
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

Versus Jet is out! · 11:06pm Feb 24th, 2020

Howdy folks. I've just now released the first chapter of my newest story, Versus Jet. It's my entry to the latest AppleDash contest, and involves life for Rainbow and Applejack after Twilight and the others move on with their lives. There's also a jet.

TVersus Jet
It's a tough time to be a Wonderbolt. Funding is at risk, Cloudsdale bureaucracy is breathing down Spitfire's neck, and a new machine threatens to undo the Wonderbolts themselves. It's up to Rainbow Dash to beat it... but she'll need some help.
HapHazred · 38k words  ·  40  5 · 1k views

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AppleDash Contest Extension! · 12:49pm Mar 7th, 2020

Howdy folks.

Originally when I had began the publishing schedule for Versus Jet, it was under the assumption that it would be marked complete just hours before the deadline. However, KrazyTheFox announced a two week extension, meaning the contest officially ends on the 14th.

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Help wanted; Versus Jet · 11:49am Feb 10th, 2020

Hello folks. It's me. Again.

I'm currently writing two stories for two separate contests, one of which is due at the end of this month; Versus Jet is the current working (likely final) title of a story being written for the current AppleDash contest (Go Big or Go Home). Predictably, it's approaching 30K words, and I fully expect it to exceed that amount as I continue to work on the story.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results