• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

More Blog Posts279

  • 2 weeks
    All Things Seem Possible in Paul Rudd

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Sticky are back open for the month of May! YEE HAW! Bring your family and dogs all down to The Big Sticky and get a free complementary breadstick basket! And don't worry, it was only made of Gluten. And no, we don't provide Gluten Free, get out. And if you're the one of ten thousands sending us emails demanding Gluten Free, we have the

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  • 6 weeks
    Paul Rudd Showers Bring Paul Rudd Flowers

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    or else....

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  • 10 weeks

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a HAPPY 11TH ANNIVERSARY FOR UNIVERSAL MAGIC! HAPPY 11TH!!!! IT'S THE 21ST!!!!....


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  • 15 weeks
    You Take My Paul Rudd Away Baby

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  • 15 weeks
    Season 30 Part 3 of Universal Magic

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    SEASON 30 PART 2

    Back to Plans

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A New Year, A New Paul Rudd.... · 11:29pm January 21st

Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a new year! YEE HAW! YEE HAW LITTLE DOGGY! WOOOO! And to celebrate the Earth making a big ol' circle, we like to invite you to the EARTH LAP MONTH FESTIVAL! During the entire month of January, we celebrate the new year by celebrating the Earth of doing a lap around the big yellow thing in the sky. We have fun things for the whole family. We have the world famous Running Around In A Circle activity, for Mom and Dad, we have our Big Sticky special of pin the Helmet on the Boy. A fun game where a boy gets to wear a helmet! But of course for the kids we have The Big Stick of The Big Sticky house! All they need to do is watch the piece of wood just lying on the ground. IT DOES NOTHING! And y'all need to come over and try our special Earth Salad. IT'S MADE OF WORMS, DIRT, AND A CARROT AS IT CIRCLES A FIRE PIT! And to end the month, we commence our yearly traditional event of Human Sacrifice to the Big Ball of Light in the Sky to appease the Sun God and to give thanks for sending his son THE BIG STICK. ALL HAIL THE BIG STICK! ALL HAIL, IT'S THE 21ST OF THE MONTH AGAIN!.... YEE HAW!....

Hello, hello, hello, hello once again to the monthly update. And to check in my progress, if I am alive or not, and hey big news.... today's my birthday. Didn't know that huh? Well who cares because we need to talk about some stuff....

First off, UM progress: For A Random My Little Pony Fan Fiction Story 3, I added another chapter already so you know progress is moving smoothly. Chapter 6 is done, just need to find the time to do Chapter 7. However, this past Christmas, I received a special gift, more on that later. But that's the deal, 3 more chapters left and then I'm going to do two more Apocalypse Life episodes in Alternate Universal Magic.

Now, for this past Christmas, I got the gift of a brand new laptop. Of course trying to find the time to work on UM is tough enough these days, and so lately a lot of my time has been eaten up by setting up my new computer that I'll be working on. It's just that Winblows 11 can rot in hell. But hey, I'm working on it and plus the transition from my old laptop to the new one. And let me just say CyberLink can also rot in hell. Word of advice, stick with VLC. Yeah you'll need to install the AACS files yourself, but it's free and a less pain to deal with. So if things become slower again, just know that I'm working on that, but hopefully it isn't much longer. At least my precious Microsoft Office 2007 still works on it. I'd install Linux but honestly I'm not smart enough for it.

Anyways, you know what time of year it is. It is Universal Magic's 11TH ANNIVERSARY!!!!
And just to be a friendly reminder, the concept for UM started around late January / Early February of 2013 as well as the writing for it. But it was not published till March 21st, 2013.

But that's a quick little shoutout to the conception stage anniversary. But what about the 11th birthday? Will there be an anniversary special of some sort? Well that's what I wanted to talk about. For at least I want to say since maybe 2019 or 2020 I've been aiming to provide some sort of anniversary special of some kind. And since I made it to the 10th that was supposed to have been a short turned into a special, got to be honest I'm all tired out of doing it. I always have to rush to meet the deadlines and I rather just take my time and not rush you know? So in other words, no 11th anniversary special this year. That doesn't mean we're not celebrating or anything come March. And assuming everything goes smoothly, we can consider the next two Apocalypse Life episodes to be a late 11th anniversary special; but we'll see how that goes....

But regardless of such, I'm happy to make it to 11 years coming up soon. I'll save my words till then but yeah....

That's about it for the update I guess.

Anyways, here's what I updated in the Plans / Outline, have yourself a good one. See you all next month. And remember, we are never promised tomorrow...


The Outline / Plans

- Added three new things to Alternate Timeline in Alternate Universal Magic. It includes: Mr. and Mrs. Fire, A Knight for a Knight, and Creation Swap.

- Added IMPORTANT details to Episode 355: Twilight and Knight, Season 15, ACT. Basically saying I re-did the episode plot sort of speak. And so I finished a trilogy of sorts for the outline you could say. Plus a new title with the old one mentioned about Knight and Twilight surviving future earth….

- Added some detail to Episode 337: The Windows Saga: 7, Season 14, ACT III

- Added some slight detail to Episode 543: 3rd Earth Pony Adventure, Season 22, ACT III

- Important update to Episode 353, I went ahead and made the decision to just replace it with episode from Season 30 Part 2, How The Ponies Conquered Earth! (still a working title though), so now you have a basic trilogy of episode of how Knight gets caught and the stakes and what not….

- Added some slight detail to Episode 39: I Go Into A Trance (Working Title), Season 2, ACT I

- Added a slight detail to Episode 541: A Last Of Us Episode (Working Title), Season 22, ACT III

- Added some important details to Episode 149: Super Speedy Douchebags 6000

- A slight detail added to Episode 160: Ultimate Battles: Sonic VS Forrest Fire…. Nothing much though other than a last minute addition….

- Added a slight update to Episode 446: It’s Hearth Warming Eve Once Again (Working Title), Season 18, ACT III

- Added some detail to The Cryptid of Stalia in Season 30, Part 2

- Added some slight detail to Another Generic Wizard of Oz Metaphor Episode in Season 30, Part 2

- Added 3 new episodes to Season 30, Part 2 including: The Knight Rises, A Snowy Stalia Night, and Ah Well That End Well. And with The one episode implemented, but 3 new added, that makes the total amount of episodes that need to be implemented 102. Yay….

- Added some details to Episode 250: Mickey World Order, Season 11, ACT I

- Added a slight detail to the Episode 4 Re-edits in The Idea Jar for the re-edits in THE SUPER DUPER ULTRA MEGA HD REMASTERS...in hd...

- Added some details to Episode 631: Every time a Bell rings, white guys and Africans gets AIDS, Season 25, ACT IV

- Added some slight detail to Episode 191: Black, Season 8, ACT I

- Added a slight thing to the encyclopedia, added an animal section and would need to look through the episodes to completely fill out the list….

- Added an in-universe show idea to Stuff for Later in Mane 2 in Random….

- Added some details to The Daylight savings Time Day Special in The Specials Universe in Alternate Universal Magic on Page 3, basically added The One Hour Paradox (Or The One Hour Theory or The One Hour Rule….)

- Added some details to The Chinese New Year Day Special in The Specials Universe in Alternate Universal Magic on Page 3

- Added some details to The April Fool’s Day Special in The Specials Universe in Alternate Universal Magic on Page 2

- Added some details to The Good Friday Special in The Specials Universe in Alternate Universal Magic on Page 2

- Added slight detail to one of the Christmas specials, The Home Alone one, in The Specials Universe in Alternate Universal Magic on Page 1

- Added two new Specials on Page 3 of the Specials Universe in Alternate Universal Magic, also added it to The Specials List with a total of 66 Specials: The International Day Special and The Detective Day Special

- Added some plot details to Episode 34: Not Another Christmas Coral Episode in Season 2 of The Lost Episodes Chronicle Saga in Alternate Universal Magic

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