• Published 18th May 2013
  • 2,956 Views, 88 Comments

A new breed of evil - Rarity Belle

With the arrival of a new evil in the lands, a new adventure awaits for the elements of harmony. Though there are turns and twists to every single thing they come across. While friendships are at stakes, fears and horrors become more than true.

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26 Facing the unbelievable

Sweetie Belle had bailed out on him before they had even found anything, it seemed like trouble in the eyes of Spike. He was uncertain whether or not he himself wanted or even should continue through the gate. Something told him, especially in the seconds after the filly’s departure, that something within that place was everything but right. But his love made him almost blind.

He wanted to find Rarity just so desperately and he was having an actual chance to be doing it within those very walls. His beloved crush was inside of there, somewhere captured by a force unknown to both himself and Sweetie Belle. Perhaps even to most of the land. Though the danger would never had been avoided. “Wish you were still here, Sweetie, we would have made a great pair and amazing reunion,” Spike mumbled to himself. He turned himself around to witness the tunnel of fog once more. That eerie looking tunnel he had travelled through before.

Not a single cloud had actually moved itself to alter the state of the thing. If he wanted, he could have just started walking and thus would have walked away from everything. Though he was that close to finding the horrifying answers of everything. But somehow he couldn't leave her alone. Prayers were said and done before he finally turned himself back around and looked over to the open front gate of the domain.

“How could such a structure be hidden from everything?” he mumbled to himself before daring to take a step closer. Then another one, before finally setting his third and final one. After his foot then had set itself against the ground, he was within the grasp of the domain. The ground began to tremble below his very feet while the magic that contained the fog barrier began to vanish.

Spike quickly turned himself around and noticed the changes as they happened. His eyes had gone wide once again as he wanted to flee but there was nothing to flee towards other than the through the gates. “No, no, no, no!” he called out as he wanted to rush through the dreaded reformatted fog, but then recalled the whispers and rumors. “Turn around, face your fears, and find Rarity,” the green spiked dragon bravely told to himself. He released a deep exhale through his mouth while gathering the courage. It was the only thing that he could be doing in his mind to actually find his beloved pony. Even though he knew it was stupid beyond belief.


In the meantime and on the other end of the spectrum had Sweetie Belle finally returned to the campsite and she looked with a set of wide eyes as well to the disappearing tunnel of fog. She couldn't believe that she had left Spike there just to let him be judged by the words of fate itself. “No, no, no! This can’t be happening, this can’t be!” she yelled up to herself. She kicked her legs again in gear and blindly charged right into the fog.

Only to pull upon the brakes harder than ever before she was surrounded by the stuff. Deep pants for her dear little life were released over and over again. The filly wanted to do something, anything to help Spike. Though the fog was also starting to get her in its grasp. The heartbeat that she heard within her ears began to weaken itself until nothing was to be heard. The secondary beat seemed to have died down and the filly shook her head violently. Desperate wouldn’t even cover it.

She couldn't believe that it was gone. Every last fiber of her little body just resisted to believe the facts as they seemed to have played out before her. Her sister who was thought to be alive for such a long time had actually died before she could even manage to visit her. Heartbroken and devastated was the manner how Sweetie felt herself before she took a few steps backwards with tears in her eyes.

The little filly just couldn't and wouldn't let herself believe that her sister had been killed by something or died of some other cause. Nothing in her body wanted to believe that. Urges to just rush straight back into the forest were made even up to the point of her setting a step left and right to do it. Yet the eventual result always remained the same which was that she stayed firmly put upon the ground.

“Spike, I’m so, so sorry that I left you there and then. Please be okay,” whimpered Sweetie to herself. She then dropped her head and closed her eyes to cry in silence. She wanted to help the baby dragon just so much, but there was nothing that she could be doing to do just that. She had left him over to fate and would never discover just what had happened to her beloved bigger sister.

For minutes she stood there, crying her eyes out in silence. Though the thoughts continued to stream through her head. She could have found closure on Rarity’s chapter in her life, even if it meant that it wasn't the greatest of endings whatsoever.

Yet through the passage of time had the filly looked up again to the fog covered woods. She even began to take really careful steps backwards from it. The last thing that she would have wanted, was for herself to actually get consumed by it and gone mad because of it. She returned to their little campsite and started to pack not only her own things, but Spike’s things as well.

The plan that was being made in her head, would have had her to wait for hours to come on the arrival of the dragon before she would return back home and truly, just leave him alone. “There’s one more thing I can try to help,” Sweetie whispered to herself. Her eyes glanced up, into the skies with hope. With their crystal clear blue was the only opportunity that she had to send a beam into the skies that hopefully could be seen by him.

Sweetie herself was rather inexperienced when it came down to magic, but she had learned enough to cast a small beam of her own magic into the air. Hopefully high enough to let Spike know that she was okay. And pray for a return signal.

The filly looked around before she saw a big hill where she could be standing upon and rushed over to it. “Hope this works well enough,” Sweetie said to herself just before she reached the top. Her body had turned itself over to the dreaded woods. Though she never seemed to have been able to look over the tree tops themselves. Sweetie took a couple of deep breaths before she rose up on her hind legs. The filly allowed the horn to collect the magic she needed.

The green coated aura surrounded the horn while the white filly closed her eyes firm. One wrong motion and the entire spell would be cancelled by her body. The lessons of both Rarity and Twilight were recalled while the horn itself was pointed upon towards the skies high.

With one last and deep exhale did Sweetie Belle release the charge of magic into the skies like a piece of fireworks. Though perhaps the most interesting fact had to be that even in the clear sunlight, it shone as bright as it would at night. The eyes of the young filly opened themselves again as she smiled upon the deed before she looked over the woods again.

She wanted to see the one thing that could confirm that the dragon was still okay. Her green rimmed eyes were looking for the green flame that may or may not be shot into the air by him. Seconds she continued to look as the green magic had turned itself into a flare that gently floated down back to the lands.


In the depths of the forest stood Spike still before the entrance of the place. He froze in fear when he heard the shot being fired as a soft thump. Though his eyes caught the rather mesmerizing sights of the flare. A massive sense of relief was the emotion that filled him as he then knew that she was okay. Yet then came the problem of returning that same signal that he was just that.

His head looked over to the skies where he saw gaps through the fog and smiled. A deep inhale was taken by the baby dragon and within his throat, the green color of his flames could be seen coming. It was true that he had a magical breath of fire that could be used to send all sorts of messages with, and that time wouldn't be any exception. Though instead of sending a letter with it, he planned on doing something a bit more unexpected.

A column of green fire was sent up from the mouth through the fog and high above the forest. Spike placed almost all of his efforts into the message of fire that he would be sending to her. He could only hope that her eyes would be able to have seen it.


On the hill had Sweetie indeed caught the fires rising for the forest and she felt another big weight falling off of her shoulders. There was just one little troublemaker that caused her to tilt her head to one side. Instead of it just being a shot of flames, the flames actually began to write something high in the skies. Something that caused her to tilt her head to one side.

Her eyes tried to read the letters in the burning flames. It was a little bit harder than she could have expected it to be. Her little mind tried its absolute best to get the words he was saying before the bells chimed loud and clear inside of her head. Suddenly she knew almost exactly what he wrote there and then.

With a smile on her face had she collected her own mind once again to release two more charges almost immediately after one another. It didn't matter who one were or where one was from, when communicating with such indirect speech, two bursts of magic into the air like Sweetie prepared to be doing always meant that the message had come through.

Though it did mean that she left one of her dearest friends on the woods to either go mad or make the discovery of a lifetime. It would be devastating for her to tell it to her parents, even to Twilight if she had to. If, that mare was already home by the time she would have been of course. But those were worries for later as the magic once again collected itself around the horn of the filly.

A mere minute after the message of the dragon had left the skies, a thing that was a true agonizing minute for the both of them, would Sweetie have fired both of the bolts of magic from her horn and into the skies. She could only hope that he would have been able to either see or hear them, if not both. That was all that she could have done in the moment.


Back in the forest had Spike heard the two little booms and thuds almost directly after one another and smiled towards that skies. “Thank you,” he spoke up in a humble sounding tone. A tone that was actually meant for one of the dragon goddesses that supposedly lived in the skies above them. He knew Sweetie got the message and knew that she would be returning home and not waiting for him.

Though he had made peace with just that actually. It seemed completely insane for his mind to even consider such a thing to happen, if not allow it too. He was the boss of his own body by a mixture of both his brain and heart. And not just the brain or the heart, as many ponies lived their lives. Though sometimes that wasn't really showed by him.

“Right then, great big crystal structure in the middle of a haunted forest. ...What could possible go wrong?” he mumbled to himself as he looked over to the gates one more time. Even though the thought of Sweetie leaving in one piece was a thought that calmed him down, he still was anxious to enter through the doorway. Something about the whole place didn't feel right to his very core. It appeared so inviting, yet so haunting at the same time.

Who ever happened live there, would better be having a good reason for capturing Rarity the way it had done. The little dragon was getting more furious about it, the longer he stared towards the courtyard. If he only knew just who actually ran the show there and then.

His green rimmed eyes looked back down to the gateway and he released a deep exhale from his mouth. There was only one way in which he could be entering the place and that was through it. But the element of surprise was gone, if not never actually had to begin with. If anything in that place still didn't knew he was standing there, they must have just gotten out of a coma or something.

With the greatest of care in the world did Spike take a step into the domain before another then followed with just as much care to it. Slowly he kicked the both of his legs into the higher gears and began to walk with a calm pace through the courtyard itself. Even though he showed himself as calm, every last fiber within his body was just pointing towards the obvious. Spike the dragon was terrified of moving through the domain.

The fear for the place and the fear for the unknown were two things that did manage to get a massive hold of him. A hold that wasn't released that quickly either. His eyes darted around the place in the faint hope to see some kind of shape that he would be recognizing. But all of it just worked right up against him. There was nothing.

Yet the feeling of being watched managed to crawl its way up from his very soul. Almost as if hundred pairs of eyes just looked at him, haunting him to no end. But every single time that he turned himself around to face any ‘attackers’, there wasn't anything to be witnessed. Though perhaps the most interesting part of the entire operation had to be the single fact that the walls seemed to be talking to him. Faint whispers of ancient languages were heard as if they had been carried with the wind, through time itself.

“What in the name of..?” Spike whispered to himself all of the sudden. He kept on turning himself around and around in the place while his eyes looked at the walls to make things certain. He couldn't believe it that there were creatures hidden inside of it. It wasn't even the first thought that raced through his mind. The first one actually happened to be a little something along the lines of how long the structure must have been there, to carry such old voices with it. He didn't even realize he was doing just that, as it all happened in his sub consciousness. The only place within his very own mind where he had little to no control over.

His legs had started to carry him over to the a portion of the wall that seemed to be rather unusual to anypony who came across it. The little dragon placed his claw against it before he blinked a couple of times. Dragons always had a strong connection to gems in general. But Spike was one of the rare crystal-devourers, a species of dragons who had the connection to the gems quicker than Rarity could have possibly been finding them.

His claw began to almost stroke the dark crystal of the wall. The dragon felt a massive cold shiver that went down his spine. Something about the certain type of gem that had been incorporated within the structure spooked him. “This isn't possible. Not even, not even Sombra could have made this!” Spike exclaimed to himself. He removed his hand off of the wall and looked at it from all the possible sides. It just didn't make any sense to a dragon like himself, why such a dangerous type of crystal would be used to build something with it.

“Unless...” Without a warning had he turned himself around to face the exit of the domain and shook his head a couple of times. “Oh no, no, no, this isn't happening!” The legs of the dragon carried him over to the exit where he was faced with the fog once again. “Anything, is better than getting poisoned by one of those things!” Spike yelled to himself as he looked all over the place to find some sort of an opening.

The gems that were being used to create the domain were actually fueled with the dark magic of the unicorn. Which in return would have been deadly to the Devourers. It was one of the biggest defense mechanism that the domain had against that very type of dragons. They would just fly over the place and take one deep sniff before that intoxicated air filled their nostrils. Which then caused them to break their course and look for other things like a crystal mine to get their dinner.

But with Spike still being a baby, the scent of the gems couldn't penetrate his nose yet. Though he knew more than enough to know that he shouldn't be eating a single gem from the entire place. He stood before the exit and was looking for a way out with desperation filling his eyes. There was something that managed to catch his attention and had made him turn around slowly.

In his eyes he caused the three doorways that were leading to three distinct places within the domain. But something in his burning heart called out towards the middle one. The one that would be leading him towards the staircase and then up into the tower itself. His green rimmed eyes followed up the structure. Finally they stood still at the top of the thing and he released a deep sigh.

“Don’t tell me this is going to be as in those old ponytale’s right? Princess locked in the tower by a mighty creature, no? Yeah, I thought so,” the baby dragon mumbled to himself. The courage sunk towards his toes. He wanted to have done everything, except going up there into that tower and face whatever laid in wait there.


Though the odd thing was that the longer he stared at the tower’s balcony, the more he could feel the very essence of the unicorn flowing through the place. And that alone was more than enough to give him the courage back into his heart and just go for it. “Hold on Rarity, I’m coming for you,” Spike spoke in a loud and clear voice before he ran over to the middle doorway.

The doorway that would be leading him to the staircase ascending up in the tower. But what he didn't knew was that that the trap had been set and was already closing in upon himself. For as he walked past the archway and disappeared upon the spiraling staircase, the doors of the domain closed themselves with a loud thud.

A thud that caused the dragon to keep his head through one of the windows that had a sight over the whole place. “So this is going to be it then, hm?” he muttered to himself. He glared his eyes over to the set of closed doors for some time. Something about it did spark both a flame of insecurity as well as something that could be added to his courage. He was more determined than ever to find the love of his life and safe her from whatever doom she happened to be in.

The more he ventured slowly up the darkened staircase, the more he had to force himself not to watch down. The very steps he walked on were made out of an much lighter type of crystal that were also a whole lot more transparent. Resulting in him actually looking straight down to the ground if his eyes even dared to be taken away from the steps before him.

Every so often there was a little window in the structure through which he would be looking if he liked and the sights were always the same. Empty, lifeless, dead. Even when he looked over the treetops of White Tails, he still got those three feelings. Not to forget the wonderful fact of that he made the realization of just how vast the woods happened to be. But the stairs, they seemed to be never ending for the dragon and he had to keep going if he wanted to see his crush once more.

He was just getting closer and closer with each step taken, getting closer to finding out whatever happened to the unicorn. Though also to discover just what it meant to be, to stand somewhere without any actual courage to show for it. Each step that he took up the staircase, there was a little bit of courage that sank back to his feet before it would have left through the crystals.

The baby dragon seemed to have become frightened if the looks weren’t lying to anypony that could be watching. That was another thing that caused it to become even more dangerous. The feeling of being watched by something never seemed to have left him. Many creatures went through his mind with the question of just what it could possibly that was looking at him.

Ghosts? Forces of darkness? The princesses themselves? The changeling queen? Sombra? So many possibilities were there just racing through his mind. But none of them were right. Nopony else then the two commanders of the unicorn had been looking at him through the shadows. They had kept a clean eye upon him. Everything needed to be doing alright if the plan was willing to work.

Shamefully for the two of them had the baby dragon so his own agenda to be keeping up with. “Can’t return now, Spike. You have gotten this far, it’s time to finish it,” he mumbled softly before picking up the pace with both of his legs trembling in fright. He wanted to be done there just so much. But the stairs, they seemed to be going on forever.

“Just… just how high is this place to begin with?” Spike asked himself after he went on with a couple more steps. He looked over to the top of the tower and it seemed to be going on for an eternity. That wasn't something that seemed to be right whatsoever. The tower itself didn't seemed to be that high in his books when he looked at it from the outside.

All of the sudden there was a massive hit that got through to his mind. Without a warning the thought just jumped straight across his mind of what it could possibly be. Having paid that little bit of attention during the lessons of Twilight and her advanced magical spells, he knew almost exactly just what type of spell he had fallen to. “Oh now that’s just clever,” Spike whispered to himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep exhale through his mouth.

Then he started to go one floor up on the stairs and imagined the door to be standing right in front of him. It was a long shot away from any kind of hope, but it literally was about the only thing he could be doing and had if he wanted to reach the actual top of the tower.

With the courage gone and the eyes closed, he was truly a vulnerable target for the two spying commanders. Yet on their own turn didn't seem to be doing anything else then to give their information to their queen. She wanted to deal with him personally instead of giving somepony else that pleasure of doing such a thing. A thing they all had to obey.

Another deep exhale was being done by Spike before he dared to open his eyes again. But in the mere split seconds before his eyes opened up again, there was a certain calm that engulfed him. A calm that could always be witnessed and sensed just before a massive storm would be hitting a place. That exact calm was going through his body.

A calm that replenished his courage back to the heart. A heart which was still driving on the fires of love itself. A calm that caused his mind to be doing something that it didn't do very often, which was that it could think rational again. There was no turning back from him anymore. He had come that far and it would have been time for him to end it once and for all. The time would be there to reveal just what happened.

As Spike slowly opened his eyes. He saw that he stood before a crystalline door that didn't let go one grain of light. Darker than the darkest night did it appear in his eyes. They tried to find anything that could be helping him nearby. “Keyhole… key, key, key,” Spike mumbled to himself after he had noticed the hole. All that was needed to be done was to find the actual key that would be fitting upon the lock and therefore open the door like it was nothing.

His eyes looked all over the floor before they found a window near him. The light of the sun shone through it, illuminating the very thing he needed. The happiness that filled his body was something rather unexpected. He took the key from the hook and brought it over to the door. But then it him more than anything at the place. Something just wasn't right in his eyes.

There were no guards who stopped him, no other ponies he ran across and then there was that fog tunnel. The first two things would have made the whole fortress perfect, but it was the third one that called perhaps the most questions. If something wanted to keep both him and Sweetie out, why would it have ever done it? His mind on the other end didn't seem to be able to think about it as the key itself was inserted through the hole and turned over to the left side.

In his ears he heard the clicks of the lock being unlocked and smiled like never before. Everything was slowly falling to pieces and he opened the door with all the strength that he had. Only to reveal a sight he had never expected when he slid through the gap and allowed the door to be closing in behind him. In secret he would have locked himself inside the room of the nightmarish queen. Locked in one room with perhaps the most dangerous pony in the land, lying before him.


When the green rimmed eyes of Spike looked over the room, it wasn't just like any other jail cell he had expected to be seeing. Instead he got a massive bedroom that seemed to be fit a queen alone. Confusion was the thing that struck him more than anything and he still had to turn his head over to the actual bed. “What in the name of the Ancients happened here?” he mumbled to himself in confusion. He then dared to look over to the far left side of the chamber.

Then he noticed it that upon the bed itself, the ivory unicorn mare herself had laid down. One of her forelegs had raised her head from the mattress while another was making small little circles upon the blankets. One of her eyes was being covered by her mane while she laid lengthwise on the bed with her hind legs crossed over one another. Her tail was not just placed on top of it all, but actually was being used to make sure that her private and precious body parts remained private.

Spike’s heart almost went into overdrive when he saw the unicorn just lying like that. That ever so seducing pose would have gotten her any stallion almost instantly. She just had to stare out of that one visible eye so dreamy. Spike’s heart couldn't contain itself anymore and he gently walked over to the bed but never actually dared to come up on it. “R-Rarity, is that, you?” he asked her with a nervous voice. The entire scene was almost unbelievable to see.

The unicorn didn't give him any change of emotion visible upon her face nor a simply nod. Instead she spoke up in that sensual tone of hers. “Yes I am, my dear Spikey Wikey. But the questions should be this, have you come to save me after all this time?” she said to him, her voice so dreamy.

Spike had become mesmerized and unable to think straight because of her words she spoke. So he just nodded to her words before saying his own again. “I have, yes! It, it took me some time as nopony in Ponyville wanted to start searching. They, have all given upon on you there. Nopony wanted to believe that you were still alive. B-But here you are, alive a-and well,” the baby dragon managed to speak out against her in the most humblest of tones.

“So it is true then, they really just have forgotten about a mare like myself like that. Shame really, as they would be missing out the obvious when you start to think about it,” replied Rarity to him. Then her lips curled themselves up into a rather unsettling smirk. A smirk that caused all of the alarm bells to ring right inside of Spike’s head.

He knew that something was wrong but couldn't place his claw on it. Yet in the moment that he saw that grin, he knew almost exactly just what it was that had been doing wrong. It wasn't just one thing that seemed wrong, it was everything. “Who are you, and what have you done with Rarity!? The real one, wouldn't speak those kind of words, not against me!” the baby dragon spoke up in anger. He formed two fists with the both of his hands and took a step closer towards the mare.

The threat itself had a little bit of a different outcome at the unicorn herself. For she just flicked her head a little bit backwards before she erupted out in a genuine sounding sicker of, fun? Why would she be laughing at him like that? Why would everything have been doing down the way it did? So many questions he had and that ear piercing laughter didn't help just one bit to get his footing back in the situation.

Nothing made sense to him anymore at the moment. His crush was laughing right at him, for no true reason he could think of. Though somewhere in his mind did he knew that that Rarity wasn't the real one. It just had to be struck to his heart before he could be doing anything again, to make sure he wouldn't be walking around like a massive idiot. A thing perhaps easier said than done.


Whether either he or she wanted to actually believe it or not, he still believed strong in the single fact that the real Rarity was hidden somewhere within the monstrosity in which she had been transformed. Perhaps the time of her capture had made her more bitter than ever. Or there would be something else that was at play in the meantime. A plot even darker than he could have ever predicted was being placed and he, he was the king of the game. If he was taken out there and then, the game would have been won by the unicorn just like that. It was a deadly game without a doubt.

Though the reality of the situation laid perhaps a little bit more sensitive. It was indeed a real Rarity who laid upon the bed in that seductive pose. The only problem happened to be that in the moment when Spike closed his eyes and walked up the stairs, that the unthinkable happened.

When he went up the staircase, he walked straight through a thick pack of deadly, fear indoctrinating fog. The same fog that hung all through the forest and it was digging deep into his brain. Images of Rarity were found and used to literally change the nightmarish queen before his very eyes. Where Nightmare Rarity just saw herself as herself, Spike saw her as that once so generous and friendly, ivory unicorn that he loved with his heart.

It was the perfect deception in the eyes of the unicorn who began to grin even deeper and a whole lot more unsettling. “Is that now then?” she spoke up in that sensual tone to him after the laughter had died itself down. The one visible sapphire blue rimmed eye looked straight into his own and the shivers of fright just traveled down the spine of the dragon.

“Yeah! You are everypony but Rarity!” Spike returned to her as he got over his fears. He also did another step closer to her. A thing which caused Rarity to rise both of her eyebrows.

“Stop, right, there. Or the guards might be coming in and trust me, you don’t want to meet them. They are a little bit brainless and attack everything that comes close to me,” said Rarity to him. Almost as if she tried to save him. It was of course a lie, she wanted to keep him off of her just to make sure the facade wouldn't be broken too soon. She wanted to have her little bit of fun with the mind of the dragon. Though what seemed like fun for her, would have been a torture for him.

“Hmpf, fine then. As long as you tell me the truth! What’s going on here?” Spike demanded from her while he pointed a finger right to her. Though the unicorn herself just released a couple chuckles in response as she continued to look over to him with that smirk.

“You truly are one blind little dragon, now aren't you, little Spikey Wikey? Has it never been told to you, that you need to be looking through to the bigger picture of events? Maybe then, you could have realized that you were just another piece in the chess game of kings and queens. Or in this case, queens and princesses,” Rarity said to him in a sadistic tone.

“No, you can’t, you didn't… just said that!” Spike spoke back to her. He did a couple steps away from her for some reason. Not a single fiber in his mind could have believed the words that she just had spoken to him. He didn’t even wanted to believe them as they were.

“Oh, but I just did little Spikey. You see, Chrysalis isn't involved in this. Quite frankly, this is all my work,” Rarity then added with a sick grin going across her lips.


“Get him!”

Without warning from any side did two of the savaged shadow stallions jump out of their hiding places in the room. Within a second had they managed to get a hold of the baby dragon. He was held tight in their hooves. Spike didn't even dare to look any other way then straight ahead. A pair of eyeless freaks was what they were, though they were intimidating enough on their own. If he only know just what kind of monster Rarity herself happened to be. Though the danger still hadn't past for him. If anything, it had only just began to come to him.

“Why, why are you doing this, Rarity?! What are these things anyway?!” Spike yelled at the mare. He wanted to get the answers from her and preferred them sooner than later. As always took the mare her sweet time with getting to the reply for him. She broke the pose she laid in and rolled over to the other side of the bed before she stood up from it with a grin.

Her tail gave itself a slightly revealing flick before her flanks were turned towards him. With a couple steps made in a heart melting pose, she eventually stood before the dragon in a sideways position. Her head had locked itself over to his eyes as the horn charged itself up to make the biggest reveal of his entire lifetime. “Because, little dragon of worthlessness, you all did things to me a long time ago. Things that forced me to change the course of my life. For better or for worse might be discussed, but I call it better. As for what they are, they, are my pets.”

“W-What did we do to you then?! You were the one who disappeared from the face of the lands without a trace!” Spike pleaded in the hope that she would come back to her senses, even if it was just for a little bit. But the hope truly wasn't there as the horn charged itself up.

The charges that were released would be removing the fog from his head, showing him just how the real Rarity looked to the world. Slowly was the shield shattered into nothing more than just an broken illusion. His green rimmed eyes stared at the nightmarish unicorn and he couldn't believe a single thing of what he saw in them. “No… this is impossible! You can’t be her, you can’t!”

But Nightmare Rarity just placed a hoof upon his mouth, shushing him silent. The hoof itself though, was never removed while her one visible eye looked at his. The other one was being blocked by the massive forest of purple and white hair. “I’m going to make you an offer here. An offer that you can’t refuse. Do you understand that what I’m saying right here?” the queen spoke up to him.

In response gave Spike her only a silent nod which caused her to grin like the devil she was.


“Attention! Princess on deck!” the voice of a stallion was shouted over the deck. A deck that belonged to one of the two massive airships that the royals had under their personal control. The princess of the night nodded to the ponies who were standing on deck and they all came at ease.

“What I’m going to be asking of each and every one of you, is something that shall be sailing against the policies made by our laws centuries ago, but it has to be done now. Or we will never get the chance again. Captain, if you would please inform the man, I’ll be at the helm,” spoke Luna to the sailors first. She then she turned herself over to the pony who shouted the words in the first place.

“Of course, your highness,” he returned to her before taking a step forward and his eyes looked over every last pony before him. Luna just stepped away and went up to the stairs to get to the helm of the vessel where she simply would be standing until it was time for action.

An action that would determine either her sister’s right or her own. The princess just hoped in the fact that it was her who would be pulling the ropes out of the right end there. The little dream walk with Twilight wasn't forgotten one bit by her. “Time to put the theories to the test,” Luna spoke to herself before her eyes looked over to the skies above her, “and realities to merge.”