• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,955 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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A loud thunder roll did its turn over the rustic little town of Ponyville. Many shocked themselves in fear when the sudden burst of lightning and deafening sound did their turn. A storm had broken loose over the little town. A storm that was a lot heavier than each of its residents could ever expected it to become.

Some managed to find their calm in the mysterious storm. Applejack for example, was the hardworking, honest farmer and cowgirl who had done all of her duties and secured everything for the raging storm. She found herself together with her family and sat safely inside the house as they shared stories of long ago. Granny Smith spoke the most as she had done the most in her life. Each of her grandchildren hung on her lips while she spoke about the young days of her life. How she worked her way up to the standards of where their Acres was.

Some would found themselves intrigued by the storm. Pinkie Pie for example, was the young and energetic earth pony mare couldn't get enough of all of the flashy lights and sounds that made her snort like a filly. Every time just before a new flash of lightning would appear, she pulled a silly face before her window and held it until the rolling came down. It almost seemed that if she was taking photos of herself in that manner.

Others would found themselves scared to death by the howling winds and rain. Fluttershy for example, had laid down on the couch within her cottage. She had the blankets pulled firm over herself. She shivered as deep as she could while her fears for the storm affected her deeper than thought. All of the little critters that had sought up shelter within her home, tried to comfort the terrified pegasus. Each of them would do something, even if it was in a vague attempt, to lift her mood up and show her that it wasn't all that scary.

Some would found themselves wondering how it could even had happened. Rainbow Dash for example, was Ponyville’s weathermaster and found herself staring with a set of big, magenta colored eyes to the raging storm. There were countless thoughts that raced through her body. The mare shook her head in utter disbelief. She couldn't wrap her head around that what was shown to her. Without a second thought in her mind rushed the daredevil of a pegasus over to the front door of her cloud palace and she opened it.

The pegasus found herself in the pouring rain and blinked only up to the skies. “How is this..?” Rainbow spoke up to herself before she made herself ready to just depart into the skies. As her wings unfolded themselves from her sides before she took one leap into the air and she was off. She was back in her element within the skies. Behind her tail she always left a rainbow colored rainbow trail and the mare did her best to not get hit by the lightning of the storm. “They never told me anything about this to happen. They never gave me instructions... Who do they think they are!?” the mare muttered to herself.

Rainbow soared up to the dark clouds and before she knew it, she found herself deep within them. Deep within their dark hollowness was she flying. The pegasus turned herself in every direction in the hope to see things that would indicate that where she hoped for. But no matter where she looked, there was nothing to be seen before her.

There was a new flash of lightning which showed itself, it lit up the dark clouds and Rainbow was able to make up something that resembled a face. A face that she knew all too well, yet was different. “...No way,” she spoke to herself before the roaring sounds caused her to lose her concentration. The pegasus dropped herself towards the ground for hundreds of meters before her wings would set her on course once more. But the image she saw was printed on her retina.


Where others got together to share stories, watched the power in awe, hid away from it or inspected it, there was a certain mulberry, unicorn mare who was different from all of the others. The mare lived within a hollowed out tree near the middle of the town. A building that both figured as her living space and job. The town’s own library and at the helm stood nopony else then Twilight Sparkle. The founder of the elements of harmony in the first time in so many generations.

“Storms come and go. So do my studies,” she spoke to herself. The mare levitated a cup of steaming tea from a nearby table. She brought the cup to her lips and blew some of the steam away before a gentle sip was taken. “Life is a curious thing. Don’t you think, Spike?”

“Huh, what?” a purple scaled, green spiked, baby dragon spoke up as he rose his head out of the basket. The blanket covered most of his head and body. His tired green eyes looked over to his motherly figure and blinked a couple times at the words she spoke. “Come again?” The reason why he saw Twilight as his mother, was due to the fact she was the pony who hatched him from his egg, all those years ago.

“Don’t you think about it sometimes? I mean, what is the purpose of life? Of our lives?” Twilight spoke. She set her cup back on the oaken table before her. “I wish Rarity was here... She always had that strange but philosophical look on the world. A look that even opened my eyes once, remember?”

Spike let out a small groan at the first set of words that were spoken. But as soon as the name of Rarity had fallen in his ears he fixed his attention upon Twilight with a bit of a tilted head. “Is this about that time she showed you there was more than just your studies? You know, that you actually need rest?” he spoke in a questioning tone. Though he began to fear an eruption of her.

Twilight just gave a simple nod at first. She closed her eyes for a little bit. It was true, she had been sitting with her studies for just so long. But on one day when it was just Rarity and herself, it was the white coated, sapphire blue rimmed unicorn that spoke about her past. But also about her point of view in life. It was through that heartbreaking conversation, the young and studious unicorn opened her eyes on a new perspective. A perspective that did conflict a lot with that of her own but one she loved just as much.

“Where is Rarity actually? I haven’t seen her in her home for ages now,” the baby dragon spoke up after a couple minutes of silence and thoughts.

Twilight shocked up out of her way of thoughts and she rested her eyes upon the baby dragon. “I wish I knew Spike, I wish I knew,” she replied while a deep sigh left her body through her nose. Spike nodded to her words and crawled back upon himself in his basket.

“I just hope, she will be alright,” he spoke as his eyes fell shut in order to just fall asleep and to be carried away into the realm ruled by his own mind.

Little did all of them know, what kind of changes had happened to the once so small and friendly unicorn. Not to mention the adventure that was knocking on their doors, if not rolling on their doorsteps. Every soul fears something over the course of their lives. It are those fears that some beings play with like the sick devils they are.