• Published 8th May 2013
  • 14,468 Views, 648 Comments

Home in Banishment - Shadow Lord Malice

Sasuke and Naruto defeat Madara and the Juubi together, but are betrayed and thrown into time and space. Ending up in Equestria, their presence brings forth unforseen consequences.

  • ...

Trolling a Braggart and Demonstrations of Power

The afternoon summer sun shone brightly down on Ponyville, filling it's inhabitants with warmth and cheer. On this particular day, Naruto was helping put the last touches on Fluttershy's rebuilt cottage. It was completely rebuilt, though the roof was still dirt as the sod and shrubbery had yet to grow, something Naruto was going to change. Activating Kurama's chakra cloak, Naruto directed the energy into the ground, and the results were instantaneous. What would haven taken months took minutes. The grass erupted from the dirt like a tidal wave, and bushes and shrubs grew and bloomed all around the windows and frames.

"There we are." Said Naruto as he disengaged the cloak. "All finished. What do you think Fluttershy?"

"It looks wonderful Naruto, thank you so much for your help." Replied Fluttershy. Naruto leaped off the roof and joined Fluttershy in helping some animals get aquainted with their new homes. Just then, two unicorn colts, Snips and Snails if Naruto remembered right, ran down the road hollering something about an extremely powerful unicorn being in town.

"Think we should go check it out?" He asked the yellow pegasus, who nodded. The two walked over to the town square, where a wooden trailer sat. Spotting Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, the two joined them.

"So what's going on?" He asked the three mares.

"Apparently, some unicorn who claims to have the most magical talent in Equestria is here to strut her stuff." Replied Rainbow Dash. The group was then joined by Twilight, Spike, and Sasuke.

"Come one, come all," Boomed a voice from within the trailer, causing it to unfold into a curtained stage, "and witness the amazing power of the great and powerful Trixie!" With that, a puff of smoke appeared on center stage, and once it cleared it revealed a pale blue unicorn with a white mane, dressed in a purple cloak and conical hat with colourful stars printed all over both items. many ponies oohed at this, though Sasuke and Naruto were not impressed.

"Watch in awe, as the great and powerful Trixie, performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!" Declared the unicorn, prompting a large amount of fireworks and other such fanfare to be released from the stage.

"My my my, what boasting." Said Rarity, unimpressed by the display. Spike began to agree, but suddenly choked up and ran for Twilight, saying something about a mustache along the way. Naruto then noticed Twilight being very insecure for some reason, and overheard her asking her friends if there was anything wrong with talent. Applejack's response seemed to have a negative effect on Twilight, seeing as she seemed to shrink into herself. Rarity's and Rainbow's responses didn't help either.

"Well well well," Said Trixie, having overheard the group, "it seems we have some neighsayers in the audiance. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the great and powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they are in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?!"

"Pfft, just who does she think she is?" Rarity asked, completely unimpressed by all the boasting. Spike was about to put Twilight out there, but said mare stopped him. It was then that Rainbow had reached her limit in tolerating Trixie's bragging. Flying up to the unicorn, she demanded to know why Trixie thought she was so high and mighty.

"Why, only the great and powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!" She replied, and with magic and fireworks, created visual aides to go along with her story of taking down the giant bear.

"Are you buying this?" Naruto whispered to Sasuke.

"Not a word." The Uchiha replied. Snips and Snails, being the young gullible colts they were, were, and began praising the boasting mare to the high heavens.

"How do you know, you didn't see it! And besides, Twi-" That was as far as Spike got before Twilight literally zipped his mouth shut.

"It's true my enthusiastic little admirers," Said Trixie with a giggle, "Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville." Complete silence greeted her at this. "Don't believe the great and powerful Trixie? Well then, I hereby challenge you ponyvillians; anything you can do, Trixie can do better, and Trixie will start with you!" She cried, pointing her hoof at Naruto.

"Me?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, you. Trixie has heard of the new beings, the humans, in Equestria that have incredible and powerful magic. As the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria, Trixie must prove herself superior to such adversaries." Stated the unicorn, with more fireworks and fanfare erupting from the stage.

"Fine by me, I've been meaning to shut you up anyway." With that, Naruto leaped out of the crowd and onto the stage. Walking to the end of the stage, the blonde crossed his index fingers. "Let's see you beat this, oh great and powerful Trixie, Shadow Clone Jutsu!" With a puff of smoke, Ten Narutos stood at the end of the stage, causing everyone to cheer. "Well great and powerful Trixie, can you top this?"

"Watch and be amazed by the magic of Trixie." Replied the unicorn as she removed her hat, revealing her glowing horn. Coils of rope sprang to life from backstage, and snared all ten Narutos in their binds. "Well that wasn't too hard." She said, her voice dripping with arrogance.

"I'm not done yet lady!" Hollered Naruto. With a poof of smoke, all nine shadow clones vanished, and the real Naruto shredded the ropes ensnaring him with wind chakra. Suddenly, he was enveloped by a plume of smoke once again, and when it cleared, there stood another Trixie.

"Look at me, I'm the great and powerful Trixie!" Declared Naruto, his voice a perfect imitation of Trixie's. "Watch and be amazed as i boast and brag, and when somepony comes to challenge me, I humiliate them with cheap parlour tricks to distract the audiance from the fact that I can do nothing special." This caused the audiance to giggle. "Yes, the only real magic I can do is some colourful smoke and explosions, with some confetti and lights mixed in for variety." The audiance were laughing their flanks off at this point, and the real Trixie's entire body had gone bright red from anger and embarrassment. "What's that? How did I beat the Ursa Major? Oh it was nothing, I just ran away screaming my head off while it chased after me. Eventually it got bored and went back to it's cave." Most of the audiance at this point were on the ground, holding their sides in laughter.

"Sweet Celestia, make it stop. I can't take it anymore." Said Rainbow Dash, clutching at her sides in merriment.

"No more! My sides are gonna split open!" Chortled Spike, who wasn't doing any better than Rainbow Dash.

"Enough!" Screamed Trixie, and with a burst of magic, created a storm cloud to strike Naruto with. Naruto just smirked and disengaged the transformation, then just as the cloud rumbled for a lightning bolt, another plume of smoke surrounded Naruto and Trixie. The storm cloud then shot a lightning bolt into the smoke cloud that had surrounded Naruto, earning a shriek of pain from within. When the smoke cleared, Naruto and Trixie had swapped places, with Trixie having a blackened flank from the lightning bolt.

"Well folks, it appears the great and powerful Trixie doesn't like the taste of her own medicine." Said Naruto, renewing the laughter of the crowd.

"You haven't beaten Trixie yet, human." The unicorn snarled.

"Lady, please. The three jutsu I just used are what we humans teach our kids in our academies. Clone, transformation, and substitution, they are the three most basic techniques a human can learn."

"Is that true, Sasuke." Asked Twilight, and Sasuke nodded.

"Yes. Every shinobi, no matter their nation, all know those three jutsu."

"So how does it feel, oh great and powerful Trixie, to be trounced by the most simple of jutsu?" Naruto mocked.

"Why you! You haven't bested me yet, human. The great and powerful Trixie has only begun to show her magical might!" At this, Naruto put his hands at chest level, palms open and pointed outward.

"Watch it folks, we have us a badass on the stage." he said in a sarcastic voice.

"Badass?" Questioned Twilight.

"Human term." Replied Sasuke, and left it at that. Trixie had had enough of the blonde. Charging as much power as she could into her horn, she unleashed it in a concentrated beam that smashed into Naruto's chest, throwing him off the stage.

"Cheap shot!" Hollered Rainbow Dash.

"Why that no good, dirty rotten, two timin' scoundrel! Let me at 'er!" Screamed Applejack, who was held back by Spike and Rarity. Boos and jeers erupted from the crowd, nopony liking the fact that Trixie knocked Naruto out cold with a cheap shot.

"And once again the great and powerful Trixie proves herself to be the most powerful unicorn of Equestria!" Exclaimed Trixie in her usual arrogant tone.

"Lady, please. That little lightshow of yours didn't pack enough wallop to dispel my shadow clone." And with that, 'Naruto' disappeared in a puff of smoke, much to the crowd's, and Trixie's shock. "I assume since you're now using actual combat techniques, I can do the same?" At this, a strange humming sound reverberated through the area.

"Where are you!" Trixie screamed, looking all around for the blonde.

"Down here. Rasengan!" With that, the real Naruto erupted from below the stage underneath Trixie, a spiralling ball of blue energy in his hand, which he rammed into the surprised unicorn's stomach. Screaming in pain, Trixie was rocketed off the stage, spinning around as she flew through the air. The crowd managed to duck in time to avoid the spinning mare, and Trixie hit the ground, dragging a shallow furrow through it, and coming to a stop in an unconscious heap of limbs and dirt. "Don't worry folks, that jutsu was at it's lowest power level." Naruto reassured the crowd. "The worst I've done is bruise her stomach area, her back, and most importantly, her pride." After being assured that Trixie was in no way seriously injured, the crowd cheered for Naruto.

"That was totally awesome! You rock, Naruto!" Cheered Rainbow Dash.

"Normally I do not condone such brutish action, but that mare had it coming. I'm quite glad Naruto put her in her place." Said Rarity.

"Wait, Naruto completely flaunted his magical ability in front of everypony. Doesn't that make him as bad as Trixie?" Twilight asked.

"Whoa whoa whoa, magical talent has nothing to do with it. Trixie's just an insufferable loudmouth." Responded Rainbow Dash.

"Most unpleasant." Rarity added.

"All hat 'n no cattle." Applejack finished.

"So you guys wouldn't have minded if I had done something about her earlier?" Twilight asked.

"Of course not, darling. Why didn't you do something earlier if you could have?" Asked Rarity in confusion.

"I'm sorry. It's just, I saw how everypony reacted to Trixie's magic tricks and thought I'd get the same treatment if I showed what I could do." Replied Twilight.

"Twi, yer magical ability is a part o' who yeh are, n' we like who yeh are sugarcube. We're proud to have a talented unicorn as our friend." Said Applejack. Twilight sighed in relief at this.

"Although it would have been cool if you showed Trixie who's boss, you got to admit Naruto was just awesome." Rainbow Dash exclaimed, causing the other three girls to giggle. The four then saw Naruto get mobbed by ponies asking questions about his magic, and get praised by Snips and Snails as the most powerful magic user in Equestria.

"Please, it's nothing, I'm not that good." Naruto said to the two colts. Soon the crowd died down, and Trixie was taken to the hospital to make sure she was fine, and Ponyville returned to it's usual routine.

The night was dark and gloomy in the Everfree Forest, as it always was there, but that didn't stop Trixie. When she had been let out of the hospital she had been the laughing stock of Ponyville, but she wouldn't take this humiliation lying down. Ponyville would pay, the human would pay, she'd make sure of it. Stomping through the underbrush, she soon found what she was looking for. A massive cave opening that gaped on the surface of a cliff face like a hungry mouth, big enough to house one of two things; a dragon, or an ursa major. Concentrating a large amount of magic, Trixie fired it into the cave, and was rewarded with the sound of pained roars. Trixie smirked and headed back for Ponyville, but was stopped in her tracks when a roar far more powerful then the previous ones blasted from within the cave. The unicorn decided to beat a hasty retreat back to Ponyville, before whatever made that roar caught up with her.

Twilight was spending the early evening engrossed in a book as usual, while Spike was re-iterating Naruto's triumph over Trixie.

"And then the Naruto we all thought was the real one turned out to be a shadow clone, and he comes blasting out from underneath Trixie, and slams her with that awesome spell of his, rasengan he called it. That was just awesome!" Twilight let out a tired sigh, that was the fourth time Spike had gone on about that.

"Spike, I know. I was there too, remember?"

"Aw, let the kid have his fun Twilight." Replied Naruto as he brought out dinner, which happened to be ramen.

"Not that I'm complaining, Naruto, but don't you know how to make anything else?" Asked Twilight as her bowl was place on the table for her.

"No actually. Ramen's the only thing I can actually make. So what're ya reading?"

"Oh just a book about ursa majors. I was checking to see if Trixie's claim had any merit to it." Responded Twilight, heading over to the table for some delicious noodles and broth. Naruto went over to the bookstand and read what the unicorn mare had been checking out.

"Yup, complete hot air. One of these suckers is as big as a biju, and if what's written here is true, are strong enough to make the princesses wary. No way an ordinary pony can take them." Suddenly, there was a fierce pounding at the door. "I'll get it." Said Naruto, and the blonde headed for the door. Opening it, he looked around to see no one, then down to see Snips and Snails with looks of pure panic on their faces.

"Naruto! you gotta come quick, we got a big problem!" Hollered Snips.

"Yeah, major problem, ursa major to be exact." As if to prove that the colts were serious, A colossal roar was heard on the outskirts of Ponyville.

"Dammit! What the hell's an ursa major doing rampaging into Ponyville, dattebayo!" Exclaimed Naruto. Twilight and Spike came rushing out, and gaped in horror when they saw the beast. It looked like someone had taken a piece of the darkest night sky, filled it with stars, then made it into the shape of a bear, and gave it massive claws and fangs.

"Twilight, can't you do something?" Asked Spike.

"I'm sorry Spike, but I have no magic spells strong enough to even try."

"That's why I'm here. You two get all the townsponies to safety, I'll deal with this." Replied Naruto.

"Naruto, not even you can bring down an ursa major."

"I can't, but Kurama can." Twilight was confused by the blonde's answer.

"Who's Kurama?" Asked Twilight.

"I'll explain later, we've got bigger things to worry about." Nodding, Twilight began getting the townsponies out of the danger zone. Naruto was soon joined by Sasuke.

"You got this or do you need some help?" He asked.

"No, I'm good." Naruto answered, and strode towards the massive ursa.

"Wait!" Shrieked Fluttershy, who had suddenly appeared right in front of the blonde. "Don't seriously injure it."

"Fluttershy, it's about to rampage into Ponyville. I've got to stop it, or somepony is going to get extremely injured or worse."

"You forget that I can understand animals, Naruto. That ursa's angry because somepony hurt her cub. I can't let you hurt a mother, Naruto, who knows what could happen to the baby."

"Somepony was idiot enough to attack an ursa minor? Who the hell did that, dattebayo!" Exclaimed Naruto. Sasuke then noticed something running down the road leading out of Ponyville. Focusing on it with his Mangekyou, he saw that it was Trixie.

"I think I have an idea. Naruto, you stop the ursa, I'll catch the culprit." With that, Sasuke rocketed after Trixie. Naruto rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, things just got more complicated.

"Okay, how can we get that ursa to leave without conflict, Fluttershy?" He asked the pink maned pegasus.

"the only way I can think of is to threaten her safety. She'll immediately withdraw for the sake of her cub back home. Problem is, only one of the princesses has that kind of power."

"No, I can do it. Get back Fluttershy, Kurama needs room."

"Kurama?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"You'll see in just a moment, now get far back Fluttershy, it's going to be cramped enough with all these buildings. I don't want him to hurt you by accident." Nodding, Fluttershy ran off to help get the townsponies to safety. Taking a deep breath, Naruto engaged Kurama's chakra cloak.

"Ready for some fun Kurama?" He asked his partner.

"Just let me out already kit. I haven't been able to scare something my own size in millenia." Kurama grumbled back.

"Just remember, watch yourself. I don't want you breaking anything." With that, Naruto's cloak of ethereal golden fire transformed into a trench coat of pure power, and with a mighty roar, Kurama exploded into being. The townsponies, who were watching a large distance away, had their jaws touching the ground in shock and awe.

"Holy Mackeral! What in Equestria is that?!" Screamed Rainbow Dash. Twilight wasn't sure at first, then she saw that the fox thing had multiple tails. Counting them, she came up with nine.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's a biju." She answered.

"A biju? What the devil is a biju, darling?" Asked Rarity.

"Naruto only gave me a brief summary. Basically they're living, sentient beings comprised of pure magical power from his world. There are nine in total, and their power is represented by the number of tails they have, one being the weakest, and nine being the strongest."

"'An' unless I'm doin my 'rithmatic wrong, sugarcube, I'm countin' nine tails." Said Applejack.

Back to the confrontation, the ursa major halted her advance at the sight of the massive creature before her. The ursa let out a bellowing roar, demanding the newcomer to back off. Kurama roared back even louder, and slammed a paw down in between the two, indicating this was his territory and to back off now. The ursa major roared once more and began approaching closer in an aggressive manner, and Kurama decided to take the kiddie gloves off. Crimson and bright blue orbs of chakra erupted from Kurama's being, and he used them to charge a small bijudama, which he fired at the ursa, making sure to deliberately miss. The bijudama detonated far into the Everfree forest, and was far enough away that the resulting shockwave didn't damage anything. The ursa stepped back at the display; obviously this new creature was extremely dangerous, and fighting it would definately leave her unable to care for her cub. Kurama charged another bijudama, making it bigger this time, and aimed it directly at the ursa, though he did not fire it. Taking the hint, the ursa major's ears folded back, and it adopted a posture of submission, before backing away from Kurama's territory and retreated back into the Everfree. Kurama held the bijudama for one minute to make sure the ursa was really gone, then dissipated the attack. With a howl of triumph, the victorious biju vanished back into his partner's seal.

"Well you certainly had fun." Remarked Naruto as the trench coat vanished.

Are you kidding kit, that was the most fun I've had in ages. Still not as fun as the time Matatabi tried taking some of my territory for himself, but thems the breaks." Naruto's internal conversation was cut short by a stampede of ponies surrounding him, all clamouring with questions, thank yous, and words of awe and praise.

"Please everypony, it was nothing. I didn't do anything, Kurama did all the work." Suddenly, Naruto was grabbed by many hooves and hoisted into the air by several pegasi, Rainbow included.

"Well then, three cheers to Kurama fer savin' Ponyville!" Hollered Applejack. "Hip hip."


"Hip hip."


"Hip hip."


"Wait a minute, you guys aren't scared of him?" Asked Naruto incredulously.

"Why in Equestria would we be scared of him darling? he hasn't hurt anypony, and he saved the entire town." Rarity replied.

"Sure he's immensly powerful, but so is princess Celestia, and nopony fears her. He made sure to tone down that explosive ball of his, and fire it far enough away that it wouldn't hurt anypony." Twilight added.

"Besides sugarcube. any friend o' yers is a friend o' ours. Don't matter if he's a giant nine tailed fox, if he's nice enough, we'll like him." Finished Applejack, getting nods of agreement from all the other ponies.Naruto was shell shocked for his part. Never had he heard of anyone back in his world praise a biju, simply because the idiots all thought that biju were mindless forces of destruction. After fighting against them when they were controlled by Obito, Naruto saw what they truly were, and after the war was over, had begun making plans to help them. It was a total shock to his system though that these ponies could and would accept someone like Kurama so readily.

"Guys, this has to be the nicest thing anyone's done for the big guy. Thank you, just, thank you is all I can say.

"Still, Fluttershy told us that the ursa was rampaging because somepony hurt her kid. Who was the uncool jerk that did something like that?" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"I believe I can answer that."

Trixie ran down the road as fast as her legs could carry her.

"That will teach them not to humiliate the great and powerful Trixie. The human thinks he's so strong, well let's see him deal with an ursa major. Once he fails, it'll crush Ponyville into the ground, and all the ponies will have to rebuild there precious backwater town, all the while blaming the human for their misfortune."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." said a voice, and before Trixie could react, Sasuke suddenly appeared in front of her and struck her in her chest with a powerful kick, cracking bone and sending her rocketing back where she impacted a tree with a crunch. just as she was starting to drop forward off the trunk, Sasuke appeared in a blur of movement, grabbed her by the throat, and smashed her back into the tree, earning him a silent scream of pain from the showmare.

"What were you thinking, bringing something like that to Ponyville?" he snarled, his quiet anger scaring Trixie worse than if he'd been yelling. "Oh I know, you weren't thinking at all. All you could think about was how to get back at Naruto, completely ignorant of the consequences to your little scheme. You could have killed someone.

"They would have gotten away in time." Trixie gasped out, causing Sasuke to clamp down harder on her neck.

"How do you know? You just ran and led the ursa to Ponyville. You only assumed they would be fine, well reality doesn't care about assumptions." Roars could be heard from Ponyville, and Sasuke could distinctly hear the roar of Kyuubi. "It's a good thing Naruto's out there dealing with the ursa before it gets any closer to Ponyville, or I would have killed you right now." At this, Sasuke's Mangekyou flared to life, the natural killing intent the eyes exuded caused Trixie to lose control of her bladder. "But I'm better than that. I can already tell you that due to Naruto's intervention, no one will get hurt, so I have no reason to kill you. However, I'm going to drag you back to Ponyville, and you are going to answer for what you have done." Using his Mangekyou, Sasuke cast a paralysis genjutsu on the terrified unicorn. Throwing her over his shoulder, he sprinted back to Ponyville. Upon reaching the town square he saw Naruto surrounded by a huge crowd of ponies while pegasi held him in the air, and no ursa major in sight.

"Still, Fluttershy told us that the ursa was rampaging because somepony hurt her kid. Who was the uncool jerk that did something like that?" He heard Rainbow Dash demand.

"I believe I can answer that." He responded, getting the crowd's attention. Walking up to them, he uncerimoniously dropped Trixie in front of the crowd, and with a quick release, dispelled the paralysis genjutsu binding her. "Trixie here didn't take her humiliation all that well, so she thought it would be sweet irony to have an ursa major attack Ponyville, only she wouldn't be around to save the day. She was counting on the fact that Naruto would be unable to stop it, and you'd all lash out at him for failing and having to rebuild Ponyville." Gasps and shouts of anger surged through the town.

"Oh that's it. She's gone too far this time, I'm going to pound her sorry flank so hard, her cutie mark will run screaming for mercy!" Said Rainbow Dash, smacking her forehooves together for emphasis.

"Darn tootin' sugarcube. I'll hold 'er, n' you kick." Replied Applejack, and the two angry mares started advancing on Trixie, with the crowd cheering them on.

"Now wait a minute everypony," Said Twilight, getting between the two and Trixie, "might we be taking this a bit too far?"

"Twilight, we love ya, n' we respect ya, but there are just some things in life yeh can't let slide. This is one of 'em." Replied Applejack.

"Yeah, she brought an ursa major to Ponyville, Twilight. If Naruto and Kurama weren't around to help stop it, who knows how bad things could have gotten." Rainbow Dash added.

"Okay, how about we all calm down and settle for a compromise." Said Naruto, who had been returned to the ground. "We keep her imprisoned for the night, and in the morning, Twilight will write a letter to princess Celestia detailing Trixie's actions. The course of action we take will depend on the contents of the reply. If she says she wants to deal with Trixie herself, Sasuke and I will take her to Canterlot with us. If she says you guys get to deal with her, then by all means, beat her black and blue, she deserves it. Finally, if by the off chance Celestia lets her off with only a very stern warning, you guys will just have to settle for running her out of town, sound fair?" Mutters of assent and agreement floated through the crowd of ponies, and soon, Trixie was being hauled off to Ponyville's jail, which hadn't seen a lot of use in recent years. Soon, the crowd began to disperse, everypony thanking Naruto for saving the town, and Sasuke for catching the pony behind the entire mess. Finally, Ponyville began winding down for the night.

"Man Sasuke, I don't know about you, but I'm beat. See you tomorrow when we get this mess sorted out." With that, Naruto headed back to Twilight's, intent on hitting the hay as soon as he entered. Sasuke himself headed for Rarity's, the unicorn having allowed him to live with her for the time being now that Fluttershy had her home again. Unlike Naruto, he wasn't terribly tired, so he decided to sit on the roof of the boutique and stargaze until tiredness came to him.

"...Your faithful student: Twilight Sparkle." Hastily scratching down the ending of the letter, Spike rolled it up and burned it with his emerald green fire, sending it to the princess.

"So how long do you think we'll hear back from her?" He asked.

"Not long, Spike. The safety of her subjects is princess Celestia's top priority, and Trixie's fit of vengeance put a lot of ponies' lives at risk. We should be getting a letter back from her pretty soon." Answered Twilight. Spike then looked like he was about to regurgitate, and with a belch, released green flame that coelesced into a scroll. "See Spike, what did I say?"

"Well what's it say?" Spike questioned impatiently.

"At least let me read it first." Admonished Twilight, and unrolled the letter.

To my most faithful student:
What you have brought to my attention both fills me with great fury, and also greatly relieves me of a mighty fear that has been plaguing me ever since we brought the two humans to Ponyville. The focus of my great ire is as you might have guessed, Trixie Lulamoon. She brought potential disaster to Ponyville for the sole sake of petty vengeance, something that I will deal with myself. Ursa majors are not something to provoke into leaving the Everfree, as even with all my power it is still a challenge to subdue them before something goes horribly wrong. Tell Naruto that he is to bring Trixie with him to Canterlot today, as well as that the chariot I've arranged to bring them here will arrive at eleven sharp. Now you might be wondering what has had me so terrified ever since we brought Sasuke and Naruto to Ponyville? The answer to that is Naruto, or more specifically, the entity Kurama. Kurama frightens me more than anything in this world my faithful student. To tell you my reason I must tell you how I came to meet him. After you and your friends retired for the evening, I lingered behind. If you are reading this letter aloud, then stop doing so immediately, as what I'm about to confide with you must stay with you, my faithful student. I needed to see at the time if the two humans were a threat to my little ponies, so I used a spell to invade Naruto's mind. I know what your thinking my faithful student, and the answer is that when it comes to the safety of my little ponies, especially yours, I will break any rule to ensure it. When I entered Naruto's mind, I did not expect to meet a being that completely eclipsed my full power. At first I thought the being was some kind of mental guard, but after reading your notes on the history of Naruto's world, I realized it was a separate being entirely. After I gave him my reasons for intruding, he gave me a bit of information that I wanted, then effortlessly ejected me from Naruto's mind. Because of the sheer power Kurama wields; should he rampage, not even the combined might of I and my sister could defeat him. However, his actions last night showed me my fears are largely unfounded. I'm still cautious of Kurama's power, but I no longer fear him outright. Thus I end my letter with this; be safe Twilight, and be happy.
Signed: Princess Celestia.

Twilight's jaw had practically hit the floor when she finished the letter. It had dropped a little when the princess breached the privacy of Naruto's mind, then got progressively lower the more she read about Kurama. He was so powerful the princess was terrified of him? It was understandable, if he went on a destruction spree absolutely nopony could stop him. The elements of harmony could work, but who knows what the cost would be.

"...light. Twilight. Equestria to Twilight." Spike's calling eventually snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Sorry about that Spike, it's just this letter had quite some shocking information."

"Oh? What kind of information? Nothing bad I hope."

"Sorry Spike, I can't say anything in good confidence, but I can say it's nothing bad." Just then, Naruto exited the guest room, yawning.

"Morning you two." He said, his tone heavily laced with his lingering drowsiness.

"Oh, good morning Naruto. Did we wake you? You don't usually get up til around ten." Asked Twilight, her tone apologetic.

"No no, it wasn't you guys. I'm just still a bit rattled over Trixie's little stunt last night." He replied, pouring himself some cereal.

"Well, nopony was hurt, and nothing was damaged, and we all have you and Kurama to thank for that." Twilight remarked.

"He really appreciates the praise, by the way." Naruto responded.

"Oh? We didn't do anything big. We just cheered him is all."

"And the fact that you actually praised him for it is what's shocking."

"How so? He deserved it, so we gave it to him." Naruto sighed, and collected his thoughts.

"Well Twilight, in our world, the nine biju are seen as property. Weapons of mass destruction used for wholesale slaughter during large scale battles and wars. Now obviously the biju do not take kindly to this treatment, and as such have fought back and resisted, causing us humans to see them as mindless bringers of destruction. In response, humans have devised a way of sealing a biju into another human, who becomes what is known as a jinchuuriki. Jinchuuriki are able to use the chakra and the passive abilities of the biju sealed within them. They are trained to be nothing more than weapons of their villages, and are often seen by villagers and other shinobi as nothing more than the supposed monsters they contain. So imagine kurama's surprise when you didn't praise me, the jinchuuriki like everybody else back home does, but him and him specifically." Twilight and Spike could only gape like fish.

"That's...that's... that is absolutely disgusting. They force the biju to be something they don't want to be, and they do it by caging them and having their powers forcibly used through a medium?" Twilight couldn't help but shudder as she imagined herself in that situation. Imprisoned with no way out, and her power wrenched from her control to be used for whatever sick purpose the medium wanted it for.

"Well like I said before Twilight. My race's history has just been one bloodbath to another. In order to survive you need to hit the opponent harder than he hits you, so when the concept of the jinchuuriki came about, everybody began doing it, to give their armies an edge in battle." Twilight was silent, and her ears were drooped low.

"Naruto, what was your life like as a jinchuuriki?" She asked. Naruto stopped eating, and stayed silent for a long while.

"You don't want to know." He eventually said, and resumed eating his cereal. Twilight couldn't take it anymore. She galloped over to Naruto and threw her forelegs around him, holding him in a tight hug, much to his surprise. After a while, she let go.

"Sorry, I just thought you really needed that. And to be honest, I needed it too." She said, mildly embarrassed. Naruto stared for a minute, then smiled.

"Thanks Twilight." Soon, breakfast was finished, and the clock read ten thirty.

"Naruto, princess Celestia is sending a sky chariot to pick you and Sasuke up in half an hour. She also said to bring Trixie."

"Will do." Said Naruto, and went to fetch Sasuke. Half an hour later the two humans and one bound unicorn were waiting in front of the library, and a chariot pulled by two armoured white pegasi came down and landed in front of the three. Naruto and Sasuke embarked on the chariot, yanking Trixie on with them, and the three were soon lifted into the sky towards the looming city of Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Wow, that one went by fast. It was damn fun to write too. Ok, so the first change to canon has been established, just what else is going to change with the inclusion of Naruto and Sasuke? Now I know there will be readers who will rage about Kurama being liked almost immediately. Well the reason for that there was nothing to make Kurama look like a destructive monster. Biju don't exist in Equestria, so there's none of the fear and revulsion that hangs around them in the Naruto world. Kurama showed he was a good guy by protecting the town from a raging momma bear, and he did it without killing anything, thus, the ponies will like him until he does something that will get him hated or feared. Still, this explanation will probably not be enough, and all I can say then, is haters gonna hate. Don't like? Don't read. Now then, onto the matter of clop I brought up last chapter. A lot of you said yes, but for me to make a separate doc for it, with a link in the chapter to bring the reader to it. While I like the idea, I don't exactly know where I need to put the unrated doc. I would be most thankful if somebody helped me out here. Well, as always, leave your comments below, be they concrit, flames, or words of encouragement. The more the merrier.