• Published 20th May 2013
  • 2,031 Views, 117 Comments

Princess Celestia: Sorceress Supreme - spideremblembrony

When the world is in danger from mystical forces beyond anything anypony has ever seen, only one pony can stop them. Princess Celestia is the Sorceress Supreme.

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To Train a Princess

Celestia flew across the ground as a heavy beam of energy collided with her body. She was thrown to the hard ground with a thud. She glanced up as a blurry figure, whom she presumed to be Dusk took the air, slowly ascending above her. Her vision recovered just enough to see Dusk give her cruel smirk as he hovered pompously over her. He looked as if he was taking pleasure in punishing her. With how he had treated her with days of late, Celestia didn’t know what why she was surprised.

She growled under her breath, attempting to gain her hoofing. Her body shook as she placed her front hoof on the ground, trying to find balance. She began to recall events that had happened prior, trying to distract her mind from the pain her body was going though.

After the Ancient One had revealed the location of her sister, she had refused to leave her side, even when the dinner bell had rung. There wasn’t much she could do, but she couldn’t leave her sister alone. She wouldn’t. It would have been worse than losing her wings or horn. She feared that something would happen if she left her side, as if she would disappear and Celestia would never see her again.

One of the ponies, a kind pink pony with a shy demeanor, named Pureheart, had been generous enough to bring Celestia her food. Pureheart wouldn’t speak very much, if at all, but there was a gentleness in her eyes that brought Celestia some comfort.

Pureheart came in that night as she delivered Celestia her meal, her horn began to glow. Only a moment later, her sister’s body would glow in the same manner. Celestia didn’t understand what Pureheart was doing. She asked and Pureheart responded that she was keeping Luna alive. However, there was a hint of sadness within Pureheart’s voice. Celestia was able to pick up on it immediately. She wasn’t sure if that meant that Pureheart was horrible at keeping secrets, was overly worried, or just worried enough.

When asked about it, Pureheart explained that it was unhealthy for Luna to be fed like this, but without it, she would have perished long ago. Pureheart explained that she wished there was something more that could be done for Luna, but it seemed out of her power. It seemed out of the Ancient One’s power.

Celestia felt a strange combination of fear and comfort. Comfort that her sister was surrounded by ponies that would take care of her. Fear that she was running low on time to save her. If the Ancient One was unable to help Luna, what chance did she have?

That night, she had chosen to sleep at her sister’s bed side. All that mattered to her was staying at Luna’s side. However, the night provided its challenges as she was forced to watch her sister lay in bed, taking breath after slow breath. Her heart ached to see Luna in such a state, knowing there was nothing Celestia could do about it. Despite this, her eyes would eventually surrender to the darkness as they slid shut.

She had woken from her slumber, still exhausted from the day before. She knew, however, that this was to be her first day of training. She wasn’t sure what to expect, nor did she completely understand what she was getting into, but every challenge she had faced had been overcome. She believed she could do so again. She held her head up with confidence as she left her sister’s bed room.

She reminded herself of the importance of her task. This wasn’t for herself. This was for Luna. If she was to save her, she would have to work hard and practice magic that seemed to be unreal. Her mind swirled with doubt, but all that was needed to push it aside was to remind herself of Luna.

However, as she trotted into the courtyard to meet her trainer, her eyes pointed straight to Dusk impatiently waiting for her. At that moment, Celestia began to doubt her success. Her heart sank as Dusk’s eyes pierced her.

Celestia felt her pulse jump up a few beats as she stepped into what was to be their arena. She avoided eye contact with him, hoping that this was a joke. That somepony- anypony- else would come and take his place. As the seconds rolled by, Celestia realized she was alone. Alone, with Dusk.

With a bellow, Dusk fired a beam of energy. Celestia didn’t have time to react. By the time her mind has comprehended what had happened, she was already on the ground, her chest aching where Dusk’s blast had hit her.

“Go easy on me,” Celestia asked, heaving a deep sigh, trying to catch her breath. She picked herself up off the ground, standing up straight. “This is my first time.”

Dusk’s eyes scowled at her. “That’s the problem. I am.” Dusk’s horn started to glow as he fired at Celestia again with a beam of energy.

Celestia rolled out of its path. The blast dug into the concrete, causing a small crater where she used to be. Celestia began to wonder if Dusk really was holding back, or if he just really wanted to hurt her. Celestia wouldn’t have been surprised at either. Within a split second, Celestia unleashed a magical blast of her own.

Dusk simply deflected her attack with his magic, as if it was a toy ball thrown at him, and unleashed another energy blast, knocking Celestia to the ground once more.

Celestia was slow to rise as Dusk stood in front of her. She noticed him shaking his head, even though her blurred vision, which had returned to torment her. She hadn’t felt such pain before. Her chest started to flare as she attempted to find a balance for her legs. The world around her felt as if it was spinning uncontrollably and she felt as if her breakfast was threatening to pour out of her mouth. The mere thought of such a thing almost made it happen. Taking in breaths seemed to drain her strength even faster, making it difficult to move.

“This is pathetic. Even Pureheart put up more of a fight,” Dusk spat.

Celestia growled under her breath. It was bad enough being insulted. It was worse knowing that he was just toying with her. She was little more than a plaything to her and he knew it. She shook her head, hoping to convince herself that she wasn’t as useless as Dusk claimed. She eyed her target and unleashed another concentrated beam of energy at Dusk and once more, Dusk merely gestured it away.

Her heart sank and Dusk simply gave her a sly grin. He took a step towards her, his horn glowing.

“Let me tell you something, Princess.” Dusk fired another beam at Celestia.

Celestia summoned up a force field to protect her. As the beam collided with shield, her body felt the strain of the barrier. It was crippling, causing her to fall onto a knee, disabling her movement. She cursed herself for putting herself into a foolish position, but was that not the purpose of a trainer? To teach one not to put themselves in such a position? She wondered if Dusk knew his responsibilities. If not, she would learn very little from him. And if that was the case, she might not be able to save Luna.

Dusk continued to put pressure on Celestia’s defense as he spoke. “Out in the world, against the monsters, they do not go easy. They do not show mercy. They do not give second chances.”

Celestia glanced up to where the energy beam Dusk was unleashing and her shield met. Forming at the meeting point was spider-web like cracks in the barrier. Celestia could feel the strain of the shield all throughout her body, like holding up a boulder. She realized she had to make a move before her defense failed her.

Celestia rolled out of the path of Dusk’s attack as soon as her shield vanished. Celestia took several deep breaths, trying to collect herself. She was sweat perspired from her forehead as her constant, quick heartbeats filled her ears. She was giving everything she had to simply put up a fight and Dusk, he wasn’t even trying.

“Out there its kill or be killed.”

Celestia slowly picked herself off the ground and stared down Dusk. She lowered her head, taking in a deep breath as she held out her hoof. “Just stop for a second.”

However, her plight fell upon deaf ears as Dusk unleashed another attack. Celestia brought up another shield in panic. She knew it was a foolish move, but her mind was racing with everything that had happened in only a few moments. She struggled against Dusk’s attack, which was slowly withering her to her knees.

“You can’t even survive basic training.” Dusk took several steps forward, his eyes piercing her. “How are you going to survive in the real world?”

Hanging over her, glaring, Dusk smiled like he was enjoying it. There was no question in Celestia’s mind. He was enjoying it. He enjoyed tormenting her, proving himself her better in everyway.

Celestia looked into his green eyes. Eyes filled with disgust as they fixed themselves upon her. She wanted to prove herself to him. She wanted him to stop torturing her. And more, she wanted him to stop attacking her.

But he wouldn’t. He just kept coming, pushing on the barrier that separated them. Celestia clenched her teeth together. She growled, struggling against Dusk’s attack. “I said… STOP IT!”

Without realizing it, Celestia’s eyes and horn began to glow a bright golden light. She felt herself being lifted from the ground, only slightly. A strange sound fell upon her ears. Then suddenly, a powerful blast forced Dusk several yards back, his body slamming into the ground.

Celestia’s eyes and horn returned to normal, but she was at a loss for words at what had just happened. One moment, Dusk was overpowering her. The next, she felt a sudden surge of magical strength. It was greater than anything she had felt before. She had not expected such a jolt of power coursing through her veins. Yet, as quickly as it appeared, it vanished.

She focused her gaze on Dusk, who was slowing getting up after her last attack. When their eyes met, Dusk’s green eyes were fixed solely upon her, his teeth revealed like a wolf ready to pounce on her.

Celestia felt a cold sweat slither down her face. “Dusk, I’m sorry,” she stammered. “I didn’t mean to-“ Her speech was cut short by a magical line wrapping itself tightly around her neck. Her voice crackled in pain as she desperately sought air.

Her mind gained control of her as it diverted her eyes to Dusk. She noticed the cord traveling from Dusk’s horn. He reeled her in like a fish on a hook. Celestia struggled against the line, hoping to snap it or to loosen it enough to escape. But the line would not move. Instead, it seemed to get tighter.

He reeled her to his face, staring her down. His fierce eyes met with her’s. “Don’t do that again.” He released grip and started to trot away.

Celestia took several deep breaths and hacked in pain as her breathing attempted to return to normal. Her mind for a moment thought that Dusk was going to kill her. It wouldn’t have surprised her. But it sure as Tartarus would have frightened her. When her head started to clear and her vision returned to normal, she noticed Starswirl standing nearby. She turned towards him. “Why does he hate me so?”

Starswirl took a step forward. “Dusk has always hated nobility. His family was taken by a corrupt noble.”

Starswirl made his way to Celestia’s side and aided her to her feet. “He has hated nobles ever since. No matter how unreasonable.”

Celestia rubbed her neck gently, as if trying to sooth the pain. “Lucky me, then.”

“Indeed. Which is why I shall be taking over your training.”

Celestia turned towards Starswirl and smiled. “You’ll hear no argument from me.”


The hours passed by quickly as Starswirl took Celestia under his wing and taught her what she was to become. Celestia learned that the order she was to become a part of existed for centuries and protected ponies from various threats. Celestia couldn’t help but think of them as heroes from folklore, such as the mighty Hercules and Perseus from mythology.

Heroes that traveled all over Equestria, all over the world, to help ponies against monsters, demons and other various creatures that normal ponies could not protect themselves against. Celestia remembered asking Starswirl, if they were the ones to defeat the creature that attack her kingdom long ago.

Starswirl responded that they had, but when asked anything else, Starswirl would dismiss the question and ask Celestia to continue with her training. He would would then go gaze upon the sky, as if he was looking for something. She wondered if he had lost a good friend that day. She decided that any deeper probing would be painful for a pony who had done much for her already, so she opted to let him have his secrets.

Instead, she focused solely on her training. She was trained to combat various threats. Illusions of demons were conjured out of thin air for her to use as target practice. As she progressed, ordinary ponies were also added in. She was to aim only for the demons and never the ponies she was trying to save. She felt as if they were teaching her control and focus. It taught her to keep her eyes pealed and to see your target before firing.

While magical blasts came naturally to a unicorn as a means of self-defense, they were hardly ever fatal. The power that Starswirl showed her was massive. With it, he was able to cleave a boulder in two with ease. When Celestia tried it, however, she was only able to make a small puncture in the stone’s incredible hide.

Force Fields were also difficult. They took a large amount of concentration to create and sustain and the larger the barrier, the harder it was to generate. While generating one came to Celestia rather quickly, it was hardly a difficult task. A simply shield was easily produced. They taught such things as fillies as a means of defense. However, the shields would only hold against normal unicorn magic. For what she needed to accomplish, more intense measures needed to be take.

Celestia withstood boulders being thrown at her, with her only defense being her willpower and a small shield. Days passed with Celestia blocking stone after stone being hurled at her, some of them small, some of them large. Some came alone. Others came in the form of an avalanche. As a shower of stones came flying down upon her, Celestia began to feel her heart threatening to pump out of her chest. Her mind simply did what it was trained to do and defend herself. And with each challenge she faced, she conquered it. She cheered and laughed as Starswirl congratulated her with a simple smile.

As the days passed by, Celestia learned to master the arts of magical offense and defense. However, Starswirl revealed she still had much to learn, stating that she had only learned the basics.

Celestia felt overwhelmed, as if she was trying to take in all the world’s knowledge at once. When she confessed this to Starswirl, he simply laughed and said, “It’s not like that. It’s infinitely more difficult.”

Celestia was conflicted at Starswirl’s comment, part of her wanted to laugh along with him. Another part felt like the mountain she had climbed was suddenly placed on her shoulders, threatening to crush her under it’s weight.

Learning to harness the magical secrets that dwelled within her was difficult, making her wish she had focused on her studies. When asked how Luna fared against her trials, Starswirl insisted that Luna tell her. As first, Celestia felt irritated at Starswirl’s words, but at the same time, she felt herself planting her feet firmly against the ground, as if she was willing to endure the mountain’s weight, no matter its burden.

As her training continued, she learned to manipulate the elements as well as magically restoring health and sickness. While she was nowhere in the league of Pureheart, she found that healing magic came to her rather quickly. Injuries became memories within seconds and she felt as if she could control life itself. Starswirl simply chuckled and asked her to continue her training.

Manipulating the elements also came rather easily to her. Perhaps it was due to her alicorn heritage, she thought. A pegasus could control the weather with ease. And what were alicorns but a pegasus with a unicorn horn? Regardless, fire, wind, water and earth were at her command within a week’s time.

The days turned to weeks. The weeks turned to months. Her studies continued repeatedly over and over, only to be interrupted by a visit to her dear sister, Luna. Celestia had learned enough that she was even allowed to cast the spell that would keep Luna physically alive. However, as powerful as she felt, she realized there was still nothing she could do to save Luna. She looked up to the Lord’s Above each night, begging them to bring her one step closer to freeing her from her slumber.

Finally, Celestia was dubbed worthy enough to take on her initiation test. Starswirl had mentioned it to her before and she had been mentally preparing herself.

It was a simple game. A simple magical blast that connected with your opponent declared you victorious. Celestia had played before with her mentors, Starswirl and Redeye. However, she only won a few times. This time, it would be against several opponents at once. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to face such a challenge. She was almost certain she would lose. She debated with herself at holding off the test until she felt confident. But she realized that time was not her ally. If she was to save Luna, she needed to be ready now. She met them on the morning of her final day of training.

She looked out into the field and caught the attention of her opponents. Starswirl was there, of course. She knew he would be. After all, he got her this far. It was only fitting that he saw this through to the end.

Redeye was there as well. He was a good teacher. Not as good as Starswirl, but still he was patient and always provided insight into errors that she could make through experience. One such example was when he froze the lake to ice-skate with Pureheart. However, he hadn’t checked to see if everypony was out of the lake. It turns out that Dusk was in the lake for a swim. Celestia could imagine Dusk didn’t take it that well. Redeye had told her that he thought he was a dead pony for certain. Stories he told always made her laugh.

Vibrant Note was also there. She was a pony who adored music and loved her flute. They had met a few times, but they only exchanged pleasantries and the usual conversation. Celestia was interested to learn more about her, but was so focused on her training, she hardly had time. She would often wake up to the sound of her flute in the distance and would often wonder if Luna could hear it as well.

Hoofcuff was a strict and tough pony, but underneath it all, she was pretty thoughtful. Celestia had trained with her a few times and she was always tough to please. Celestia would be forced to repeat exercises until they were done perfectly, much to her annoyance. When she accomplished the tasks flawlessly, time and time again, she felt a tremendous sense of satisfaction. And she was still a more patient teacher than Dusk, which was a plus by itself.

Much to her relief, Dusk wasn’t there. She didn’t feel like fighting Dusk today, or even at all. Their first day of training wasn’t a good memory for her and she didn’t feel like repeating it. Celestia convinced herself that Dusk wouldn’t waste his time with her. She was probably right.

Celestia made her way to the center of the ring that consisted of the four ponies. Celestia kept her senses focused on all sides, waiting for the first move to be made. She felt the wind blow against her as if it was attempting distract her thoughts, but her mind remained focused. She knew what was at stake. She needed to save Luna and this organization would be the key to achieving her goal. She knew she had to be ready. She repeated to herself to make no mistakes and to stay focused.

After what seemed like an eternity, the loud dinging of a bell shook the air.

Celestia’s first instinct took over as she quickly took to the air. She noticed a blast of magic, coming from where Redeye was standing, just barely miss her. She thanked her instinct for being right so early in the game. She quickly prayed to the Lord’s Above they would continue to be as reliable.

Celestia quickly turned around to see Hoofcuff coming straight for her with Starswirl and Vibrant not far behind. She thought about taking the shot at Hoofcuff, but hesitated, fearing she wouldn’t be able to attack Starswirl and Vibrant before they could get her. That moment of hesitation nearly cost her as Starswirl and Vibrant fired a blast at her. She was able to turn her body just enough to avoid the blasts.

She flew off, hoping to put some distance between them. She led the trio, who were eventually joined by Redeye, on a chase around the temple. She swerved up and down, side to side, avoiding the energy blasts that came for her.

Celestia began to realize they were prepared for her, as they continually fired blast after blast at her. She avoided them, but she was quickly wearing out. Her heart pounded in her mind like a beat of a metronome, causing her to weave back and forth in sync with it.

But she knew playing ‘keep away’ would only get her so far. She realized she needed to start going on offense.

She produced a bright light from her horn. The light flashed into the eyes of her opponents. As quickly as it had appeared, it had vanished and with that small distraction, Celestia was able to quickly hide from her opponent’s sight.

As Celestia hid behind one of the pillars, she realized that the unicorns would not fall for that trick again. They would have no doubt conjured a spell that would prevent them from being blinded again.

However, at least for the moment, the unicorns had no idea where she was and began their search for her. Each of them flew off on their own in a different direction, creating an empty void for Celestia to use to her advantage. Celestia knew if she could sneak up on one of them, she could hit them before they were warned of her presence.

Celestia looked to her left to see Hoofcuff searching for her. Celestia took this opportunity to sneak around behind her. Within a few seconds, Celestia was behind Hoofcuff, with the latter still oblivious to her opponent’s position. Celestia finally unleashed her magical blast at Hoofcuff, hitting her square in the back. After Hoofcuff recovered, she cursed into the air, as she slowly descended back to the ground.

Hoofcuff’s words and defeat, however, gave away Celestia’s position to the others and they were hot on her tail. They looked more determined than ever to not to lose Celestia.

Celestia rushed away from her attackers as they unleashed their assault against her. She kept her movements swift and as unpredictable as she could, silently praying they wouldn’t get ahead of her. She turned around quickly and inhaled a deep breath. With all her might, she blew a wind storm that was able to drive Redeye off-course and forced Vibrant and Starswirl to take a path around Celestia’s hurricane.

With her opponent’s distracted by her attack, if only for a few precious moments, Celestia flapped her wings and made her way down to where Redeye was falling. Redeye caught himself in midair, as Celestia unleashed her attack. However, Redeye was able to create a force field in the nick of time.

Because of her carelessness, Celestia was nearly hit by Vibrant’s attack. She cursed herself for being so stupid as to let her defenses down, all for a easy takedown. Had that blast had hit her, her recklessness would have been for nothing. Lesson learned, she berated herself.

She abandoned her assault on Redeye in order to keep her distance from her numerous opponents. The trio continued to attack as Celestia continued to evade as best she could.

Celestia then made her way to the lake, where she commanded the water to rise into the air. The water flew past her as the lake turned into a tidal wave. However, Starswirl was able to prevent her attack by heating the water into vapor, allowing the trio to pass through it harmlessly. Celestia grunted in frustration as the unicorns were still out of her league. She knew if she was to win, she would have to be cunning.

As a bolt of magic flew passed her, she got an idea. Using her horn, she began to scout the next magical blast to come for her. After a moment, which felt like an eternity, a blast came from one of the unicorns. Celestia quickly sensed its direction and positioned herself to be just out of its path. However, as the blast passed her body, her horn glowed, stopping the blast with an invisible force field. She faked a scream and allowed her body to fall.

Vibrant flew after her, most likely fearing that she had been injured. However, Starswirl shouted after her, probably hoping to stop her. “Vibrant, wait!”

Celestia wondered if Starswirl knew her plan. He was clever, so perhaps he did, but she sensed Vibrant was directly in front of her and it was likely she didn’t know what her plan was

Celestia gave her a smile and a wink. “Gotcha.” With that, Celestia unleashed a bolt of energy, hitting Vibrant before she could maneuver around it.

With that, Vibrant lowered herself to the floor below in defeat.

Celestia turned back to Starswirl and Redeye, who were still on her trail. Celesta was able to evade the magical blasts they unleashed, zigzagging in every direction keep her opponent’s guessing.

Celestia, feeling confident, turned around, and while still soaring backwards, fired her magical energy at the duo. However, the two were able to avoid her attacks. Redeye and Starswirl unleashed another wave of attacks, forcing Celestia once again to go on defensive, forming a force field around her to deflect their attacks.

Celestia then noticed Redeye’s horn starting to glow, but she couldn’t sense any magical attacks coming straight for her. When she looked forward, she saw a large wall of stone in her path. Celestia quickly changed direction downward towards the ground below, gliding along the massive wall.

Traveling down the wall, Celestia narrowly avoided another blast from her opponents. Celestia took a quick gaze to her left and noticed a small dark cloud, no doubt carrying water. Celestia got an idea as her horn started to glow. She turned around and fired a bolt of energy at her opponents, forcing them to take evasive action.

Celestia silently praised herself on her cleverness as her opponents performed their movements as she planned. While they were focused on what was in front of them, she used her magic to force the cloud to ram into Starswirl. Then before he could make a move, Celestia quickly froze him against the wall using the water in the cloud.

With Starswirl incapacitated, if only for a few seconds, Celestia knew she would be able to defeat Redeye. Celestia fired a blast of magic at Redeye, which he was able to block and retaliate with an attack of his own. Celestia narrowly avoided it. Celestia’s horn then started to glow as it fired a shower of leaves at her opponent.

Redeye was able to blow away the leaves with a gust of wind. When the leaves cleared, he saw Celestia coming straight for him. Redeye quickly fired a beam of energy at her. However, much to his surprise, when it hit her, she evaporated into thin air.

A moment passed before Redeye realized it was a spiritual double and by then it was too late. The real Celestia had made her way behind him and hit him square in the back with a blast of magic.

Redeye smiled towards her as he made his way back to the earth.

Celestia then turned towards Starswirl, who had just broken out of his frozen prison. With his freedom, he unleashed a barrage of attacks towards Celestia. Celestia quickly summoned forth a barrier to protect her. When Starswirl began to close in, Celestia used her magic to unleash a pulse of energy, which knocked Starswirl back several feet. Celestia took the opportunity to attack.

However, Starswirl recovered quicker than Celestia anticipated and was able to protect himself against her magical blast.

Celestia realized that Starswirl was going to be her most difficult opponent. Despite him teaching her much, she still didn’t have his experience. However, she hoped to use her ingenuity to her advantage.

Celestia quickly made her way to the garden, where she summoned for the roots of the plants to reach high into the sky. They barred Starswirl’s path only for a second, as he unleashed a magical blade that severed the roots.

As soon as Starswirl appeared into sight, Celestia unleashed another series of blasts at him.

However, Starswirl was able to avoid them with ease. He fired a blast of magic at Celestia, which she was able to avoid. The two fired back and forth, neither one connecting with another. The two energy beams then connected with each other in a flash of pink and blue.

Celestia, however, was able to sense that Starswirl’s attack would win in the end. She knew she had to come up with a way to tricking her mentor. Her mind quickly came up with an idea. She slightly weakened her attack, using only enough focus to keep Starswirl’s attack at bay for a few precious moments. She then concentrated on teleporting behind Starswirl.

After a brief moment and a flash of light, Celestia appeared behind Starswirl and fired her energy blast before he could notice her. However, her attack simply passed through him, as if he were made of smoke. A moment after that, a magical blast hit Celestia square in the back. Celestia turned around and realized the real Starswirl had tricked her, almost as if knowing her plan before she did.

Celestia lowered her head as she headed for the ground below. She stomped her hoof in frustration, letting out a grunt of anger. She felt as if everything she had done was all for naught. Everything she learned and worked for had all lead to nothing. She felt she had let her sister down. She wasn’t going to be able to help her. She was about to shrivel down and cry, until she felt a hoof touch her shoulder. She turned around and there was Starswirl. He was smiling.

“Congratulations,” Starswirl stated. “And welcome.”

Celestia looked at the ground, baffled at what she had heard. She began to speak but started to stammer for words. Eventually, she was able to release her sentence. “I don’t understand. I lost. I failed.”

“Those who try never fail.”

Celestia continued to stare at the ground as she began to ponder those words. She had given her all, despite being afraid that she would surely lose. She had pushed herself to the limit, despite knowing it might not be enough. She appeared, uncertain if she would have to face Dusk or not. She came and tried, despite all of the doubt. All for the sake of helping her little sister.

Celestia raised her head and smiled. As the group left the arena, Celestia was able to walk with her head held high, despite the fact that she lost.


Celestia made her way to the dining hall where the group of unicorns she battled earlier that day were eating and chatting amongst themselves. With the exception of Dusk, Starswirl and the Ancient One, everypony was all there. Celestia never interacted with them as much as she felt she should have. However, after her intense training, she felt closer to those ponies than ever before.

Despite this, she never ate with them. She alwaysed locked herself away in Luna’s room, never seeing the dining room. However, this time, she decided to speak with them, not as a princess, but as one of them.

Celestia trotted her way to the table and spoke. “Excuse me?”

The group turned towards her as she continued. “May I join you?”

Like a welcoming family, the group smiled and made a space for Celestia to sit. Celestia silently counted her blessings to be among such nice ponies. She sat herself down between Hoofcuff and Redeye.

Redeye smiled towards her. “You did great out there today, Your Highness.”

Celestia was uncertain how to respond to Redeye stating her title. She was not use to it. It had been so long since anypony called her ‘your highness’ or ‘princess’. It was just usually Celestia. The only time she was ever called her title was usually by Dusk and it wasn’t usually because he admired or respected her.

“Please, just Celestia is fine,” Celestia stated with a smile. She started to blush, forgetting that Redeye had made an attempt to praise her. “And thank you.”

“Yeah,” Hoofcuff said. She lifted a roll up her mouth. “You didn’t do half bad for a new girl.”

Pureheart leaned forward and placed her hoof on Celestia’s “I saw you flying around out there. You looked like a natural, Celestia.”

Celestia’s face turned red as she was continually praised for her performance on the battlefield.

Vibrant lifted up a roll to her mouth and spoke. “I wish I had done that well in my initiation test.” She took a bite of the roll.

Celestia’s mind started to stir with curiosity at Vibrant’s statement. “Does everypony go through the same thing?” The group gave a universal nod. some even commenting with a response.

“When I did it,” Redeye started. “I was only able to get two.”

Vibrant admitted only being able to get one. Hoofcuff was able to defeat two and Pureheart lost within the first minute, not even getting one. They then told her of Starswirl who, like her, was only able to defeat three. Of course, he had to go up against Dusk as his final opponent. As they told their stories, she started to wonder.

“Has anypony ever achieved victory in that test?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah, there is one that I know of,” Hoofcuff stated, lifting up her glass.

“Who?” Celestia asked, her horn glowing as she lifted a roll to her mouth.

“Who do you think?” Vibrant sarcastically stated as she leaned on the table.

Celestia’s mind only went to one pony and somehow she knew she was right. “Dusk.” The group nodded their heads, confirming what she already knew.

Celestia continued to ask the group where they came from and how they came to be here, in this sanctuary.

Redeye stated that he was on a farm with his family before setting out on mission to discover his true purpose. He told her of his wandering aimlessly for years, without purpose. He would help ponies along his travels, but never would he find what he was looking for. That is, until he met Dusk. Dusk invited him to sanctuary. Redeye told her that he almost gave up, due to the blizzard on the mountain, stating it was the hardest thing he’d ever done.

Celestia found herself relating to his story. Her travel up the mountain side was a difficult and dangerous one. She was surprised she had survived herself.

Hoofcuff was once one of the castle guards in the land of Lyonnesse, but she wasn’t what she would call a model knight. Hoofcuff would ignore rules and orders from her superior officers. She admitted she behaved like an immature child and just wanted to be a part of battle. However, when she abandoned her post during a skirmish that ended in innocent lives being lost, she was stripped of her title and cast out of her kingdom.

Celestia felt a hole in the center of her heart as Hoofcuff continued her story. Hoofcuff’s story was so similar to her own. Her selfish behavior was what caused her own mother to banish her.

Pureheart was a nurse before coming to sanctuary. She ran a small clinic that was overrun by bandits. She was able to get away and that is when she met Dusk. Dusk set her on the path to sanctuary. When Celestia asked how Pureheart was able to overcome the obstacles. She replied that she simply wanted to protect those she couldn’t before. Now, she felt that all the ponies did was fight.

Hoofcuff and Pureheart got into a small bout about what she had said. Hoofcuff claimed they were doing good work by fighting, but Pureheart claimed that they could be doing more. Tending to the injured, rebuilding homes and replanting lands. Like they had done in days of old. Pureheart even claimed that their lack of compassion was because of Dusk, but the group refused to believe that Dusk had lost sight of his kind heart. Celestia, while remaining silent, agreed with Pureheart. She attempted to change the subject by asking Vibrant where she came from.

Vibrant was a traveling musician. While she was beloved by many, she felt unfulfilled. At least, not until coming to sanctuary.

The group continued to talk around the dinner table about all they had experienced. As they did, Celestia couldn’t help but feel at home, a sensation she hadn’t felt in years.

As they talked, Celestia finally gathered the courage to ask, “I wanted to ask…” the table became silent as they looked towards Celestia as they waited for her to finish. Celestia took a deep breath. She had thought she was ready to ask, but now that the moment was here she was unable to go through with it. A gentle nudge came to her side as she turned to Redeye, who was smiling. Somehow that gave her the courage. “I wanted to ask about my sister, Luna.” The table lit up with friendly stories and smiles as she brought up Luna’s name.

Redeye smiled. “Luna was really impressive for a pony so young!” He lifted his glass to his mouth. “She was super smart, almost as smart as Starswirl.”

Redeye told of Luna’s initiation test. He remembered silently cheering Luna on as she seemingly drew the short straw. “Poor Luna, having to face Starswirl and Dusk in the same match.”

While she performed magnificently, constantly using her wit, she was only able to defeat two of her opponents. After her test, Redeye told the group of his conversation with her. She admitted she almost turned around and walked away after seeing her opponents.

Celestia smiled at hearing the story. Luna was still as smart as ever. It warmed her heart that after many years, Luna hadn’t changed. She was still the smartest mare she knew.

“Luna and I would tend to the garden together,” Pureheart explained as she lifted her spoon from her soup. “I loved spending time with Luna. She was always thoughtful and considerate.” She took a sip of her soup. “And I loved hearing her stories of her home.” She gave a smile to Celestia.

Celestia lowered her head for a moment. “Did she ever mention me?”

Hoofcuff gave a chuckle. “Are you kidding? She wouldn’t shut up about you.” Celestia’s ears focused on Hoofcuff’s words.

Vibrant gave a glare to Hoofcuff. “Hoofcuff! Show a little respect!”

Hoofcuff shook her head. “It was a joke. Geez.”

Vibrant shook her head. “Luna used to tell us all about you and all the fun you two used to have.”

Pureheart placed her hoof on Celestia’s. “You two must have been really close.”

A tear started to develop in Celestia’s eye as it threatened to be pulled down her face by gravity.

Each and every pony at the table had a story to tell of Princess Celestia. However, they had always been about the fun and adventures the two would have together. They stated that when Luna would speak of Celestia, she always had a smile on her face. Sometimes she would be caught laughing.

As they told their stories, Celestia saw the images flash before her eyes. Everything story they told was like a reminder of her love for Luna and a reassurance that Luna returned her love.

But at the end of each conversation, Luna would always stare out into the distance. Her eyes showing sadness, her smile fading into a frown.

Even though they never had the courage to ask, they knew Luna longed for the comfort of home. She secretly longed to return to her mother and sister.

Celestia’s mind began to return to her days at the castle and compared them to Luna’s stay at sanctuary. She remembered a time when she thought she was the only one who was lonely and in pain. The more she thought about it however, the more she began to realize how selfish she had truly been.

Luna was sent away from the only home she had ever known to a strange place with no pony she knew. And if Dusk hated nobles when Luna first arrived, she doubted Dusk would treat the young mare with a warm welcome.

Her thoughts then turned to her mother. She’s lost her husband, her youngest daughter was asked to leave at a young age, and she was forced to banish her eldest daughter. Celestia began to feel guilt for how selfishly she had put her own needs before the needs of her family. She thought she was the only pony hurting. She realized she was wrong.

As the stories were told of Luna and her mischievous, but loving sister, Celestia, Celestia fought against the tears that threatened to pour down her face. Tears, not forged of sadness that her sister is not with her currently, but of joy. Joy that, despite the years and distance, their love remained the same.


Celestia sat in her room after the unicorns had wished her goodnight. However, she found it hard to sleep. Everything she had heard about the other unicorns’ lives. How they were changed by everything they had experienced.

They were a reflection of what was happening to her.

Celestia took a look at the empty bucket next to her and with a simple gesture, the bucket filled itself with water.

Her horn then began to glow as the water slowly began to rise. She manipulated the water to form a mirror in front of her. She faced the mirror for what seemed like hours. She looked upon the face in the mirror, reflecting on her days at the palace. Her mind wandered to how poorly she treated others and how she had been so selfish towards those who needed her. How she placed her needs above the needs of others. How she felt her pain and sympathized with no pony else’s.

She knew she needed to change. She needed to be a more respectable pony. She closed her eyes as her horn began to glow. Within a moment, her mane’s color started to shift. Instead of its normal pink, the long mane began to shift into a light blue at the top of her mane. The color began to flow down her hair until transforming into a soothing green. The green began where the blue ended and continued reaching the invisible halfway mark of her mane. Continuing on, the mane shifted colors once more, to reveal a darker blue. It continued all the way down her hair consuming all but the last inch of her mane.

When she opened her eyes, she took note of her mane. It looked exactly as she had pictured it in her mind. The changing of the colors would brand her to who she was, who she wanted to be, what she had been through and who she was doing everything for.

Author's Note:

Yeah... This one was long overdue... Well, I've finally gotten around to it. Hopefully, it won't take me 5 months to get the next chapter posted. Anyway, feel free to give any harsh criticisms that you may have or may want to state.

A big huge thank you to The Invincible Iron Brony and to Luna Corpsman for proofreading. They work so hard to help with my demands, please show them your support by checking them out. I know they would appreciate it as much as I do.

Also, I am looking for proofreaders on this story, since my last proofreader left. If you are interesting, please send me a private message and let me know.

That's all I have for today. Hopefully it won't be too long before the next chapter of this story is ready for proofreading. Until then, take care.