Xaquseg 719 followers

Xaquseg is the system administrator for FIMFiction, as well as various misc. development, especially related to security. Non-technical problems are probably best asked to other staff members.

News Archive

  • 207 weeks
    Downtime & Server Move

    Hi all. Firstly, apologies for the extended period of unexpected downtime. Obviously any kind of downtime is non ideal, but unexpected is more annoying all around.

    On Friday morning (GMT) we experienced a hardware failure on our database server. To our knowledge there is no data loss of any kind. We have fairly regular backups hosted off-site, regardless. The exact cause isn't entirely clear at this time, but instead of wrestling with trying to get the hardware sorted (it was a dedicated server) we decided that this was a good opportunity to make a server move we've been planning for a long time over to Digital Ocean.

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    236 comments · 15,473 views
  • 284 weeks
    BBCode updates

    Performance improvements

    Over the last few days I've been working on improving the performance of the BBCode parser. I've managed to implement a few major optimizations, reducing the run time in common cases to around 1/4th to 1/20th compared to the older version. This has reduced total server-side render times on some of the more complicated test pages I've been using to around 50ms–70ms, which should be a noticeable improvement.

    New features


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    49 comments · 4,961 views
  • 307 weeks
    Recent Changelog

    We've done various unannounced changes of the past few weeks so I thought I'd group up the things we've done so you guys know what's changed.

    • Added account linking page for Patreon / Twitter
    • Added ability to cross post stories, blogs and bookshelf additions to Twitter
    • Added twitter userpage module
    • Added account deletion page
    • Reorganised user toolbar dropdown to better fit more items
    • Added session management page to see logins and active sessions on your account
    • Added new articles system and moved some existing ones into it
    • Redesigned PM page a bit to be cleaner
    • Increased font size in major places across the site to improve readability
    • New cookie consent controls for EU users and updated privacy policy
    • Recommended groups list on groups page - WIP
    • Tooltips in many locations around the site with helpful tips

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    114 comments · 6,061 views
  • 307 weeks
    Help Articles

    Something I've worked on the last couple of days is adding the ability for us to add arbitrary "articles" to the site which we can use for various things. Sort of an extension on the manual articles we've added in the past like the bbcode page, writing guide, etc.

    So far I've added 3 guides:

    I'd love to know if you guys have any idea for articles that would have helped you out when starting out or anything else that comes to mind.

    65 comments · 5,223 views
  • 335 weeks
    Night Mode

    I've been working on it for ages but only really got the impetus to finish all of it off over the last few days. In the "settings" dropdown at the top on desktop, or the bottom of the slide out bar on mobile you'll find a toggle for night mode. Enjoy!

    Oh, and although I've tried to cover everything there is a 100% chance I've missed styling some things so apologies in advance for any funky pages.

    246 comments · 6,863 views
  • 336 weeks
    Additional Search Update

    Hey folks,

    Over the last few days I've added a few things to the new search system. A lot of people were unhappy with not being able to filter various things as quickly as they used to be able to. To that end, I've added a little filter dropdown to the right of the search box which effectively contains everything the old sidebar used to. It even has some niceties like quick word count filters and a highly rated filter.

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    132 comments · 5,356 views
  • 337 weeks
    December 2017 Update

    Hey guys, got a whole bunch of updates for you today.


    This is a small but important step on our way to the tagging system I envision. The existing way we handled things like characters and genres has all been merged into a single tagging system. That won't result in much difference for you viewing and using the site but it makes it a lot easier to add new tags especially.

    We now have a couple of new tag types: series and warnings.

    The series tag is for identifying what series (franchise) your fanfiction contains. I've added a whole ton of various TV shows, movies, comics, books and games but clearly we will have to add a ton more in the coming future. Stories must also contain one of the four MLP tags which are FIM, EqG, Movie and Comic, as this is a pony fanfic site after all. Feel free to bug me on Discord if you have a requirement for a series to be added.

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    630 comments · 13,808 views
  • 337 weeks
    Math BBCode tag

    I've added [math] and [mathblock] BBCode tags, which can be used to display formatted math. We've had a few requests for this, particularly for group forum threads and blog posts. Most math-related TeX syntax is supported. (We are currently using MathJax to handle the layout.)

    The documentation from the BBCode guide is repeated below for your convenience.

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    84 comments · 4,440 views
  • 360 weeks
    Fimfiction API

    If you're not a developer you can probably ignore this post.

    It's been like 6 years, but hey, things take time. The API is currently very WIP still but it's ready for people to get working on in our development chat room.

    API documentation can be found at https://www.fimfiction.net/developers/api/v2/docs and you should join the Discord Chat and PM me to add you to the private API channel and I can help you get started. The functionality is very limited right now but I'm dedicating all my time to it at the moment and would love to have people add their input to the process.

    57 comments · 7,460 views
  • 364 weeks
    New BBCode Tags

    Hey guys,

    One of the features in this new update was reader-side paragraph formatting. This helps improve consistency for readers across the site, especially for those of us who can’t stand reading indented text on a computer screen.

    However, one thing that wasn’t accounted for was the legitimate need for specific indenting of passages and for certain blocks of text to have no paragraph formatting. Some examples would be lyrics and poetry.

    Taking this into account, we have come up with a couple of new tags that remedy this situation which are documented below (copied directly from the bbcode guide)

    [indent] Indent

    The indent tag can be used to, unsurprisingly, indent portions of your text.

    [indent]The indent tag can be used to, unsurprisingly, indent portions of your text.[/indent]

    It also support levels of indenting

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    168 comments · 6,425 views

Site Update » Rule clarity issues · 12:09am Nov 6th, 2015

As it has been pointed out there are some clarity issues with some of our new rules and a few problems created, we have made some clarification changes, here for your convenience:

General Conduct
• Posting of anyone’s personal information other than your own without permission is prohibited. This includes name, street address, email address, IM screennames, etc.
• Posting your own personal information is not recommended and done at your own risk, and we cannot help you with any problems this might result in.
• You may not expose a link between two profiles on or off Fimfiction, that the profile owners did not already document. If both profiles are on Fimfiction, a report should be filed on one of the users in question if the user is violating our secondary account rules.

General Conduct
Registration and account security
• Multiple people sharing the same computer, mobile or other internet-capable device or internet connection may be subject to increased scrutiny of their behavior if the activity between the two overlap.

Don't post (content)
• The same story twice. This does not include variants of the same story where the two versions differ on a rating tag, such as a Teen version and a Mature version.
• Stories you have deleted and are now resubmitting. Please contact a moderator to have your original deleted story recovered.

Please see the rules page for our full rules, these are only the changes.

Ninja knighty edit: I've fixed a couple of major issues with the gdoc importer which should mean it doesn't drop paragraphs anymore. Feel free to test and let us know if you still get problems.

Report Xaquseg · 4,076 views ·
Comments ( 117 )

Coolio, Mr. Julio

The rules have been enforced. They're watching us.:pinkiecrazy:

Weird. It's almost like the mods have the community's best interests in mind, or something. :derpyderp1:

Please contact a moderator to have your original deleted story recovered.

Does this mean that if a Moderator delete a story or account in error, it's possible to get those stories back?

Got you RES tagged now for all my stalking needs.

(Good changes, man)


if a Moderator delete a story

They don't delete them, in my experience, they just set them as unpublished.

3523446 Impossible!!!

Server Administrator

We pretty much only delete stories that have no actual content in them, they're spammy gibberish or similar.

Server Administrator

If it's completely rewritten we consider those different stories.

Curious when the new tags will be implemented.

Server Administrator

I was going to work on adding the categories which is a slightly more complex task and is being done first, but this rules issue came up and ate up a lot of my time today. It might still get done in a few hours, or it might get moved to tomorrow.

Following that, I hope to add an initial batch of tags within a few days, there are a few remaining things we have to figure out first, though.

Unpublished stories and chapters

Sharing access to unpublished stories or chapters is only allowed for the purpose of help with editing or other stages of the writing process.

So this isn't new? Because the rule update is the first time that I've seen it, and I've got some serious misgivings about what this rule is designed to accomplish.

What site-abusive behavior are you trying to prevent with it? Because I would argue that there are countless legitimate use cases for being able to share unpublished stories. Just off the top of my head, I've shared unpublished stories in order to:

* collate contest entries which the entrants wished to share with each other, to facilitate choosing a Reader's Choice award
* collect and post "bonus material" for a story of mine which would have disrupted the reading experience if added within the story itself
* demonstrate how FIMFiction's word-counting algorithm and textual parsing work

I don't want to feel like a scofflaw for putting the site to positive, community-building use whose functionality can't be duplicated within the published-story rules.

3523586 Yeah, this particular rule kind of bothers me too, because I occasionally use unpublished view passwords to share "teaser" chapters of new stories I haven't submitted yet with my followers. I find it's a good way to gauge/generate interest in a new story and keep people from killing me for not updating such and such story for a bit.


Unpublished stories and chapters

Sharing access to unpublished stories or chapters is only allowed for the purpose of help with editing or other stages of the writing process.

A friend of mine gives access to unpublished stories and chapters as a Patreon reward.

Is she likely to get banned for this?

Server Administrator


It's fine if the people in question are helping with the writing process, such as acting as additional prereaders, or commenting on an incomplete idea.

I spent some serious time on that reddit post, and I'm glad I wasn't simply overreacting. It's nice to see other people were either in the dark or just as upset as I was. Thank you for being a great, responsive team.

Really hoping Knighty can get the GDocs importer fixed, too.

I might suggest in the future always using Site Blog posts like this one for even minor rule changes. They affect every user of the site, and having a proper place to discuss the changes would be welcomed.

Well, my Patreon is now offering people the chance to 'act as additional prereaders'. :rainbowwild:
Totally legit. :twilightsmile:

Concerning not posting the same story twice: What about where a story is retold from a different POV? While there may be some duplication of scenes between the two versions, they would be from a completely different POV, as well as containing scenes that are not in the other version at all.

I need to know this because I am writing a story told from first person POV, but would like to do a companion story which is the same events but told from the POV of other characters. I thought it would be a fun project to do and I've seen it done before on this site.

3523659 That's almost certainly going to be fine. I think the idea is just that you make edits to a story in place instead of posting edited versions as new stories.

Fine I'll tell my other personality he can't like things anymore. :derpytongue2:

Would remakeing a story be different

What about an idea like this? Yes, I know perfectly well it won't ever be published, but still-- your thoughts?

…That may be the fastest response I've ever seen from this site. Not an unwelcome thing. :yay:

I'm still concerned about the suddenly-strict rules of polishing a story before publishing, which should be writing advice, not a site rule, but it seems most of the problems have been addressed.
Edit: To clarify my view on this, it's like making it a site rule that your story has to be written well. It's subjective, it's detrimental to writers just starting out, and it's wide open for abuse.

I think the main reason for that rule is exactly the reason there's a publish button in the first place. As soon as you publish a story, it's plainly seen and subject to site moderation. But if people start distributing stories without publishing them, then they are more or less taking an end-run around the moderation rules.

Listen I just want to eat my cereal in peace, okay?

Just let me live, my life.

djthomp #27 · Nov 6th, 2015 · · 1 ·

Unpublished stories and chapters
Sharing access to unpublished stories or chapters is only allowed for the purpose of help with editing or other stages of the writing process.

Could we just save time and call this the RealityCheck anti-drama rule as a tribute to honesty and transparency?


That one isn't new TODAY, which is what this blog post is referring to. That rule went into effect last week Monday, along with a bunch of other rule changes. The changes listed on this site-post are changes made to clarify the changes that went into effect last week, in response to user feedback.

3523694 I'm betting the main thrust of all this "don't post stories you've posted before" stuff is purely to prevent gaming of the voting system or the feature box and stuff like that. If an author posts a story and gets a ton of downthumbs it wouldn't be fair to the people who took the time to read the story and give their ratings if the author could just "reset" it all and try again without having to make significant changes to the story itself.

The revisions to these rules have fixed a lot of concerns, IMO, it generally seems quite fine to me now. The only issue I'm still a little edgy about is the stuff regarding "unpublished" work. There was recently a controversial case where a popular author wrote a controversial story and it wasn't allowed to be published, but it was read a lot anyway and IMO it was quite good. I'd hate to see stuff like that get squelched for arbitrary reasons. We'll have to see how it goes I guess.

I just link to a gdoc, personally.

This discussion is really not calming my misgivings. :applejackunsure:

3523828 3523870
If this rule is a response to a user distributing their story without it passing moderation, that makes it worse — because it will do exactly nothing to stop such sharing of unwanted content, it will just push it into a format that creates more hassles for legitimate site users.

It is still 100% within the rules to post a FIMFiction blog which contains content that would break the rules as a story (unless it is an attack on a user, or links NSFW content; those are the only content restrictions on blog posts, and that's how it should be). If you think this pushback is bad, watch authors go absolutely apesh*t if it's decreed that fiction cannot be posted in blogs.

Blogs are far MORE visible than unpublished stories, because
1) they are indexed by search engines
2) they show up in subscribers' feeds when posted

So right now, in an apparent bid to address a single incident of drama (since 3523613 merely reiterated the rule and there's no official answer to my question of what the rule is attempting to accomplish), all it's going to do is give a higher profile to future incidents of drama. Not to mention, invoking the magic words "Help me preread this!" is now an affirmative defense if you want to deliberately flaunt the rules by signal-boosting an unpublished story you have no intention of submitting. That puts the moderators in the position of playing thought police, sorting out legitimate prereading calls from false-flag prereading calls, which is just about the worst possible use of their time.

And in the meantime, all of the use cases in 3523586, 3523598, and 3523607 — none of which involve prereading — are banned as collateral damage.

Even if some of the wording needs/needed to be tweaked, I'm on board with the intention behind all of the other rule changes. But this one strikes me as both misguided and counterproductive. :fluttershysad:

Site Owner

3523948 That particular case is not really the motivation at all. The issue is that unpublished stories are inherently pretty hidden and it trivial to post actually illegal content in them to be linked around. That is the primary reason for this change. If we allow people to post other rule breaking content in stories, why even bother calling Fimfiction a pony site? Should we also let people post Harry Potter stories on the site right now as long as they're unpublished?

The secondary accounts rule is still not really clear, though. The wording suggests that only different types of content can be partitioned into different accounts, but what about different kind of story content?

The simplest example would be separating stories by rating, of course. It would be especially important for those writers with more or less established readership for a G-rated story if they wanted to experiment with something more risqué. Conversely, for a writer with established PG-13 and up presence it seems reasonable to desire their G-rated story to be judged as is, without their other writing being taken into account. A similar argument may be made for writing that uses settings which have very polarized opinions about them within the FimFiction readership (I won't name names, but I think everyone can think of one or two): not willing to subject their non-setting related stories to the scrutiny of belonging to the same writer who does some of the writing in these highly polarized-opinion settings seems reasonable.

To make my question short: pseudonyms are a time-honored literary tradition for the purposes of publishing written works that may negatively affect the readership' opinion about the author's other works. Are we allowed to have those on FimFiction?

Of course, I'm not talking about making a separate account for every story here: some rules against the abuse of pseudonymous writing should be in place, but having just one pen name to use with every written work of pony fiction would seem a little too rigid.

Site Owner

3524001 Personally I think it's pretty clear that usage is fine.

3524025 This is very good to know, especially coming from you personally! Maybe it was just me being overly cautious about not breaking any rules :twilightsmile:

> The issue is that unpublished stories are inherently pretty hidden and it trivial to post actually illegal content in them to be linked around

Illegal content is not allowed.

If you're not already banning people for illegal content, a new rule isn't going to help.

> If we allow people to post other rule breaking content in stories, why even bother calling Fimfiction a pony site? Should we also let people post Harry Potter stories on the site right now as long as they're unpublished?

Setting aside the fact that you have explicitly discussed plans to expand FIMFiction to other fandoms ... again, the story-sharing rule does nothing to prevent this. I just clicked on my dashboard, and Undertale is in the list of Trending Groups. I've seen blogs in my feed recently about Steven Universe, physics, and mental illness. (And frankly, I have no problem with any of that, because it's all coming from MLP fanfic fans that also happen to have other interests.) A content crackdown that applies only to unpublished stories is just going to kick the ball into another, more visible, more problematic corner of your site.

Finally, if the issue is non-fandom content, make the rule about non-fandom content! "This is a My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfiction site. All accounts and account usage must be primarily related to pony fanfiction." Bam, done. Then the people wanting to use the site as an Undertale story repository know the actual reason you want them gone, and aren't wasting your server resources by saying "Hey, can you guys help me preread my unpublished Undertale story?" Which right now is still 100% legal.

3523977 Ah, so that's why. Makes sense.

Sucks that I'll have to stop leaking teasers, but I can live with it.

I'm on a smart phone and I can't read them. Is there an alternative method for reading?


Blogs are far MORE visible than unpublished stories, because
1) they are indexed by search engines
2) they show up in subscribers' feeds when posted

I think there might have been a bit of miscommunication here. You see, the above is exactly my point. Blogs are more easily visible, and therefore more easily moderated, than unpublished stories. Pushing the problem into the open is a good thing.


Should we also let people post Harry Potter stories on the site right now as long as they're unpublished?

Frankly, yes.

Who would be hurt by an unpublished HP story?

Server overload. Contrary to popular belief, websites do not have infinite storage.


Might as well give them a head start for when you go general fiction. :genericsmiley:

I used to have a web hosting account with infinite storage. ^.^ Surprisingly affordable; cost about $11 per month.

But aside from that quip, do you really think a few non-pony fics on a site with 90,000 stories is going to overload the server? I can't imagine there being more than a few hundred of them.


Blogs are more easily visible, and therefore more easily moderated, than unpublished stories. Pushing the problem into the open is a good thing.

But it doesn't violate any Fimfic rules to post a full HP story in your blog.

Groups, forums within groups, blogs, and so on are all "secondary" content as far as the site is concerned. Stories are the primary motivation of the site, regardless of what individual users prefer. All rules and optimization of the site will be for stories first and foremost, secondary content subservient to that.

Published stories, groups, blogs, and so on are all rather visible. Someone doesn't need to follow someone or even join a group to see content in them (well, at least until they made private groups...). An unpublished story is very not visible. Only those with a direct link to it (and possibly a password) can even see it. Presumably also moderators can see these, but they'd have to know to look.

Published stories, if they break the rules, can be reported by anyone who sees them. Same goes for blogs, groups (again, private groups aside), and so on. This gives a lot more eyes to the moderating staff to take action against illegal content. Unpublished stories are hidden from these extra eyes.

Making it explicit that unpublished stories are not to be just used as a way to try to hide from the eyes of those who would report illegal behavior seems to be the core intent of the rule. If you don't ever plan to publish a thing, don't use fimfic to do it. Make a gdoc or something. Don't waste site resources intended for the creation, publishing, and hosting of stories on other endeavors.

Are comments which call for attacking other users and link to said person's userpage being given the same administrative response as if it were a blog doing so?

Server Administrator

It is in fact a rule that a story must have at least minimal effort taken on spelling and grammar, etc. The thing people miss whenever they see this rule is that whenever borderline stories are passed through, they get slammed with downvotes. This rule actually protects new writers to some extent from this behavior. It's not a perfect solution, and you should note that the rule says "should", not "must", it's highly suggested, obvious no-editing-at-all gets rejected, but edge cases often pass through.

In general you should remember the rules are guidelines and if any major problems come up we can further clarify them. The intent is not to keep stories off the site, but to attempt to maintain a minimal level of readability for submitted content. In general our site rules are tuned around readers, not writers. We need writers to submit content for people to read, but we'd generally prefer to be highly usable to readers and make sure they stay, because nobody wants to publish stories on a site where nobody will read it.

There are tools such as downvotes to "sink" bad stories, but we try to give authors a chance to fix things we know generate poor vote ratios before their story is +1 -20 and nobody else is interested in looking at it.


Making it explicit that unpublished stories are not to be just used as a way to try to hide from the eyes of those who would report illegal behavior seems to be the core intent of the rule.

So, are my Patreon early releases just collateral damage, or is the rule also intended to stop that as well?

Server Administrator

Yes, and this is not new, any call to attack another user has been against the rules for a very long time now.

So wait.

• The same story twice. This does not include variants of the same story where the two versions differ on a rating tag, such as a Teen version and a Mature version.

Does this mean one CAN MAKE two copies of one story, being nearly identical, save for say the rating tag?

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