• Published 21st May 2013
  • 9,015 Views, 29 Comments

Ponies are friends, not food. - Zeyon The Green

Spike's predatory instincts start kicking in, and he's scared to talk about it to his vegetarian friends.

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Tastes like Sonic Rainboom

It was a peaceful day in the city of Ponyville, with everypony doing their daily routines. Big Mac was delivering apples as per usual, Cheerilee was taking all the school aged ponies on a field trip, and Derpy was flying through the city with a trail of letters in her wake. Little did they know what terror was coming their way, a loud rumble came over Ponyville causing everyone to turn and look at the coming disaster. There was a massive purple and green tinged dragon in all his terrifying glory, the Golden Oaks Library at his feet. The tree was split down the middle, and the resident librarian was panicking as she normally would when books were in great jeopardy.

“Spike what have you done?” Twilight shouted at the dragon that was clearly ignoring her. “You destroyed our home, and all of my precious books.”

“Uh Twi, Ah think Ponyville should be our first priority,” Applejack took her Stetson off to scratch her head. “Um Fluttershy, I don’t think this is a good place to do that…”

“I’m sorry. Um could someone carry me away from this? If it’s not too much trouble” Fluttershy had collapsed in her standard goat panic reaction, and locked up her legs and wings.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy. It’s just Spike, he won’t harm us. Oh and Rarity is already here so we can solve this easy peasy this time. Are you okie dokie lokie Rarity?” Pinkie patted the white unicorn on the back.

“Um well… I don’t have my ruby necklace with me but hopefully I can manage.”

“Yeah Rarity, you need to fix this I wanted to play hoof ball but no we had to play Monopony.” Rainbow crossed her forehooves. “I mean you were the one who let Spike play, and then he got all greeded out.” Rarity glared at the Pegasus. “What? It’s your fault…”

“Oh Spikey Wikey, do you mind not being greedy anymore? I mean it is just a silly game right?” Rarity yelled and Spike looked down. “Yes Spikey. It’s Rarity can you hear me?”

The massive dragon looked down at his friends, and started to drool. His eyes looked like Pinkie when she walked into a room full of desserts. The look that there would be not one survivor left uneaten in the coming frenzy.

“Um Twi? Did Spike have breakfast this morning or lunch?” Applejack slung Fluttershy over her back in a matter of seconds. Fluttershy’s eyes went wide, and then she slumped over.

“No, why? Why would you want to know… OH BUCK. Spike we aren’t food. Girls scatter!”

Three of the six friends ran away as a giant claw came down causing the ground to shake. Applejack ran with Fluttershy unconcious on her back. Pinkie ran towards sugar cu and Rarity ran towards the school. Twilight had teleported to the roof of a nearby building but one pony remained.

“Rainbow Dash, what in Celestia’s name are you doing?” Twilight yelled. "Run away!"

“I’m going to smack him with a Sonic Rainboom. That should make him come to his senses.” Rainbow flew up as fast as she could. Spike swung a claw to try and catch the rainbow speedster, but he only swung at air. A deafening roar came from his maw, and a green fireball was quick to follow nipping Rainbow’s tail.

“No, Rainbow we need to regroup and evacuate ponyville,” Twilight shouted, but Rainbow soared higher and higher to get the space she needed. Twilight’s horn started glowing as an aura surrounded spike’s form. “Well, at least I can make a stationary target for her…”

Spike struggled to break the magical grip, but it held firm. Twilight’s forehead started to sweat heavily, and a vein or two popped into view. Rainbow started her colorful dive bomb picking up speed. The air currents wrapped around her body like a bullet in midflight. Spike got closer, and as she was about to pull it off. Rainbow noticed she was aiming for an open mouth. There was no time for Rainbow to maneuver out of the way. Twilight saw Rainbow’s lips mouth two words, and felt the strain as the mare went straight down Spike’s gullet. The aura shattered as Spike hit the ground taking out several houses.

“No! No! Rainbow, you idiot!” The ground was dampened by unicorn tears. “Jumping in without thinking again, and now… and now…”

Twilight’s eyes went pure white. Spike started to stand again, and let out a green fiery belch. He had to cover his eyes with a claw as a white light grew in intensity. Debris from the wreckage started to float as the air got heavy. A ball of pure magic energy surrounded the purple unicorn, every pony that saw that light froze. Even those who ran could see the light as Twilight rose in the air right up to the massive dragon’s head. The ball surrounding Twilight condensed and moved to the tip of her horn. Spike swung his claw to swat the purple gnat out of the sky, and as his eyes saw the light he hesitated.
“Twilight? Why are you…” The dragon recoiled backward as a beam hit him square in the face. His neck was a cauterized smoking stump, and the body came down in a heavy thump. The unicorn barely was conscious and began to fall. If anypony could hear her final whisper, they would have heard “Spike, why?” Twilight dropped to the ground unmoving as the citizens of Ponyville surrounded their fallen heroine.

“NOOOOOOO!” Spike fell out of his basket, a solid thud echoed through the tree. The frightened baby dragon was struggling with his sheets coiled around his small form. “No no no no no…

“Spike, are you ok?” Twilight began rubbing her eyes as reached her hoof out to her bedside table. The light from the lamp illuminated the bedroom. “You must have had a nightmare.”

“Twilight!” Her young charge ran straight to the sleepy mare arms wide. “Are you okay? I mean of course you are alright, you weren’t horribly maimed or anything. Do you think Rainbow dash is okay? I mean of course she’s okay it was all a dream.”

“Spike. Do. You. Think. You. Can. Let. Me. Breathe.” The unicorn was starting to change colors. As he let go Twilight, she crumpled onto the bed. Breathing hard for a few minutes, she seemed to recover as spike jabbered on like a possessed Pinkie Pie. “What do you mean is Rainbow Dash okay? What was your dream about?”

Spike stopped blathering and stood there with a dumb look on his face. He quickly shook his head back and forth. His mind was racing to figure out what to say. Surely he couldn’t tell her that he ate one of their friends, Twilight blew his head off with her magic, and fell to her doom. He ran through as many ideas as possible, and found one that clicked.

“Oh um, it was just a silly nightmare,” Spike smiled and chuckled. “You and Rainbow got in a fight over Daring Do’s next book. It was something about Aliens ruining everything. You, of course, said that it ruined the book; Rainbow said you should stop being such an egghead and just go with the awesomeness of Daring Do. Then she did something and you two started fighting. That’s about the time you fell over the cliff, and Rainbow had broken both wings in the struggle.”

“Really you’d think I’d fight over a book with Rainbow Dash?” Twilight’s right eyebrow raised. “Come on, Rainbow could never get me mad over a book.”

“Oh yeah that’s what she did she threw the book at you. Then you went crazy and attacked her in your words, for Librarian Vengeance.”

“What? She threw a book? That is so cruel, what did that poor defenseless book do to her? That really was a horrible dream. I’m going to have to give her a talk about respecting library property.”

“Um Twilight you know that it was a dream, right?” Spike asked, trying to keep his disbelief that his lie worked off his face.

“Oh yeah a dream, right.” Twilight reddened a bit. “I can’t take her actions as reality. Thanks, I don’t think she would like me to wake her in the middle of the night either.”

“That would screw up her nap schedule for sure,” Spike laughed. “I think we better get back to sleep. We do have a busy day tomorrow…”

“Oh yeah the Picnic,” Twilight fluffed her pillow. “Are you Okay spike? Think you can get back to sleep?”

“Yeah I think I can, sorry about waking you up.”

“No problem, can’t let my #1 assistant be too scared to sleep.”

“Yeah thanks.” Spike rolled his eyes.

The lights went out, and the dragon returned to his woven roost. He threw the blankets over himself, and closed his eyes. He tried to clear his thoughts of the last dream, but he couldn’t seem to get over the fact that he ate one of his friends.

He knew that he was a predator after all. Sure he loved all the sweets and gems that he could eat, but does that mean that he would never crave meat? I just need to get this out of my head. Think about something else. Spike focused on the one thing he knew would get him to sleep, and that was Rarity cuddling with him on her "worst. possible. thing." couch. It took him all of 5 minutes and he was gone.

Author's Note:

I always wondered if spike would want to eat meat, and so I wrote this to explore that idea. Hopefully you enjoy and can give me some constructive criticism.