• Published 20th May 2013
  • 2,029 Views, 117 Comments

Princess Celestia: Sorceress Supreme - spideremblembrony

When the world is in danger from mystical forces beyond anything anypony has ever seen, only one pony can stop them. Princess Celestia is the Sorceress Supreme.

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Nightmare Moon

Celestia could scarcely believe what her eyes were telling her as she looked upon the creature, what her ears were telling her as she heard it speak. But there was no mistake. Luna was the creature she now faced. The creatures dead eyes glared into her through her pupils.

Luna fired an energy beam at Celestia. Quickly, Celestia leaped out of the way as the beam split the stone platform. Celestia turned herself to face Luna. “Luna, what are you doing?!”

Luna simply ignored Celestia and fired a barrage of magic missiles at Celestia. Celestia flew off as the projectiles chased her, giving herself some distance. When she knew she had enough distance, she summoned forth a magical barrier to protect her. The missiles shattered as they hit Celestia’s shield.

“Luna! It’s me, Tia!” Celestia cried out.

“I know who you are, sister!” Luna snapped. “You are the pony who stole everything from me!”

Celestia’s eyes widened and her mouth opened wide. Her heart stopped as she was struck by Luna’s accusation. She couldn’t fathom a response. Her mind was still overwhelmed by the fact that she had found her beloved sister after all these years, only to be attacked by her.

Luna generated a magic whip, which she swung at Celestia. However, Celestia was able to avoid it in the nick of time. Another slash from Luna’s whip came flying towards her, Celestia narrowly escaping it.

She noticed she was slowing down. Her thoughts were distracted. She didn’t want to fight back. She didn’t want to fight her sister. She hoped that she might be able to reason with her. Celestia hovered in the air, her hooves stretched out.

“Stole everything? Luna, I don’t understand!”

“Of course you don’t!” Luna unleashed a powerful pulse wave that knocked Celestia onto a nearby platform. Celestia’s ears began to buzz as her vision blurred for a moment. She glanced up as Luna slowly hovered towards her, taking her time. “And I’m not Luna anymore! I am Nightmare Moon!” She then fired a beam of energy at Celestia as she laid on the platform.

Celestia was able to quickly roll out of Nightmare Moon’s path. With her eyes sight cleared, Celestia’s horn lit up and summoned a force bubble that surrounded Nightmare Moon, preventing her from moving.

“Luna, listen to me, I’m here to help you!”

“How could you possibly be helpful?!” Nightmare Moon snapped. “You stole my home, my family, my life all because you wanted the throne!”

Nightmare Moon shot an energy beam that quickly shattered Celestia’s prison.

Celestia quickly dodged another blast from Nightmare Moon as she began to flee from her sister’s attacks. One after another, Nightmare Moon would fire her attacks and Celestia would just barely avoid them in time.

Celestia knew she would have to make some type of effort soon. She refused to give up on Luna. Refusing to believe that her sister was lost. “Luna, listen to me! I never wanted the throne!”

“Shut up!” Nightmare Moon growled. “You wanted the throne for yourself! Mother told me that sending me away was for my own good, but I know better!” She conjured an energy beam from her horn, firing it at Celestia. Celestia evaded the attack with a slide to the left. Celestia glanced behind her to see them coming on to a stone platform. Using her wings, Celestia propelled herself upward around the stone slab. Nightmare Moon’s horn simply glowed, ripping apart the stone platform from her path. “I know that you just wanted me gone, so you could have the throne for yourself!”

Celestia turned back towards Nightmare Moon. “Luna, you have to believe me, that’s not true!”

“Stop calling me, Luna!” Nightmare Moon summoned forth a lightning bolt from the black smoke above them and targeted it towards Celestia.

Celestia quickly repelled it with a shield, and while her shield was standing strong, her faith in saving Luna was rapidly fading.

“Luna, mother loved you. We all do! Please, let me help you!”

“I said shut up!” Nightmare Moon opened her mouth and unleashed a wave of fire at Celestia. Celestia quickly drew in a deep breath and blew freezing cold air at Nightmare Moon, countering her fire breath.

Celestia felt a sense of sadness overwhelm her. The truth was her words were having no effect on Luna. She was just getting angrier and harder to reach. As much as Celestia hated the idea, she felt she had no choice.

Celestia unleashed a beam of magical energy at Nightmare Moon, which was easily deflected away. Celestia wasn’t very surprised. She was holding back. She just wanted to stop Luna, not hurt her.

Nightmare Moon came at Celestia with alarming speed. Celestia wasn’t able to react as Nightmare Moon rammed into her dragging her across the empty void. Hoof by hoof they pushed against one another, their horns glowing to increasing the strength. Each pushing as hard as they could against one another with no clear sign of a winner.

“Luna, stop! I don’t want to hurt you!”

Nightmare Moon hissed. “You already have!”

Celestia’s horn shined as she unleashed a powerful force blast, freeing her from Nightmare Moon’s grip.

Celestia was about to unleash an attack on her opponent, but hesitated. She couldn’t find the strength or the courage to fight back. She wasn’t sure which.

Regardless, Celestia delay caused Nightmare Moon to recover. She then unleashed a volley of magical arrows at Celestia.

The arrows followed Celestia wherever she tried to escape. They were closely on her tail and not far behind was Nightmare Moon.

As the chase continued, Celestia’s mind began to conjure an idea. She took a sharp turn to her right and like before, the arrows followed her. She quickly turned around and fired a beam at Nightmare Moon, forcing her to change course to avoid the attack. Then using all her might, Celestia flew passed the magical arrows, causing them to turn around and follow her once more.

Like a thunderbolt, Celestia sped past Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon looked up to see her arrows coming straight for her. They were attempting to turn to catch Celestia, but they wouldn’t turn sharp enough. She quickly brought up a barrier to protect her, but before the barrage was over, a magical arrow was able to hit Nightmare Moon, causing her to fall onto the stone platform.

Celestia made her way to her sister’s side. “Luna, I’m sorry about that. But you have to listen to-“Her voice turned into a cry of pain as Nightmare Moon fired another blast from her horn. The blast sent her into the stone platform above, embedding her in it.

When Celestia recovered, Nightmare Moon was coming for her once more, a magical blade hovering over her, posed and ready to strike. “I’m sick of listening to you!”

Celestia generated a lance out of thin air and used it to block Nightmare Moon’s strike. Nightmare Moon swiped her blade once more, but Celestia used her lance to knock the blade off course.

“Luna, I know you’re hurting inside!” Celestia shouted as she blocked another attack made by Nightmare Moon. “I know you’ve been alone for so long! But we are together now! We are sisters! Nothing can break our bond!”

Nightmare Moon unleashed another attack, which was blocked by Celestia. “You don’t know what pain is! You had our mother to comfort you! Me?! I had no pony! I was completely alone!”

With only a second between her and Nightmare Moon’s next attack, Celestia flapped her wings to unleash a hurricane force wind gust against Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon was blown against one of the stone platforms.

When Nightmare Moon hit the platform, Celestia saw a brief image of Luna taking the creature’s place. The Luna she remembered. While she only saw it for a second, it seemed like an eternity. Luna was in pain. She was crying. She looked as if she was desperate for help.

A second later, a horribly disfigured creature took Luna’s place. It looked like some sort of blob like monster that attempted to take the figure of a pony. The sight disgusted Celestia to the point of gagging. However, the creature quickly returned to the form of Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon glared at Celestia as she gathered the stone platforms from the air. The stone platforms began to point themselves at Celestia. Like a rainstorm, the stone slabs started to fall towards Celestia.

Celestia, rather than dive away from them, she flew straight towards them. She knew that Nightmare Moon would not think her so daring. The truth is even she didn’t think she was. Regardless, she knew she couldn’t let Nightmare Moon have the upper hoof. So, despite good logic, she headed towards the storm of stone.

Celestia maneuvered her way around and passed the stone slabs that threatened to crush her body. But the large platforms weren’t the only thing she had to worry about. She also had to keep her mind focused on when the platforms would collide with each other. They would chip off into smaller shards, ones that would harm her or slow her down if not careful. Plus, Nightmare Moon was still waiting for her.

Celestia forced her way through the storm with minimal scratches on her body. However, just as she thought, Nightmare Moon was waiting for her. As she finally escaped the shower of rocks, Nightmare Moon fired a beam of energy towards her. Celestia quickly summoned a force field to protect her, but it was not strong enough to deflect Nightmare Moon’s attack. Celestia was sent back to one of the platforms, her body ramming into it hard.

Celestia recovered quickly enough to see Nightmare Moon coming straight for her. With only a second to use, she generated a cloud of black smoke, concealing her.

Celestia used the smoke cloud to escape Nightmare Moon’s attack. Nightmare Moon quickly dispelled the smoke cloud with a flap of her wings, but it was enough time for Celestia to hide behind one of the stone platforms. Nightmare Moon scouted the area for her and screeched in anger when her search was unfruitful.

Celestia snuck her way behind Nightmare Moon, while she attacked random platforms, as if she had guessed Celestia went into hiding. Celestia took advantage of Nightmare Moon’s tantrum and attacked her from behind with a powerful blast of magic.

Nightmare Moon was sent soaring back into one of the platforms. Before she had a chance to move away, Celestia summoned magical chains to bound Nightmare Moon to the stone. Within a second, Celestia was face to face with the creature.

“What are you?!” Celestia shouted in rage. “Why have you taken my sister?!”

Nightmare Moon struggled against her bonds, screaming and growling.

“Reveal yourself!” Celestia’s horn started to glow as Nightmare Moon began to change shape. After a moment, Nightmare Moon was replaced by the disgusting blob creature. A deformed face of a pony, with its eye nearly bulging out of its head. A mangled body that looked more like dough than actual flesh. “What are you?!”

The creature gave a sinister smile. Celestia only then noticed its mouth. It was only populated by a single tongue and two single sharp yellow teeth on the left side of its face. “I am Luna. I am Nightmare Moon. I am her hatred for her family. I am her rage and sorrow. I am her inner chaos.”

Celestia desperately tried to block out the sounds of the creature accusing Luna of hating her family. She couldn’t it. Or maybe, she simply didn’t want to. “You are one of Discord’s creatures, aren’t you?”

“The master will be freed and I, your sister, will be the one who ushers him into your world.”

Celestia fired a beam of energy at the creature that sent the beast from its prison, through the stone slab and into the air. “Not if I can save her.”

As the creature was freed, it regained the shape of Nightmare Moon.

“What does Luna have to do with this?!” Celestia shouted as she fired another beam of energy.

Nightmare Moon was quick to summon a force field and deflect Celestia’s attack. “I, Luna, breached this dimension where my master took hold of me.” Nightmare Moon unleashed a powerful spear towards Celestia.

Celestia shifted her body to avoid the attack. She then headed straight for Nightmare Moon, a magical staff ready to strike.

Nightmare Moon blocked Celestia’s attack with a magical halberd. “I was implanted in my, your sister’s, mind, where I then used my magic to affect the little children. It was easy to turn me against you. I hate you.”

“You’re lying! And you are not Luna!” Celestia snapped, as she swung her weapon again, only to have it blocked by Nightmare Moon. “My sister and I have an inseparable bond. Something that neither you nor Discord could ever understand! And I won’t let her down!”

Celestia’s horn glowed once more, followed by her eyes. The shining light consumed both her and Nightmare Moon, followed by Nightmare Moon’s screams of agony.


Celestia let out a scream as she returned to her the outside world. She was on the ground, her body aching in pain. She tried to find her footing, but it was slow to come to her. Finally, Starswirl came to her side and helped her to her feet.

“Celestia, are you alright?” he asked.

Celestia looked around her and realized she had returned to Luna’s room. As she looked upon the bed, she saw the still image of her sister. Still lying in the bed.

“Luna!” she cried out. She rushed her way to her sister’s side. She placed her hooves on Luna’s and cried out her name again. There was nothing. Silence filled the air. Tears were developing in Celestia’s eyes as she looked upon Luna’s motionless body. A tear slipped from her face and onto her sister’s.

The tears sudden cold caused Luna to shift, only slightly. A moment after that, she moaned as if she was in pain. Finally, Luna opened her eyes.

Celestia’s eyes met Luna’s. They were as blue as she remembered. Celestia smiled, desperately trying to fight back her tears.

“Tia?” Luna mouth spoke weakly.

Like a dam breaking, tears soaked Celestia’s cheeks as she heard those words. She embraced Luna tightly, as if she was afraid to let go. “Oh, Luna,” she sobbed. “I’ve missed you.”

Luna wrapped her hooves around Celestia, tears soaking her own face. “Tia, it really is you!” She started to whimper and shake as she slowly returned to life. “I was alone in a dark place… I couldn’t see or feel anything… There was something… I’m sorry…” A soft sob slipped from Luna’s lips. “I’m so sorry. I was … so angry.”

Celestia gently stroked her little sister’s mane. She closed her eyes, a single tear trailing down her face. “It’s okay, Luna.”

Luna shook her head. “I’m sorry. … To you and mom. I-“

Celestia gently pulled away and placed her hoof over her sister’s lips. “It doesn’t matter anymore. The nightmare’s over.”

Luna smiled, as if Celestia’s word was all the reassurance she needed. Celestia felt a happiness she hadn’t felt in years. Seeing Luna freed from her lifeless prison, she felt as if she could start living again as well.

Luna scanned her sister, carefully. She gave a slight giggle as she wiped a tear from her face. “What’s with your mane?”

Celestia gave a chuckle and embraced Luna, once more. “It was time for a change.”


Dusk watched from the shadows as his master and the other unicorns attempted to stop the Chaos Dragon. His mind was fixated on what was said during their trip to the Nexus. Celestia had said that children were somehow in a dream world created by Discord. The Ancient One believed that Luna was the key.

But how could Luna be the key? Dusk thought. How did she enter Discord’s realm without releasing the barrier?

Dusk’s mind began to recall spell after spell, searching for one that would allow Luna to take revenge against Discord.

After Luna learned the truth about her father’s death, she became obsessed with taking revenge. Week after week, she would spend in the library searching spell after spell for a spell that would allow her vengeance. One day, Luna did the one thing Dusk had never expected. She asked him for help. Him. Of all the ponies in the world he could have asked, Starswirl who favored her. The Ancient One who took her in. Hell, everypony adored her. So, why go to the one pony who despised her? Was she really that desperate?

Still, Dusk could sympathize. Luna had lost a parent at a young age. Just as he had. That was the only reason he aided her. Dusk remembered a short conversation with her, telling her to follow her gut. He never thought she would actually accomplish it.

Finally, his mind conjured a spell that he knew would enter Discord’s realm. A dimensional displacement spell? Interesting. You always were clever, Luna.

Dusk’s horn started to glow as the world around him slowly faded. He felt his soul being pulled into another realm. As he opened his eyes, he gazed upon the nightmare world he knew as the Chaos Dimension. Ruins upon ruins that no doubt once housed great civilizations. Platforms floating aimlessly throughout the empty void.

But that void was quickly filled with a large creature. Dusk instantly recognized it as Discord.

“Who would dare enter my realm?” Discord gave a sinister smile to Dusk, who was only the size of his enlarged tooth.

Dusk stood tall, even against the towering Discord. “I’ve come to offer my assistance.”

Discord howled into the air with laughter as Dusk’s words penetrated his eardrums. “Oh, really?” Discord’s tone spoke of disbelief. He eyed Dusk even closer, his pupil face to face with him. “And why turn away from the Ancient One?”

Dusk bowed his head. “Because the Ancient One has turned away from me. He failed to recognize my power. So I must simply show him.”

Discord put his lion-like paw on his chin, his bottom lip puckered out. “And what is to stop Discord, the lord of chaos, from trapping you here, like I did that other pony?”

Dusk raised his head to Discord once more. “Because I can offer you the two things you’ve always wanted.” He gave a cruel grin. “Freedom and revenge.”

Discord painted a picture of pleasure on his face, which was all Dusk needed to confirm what he had already suspected.


The dragon unleashed another blast of fire at the Ancient One, who was able to drive it out with a powerful snowstorm, summoned from his horn.

Redeye unleashed thousands of tiny shards, which extended and grew into sharp daggers that dug into the dragon’s flesh, causing it to howl into the heavens. The dragon took a flap of its mighty wings, causing hurricane winds to flash towards Redeye at alarming speeds. Redeye quickly generated a force field to protect himself from the gusts.

Vibrant drew a deep breath and blew with all her might, nearly matching the dragon’s power over the gusts. However, it wasn’t enough to faze the dragon. Instead the dragon turned its attention back towards Redeye, swiping at it with its tail.

Even with a barrier to protect him, Redeye was still forced to the ground below. He slowed himself down enough to save himself from hitting the ground too hard, but his vision was still blurred and his body still ached.

He forced himself to his feet, knowing that his job was far from done. Just as he prepared himself, he screamed in pain as a sharp blade pierced through his body, blood bursting from his wound. It slowly slithered down his chest and soaked the ground below it. A moment later, the blade vanished from his body. Within an instant, his body’s strength quickly faded, just like his vision.


Pureheart continued to evacuate everypony she could. Hundreds of ponies started to flee for their lives as the thunderous giant battled her friends hundreds of feet above her. She knew she was too weak to fight, but she knew she could be of some help. She knew the fate of the entire world was at stake and she knew she had to help anyway she could.

The Ancient One had always tried to help her through her fears, saying that violence is only used when necessary. But when Dusk took leadership role, she had her doubts. She knew Dusk reveled in violence, even though he would deny it.

He longed for a glorious battle worthy of him and he always dreamed of the title Sorcerer Supreme. Pureheart had often wondered what she would do if Dusk did become Sorcerer Supreme, but that was an impossibility now.

Now, she just wanted to focus on saving as many lives as possible. She turned to her duty by guiding everypony away from Canterlot Castle and towards safety.

She turned around, expecting more refuges. However, a sight caught her eye that struck her in horror. In a pool of blood, was Redeye with a hole in his chest.

Like lightning, Pureheart made her way to his side. Her mind was racing in panic as she noticed how deep the wound really was. Tears started to soak her face. Redeye was one of her favorite ponies in sanctuary. In fact, she was in love with him. But she was far too embarrassed to say so. She feared that he would just laugh at her if she told him. Now, she was terrified she might not get the chance.

“Redeye, please, wake up! Please!” she pleaded as her horn started to glow. Her healing magic was powerful, but it seemed to have no effect on Redeye. She concentrated even harder, focusing everything on saving him, but it seemed that nothing was to come of her efforts.

She scouted around her in a frantic fright. “Help! Somepony, please help!” She silently begged the Lord Above to save Redeye, hoping they would send somepony to help her.

Suddenly, as if to answer her prayers, Dusk appeared behind her.

Pureheart felt an overwhelming sense of relief. It was very brief however, as her thoughts then turned to Redeye, once more. “Dusk, thank the Lords Above.” She directed her attention towards Redeye. “Redeye’s hurt and dying. We have to help him!”

Dusk was silent. Pureheart turned towards Dusk. He was glaring at her, terrifying her. His eyes pierced her, causing her to shake uncontrollably. Suddenly, Dusk’s horn started to glow as his eyes fixed themselves on her with a malicious grin.

Fear restrained Pureheart, as Dusk made his way towards her. “Dusk?” she uttered. A mere moment later, before Pureheart was able to react or absorb what happened; there was a moment of pain, followed by the darkness of oblivion.


The Ancient One unleashed a wave of energy at the dragon, causing it to turn its attention away from Vibrant, allow her to escape the dragon’s tail. The beast retaliated with powerful blast of fire from its mouth. The Ancient One protected himself with a barrier, but was struggling to keep a hold on it. His aging body was quickly weakening and he knew it would not be long before either he or the dragon would have to make their last desperate move.

The Ancient One had lost track of Dusk early in the conflict. It frightened him to not be able to sense his presence. Dusk wasn’t one to run away from a fight, but he was one to engage in a battle he was far from ready for. The Ancient One figured it was likely that the dragon had gotten him before anypony else. As the thought entered his mind, he wondered how he could have been so arrogant that he would take on this dragon by himself.

The Ancient One dismissed it, however. For he knew Dusk was headstrong and thought himself superior to everypony else. The Ancient One had hoped that giving leadership responsibilities would teach Dusk humility. The Ancient One failed. Dusk had become even more arrogant and prideful. He failed Luna, Dusk and very nearly Celestia.

Had he not intervened with Celestia’s path when he did, she would have no doubt been lost. His intervention was something that he knew would cause him to be punished by the goddess of Harmony. But he also knew that in the end, he made the right choice to save her.

The dragon’s cry brought the Ancient One away from his thoughts as it blew another fireball at him. The Ancient One used him magic to redirect the fire blast back to its owner. As the fireball hit its master, the dragon cried in pain, which was followed by a roar of anger.

Vibrant summoned hundreds of wires made of light and began wrapping them around the dragon’s body. The beast struggled against his restraints, but they continued to encase him. The Ancient One joined her, wrapping wires of his own around the dragon.

The creature filled the sky with its cries of rage. The beast flapped its wings, each one pointing towards the unicorns tying it up. The Ancient One fought with all his might against the wind storms, holding steady, but unable to continue constraining the dragon.

Vibrant, however, was easily blown to the ground by the creature’s attack, releasing its grip on the beast.

The dragon took this opportunity to swing its massive tail towards the Ancient One. The Ancient One quickly summoned forth a shield, anticipating its strength. However, as the tail collided with the Ancient One’s barrier, he discovered how he had underestimated its strength and overestimated his own. The barrier was able to hold, but it’s sent the Ancient One to the ground in a state of near unconsciousness.

The creature then turned its attention towards Vibrant, who was still on the ground, moaning in pain. The dragon opened its mouth and a wave of flames poured towards Vibrant.

Vibrant quickly moved out of the creature’s path, but the flames still followed her. Vibrant, desperate to escape the dragon’s attack, failed to notice she was flying directly to village. Ponies were still being evacuated. The dragon’s flames would consume them unless she turned away.

Quickly, Vibrant changed direction, a sharp right, hoping the dragon would change course with her. She praised the lord’s above when she was right. The dragon followed her, exactly as she had hoped. She started for the meadows in the distance, hoping to keep the fight away from the village.

However, something caught her hind hoof. She looked down and noticed a magical line had caught her and stopped her in midair. The initial shock stopped her. Her mind created a flurry of thoughts as to who would attempt to trap her. Her horn started to glow as she attempted to remove the bond around her hoof. However, by the time she removed it, she looked upwards, only to see a flash of red and orange light as the dragon’s fire devoured her body.

The Ancient One cried out in agony as he saw Vibrant’s body vanish before his eyes. As if hearing his cry, the dragon turned towards him, unleashing a hellish scream. The dragon started to make its way towards him, unleashing a torrent of fire.

The Ancient One focused all his magical might on the amulet the hung around his neck and sunk down to his chest. He felt the powers of the Elements of Harmony flow into his body, increasing his power. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the magical forces that were all around him began to reveal themselves. He looked around him to see thousands of lights gathering around his amulet, the Eye of Harmony.

Only an instant before the flames touched his body, which seemed as if it would be an eternity, the Ancient One unleashed the gather magical power into a powerful beam. This beam dissipated the fire blast and headed straight for the dragon. The beam dug deep into the dragon’s body, splitting it apart. The dragon’s screeches began to die out as the beam continued through its body, breaking it into small sections that barely resemble the former beast.

The sections fell their way to the ground, evaporating into black smoke.

The Ancient One fell to his knees, taking in slow heavy breaths. He had hoped not to use the Eye of Harmony against the dragon, knowing it would sap almost all of his strength. He feared if he used it against the dragon, he would be too weak to fight Discord, should he be freed. He had hoped to save it in case Discord would be freed. In case Celestia failed to save Luna.

Suddenly, the Ancient One felt a sharp blade ripping through his frail body. He grunted in pain as he was slowly lifted into the air, blood dripping to the ground.

The Ancient One was then turned around to see his attacker, who had waited for him to weaken himself before striking. The Ancient One glared into the face of his former pupil, Dusk, who was smiling as his blade was stuck in the Ancient One’s body.

The Ancient One lowered his head. “I am sorry, Dusk. I failed to see the darkness in your heart.” His voice was beginning to fail. Speaking became difficult and breathing was even more so.

“The only thing you failed to see was how powerful I’ve become,” Dusk explained. “So I simply had to prove it.”

The Ancient One tried to shake his head, but it wouldn’t move. “The only thing you have proven is how corruptible you are.” He attempted to hold his glaring face, but was unable to. To save his strength, he closed his eyes. “A feat that is most unimpressive.”

Even with his eyes closed, the Ancient One could tell Dusk wasn’t pleased with his insult, though he did little to show it. “Frankly, Ancient One, I tire of you. You are old. Outdated. It is time for the new generation to take what is rightfully theirs.”

The Ancient One summoned all his strength to give a sly smile. “I couldn’t …agree …more.” As his final bit of strength left him, he felt the Eye of Harmony disappear around his neck. The last image he saw was the face of his successor. With that image in his mind, he smiled.


Celestia melted inside as she embraced her sister. For the first time in years, she had felt happier than she had been. Luna had awakened and she was safe.

Celestia had explained everything that had happened. About her banishment, her travels, her lessons, and the immediate threat that loomed over them. Luna could hardly believe what she had heard.

Luna then proceeded to tell Celestia all the things that had happened to her. Her training, her anger, and her imprisonment. The two stories began to intertwine and Celestia began to piece together all that had happened between the two of them.

Suddenly, a flash of light came from behind Starswirl, causing the three to turn their gaze towards it. The light revealed a small amulet, floating into the air. Celestia recognized it instantly. It was the Eye of Harmony, a powerful artifact held by the Ancient One. She wondered what could it possibly doing here instead of with the Ancient One.

Starswirl sunk to his knees, sobbing into his hooves. He moaned calling his master’s name. Celestia turned to Luna, who had looked away, tears running down her face. Celestia was able to piece together the rest. The Ancient One was dead.

Celestia felt pain infesting itself within her. Her heart began to ache as she quickly recalled the moments she had with the Ancient One. While they were brief, she felt a connection to him. Like a father to a daughter. Now, he was gone.

Luna wiped her tears and spoke. “I guess… the Eye is choosing its successor.”

The Eye floated through the air slowly. Surprising to Celestia, it made its way passed Starswirl. Celestia had thought for certain that Starswirl would be next candidate for Sorcerer Supreme. A thought then jumped towards Luna. Luna had been here longer than Celestia had. She was wiser than she ever could be. Luna would make a perfect Sorceress Supreme.

However, the Eye stopped short of Luna, pointing its gaze directly at Celestia. Celestia could only stand in shock, not sure what to do.

“Tia?” Luna asked. Her eyes widened. Her mouth stood opened wide as she looked upon the small golden medallion floating in front of Celestia’s face. “It’s you! You’re his successor!”

Celestia could only gaze at the amulet. She blinked several times, but could not move. “Me?”

“Tia, you’re the next Sorceress Supreme.”

Celestia could sense pride in Luna’s voice, but she wasn’t so sure. She would have never thought, in a thousand years, would she be considered for succession. She had made so many mistakes, done so many wrongs.

Celestia shook her head. “No. Not me. I can’t have it.” She looked down at the ground. “I don’t deserve it.”

Starswirl finally made his way off the ground and wiped his tears. “Which is why it is your destiny.”

Celestia thought it was a mistake. In her mind, she couldn’t fathom why she would make a better Sorceress Supreme than Starswirl or Luna.

“Tia,” Luna said. Celestia returned her gaze to her sister. Luna smiled and wrapped her hoof around her fore leg. “This is who you are supposed to be.”

Celestia smiled back. Despite all these years, Luna could sense her uncertainty and doubt. Luna was wise beyond her years. Celestia always knew that. Had she listened to her all those years ago, perhaps all of this could have been avoided. Perhaps Luna, the Ancient One and Starswirl saw something in her that she couldn’t.

While she still had her doubts, she turned to the Eye, still patiently waiting for her to accept her new role. Celestia reached out for the amulet, but a force stopped her. She didn’t fight it though, as the Eye slowly moved towards her body. A bright light shined as the amulet slowly bonded with Celestia’s skin. As it did, Celestia felt spells beyond anything she had learned enter her mind. Power of ancient sages before her coursed through her veins. The power of the Lords themselves.

“With the Eye of Harmony, you can unlock the power that dwells within you,” Starswirl stated.

Celestia closed her eyes as the Eye showed her a vision in her mind. It was a hospital. The hospital where she met Melody and the children, who were in a death-like coma, now revealed to be part of Discord’s plot. While Luna was awake, the children were still dreaming. Celestia feared that Discord’s influence over them was still too great.

She knew if she was to stop Discord, she would need to awaken them, just as she did Luna. Celestia turned to Starswirl. “The children are still in their comas. Stay here with Luna, I shall awaken them.”

Luna’s jaw dropped as she attempted to leave her bed. “No, I’ll come with you.”

Celestia turned towards Luna. “Luna, you are still weak from your imprisonment.”

“But-“ Luna began to protest, but with a flash of light, Celestia vanished.