry." Kyoga returned apologetically. "But they just had to stop and observe it. Again."

“Fuli, Rainbow Dash, Kyoga, come quick!” Makini’s voice called them getting their attention on over to them.

“Makini? Kongwe?”

“What is it? You okay?”

“Kongwe found an amazing flower. Look.” All eyes are spotted on the small red flower right in front of them.

“Another flower?” Rainbow and Fuli both moved to examine it to see what’s so special about it.

“Yeah! It's totally different from the last one.”

“How so?” Rainbow irritably asked. “It's a flower.”

“Each bloom is unique, Rainbow Dash.” Kongwe explained. “You'd see that if you just stop and observe.”

“That is so true, Kongwe! And so wisdom-y!” Makini complimented once more.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Fluttershy commented in agreement.


Upon seeing Rainbow looking on with crossed arms and getting very impatient by the minute she moved to try get things back on the road. “Although we do have slightly more important things to see than flowers, like getting to King Simba as soon as possible. So can we please get going?”

“Oh, that's so true, too, Fluttershy.” Makini once more acknowledged before turning to the tortoise. “Aren't you excited to see the King, Kongwe?

“I have seen many things, young Mjuzi, because I stop and observe.” Kongwe commented as she moved to resume walking again.

“That's probably the best way to see a lot of things...that is of course when we’re not on an urgent journey to get to Pride Rock.” Fluttershy commented as she tries to both firm and fair in the matter.

“Maybe to you but with the way I roll, I see a lot more when I'm going.” Rainbow Dash stated on the contrary.

“Same here.” Fuli said in agreement.

“Oh, that must be a good way to see things, too.” Makini commented in awe.

“Oh, it is! Trust me.” Fluttershy assured as Rainbow and Fuli burst in a duet together.

The Faster I Go

Music from 0:49 to 2:19

Once the song ended, Kongwe spoke the first thing on her mind. “You both have an interesting philosophy, young cheetah and Pegasus. I thank you both for sharing it with me.”

“Our pleasure.”

“So why don't we get moving again?”

But what happened next was something they weren’t expecting. “Yes, soon. You've given me so much to ponder now.” Kongwe moved to tuck her head and limbs in her shell.

“Seriously?” Fuli said in annoyance while Rainbow looks on like she is about to explode in anger as evidenced by her face turning red.

Upon taking a deep breath, she let loose one of the biggest screams she can muster into the sky that could be heard all the way to where the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard are currently standing.

Meanwhile, with nothing going on right now, the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard tried to spot out their friends along with their important guest of the king. But not without hearing a very familiar sound from across the horizon.

What was that?” Applejack was the first to ask upon hearing it.

“Was that Rainbow Dash?” Rarity also asked.

“Sure was!” Pinkie confirmed as they moved towards the direction of her voice.

“Any sign of her, Fuli, Fluttershy, Kyoga, and Kongwe, Ono, Twilight?” Kion asked as they all took flight to the skies to try to spot them out.

“Not over here.”

“No sign of them.” Just then Ono gasped when he spotted something alarming up ahead. “Hapana! A wildfire! Over at the Poromoko Crevasse! And it looks like the elands are trapped!”

“Looks like the search will have to wait.” Twilight said seeing their most urgent calling.

“Yep.” Kion said before taking lead on over there alongside his flying companions. “Till the Pride Lands and Equestria’s end...”

“Lion and Pony Guard defend!”

Back where the others still stand, Rainbow after just letting loose her sky high scream floated back down to the ground, unable to stop groaning in frustration with these non-stop delays.

“Hello? Hello?” Makini moved to knock on Kongwe's shell. “Kongwe? Maybe she's not home.”

“I highly doubt that.” Fluttershy quickly shook her head with a giggle. “She’s just thinking inside her shell.”

“That is correct, sweet Pegasus.” Kongwe confirmed while said pony slightly blushed in response to the compliment.

Rainbow however is feeling very anxious and about to lose her mind at her for constantly dragging this on longer than necessary. “Can't you think and walk?”

“He who chases two hares will catch neither.”

“Fine, stay in your shell. We still have to get you to the King.”

But before she could move to try to push her shell, Fluttershy was quick to stop her. “You will do no such thing, Rainbow Dash!” She fiercely stated much to her friend’s surprise. “I know we have orders to get her on over to the king, but forcing her into doing something she doesn’t want to do isn’t the answer.”

Just hearing that only further fueled the brash Pegasus’s exasperation. “Oh, now you decide to be Miss Assertive?! Oh, great timing!” She then turned to the cheetah who is looking on with mixed feeling about all of this. “And what about you, Fuli? You agree with her on this?”

Fuli sighed as she chose her next words very carefully. “Actually...yes I do. And before you scream your head off again, here’s why. Kongwe, even while slow against our interests, possesses the wisdom the king needs to feel assured that we have what it takes to defeat Scar. If we try to force her to go, then she might not want to help along with any other wise animal in the Pride Lands and Equestria.”

“So are you saying we should just let her get away with constantly delaying us even though she is aware that the king is expecting her, as. Soon. AS. POSSIBLE!”

“No.” She calmly replied in the face of Rainbow’s frustrated outburst. “I’m just saying we just need to be patient with her. Just try to be more understanding to Kongwe. Just try to be more kind to those around you more.”

“Ooh, shwari!” Makini gasped in awe. “That is very excellent advice, Fuli!”

“Well…” Fuli shrugged as she smiled earnestly at Fluttershy. “...I had a kind friend to help see things that way.”

"Impressive." Kyoga complimented. "Took the words right out of my mouth."

"Oops." Fuli giggled while rolling her eyes to the side in a playful manner.

“Oh, great.” Rainbow sarcastically remarked still annoyed out of her mind. “The joys of kindness has gotten to you too. And here I thought you’d agree with me 120% on this.”

“Like it or not, it’s the way I see things now.” She simply replied to which Rainbow moved to lean back with her arms crossed with nothing to do but pout in response.

But by doing so she ended up accidentally tilting the tortoise onto her shell and on her back as she fell into a nearby dry riverbank.

“Uh-oh.” Makini commented in worry when that happened.

“Oops.” Rainbow said upon realizing her mistake.

“Uh, Kongwe, you okay?”


Both Fluttershy and Fuli asked in concern.

Thankfully she is since she peaked her head out from her shell as she looked up towards the moving clouds in the blue skies. “Have you ever noticed clouds? And the way they follow the wind?”

“Yes I do.” Fluttershy replied as she moved to float up to get a look at the clouds above her.

“Even upside-down, you're wise.” Makini once more complimented.

“We’ll take that as a yes. She certainly sounds okay.” Rainbow said feeling relieved that no harm no foul was committed. “Now, we just gotta figure out a way to flip her back over.” Kongwe effortlessly managed to do just that. “Oh. Never mind.”

“What are you waiting for? We need to see the King.” She then said and continued their very way like nothing ever happened to which Rainbow looked on with a fuming expression before letting it slide.

“At least we're going faster now, right, Rainbow Dash.” Makini then said as they all got moving once more.

“Yeah, I guess.” Rainbow replied as if it’s better than nothing but could not hide her annoyance and dissatisfaction with their slow progress. “Even though we would have covered more ground sooner had not constantly stopped every few minutes or so.”

“Hmm.” Kongwe then spotted an arched tree along the path. “Would you look at this?”

“Do we have to?” Rainbow returned with a restrained tone of voice.

“Apparently, yes.” Fuli replied with a sympathetic shrug.

“One doesn't usually see roots like this close-up.”

Makini moved to observe the tree herself. “I sure haven't. I wonder why these roots aren't in the ground.” To answer her question the roots started to make a crackling noise as the tree started to tilt over in their direction. “And I wonder why they're moving.”

“Because that tree's about to fall!" Kyoga then said in sudden alarm before leaping out of harm's way first. "Move!”

Acting fast Rainbow managed to push Makini out of the way while Fuli moved to hop on Kongwe’s shell to protect her from the falling leaves and branches.

Fluttershy who only had enough to time to shield her eyes from a dreadful sight, could only peek her eyes hoping the worst hasn’t happened. “Girls! Kongwe! Are you all okay?!”

“We’re okay.” Fuli quickly assured once the dust settled to reveal that where they stood has them still unharmed without even a scratch along with Rainbow and Makini both climbing themselves up to their feet.

“And that was some fast save, Rainbow.” Makini said both thankful and amazed at the same time. “Hey, maybe fast is best.”

“That's what I keep saying.” Rainbow proudly boasted.

“Perhaps.” Kongwe once more acknowledged.

“But…” Rainbow asked expecting her to say otherwise.

“But sometimes, standing still is the fastest route to safety.”

“You got lucky.” Rainbow tried to point out.

“Not luck, observation.” She corrected. “But also, I did get lucky. When a big tree falls, many eat its leaves.” She proceeded to eat one of the leaves on the closest branch right next to her.

“Or many get crushed.”

“If I hadn't gotten you to stop and look at the tree, perhaps we all would have been crushed.”

“Maybe. Or maybe had we kept moving then maybe the tree would have fallen after we passed by it.” Even still she failed to understand the wisdom of her words. “Regardless, this tree is not going anywhere, and neither are we, at least not on this path.”

“We could go over!” Makini suggested before realizing. “Oh, but Kongwe can't.”

“No.” Rainbow flew up to get a glance at their surroundings and managed to spot out a way to which both Fuli and Fluttershy took notice of. “But we can go another way.”

“What other way?” Fluttershy asked.

“This way?” Fuli asked after realizing the direction her speedy friend wants to go.

"Are you sure?"

“Yes, Fuli. Kyoga.” Rainbow replied before turning to the others so they are all on board with the new travel route. “So, here's what we're gonna do. There's a path back there that cuts through the Backlands. That's the fastest way to get to Pride Rock from here. Come on.”

"Very well. This way everyone." Kyoga then stated as she walked alongside the others while putting her guard up as they walked.

Fuli didn’t like the idea herself and neither did Kyoga knowing exactly what they are risking by going in that direction but after considering what needs to be done relented with the latter thinking that maybe a lesson will be learned out of this. “And a fair warning. The Backlands are leopard territory, so stay close to me.”

“Um, Fuli, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy spoke up.

Rainbow groaned once more as she turned to see both Kongwe and Makini are both still admiring the fallen tree top.

“Unless one is a bird, one rarely gets to see the top of a tree this close.”


None of the less, the escorts made their way on over towards the Backlands, where they have keep themselves on high alert, knowing full well of who they’ll be expecting once they set one paw in his territory.

“We're going the right way, but keep an eye out.” Rainbow advised.

“I always keep an eye out.” Kongwe gently replied.

“I know.” Fuli assured. “She just means stay alert in case someone tries to ambush us.”

“And you never know when Makucha might show up.” Fluttershy added in shuddered agreement.

“Well, there is a lot to see here in the Backlands.” Makini then said with a positive mindset. “I should come here more often.”

"As long as you have extra protection by your side." Kyoga said to her.

“You’re always welcome.” Makucha said otherwise as he appeared from a nearby tree before leaping in front the group. “Especially you, tortoise.”

“That's very friendly of you! I'm…” Makini moved to greet him before being roared at by the leopard which got her to realize that it wasn’t a friendly greeting and hid behind Kongwe to safety.

“You're a real delicacy around here, tortoise.” Makucha complimented as he prepared and bared his teeth and ambition to make a meal out of her.

But Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Kyoga, and Fuli were to quick to defend her and Makini with the brave speedsters taking lead in keeping Makucha at bay.

“Back off, Makucha.”

“They're with us.”

Makucha then chuckled trying to pass it off as a joke. “Oh. Didn't see you there, cheetah. You too, rainbow-colored pony. Three legs.”

“Well, now you have.”

“And now we wanna see you walking away.”

"With all four legs. While you still have them."

Makucha looked around expecting more company which didn’t immediately show up. “So, where are your Lion and Pony Guard pals?”

“Don't you worry about them!"

“You deal with us!”

"So enough talk!"

Seeing that even these two are capable of taking him down had the leopard wisely letting them be. “Okay, cheetah, Pegasus, I'll be on my way... For now. But remember, you're in my territory.”

“Like we will ever forget it.” Rainbow muttered before taking lead once more so they continue on their way. “Anyways, let’s keep moving before he decides to come back.”

“Way ahead of you.” Fuli said in agreement as walked alongside the floating Pegasus.

Just seeing it had Makini once more speaking and singing their praises. “Wow, Fuli, Rainbow, Kyoga that was amazing! You were both amazing! I've never seen anything like that. Have you ever seen anything like that, Kongwe?”

“I've seen many things.” Kongwe calmly replied.

“Me too.” Fluttershy said in agreement. “But we do really need to keep moving now. Otherwise we’ll be forced to accept his dinner invitation.”

“What kind of dinner invitation?” Makini felt the need to ask not getting the point of it.

“She means he’ll hunt us down.” Fuli clarified. “He's gone for now, but I bet he comes back.

"So we really need to pick up the pace. This way!” Kyoga then said as she wasted no time in guiding everyone across the Backlands onto Pride Rock.

Back in the other part of the Pride Lands, the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard are right at the site of the fire so they can save the elands who are in trouble as of this very moment.

“Where are they?” Kion asked the others as they arrived on the scene.

“I don't see 'em.” Beshte replied unable to spot them out.

“They were right here, Kion.” Ono returned giving the best of the knowledge he can give.

“They must be lost in the smoke.” Twilight deduced.

“Help! Help!” One male eland cried out while coughing due to the smoke around him.

“Beshte, Bunga, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, you're with me.” Kion then insturcted.

“Ono, Starlight, you’re both with me in the skies so we can guide the others from above.” Twilight also instructed as they both were quick to follow her upwards.

“Will do.”


As those on the ground went into the dark cover of the heavy smoke, the others followed from up high.

“Guys! Girls! The fires are limited to the trees at the top of the canyon!”

“It's not spreading any further.”

Ono then looks on worried when he doesn't see his friends. “Guys? Girls?”

Deep in the smoke those on land have managed to round up the herd and managed to get out of the thick of it.

“This way, elands! This way!”

“And try not to breath in the smoke!”

Both Kion and Applejack stated to them as they carefully make their way by.

“Got it covered, Kion!” Pinkie quickly gave each and every one of them masks that allow them to breath safely including everyone on the team.

“Thank you, Kion.” The male eland gratefully returned.

“We're not out of the woods.”

“So do thank us, yet.”

Both Kion and Applejack returned.

“Uh, actually, Kion, we are.”

“We’re just outside a canyon.”

Both Bunga and Pinkie pointed out.

“That was an expression, you two.”

“He means the fire's still a threat.”

Both Rarity and Ono rather in annoyance.

“That’s right.” Twilight said before eyeing the nearest escape route. “We need to get everyone into the canyon.”

“Of course.” Ono realized. “The canyon's a natural break against the fire.”

“Come on, elands. You can follow me.” Beshte assured as he led the down on over there.

But unfortunately for them the bushes got caught on fire, thus frightening and startling the elands once more.

“Look out!” Kion, Twilight, and Starlight all were quick to come to their rescue by pulling them away from the fire before they could all come in contact with it.

“Kion! Twilight!” Beshte called out to them in worry.

“We're okay, but we're cut off.” Twilight quickly assured.

“Ono, any other way down? Or across?” Kion then asked.

“I don't think so.” He regretfully informed as he examined their surrondings. “The canyon narrows up ahead. But it's too far for the elands to jump.”

Fortunately, Kion was able to come up with a new idea as he examined the canyon down below. “Maybe they can't jump it, but if we could cross it... Beshte! Applejack! We could sure use a bridge right about now.”

“Just what I was thinking.” Beshte smiled in return as he and Applejack shared a nod together as Starlight teleported herself along with Applejack by his side. ”You ready again?”

“One Big B & A bridge coming up.”

“Big B & A bridge!” Bunga laughed. “Told you it'd catch on.”

The others groaned and look on in annoyance before moving to prepare themselves to cross to safety when given the go.

Twende Kiboko!”

With all of their might, the Guard’ Strongest were able to recreate the bridge they once did before. And with Starlight and Kion’s help in using their magic to stabalize it it was all safe to cross. “All right, elands.”

“One stable bridge to cross to safety all ready to go.” Starlight happily stated.

“Let's go!” Twilight stated to everyone.

“Is it safe?” The male eland asked.

“Um, it's safer than flames.” Starlight replied like it should be a no brainer. “So yeah. Like I said all ready to go.”

“Good point.”

And that was enough to get every eland to comply and head to safety on the other side of the canyon by crossing the escape bridge laid out for them.

“Keep moving.” Kion encouraged each and every eland before checking up on his friends. “You doing okay, Beshte? Applejack?”

Bunga was quick to assert it’s no biggie for the Guard’s Strongest. “'Course they’re okay. They did it before with the hyraxes. Right, Big B? AJ?”

“Of course, though it is mighty harder considering these are elands not hyraxes.” Applejack returned with a few minor grunts.

“But I don't mind.” Beshte said as he kept working through the minor struggles.

And like the last time, even with heavier weight, everyone all safely made it across.

“That's all of them, Kion.” Twilight happily reported before turning to both the country pony and hippo under the bridge. “And great job, Beshte. You too, Applejack!”

“It was nothing.” Applejack tipped her hat with one hoof like it just an ordinary day in the Pride Lands.

Meanwhile in the Back Lands the escorts are still making their way across, all while staying on their toes and staying alert should Makucha return again. All while Makini continues speaking of her personal excitement from this journey.

“Rafiki will be so impressed if I can remember every super-wise thing you've ever said, Kongwe. But it's not easy.” She then recited one of her previous bits of wisdom. “"A patient creature never misses a thing." I think that's right. Sure sounds smart, don't you think, Fuli, Rainbow Dash, Kyoga?”

“I think so.” Makucha replied as he appeared from the nearby bushes and cut them off again. “I've been patiently waiting. And now, I won't miss my supper.”

Seeing him again had both Fuli, Kyoga, and Rainbow standing in front of their friends defense once more.

“Hey! I thought we told you to back off.” Rainbow angrily returned.

Makucha once more laughed it off. “What can I say? I just couldn't get the taste of tortoise off my mind.”

Both Fuli and Makucha snarled as the former moved to give the latter a chase with Rainbow following after them. The leopard took lead as he ran in a zig-zag manner with the cheetah close behind albeit with a little difficultly up until he managed to jump up onto a tree. Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash with her eyes to focused on the target she had no time to do anything else when she ended up crashing right through the tree.

“Gotcha…” Rainbow uttered with spinning eyes as she passed out from the hard impact she endured.

“Come down here so I can make you leave.” Fuli demanded.

“Why don't you come up here and get me? Oh, right. Cheetahs can't climb trees.” Makucha taunted.

“Argh!” Fuli struggled as she finds her claws are stuck deep inside the tree.

“See you, cheetah.” Makucha then moved to climb down one of the nearby branches so he can get meet both Kongwe and Makini face to face as he prepares to hunt them on the spot.

Both Kongwe and Makini gasped in fright with the former quickly ducking inside her shell for safety while the latter hid right behind her.

“Oh, no, you don't!” Fluttershy furiously stated with a sudden burst of courage to give him the Stare.

Makucha grunted and growled at the intensity at the Pegasus’s fierce glare for several seconds before moving to stand his ground against her with a mighty roar along with a strong and brutal claw swipe to the face.

“Aah!” She screamed as she was knocked down hard into the ground and out cold when she ended up hitting her head onto a nearby rock.

Makucha laughed before turning to his prey. “You're all mine, tortoise.”

In an effort to heed him off, Makini tried to apply her martial arts training by twirling her staff right in front of him much to his annoyance. “I learned this move from Rafiki.” Makucha proceeded to knock her down effortlessly. “Maybe I should have learned some other moves.”

“You're just lucky I never really liked mandrill.”

Hearing that left her feeling hurt than relived. “You don't like me?”

"Sadly, no." Kyoga stated as she got in between the two with her claws bared, nose to nose. "And if I were you I'd leave now."

"Hmm. I have a better idea. How about not!"

But before he could do anything to her, Fuli tackled the leopard away from Makini along with both Fluttershy and Kongwe, followed by Rainbow going in for the super fast and hard body slam that sent the leopard flying halfway across the Backlands.

Rainbow felt the backlash from the blow she landed, but she was able to shake it off quickly and was more mindset on getting back at Makucha for hurting her friends especially Fluttershy. With her super speed she was able to make quick time to catch Makucha after he had quickly recovered and managed to get back on his paws. But that was only enough to see Rainbow as she body-slammed him into the nearby rocks once more. When the dust fully settled, the leopard managed to emerge and knock right by her speedy opponent before leaving Rainbow in the dust. Literally.

Rainbow growled in response to the leopard’s tough fighting spirit before quickly playing catch up to him. “Give it up, Makucha. You can't outrun and outfly me.”

Makucha laughed in the face of the Pony Guard’s Fastest like this is nothing new to him. “We'll see about that.”

To prove his point, while his opponent’s eyes were focused on him zigzagging to try to get away from her, he used this moment to grab the Pegasus by the wing and moved to slam her down into the ground which had her tumble for a bit. Rainbow grunted before sprinting after and catching up to him again.

“You may be fast, cheetah, but can you do this?” He then zigzag his way towards the nearby tree and then swung the branch right in Rainbow’s face to swat her away like a bug before making good on his escape. “Guess not!” He laughed in her direction before disappearing for now.

“Oh, yeah!” Rainbow yelled after him while trying to regain control of her dizzy and spinning mind. “I'll stop you. Somehow.” She uttered the last part to herself actually hoping that she can back that up before returning back to the others to make sure they’re okay.

“Rainbow Dash!” Fuli was the first to call out to her upon seeing her.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked with great concern upon seeing some of the bruises on her body.

“Of course she’s okay! In fact she’s more than okay! You chased him off!” Makini complimented.

But Rainbow isn’t in the mood for taking in compliments this time around. Especially when said leopard stepped up his game. “Big deal, he'll be back. Unless I can figure out a way to beat him.”

“To beat the leopard, you must observe the leopard.” Kongwe advised.

“I have observed him!” Rainbow impatiently retorted. “I observe him zigzagging away from me every time. I observe him making me fly and run a lot more than he does.”

While understanding her frustration, she gently implored and chastised the pony so she can finally grasp what she is trying to tell her. “Pony, pony, always flying and running. You must relax and observe.


“Of course!” Makini realized as Fuli smiled too. “Shwari, Rainbow! Just take a breath and slow down.” She moved to sit down and meditate as a demonstration.


“It really works.”

“Rainbow, I know this isn’t your style. But I think you should stop and listen for once. You might benefit from taking things slowly once a while.”


“Just take a deep breath, calm down, listen, and observe.”

“Please?” Fluttershy said looking like she is going to button her cute eyes to plead her very soul into doing so like Fuli’s pet cat.

"I mean it's not like you have anything else to lose." Kyoga added,

“All right. Fine.” Rainbow stood still, folded her wings, and took a deep and calming breath.

“Now, Rainbow Dash, what have you observed?” Kongwe asked now that she is open ears.

“He always zigzags and uses the nearby surroundings to fight for him, but I can't.”

“I see. So, he always zigzags.”

“Yes, he...Always.” Rainbow gasped and smiled as the answer just registered in her head. “Hmm. Okay, I got this.” She then flew over and in no time was able to spot the leopard taking a brief nap on a nearby rock. “Hey, Makucha. Ready for round two?”

Makucha scoffed in response. “More like round three or four. But who's counting? Catch me if you can. Hint, you can't.”

He proceeds to take lead once more with Rainbow following after him like before. And much like last time he is pulling ahead, all while zig-zagging.

“Observe.” She does so and sees that Makucha is doing so even when there isn’t anything to use against her. “Always.” She proceeded to let Makucha believe he has succeeded in escaping her once again…

...before delivering one super powerful sprint to tackle and beat him down until enough’s enough. Said beat down was swift and covered by a dust cloud with stars surrounding it when it occurred.

“You... You caught me?” Makucha uttered in shock that actually happened.

“Of course I did, Makucha.” Rainbow firmly stated. “I'll always catch you, so back off. Or next time, I'll do more than tackle and beat you down.”

“You know what?” The leopard said upon seeing that this is no longer worth pursing anymore. “I've lost my taste for tortoise.”

“That's good. Now beat it before I change my mind!” Makucha chuckled nervously before fleeing from the scene after the Pegasus released her grip on him.

“You did it!”

“Congratulations, Rainbow Dash!”

Both Makini and Fuli praised upon meeting up with her having seen the whole thing.

“I guess I did.” Fuli chuckled now feeling proud of herself and amazed with what she just did. “All it took was a little observing.”

“The pony listened to the tortoise. Perhaps now, I've truly seen everything.” Kongwe said proudly and pleased that her wisdom is now rubbing off on her.

“Me too.” Fluttershy replied feeling the same way. “Like my friend back home along with his dad always says, “Live long enough, and you’ll see everything.”

"Well said." Kyoga said with a smile.

At last after all of that enduring hardship, Fuli, Rainbow, Kyoga, Makini, and Kongwe all finally made to the Pride Lands. By then it was now time for Celestia’s sun to set with Luna’s rising moon to follow.

“It sure is nice to be back in the Pride Lands!” Makini is the first to comment upon arriving.

And it just so happens that they came across and intercepted the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard who have all finally finished a long patrol of rescue missions.

“Back in the Pride Lands?” Kion asked.

“It's a long story.” Rainbow replied.

“Well, wait till you hear about Beshte and Applejack.” Bunga brought up. “They were a bridge together!”

“Hmm. I'd like to have seen that.” Kongwe commented sounding fascinated by that story.

“And I’m sure you would have been in for quite a sight-seeing if you have.” Applejack returned to assure it’s a true story all right.

Twilight upon meeting her was the first to greet her. “Hello, you must be Kongwe. I'm Twilight Sparkle. The Princess of Friendship. And these our are the rest of our friends from the Lion and Pony Guard. Applejack, Beshte, Bunga, Ono, Pinkie, and Rarity.”


“What’s up!”

“How you doing!”

“A pleasure to meet your acquaintance.”

“Hello, new friend!” Confetti exploded all around her to which everyone did not dare to question knowing her.

“Charmed to meet you, darling. And I’m sure you have already met Fluttershy and Rainbow.”

“And I’m Kion. The Prince of Friendship.” Kion greeted himself. “Let's get you to my dad. Come on.” He tried to urge her to get a move on to which all proceeded to head on over to Pride Rock.

“Hmm. Hurry, hurry brings no blessings.” Kongwe said as they walked on ahead.

“I think that means she's going as fast as she can.” Makini explained to everyone.

“Guess you were surprised Kongwe turned out to be a tortoise, huh?” Kion then said to both speedsters of the Guard who are both more focused on the sky above them. “Fuli? Rainbow Dash?”

“Have you ever stopped to notice how the clouds never rush?” Rainbow asked as she kept flying. “They just follow the wind.”

Kion turned to Fuli who briefly stopped looking at the skies to answer the question that’s on her friend’s mind. “It’s part of a long story. A long story with a much needed lesson learned during our journey back home.”

“Really? You don’t say.” Twilight spoke sounding impressed and intrigued with the urge to want to know more about it later.

"You'd be amazed, Twilight." Kyoga assured that what they are seeing came from a true story from their journey. A true story indeed.

By the time everyone finally arrived at Pride Rock where Simba, Celestia, Luna, and Rafiki are all waiting for them, Luna’s moon has already rised to the sky. Once she arrived, Kongwe fully processes of what she has been informed.

“Hmm. So Scar has returned. It is indeed a difficult problem.”

“Uh, yeah!” Bunga returned with crossed arms feeling that should be obvious at this point.

“Bunga!” Rarity scolded in a hushed whisper while Applejack dope slapped him for the rude comment.

“So, Kongwe, what do we do?” The lion king asked hoping that there is a way to resolve this.

“Fortunately, it is the patient animal who eats the ripe fruit.” The wise tortoise assured.



Both Simba and Kion said still not quite understanding of what she meant by that.

“Oh!” Rainbow moved to speak up having spent plenty of time with the tortoise to know what she is saying. “I think she means we'll find the solution eventually. But we need to take the time to look.”

“I see.”


Both father and son now understand the words of wisdom.

“Very wise.”

“Indeed. And quite impressive for somepony so used to spending time in the fast lane.”

Both Rafiki and Luna acknowledged with positive and proud smiles.

“Yes, yes, Pegasus! I have seen many things. And good always triumphs over evil, in time. Sure there may be days where they triumph at times and other times not but as long as you have hope. But if you all proceed with caution, come prepared, and be smart about it, I have no doubt that one who truly has the power deep down inside by combining both brains and brawn together that one will be the one who will prevail and put to a stop to all of this once and for all.”

“And that’s a vow we intend to keep.” Twilight assured and vowed while smiling at both Kion and Rainbow for now understanding of what she once told them.

“Which I have full faith in ourselves that we can and will do.” Celestia said in agreement.

“Indeed we shall.”

And truth be told, while it’s still a difficult journey, they still have great confidence with great wisdom told going forward. And that’s what really matters.

“At least what you think…” Makucha himself said privately from afar in the nearby bushes before using the cover of darkness around him to leave undetected before making his way to certain hideout nearby. “...for as long as your enemies can persist in the face of danger, they still have a chance at winning, including me. And as for keeping an eye on the Lion and Pony Guard on their toes and hooves at all times, I’m just the guy for the job.”

“Excellent…” Scar returned grinning and feeling very pleased to hear of his findings from his latest journey...

Author's Note:

Here in this, we have the aftermath follow up to the events of the Crystalling after another close call with Scar once more where a meeting is held to discuss the matter of the ongoing war going forward. With the best course of action taken after much discussion, King Simba himself decided that some much needed counseling is in order from none other than the Wisest animal in the Pride Lands, Kongwe.

And who better to join Fuli and Makini than Rainbow and Fluttershy who were both more than happy to help speed up and or meet up with the tortoise herself. Aside from having a little struggle whether to keep or axe up the delays (I can easily fix no problem).

On one hand it is a bit of drag considering that the king's request for an audience with her ASAP is reasonable at the same time one learns a lesson out of this, more specifically Rainbow Dash who I felt was the better candidate to grasp the episode's Aesop, even with all reasons to be understandably frustrated to an extent. Especially when it actually helps when Makucha starts playing the speed game with better brains himself than before. So even with all past troubles aside, it still proven to be a good lesson and time for Rainbow to learn it considering of what's soon to come for her.

Anyways, that's it for now when we get back sometime next week we will be returning to Manehattan where Fuli will be joining Pinkie and her sister Marble as they do some much need shopping for the special Pie Family tradition, so it should be interesting to see how that turns out. So until then stay tuned...