• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 1,640 Views, 144 Comments

Through Crimson Eyes - Level Dasher

What happens when a life-changing event occurs that shapes your whole life? What if that event occurs when life has barely begun? If a kid has dealt with more issues in six years than most can handle in a lifetime, how do you think they'd feel?

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Chapter 15: Brothers

“Is she really still upset with us?”

“Well, she claims she is, but I have a feeling she’s just planning something for you. Who knows? She might show up later.”

“Good point.”

Starry and I were chatting in my room; he had come right after school ended. Mom was teaching lessons for most of the afternoon, and Dad was upstairs in the parents’ lounge; I think he was tired of getting his flank whooped at cards. Whatever the reason, Starry and I were alone— Tesla hadn’t come with him… again. I hadn’t seen her for three weeks.

“I’m guessing that since I gave you the painting, Tess wants to give you something, too. I don’t know if I’m right, but it wouldn’t surprise me. It took her long enough to finally tell you she likes you. Now that she has, she probably won’t be shy about it. I guess it's just taking her a while to think of something for you.”

“Yeah, that makes sense… But I still dunno why she'd stay away from me for so long."

"Yeah, me either."

I shrugged and rested my chin on a hoof. "So anyway, what’s been going on at school? Like, with everypony? You and Tess are the only ones that have actually come to visit.”

“Honestly, not much— usual school stuff. Miss Turner’s been trying not to make a big deal about you not being there, but ever since she gave me that note for you, she’s seemed a lot… stronger. She’s been talking to me about you, and she mentioned something about ‘taking a page from your book.’ Class has been a lot more orderly lately. Even Brick and Boulder have chilled out to some degree.” He seemed amazed at the last sentence he had said.

“Seriously? I never thought I’d see the day. Well, I haven’t, but you know what I mean.” I never thought the class bullies would ever make things easy for Miss Turner.

“Yeah, I gotcha. Boulder’s still being a bit of a jerk, but Brick hasn’t been following him as much. The other day, Boulder made some crack about you not being in class because you were weak or something. I expected Brick to make some kind of supporting remark, but he didn’t. He actually told Boulder to shut up, and then he just walked away. The day after, he came in with—”

“Did he dye his mane?” I interrupted him.

Starry looked at me with wide eyes. “…Yeah. How’d you know?”

“Miss Turner mentioned something about it in one of her letters. I didn’t think he’d actually do it, though.”

“Gotcha. Yeah, I wouldn’t have either. Ever since Brick did that, Boulder’s been a bit more… quiet. I guess you could say his sidekick came over to the good side, but I’m not really sure why,” Starry said

“Yeah, I’m at a loss. Hey, are you okay?” He was shifting on his hooves.

Starry chuckled, “Yeah, I’m fine. I gotta hit the colt’s room— be back in a minute.” I laughed as he trotted out the door.

Before the door shut, High Flyer opened it again. “Hey Crimson, I just saw your friend go out. Somepony else wants to see you; you got a minute? He said he would be quick.”

I didn’t know who it could be. High Flyer would have told me if it was Blackhawk or Stripes. “Uhh… yeah, sure.”

“Okay. Come on in, buddy.” He nodded to somepony in the hallway.

The colt walked through the door, and my jaw dropped. The body build, wings, and red mane left no doubt in my mind who it was. After the door shut, he stared at the floor for a minute before he actually looked at me and said, “…Hey, Crimson.”

“…Hey, Brick. What’s going on?”

“Not much. I was here visiting somepony, and he mentioned you. I figured I’d come say hi… and thanks.”

That was not a word I expected from him. “Uhh… thanks for what?”

“Thanks for keeping an eye on my brother. He’s had it pretty rough lately, but I guess you have, too. I don’t see Blackhawk in a good mood that often. He’s usually just had chemo when I come; my timing seriously sucks. It looks like I finally managed to pick a good day.”

“Wait— did you say brother?” I’ve heard of it happening before, but an earth pony and a pegasus being siblings is rare.

“Well, he’s actually my cousin… somehow. It’s hard to explain the connection, but we’re family, and we’ve been really close since we were little. We might as well be brothers. But anyway, he likes you; he says you’re cool. I guess I’ve been too busy teasing you at school to really notice that. I… I’m sorry.”

The only thing I wouldn’t have expected from Brick, other than thanks, was an apology. “Umm… it’s okay, I guess. I mean, you and Boulder have been—”

His demeanor completely changed when I said that name. “Boulder’s a jerk, Crimson! He said you were weak for having cancer the other day, and when he did, I thought of Blackhawk. I wouldn’t stand for Boulder talking about my brother that way, and I won’t let him do the same to you!” A tear streamed down his cheek as he pounded a hoof on the floor. The same hoof then stroked his red mane. “I did this so Boulder would shut up about it if he wasn’t gonna say anything nice, and I think it worked. He may think you’re weak, but I sure as Tartarus don’t.”

I had no idea how to react to that. “…Thanks, Brick.”

Brick wiped the tear away and said, “Stay strong, Crimson.” I wasn’t sure what else to say as he slowly trotted to the door. “Keep an eye on Blackhawk for me, okay?”

It took me long enough to get the words out that the door had already clicked shut before I could say them. “…Sure thing.”

Starry came back in just a moment later. “Dude, was that Brick?


“What did he want? He didn’t do anything to you, did he?” Starry asked.

“No, it was nothing like that. He… he apologized.”


I could tell from Starry’s expression that he never expected one of the class bullies to come and apologize to me of their own accord. We were on the same page with that thought. The only difference was that now I knew a side of Brick that nopony else did.

With that knowledge at my disposal…

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