• Published 20th May 2013
  • 2,032 Views, 117 Comments

Princess Celestia: Sorceress Supreme - spideremblembrony

When the world is in danger from mystical forces beyond anything anypony has ever seen, only one pony can stop them. Princess Celestia is the Sorceress Supreme.

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World's Biggest Super Slide

The dark azure mare sat in her room with a long scrap of paper levitating in front of her, scrolling down to the floor. To her left a table with a small bottle of ink and a quill dipped inside. To her right a trio of books. All the items were engulfed in a dark blue aura that matched the aura emanating from the tip of her horn.

Luna would turn her gaze to one of the books and focus on it profoundly, ignoring the world around her.

And just outside her room, a white coated mare with a long pink mane hid. She gave a big smile as she snuck her head around the corner.

"Oh, good. Little sister is distracted. This is too perfect!”

Celestia’s horn started to glow a pink hue as a bottle of ink hovered to the air. As she kept her eye on her sister to make sure her world was focused solely on the book in front of her, she moved the ink bottle towards the table just off to the left of Luna.

She almost hesitated as Luna moved her hoof to her chin as if lost in thought. That movement nearly cost her to lose her concentration, but she quickly regained it.

She then focused on the bottle of ink already stationary on the table and lifted it with her magic. She then moved it away from the table, being cautious not the make any sound. She levitated the quill from its resting place and placed it in her second bottle. With great care, she placed the new bottle of ink onto the table.

She smiled as the first bottle came straight back to her and right in time. Luna had just turned her head to the quill on the table. The azure pony levitated the quill and started to write on the sheet of paper in front of her.

After a moment of writing passed, Luna turned her gaze back to her book, her hoof once again finding itself on her chin.

She then turned back to her sheet of paper, which to her surprise was blank.


Celestia held her breath and shook her head uncontrollably, trying to fight against her laughter. She knew she couldn’t hold it for long though.

Her sister had taken the quill up from the ink and once again began to write. As she focused her gaze on the words she wrote, a few moments later, the ink vanished from sight.

Luna released a heavy sigh as Celestia gave a giggle. “Tia.”

Luna turned around to see her cackling like a child at play. The azure Alicorn shook her head. “When are you going to stop pulling these childish pranks?”

Celestia finally controlled her laughter enough to answer. “When they stop becoming funny,” she giggled.

Celestia made her way into her sister’s room, her sister eying her as she trotted in.

“Have you finished your studies already?” Luna asked.

“Mm… not exactly.” Celestia plopped herself on Luna’s bed and stretched out her legs.

Luna sighed. “Tia, you know how mother feels about our studies.” She rolled up the paper up and set it on the table with the disappearing ink and the books back on the shelf, neatly.

“That’s Luna, always the organized one.”

Her whole room was exactly how Luna wanted it. Everything had its proper place. Nothing was ever out of place for very long in Luna’s room, which is more than could be said for Celestia.

Celestia had always left her room a complete disaster. Cookie crumbs everywhere, cupcake frosting all over the floor, and everything in the room in every place it shouldn’t be. But as Celestia had always said, ‘That’s what the maids are for.’

“You don’t want to get in trouble again, do you?” Luna asked.

Celestia gave a slight grin. “I’m always in trouble. Why break habit?” She then sat up and faced her sister. “It’s not like I’m not going to finish, I’m just… taking a little break. And you should too.”

Luna shook her head and trotted to her sister’s side. “I don’t know, sister. Is that really a good idea?”

Celestia chuckled for a second, “Of course it is. We deserve a little reward for our hard work and nopony has worked harder than you.” Celestia’s horn started to glow as a small cookie levitated from the pack at her side.

Celestia smiled and moaned in pleasure as she took a bite of the gooey, chocolate chip cookie.

Luna raised her eyebrow. “Are those cookies from this morning?”

Celestia nodded and the swallowed. “I requested them this morning. I’ve got plenty for both of us.”

“Tia, you shouldn’t be eating so many sweets.”

Celestia leaped off the bed and onto her hooves. “Oh, come on, Luna. It’s just a little snack.” She then trotted towards the window. “Come on, I’ve got a great idea to have some fun.”

A worried look appeared on Luna’s face as she bit her lip. Celestia’s ‘fun’ usually consisted of them getting into trouble. Celestia wasn’t a bad pony. She just had a… different vision. “I don’t know, sister. Is this going to get us in trouble?”

Celestia scoffed. “Luna, have I ever once gotten in trouble?”

Luna rolled her eyes and shook her head. “What about the time you released an army of crickets in the kitchen?”

Celestia couldn’t help but give a big smile. She must have spent hours gathering those crickets and all for one purpose. “I thought they could use a little music while they worked.”

“Or the time you put salt in every pony’s toothbrush?”

Celestia started to chuckle a bit. “Not every pony. My toothbrush was fine.” Everypony had a lot to say to her that day, especially her mother. It had taken some sneaking around to pull that one off, but she managed it.

“Or the exploding cakes at that very important banquet two years ago? I still don’t know how you pulled that off.”

Celestia scoffed. “Oh, come on, Luna. Even you admit that party was a bore.” She levitated another cookie from her pack and stationed it near her face. “I just … perked up things up a bit.” She then took a bite of her delicious cookie.

Celestia may not have been as smart as Luna, but when it came to pranks, she was a genius. They would have a peace banquet with the other countries each year. Celestia and Luna were always forced to go and they were always boring. However, Celestia took it upon herself to make it more fun.

The cooks would bake the cakes as they would every year, but at night, Celestia would sneak into the kitchen and begin work. All it took was a lot of balloons, several boxes, and a simple charm. The charm would cause the cakes to pop in a particular sequence after the first one. The chain reaction would mirror a piece of music she had heard before by some great composer. Beethoven or something like that, Celestia couldn’t remember.

Her thoughts wandered to that day. The events that followed as the high society ponies made their way into the dining hall. Celestia was all smiles that day. Nopony understood why, and of course, nopony suspected. And when the prank was finally pulled, her mother was less than happy.

Luna’s voice brought Celestia out of her trance. “I’m just saying; you have a reputation, sister.”

Celestia shook her head and smiled. She then placed her hoof on Luna’s shoulder. “Come on. We are princesses. We deserve to have a little fun just like everypony else.”

“Tia…” Luna moaned as she turned away.

Celestia wasn’t one to take no for an answer. “Come on, little sister,” she begged, but her sister shook her head. “Okay, how about this? You come with me and try it just once, then as soon as we’re done, we come straight back. Mother won’t even know we’re gone.”

Luna was silent as she stared into the sister’s eyes. She was begging her to come join her. Luna finally released a sigh of surrender. “Okay.”

“Good,” Celestia nodded. She then headed straight for the giant window of her sister’s room and opened them. “Come on, you’re going to love it.”

She leaped out the window with her wings spread wide and flew off with Luna not far behind her.


Celestia took Luna to the top of the castle. Descending down the side of the castle was a long narrow slide. The path followed all the way down to strategic points around the city. Other paths intersected, broke off or joined the main path. These paths seemed to go on for miles and miles all around the city of Canterlot.

“Take a good look, Luna,” Celestia asked as she pointed to the large chutes. “What do you see?”

Luna gave a smile. “This is the mailing system of Canterlot. It was developed by one of the greatest architects of Canterlot history, Sweet Peaches.”

Celestia raised her eyebrows as Luna continued. “Magic allows the packages to be sent upwards while gravity brings it downward. It is a wonderful-“

Celestia shakes her head as she interrupts, “Luna, you have got to get your head out of those books.”

Luna shot Celestia a confused looked. Her sister smiled as she leaned into her ear. “You know what I see… I see the world’s biggest super slide!”

“A super slide?” Luna asked. Her face was racked with uneasiness.

Celestia nodded with a big smile. “Yep, and we are going to ride it. It’ll be so much fun!” Her horned shined as two long wooden planks were brought to their sides. “And we’ll be standing on these wooden boards.”

Luna took another look down the shaft and scanned the path that they would take, assuming she attempted such a thing. “It… does… look pretty fun.”

Celestia let loose a slight giggle. “Of course it does. Come on, it’ll be great.”

Luna and Celestia placed the pieces of wood across the top of the tube. Luna stepped onto the plank and looked towards the ground. Before her was a steep slope that swerved back towards one of the shop areas. She didn’t think where they were was THAT high up when she agreed to this. But now, standing on the plank, only inches from descending, she discovered they were THAT high up.

“You’ve… done this before right?” Luna asked, sweat streaming down her neck.

“Well… no. I haven’t actually tested it yet,” Celestia admitted. Those words stuck like thorns in her mind. Luna was even more frightened than she had been before. It was a long drop.

Celestia spoke again. “I purposely waited for you so we could try it together.” Luna shot a look of annoyance as she turned towards her sister, who was grinning a gleeful grin.

“Thanks, Tia,” Luna muttered followed by a deep swallow.

Luna took a deep breath as she started to lean forward. The force of gravity almost pulled her off the edge of the platform. Almost. She diverted her eyes downward to see the long drop once again. She instantly leaned back; her eyes widen open, her face speechless with fear.

“I don’t think I can do this,” Luna admitted, shaking her head violently.

Celestia snuck behind her sister, with her hooves at the ready. “That’s because you just need a little push.” Before Luna could confirm what Celestia said, she thrust her hooves forward, pushing the azure mare down the platform at an incredibly high speed.

“TIA!” Luna screamed as she shot down the path. She struggled to stand upright on the narrow board at her feet.

Celestia, only a second later, leaped onto the wooden board in front of her and launched down the chute. She, like Luna, struggled to keep her balance. But only a few moments later, she started to get the hang of it and was slowly catching up with her sister.

Celestia’s voice was full of cheers and laughter as she flew down towards her sister’s side. Luna looked like she was finally getting use to standing on the platform at their speed. Luna turned towards her. “I am so going to get you back for this, sister!”

Celestia gave a big smile, “Only if you can catch me, slowpoke!” She leaned forward on the plank to give herself extra speed.

Even though she didn’t turn around, she felt Luna do the same.

As Celestia soared down the ramp, she came across an intersection where a package was coming straight for her. Her already fast pulse jumped another dozen beats as they quickly approached each other. She quickly bent her knees. Her horn glowed; a pink aura encompassed the plank below her. Using all her might, she leaped in the air to rise over the speeding package.

As quickly as she went for the air, she came down over the shipment and back onto the chute. Her heavy breathing was followed by a deep sigh of relief. She looked down the path to see her sister ahead of her, not by much, but at their speed it was quite the distance.

She leaned forward once more to reach her sister’s side.

Luna looked behind her to see Celestia on her tail. Luna gave a smirk. She was winning and she was enjoying it. She then turned ahead to see a pony with a large cart and an antique vase. Her eyes widened as she came upon him. He was preparing to ship his vase in the cart provided and was unaware of her and her sister’s approach.

The pony had just finished placing his vase on the cart when he realized Luna was coming. Luna quickly engulfed her board with her magic, keeping it sealed to her feet, and leaped as high as she could, which was just over the antique.

The stallion panicked and ducked his head as he saw the azure mare soar over his priceless relic at an incredible speed. He then looked down the ramp to see a white mare following not far behind.

Unlike Luna however, Celestia didn’t see the vase until a few precious moments before she was on top of it. She performed the same jump as her sister, but she wasn’t high enough to fly safely over it. Instead, the bottom portion of her board smashed into the vase, shattering it all across the ramp.

“Sorry!” Celestia yelled back as the stallion sunk to his knees, giving a pathetic whimper.

The two alicorns continued down the path until finally sliding towards the final stretch. Luna leaped of the platform and slid across the ground, laughing and cheering, with Celestia not too far behind.

They took a moment to let their heavy breathing consume the air around them.

“Wow,” Luna stated, her voice breaking into deep exhaling and inhaling. “That was quite a rush.”

Celestia nodded. She knew it would be fun, but she didn’t imagine that much fun. “Want to do it again?” she asked.


Celestia and Luna made their way back to the top of the castle for one more ride, though it wasn’t easy. Celestia needed to persuade Luna even more this time. It had taken some time, but Luna was eventually swayed.

The two sisters flew down the ramps, even faster than their first time. Faster and with even greater risks.

Celestia found herself leaping from path to path at intersections and points where the paths would run parallel with one another. Luna began to follow her sister’s example, determined to win again.

Celestia took turn after turn. But she eventually found herself at a dead-end. And what was worse, the dead-end had a cabbage cart station there, being ready to be unloaded. Celestia needed to get back on the track, less Luna would beat her again. However, there was no track be found. She looked to her left and noticed Luna coming around the path near her and straight below her.

Celestia thought that Luna’s path went directly beneath the one she was one and that she would leap in front of her after jumping the cabbage cart. Already planning her victory in her head, she leaped into the air, not realizing the wooden plank didn’t travel with her.

By the time Celestia realized this, the board smashed into the cabbage cart, cutting right through it. Heads of the vegetable were sent flying through the air following Celestia’s path. Celestia could hear the cries of the ponies on the side of the path, shouting at her.

She couldn’t make out what they were saying however. She was far too focused on the path below her. She noticed her sister coming very fast. It would only be a matter of seconds before she was on top of her.

Celestia allowed herself to descend on her sister’s back. Luna nearly swerved off the course in an attempt to compensate for Celestia’s sudden appearance.

“Tia! What are you doing?!” Luna shouted, struggling to keep herself upright.

“Just keep going!” Celestia urged, struggled to stay balanced on her sister’s back.

“I can’t carry you! You’re too heavy!” Luna replied, grunting as she continued to serve back and forth uncontrollably.

“Are you calling me fat?!” Celestia snapped.

Her thoughts were then distracted by what lied ahead. Celestia saw a large mail carriage straight in their path. It was only a matter of seconds before they reached it and at their high speeds, they wouldn’t be able to stop in time. Behind the cart was a populated part of town with no continuation of the course. They weren’t going to be able to ride much further.

Celestia quickly wrapped her arms around her sister’s body and spread her wings out. The wind lifted the two alicorns off the plank and into the air. The board continued on its unstoppable path, smashing into the helpless mail carriage. The force of the blow was so mighty, the carriage toppled to its side.

Letters and scrolls burst from the carriage soaring into the air all around them. Celestia looked beyond the cart to see the plank had also smashed into the side of one of the shops. The pole that held up the side of the tent had been split in half, causing it to slink. Fortunately, it looked like nopony was hurt.

The group of ponies surrounding the area looked up to the sky with resentment in their eyes. Celestia felt her heart sink a few inches, as they yelled and screamed at her for the destruction her actions caused. It was enough to make her sick.

The letters and paper continued to flow through the air, uncontrolled like a wind of chaos. Then suddenly, a white aura surrounded the mail and from chaos came order, as they were pulled together, stacking themselves neatly. They then descended to the hooves of the letter carrier below.

Celestia and Luna looked up to see the white mare with the red mane they knew as mother. Celestia felt her heart drop into her stomach. She knew what was going to happen next.

Their mother placed herself on the street below them, facing the ponies around her.

“Your highness, your daughters destroyed my mail carriage!” one of the elderly stallion shouted.

Another one came from the left. “They destroyed my priceless vase!”

And another. “They ruined my cabbages!”

With each offense, the Queen’s eyes filled with sorrow. She lowered her head and closed her eyes, as if to bow to the ponies before her.

“My sincerest apologies,” the queen’s sympathetic voice spoke. “You will be compensated for your losses.”

The ponies nodded harshly. They then turned towards the wreckage, preparing its clean up.

The Queen then turned her attention to the two alicorns behind her, as they slunk to the ground. Her eyes pierced them with disappointment and discontent. “As for you two!” she snapped. “You will return to the castle! I will speak with you there!”

Celestia’s gaze lowered to the ground. Luna gave Celestia a look of worry, almost sadness, as if she knew what was coming. Celestia just gave Luna a weak smile.

“It’ll be okay, sister. It’ll be okay.” With that thought, Celestia spread her wings and made her way back to the castle.


“Reckless, foolish and irresponsible behavior!” the Queen’s voice boomed throughout the hall.

Celestia and Luna simply sat before her, their heads drooping down towards the ground. Their mother had been strict with them before, but after their father perished, she became even more so. Especially towards Celestia.

Celestia had mockingly called Luna ‘mother’s favored daughter’ to herself. It was never meant towards any ill towards Luna, but towards the Queen. She wanted with all her heart to scream at her mother these words, but she still loved her sister and would not put her through such strife. So, she buttoned her lip and allowed her mother to continue to scorn her.

“This is unacceptable behavior, Celestia!” Queen Faust ranted. “You know your studies are important and yet you would continue to ignore them.”

The queen took a step towards the sisters. “You would ignore your studies and drag your sister into your mischief. And you would use our mailing system as your own private game! Those chutes are not toys for your amusement! You are lucky nopony was hurt!”

Celestia felt like she had been stabbed in the gut. Her mother’s words sank deep into her skin, as they always did. Whenever there was scolding, she was always the recipient.

Luna took a step forward. “Mother, it is my fault as well. I was the one who-“

“This was not your fault, Luna. You were manipulated and coerced by your sister,” the queen interrupted, shooting a look of disapproval at Celestia.

It was a look Celestia was very familiar with. She looked away from her mother’s eyes and towards her sister. She smiled, even if it was only for a second.

“That’s Luna. Always the responsible one,” she thought to herself.

“Look at me when I am speaking to you, Celestia,” the queen’s voice brought Celestia’s eyes back on her.

“Yes, mother,” Celestia replied in a whisper.

“I am very disappointed in you, Celestia. You are the elder sister and you are supposed to be responsible.”

Luna stepped forward again. “Mother, that’s not fair-.”

“Enough!” Queen Faust finally declared. The room was overtaken by an eerie silence. Luna stepped back to join her sister’s side, her gaze turning towards the floor.

“You are both to return to your quarters and finish your studies. You are to remain there for the rest of the night,” the queen ordered. “Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, mother,” the sister’s submitted in unison. With a nod from their mother, they two went their separate ways and to their rooms.

As Celestia trotted, she could feel Luna looking back towards her, as if she wanted to say something.

“Once again, the favored daughter of Canterlot gets off scot-free and I’m the one who gets the blame. Just another day in the life of Princess Celestia, the useless daughter of Queen Faust.”


The Queen sat on her throne, her hoof on her chin. Her mind was engulfed by the events of the day. Not just of this day, but of all the days before. Her mind was on just one thing.

“Celestia, why do you act like this? What can I do to help you?”

The Queen hated scolding her daughters. It wasn’t in her nature to be the bad pony, but Celestia would often take no responsibility for her actions. She would pull pranks, spread rumors, and take others for granted.

Those things were unbefitting of a future princess and queen of Canterlot. Her father had those traits too, but even he knew when enough was enough. Even he knew responsibility, something that Celestia either lacked or had but didn’t care.

“Maybe I have been a bit harsh on her, but what am I to do?” she asked herself. She must have asked that question a million times. She would often look up to the portrait of the late king as if to ask or look for guidance on this matter.

Her husband may not have been as intelligent as she was, but he was wise in ways that she was not. Not only that, he was also patient. He would have found a way to reach Celestia. But he was gone. So, now it was up to her.

“She is a young adult, yet she acts so much like a child.”

Faust racked her brain again and again for any answer that might help her reach Celestia, but it was always to no avail. Celestia had more in common with her husband than her. Regardless, she refused to give up. She needed to reach her eldest daughter.

“Perhaps, I shall take Celestia on... a picnic of some sort. Just the two of us.” The queen looked back on her time with Celestia, which was very limited. She had hardly spent any one on one time with her. Her time was usually spent with political business or spent with Luna’s studies. She would have been happy to help Celestia with hers, if she had any care towards her studies.

“It has been some time since it was just her and I. Perhaps we might be able to talk... Perhaps then, I’ll be able to reach her. Oh, Lords above, help me reach my daughter.”


Luna sat alone in her room, desperately trying to focus on her studies. But her mind wandered constantly to thoughts of her sister.

“It’s not fair the way mother treats her. I know sometimes she can be irresponsible, but she’s not a bad pony.”

Luna shook her head and focused on the books in front of her. However, Celestia sprang up again in her mind.

“Once again, Tia is left to take all the blame. I’m the one who gets off the hook. It was as much my fault as Tia’s. I should have tried harder to convince her to return home. I should have tried harder to convince mother of that.”

She thought of her sister’s history of mischief. She was always the one causing trouble in the castle and most of the time; Luna was tangled up in it with her. But every time they were caught, Celestia was always the one who would be scolded. Never her. She hated it. She hated seeing her sister treated as such when she was just as guilty.

Celestia would always finish her ‘sessions’ with mother with a big smile on her face, as if to try and convince Luna it was okay. Over the years, Luna began to realize that it wasn’t okay. The things mother said about Celestia were tearing her apart. Oh, Celestia tried to hide it well, but because of the time that Luna had spent with her, she knew how to sense what Celestia was feeling.

Suddenly, a knock at her window freed her from her thoughts. She turned towards the window to see her sister leaning against the glass. She had a big smile on her face as she waved to her.

Luna’s horn shined its blue aura as the door handle to the window opened. Celestia showed herself in, landing gently on the ground.

“Tia, what are you doing here?!” Luna whispered.

Celestia smiled as she sat on Luna’s bed. “I couldn’t stay in my room all night. You know how boring that is?”

Luna placed the long scroll back on the table and the books in their proper place. “You know how much trouble you will be in if mother catches you?”

Celestia chuckled as she lay back on the mattress. “Mother’s not going to catch me. Because we won’t be here.”

Luna raised her eyebrow and made her way to Celestia’s side. “What do you mean?”

“Because tonight is the Starlight Festival,” Celestia stated. “And I’d promised we’d go.”

The sister bit her lip and turned her head away, “I don’t know. Tonight of all nights?”

Celestia leaned up and faced her sister. “Yep, and we are going. It’ll be so much fun.”

“Sister, we’re already in trouble as it is,” Luna explained. “Should we really being doing this?”

“Sister, I made a Celestia promise.” Celestia leaped off the bed and turned towards her sister. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

As she spoke the rhyme, her hoof motioned her crossing her own heart and covering one of her eyes with a hoof as if to literally ‘stick a cupcake in her eye.’

Luna sighed and shook her head. She recalled the moment that Celestia made such a promise. It wasn’t a promise Celestia made lightly, but when she did make such a promise, it was usually kept. Usually. There were times when Celestia made, in her words, ‘exceptions’ to her own promises.

“I don’t know,” Luna moaned. She didn’t want Celestia to get in trouble. She wanted her to just stay home and let mother cool down for a while before Celestia did something else to upset her. On the other hoof, she really did want to go to the Starlight Festival and it would make her sister happy to take her.

Celestia made her way to her sister and placed her hoof on her shoulder. “How about this? We go to the festival, take a look around, and as soon as you feel that we’ve stayed too long, we come straight home. I promise.”

Luna saw Celestia with her hoof on her heart. She could tell she was being sincere, but she knew a little insurance wouldn’t hurt their chances either. “Do you Celestia promise?”

Celestia nodded. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” she sung as she performed the motions.

Luna smiled as her sister finished with her oath. “Alright, I guess that would be okay.”

Celestia took her sister by the hoof and guided her towards the window. “This is going to be great. We’re going to have so much fun.”

Celestia leaped out the window, her wings spread wide as they guided her to the festival. Luna followed as close behind her as she could, unaware of the disappointed eyes watching them from above.

Author's Note:

Author’s Note:

Hey, guys. Fireemblemspider here. Just want to thank you guys for reading Chapter 2 of the Princess Celestia: Sorceress Supreme. Please favorite if you guys enjoyed it. Also, click on the link to watch for more updates on this and future stories. http://fireemblemspider.deviantart.com/ And of course, don’t forget to comment below. Tell me what I’m doing right. Tell me what I’m doing wrong. Tell me what I can improve on so I can be a better writer, achieve my dream, and you guys can get better quality writing.

Also, click on the links below if you want to read more stuff by yours truly.

Batman/Sailor Moon Crossover –http://fireemblemspider.deviantart.com/gallery/30845176#/d4u8f36
TMNT/Sailor Moon Crossover – http://fireemblemspider.deviantart.com/gallery/30845176#/d3h6r6b
Ike & Samus Fan Fiction - http://fireemblemspider.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d40hxaj
Incredible Flutterhulk - http://fireemblemspider.deviantart.com/art/The-Incredible-Flutterhulk-Chapter-1-350898755

Big huge shout out to Bronyman1995, Lunar Avenger, and Panama for proofreading the story. Definitely check out their pages, they’ve got a lot of other great Marvel/MLP crossovers that I think you will all enjoy.

Also, one last shout out goes to my friend Saturdaymorningproj for providing me with the artwork that now promotes my fan fiction. Thank you so much for doing that. Please help me to say thank you to these guys by following, or faving their stuff.

I want to thank all those guys and I want to thank you guys for reading. Chapter 3 will come soon, be on the lookout for it. Have a great day you guys. Stay happy, stay safe, stay warm or cold or whatever it takes to make you comfortable. Party on.