• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 16,743 Views, 330 Comments

Casanova Spike - Riddleja

Spike's curiosity causes the Mane 6 to fall in love with him.

  • ...

The Wedding of Confusion

The following morning, Spike woke up. His bed was comfortable and he had no trouble sleeping.

“That was a good sleep,” he yawned. “I wonder what time it is”.

Spike looked at the clock and gasped. It was 5 till Noon!

”Aah!” he cried in panic. “Only 5 minutes until the wedding! This is bad. This is bad!”

Suddenly the door opened and Granny Smith entered.

”Good morning there, sleepy head,” she said cheerfully. “While you were sleeping we took the liberty of getting you a tuxedo.” She held up a tuxedo about Spike’s size.

“Uh, thank you, Granny Smith,” said Spike politely.

”Don’t so formal there youngster,” said Granny Smith. “You can just call me Granny. After all, you’ll be part of the family now.”

“Oh. Okay then, Granny.”

”Better hurry up and get ready.” Granny Smith said. “It’s a full house out there.”

Granny Smith left. Spike looked out the window and gulped. Outside by barn were a large number of Ponies assembled waiting for the wedding. There were also tables of delicious looking foods and a Wedding Cake. Spike wanted to run away as fast as he could, but he didn’t want to anger the Apple Family.

“Might as well do this,” he said, taking a deep breath.

A couple minutes later Spike slowly came out in his tuxedo.”

”Uh, hey everypony,” he said. “I’m here.”

Spike nervously made his way up the aisle to where the minister was waiting.

“Don’t be so nervous my child,” said the minister. “This is a happy day.”

Spike bravely put on a smile, but he still felt dreadfully nervous inside. The wedding soon began. The band began playing their own version of “Here Comes the Bride” as the Cutie Mark Crusaders went down the aisle dropping flower petals.

”It’s really happening,” said Spike in his head. “I’m really getting married. But not to the one I really want.”

Then Applejack approached. Spike couldn’t help but blush seeing her in her dress. At last she came up the aisle and is by his side. The Minister began the service.

“Friends and Family,” he began, “we are gathered together on this day to witness the union of Applejack and Spike the Dragon in wedlock. Now I’m sure there might be concerns of interspecies relationships, but apparently that still happens in other parts on Equestria. Applejack, do you take this dragon to be your husband?”

”I do!” cried the excited Mare.

”And Spike,” continued the Minister, “do you take this mare to be your wife?”

Spike’s knees trembled. In his nervousness he started saying gibberish. The crowd began getting confused.

“I think he’s got cold feet,” said a mare.

“Happened to me once,” said another.

”Poor fella must be nervous,” said Braeburn. Then he spoke to the minister. “I guess he means ‘I do’, chief.”

“Alright then,” said the minister. “Now, if anypony has any reason why these two should not be together, speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

Spike hoped someone would object; any reason at all. But no one said a word. Spike’s heart sank.

”If no one objects,” continued the minister, “then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and…”


Suddenly Rainbow Dash appeared at the other end of the aisle. Everyone gasped, except for Spike who sighed in somewhat relief.

“Rainbow Dash!” said Applejack angrily. “I should have known you’d come here to ruin my wedding!”

”What do you mean your wedding?” snapped Rainbow Dash, making her way down the aisle. “If anypony is going to marry Spike, it’s going to be me!

Rainbow Dash then shoved Applejack to the side and put her hoof around Spike’s Shoulder.

”Alright, pops,” she said to the minister, “let’s take it from the beginning.”

The minister was a confused, but went on anyway.

“Uh, Friends and Family,” he said unsure, “we are gathered together on this day to witness the union of Rainbow Dash and Spike the Dragon…”

“Oh no you don’t!”

Suddenly Twilight Sparkle appeared and used her magic to throw Rainbow Dash to the side while she appeared next to Spike.

”Spike is my number 1 assistant,” she said. “So I will be the one he marries!”

The minister held his head in confusion. Suddenly Pinkie Pie popped out of nowhere behind Twilight and pushed her away from Spike.

”No way!” she cried. “He’s my Spikey Bear! We’re gonna get married and move in with you!”

“Um…. I'd like to marry Spike,” came a timid voice. The 4 mares turned and saw Fluttershy at the other end of the aisle, trying to bury her face in her wings from embarrassment. Next to her was Angel being annoyed. Suddenly Spike was levitated by a magical aura and saw who was casting it. Rarity was there wearing a very fabulous looking wedding gown, with gems as cufflinks and the Fire Ruby necklace.

“Sorry I’m late, Spikey Wikey,” she said, holding the dragon in her hooves. “I wanted to make sure I looked my best for our wedding.”

"Your wedding?” interrupted Applejack. “This wedding is between me and Spike!”

“Well I can’t help it if he likes me more,” retorted Rarity. “Our children will be speaking of this day!”

Spike’s eyes widened. “Children?!” he gasped.

”Of course, dear,” said Rarity, petting his head. “They will be the eye of all Ponyville.”

“Forget it!” said Rainbow Dash. “Spike is marrying me!

“No, he’s marrying ME!” snapped Twilight.

"ME!!” cried Pinkie Pie.

“Back of the line!” said Applejack.

Fluttershy just shook nervously. Spike could see this was getting out of hand.

“Can’t we be reasonably about this?” he suggested.

“Spikey Wikey is mine!!!”

Suddenly without any warning, the 6 Mares started attacking each other. Well make that 5 Mares. Fluttershy kept staying in her spot, occasionally tripping one of the others. Spike used this opportunity to escape.

“Why is this happening?” he wondered. “Why are all 6 of them fighting over me?” Suddenly Spike had a thought; a terrible thought. “Oh no!” he cried.