• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 9,092 Views, 377 Comments

The Sweetest Cider is Diamond White - Casper B. Wordsmith

Applejack longs for the love of a certain snow-coloured unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter Ten - Jericho's Walls

For much of the next week the charade continued. As evening fell Applejack would forget some massive errand that she had neglected in the course of the day, or casually venture out for a drink, or state that she needed to assist one of her friends and not to wait up, or attend a non-existent but entirely probable Pinkie party. Every time Granny Smith would look up from a book or copy of the Ponyville Press, raise an eyebrow inquisitively but signal her approval nonetheless. Once or twice Applebloom would raise a question that the elder Apple sibling would pawn off with a well-rehearsed answer before trotting off to the waiting forearms of her new lover, not to return until the small hours or the early beginning of her work day. It had developed into a cosy little routine.

Rarity and her marefriend had agreed that the boutique in the heart of town would continue to be the initial venue for their daily rendezvous. As comfortable as the two felt in each other's company they were loathe to flaunt their matched-up status on the night-time scene yet. Two members of their immediate group of friends were still somewhat clueless as to the blossoming relationship – although the degree to which Fluttershy was unaware was up for debate, Twilight Sparkle was most definitely a blank slate. Not to mention their families. Rarity's parents were hardly the kind of ponies to live it up but she was nevertheless apprehensive of the prospect of running into the two in the Mare-lot Cellars, Ponyville's sole wine bar and her favoured destination for cocktails of an evening, and having to face a grilling.

When it came to the Apple family Big Macintosh hardly seemed the type of pony to be offended by the prospect of his sister dating a mare - one who was the best friend of his dearest pegasus to boot. Granny Smith was more of a wild-card on the other hand. Applejack had never noticed her express any sentiments against two mares being together. She had even attended the engagement party of Lyra and Bon-Bon, warmly extending her congratulations and gifting them a case of her special vintage hard cider. How would she fare when encountered with the fact that her own granddaughter was also that way inclined however? Could it be that those appearances were all just a charade? It was a possibility AJ was currently unwilling to face up to.

That night Rarity and Applejack reclined in the luxurious chaise longue - as they so often did – with jazz music softly playing through the gramophone. They were exhausted after a day that seemed to drag longer than most. Cider season was round the corner which meant Applejack's efforts on the farm had to be doubled whilst Rarity was in the process of finishing another of her latest creations for Sapphire Shores, furiously struggling to meet the deadline for her client's grand concert in Baltimare. Not even the luxurious roast aubergines that Rarity had cooked nor the sumptuous apple tartlets Applejack had prepared (which Rarity had to admit eclipsed those on offer at the the Cakes' bakery) could rejuvenate them, and both fought back sleep as they lay in each others' forelegs basking in the company of their respective love.

Rarity was the first to break the peaceful silence as a recollection shot through her mind.

“Applejack,” she said, waking her half-dozing companion with a start, “You are aware that it is Friday tomorrow, yes?”

“Ah certainly am,” came the response spoken through a loud yawn.

“Well, it means that the weekend is almost upon us. And I'd quite like us to be able to spend it together.”

“Ah totally intended to, Mallow.”

“I mean in a more public setting. You know. On a date of sorts.”

Applejack was fully awakened by this line of conversation. So far she had made little progress in gauging the reactions of Twilight Sparkle to the realities of her relationship with Rarity. Her arduous work on the farm and late visits to the home of her beloved had deprived her of the opportunity.


Rarity turned herself from her comfortable position as the little spoon – to her chagrin – to face an apprehensive looking Applejack.

“I mean, I know it has only been a week darling. But what is the point of possessing the most sparkling diamond if you can't flaunt it?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow, “Cocky much, Rare?”

“I was talking about you.”

The farm-mare blushed and retreated shyly as Rarity chuckled and nuzzled into her neck.

“I reckoned tomorrow would be an ideal time to tell all to the two parties not in the know. It is my fortnightly spa day with dear Fluttershy after all. And I am positive you shall have some free time, seeing as it is Friday.”

“Ah still dunno Rarity.”

“It's as good a time as any.”

“But what if Twi' ain't too keen on it?”

Rarity paused for a second before assuming a militaristic stance on the sofa,“Then I shall deal with her personally!” Her joke seemed to work as Applejack laughed and relaxed at this sight. In reality she was just as worried as her love as to the reaction of the bookworm she called her dear friend.

“Sure ya will.”

“I'm serious Applejack. Not a pony alive will keep me from being with you. I'm sure my hooves and horn are more than up to the task of a duel.”

“That's sweet of ya Rare. Ah'm still a mite wary though...”

The unicorn struggled a tad to find a way to convince her companion to open up. That was until the words of a certain pink pony flashed through her memory.

'Clear your head. Let intuition take control,' was the catchphrase that echoed through her mind.

At once Rarity launched herself at Applejack, kissing her passionately and caressing her firm, toned flank. The farm-mare was caught by surprise, and as Rarity broke her kiss she was rendered almost catatonic.

“Wha? Who? Huh?”

“That's all there is to anything, dear Sugarcube. Just let intuition take control and everything shall follow naturally.”

Applejack shook her head in a vague attempt to awake herself from her shocked state.

“Ya'll reckon it's that easy?”

“Of course,” Rarity said manner-of-factly. Her sweetest smile graced her mouth, a smile that Applejack was sure she could never say no to.

AJ sighed, leaning back into the comfort of the overstuffed red couch.

“Ah guess... It would be nice to be able ta have ya walkin' with me through the park on a spring day. Or go ta some nice restaurant for a meal or the like.”

Rarity's smile grew wider.

“So you shall tell Twilight?”

“Ah don't see why not...”

Applejack's sentence was once again interrupted by her lover passionately thrusting herself into the mare's chest and kissing her plum on the mouth. Any second thoughts or apprehensions dissolved as the mist of lust once again overtook her mind and she submitted to the warm and ever-pleasant sensations that Rarity visited upon her unsuspecting but always willing lips.


The afternoon sun beat down on Ponyville as the town set to work. The final few hours of the work week seemed to drag on for everypony as the looming spectre of the weekend grew larger on the horizon. Cheerilee glanced repeatedly at the clock on the schoolhouse wall wishing to get away for some peace whilst the young fillies and colts worked quietly on a pop quiz. Octavia did likewise in the nearby concert hall through a rehearsal for the annual Beethoofen festival, hoping that her dear Vinyl had not burnt down their home in a hungover attempt at making some Dandelion Pop-Tarts.

For some ponies though such afternoons passed in a blissful haze of camomile incense and mud masks at the Ponyville spa. As it was every two weeks, such wonders were to be experienced by Rarity and Fluttershy. None of the other Elements would have had an appreciation for the quiet relaxation that Aloe and Lotus could provide and so both had bonded over these visits. The timid pony's appreciation of fine couture enlightened Rarity at times when she had struggled with particularly tricky designs, and she was always grateful of her ability to listen and deal with problems with sincerity and care when she so needed reassurance – exactly what she had needed on that very day.

Both ponies had settled into a mud bath following a long and indulgent massage when Rarity felt it prudent to start her reconnaissance with some small-talk about a completely different relationship.

“So, my dear Fluttershy,” Rarity began with the relish associated with her fishing for gossip, “What exactly is going on with you and that strapping Big Macintosh?”

An almost-silent squeak from the bath next to her. 'Exactly what was to be expected,' the scheming unicorn thought.

“Well, it's... good.”

Rarity pressed on, “Good? Merely good?”

Fluttershy sank ever lower into the bath, “I suppose it's... better than that.”

“That's marvellous dear!”

“It really is. He's so sweet and caring. Even though it's only been a week I feel like I've known him a lifetime.”

“Truly wonderful, Fluttershy. I congratulate you wholeheartedly,”, Rarity exclaimed as Fluttershy beamed.

“Thank you Rarity. It means a lot that you girls are happy for me.”

“Think nothing of it darling. Anypony who doesn't accept it isn't worth a moment of your time.”

The unicorn sighed absent-mindedly as she lay back, “I suppose it isn't just me that has found their special somepony then.”

'Clever move there, dearest,' came the sardonic jibe inside Rarity's head. She had not meant to be that forward. Maybe all the time with the open-as-a-book and painfully honest Applejack was wearing off on her. And yet it seemed as though Fluttershy was totally unperturbed by the slip of the tongue.

“Oh, um, congrats Rarity. I knew you'd find your stallion in shining armour someday.”

It was now Rarity's turn to sink slightly into the warm yet comforting sludge,

“It isn't a stallion, per se...”

Fluttershy lifted one of the cucumber slices from her eyes to look at Rarity directly. Not quite the stare, but not a universe from it either.

“You... you're into... mares?”

Her eyes bore into the unicorn, who couldn't help but peel the vegetable from her own eyes and face her friend directly. This afternoon was certainly not going as planned.

“Yes. A mare you are rather familiar with to be exact.”

“Oh. Oh my. Oh dear...”

Rarity looked at Fluttershy as she retreated once more from her gaze.

“Oh dear?” she queried.

“I didn't think that Rainbow Dash was into you like that. Oh my...” Fluttershy responded after a short silence. It was at this interval that Rarity had chosen to take a sip of her complimentary iced tea. A decision she'd immediately regret as she performed a spit-take at this assumption.

“Rainbow Dash?! I'm sorry to break it to you, Fluttershy, but that filly has had nothing to do with me in a romantic sense in the slightest.”

Fluttershy immediately applied her most apologetic tone on hearing the disgust in Rarity's voice – one that hardly differed from her normal voice but apologetic nonetheless, “Oh, I'm sorry Rarity. I just assumed... you know...”

“It's quite alright dear,” Rarity reassured her friend as she mopped the spilled ice tea from her hooves, “Though I wish to ask why you automatically assumed that our lightning-quick compatriot was the pony who had stolen my heart?”

It took some effort on her part, and a glass of Chardonnay at Rarity's expense, but Fluttershy opened up to her past history with Rainbow. It appeared that Dash had developed quite a crush on the timid pegasus in flight school. As time passed and Fluttershy relocated to Ponyville, Rainbow Dash did likewise. No matter how much time the two pegasi spent together the quiet pony remained oblivious to the reality of Rainbow's crush. In the end it took a long, tearful and regrettable conversation to inform her oldest friend she did not see her in a similar way. A conversation that she had long since suppressed.

“It wasn't long after that that Dash got together with Gilda, and we all know how that ended.”

Rarity, who had hitherto been silent through Fluttershy's tale of heartbreak, spoke up.

“We most certainly do. Though rest assured, it is not Rainbow Dash who has stolen my heart.”

A pregnant pause lay over the two ponies as they both processed the previous conversation, “Who then?”

“It's... Applejack.”

Unlike the self-confessed queen of etiquette who was now blushing furiously, Fluttershy supped her wine with nary a hint of slapstick shock. 'She's good. Better than I imagined,' Rarity begrudgingly pondered.

“So what I saw when I walked in was, um...”

Rarity beat a rapid retreat when she twigged as to where the conversation was leading.

“Oh dear no! Nothing of that nature. Rest assured you didn't catch us in flagrante,” she said with a blush developing on her cheeks to match that on the face of Fluttershy.

“I see. And, um, is Applejack... aware?”

“She most certainly is.”

“Which means it is more than a one-night thing?”

The voice in Rarity's mind snorted, 'A one night stand usually involves some physical loving.'

“Not at all. What I have with our dear friend Applejack is much deeper than that.”

“And you're happy?”

“More than I have been in an eternity,” Rarity stated after a momentary pause, trying her hardest to prevent her voice cracking. The fact that Applejack was in her life as more than a friend – that all the nights wondering if she would ever feel the same as she did were not in vain – never failed to elicit a tear of joy or two from the drama queen.

“Then I have nothing but happiness for you and Applejack,” stated Fluttershy, trying (and failing) to suppress an infectious grin. One that instantly graced Rarity's mouth.

“It means a lot to hear that, Shy. I thank you,” she stammered. She was so overcome with joy at the approval of one of her best friends that words came close to failing her.

“Besides, it'd be great to have someone I love so much as a sister-in-law.”

It was impossible for Rarity not to double-take at that news. To her internal relief she had not taken a sip of her deliciously sweet iced tea and lost even more credibility in the eyes of everypony with another spit-take. Her gasp was enough as she looked around, stunned.

Only to see Fluttershy tittering and winking at her little joke. Being with Big Macintosh seemed to have instilled some confidence – only the slightest modicum of it, but confidence nonetheless – in the pony who daren't normally indulge in such japes, thought Rarity as she laughed along.

'No doubt about it. She is far better than I gave her credit for.'

Rarity chuckled as she reclined once more with the arduous task now far behind her, replacing the cucumber on her eyes. She only hoped that her beloved Applejack would meet with similar approval from Twilight Sparkle – an outcome that seemed a mere formality to her based on the reactions of everypony else.


Applejack strode confidently through Ponyville toward the grand old oak tree housing the local library. Her work day had come to an early end thanks to her lung-bursting efforts in the orchard, harvesting more apples than she had ever thought possible. Not even her brother could cope with the ferocious nature of her apple-bucking that Friday as she hammered tree after tree, the words of her dear Rarity echoing through her mind. Every kick of her hooves and cascade of apples filled her with a confidence that would rival that of Rainbow Dash faced with a light layer of cloud that would carry her in good stead for the later conversation.

'Jus' take it head-on this time. The Applejack way,' her mind reassured her.

The opposing force wouldn't take this idea lightly, 'This is Twi we're talkin' bout. Ya sure that's real clever of ya?'

'She's a grown mare. Sure she'll understand. And she's just as blunt. Ah reckon she'll appreciate that too.'

'Whatever ya say,' the more measured voice sighed in resignation. Not a moment too soon either, as she nodded to Derpy Hooves (who was departing Twilight's abode laden with a veritable smorgasbord of literature) and entered the library.

“Applejack! Good to see you. Granny Smith looking for more of her romantic dross?” came the warm greeting from Twilight Sparkle. She seemed in a good mood, another positive omen for Applejack.

“Course ah am. She may be old but she sure laps that stuff up.”

Twilight nodded as the unicorn set her magic to business. Time for AJ to leap from the metaphorical diving board into the conversation she had steeled herself for.

“Hey Twilight, ah wondered if ah might tell ya somethin'? It's kinda private,” she started. Her voice was tentative but behind it lurked the confidence. She didn't want to come across as nonchalant or cocky.

Twilight was fooled by this feigned nervousness. “Of course you may AJ. What's the matter?” she queried in a voice wrought with concern.

'Now or never...'

“Well, me and Rare are thinkin' about, nah, definitely gettin' together and we wanted ta let ya know,” said Applejack in a manner-of-fact tone. With that, she felt an enormous weight lifted from her muscular shoulders.

Twilight Sparkle's face remained frozen with the troubled expression she met AJ's initial advance with.


“Ya know, like Lyra and Bon Bon. Two mares fallin' for each other and all that.”

The magical aura surrounding the books faded as Twilight Sparkle looked downwards, her trained mind struggling to comprehend the information ungracefully dumped upon her.

“Does... any pony else know?”

“Pinkie and Dash sure do, and ah'm certain Rare is tellin' Fluttershy as we speak.”

Twilight turned slightly away from the cowpony.

“I can't believe it.”

“Neither could ah to be honest...” Applejack said, having abandoned all pretence of nerves. She was cut off by the sight of Twilight turning rapidly, her face growing redder by the second.

“What the hay are you two playing at?” she asked, straining to contain what was most definitely fury. The weight lifted from Applejack's being just moments before hurtled through the sky towards her like an out-of-control Wonderbolt.

“Beg ya pardon Twi?”

“You waltz in here to tell me that you and the pony least like yourself in the whole town – no, the whole damn country – are getting together, just like that, and you expect me to be alright with it?” Twilight asked tersely, slowly marching towards Applejack like a pony possessed.


“You forget we have a duty to Celestia herself? How can we defend everypony from dangers unknown if your little cosy relationship crumbles and you can't stand the sight of each other?”


The unicorn was not for being interrupted, however, her protests growing louder, “I can't believe how selfish this is of the two of you. Taking a course of action regardless of anypony else's input is something I'd expect of you, Applejack, but not from Rarity.

Applejack could do little more than mutter meek protest. Discord himself would be hard pressed to drain colour from a pony faster than the blood drained from AJ's cheeks at the verbal barrage she faced.

“And the final cherry on the cupcake,” Twilight steamed ahead with her remonstration, the volume reaching a bellowed crescendo, “Is that I am the last to know. 'Poor social outcast Twilight doesn't matter, she'll be alright with it'. Same as it was in Canterlot. From ponies I consider as close as family no less!”

A surge of magic flowed from the infuriated unicorn's horn and yanked the door open.

“Now I suggest you get your country flank out of here before I really lose it with you!” she finished with a menacing growl and jab of her hoof at Applejack's chest, wary that a continuation of her volume would potentially cause a scene with the door wide open.

Applejack was terrorised by the torrent of emotion now buzzing around like hungry parasprites in her head. Her primary concern was that of any pony faced with danger head on. 'Fight or flight?'

Applejack chose the latter.

She tore off out the door and through the busy streets of the town, fast as her toned legs could carry her. She paid no attention to Rainbow Dash who kept a half-hearted aerial pursuit of her after passing her outside a cafe. She took no heed of Pinkie Pie bouncing along in an attempt to fathom what had happened. She even ignored Rarity and Fluttershy's concerned yells upon charging past them as the two friends exited the spa.

On reaching Sweet Apple Acres she made a beeline for the stairs and the sanctuary of her bedroom. Granny Smith could barely respond as her granddaughter cantered up the stairs and slammed her door behind her. In the room, the farmmare locked her door and launched herself at the bed. Pillows and quilts scattered as she landed with a crash.

And for the first time in as long as she cared to remember, Applejack broke down and wept.