• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

More Blog Posts279

  • 2 weeks
    All Things Seem Possible in Paul Rudd

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Sticky are back open for the month of May! YEE HAW! Bring your family and dogs all down to The Big Sticky and get a free complementary breadstick basket! And don't worry, it was only made of Gluten. And no, we don't provide Gluten Free, get out. And if you're the one of ten thousands sending us emails demanding Gluten Free, we have the

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  • 7 weeks
    Paul Rudd Showers Bring Paul Rudd Flowers

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Sticky are closed. That's right there y'all, we're closed for the season. Don't come here! WE'RE NOT HERE! We've got plenty of illegals though cleaning inside. ITS THE MONTHLY BIG STICKY SPRING CLEANING! So if you come on down here.... just don't. No.....
    or else....

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  • 11 weeks

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a HAPPY 11TH ANNIVERSARY FOR UNIVERSAL MAGIC! HAPPY 11TH!!!! IT'S THE 21ST!!!!....


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  • 15 weeks
    You Take My Paul Rudd Away Baby

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a hootin' and tooin' Valentine's Day! Now it seems like we're late to the hoedown, but over here at the Big Sticky House, WE CELEBRATE VALENTINE'S ALL MONTH LONG! We have fun for everyone for all ages! For the kids, we have Make your own Heart activity, where the younglings take out a human beating out

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  • 15 weeks
    Season 30 Part 3 of Universal Magic

    Ok.... so I reached the 100K character limit again.... so here we go.... again....

    SEASON 30 PART 2

    Back to Plans

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Hey y'all, the Update guy here...and I'm certainly not being kept hostage against my own will... oh yeah and the Christmas thing is done... · 9:30am Mar 4th, 2019

*I sit in front of a big, fancy chair in the middle of a big fancy old room while in front of a fire place while wearing red robes and smoking a pipe*

Hello, it's me again. I know what you must be wondering...when is the next update coming? Will I disappoint you all with another delay? Will I just be another big disappointment just like to my father? Will I complain that the fandom is dying like so many others and not really giving it any thought? Well...I don't have the answers for those last two...but I do have the answer for the first one. And clearly I have something good to say because...I'm smoking a pipe while wearing a fancy robe. I'm clearly the superior one and with the knowledge and have a 1000 IQ score unlike these console peasants who drool over this fancy PC that I have...yeah that's right you fucking console peasants...look at it all you want...you can't have it...ha ha ha ha ha ha

But as the title blatantly suggests because, it's 3 in the fucking morning and I have to be somewhere at 5 in the morning, I have pleasant news for all of you!

The Universal Magic Late Christmas Special is finally done!!! Well sort of. I've finished the writing part, so now it's going through the editing process starting tomorrow, so that means it's not far from being done. So expect it within the next coming weeks...or maybe this week...maybe this week, we'll see. And it'll even include those little funny commercials too, just so you remember...

But yeah it's pretty much done, I do have to re-write some things, as that is the usual part of the editing process. But it's mostly because when I tried to get it done in time for the original Christmas Eve deadline, I ended up trying to rush the whole damn thing. In fact, two or three days before the deadline, I was planning on pushing myself just to make the deadline just so I wouldn't be a disappointment to all of y'all. But I'm glad I didn't, even though I am still a disappointment...in god's eyes... Let's just say the special benefited from the delay because it feels a whole lot better than what I was going to do. I feel good, I am satisfied with it.

And don't think it'll just be that normal, edgy humor that I try and attempt to do, this one will be more genuine with the feels...or at least I try to that is. It'll still have some edgy humor but I tried to focus more on the heart part of it rather than trying to get some laughs out of it. Still, it's still a little bit of universal magic charm...but you get the idea.

So what else is there to say afterwards when I do release this soon? Well my plans are as follows: After I release the special, I'll be taking a quick short break from writing and focusing on redoing that whole plans things for Universal Magic so it won't be the cluster fuck that it is now. It won't take me months on end, it's just a matter of me printing a whole bunch of pages out, laying it all on the floor, and figuring what goes to where and basically reorganizing everything to make it look more nice...just like my fancy robe. Have you seen this robe? It's a very nice robe...and you can't have it. Fight me...

And after that, then I'll finish up Episode 23-3 Prologue, and keep in mind, before I figured I couldn't finish it up before the deadline, I was like 65%-70% done with it. So yeah...don't have too much left to go on it, although I haven't touched it since I was trying to finish up the Christmas Special. Then I'll go into the next big thing, Episode 23-3 and hopefully it'll all go well. And then I'll probably take a short break with another Halloween special, go with Episodes 23-4 and 23-5, then take a break with the second Christmas Special, go to Episode 24, Episode 25 should be another short and easy one for me, and then hopefully...HOPEFULLY.. the Season 1 finale of Universal Magic...Episode 26. I've been trying to finish season 1 of Universal magic for the past 6 years and I have yet to do so. At one point I was on track on making it possible within a year's time or so and now...look at what I have become...

Anyways, other than that, hopefully it'll work this way. I'm also thinking about doing a Wiki for Universal...you know.."wiki", as in not a real one, but rather a sort of Encyclopedia for everything Universal Magic all on here. That's right mother fucker, I'm dedicated to this fucking shit till the day that I fucking die...

So anything other than that, I best get going to bed with what little time I have to go to sleep. so have this...

Also, REMEMBER, The Christmas special will be published under ALTERNATE UNIVERSAL MAGIC since it's not cannon to the main one...technically speaking that is...but I will notify you all with a blog when I do have it officially come out. I'm thinking around 3 o'clock or so whenever I decide to publish it...whatever day that is, just know it'll more than likely be soon is all...

So with that being said, I'm gong now, But I shall leave you with this cookie...stare into its eyes as it wants to feed on your ever lasting soul. It lusts for your innocence...ok now play nice you two...

*I walk away and leave you with the cookie...as it stares at you...licking it's lips...*

Comments ( 2 )

*enters room* this place's to fancy for me. I smell mega rich.

*The cookie stares at you. It flies up and it gets close to your ear and says in a deep booming voice.*
Yes...would you like to see my nuts?...

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