• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,955 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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17 Fillies remain fillies

It would have been the day after the mares had awoken from their slumbers again. They were being brought over to Canterlot to stay for the time being. Though at the same time, there were three little fillies that went to set a few events in motion. Things that had been planned ever since the rumors of the dreaded first surfaced. Three little fillies who actually dared to fight against fate itself in order to have just that little bit of fun for themselves.

Though little did they knew just what was fact and what was fiction. It still didn't matter for the three of them in the least bit. As long as they had their fun in it, they could be doing literally everything and going pretty much everywhere. All of their endeavors and all of their troubles could be blamed on one tiny little thing. One thing that drove many older ponies to the brink of going crazy. Everything they did was done in the name to get their very own and much desired cutie mark.

Something that some couldn't stand out anymore. Others still found it along the lines of cute and whimsical. The only exception being that those ponies hadn't seen the sheer destruction that they could make to a certain place, if they were given more than enough time.

It was at first dawn that Sweetie Belle woke up from her slumber again. She slowly started upon her daily routine of doing everything she needed. The levels of silence were pretty unheard from the house. Both of her parents still laid fast asleep in their beds. The last thing the little, white coated, pinkish maned unicorn wanted to do, was to wake them up from too much noise.

After a few minutes of being busy in the bathroom, had the filly returned to her own room with looks that made her recognizable in an instant. The style of mane and tail hadn't changed in pretty much years. Her own style she had adopted pretty much like most ponies in the town. Though it would be then that she made the realization that there were still things she needed to be doing.

Things that were of a major importance and they had been gathered the night before. The young filly dove under her bed for a moment. She crawled back out of it with something locked in her teeth. Something that appeared like a canvas sheet with stuff inside of it. Whatever it was, it didn't appear to be heavy in weight for the little filly as she simply yanked it from under the bed.

A gentle spit was given and the fabrics were released from her mouth and the tongue was being stuck out. The taste was something that was up for debate. Sweetie shook her head a little bit before she looked at the canvas sheet again and released a gentle ‘hmm’. Thought rambled through her mind as her eyes suddenly started to look upward, almost as if she wanted to see her own horn in one way or the other.

“Should I try it without Twilight being around here?” Sweetie whispered to herself. Her eyes lowered themselves a bit back down, towards the canvas. It was an honest question to be asked to herself but being one of Twilight’s occasional magical students also brought quite the bit of havoc with it. The filly released a deep sigh as she had not a clue of what she would be doing.


In the meantime and pretty much across town, on the lands of Sweet Apple Acres was the red maned, yellow coated filly also more than ready to hit the day. She had done her daily routine and she was walking through the living area of the home. Her eyes glanced at the gear and equipment she had with her. Everything was checked one more time before the filly gave a nod to herself.

Then it was time for adventure. The time would be there to do the thing they had been discussing with one another for such a long time by then. There was only massive exception that made certain that the entire operation was concealed in utter mystery. Neither Apple Bloom nor Sweetie Belle seemed to know just where on earth they would be going.

They could be hiking to the Frozen North for all they knew. A gamble that was made thanks to the gear that they had packed with them. It seemed just a bit strange to the two of them to carry as much as they had packed. Either way, the two seemed to trust Scootaloo for knowing where they would be heading. One last check up on everything would be made by the filly. Then the saddlebags were placed around and strapped against her body. Two rather large bags hung off of either side of her body. She seemed to be more than ready to hit the road straight into the unknown.

In silence did the filly leave the house as the early morning sun was still rising on the horizon. The grandmother of them all was still deeply asleep in her room. With Applejack having taken away to Canterlot after she wouldn't wake up from her sleep, it was up to her older brother to take care of the entire apple business. A job that was perhaps a little bit more than he could chew.

A thing which was mostly due to the simple fact that the stallion was a quiet and humble giant. His posture intimidated ponies who would be walking by him, his strength was almost unmatched by any other stallion in the land. He was still a force to be reckoned with for certain. Apple Bloom saw her big brother working on the lands as he always had done, hard and honest.

Though the times were a little bit different. Each of the family members also had suffered a bit from the nightmares themselves. Only they did wake up every morning, but would be haunted by them every single night. They weren't as intense as the ones the elements received. But more than enough to make them sleepy on the job itself. Perhaps the very plan of the pony that caused them.

Either way, with a small yawn from her mouth had Apple Bloom walked past the fence of the Acres. Her eyes looked over the main road. All in order and hope to see the filly she was waiting on. The time of meeting was almost there and being late on that day, they couldn't allow themselves.

Apple Bloom herself was in luck as on the horizon could she see it quite clearly. The very shadow of another filly who appeared to have been in a rush. The red maned filly narrowed her eyes to make sure that she saw everything correct. The mane just waved in the wind and the little flutter of the wings while jumps were made in the air, all pointed out to one filly and one filly alone.

“Why hello there, Scoots. Had a good night’s rest?” Apple Bloom brought forth. The mysterious filly had come closer to her in the meantime. Eventually she revealed herself as an orange coated, purple maned, pegasus filly.

“Depends on your definition of ‘good’ really, had nightmares again. They have been getting the best of me for two weeks now... How do you live with them?!” Scootaloo returned to her friend. The two walked down the road in order to pick up the last member of the group.

They wandered past the land of the Acres and the trees that were planted on the other side while Apple Bloom sunk herself into thought. “Ah’ll admit that those nightmares do get the best of me. But y’all have to know that they remain just dreams. Just taking a few naps during the day itself, might help you out a lot more then you could possible think,” she explained to the other filly.

Those words were something that caused Scootaloo to huff a little bit at first. Then did her mind began to think about the words as they were. In the end did the little cowgirl happen have a point, even though she didn't wanted to admit it herself. The silence they had entered was one that was uncomfortable to say the least. A silence like that between friends was never a good sign.

In order to break that same silence did Apple Bloom ask the question that was bothering on her mind for days. “Hey Scoots, where are we going to anyway? Ah mean, it’s an awful lot of gear we have alone,” Apple Bloom asked with a genuine curiosity.

In response had the pegasus released a gentle chuckle. She knew exactly where they would be going towards. Yet the tone of the chuckle was a thing that got Apple Bloom already worried. Something just didn't add up to it all and she was getting her suspicion there and then. Almost as if she had regretted asking the question immediately, Apple Bloom looked the other way quickly.

Her eyes caught the scenery for a couple of seconds before they focused back over to the pegasus. Her curiosity was something that always called for adventure, wanting to know the unknown. At the moment she wanted to know the unknown more then she wanted just about anything else. “Well? Where are we going?” she said. She pushed Scootaloo a bit with her words.

Scootaloo turned her head over to the red maned filly and gave her an unsettling grin at first. A grin that caused a small shiver to travel down the spine of Apple Bloom. One that made her regret her question almost in an instant. “You really want to know?” Scootaloo asked her with that same grin still upon her lips. It was only then that Apple Bloom had begun to gulp a little bit. She didn't had a single clue about it all. One part of her wanted to know it, while the other just wanted to make a return to the house of the family and snuggle up in her bed.

In the end did she gave a nod to the question that was asked. All that was left to be coming, was the answer to the question but whether or not she would be happy about it, was another question. “Oh Bloomy, I have been planning this trip for weeks now and it’s finally happening. There were we are heading is the place where it all seemed to have started. We’re going to it. White, Tails, Woods,” was the answer that Scootaloo gave to her.

That name alone caused Apple Bloom to stand still, dead in her tracks. Out of every possible location that they could have been going, they had to go to that horrid place. She knew the rumors of those woods, she had heard the stories about the dreaded fog that roamed around there. “Are ya crazy?!” she spoke up with a raised voice. One that was loud enough for everypony to hear.

Though the words were never returned to her. Scootaloo just continued to walk to the house of Sweetie Belle. The pegasus had pretended to be deaf for the words.


It was a house where the events were a bit less than pleasant then they usually were. When the two fillies arrived and the location of their trek was revealed, Sweetie’s coat became even more white than it normally was. It almost seemed as if she had seen a living ghost in the eyes of the two of them. It scared her to even think about the location they would be going to. It took both enough talking of both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to get her in. To get Sweetie Belle Crazy enough to join them both on the trek of perhaps a lifetime, or one that would be ending it.

There was a little tiny reason of just why Apple Bloom also started to bribe against Sweeti. She had tried to persuade her over to join the two. The earth pony filly had owed the pegasus a trip to the woods of White Tails. After having bailed out on the first time, a time that it wasn't even filled with the stuff of nightmares had never left the mind of Scootaloo and considered what they would be doing payback for it.

A sickening payback was it in the eyes of other, perhaps. Though neither three of them were truly aware of just the terror that was housed in those dreaded woods. They didn't saw the danger it would be having for them all. In the end had even Sweetie Belle agreed on coming along for the ride. Whether she would be liking it or not.

So with the sun still in the early hours, they had begun to walk down the ponymade path again in order to reach the woods of White Tails. The very woods where a debt would be settled and the camp set up for a night under the starry skies. …If they were in luck that was.


Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle all wore their twin saddlebags packed with equipment and other things they would need in order to have a successful. Perhaps to even have a cozy night out in the fields before the woods. The three of them heard about the rumors that did their turn about the forest, otherwise it didn't made Apple Bloom so scared when she heard they were going there. Same thing had happened to Sweetie. The little unicorn was literally trembling upon all four of her legs when she heard it.

The look of genuine fright was the very thing that had filled her eyes back then. Though when they were walking through the land, the songs did their turn. Everything just appeared to be like the mood of a school camp. A school camp that would most likely be going to the inner depths of Tartarus for all they knew but they lived in the there and then while not looking to the future itself. Their little minds even seemed to have been twisting the horrors that they would be facing. They would have turned them into a sort of little game they would be thinking about. A little challenge of who could be in those woods for the longest of time.

All of those rather idiotic things were being discussed under so laughter and singing of the three of them. Completely unaware of the terrors that laid inside of the fog. Yet they didn't care as they seemed to be having quite the good day in and of itself already. For their wanders lead them off the beaten path, causing them to on the more tourist route and thus see sights that were truly marvelous to witness.

In the end did it lay there. It had come right in their field of views. The dreaded woods of White Tails came into their eyes. The three knew right away just why the woods were called that way. It was because of the fog that darted around in the formation of tails that waved in the wind. For a moment did everything look so magical, musical even. Everything just eyed so perfect at the moment. All of it was quiet though. No birds, no rustled from the vegetation, just the wind that blew softly past their little ears. A wind that didn’t carry anything with it that time.

None of the fillies could believe the fact that something as wonderful as those woods, could be housing such a dark and dreaded secret. “Hey,” Scootaloo said while she nudged Apple Bloom. “You think they all made it up, just to keep fillies and colts away so they can have all of the beauty for themselves?”

The comment was something that made the other two giggle to themselves for a bit. The saddlebags were removed from their backs and the camp side would be made up. Each of the fillies helped one another with setting up the tent and basically transforming the land before the forest into a comfortable, leisurely site. A small campfire pit had been made before some logs and stones were rolled in that acted as fire stoppers and a sofa, not to mention the wood for the fire itself.

The best thing of it all had to be the fact that they were genuinely existed about it all. Everything was built up in less than two hours. A thing which caused the sun to be standing on the status of the high noon. Not that it meant much to the three of them though. They still had plenty of time to make a trip through the fog of White Tails and see what the fuzz was about.

Though from time to time was it Sweetie who stared into the seeming endless fog of the woods.She just felt that unsettling feeling in her stomach. A feeling that made her just a bit sick or nauseous. Though she never showed it to the other two. Instead she tried to hide it from them by saying some words. “Is it okay with you two if I stay here, guarding the camp and all?” she said.

It seemed like a weak excuse and she had to admit it herself that it actually was one, but it was needed that at least one of them was there in the camp to make sure nopony else would be getting there. Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at her with a tilted head and confused expression before they finally understood what she meant.

“Yeah, sure.”

“Fine by me.”

It was a weight off of the filly’s chest when she heard those words. She absolutely didn't wanted to enter those woods that were supposedly haunted to the core. It would have been the other two fillies that were going to enter the forest. They talked about the wonders they could be finding if they looked hard enough. Yet it was the little unicorn who dove back in the tent and began to search for a couple of items.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked a bit strange at her once again. They had not a clue of what she was doing though. Seconds later had the filly popped back out of the tent. She carried two magical flashlights, two compasses and two maps with her. Both of the other two fillies were given one of everything. Sweetie then looked proud to her friends. “Mark the position we are on, on the map and know the direction you need to walk into from your compass. If either of you two gets lost, you know how to walk back, right?” she said to the two of them with a confident tone.

“Uhm, Sweets...” Scootaloo started first. She looked at the items at first but then turned her head back up over to the filly. “You certain this is all needed? I mean, we can just go with the rope I brought along, right?”

“And what if a creature cuts it?” Sweetie then replied. That was the reply that caused Apple Bloom to chuckle to herself. It was the very same one that got Scootaloo cornered. With a small huff and grumble of acceptance had the two fillies glanced better at their compasses. They would have marked the location of the campsite on the map just in case.

“This should be about it, the mountain’s over there, the lake is in that direction, meaning we are right here. Now just hope we don’t end up at the opposing side of the forest if we have to run,” said Scootaloo after she had marked the site on her map.

“There’s where the compasses come in, chicken.” Apple Bloom replied with a chuckle. “East by southeast, Ah would say.” And with that were the two fillies ready to hit the road and go into the woods of White Tails when they desired and were ready.

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo would finally have moved over to the edge of the fog covered woods of White Tails. The both of them looked at one another with the same expression upon their faces. They knew they were ready for anything and everything. Yet the thing that they didn't knew, was when they were going to be back and what they would be encountering in those very woods. It could have been everything, but it never scared them away.

With a deep exhale that was made by both of the fillies, they nodded to one another. They started to walk over the edge of the woods. They went straight into the terrain of the nightmarish unicorn. Sweetie was the only one who remained at the campsite and waved the two of them goodbye before the fillies were reduced to nothing more but black shadows. Until they were just gone, gone in the thick fog of the woods that seemed to have consumed them whole.


With the two of them gone and literally out of her sight, Sweetie Belle could only hope that the two of them wouldn't be working themselves into the troubles they were known for. Either way, whether they would or wouldn't, continue to stare at the fog wasn't going to help her in any way of the word.

Thus the little, white unicorn did the only thing she could be doing at the moment. Which was to tidy the place up a bit before they would return. Songs were hummed to herself as the tail was used like a broom. It was a little something that worked like a charm. Even though caused a lot of the filth to be left inside of the hairs in her tail. Not that it mattered all too much to her though.

Pretty close to the campsite, there was a small stream running. Sweetie could wash herself if she wanted. Everything just seemed to be so peaceful and serene out there. Nothing even as much as indicated upon the fact that the horrors they had heard, could have been playing themselves right in the woods behind her. The young Sweetie Belle just couldn't understand it for one bit.

Though it was that mindset that caused the time to actually fly by a lot faster than she originally could have hoped and thought. For the minutes turned themselves over into an hour before she was finally done with her given assignment.

The deep green rimmed eyes looked over the site with a big smile below her muzzle. Everything just looked like her sister would have ever wanted it. All of it was just so clean and tidy, Sweetie had done a very good job according to herself. That was with the little exception of her tail of course. All of the hairs were just filled with the filth of what she had been trying to get out.

The only thing that the little unicorn could have done, was to wash her tail off into the little stream. Which was the thing that she would be doing. Her little legs carried themselves over to the place where she looked at the current and gave a small nod to herself.

In her mind had she expected that the currents were strong enough to weave themselves through the hairs of her tail. Thus it would loosen up every strand of hair. After which it would wash away everything that shouldn't belong in the hairs before it was carried away.

The tail would have been lowered into the waters. The body of Sweetie Belle was aimed towards the woods themselves. Her eyes continued to look at the fog while it danced before them. She appeared to almost be enchanted by the motions that it made by the wind. Something that caused a secondary feeling to actually arise from deep in her body.

Sweetie had started to look into the fog and noticed these small little electronic currents going through it. Currents that were blue of coloring, a blue that she seemed to be knowing a little bit too well perhaps. In her head was the connection almost immediately made as a pounding could be heard in her ears. A pounding that wasn't of hooves against the ground.

No, the pounding that she heard was in fact two smaller pounds. Pounds that were beating at nearly the same time. Almost, almost like that of a heartbeat. Sweetie Belle just couldn't believe it when she figured it out. She thought to be hearing a heartbeat while she gazed upon the fog.

Though the oddest part of it all, had to be that she placed that heartbeat by somepony she knew. Somepony whose very own heartbeat she knew perhaps a whole lot better than anypony that lived in the face of the lands. “R-Rarity?!” Sweetie Belle stumbled out before her eyes closed themselves in the confusion. The whole situation was almost becoming too much for her to handle.

She couldn't believe the events as they were presented to her. The heartbeat of her lost sister could be heard in her ears. It seemed to have come from the woods themselves, hidden within the fog that covered it. “W-What’s going on he- Outch!”

Before the little unicorn could have done anything else, she was taken out of her trance. Something had taken a hold of her tail and yanked it deeper underwater. In response had the filly jumped into the air and away from the stream. With a comical landing she plopped back in the grass on her belly and behind her she could hear the desperate flopping of a fish on the dry land.

The filly turned herself around in order to see just what it happened to be and looked at it. Without any hesitation, her eyes became as wide as they possible could have ever been and she rushed back over to the fish on the dry land. One of the stream’s many inhabitants must have mistaken her tail for something that was food. “Oh, I’m sorry, sorry, sorry,” Sweetie spoke up against the fish. She took it on both of her hooves and threw it back into the stream.

With the fish back in the water and her mind having forgotten why she was looking to the woods, Sweetie shrugged a little bit. She would have returned to the campsite and sat down on one of the logs with a comic she had packed. It at least kept her occupied a lot better than having to clean up all the time.


In the meantime and deeply tucked away in the woods had both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo remained close to one another. They wanted to make certain that they wouldn't get lost. The both of them had seen the transition from the trees being nice brown with green to black and pointy. It was a change that neither of them truly liked or actually was waiting on to behold. Though the two of them were always competitive and neither wanted to bail out because they were too scared.

If they only knew they shouldn't have been writing checks they couldn't cash. The forest had become known to break ponies their spirits in one way or the other. The currents that Sweetie noticed going through the fog, happened to be the magic of the unicorn that became visible for a few seconds. Magic that was going to mess and toy with the other two fillies.

“Ah think we've been around this tree before already, Scoots,” Apple Bloom spoke out when they walked past a deformed tree. A deformed tree from which the earth pony knew almost certain they had gone by once, if not multiple times. “How far in do ya wanna go in anyway?”

“As far as it is needed and no, we haven’t gone by this tree already, it’s different, you see?” the pegasus pointed out to the branches.

“Only ‘cause we’re at the other side. Ah’m telling ya, we have gone by this one before!” Apple Bloom returned in a confident tone. Something which caused Scootaloo to sigh in a truly annoyed tone. “Well if ya are so certain, where are we heading then? Take yar compass, would yah.”

“Hey! You got one yourself remember, you take yours out,” the little pegasus returned with a growl. The two came to a stop near the tree. Apple Bloom returned the huff just as loud to Scootaloo. She searched in her saddlebag for the thing. A few seconds later she had found it and brought it to the middle of them. Yet the very sight they would be seeing, was everything but pretty.

The eyes of both of the fillies went as wide as they could possible become. They both looked at the needle of the thing and neither of them wanted to even believe the things they saw. However, that what they saw was the complete and utter truth on the matter. “Impossible…” Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom in a tone of genuine fear.

“Y-Ya said it,” the red maned filly replied before she gave a deep gulp.

For in the compass itself were the needles that supposed to be aiming towards the north and the south, didn't exactly do that anymore. Instead went the needle literally all over the place as if the entire magnetic field kept on changing with each possible second. It was something that frightened both of the fillies already, but they still could remember the fact, they had two of the things.

“T-Take yours out, n-now,” Apple Bloom begged the pegasus. There was still hope that one of the compasses had gone over to tilt and with just that little bit of the ever so much needed luck, they could be having one working compass.

Scootaloo gave a nod to the filly. She then searched in her own saddlebag for the thing and carefully took it out. With her hoof coiled up over the glass, it was impossible to judge whether or not it was spinning like mad already. The both of them released a gulp and exchanged some worried expression to one another before Scootaloo closed her eyes, and revealed the glass.

“Oh no,” was the only thing that Apple Bloom had to say about the matter. Those words alone caused Scootaloo to lose all of the remaining hope that they still had. Ever so carefully did she open up her eyes and looked over to the compass of her own. Once again, did the needle turn and twist all over the place.

“H-Hey Apple Bloom, w-what if we place the both of them on the ground, m-maybe we are charged with static, you know?” the pegasus brought forth. She really didn’t had a clue of what she was talking about, but it seemed to be working quite the bit though. The logic behind it was something that could be considered good.

The earth pony filly gave a nod in response before they both placed their compasses upon the ground and closed their eyes for a couple of seconds. Each of them whispered their prayers for their very lives as they could only do that in the moment.

Slowly did their eyes both open up again and they both looked at the same sight. A sight that was about to shatter all their believes and dreams literally on the spot. For in their eyes they caught the compasses still turning like mad. They never seemed to be stopping whatsoever. Whether it was caused by their hooves or the ground, they just kept on going like it was nothing.

That was the fact that indulged just so much fear into both of the fillies. They first looked at one another with a terrified stare. Only to be followed with one that was looking straight into the fog. Another big mistake that they made.


In that very same fog they began to see the shimmers of the reality they absolutely didn't wanted to do down into. The shimmers of their worst fears were coming to live and walking through the shadows of the trees. Though neither of the fillies even had the ability left to scream or to even talk to the other. All they could be doing, was to look at one another with that begging gave of getting out of there as soon as possible. Which was exactly the thing they did.

The two of them picked up their compasses again and then just went off. Off into the direction to which they thought that their camp would be. Whether they were right on the matter or not, didn't matter to them. They just wanted to get the hell out of that horrid place. Especially since the shimmers were appearing to chase them down. Shimmers that took a more recognizable shape each time they dared to be looking at their backs.

Apple Bloom noticed how the blob of shadow became her own beloved sister but with a few mental defective twists to her. In her mouth did she held a blood covered knife. The eyes were just ready to kill the youngest family member in cold blood. No doubt that in the filly’s mind the chance existed that Applejack had murdered her bigger bother and grandmother already. It was a sight that caused her to finally scream on the top of her lungs and gave even more gas into her hooves.

It was something that caused Scootaloo to raise an eyebrow before she called out. “Hey! W-Wait for me!” she shouted out before her eyes also made the massive mistake to look back. Her own blob turned itself into Rainbow Dash. Though that Rainbow Dash –much like Applejack– also seemed to be able and ready to kill. There were a few changes. The particular Rainbow looked no longer like a pegasus at all. Instead she was looking like a creature Scootaloo had only dreamed about in her nightmares. Rainbow Dash had turned into a lycan. A werepony ready to kill and consume her.

Another scream filled the air of White Tails. One that was created by the orange coated pegasus, who emptied all the air from her lungs. With it, was she just off. She gained an even faster speed in her gallop and the both of them were genuinely scared for their lives. They had two homicidal ponies at their tails who were ready to end their little lives literally in a moment’s notice.

The two of them set everything on everything to make sure that they would be getting out of there both alive and well. Perhaps just escaping the woods themselves wasn't the only part that was needed to escape them. “S-So that’s where they have been! They have been hiding in here, waiting for ponies like us!” Scootaloo managed to speak during their gallop. Apple Bloom found it terrifying that her big sister could even as much as give her such looks. Though the more she thought about it, the more it did make sense in some manner.

Two whole weeks asleep just didn't cover it for her. “Scoot, no offence, but shut up and Ah hope yar wrong on it!” Apple Bloom replied to her. They kept on galloping through the vegetation of White Tails. Neither of them even dared to witness just how far behind the mares would have been. In their ears did they hear the panting of the mentally insane ponies. The chase wasn't over yet. It probably wouldn't for a long time to come.


In the time that all of the events unfolded themselves in the woods, Sweetie Belle had continued to be reading through her Power Ponies comics. She chuckled a couple times at the adventures that were drawn out on the paper. It seemed to be a useful waste of time for her. The adventures that those ponies had, seemed to be like they were living their lives at the fullest.

Though the more calming she thought everything was going to get, the more she could hear the hoofsteps of something coming closer towards the camp. The filly placed the comic aside and she just rose an eyebrow in a response. Her ears tried to determine just where they came from. In the end had she turned herself over to the woods once more.

There was the innocent yet questioning gaze that fell in her eyes. She didn't truly understood the matter of the thing that was going on. Everything just became odd to her. “What’s going on there?” she asked to herself before the two well-known screams entered her ears. “Oh no…”

Before she even knew it, had both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo came out of the woods with a gallop. They were both terrified and as pale as a deceased body. Neither of them even noticed the little unicorn in the moment. They just continued to gallop further away from the woods. That was until they encountered the stream of water.

The both of them just dropped themselves accidentally into it. Sweetie Belle couldn't help it but to laugh to herself at the sight that played itself out before her. They ran around like chickens without a head in her own eyes. But she didn't dare to make the comment to either of them.

The little unicorn also made her way over to the small stream in which the other two fillies sat. She took notice of how they both shivered for their lives. “So, I take it that it wasn't such of a big success of going in there?” she spoke up in a genuinely interested tone. That was just before the question of questions was asked to them. “What got you two so spooked?”

Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked to their friend with a gaze as if they could be strangling her on the spot while the water dripped out of their mane. “T-Trust me, you d-don’t wanna know,” the pegasus brought forth before she crawled out of the stream and offered a helping hoof to the cowgirl.

“S-Sweetie, we’re going home. B-Believe us, it’s better if we ain't coming back here,” Apple Bloom replied after she was hoisted out of the waters and shook her head a couple of times. “Ya, ya don’t wanna know, w-what we saw.”

The words were something that the little unicorn understood all too well, and if the both of them said they didn't wanted to talk about it and go, something terrible had happened inside of those woods.

For the rest of the day would the fillies be packing their gear and walking back home to the safety that they were used to. Not to mention, the love of their families. The experiences were kept to themselves though. They didn't wanted to scare any adults more than they already had been doing. Perhaps a wise decision, but fillies would always remain fillies.