• Published 21st May 2013
  • 9,015 Views, 29 Comments

Ponies are friends, not food. - Zeyon The Green

Spike's predatory instincts start kicking in, and he's scared to talk about it to his vegetarian friends.

  • ...

Well that could have gone better...

Rainbow sent Spike flying into the lake, and in his dazed state he hit the water like a flailing dragon cannonball. Four of her friends were in a state of shock staring at Rainbow, while Pinkie was . Rainbow began to shake her hoof in pain.

“Oh Crap! I didn’t mean to hit him that hard. I just wanted to knock him out.” Rainbow smiled sheepishly as she noticed the stares. “What? Loyalty came to the rescue. No need to thank me.”

“But Spike can’t swim…” Twilight turned to the lake, and fell face first as she began to move. Her legs locked in terror. “Move damn it.”

“Smooth Dash,” Applejack tossed her hat onto Fluttershy’s head and ran full tilt towards the water. “WATCH THAT FOR ME, SUGARCUBE.”

“Twilight it will be okay.” Fluttershy said in her most motherly tone. Twilight said nothing as her tears fell. Fluttershy and Rarity embraced Twilight.

“What has gotten into Spike?” Rarity thought aloud. Applejack hit the water and dived under the surface.

“Well… Um… he is a top of the food chain predator,” Fluttershy replied causing Twilight to bawl loudly. “Sorry Twilight.”

“He wasn’t like this in the morning; he was a helpful little gentledrake as usual at the boutique.” Rarity rubbed Twilight’s back. “Was he different this morning?"

“I… don’t know, I… wasn’t around… him for very long.” Twilight choked out between sobs.

“… thought that Spike had his eyes on somepony else, but sweet sarsaparilla he must have had a crush on me since…” Pinkie was going on in the background while bouncing up and down on her dessert filled gut.

“She really is out of it isn’t she?” Dash said waving her hoof in front of her pink friends face. She turned to face the other three. “Anyway what do we do with a rabid dragon? Spike’s our friend, but I don’t think taking a bite out of us will make him awesome to hang out with.”

Twilight bawled louder at that. Applejack resurfaced with the dazed drake and swam for the shore. The others said nothing as she pulled Spike to land and began CPR. Eventually, Spike sputtered out water, but was still unconscious.

“Whew, he is getting heavy. Spike must have had a growth spurt.” Apple jack landed on her back and breathed deeply. “Is everypony okay?”

“Well Twilight has been better,” Dash pointed. “Pinkie’s hasn’t stopped talking, and the rest of us are wondering what in Tartarus to do with Spike.”

“Welp, he’s out for right now.”

“Darling, I for one hope there is something that we can do for poor Spikey Wikey.” Rarity let go of Twilight. “What could be the matter with him?

“I’m sure there is a reason that Spike is acting this way, girls.” Fluttershy said, holding Twilight tightly. “I mean changes don’t happen overnight for Dragons. Um… Isn’t that right Twilight?

“I don’t know.” Twilight struggled to gain composure. “Dragon physiological records are very limited, and to find anything about a growing baby dragon is exceedingly rare.”

The mares went silent, except for Pinkie. Applejack was standing over Spike listening to his heartbeat, and missed Spike’s eyes open slightly. She was satisfied that spike was okay, picked him up, and put him on her back.

“Well, we aren’t going to learn anything standing here. I am going to carry Spike back to his basket at the Library, Twilight and Rarity you come with me.” Rarity nodded. “I suggest somepony go to the Everfree forest for Zecora, sound good Dash?”

“Great idea, maybe she’ll know something. Be back in a flash.” Dash flew away at top speed.

“What should Pinkie Pie and I do for Spike, Applejack?”

“I suggest that you two get some foods that he likes. Fluttershy you are an animal expert, and Pinkie knows pretty much anything about anyone. Maybe if we calm him down with some food we can see if he can tell us what’s wrong with him. You’ll probably have to roll Pinkie Pie there, but…” Applejack turned to look at Pinkie and was met with two blue eyes less than an inch away. ”Ahhhh…”

“Silly Applejack, I just digested all those fritters.” A noticeably thinner Pinkie Pie ran over, and grabbed Fluttershy, “Yoink.”

“Wha-” Fluttershy barely had a second to register. “Aaaaaaahhhhhhh Piiiiinnnnnkkkkkiiiiiiiieeee, tooooooo ffffaassstt.”

“Well, at least she’s motivated to figure out what’s wrong.” Applejack muttered and looked toward Spike. “Well girls let’s get the little guy somewhere where he won’t try to eat us.”

“I tried to eat who?” Spike said as he stood up. The three remaining mares stared blankly at the dragon. “What, did I miss something?”

“Umm…” Applejack hesitated.

“Spike…” Twilight started to tear up.

“Well, Spikey-wikey,” Rarity stepped forward. “You’re hungry right now right?”

“Famished actually.” Spike stared at his stomach. I probably should have eaten that bran muffin this morning, or eaten an apple when talking to Apple Bloom.”

“Darling, I don’t want to alarm you, but you where not quite acting like yourself a minute ago.”

“Yeah, but not hungry enough to eat somepony right?” Spike asked with rising concern. “I mean you’re just joking about that right? It’s not funny if you are…”

“Fraid not, Sugarcube.” Applejack shook her head. “You bit Pinkie, but as Rarity said you weren’t yourself.”

“I bit Pinkie? Oh no, where is she?” Spike put his claws to his mouth. “PINKIE, I’m sorry!”

“Spike she’s not here, she left us a little while ago.” Twilight said quietly. Spike stood there with a disgusted look on his face.
“I killed Pinkie Pie?”

“What? No…” Twilight fumbled her words.

“I KILLED PINKIE PIE!” Absolute terror was etched on his face. Spike turned and ran in a circle with his hands flailing wildly. “I’M A MONSTER! Aaaahhhh…”

Rarity, Twilight and Applejack all moved closer to console the wailing baby dragon. Spike saw this and backed away. The mares pressed forward, and Spike recoiled from their approach. He started to run.


“Spike, Pinkie’s fi….” Twilight flinched as Spike blew a green flame blocking their approach.

“GO AWAY, It’s not safe.” Spike began to cry as he ran full tilt away from his friends, heading for Everfree forest. The three mares could only watch him go as the flames burned in front of them.

Author's Note:

Sorry for being so long returning to this. Barring anymore family member deaths, I'll try to get back on this. I always have a hard time with dialogue when there are more than 2 characters. If anyone could give me a critique on that. I'm not 100% happy with this chapter, but maybe it will get the ball rolling again. Anyway expect more to come and soon.

Comments ( 4 )

“Spike she’s not here, she left us a little while ago.” Twilight said quietly. Spike stood there with a disgusted look on his face.
“I killed Pinkie Pie?”

I think there should be some space there. It almost sounds like Twilight was the one that killed her.

Poor Spike... He now thinks he has killed Pinkie Pie and is fleeing for the Everfree Forest. Will the forest be enough to keep his friends safe from his cravings? Is there any hope of a cure or remedy?

...for that cover art alone you get an up vote it's just...




Yay. More hungry moments with, Spike! Sad that he got the wrong idea but now we got some more drama for the story.

Looking forward to more. Hopefully soon!:twilightsmile:

You know for a second there, with the second chapter, I thought this was gonna be weird. But the last two chapters are pretty cool, some punctuation is a bit wonky but hey, it's good :pinkiesmile:


Four of her friends were in a state of shock staring at Rainbow, while Pinkie was .

Pinkie was indeed. In fact, she always will be. All hail the Pinkie! (And I love that hilarious line after he bit her)

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