• Published 8th May 2013
  • 14,462 Views, 648 Comments

Home in Banishment - Shadow Lord Malice

Sasuke and Naruto defeat Madara and the Juubi together, but are betrayed and thrown into time and space. Ending up in Equestria, their presence brings forth unforseen consequences.

  • ...

A Warm Return and Fashion at it's Finest

The winter months flew by for Ponyville. Hearths Warming came and went, and before anypony knew it, it was time for Winter Wrap up. Ponyville had the nasty history of being late for spring five years running now, but the mayor was determined to make sure spring came on time this year. The going however, had been rocky, and it was only thanks to Twilight's organizational skills that spring had finally come on schedule this year. Currently, Twilight and the girls were chatting and giggling and enjoying the warmth of the upcoming season.

"Ooh, spring is here! Spring is here! Spring is finally here!" Pinkie jubilantly exclaimed, bouncing about around the group.

"It is very wonderful isn't it, Pinkie Pie." Rarity responded.

"An' we fahnally got it done on time this time 'round." Said Applejack proudly.

"Well I for one will not allow tardiness on my schedule." Answered Twilight, bringing about another round of giggles from her friends.

"So Fluttershy, you excited for spring?" asked Rainbow Dash, who was hovering a few feet above the group.

"Oh yes, very much. I get to see all my animal friends again, and of course tomorrow is going to be even better." She replied with glee. That got everypony's attention. Thinking about it, Twilight suddenly gasped in realization.

"That's right, Naruto's coming back tomorrow." She said, causing the rest of the group to remember as well.

"Well tie me up an' call me a hog, Naruto's comin' back home." Said Applejack, rearing up in glee.

"Sweet. Then he'll be able to tell us about all that he found out in the Everfree. Maybe he found a hoard of savage monsters and fought 'em off." said Rainbow, punching the air with her forehooves.

"Or maybe he found a long lost treasure trove full of gold and gems!" Squealed Rarity, her eyes glittering in wonder.

"Oh my goshness! I gotta throw him a party!" Exclaimed Pinkie, who then rocketed off to Sugar Cube Corner. Soon the rest of the group dispersed as well, Twilight being the only one not to go.

"Hmm, I have the oddest feeling I'm forgetting something." She muttered to herself.


"Oh no, Spike!"

The morning was a bit chilly, but Fluttershy wasn't bothered in the slightest. Her mood alone was enough to keep her warm. Humming tunelessly to herself, she pranced down the path away from her cottage, and towards town. just before she entered the town proper, she turned to the right, and headed down a much less used path. Soon she came upon the entrance to the Everfree Forest, and just when she was a foot or two away from the shade the forest cast, she sat down and waited, eyes wide and excited, and ears perked forward. After ten minutes her patience was rewarded, for two voices could be heard coming up the path. One was a mare's voice, obviously belonging to Trixie, whilst the other voice was definitely Naruto's. Fluttershy began pawing at the dirt beneath her, and her wings began fluttering in excitement. Soon, the two aforementioned explorers rounded the corner, and began heading out of the woods. Unable to contain herself any longer, she rocketed towards the blonde ninja she hadn't seen for months.

"Naruto." She cried loudly, well, for her anyway.

"Flutters!" Naruto exclaimed, and dashed for the speeding pegasus, meeting her halfway down the path, and snatched her out of the air and into a hug.

"Oh Naruto, I missed you so much." Said Fluttershy as she nuzzled her muzzle into Naruto's chest.

"I missed you too, Flutters. I missed you too." The blonde answered, stroking a hand through Fluttershy's mane, much to her delight. it was then that Twilight came upon the two, and she gasped in excitement.

"Naruto, you're back!" She cried and began bombarding the blonde with questions whilst bouncing around him like a schoolfilly. It was then that Trixie managed to catch up to her mission partner.

"The great *huff* and powerful *puff* Trixie *gasp* does not appreciate *wheeze* being left behind." The unicorn gasped out, and with good reason. Trixie's saddlebags and packs were loaded with books, scrolls, and rolled up sheets of paper, along with other assorted things the two had brought out of the forest with them. Carrying them all out with her as well as keeping pace with Naruto had been quite a strain on her. Suddenly, a magenta aura wrapped around her cargo, which then levitated off of her back and sides.

"Thank you so much for all this, Naruto. I'll get it all categorized and sent to the princess. You and Fluttershy can come and help if you want. No doubt Fluttershy wants to spend some more time with you." Said Twilight, earning a bashful eep from Fluttershy. Soon the trio began to leave.

"Wait a minute," Said Trixie, trying to get the three's attention, "what about me? The great and powerful Trixie..." But the group just kept on going until Trixie was the only pony on the path. "...helped." She finished, her face adopting a look of sorrow. With a sigh, she slowly trudged away to Sugar Cube Corner for something to eat, though with the sadness she felt, she wasn't exactly feeling hungry.

With fillylike glee, Twilight pranced into the library, Naruto following her at a much more relaxed pace. Soon the unicorn began sorting and categorizing everything Naruto had brought out of the forest. maps and documents were in one pile. Rocks and minerals, as well as what looked to be a tusk, were placed in a second pile. And finally, flora samples were placed in a third. While the second and third piles were quite small, the first pile was very large. Soon, Twilight began reading through the heap of maps and field journals to properly categorize everything, Fluttershy helping where she could. Meanwhile, Naruto was looking through the bookshelves of the library in mild interest, something that Spike noticed.

"Hey Naruto, whatcha lookin' for?" He asked the human.

"Hmm, nothing in particular, though I am curious how binding spells work." He replied, causing Twilight to bring her attention onto him.

"Binding spells? Like, chaining another pony to your will?" She asked with trepidation. This caused Fluttershy to gasp as well.

"No no no, nothing like that. I was thinking more along the lines of binding a pony within something." Silence was his answer. "Okay, that didn't sound much better."

"Naruto, why in Equestria do you want to learn something like that?" Twilight asked, shocked and a little disturbed. Naruto held his hands up in a placating gesture.

"Whoa whoa, back up there Sparkles. I'm not trying to bind anypony into anything. What I'm trying to achieve here is to find similarities between human ninjutsu and pony magic. The reason I said binding spells is that it has a similar ability to sealing ninjutsu. I was hoping I could recreate some minor binding spells into seals and work from there." Twilight's and Fluttershy's expressions lightened immediately.

"Oh, I see. well sorry Naruto, but the library doesn't have any books like that, and the princess never taught me binding magic." Naruto snapped his fingers in disappointment.

"Well darn. Back to the drawing board I suppose." Suddenly, the door burst open, and Pinkie Pie rushed in. The pink mare then zipped over to Spike, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Naruto, before zipping back out the door, which slammed shut behind her. Eyes quirked in confusion, the quartet then saw the party mare had left them all with a sealed envelope. Opening his first, Naruto's envelope let out a noisemaker whistle and blew out some confetti. Inside was an invitation to a party.

"Hehehe, Pinkie Pie never changes." Giggled Twilight as she opened her own party invitation and read it over. "Hmm, looks like the party's tonight, do I have anything on my schedule?" Naruto just chuckled, and stashed his invite into a pocket.

'It's good to be back.' He thought to himself.

The day passed by rather quickly, and Naruto, Twilight, and Spike were now heading to Sweet Apple Acres for Pinkie's party, as their barn was one of the only buildings in town that was big enough. Reaching the red and white building, the door handles were engulfed with magenta magic, and the doors swung out to reveal the party in full swing, much to Twilight's confusion. Soon Pinkie Pie bounded up to the trio and welcomed them in.

"Uh, Pinkie, isn't the party supposed to be starting now?" Twilight asked.

"Well that was the plan, but a few ponies decided to start as soon as they got here and things kinda took off from there. No worries though, it only got really started up just before you three got here."

"So Pinkie, what's the occasion?" asked Naruto, causing said mare to giggle.

"Silly Naruto, it's for you. It's your 'Welcome back from your big important mission' party." With that, Pinkie ushered the three in, and hopped off into the crowd. Exploring the crowd a bit, Naruto saw Fluttershy and Rarity by the gramophone chatting away about a topic Naruto couldn't hear. Suddenly, he remembered something he had told Fluttershy last fall and grinned; now was a perfect time. Making his way over to the two, Naruto got their attention.

"Hello Rarity, hello Flutters, enjoying the party?" He asked.

"Oh hello Naruto," Said Rarity in excitement. "How was your mission in the Everfree?"

"Pretty interesting, though I didn't find as much information as I wanted due to it being so close to winter. I'll be going again in the summer when there's a lot more available for study." He then cast his gaze to Fluttershy. "Anyway, I believe I asked Fluttershy for something the night before I left." Said pegasus, tilted her head in confusion, but soon a blush adorned her cheeks when she remembered what Naruto was talking about.

"R-really, here?" She asked timidly. Rarity's ears perked at this and she started paying more attention.

"Why not here? isn't this the kind of place for the second time?" Asked Naruto. Rarity's eyes widened and her jaw dropped a bit.

"We-well, everypony will be watching." Rarity's jaw was completely hanging at this point.

"So? We'll be having too much fun to notice. If they want to watch, let 'em." Rarity's eyes had gone completely white at this, a tiny thread of crimson traveling down from her snout. and her face glowed atomic red.

"I, uh, o-okay." Said Fluttershy with all the courage she could muster. Suddenly, the two heard a dull thump beside them. Looking at the source of the noise, they saw Rarity sprawled on the ground, violently twitching, along with a substantial snout bleed. Fluttershy gasped and checked over her friend. Naruto however, had seen enough perverts to know what had happened.

"Oi, Rarity, get your head outta the gutter! I was asking Fluttershy for a date. Like I'd ask her to do that, in public of all places." He said, nudging the prone unicorn with a foot. Fluttershy blinked at this.

"That? But what could..." Suddenly, Fluttershy was aware of just how their earlier conversation could have been interpreted if they hadn't known what Naruto was talking about. "Oh. Oh! O-oh... m-m-my." She stuttered out, her face becoming as pink as her mane, and her wings beginning to stiffen against her will.

"Now don't you start thinking like that Flutters. All I want is a date and nothing more." With Naruto's help, Fluttershy was able to get herself under control, though she couldn't help but fret over her friend's condition. Naruto assured her however, that Rarity would be completely fine in a few minutes, having seen this kind of thing plenty of times back home. Soon the two were enjoying the many activities the party supplied, from pin the tail on the pony, to bobbing for apples, although Rarity, once she recovered, practically took over. When asked what the problem was she merely said she needed to cool her head, and dunked said appendage right back in the barrel. Soon it was time to cut the cake, and everypony was surprised when it was Trixie who was selected to have the honors, much to everypony's, as well as her own, confusion. Of course, Naruto started cheering for her, and soon got a crowd going to do the same. Bolstered by this, Trixie began cutting the cake, getting cheers all around, the townsponies having been given enough time to mellow out from her past grievances. Soon cake was passed out and about, and the partying recommenced with fervor. Soon Naruto noticed someone missing from the party, though he wasn't exactly surprised.

"Hey Pinkie." He called the mare as she bounced by, causing her to scoot up to him. "You know where Sasuke is? I know he's not one for parties but I was half expecting you to drag him into this one."

"Oh sorry Naruto, he couldn't make it. He told me that today was a really important day for him and that he needed to be alone for it. My Pinkie sense also told me it was very important, so I let him be." With that, she bounced away, leaving Naruto and Fluttershy alone.

"I hope he's alright." Said Fluttershy. She didn't visit Sasuke much, but she still worried over him.

"Ah don't worry, it's Sasuke we're talking about. I'm sure he's fine. Now then, where to next Flutters?"

(Insert BGM)
The night wind carried with it a chill nip, winter's final defiance against the onslaught of spring. The temperature however, did not stop Sasuke as he knelt down in front of a humble shrine. Inside was a jar of burning incense and a bouquet of forget-me-nots, between them being the last picture of Itachi Sasuke had in his possession.

"Hello big brother." Said Sasuke, though the picture remained silent as expected. "Sorry for taking so long but things have finally cooled down enough that I could get around to this. Sorry about the shrine, I made it myself, but I don't think I'm so good at this." The shrine was not all that pretty nor was it ornate, just a humble collection of planks and dowels fashioned into what was now before the Uchiha.

"Anyway Itachi, I'd like to say thank you once again for your help in opening my stubborn eyes. I've made a lot of bad decisions in my life and you helped me get off that path, along with the four previous hokages, though personally I think it would do lord second some good if he got that stick out of his ass, as Naruto would say." Sasuke couldn't help but chuckle at his own remark, but his slight mirth did not last long and he was soon serious once more.

"I don't know if you can tell from the other side, Itachi, but I'm in a new world now. Yeah I know, sounds crazy, but it's true. The other kages didn't exactly like the idea of the peace our world was heading towards, so they got rid of me and the dobe to stop it. You would love it here Itachi. Kids laughing and playing without a care in the world, parents chatting and gossiping without the lingering tension of conflict. No wars, no pain, no suffering. A world of peace, just like you always wanted." Again, as it always had been, the picture remained absolutely silent. Tears began to stream from Sasuke's eyes as the memories of his brother played through his mind.

"I... I miss you Itachi. I miss you so much. I know it was what you wanted me to do, but I'm sorry, I'm sorry for taking your life, I'm sorry for the hatred I heaped on you, I'm... I'm sorry." Sasuke tried to stop his tears, but all it did was make them fall harder. Finally getting his crying under control, he let out a bittersweet chuckle. "Sorry about that. No offence but right now I'm kinda glad your dead, so you don't have to see the mess I am right now. It's not just you I miss, Itachi, it's everyone. Mother, Father, everyone who had to die that night. I miss them, I want them back so bad, but that's just wishful thinking on my part. I know you had to do it, Itachi, but that doesn't make the loneliness any less hard. I got Naruto, but for how long?" Sasuke cast his gaze downwards, away from the picture, His vision now filled with the green grass he knelt upon.

"I... learned some things when I got here Itachi. I'm immortal now, unknown and unaffected by time. Funny, who hasn't dreamed of living forever, but would they if they knew the price? I may be eternal, but everyone else around me will die and fade. I've made friends here Itachi, and now I'll have to watch them wither and die whilst I stay put. Time will march them along as I just stand still and watch. I don't know if I can do it Itachi. I don't know if I can stay sane through it. I've got Luna, and her sister Celestia, they too are immortal, but I don't know if it will be enough." Sasuke's gaze once again came up to the picture. And though it said nothing, it did not need to. Sasuke felt a weight in his chest, a weight born of his sadness, guilt, and despair, lighten. It was still there, but the burden felt lessened.

"Thank you Itachi. thank you for taking the time to listen to your little brother. It's getting late, so I'll be going now. Rest in peace big brother, and once again, I'm sorry." With that, Sasuke bowed low to the shrine, a small, but genuine smile upon his lips. It was then that the slight cloud cover parted, and the light of the moon shone down upon the scene, illuminating the picture. It was a crude, incredibly worn drawing of a smiling Itachi. The tear troughs were asymmetrical, the face was disproportionate, but anyone would have known it was Itachi had they known the man. Sasuke had drawn it when he was six years old, and had found it in the ruins of his old clan compound after he had revived the kages. The picture had been crumpled, and the bottom portion of it, the place where it had said 'best big brother' had been completely torn away, but now it was the sole picture of his brother that Sasuke had, and he cherished it dearly. Rising from his bow, Sasuke looked upon his drawing's face, his smile still present, and rose from his kneeling position. Turning around, he then headed for his house, a faint happiness beating in his chest.
(end BGM)

Four days after Naruto returned to Ponyville had passed, and a lot had happened in that time. Two days previous, Rarity had offered her friends to make their formal attire for the Grand Galloping Gala, and display her work in an in town fashion show. Everyone was great with the idea, though Applejack expressed concern over the difficulty of such a project. Rarity however, was completely confident in her ability, and in two days had it all done. Currently Rarity was leading the five ponies to her room where she was keeping the finished garments, the group of five having their eyes closed the whole way.

"That's it, keep them closed, don't look." Said Rarity as she guided the group into her room. Finally the five mares were in position. "Okay you can look now!" And with that exclamation, five pairs of eyes opened and the group let out a collective gasp. Before them stood five mannequins, each displaying a dress. After Rarity finished gushing about her work she asked her friends for their opinion. What she got was not what she was expecting.

"They're very nice." reassured Twilight.

"And we're plum grateful cause you worked so hard on 'em." Continued Applejack.

"Mine's just not as cool as I was imagining." Remarked Rainbow Dash, causing the others to glare at her. "...She asked."

"I guess what we're all saying is that they're just not what we had in mind." Finished Twilight, much to Rarity's barely concealed devastation. Suddenly the group heard the door to the boutique open with a jingle, and the tromping of footsteps.

"Jeez Sasuke, you don't have to push."

"Just making sure you don't go bolting, dobe."

"Hey, what do you take me for? Rarity's made me something nice so of course I'm going to come see it."

"But will you put it on is the question?"

"Okay, that's it. You have got to start having more fai- HOLY MOTHER OF THE SAGE!!! Those are gorgeous!" Exclaimed Naruto as he walked into the room. Sasuke didn't speak, but one could tell he was also amazed by the slight widening of his eyes.

"Really? You like them?" Asked Rarity, a touch of hope colouring her voice.

"Are you kidding, they're awesome!" That cheered Rarity right back up.

"Well darlings, if you think those are good just wait until you see yours." She said as she walked up to two pieces of white cloth draped over something as to conceal them. "Behold! My coup de grace!" She exclaimed, yanking the cloth away with her magic. Both boys were stunned when they saw the outfits Rarity had designed for them. Both of them were kimonos, though they were nothing like the one Rarity had designed for Naruto previously. Sasuke's was a standard three piece kimono, with the inner shirt and pants being an ashen grey with black trim. The overcoat was a dark bluish grey with crimson trim and maroon inner lining, the Uchiha clan crest present on the front of both shoulders, and a crimson sash tied the overcoat together. Naruto's kimono, was a simple two piece affair. the top was dark orange with white trim and inner lining, while the pants were a rich chocolate brown, held up by a simple cloth belt of the same colour. The Uzumaki clan symbol sat on the back of the shirt.

"So, what do you think? Do you like them? Sasuke, I know you like simple so I kept it like that, just more refined if I may say so. Oh, and Naruto, I wanted to make you something airy since you'll be no doubt spending the gala with Fluttershy, I hope it's to your liking. I've never realized just how tricky it is to work with orange until you came along." The two ninja began scrutinizing their outfits, and after a minute of lip biting tension for Rarity, both boys nodded their approval.

"they're amazing Rares." Said Naruto, though Sasuke remained silent. His slight smile however, told Rarity he was quite pleased. Both boys then took their garments to the changing rooms, and returned dressed in them. Rarity grinned in delight when she saw that everything fit perfectly, then she remembered her friends behind her.

"Anyway darlings, don't worry about your dresses, they were only a first pass anyway. You're my friends and I want you to be one hundred and ten percent satisfied. So no worries, I'll redo them." She said with a smile, though Sasuke could tell it was pained, though he refrained from saying anything.

"Oh Rarity," Said Fluttershy, "you don't have to do that. They're fine."

"I want them to be more than just fine. I want you to think they are absolutely perfect." Answered Rarity, who began taking taking the dresses off the mannequins.

"Are you sure? Ah mean, we wouldn't want tah impose." Said Applejack.

"Oh it's no imposition." Said Rarity with a giggle, though by the way she threw Twilight's dress off it's mannequin told the two shinobi otherwise. "Really I insist."

"Well, in that case, thank you again Rarity." Said Twilight as she and her friends left. As soon as they were gone however, Rarity immediately dropped the façade.

"What have I gotten myself into?" She asked herself.

"Something you don't have to do." Said Naruto, causing Rarity to jump in surprise, having forgotten the two humans were still with her. "Rares, you made these dresses from scratch. You worked hard on them, and now you're just going to ruin all that effort?"

"They didn't like them Nauto, what am I supposed to do?" said Rarity despondently. Naurto was about to answer, but Sasuke stopped him, and gave him a look that said, 'I'll explain later'. With a huff, Naruto acquiesced.

"Alright Rares, but if you need help, you can always ask us." With that, Rarity gave him a small, but genuine smile.

" Thank you Naruto. I'll be sure to keep that in mind." With that, the two boys said their goodbyes, and left the boutique. Once they were outside, Naruto immediately rounded on Sasuke.

"Okay, what gives Sasuke. Why the hell should we just let Rarity go through with that?" He asked, anger saturating his tone.

"Because they all need to learn a lesson." Was Sasuke's answer. Upon seeing Naruto's anger shift to confusion, Sasuke elaborated. "Dobe, Twilight and the others need to learn that when a friend offers you something, you don't shove it back in their face demanding something better."

"Now wait a minute, Sparkles and the others did not do that." Naruto cried in objection.

"Yes they did, they were just nice about it. Moving on, Rarity also needs to learn that she doesn't have to make everything perfect for her friends' sake. She could have just as easily said take it or leave it back there, but she didn't. She got herself into this mess, and us getting her out won't teach her anything." Naruto growled angrily at that.

"So you're saying we should just let her work herself to the bone over something that she doesn't need to do?"

"Precisely. both lessons will stick much better that way. Besides, this is a good experience for Twilight if those friendship reports of hers are anything to go by."

"Urgh, this isn't right Sasuke. We shouldn't let Rarity do this."

"Sometimes dobe, the best thing you can do for a friend is let them fall, but be there to help them back up."

"Oh, and I suppose you know?" Naruto snarked.

"I'm pretty sure I do." Said Sasuke as he began to leave. "After all, I speak from experience." Any retort Naruto had died in his throat when Sasuke said that. No matter how much he worked his mouth, he couldn't come up with anything.

"Fine." he finally managed out. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it."

Four days had passed, and things had gone disastrous for the alabaster unicorn. Having only one day to completely remake her friend's dresses, Rarity had followed all her friend's specifications as to how they wanted their dresses to look. The results had been horrendous, but the girls loved them. Rarity however, knew the fashion show was going to be a bust when these dresses were presented, but things got worse. In an effort to impress Rarity, Spike had managed to convince a prominent fashion figure by the name of Hoity Toity to come down from Canterlot to check out the fashion show. Naturally, Rarity was horrified and panicked, and true to her predictions, the fashion show had been a catastrophe. Now Rarity had holed herself up in her boutique for two days, unable to show her face in Ponyville due to the humiliation. On the third day her friends tried getting her out, but Rarity wasn't budging.

"Well, you girls happy?" Asked Sasuke from behind the group, causing all five mares to leap into the air in surprise.

"What do you mean?" asked Applejack, confused by the question.

"Well, you all got the dresses you wanted didn't you? They were perfect and everything. So, are you happy?" At this, the girls sagged in despondence.

"Not really?" Said Twilight.

"Why not? You all worked with Rarity to make those, you should be proud of them"

"Yeah well, Rarity ain't too happy 'bout it." Applejack responded.

"And? Why should that matter? It wasn't stopping you before?"

"Hay, don't look at us. She's the one who insisted." Rainbow Dash defended.

"And who's fault is that?" Asked Sasuke, getting confused looks from the group. Sasuke saw they weren't getting it, so he went into detail. "I agree with you that Rarity didn't have to do that, and hopefully this experience will teach her a lesson, but you five arte also to blame here."

"Why's that?" Asked Applejack.

"One thing I've learned about Rarity is that her dressmaking is not just her profession, it's her life passion. She's dedicating her entire life to her fashion and dressmaking career. When you five declined those first dresses she made for you, it was the equivalent of slapping her in the face and spitting on her work. And when she tried to make you all something you loved, look at what you did. You not only embarrassed her in front of all of Ponyville, but also in front of a prominent figure in her industry. Now she'll never achieve her dream. But hey, you all got the dresses you asked for." Throughout the explanation, the girls hung their heads lower and lower, and when Sasuke finished, They couldn't help but feel sick.

"I... I never realized." Said Twilight.

"Oh my gosh, what kind of friend am I? I'm a mean ponyyy!" Wailed Pinkie Pie.

"Alright Sasuke, we get it. That was plum rotten of us tah do that tah Rarity." Said Applejack.

"Way uncool." Rainbow agreed.

"Okay, but Rarity is still a laughingstock. Apologies and realizations aren't going to fix that." Sasuke retorted, causing all five mares to wince. "You five are going to have to do something big if you want to fix this." With that, Sasuke left the five mares to their thoughts. Twilight then peered through the keyhole into Rarity's inspiration room, and saw a half finished dress within.

"Hmm." She mused aloud, then she thought of something. "Girls." She said, getting the attention of the other four. "I got an idea."

"Exile." Rarity mused to herself, though she was interrupted mid lament by a cry from Opalescence. Opening her bedroom window, she found her cat clutching the branch of a tree for dear life, mewling in terror.

"Opal! How did you get up there? Hang on there darling, momma's coming!" With that, Rarity charged out of her boutique with the intent to save her cat, however, she skidded to a halt when she found a certain somepony in the tree with her cat.

"Rainbow Dash!?" She exclaimed in shock. "How dare you strand my poor Opal in a tree."

"Well how else were we going to get you out to show you... this!" Explained Rainbow, indicating towards the rest of their friends and the completed dress she had designed for herself. Upon seeing it, Rarity could only stutter in shock.

"We all finished your dress for you!" Exclaimed Pinkie.

"Thanks tah Fluttershy's freaky knowledge o' sewin'." Applejack added in, causing said pegasus to blush.

"Do you like it?" She quietly asked.

"Like it?" Rarity asked, then began inspecting the dress. "Like it?" She said again in a harsher tone.

"Uh-oh, she doesn't like it." Said Fluttershy quietly.

"No, I don't like it." Rarity said with finality, turning her back to the dress, causing the four mares to let out a groan of disappointment. "I love it!" Rarity exclaimed, turning her head to the group. At this the group let out a cheer. "You ponies did an amazing job. It's exactly the way I imagined it."

"We just followed your brilliant design." Answered Fluttershy.

"Like we should have let you do for our outfits." Said Twilight. "Those first dresses you made for us were perfect."

"You worked extremely hard to make our dresses exactly the way we wanted them, and look how well that turned out." Said Rainbow Dash as she brought Opal out of the tree.

"Rarity, we're extremely sorry for everything, especially that disaster of a fashion show." Said Twilight with her head low.

"We're super sorry, Rarity. We were really horrible friends back there." Said Pinkie.

"Oh girls, I forgive you." said Rarity, bringing Twilight into a hug.

"Well that's mighty big o' ya." Said Applejack.

"But my whole career is still ruined." Rarity finished despairingly.

"Oh...right...that." Said Applejack, having forgotten about that detail. Twilight then noticed somepony by the boutique, and upon looking, grinned.

"Maybe not." She said, for there stood Hoity Toity, who was just finishing talking to Naruto.

"All right, all right. But I haven't got all day." He told the blonde, who nodded and went over to the girls.

"Okay girls, you're in luck. I managed to convince Hoity there to give Rares a second chance, but he says it had better be good." He told them.

"Don't worry Naruto. " Said Twilight. "This time it will be."

With a sigh, Hoity pushed Opal away from him.

"Take two." He said, his tone of voice relaying the message that he'd rather be elsewhere at the moment. With that, Spike drew the curtains shut, cloaking the room in darkness, which was pierced by the light flowing from Rarity's horn. Casting her spell, Rarity portrayed the illusion of shooting stars, which soon caught onto and became the accessories of Twilight and her dress.

"Well hello." Said Hoity, bringing his sunglasses down at the display. "Well this can't be the same designer." Suddenly the scene changed, revealing an apple orchard under the midday sun. Suddenly one of the fruits was lassoed and yanked away becoming the brooch to Applejacks outfit. The pony herself had also braided her mane and tail.

"Simply magnificent!" Exclaimed Hoity, who's stomach then grumbled. "And I suddenly have an intense craving for some Dutch apple pie, candied apples on a stick, apple turnovers, apple cobbler." the stallion was interrupted when the illusion spell began causing candy to rain down from the sky. Said candies then became the accents to Pinkie's dress.

"Brilliant." Toity hollered, when suddenly the crash of thunder silenced him. The illusion depicted dark clouds opening up to rays of multicoloured light, which joined together to become Rainbow dash's dress.

"Oh spectacular." The fashion critic exclaimed, and the illusion then depicted growing flowers blooming. The petals then erupted off their stems and fluttered to the ground, revealing Fluttershy in her gown.

"Now this is a fashion show!" Said Hoity, clapping his hooves at the display. "All these dresses are absolutely amazing! Who is responsible? Step forward, show yourself!" Hoity then had to shield his eyes, the light of Rarity's horn intensifying, before fading to reveal the mare along with her friends all in their gowns. "Brava, brava! Magnifico! Encore!" Hoity hollered, clapping his hooves in jubilation. Rarity herself was overjoyed, her dress was complete, and her career was saved.

"Oh thank you all." Was all she could say.

Sasuke and Naruto were currently relaxing at the library, both of them reading a book. While Sasuke was reading a fictional novel, Naruto was reading a spellbook, much to the Uchiha's confusion.

"Uh, dobe. Why are you reading a spellbook? Last I checked, we couldn't use pony magic." At this, Naruto looked up from his book.

"Yeah I know, but I'm trying to see if I can convert spells into ninjutsu." At this, Sasuke snorted, and returned to his own book.

"Hn, as if a dobe like you could do something like that. You'd have to create a chakra ratio and a handsign chain, while knowing which handsign manipulates what component of the jutsu." Naruto just ignored him and returned to his reading. Sasuke glanced at the book's title and was surprised when he saw it was a book on sealing magic.

"So why sealing magic?" Asked Sasuke, startling the blonde across from him.

"Oh, uh, well it's because I figured it was the closest equivalent to sealing jutsu.." Sasuke raised a brow at this.

"You know sealing jutsu?" Sasuke asked, as he hadn't seen anything from the blonde in regards to the discipline.

"A bit. I was hoping I could expand on it with this, but things are looking tough." Answered Naruto. Sasuke just shrugged at that, figuring the dobe would get nowhere with it. Just then, the door opened and revealed Twilight and Spike.

"Hey Sparkles." Naruto greeted, causing Twilight to growl from the use of that stupid nickname, though Spike was muffling his chuckles. "How did everything go?"

"Fantastic Naruto. Rarity's already got a large order from Hoity. Those dresses she made for us were a hit. Thank you so much for convincing him to give Rarity a second chance." She said with glee.

"No problem Sparkles." Replied Naruto.

"So Twilight, did you learn your lesson?" Asked Sasuke, to which Twilight nodded.

"Yes I did." she said. Sasuke stared at her a few moments longer, then returned to his book. Though one thought still plagued Sasuke.

'Just why is the dobe trying to expand his sealing knowledge?'

Author's Note:

And done. Okay everybody, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, packed with your daily doses of humour, feels, and plot development. Now I know a bunch of you are griping over the fact that I completely skipped Naruto's time in the everfree, or more precisely, Naruto's pairing development with Nightmare moon. I did that because I didn't want that bogging the story advancement down. However, this does not mean you won't ever see it. I'll be making a side fic fully devoted to this pairing development, so keep your eyes out for that. On a similar note, I'm also going to be skipping over a few season one episodes here and there. They still happened, just that Naruto and Sasuke were elsewhere when they were. Also, I know I said things were starting to adventure up earlier, but the adventure aspect only really gets rolling downhill when we hit season two territory, so please bear with me everybody. Anyways, drop a like, fave, and comment, they're always appreciated. Shadow Lord Malice signing off.