• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 9,092 Views, 377 Comments

The Sweetest Cider is Diamond White - Casper B. Wordsmith

Applejack longs for the love of a certain snow-coloured unicorn.

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Chapter Five - Physics, Biology, Chemistry

Rarity yanked open the heavy wooden door to her shop ready to face any trials possible in the search for her love. Inhaling deeply she strode out briskly into the chill and clear night. Or at least she intended to. After one step she found herself colliding with a powerful force which gave way and fell backwards. Unable to keep her balance Rarity came careening down onto the hard object now sprawled on the ground. An object that was warm, covered in soft fur and smelling very slightly of apples.

“Ow! What in tarnation?!” Applejack yelled, obviously taken aback by the sudden nature in which she now lay on her back.

Rarity audibly gasped, “Oh Applejack, I am so sorry!” failing to mask both the glee at seeing her beloved and the shock at having floored her, “But you have no idea how glad I am to see you!” She buried her head in the pony's shoulder and squeezed her into a tight hug.

Applejack's heart could have driven a fully-laden train such was the speed of its beat as the mare of her dreams clenched her. She returned the hug, tentatively at first. 'Don't be hasty. Rarity is such a drama queen. Ya'll know that,' came the thought in her mind that tempered her ambitions to squeeze her just as firmly.

“It's alright sugar – everypony makes mistakes. Hay, I wasn't even lookin' at the dang door!”

“But my dear, it was so clumsy of me! There must be some way I can apologise”

'You can start by kissin' me this instant,' were the words that Applejack so desperately fought against saying. Sure, she wanted to more than anything at that moment. But it wasn't right. It was too random, too spontaneous. Rarity would be disgusted.

Both ponies lifted their heads slightly and gazed into each others' eyes. At first it was a look of surprise at the predicament both found themselves in. After the briefest of seconds however the mood changed. In the earth pony's almost emerald eyes Rarity swore she could see the same affection she had burning within Applejack's very soul. Staring deep into the sea blue of the unicorn's eyes AJ was adamant that she saw a light in Rarity's mind like the one that had switched on in hers on that infamous thunderous day. 'It couldn't be. Could it?' each pony pondered in perfect unison.

Given how lost the two ponies were in each others eyes neither could brace themselves for the sudden impact of a pink blur crashing on top of them.

“Hey, this group hug thing is fun!” Pinkie exclaimed, much too loudly for that time of night. “Hi AJ!”

“Pinkie Pie, what in Celestia's good name...” Rarity struggled to exclaim. For such a small pony Pinkie could certainly stand to lose a few pounds. She was cut off mid-sentence by the cry of another familiar voice.

“Wait for me-e-e-e!” Twilight yelled as she floated through the air, landing with a thud on Pinkie's back.

“Gals... It's all... good... ya'll missed me...” Applejack gasped, stuck at the bottom of the pile, “But I... kinda... need ta... breathe...”

“Woopsie, sorry...” Twilight giggled with only the slightest hint of apology – but the strongest intimation of intoxication – in her voice. Pinkie's response was equally as unremorseful as both laughed and skipped back towards the party. The moment had gone. Rarity helped Applejack to her feet, her eyes fixed at the ground in sorrow at the loss of something so magical.

“Everything okay, Rare?”

Rarity snapped to attention at the voice beside her and put on her best fake smile, “Marvellous darling. Now about that apology?” Applejack blushed very softly, the idea of sordid activities still fresh in the mind.

“Ya know I can't accept anything or be indebted to nopony.”

“Don't be absurd, my dear. I simply must prove my regret at such an awful accident. I shan't take no for an answer.”

“Ya'll could fetch me a whisky if ya'd be so kind in that case,” Applejack muttered, “But I owe ya a favour too in that case,” she yelled after Rarity who dashed off to fulfil said request. If she had kept up she'd have seen those blue eyes light up and those cheeks become tinged with the palest bloom, much like hers had done only moments previously.

Applejack stayed outside for a few moments more, trying to calm the hornets' nest of emotion now occupying every inch of her mind. 'That look', she whispered. She had known Rarity for a while and in all the time they'd spent together, in all the time that their eyes met as briefly as they had done there, she had never felt the same intensity as she had then. And the feel of her pinning her down – it was almost as if the goddesses had designed them as part of some celestial jigsaw puzzle. Every nook and cranny of their bodies nestled together in perfect harmony in that embrace that ended all too quickly. She shook her head as if trying to rid herself of a particularly persistent fly and trotted inside to the delight of all gathered there.


For much of the night after Applejack's arrival both parties had seemed distant towards each other. They mingled with the guests, danced, laughed, joked around, all whilst imbibing plentiful amounts of the varied selection of drinks that Spirits had provided and that lay in Rarity's very well-stocked bar. Any interaction between the two was brief and genial, but generally lacking the warmth of the earlier exchange. Celestia forbid they lose themselves in each other's eyes and do something that their inhibitions would prevent were they not forcefully silenced by sweet lady liquor.

At the drinks cabinet Rarity mindlessly fiddled with bottles and glasses, lost in her thoughts of the moment. She felt as giddy as if someone had shot an entire case of the strongest cider available right into her brain. Butterflies danced and zipped around like Pinkie Pie as she relived that concise instant in time where she felt pure electricity coursing through both her and the pony she adored – the instant where she knew they breathed and loved as one for the very first time. The aroma of the calvados she had poured herself a large snifter of was no match for the natural and heady quality of Applejack's scent. She wanted to feel that fragrance tickle and enchant every one of her senses again. She needed it. As soon as possible...

Applejack sat atop a dresser, swaying in time with the unwavering tunes that Vinyl continued to blast through the boutique as the night grew ever later. Spike was entertaining her with yarns about his 'mistress' and her misadventures with booze.

“To be honest I'm glad it was Happy Twi that made her way out this evening,” he stated coolly between sips of his obscenely fiery beverage.

“Happy Twi? I ain't followin' ya.”

Spike rolled his eyes somewhat resignedly, “Well in all the time I've been with Twilight, and all the times I've seen her wasted, I've worked out there are three facets to her personality when drinking – Happy Twi, Hurting Twi and Horny Twi...”

Applejack roared with laughter at the thought of these different scenarios (especially the last). Apologising to Spike, he continued his hypothesis.

“Happy Twi is the all-singing, all-dancing ball of bubbly joy you see before you tonight. Hurting Twi usually ends up bawling her eyes out – 'Why doesn't Celestia love me?', 'I'm so dumb, I'll never be a good student', 'Why am I so alone?', that kinda stuff. And naturally my shoulder is the one she'll be buried in.”

'Ah sure know that alone feeling' thought Applejack, sipping uneasily at her glass of Wild Manticore bourbon.

“Then we have Horny Twi who will near enough try flirting with anypony and everypony in the room,” Spike said with a tinge of trepidation. Applejack briefly remembered one or two of her nights on the tiles with Twilight and the girls. Visions of Miss Sparkle talking up a storm with stallions and mares of all descriptions, caressing and nuzzling them coyly, even engaging them in ferociously passionate kissing sessions. Not what you'd expect on first impressions of the bookish unicorn.

“No matter what species they may be of.” Spike concluded quietly, before downing the remainder of his Sriracha Sensation (as he had christened the drink during a conversation with Cheerilee earlier). Before the full chill of awkwardness could drift unwelcomed over Applejack, Fluttershy had quietly rescued her and pulled her outside for a quick chat.

“Oh Spikey Wikey...” came the voice that shook Spike from his painful recollections. Shuddering at the thought of which Twilight Sparkle he would encounter he nervously hopped down from his perch and ambled over to his friend.


Outside the boutique Fluttershy and AJ had sat on the cold grass and chatted rather openly. Applejack enjoyed the company of the timid animal-lover ever since she had aided her to climb the mountain during the dragon debacle. Once or twice her expertise with small creatures had come in very useful on the farm. Their conversations were usually relaxing and slow-paced. However it was well noted that with a drink in her Fluttershy spoke at a pace often compared to a sober, sugar-rushing Pinkie Pie.

“And I must say that Luna has done a wonderful job tonight, I mean look at those stars twinkling! Oh it's so beautiful, and not to mention that it's so crisp and clear you can see them all...”

Applejack looked Fluttershy over once and cut across her never-ending gushing about the beauty of nature, “Shy, why do ah get the feelin' ya'll dragged me out here fer a reason?”

Fluttershy shot looks sideways and swigged heartily from her glass of cider.

“Applejack... what would you say... about me... me... dat...” she stammered with every syllable reverberating with trademark timorousness. Liquid courage obviously hadn't firmed up her nerves for this particular conversation.

“'Bout you datin' mah brother?”

A small squeak left Fluttershy's mouth as she raised her hooves in shock.

“How? How did... you... know?”

Applejack chuckled heartily – flustered Fluttershy was always an adorable sight to behold.

“Please sug'. Ah seen the goofy way he looks at ya. Take a mighty dumb 'un not ta notice,” she said as reassuringly as possible.

“I see... Well, what... what do you think?”

In all honesty Applejack didn't know how she felt about the prospect of it all. She had worried in the past that such an eventuality may arise – Big Mac was one of the most eligible bachelors in all Ponyville. It was natural that mares would fall for him, what with his strong body and sensitive personality. One of her friends though? The thought of any future misfortunes in a relationship and the potential loss of one of her confidantes distressed her immensely.

“Ah really dunno, Shy. I mean, he's a grown-flank stallion who can do what he fine well pleases.”

Fluttershy pressed ahead, “I know that,” she said in a more assertive tone, “but what do you think?”

Of all her friends AJ could see Fluttershy and her brother as the best fit for a couple. Time for a little test.

“How does he make ya feel?” she queried. If this was some fleeting drunken fascination (or a schoolfilly kind of crush) she'd know right away. And if that were the case, Applejack would have no choice but to let her friend down gently.

The pegasus' eyes widened and her pupils dilated slightly as she inhaled deeply. “It's like... when I'm with him... every cell in my body is on fire. Like my cutie mark is dancing... all over my fur... but in a great way. He makes me feel warm, and safe, and so smiley that I could always sing... It's almost like... there's no other pony in Equestria that could make me feel the same. I mean, it's as if there's this... teeny tiny piece in my heart missing... and he fills that gap perfectly...” She tailed off as she noticed Applejack staring at her with a curious intent. “You know what I mean?” she shyly asked.

AJ was speechless. She knew exactly what she meant. Here was the most unconfident and quiet pony in all Equestria spilling her heart out to her, and at the same time saying everything she had ever wanted to exclaim to Rarity. It amazed her how eloquently she put it, and how every word was more sincere than the last. How could she deny her the chance to love someone when deep down she herself longed for the same chance?


She quickly extracted herself from her train of thought to see the yellow pegasus looking straight at her, more frightened than ever.

“That was some spiel, Fluttershy. And it's clear to me that ya'll obviously care for ma brother a great deal. That in mind, I ain't got no problem...”

Her words were silenced by an almighty squeal and Fluttershy wrapping her forelegs around her in a vice-like hug. Such strength for such a quiet pony...

“Oh thank you thank you thank you AJ! I'll never forget it! Ooh, I have to find Mac right now!!!”

She let go of Applejack (not a moment too soon, as she swore her head was about to shoot off such was the pressure) and raced off like a Wonderbolt to find her paramour.

“Shy, wait!”

Fluttershy peered her head round the door and saw Applejack standing with the slightest look of confusion.

“How'd ya'll ever pluck up the stones to say all that? Liquid courage help ya out?” Applejack asked with a forced nonchalance.

“Liquid courage helped a little, but mostly it was lo... lo...” Fluttershy struggled to push the last word out. Her face turned the colour of the red dusk sky usually seen in the waning days of summer.

Applejack laughed slightly.“Go get him,” she urged her friend who took her advice without a nanosecond of hesitation and disappeared from sight once more.

The farm pony lay back on the grass for a second. She mulled over everything her brother's new lover had said about the feelings of longing for somepony, trying and failing to fault it. Every word was one she could sympathise with when she put it in the context of her own feelings. Not to mention the last part she uttered. 'Liquid courage helped, but mostly it was love.'

AJ gazed up at the glimmering stars dotted against the canvas of the dark indigo sky. She noted how they reminded her of gemstones shining on a rockface before dragging herself to her hooves and heading back into the heat of the party.

'Maybe tonight wouldn't be such a terrible night to go claimin' a gem of ma very own,' she contemplated as a purple maned angel passed through the periphery of her vision.