• Published 19th Jun 2013
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Through Crimson Eyes - Level Dasher

What happens when a life-changing event occurs that shapes your whole life? What if that event occurs when life has barely begun? If a kid has dealt with more issues in six years than most can handle in a lifetime, how do you think they'd feel?

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Chapter 4: A Big Change

“Wait, retire? Doesn’t that mean that you, like, won’t ever work again?” I definitely wasn’t expecting this.

“That’s usually what happens, yes. That’s why I haven’t been here lately; I’ve been preparing. You see, Crimson, your mother has always taken you to your doctor visits because I’m usually working. I feel like I haven’t been as involved with your medical life as I would like, especially now. I—”

I cut him off and said, “But you’ve had to work!”

“I understand that,” he replied, “but that’s no excuse not to be involved in a crucial aspect of your life. My late work hours have been for good reason, but I still would rather be able to spend more time with you, and retiring would give me that chance.”

“But then, what’ll we do about making money for stuff?” Dad’s had a pretty good job over the course of my lifetime, and I know that I’ve gotten spoiled because of it. I don’t take it for granted, but I guess I’ve gotten used to it. If Dad wasn’t making money anymore…

He looked at me for a second, then he smiled. “…Wow. How did I get lucky enough to have a son like you, Champ?” He tousled my mane again. “You have your own troubles to deal with. Let your mother and me worry about the money. Besides, if you’re going to be in here for a while, one of the other things my retiring will do is allow your mother to go back to work.”

I raised a brow at him. “But Mom doesn’t really make a lot…”

He raised his brow back at me. “What have you been doing, mister? Looking at your parents’ bills and paychecks behind our backs?”

I shrugged. “Well, Mom leaves her teaching schedule and other stuff out on the table sometimes…”

Dad rolled his eyes and sighed. “Okay, buddy. You’re clearly mature enough that I can let you in on something your mother and I have kept from you. Not because we don’t trust you, but because we didn’t want you to get spoiled.”

I put my chin in a hoof and raised a brow at him again. “Dad, I’m already spoiled. We both know that.”

Dad chuckled. “Well you see, bud, that’s the difference— you KNOW you are. Some foals that are spoiled don’t think they are, and that’s the problem. Since you’ve realized it on your own, you’re mature enough to hear this now.

“Anyway, after all my years of experience in the gaming industry, I’ve climbed my way up in the company. Aside from just being a tester, I’ve also been designing some of the games I’ve brought home for you. One of the reasons I get so happy watching you play those games is because I basically created them— with plenty of help, of course. Watching you enjoy the things I make has given me so much pleasure that I wanted to stay in the business longer. The downside was the hours— TONS of time and energy go into game design.”

I had no idea Dad had been working this hard. I mean, I knew he worked a lot, but I didn’t think DESIGNING games was why he stayed at the office so late. I thought he was being overworked with game testing.

Dad pulled over the chair Blackhawk had sat in earlier and continued, “The point I’m getting at is that for the past few years, I’ve been one of the highest-paid ponies in the company. We have plenty of money stored away to last us for a long time. Your mother and I have already set up a college account for you, as well as plenty of other important things. For example: Celestia forbid that something happens to me, you and your mother won’t need to worry about money. I’ve got all that covered. This is why I’ve been working such long hours: to make sure you and your mom don’t have any problems in the future.

“The reason your mother and I didn’t tell you about our money situation is because, like I said before, we didn’t want you to get— well, too spoiled. Some of the ponies I work with have colts and fillies that feel like they’re entitled to whatever they want because they know they can afford it. Your mother and I didn’t want you to start thinking that way, and I’m happy to see that you don’t. I think your medical history has had a hoof in that— you don’t take things for granted.”

I thought about it for a moment, then nodded at him. “Huh. Maybe you’re right, Pop. I guess it’s a… what’s it called, blessing in disguise?”

Dad stared at me for a moment. “I swear, how are you only ten? You’re smarter than some of my co-workers!”

“I’m pretty sure I get it from you, Dad.” I raised my brow at him and smirked.

“Haha, you don’t need to suck up to me, Champ.”

“Who said I was sucking up?”

He smiled. “…You know, you’re really good at earning brownie points, buddy. Now then, where’s your mother?”

Even though Mom had already heard about the plan, the three of us talked about the whole thing for about an hour. Dad was going to finish out the month at Big Macrosoft and retire, and Mom was going to go back to the Arts Center so she didn’t have to video chat with her students anymore. There were a few other details they had to go through that I didn’t have to be a part of the conversation for, but I was fine listening to it all. Like High Flyer had said earlier, the more I knew, the better.

Mom seemed relieved when Dad told her he had explained the money stuff to me. Apparently, her computer has been on the fritz, and she’s been looking into getting a new one. She wanted to get an Apple, but didn’t want to outright buy a really expensive new computer and then have me wonder how she could afford it.

Actually, that was another crazy thing I read about in The History of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It turns out that Apple Bloom, one of the other original Crusaders, eventually went into engineering. She stopped working at the Apple farm at the edge of town, which led to a new life for that family— the next generation went into electronics. One of Apple Bloom’s sons started the Apple corporation—not very original, but whatever—and then her other son founded Big Macrosoft, which he named after their uncle. It’s kind of funny that two members of the same family were so competitive with each other— sibling rivalry, I guess. But geez, I owe my life to that family. Without them, Dad wouldn’t have this awesome job…

It’s strange how things can be so connected without you realizing it. I never really gave much thought to the Apple farm at the edge of town, but it’s the origin of a lot of things that affect my life. The two big-name electronics companies whose products I use from day to day are both rooted from that farm. On top of that, my family’s well-being would be non-existent had the place never existed.

Hmm… Maybe all this medical junk is connected with something, too. Maybe I’m supposed to deal with it all…

Woah, I went way off track there. Anyway, we agreed that it was a good idea for Dad to retire. That way, Mom could focus on teaching her lessons and I could spend more time with him. Fortunately, the medical bills weren’t a problem, either. Apparently, Dad has this thing called a pension, which means he’ll still be making money even after he stops working. Wow… we’re really lucky…

Then I heard my door creak open just a crack. “Excuse me? Can we come in?”

I asked, “Who is it?”

“It’s us!”

“It’s us!”

Before I even had a chance to react, Starry and Tesla were at the foot of my bed. “Hey guys! What’s up?”

Starry shrugged. “Not much, usual school stuff. Everything going okay?”

I nodded and said, “Yeah, it’s all good. Chemo isn’t too bad. Actually, I met—”

Tesla’s ears suddenly perked up. “Oh wait! Before we forget! Crimson, did you write Miss Turner’s cousin a thank-you? She wanted us to ask you.”

I nodded again and answered, “Oh yeah, I just did today! Why? I put it in that addressed envelope she gave me.”

“Didja mail it?”

Starry peered over at her. “He said he just wrote it today, Tess. When would he have had time to mail it?”

Tesla glared daggers at him. “I was just ASKing, Starry! Geez! Well, putting it that way, I guess you didn’t, huh?”

Watching the two of them bicker kind of amused me, I’ve gotta admit. “Heh heh, no. Why?”

Starry decided to speak before Tesla could. “Miss Turner said she was going to see him this weekend and that she could hoof-deliver it for you. We’ll give it to her tomorrow if you want.”

“Sure, that works.” I reached over to the side table and picked up the envelope with the letter. Tesla jumped up and grabbed it, but I noticed she kind of rubbed her hoof on my hind leg as she settled back down on the floor. Starry noticed, too, and the two of us smirked at each other. Tesla saw us, though.

“What are you two looking like that for?”



I saw Mom in the corner on her laptop, glancing at us from the corner of her eye and grinning. I think she knows…

“So Mr. Dasher, what’s going on at Big Macrosoft? We didn’t think you would be here at this time of day,” Starry asked Dad.

“The usual stuff, Starry. We’re working on releasing a few original games this year, so they’ve been keeping us testers pretty busy making sure all the kinks are worked out.”

“They must be, considering how late you usually work,” Tesla chimed in.

I started, “Actually, Dad’s—”

*Cough**Cough* I got cut off. I looked over at Dad and saw him shaking his head at me. It confused me, but I knew what he was trying to tell me. I figured I’d ask him why later.

“You okay, Mr. Dasher?” Tesla asked with concern.

“Yes, I’m alright, Tesla. Luna, I need some fresh air.” He opened the window…

…and that’s when I finally remembered.

“WAIT! That’s right! Dad, can you c’mere for a sec?”

He trotted over to my bed. “What’s up, buddy?”

When he got close enough that I wouldn’t yank out my PICC, I jumped up and squeezed him as hard as I could. I almost knocked him over. “You are the most awesome dad ever!

Tesla and Starry started laughing. Dad sat on his haunches and did the same. “Well, thanks! But what did I do? I haven’t really seen you that much lately.”

Mom stood up and looked at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “So what am I, chopped liver?” She chuckled along with Dad.

“Come on, Mom. Don’t give me that— you already know you’re the coolest mom in Equestria!” I quipped.

She laughed, “Well that’s good to hear. Still, I’d like to know exactly what your father did to earn him that title. Other than already being who he is, of course.” She looked at Dad and winked, and he gave her a big grin.

Ugh, parents and their cutesy faces.

“Well…” I sighed and smiled as I looked at my parents, then over at Starry and Tesla. “You guys are not going to believe who came and visited me the other night…”

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