• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 1,640 Views, 144 Comments

Through Crimson Eyes - Level Dasher

What happens when a life-changing event occurs that shapes your whole life? What if that event occurs when life has barely begun? If a kid has dealt with more issues in six years than most can handle in a lifetime, how do you think they'd feel?

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Chapter 48: Testing

“Okay, Crimson. We need you to take some deep breaths, and count backwards from one-hundred. Can you do that for us?”

“Sure, but can you help me fold my wings in? They aren’t really comfortable.” As I lay on the chilly table, one of the nurses hovered a mask nearby my face while another tucked in my primary feathers.

This was it. I had to wait a couple of days, but I was finally going under. The next big step in the treatment— the resectioning. I’ve had major surgeries before, so I kind of knew what to expect, but I couldn’t help feeling a little nervous. I didn’t know what I would wake up to, but I’ve fallen asleep this way before, so I was used to it.

I looked at the clock on the wall— nine in the morning. I had to wake up just to be put back to sleep. I wasn’t sure if I would be happy about that later, but it meant I would see Tess in the afternoon. That way I would have somepony to distract me if I woke up in pain.

“Ready, honey? You’re going to be asleep for a while, so have some sweet dreams.” She strapped the mask over my muzzle, then said, “Here we go— start the countdown!”

I took a brief second to mutter something to myself, then began counting, “One-hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety… seven… nine…”

And that’s as far as I got.

When I opened my eyes, Mom, Gramma, Starry and Tess all stood around my bed.

“Well, sweetie, how are you feeling?” Mom asked.

I scratched the back of my neck. “Fine, actually. How’d the surgery go?”

“Perfectly,” High Flyer said, squeezing himself in between Gramma and Starry. “We even managed to get you out early.”

“Really? What do you mean, early?”

“The surgery went even quicker than we expected. You might even be able to eat later tonight!”

“Really? That’s gr— wait… The doctor said I’d need to be NPO for recovery. There’s no way I could—” My hoof shot to the top of my head. Sure enough, my mane was full. “I should’ve known,” I said to myself. “This is just what I want to happen.” I looked down at myself. No tubes, no wires… I was dreaming a perfect fantasy. Then again, I’d caught myself. If I was dreaming my ideal, maybe, just maybe…

“Crimson, you and I both know you don’t need me here. You will be perfectly fine on your own.”

I grinned and turned toward the pony now standing between Mom and Gramma. “Princess Luna! You are here! Is it actually you, or just my figment of you?”

She cocked a brow at me with a small smirk. “Yes, ‘tis the true me. There was a figment, but it disappeared upon my arrival. I had just fallen into slumber when I felt your call. But like I said, you don’t need me here. You are strong enough to make it through this operation without me.”

I smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, I guess. But… I think I just needed to hear that from you directly.”

The Princess let out a light sigh and shook her head with a smile. Mom and Gramma stepped aside as her horn began glowing. She levitated me out of my bed, set me on the floor in front of her, then knelt down so she could look at me at eye level. “Crimson Star, you are a very strong colt. You have been through much worse— this surgery will be a piece of cake for you. You don’t really need my say-so to know that you will be fine, do you?”

I shrugged. “No, I guess not. It’s just nice to see you.”

“Likewise, young gentlecolt. However, since you know they occur rarely, visits like this should be saved for when you should truly need them. This is not one of those times, so I shall depart. I need my rest as well.”

“Oh… yeah. Sorry.”

“‘Tis alright. It will not take me long to return to my own dreams. Speaking of, you are already lucid; ‘tis another opportunity to practice manipulation.”

“Hey, good idea!” I answered. “What should I do?”

“What first comes to mind?”

“I wanna see my dad.” Then it occurred to me. “But I’m not good at creating ponies. Only things.” I held up my hoof and closed my eyes for a second; when I opened them, nothing had changed. “Hey!” I closed my eyes and tried again, focusing harder. This time, a folded blue bandana sat in my hoof, and I smirked. “There we go, that’s better.”

The Princess smiled as she picked up the bandana in her aura. “Crimson, all skills come with practice. Give it time.” Unfolding the bandana, she continued, “You must also consider the state of your body as well as your mind. You may be lucid, but your body is under considerable stress. Creation in the dreamscape may be difficult for you at the moment.” She tied the bandana around my neck and put a hoof to her muzzle. “Like an Appleloosan sheriff. You will eventually have complete control of your domain, you need not worry.”

I cocked a brow. “Appleloosa is out of control, last I heard.”

Her pupils dilated for a moment, then she cleared her throat. “Allow me to rephrase that: You look like an Appleloosan sheriff. You will also eventually have complete control of your domain, so you have no need to worry.”

“That sounds better,” I said, before letting out a laugh. “Actually…” I closed my eyes again and concentrated hard. A few moments later, a cowpony hat with a star on it popped onto my head, and I let out a smile. “Maybe I oughta go out for a roundup!”

The Princess chuckled. “That’s the spirit!” Her horn glowed and the glass pane in my window disappeared. “With such strong mental fortitude, I believe you will do just fine. Now, take to the skies, Sheriff Star! Your domain awaits!” she exclaimed, raising her hoof towards the open window.

I just laughed and called out, “Thanks, Princess! See you soon!” as I flew out of the room.

“Hello?” I knocked on my front door, but heard no answer. When I found it unlocked, I opened it and made my way to the TV room. Nothing. “Oh, come on! This worked last time!” I scrunched my eyes tight and focused. Upon opening them, I found nothing had changed. “Dammit! No good!” I huffed and stomped out of the room, then out of my house.

As I headed in the direction of the schoolhouse to find my figments of Starry and Tesla, I turned around and looked at my house again. I furrowed my eyebrows and said, “No, this has to work.” I thought about what Princess Luna had told me. I was in control… but under stress— the surgery would weaken it. I really had to concentrate. Remembering something else I’d talked about with Mom, I sat on my haunches and closed my eyes again.

In… Out… Deep breaths. Clear your mind. Concentrate. I had to test myself first. I focused on the hat I wore; it was a funny idea at first, but unnecessary. I thought for a moment, then brushed a hoof over my head— no hat. Good, test passed.

I opened my eyes for a second and looked at my house again, then closed my eyes once more. Deep breaths. Concentrate. I envisioned my TV room, two cushions on the floor. A perfect spot for two ponies to lie on as they melted their brains in front of a screen. Scrunching my eyes tight, I concentrated, doing the best I could to really believe in what I saw. When I opened my eyes, I stood up and walked to my front door again. I didn’t knock, I just opened it.

As I walked through the hallway of the main floor, I heard the faint sounds of blips and pings. The kitchen was mostly dark, but a light shone from the next room. As I approached the threshold between the two rooms, I softly called, “Dad?”

The sounds stopped, and I walked through the doorway. “Mmmm-yeeeeeess?” He was laying on a cushion, propping his head on one hoof as he faced me. He patted the cushion next to him, where a game controller lay waiting. “What took you so long?”

I smiled. His good old, smart aleck-y self. “Well, I’m kind of in the middle of surgery.” I approached the cushion and plopped down on top of it.

“Didn’t stop me,” he said, cocking a brow. I turned toward him and was about to make some kind of witty retort, but his smirk changed to a warm smile. “And it didn’t stop you, either.” He put a hoof on my withers and gave me a soft rub. “Good job, Champ. I’m proud of you.”

I smiled as I let a tear well up in my eye. “Thanks, Pop.” I reached for him and held him in a tight hug.

After a minute or so, Dad released me and said, “So as I understand it…” He turned around and reached behind him. “…you’ve got some time to kill. Well, this—” He flipped over a disk case. “—had been in development when I left. My team was just putting on the finishing touches.”

I stared at the case with an orange pony holding a white, cylindrical device. “Portal 2?

He smirked. “Yep. You want first peek as usual?”

“Buck yeah, I do!”

“Hey!” He bopped me on the head. “You’re lucky you’re dreaming, buster. Don’t you be speaking that way when you’re awake.”

“Heh… sorry, Dad.”

“That’s better. Now, come on. You are going to love the final boss battle.”

Author's Note:

For those of you wondering how and/or why Portal 2 is referenced, read the prequel.

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