• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 9,092 Views, 377 Comments

The Sweetest Cider is Diamond White - Casper B. Wordsmith

Applejack longs for the love of a certain snow-coloured unicorn.

  • ...

Chapter Fifteen - When You Wish

The Mare-lot Cellars was Ponyville's premier bar for those ponies wishing to indulge in the finest vintage wine and port Equestria could offer, and as such was unafraid to wield its' pretensions of sophistication. The décor attempted to compete with Horsia's for grandeur in places, but the occasional homely touch – like the worn shag carpeting underhoof rather than unforgiving yet expertly crafted wooden flooring, and the slightly shabby looking frames that encased mirrors and paintings – made it seem marginally more welcoming than the restaurant so lauded in Canterlot circles. Indeed the friendliness of the bar-staff and the embattled old owner, when compared to the cold air of pretentious professionalism that exuded from the waiters and sommeliers of Horsia's, was as different as chalk is to cheese.

Nevertheless the bar was bustling with ponies fresh from a night at the symphony, dressed in elegant gowns and immaculate suits quaffing all manner of priceless wines with no thought as to the cost. As it did in the restaurant the presence of a bespectacled unicorn, a Southern-accented earth pony and their companions for the evening stuck out like a sore thumb – regardless of the finery they bedecked themselves in. Both took no heed of the snide looks of their fellow patrons as they disregarded the extensive wine list for glasses of bourbon (even if the spirit in question was as far from being the ordinary inexpensive gutrot as feasibly possible), instead shooting them sincere smiles before sauntering off to their lovers once more. To the outward observer the party of four seemed carefree as could be. Two of the smiles were false however – artificial as the blatantly obvious tail extensions on several of the older female clients. Both were put on as they were a week before to hide the machinations of a puzzled and somewhat troubled mind.

Rarity reclined in the sofa gazing on her marefriend at the bar, occasionally making some off-the-hoof (and often biting) remarks about the clientèle and their garb to Octavia. Beneath the relaxed and calm exterior she was frantically trying to clear the confusion about the wonderful date she was on. It was certainly the single finest date she had ever experienced, and one that ticked near every box on her imaginary checklist for an ideal example of such an occasion. Yet that imaginary checklist was written with a noble stallion – and more importantly a noble and somewhat wealthy stallion – in mind. Applejack had blown the ideal of a relationship with such high society to matchwood but seemed to be parting with as many bits as one of those hypothetical dukes, barons, tycoons or princes would. AJ was hardly a skinflint but in the same breath she could never be dubbed as spendthrift. Her frugality and careful attitude to money was admirable, and yet she had disregarded it completely over the course of the evening – the day even ('that dress from Canterlot wasn't exactly a bargain after all,' she reminded herself). Not to mention that this was somepony who so visibly fretted over the failure to provide Ponyville with promised revenues not a fortnight before, and yet the same somepony was spending like an old widower on their last legs who just struck lucky in Las Pegasus! Something didn't add up.

Applejack chatted wildly with Vinyl Scratch in the course of their mission to retrieve the drinks, but all the while her mind puzzled over her amour. It would've been naïve of Applejack to assume that Rarity was demure and innocent in regards to flirting. Indeed it would have been downright stupid of her having witnessed such displays of coquetry in the past. However to see her do it in her very presence lit off a spark in the back of Applejack's mind. She felt the slightest twinges of stomach pain on seeing the long eyelashes flutter in the direction of Horte Cuisine. She wished to wreak terrible violence on any colt who tried it on with her. She longed to cling to her tight and not let her go, lest she trot off with the stallion she deserved.

'Look at what she's doin' to ya!' a voice piped up from the ether, 'Cryin' like a filly, makin' ya possessive as that mail-mare with her dang muffins...'

'And how do ya know she ain't like that? She did face off with Twilight after all.'

'Because she wants ya in the meantime. But what about in the future? What if she ain't fancyin' a future with a hopeless, jealous, inexperienced...'

“One bottle of Chateauhoof-du-Pape and two glasses of Gentlecolt Jack's Single Barrel Special?” piped up Xynomavro Grapes, the wizened old proprieter of the bar, who forced AJ from the battle in her subconscious a syllable before it descended into full-blooded war. Vinyl swooped with vulture-like speed on the booze ahead of her.

“Right here Xyno!” she called, yanking the wine and whiskey away in her forelegs with less care than necessary given the pricey nature of her cargo.

“What's the damage?” Applejack sighed as she turned back to face the old gentlecolt.

“For you Miss Applejack? No charge.”

“Now Xyno, ya'll know ah can't do that. 'Specially not tonight.”

“Your mistress needn't know about this you know?” said Xynomavro with a less-than-subtle wink across the bar.

“It ain't just that. Tonight's bein' paid for from the account,” AJ stated, her voice descending to a whisper, “You know, that account.”

Xyno took a minute to fully process the cryptic answer from Applejack. His jaw fell open as he grasped the full significance of what Applejack intimated through her secretive murmurings and slightly pained expressions.

“Dear Applejack! I'm stunned! Why, I reckon it must be the first time you've used...”

“It is,” AJ replied with haste. She leaned closer, her gaze never wavering from that of the aptly deep burgundy eyes of the wine connoisseur opposite, "And not another word 'bout it if ya please Xyno. Not even to Granny Smith. Ah know the two of ya chat like a couple 'a ol' suburban cows after a few glasses of your family's finest.”

Xyno stood upright and saluted with utter sincerity (though Applejack couldn't help but find the display mildly comical), “You have this old stallion's word. Now, the small matter of the bill...”


Glass after glass of the finest wines and liqueurs were downed by the quartet as the night drew further in. The Cellars were still as packed as they were when the four walked in, and the smooth jazz emanating from the sound system – whilst not entirely to Vinyl Scratch's or Applejack's respective tastes and barely audible over the noise of the packed bar – still managed to contribute to the generally relaxed ambience of the occasion.

The four sat on somewhat well-worn leather sofas and chatted in their usual lively manner. Vinyl Scratch regaled the group with tales designed to embarrass her beloved cellist and draw the same raucous laughter that drew so many scowls in more uptight surroundings. Never one to be outdone, Octavia refuted Vinyl's memories and proceeded to counter-attack with equally awkward and amusing stories of the DJ she called her own. Yet not once did the sometimes-heated verbal sparring dissolve into bitter argument. It was clearly evident to all that in spite of these exchanges filled with occasional tinges of venom the two involved parties would never let anything past, present or future drive a permanent wedge between them. They were a shining example of the both the vague idea of the ideal couple and the old adage of opposites attracting. Both Applejack and Rarity couldn't help but feel deep admiration for the musical duo and wish the same for their own relationship.

“It took three unicorns and the help of Big Macintosh to unblock the drains after that!” Vinyl spluttered through paroxysms of laughter, bringing another of her long-winded anecdotes to a suitably vulgar conclusion.

Octavia lifted her ashen face from the table, the only one of the party not near doubled over in a fit of mirth, “That was your fault dear – you told me it was a rather mild dish. And to think that I used to like curry before that dreadful incident!”

“Ah remember Big Mac mentionin' somethin' like that. He spared your names though. Pretty sure that contributed to his refusal to deal with any more plumbin'.”

“And all this from the mare who can deal with Spike's ghastly chilli cocktail more than most?” Rarity contributed, all whilst dabbing away the damp trails where abundant tears of laughter had fallen through yarn after hilarious yarn.

“What can I say? You eat one of those and survive, you can deal with nigh on any spice known to ponykind.”

Vinyl composed herself somewhat, “I believe that story renders me victorious...”

“Oh no no no sweetheart. We haven't even begun,” Octavia said in a low drawl to accompany a toothy, mischievous grin, “We still have the alleyway tale for one.”

“I hoped you'd forgotten that one,” murmured Vinyl, her face flushing a deep shade of magenta.

“I never forget m'love,” Octavia stated with a flamboyant wink, “Especially not the way you violated that poor corner of Equestria...”

“Can we hold off on the tale for now though?” Vinyl Scratch interrupted with a pained expression gracing her blushing face, “The little fillies' room is calling my name and I don't wish you getting the facts wrong in my absence.”

“Dang. Ah was lookin' forward to that.”

“Don't worry dear Applejack,” said Octavia through a smug grin, “I'm sure the facts will be correct when they do indeed come out.”

Rarity chuckled loudly – unusual given her usual dislike for coarse humour. “I certainly hope so,” she said whilst getting up.

“And where are you goin' Mallow?” AJ queried as the dressmaker left her forelegs.

“The same place as dear Vinyl. A lady must powder her nose when the need arises after all, and the wine and hilarity have hastened that need.”

Applejack's eyes followed her Marshmallow all the way to the bathroom as she made her way through the throngs of conversing ponies in Vinyl's wake. She sighed slightly once her marefriend was out of sight and earshot, though the emission was barely loud enough for the pony opposite her to hear and not subtle enough to pawn off as a yawn.

“Is everything okay Applejack?” Octavia asked in a cheery yet concerned voice.

AJ, having briefly forgotten the presence of Octavia in her moment of silent admiration and mental anguish (her insecurities about her own inexperience worming their way back into full view in the lull in the night's revelry), forced the false smile to her lips once more.

“Peachy 'Tavia, thank ya for askin',” she responded in a perky tone she hoped would pacify the cellist.

“I hate to be so presumptuous, but it seems like you are quite awful at dispensing with...”

To her chagrin, it didn't. The voice in Applejack's head was displeased in particular by that line (as eloquently as it was put); 'Sweet Celestia, does every dang pony have ta mention that ah'm a terrible liar?!' it cried out in exasperation.

“Ah know.” Applejack interrupted before Octavia could fully join the legions of her friends who deemed her a liar of late, “It ain't nothin', really. Thanks for the concern though. Much appreciated.”

“It's okay. Though I cannot help but ponder whether something is troubled in the relationship between you and Rarity.”

The swig of the sublime Manehattan cocktail (with both dry and sweet vermouth, a rare combination but one she enjoyed immensely) she had imbibed as Octavia spoke froze in Applejack's throat. She coughed and spluttered loudly, gasped for air, all whilst wondering how the mare across the table had read her thoughts and actions with quite remarkable accuracy.

“I... I...”

Her mind stumbled from every possible half-baked explanation to the next, None seemed to fit.

“It... ya see... argh...”

'Tell her ya don't wanna be seen as a gold digger.'
'With you spendin' like Rainbow Dash at a Wonderbolt fan convention? That ain't gonna fly, if ya'll pardon the pun.'
'At least ah'm tryin', Luna dammit!'
'Not very well it'd appear.'


It was no use. She'd have to come clean with her seemingly ridiculous problem, envious paranoia et al. A long sigh escaped the cowpony's lips as she braced herself for a rant that'd leave herself vulnerable to all sorts of ridicule.

“Ah just can't get any of this. Why am ah feelin' so insecure even though ah know that Rarity feels so dang strongly for me? Why is it that ah feel like ah ain't good enough fer her? That she'll go off with that stallion she's always wished she would? Why...”

“Applejack,” Octavia said calmly, bringing the introspection to a halt before the self-loathing part could hit full-steam. AJ looked up.

“Is the first time you've experienced such feelings about another pony?”

Once more Applejack was flustered. “Ah dunno what yer on about 'Tavia,” she stated with some conviction. The furtive (and somewhat guilty) glances from side to side told the true story.

“Let's try another tactic,” Octavia muttered under her breath, not wishing to impugn the previous answer and further incur Applejack's ire, “Do you think that Vinyl Scratch and I would have been together for this long if we were to have let our insecurities get the best of us?”

AJ was puzzled by this “Ah ain't followin'.”

“We are as alike as Manedelssohn is to Deadhor5, and such a seemingly ill-fitted match brings a veritable potpourri of problems and worries. Even now I still worry that the DJ I love so much shall grow weary of me, that some day the 'harmless flirtation' she has mentioned before shall lead her astray.”

“So it ain't just me that's a worrier. Peachy...” Applejack whispered grimly, her utterances just loud enough to invoke a dirty look from the pony attempting to allay her fears.

“And yet here we are,” Octavia continued gamely, “One year on since our first tryst. If I had listened to those nagging voices, we'd have barely lasted a week. Trust me when I say that even the cool and calm Miss Scratch is no stranger to the merciless prodding of anxiety.”

Octavia leaned further across the table towards the pony whose visage now expressed a mix of mild relief and confusion.

“It's all about trust. Especially in a scenario as new, as... virginal as yours,” she finished with a knowing yet comfortable smile. Applejack swore she saw an outrageous wink as well, but was halted from pressing the issue by the return of two white unicorns.

“Hope ya ain't telling lies about me sweetie,” Vinyl said as she leapt across towards a smirking Octavia.

“I wouldn't dream of it.”

“Good. Now, who's all for another one before we dive into that damn alley story. It's only quarter past eleven after all.”

Applejack was startled by this mundane mention of the time. “Quarter past eleven? Dang, we gotta go!” she yelled out, grabbing Rarity by the forelegs and making for the door, “Sorry gals, urgent business. We've had a great night. Need to do it again another time. See ya!”

Before Rarity had the chance to even give the two lovebirds a farewell hug she was hauled off by her beloved out the grand oak door and out of sight. Octavia and Vinyl sat startled at the hasty departure of their companions for the evening.

Vinyl turned to her lover, “I imagine we should maybe think of making tracks shortly then?”

“Octavia!” a sing-song voice called out from the crowd. Yet it wasn't a completely cheerful calling of the cellist's name. Puzzled, Octavia and Vinyl turned and saw a mildly-miffed looking Lyra – accompanied by her beloved Bonbon as always – advancing on their position.

“Oh, I wouldn't say no to another,” Tavia said with relish, a smug smile growing on her face once more.


Applejack and Rarity trotted off in near-silence. The unicorn was still baffled by the rapid nature of their exit from the Cellars. She felt that Applejack was acting incredibly bizarrely of late – the spending, the loud refusal to accept a free meal, the occasional air of awkwardness in the bar whenever the conversation reached an intermission and now the latest odd turn of events.

“Come on Rare! Ah don't wanna be late!” Applejack shouted back to the fashionista – she had failed to notice that AJ had raced ahead and built up a substantial lead over her.

“Where are we going? What don't you want to be late for?”

“Ah can't tell ya yet! Just move that flank!”

Rarity tore off in pursuit of the cowpony to no avail. She failed to catch up to her until the very last second, when Applejack suddenly reached an abrupt halt and gazed directly upwards.

“Applejack!” Rarity panted, her run having exhausted her, “What in Celestia's name is the meaning of this?!”

“Give it a minute.”

The cryptic answer did nothing to satisfy Rarity.

“What? No, I demand an explanation to all this.”

Applejack's eyes never flinched from the night sky. “Just wait, Mallow.”

“For what?” said Rarity, growing more exasperated by the second, “I mean, you're acting in such an unbelievably peculiar manner. I just don't...”

“There! Look up, Rare!”

Rarity was close to grabbing AJ by the hair and near-yelling in her face, until that moment that she took her marefriend's advice and looked to the skies. Against the jet black surface of space, one, then two, then twelve. Before she could draw breath, what seemed like hundreds of stars began shooting across the skies at breakneck speed. Trails of light lingered in their wake for the briefest moments, every one like a miniature Sonic Rainboom. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Rarity could barely believe her eyes.

“My word.”

“Amazin', ain't it?”

“It's... spectacular.”

“Ah know.”

Applejack and Rarity sat down, never drawing their eyes from the display high above – it hadn't occurred to the latter that Applejack's sprint had led them into the park and so the feel of cool grass against her flank came as a slight surprise.

“I can't believe Twilight never informed us before of this,” Rarity broke the awe-filled silence after what felt like eons of watching the meteorites hurtling across the horizon, “You know how she is about her astronomy.”

“Why would she? Ain't like she knew about it before today.”

“Excuse me?”

“Ah said it ain't like she knew before ah suggested it.”

Rarity wrenched her gaze from the skies to see Applejack looking at her with a slightly cocky grin.

“You're not making any sense Sugarcube,” she said plainly as Applejack shifted herself closer.

“Last week, when ah was outside after talkin' with Fluttershy, ah looked up at the sky to see the stars. They were sparklin', like light shinin' off diamonds in a mine. And it made me think of you. How you shine brighter than any of the gems down there below ground or any up there.”

Rarity could feel every ounce of vexation at AJ melting away as she listened to the words of the mare now inches away from her.

“When ya suggested we go on a date, and especially after all that nasty business with Twi, ah was determined to do this whole courtin' thing right. To make sure that mah first date,” AJ held up a hoof to prevent Rarity interrupting in regards to that understated revelation, “Our first date, went absolutely perfectly. So when we were in Canterlot we went to the palace, had a word with the princesses. Well, Twi mainly did the talkin' but ah digress.”

“They agreed to my little idea, sayin' that not only were they touched by our story and the lengths Twilight was goin' to to make it up to us, that we were two of their humblest servants and such a favour wouldn't be any trouble.”

Applejack tenderly caressed Rarity's face, forcing the cobalt eyes that were closed to prevent tears from falling open once more.

“Ah may not be the smartest, or best-lookin', or richest stallion or mare in Equestria,” Applejack said softly as she ran her hoof through her mare's mane, “But how many of them would make the stars fall for ya?”

Barely a heartbeat had passed between them before Rarity wrapped her forelegs around Applejack in a vice-like grip and planted her lips against AJ's. She was touched beyond all belief at surely the most romantic gesture ever visited on any pony. It was everything that Rarity had ever dreamed of experiencing from somepony and yet somehow still more. Applejack – one of the least romantically inclined ponies ever to have graced the streets of Ponyville – had pulled the most grandiose ending to a date in history out of the bag, all accompanied by a romantic line that wouldn't be out of place in the novels in which Rarity so often lost herself. All this from a pony on her very first date!

'At this rate, it shall be her only first date.'

Applejack pulled away as if to say something more, but not another word needed to be uttered. Rarity placed her hoof on her mouth gently and kissed her once more. She tried to put every sentiment, every gratitude, every gushing statement of humility and, yes, even declarations of love into that kiss, so that no more words need pass between them and ruin the perfection. All while the cosmic firework display continued unmolested in the heavens high above.

Comments ( 55 )

Oh that was -phenomenal-. Wow.
A few opening and closing quotes absent, with Xyno and others. Otherwise very good.

Fantastic! Here is pinkie to express my feelings of this chapter. :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

Oh my Luna! That was one of the best romatic moments I have read in a long time. Truly brilliant! :yay:

Wow. AJ treats her mare right! Bravo to her. :heart:

Thank God you didn't forget about this story! I was getting worried.

Fantastic job, by the way.:derpytongue2:

Some of your mannerisms cause confusion for a simple American like me, but other than that, wow. This was amazing, and definitely worth the wait. So romantic :raritywink:

Hmmm, gotta wonder where this money came from. Perhaps a inheritance or type of insurance from her parents death? If so that should make it even more special in the eyes of Rarity. Anyway, good stuff! :ajsmug:

This chapter is amazing. I literally have no other words right now to describe it.

*has a jaw-dropped huge grin on his face from that last scene*

*is speechless for several minutes*

Wow. The romantic in me applauds, and ponders the impossibility of beating that display. Bravo. :moustache:

Honestly, I thought you had quit on this story. I honestly believed you weren't going to continue on. This was an amazing suprise. Not only was it updated it was one of the better chapters I have ever read in a fan fiction. Give yourself a pat on the back, this was awesome.

"Rarity wrapped her arms" :facehoof:
Apart from that, good read :moustache:

New Chappptteeerrr! :pinkiehappy:

Why don't I know how to put Gif's in comments! I want to use the "Dis Gun be Gud!" gif! :raritydespair:

724994 Just use the add image. It'll automatically render.

SQUEE THAT WAS GREAT! :raritystarry: The hopeless romantic in me just fainted.

That was so cheesy yet amazing I think my heart just stopped.

There are not enough mustachioed Spikes in all of Equestria to express the manliness of this chapter. Applejack doesn't need to worry about jealousy, she just ensured that no date Rarity ever goes on will EVER be as perfect as that one. If this were a fighting game that meteor shower and AJ's final line would have been the ultimate finisher after a Flawless Victory. All I can say is that I salute you good sir for your writing, and I salute Applejack for being more epic than anything else ever in the history of things being epic.

:ajsmug: I know what the mares like.:ajsmug:

Loved the chapter.

My sentiments exactly.

I forgot what they're alluding too regarding Twilight, due to the length of time since I last read this story, but other than that, awesome chapter! :pinkiehappy:

MUST. UP-RATE. AGAIN.:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

Awesome to finally see this update.

It isn't good shipping until I get teary-eyed, good work.

Applejack may have just discovered a previously unknown level of swag.

As have you, o Wordsmith.

Deadhor5 hahahaha, I get it.

And this was adorable beyond belief my friend, keep it up! :raritywink: :ajsmug:

Applejack is surely the smoothest pony in Equestria.

"Luna dammit!"

Just... I don't... What... *dies from cuteness overload* :heart:
I just hope the "incomplete" status is actually true and there's more coming because this is awesome. But if not, I suppose this was a lovely read nonetheless.

That was one hell of a finishing line from Applejack. Just ... damn. That's how you abuse your friendships and connections, folks. :ajsmug:

Not to sound rude or nagging, but are you planning on updating this anytime soon?

Beautiful, just beautiful *stands up* *gives standing ovation* *slow claps*

I love this story so so so much; I just NEED more of it, or I will die! :raritydespair:


1000108 1247837
More is coming soon - as I said in a blog I'm in the middle of a move so it's on the back burner.

Trust me. More AJ and Rarity shall be coming to a computer screen near you in the near future. :ajsmug:

Allegrezza is still arguably my favourite shipfic, so I had to bung some VinylTavia in there.

That is how you end a date on a high note. I would also like to know just what is said between lyra and tavia, but thats just me.

I love this shipping and I love this story:rainbowkiss:
hope more'll come soon, keep the good writing!:pinkiehappy:

"What's the damage"
I immediately thought about the movie Heathers, lol.

I really hope this is going to get finished. I absolutely adore this story.

So ten chapters in and I finally notice that this hasn't been updated since June/July.

I really don't want to put this on the abandon pile, mate. This is pretty friggin' good. Don't "Teardrops and Snowflakes" me here.

Any chance of this being updated soon?
Really looking forward to the conclusion

2220997 2594341
As I said in a blog post, I am working on the final few chapters. It only took me a bloody year but hey ho.

Keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks (and I know I've said it before, but trust me).

2608299 Well shit, maybe sometimes people don't drop off the face of the earth.

Next thing you know Vyreinos will log in and Gravekeeper will put his money where his mouth is.

This is so cute! I love how well written the descriptions are and the dialogue captures their personalities perfectly. I can't wait to see where life will take them~

Are you planning to continue this story?

seventeen gun emojis rarijack 4 life :ajsmug::duck:

I really hope you'll continue this one and all the other amazing fics you did.
This one has a huge potential in being a good Rarijack-fic and certainly one of my favorites!
Ah, hell, it is already, but it has to continue, pleasepleaseplease...? :heart:
I wish you only the best and please, bless us with more of your Rarijack :twilightsmile::raritywink:
Thank you

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