• Published 8th May 2013
  • 14,468 Views, 648 Comments

Home in Banishment - Shadow Lord Malice

Sasuke and Naruto defeat Madara and the Juubi together, but are betrayed and thrown into time and space. Ending up in Equestria, their presence brings forth unforseen consequences.

  • ...

Meeting the girls and settling in

Sasuke was awoken by the sound of screaming, Naruto's screaming to be precise. Cracking an eye open, he saw that Naruto was currently screaming his head off as... a small yellow, winged, talking horse tried to calm him down, with little luck. He saw that the room they were in was obviously a hospital room, and there were no surgical implements around, meaning nobody was going to get dissected or experimented on.

"Would you shut up dobe! Some people need their sleep dammit." He hollered at the screaming blonde.

"Oh, you're up as well. That's good news." Said the horse, who looked relieved.

"But Sasuke, it's a talking flying horse!" Naruto exclaimed, gesturing wildly at the butter yellow horse.

"Um, pony actually." The pony, who was a female if the voice was any indication, piped up.

"And if you have forgotten dobe, we're in a different dimension. Of course there's going to be something crazy or weird here. besides, you're getting worked up over a talking pony with wings? Last I checked you summon weapon slinging, giant talking toads. There are plenty stranger looking summons in our world than a flying pastel pony." That shut Naruto up. "Now then, if you're quite done, I'm still exhausted. So if you don't mind, I'm going back to sleep."

"Um, before you do, I need to check both of you to see how your injuries are faring. If um, that's okay with you two?"

"Fine by me. The sooner this gets done, the sooner I can leave. I hate hospitals."

"Hn, fine by me, just make it quick. I want to get back to sleep." Nodding, the pony got to work, checking Naruto first as he was closest.

"So uh, what's your name?" Naruto asked the pony. "Mine's Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki."

"Oh, my name's Fluttershy." the pony replied, whispering her name at the end, though due to their training, both shinobi caught it.

"Oi, Sasuke, introduce yourself and show some manners."

"You're the last person to be lecturing about manners dobe. My name's Sasuke Uchiha." Fluttershy nodded, and got to work checking Naruto's injuries. After five minutes, and a few pokes and prods, Fluttershy was satisfied.

"Well Naruto, I'm happy to say that all your injuries are completely healed. How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling great. Does this mean I can leave now?" The blonde asked, and Fluttershy nodded.

"Yes it does. Just let me check on Sasuke and I'll get the go ahead for your discharge." With that, Fluttershy flew over to Sasuke and began to check his injuries.

"How long were we out for?" Asked Sasuke.

"Oh um, about two days." Replied Fluttershy. After a few minutes, she frowned a bit. "Hmm, Well your cuts still need a little more time to heal, and your ribs are still cracked a bit. I'm sorry Sasuke but you're going to have to say in bed a while longer."

"Fine," Sasuke sighed, "but how long do I have to stay in?" Fluttershy thought for a bit.

"I'm not completely sure, but I'm guessing the day after tomorrow. Your ribs should be healed enough by then." With a nod of understanding, Sasuke got comfortable and began to doze off. Fluttershy then turned to Naruto. "Alright Naruto, just stay put and you'll be out in no time." With that, Fluttershy flapped out of the room.

After getting the go ahead for Naruto's discharge, Fluttershy was off to get the blonde, but was surprised by the arrival of her friends.

"Oh, hello everypony." She said as she was approached by the group.

"Hiya Fluttershy." Said Pinkie Pie as she bounced over in her usual jovial manner. "My pinkie sense told me those new things Twilight found are awake, so I decided to swing by to make new friends. Then I thought it wouldn't be fair if I was the only one who made friends with them, so I went and grabbed everypony else. And now we're here. So, are they awake? Can we go see them, huh, can we, can we?" Pinkie Pie was silenced when Applejack yanked her back.

"Easy there, Sugarcube. No need tah get yer tail in a twist." She said as she dragged the pink earth pony back.

"Um, both are awake, but one of them still needs to stay in bed. I was just about to get Naruto, as he can be discharged now." Replied Fluttershy.

"Gah, he can!?" Shrieked Twilight, eyes wide. "Oh no, I forgot to bring quills, ink, and paper. I have so many questions for him and I have nothing to write his answers with! Be right back girls!" With that, Twilight charged out the hospital and back to the library as fast as she could.

"Um, I'll go get Naruto now." Said Fluttershy, and left to get said blonde.

"Ooh, I wonder what he'll be like. Does he like cake? Does he like to party? (Gasp) I have to throw him a Glad-your-out-of-the-hospital-welcome-to-Ponyville-party!" Pinkie Pie was again silenced, this time by Rarity.

"Calm yourself darling. Let's just wait for Fluttershy to get back with this Naruto thing." Soon, voices could be heard coming down the hall.

"Man, I could sure go for some new clothes." Said a male voice, whom the group guessed to be Naruto.

"Um, I'm sure if we talk to Rarity, she'd be happy to help." Replied Fluttershy. Soon the two entered the hall, allowing everypony to get a good look at Naruto. He was tall, and stood on two legs. Instead of hooves, he had odd appendages on the ends of his limbs. He had no coat of fur, only sparse hairs running up his arms. His blonde mane was shorter than a pony's and a more vibrant yellow compared to Applejack's straw colored mane, and he had deep sapphire blue eyes.

"Wowee! So this is what he looks like." Said Pinkie excitedly, bouncing over to Naruto. "Hiya, I'm Pinkie Pie. So, do you like cake? Do you like parties? do you wanna be friends? When do I throw the party?" Pinkie was stopped when the other three girls pulled her away.

"Sorry 'bout that, she gets really excited whenever she meets somepony new." Apologized Applejack.

"Nah, it's alright." Replied Naruto with a grin. "To answer your questions Pinkie, I'm not sure if I like parties seeing as I've never been to one myself. Yes, I do enjoy cake, and of course we can be friends, friends are awesome. As for that last one, could you put the party on hold for the time being. My best friend's still recovering so I'd like to wait so we both get a party."

"Yay, new friend! Okie dokie, no party 'til your best friend's out of the hospital. Anyway, nice to meet you Naruto, but I got to get to work at Sugarcube Corner. See ya." With that, Pinkie bounced out of the hospital with a bit more spring in her hops than usual. As Naruto watched her go, Applejack approached him.

"Sorry 'bout her, she's got too much energy fer her own good sometimes. Anyways, I'm Applejack, and you must be that Naruto fella' that Fluttershy was talkin' 'bout earlier, pleased to make you're aquaintance." She said, offering a hoof. Naruto grinned and grasped the hoof in his hand, giving it a shake.

"Pleased to make yours as well Applejack." He replied. Applejack then stepped back into the small group, and was replaced by Rainbow Dash.

"So, you're one of those crazy creatures the egghead found in the Everfree forest. The name's Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in Equestria." She said to Naruto, a challenging grin on her lips, which brought a smirk to Naruto's own.

"Well if I had wings we'd see if that was true. Since I can't fly myself I'll take your word for it." He replied.

"You know what, I like you. We need to hang out sometime. Anyway, got to go help the weather team. See ya later." With that, Rainbow Dash flew out of the hospital. Finally came the last person of the group.

"Goodness darling, whatever happened to your clothes ? They're in absolute ruins." Naruto was about to respond when he was cut off. "Now now darling do not say a word. We need to fix this problem fast." With that, the alabaster unicorn started herding Naruto out the door.

"Um, can I at least get your name?" Asked Naruto as he was being pushed out the doors, causing the unicorn to halt.

"Oh goodness, how dreadfully rude of me. I am Rarity, but no time for chit chat darling, we absolutely must get you out of those mutilated things." Soon Naruto was out the door, Fluttershy following, and the three were on their way to the Carousel Boutique.

"Wait!" Screamed a voice from down the road. Naruto turned to look, and saw a lavender unicorn galloping at the group. There were bags filled with paper strapped to her sides, and a small violet lizard on her back holding on to her mane for dear life. The pony skidded to a halt in front of the group, sending the lizard flying off of her. Fluttershy flew after the airborne reptile.

"And you are?" Asked Naruto after giving the pony some time to breathe.

"Sorry about that. My name's Twilight Sparkle."

"Naruto Uzumaki at your service. You look like you want to ask me something?" The blonde remarked. Indeed, Twilight had a look of barely supressed excitement plastered on her face.

"It's just, ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! An entirely new sapient species standing right in front of me. What are your species called? Where do you come from? How did you get here? Gah, so many questions that need answers!" Naruto was now officially freaked out, and backed away from the crazy pony very slowly.

"Twilight, stop that. You're scaring him." Admonished Fluttershy as she came back with the lizard in her forehooves, with the sternest voice Naruto had heard her use. The yellow pegasus then let the reptile down. "Are you okay Spike? You're not hurt or anything are you?" She asked the lizard.

"No, I'm fine. been through way worse than that." Said Spike as he dusted himself off.

"Sorry about that Spike. And sorry to you too Naruto. It's just, nothing like you has ever been seen in the history of Equestria. I guess I got a little carried away." Twilight apologized.

"It's alright Twilight. I'd probably do the same thing if I were in your sandals." Naruto replied.

"Sandals?" Twilight questioned, having never heard of those before. Naruto then realized the cause of confusion.

"That will take some explaining. Tell you what, while Rarity does her work, I'll answer as many questions of yours as I'm able to. Sound good?" Twilight nodded, satisfied by the arrangement.

"Here we are darling." Chimed Rarity as they approached the Boutique. Upon entry, Naruto knew Rarity was a dedicated seamstress. Equine mannequins displaying suits and dresses were placed around the room. Suddenly he realized something very important.

"Um, Rarity, I don't have any money. Or at least, none of your land's money." Rarity just waved him off.

"No need to worry darling, I simply cannot ask for payment from those who are in dire need of help." Replied Rarity. Naruto was stunned by this act of generosity.

"Now wait Rarity, I'm perfectly willing to pay you back. I can-" Naruto was cut off when Rarity silenced him with a hoof.

"Naruto, I'm helping you for free because I want to help you for free. You don't have to do anything to repay me. You're a friend, and friends help each other." Naruto for his part, was stunned beyond belief. Here were was this pony, who barely even knew him, yet considered him her friend and was showing him generosity with no ulterior motive.

"I...I... Thank you Rarity, I can count on one hand the people who have shown me this kind of generosity. Just, thank you." Tears were threatening to breach the blonde's eyes, but he held them back.

"Think nothing of it. Now, let's get your measurements." Levitating a tape, Rarity began measuring Naruto. Soon she had all she needed. "All right Naruto, I have several colours you may be interested in. First we have-"

"Orange, please." Interrupted Naruto, causing Rarity to gape.

"Orange? Not that I have anything against it darling, but don't you think that may be a bit garish? There are plenty of-"

"Orange will be fine Rarity." Naruto interrupted once more.

"Why is orange so important Naruto?" Asked Rarity, curious as to why Naruto was so adamant about the colour for his clothing.

"Because I'm their legacy." Was the reply. Naruto saw the three were confused by his answer, so he elaborated.

"I've always liked orange, never really understanding why. It was only when I found out who my parents were that I realized why I loved the colour. My mother was known as the red hot habanero for her temper and red hair, and my dad was known as the yellow flash, and he had the same hair colour as me. They were the first things I saw when I was born, and I guess I saw a the colors of their hair blended together. I wear orange as a memento to who my parents were." At this, all three mares and one dragon had their mouths agape. Rarity was the first to snap out of it.

"Very well, orange it is. Does the shade matter Naruto?" Naruto thought about it, and shook his head. Orange was orange, it was awesome no matter what shade it was. Rarity then left for her work room, muttering about good accent colours.

"Alright Naruto, if you don't mind I'd like to ask you some questions now." Said Twilight, getting her quill and paper ready, after snapping spike out of his swooning for Rarity.

"Sure Twilight, fire away." And Twilight did. Many questions Naruto was able to answer easily enough. A few questions, like how his feet worked to keep him balanced on two legs, stumped him, but he answered as best he could. Spike would ask a few himself here and there, but mostly talked with Fluttershy.

"Oh Naruto." Rarity called from within her work room, "would you be a dear and tell me what sounds better for a trim color, crimson or violet?"

"Crimson, please." Naruto responded. Several minutes later, Rarity returned, bringing with her the finished product. A burnt orange long sleeved shirt with a black stripe going down each arm, starting at the shoulder, and ending before the cuffs. The cuffs themselves, as well as the trimming and inner lining of the shirt, were a vibrant crimson. The pants were mostly black, the trim being a brighter shade of orange than the shirt, with a thin stripe running up the legs, starting at the hems and ending at the waistline.

"So Darling, what do you think? Admittedly this is my first time making clothing for your species, so I hope I did a good job." Said Rarity, hoping she had done everything right.

"Looks good so far, let me put it on. Where are the changing rooms?" Rarity pointed to a door to the side, and Naruto headed through it, outfit in hand. After shedding the shredded tracksuit he had been wearing previously, he immediately dressed himself in the new attire. It fit perfectly, and the pant legs had enough width to them to make them comfortably flexible.

"How are you finding them darling?" Called Rarity from inside the main room. Naruto then exited the changing room and let the group see how he looked.

"I think they look pretty good. What are your thoughts Rarity?" Asked Naruto.

"Naruto, you look simply smashing. Wonderful, my first ever clothing design made for a human a complete success. Now then darling, I can make you several more pairs of that outfit, just give me an hour and we'll have your clothing needs set." Rarity started for her work room, but Naruto stopped her.

"Wait Rarity, if I may, there's something I want you to add." Rarity cocked her head in confusion.

"Oh, was the outfit not satisfactory?" She inquired, causing Naruto to wave his hands in the negative.

"No, not at all, I like it very much as it is. What I want added is something personal to me." He then grabbed his old tracksuit top and showed her the right shoulder, which had a white spiral on it. "You see this spiral? It's the clan symbol of the Uzumaki, the symbol of my family. I was wondering if-" Naruto was stopped when Rarity held up a hoof.

"Say no more Naruto. I'll make sure to add that symbol to all the outfits, the one you're wearing included." Nodding in thanks, Naruto let her proceed to her work room.

"So Naruto, while Rarity finishes the rest of your clothes, why don't we head out for lunch?" Offered Twilight.

"Um, how would everyone react to me? I don't want to scare anybody."Asked Naruto.

"Um, you may have gotten a lot of stares from everypony, but I think they were just curious. Just be friendly, and I'm sure everypony will like you." Answered Fluttershy. With that the group headed for Sugarcube Corner. Just then, Naruto's stomach let loose a powerful rumble.

"Man could I go for some ramen right about now." Naruto remarked while rubbing his hungry stomach.

"Ramen? What's that?" Asked Twilight.

"Wait, you never heard of ramen?" Naruto asked, terrified of the answer.

"Nope" Replied Twilight.

"I haven't either." Said Spike.

"Neither have I." Said Fluttershy. And with that, cold despair ripped through Naruto's body.

Sasuke woke up and slowly rose to a sitting position.

"I just had the strangest feeling." He remarked to himself. "It was as if the voices of a million ramen lovers screamed in terror, then were suddenly silenced." After staying in a sitting position a few seconds longer, he flopped back down. "Well good. It's about time someone shut them up." With that, Sasuke returned to pleasant dreams of Naruto weeping before him after being told ramen no longer existed while tomato bread rained from the heavens.

Naruto was not happy. Scratch that, Naruto was so far from happy he was sure it was on the other side of the world. Ramen, his one true love, had no form of existence in Equestria. It was a sad sad day indeed. Well he wouldn't let that get to him. if ramen wasn't in Equestria, then he'd bring it to Equestria. He had learned from the ramen chef back home how to make the noodles, though the broth would give him trouble, seeing as the citizens of Equestria were all herbivorous, meaning all meat aside from fish was practically out. Thankfully the group didn't react all that much when he said he consumed meat. Fluttershy because she worked with meat eating animals plenty of times before, Twilight because she had seen Celestia deal with foreign dignitaries who consumed meat, and Spike because eventually when he reached adulthood he'd start requiring meat in his diet as well. As long as he didn't go eating ponies, they were completely okay with him eating meat. Currently the group was in Sugarcube Corner, eating a platter of cupcakes.

"Cheer up Naruto, it's not all bad," Said Spike as he ate another chocolate cupcake.

"Not all bad? Almost three quarters of my overall diet has been restricted, and you say it's not all bad? It's terrible. I can't live off sweets and confections all my life." Naruto lamented.

"Um, I might have a solution." Said Fluttershy, bringing the group's undivided attention onto her, causing her to squeak with fright.

"It's okay Fluttershy, we're not going to bite if you make a suggestion." Said Naruto, calming her down slightly.

"Well um, I care for several animal families that require fish to eat. I could always supply some for you Naruto. S-Sasuke as well when he's out of the hospital." Fluttershy was suddenly swept up in a hug by Naruto.

"Fluttershy, you are the best." Said Naruto, his mood brightening considerably.

"I-it's nothing, really." Soon the group resumed eating, the mood having brightened up.

"Hiya everypony." Said Pinkie Pie as she bounced up to the group's table. "How is everything? Want anymore cupcakes?"

"Everything is fine Pinkie, and no, we're good on cupcakes right now." Replied Twilight.

"They're really good by the way Pinkie, you make awesome cakes." Said Naruto, making Pinkie's smile even bigger.

"Aww, thanks Naruto. Anyways, I got to get back to work. see you all later." With that, Pinkie Pie hopped back into the kitchens. Once the four were done with the cupcakes, Twilight left some bits on the table and the group headed back to Carousel Boutique. Upon entering, Rarity was just leaving her work room.

"Oh, right on time Naruto." Immediately re-entering her work room, Rarity soon came back out with four copies of Naruto's current ensemble, complete with the Uzumaki clan spiral on the right shoulder of each shirt. "Here you are darling, and if you hand me the shirt you're wearing it will take me two minutes to put the spiral on." Naruto removed his shirt and handed it to Rarity, replacing it with a finished one. Two minutes later and the spiral was on the shirt.

"Well that solves my clothing problem, but where will I stay?" Naruto asked.

"Hmm, that does pose somewhat of a problem. You can't stay with me, as Fluttershy is staying here until her house is rebuilt."

"He can stay with me." Said Twilight.

"You sure Twilight? I don't want to impose." Replied Naruto, but Twilight waved his concerns off.

"Nonsense Naruto. You're a friend, and you need a place to stay. I'm not taking no for an answer." With that, Twilight led naruto to the Ponyville library, which was also her home. Upon showing him the guest room and helping him put away his new clothes, he and Twilight were currently sitting down at the table while Spike was dusting the shelves.

"So Naruto, what's your world like? Twilight asked the blonde. Naruto for his part, leaned back in thought, though stayed silent, Finally after a few minutes, he spoke. "Compared to Equestria, it's an awful place. Children are trained at a young age to become soldiers. Death is constantly happening, greed and hate run rampant, and war is always looming on the horizon."

"That, doesn't sound all that pleasant." Admitted Twilight, then she thought of something. "Hey Naruto, what's your world's history?" Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Why don't you tell me Equestria's history first, since I'm foreign. Once you're done, I'll tell you my world's history." Twilight thought about it, then nodded.

"Okay, sounds good. I'll admit though, I don't know much past a thousand years ago so I'll start where I know best." So Twilight told Naruto about The two diarchs of Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. She then explained Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon, her imprisonment in the moon for a millenia, about all the things that happened during those thousand years, and finally, her and her friends victory over Nightmare Moon and using the elements of harmony to restore Luna. All the while, Naruto stayed silent throughout the explanation, and when Twilight was finished Naruto spoke.

"Wow, it's shocking just how little conflict there has been in the history that you know. Well I suppose it's my turn." With that Naruto explained the Sage of Six Paths and the Juubi,. He then explained the clan wars, and of Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju. He explained the founding of shinobi villages, and the system they implemented. He explained the Great Shinobi Wars, and the Biju. Finally, he explained the Fourth Shinobi War and the goals of Obito and Madara, and of their defeat. At the end of it all, Twilight was shell shocked. It revolted her just how war torn and messed up Naruto's world was. She was also completely awestruck by the sheer power that humans could wield, the Sage of Six Paths had to have been some kind of god to be able to create the moon and cast it into the heavens on his deathbed.

"Wow. Just, wow." Was all Twilight could say.

"Dinner's ready Twilight." Said Spike from the kitchen.

"What, already?" Replied Twilight in shock. looking at the clock, she saw that Naruto's explanation had taken three hours. Spike came in with two plates of fried vegetables and set them down in front of Twilight and Naruto. The blonde then found he had a slight problem, there were no eating utensils. Looking at Twilight, Naruto saw that she would levitate individual pieces of vegetables to her mouth to be eaten, so he assumed that ponies had no need for any sort of eating utensil.

'Then again I guess they can't really use any since the have no hands.' He thought to himself. Since he had no other way of eating his meal, Naruto used his fingers to eat, After dinner was finished, Naruto let out a yawn.

"Man, what a day. Well Twilight, I don't know about you, but I'm beat. I'll see you tomorrow." Said Naruto as he headed for the guest room.

"Goodnight, Naruto." Twilight called after him. After finishing her spell studies for the night, Twilight decided to write to the princess and tell her of her discoveries of Naruto and his kind. "Spike, take a note." She said and her dragon assistant shot over to her, quill and parchment in hand.

"Princess Celestia..."

Author's Note:

Well I hope everyone is satisfied by this chapter. I've been getting some remarks saying my paragraphs are a bit too big, so I tried shortening them this chapter. Hopefully the pace of the chapter is also acceptable, and nothing feels rushed or forced. If any of you readers have an idea for a plot element, or just something funny to throw into the fic for a laugh, by all means leave a suggestion in the comments below. Also, to all of you pointing out that I'm making quite a few errors in grammar, please note that I am not American, I'm Canadian. We have a different way of spelling words up here. If despite that, this and all previous chapters still have quite a few errors, please point them out and I'll edit them immediately.