• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 16,744 Views, 330 Comments

Casanova Spike - Riddleja

Spike's curiosity causes the Mane 6 to fall in love with him.

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Potions and Parties

Later that day Twilight was heading out the door. It had warmed up outside so she had no reason to wear winter clothing.

“I’m going to Sugarcube Corner, Spike”, she called. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

“Have fun,” Spike called back. Twilight headed out and closed the door behind her. Spike watched her leave through the window. When she was out of sight, he went to the book shelf and began looking for the book he was reading earlier.

”Now, which book was it that had the Love Potion?” he wondered. Spike picked up a book and looked through it. “Nope”, he said, putting the book back. “Not this one.” Then he looked through a second book. “Not this one either,” he said, putting it back as well.

Spike continued looking through books, trying to find the love potion recipe when he came to another book. “Hey!” he called. “I found my old comic book! I was wondering where that little bugger went.” And he went back to searching.

At last, Spike finally found what he is looking for. “Aha!” he said triumphantly. “Here we are.” He opened the book to the page of the love potion and began to look through it carefully.

Meanwhile, Twilight arrived at Sugarcube Corner. She was meeting up with her friends; Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash to discuss something.

”What did you want us to meet you here for, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy.

”Are we going under cover and doing awesome spy things?” added Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash was always thinking of awesome things to do.

”No,” Twilight answered. “I have gathered you girls here so we could talk about Spike.”

“Spikey-Wikey?” asked Rarity. Spike had a crush on Rarity and she fancied calling him her little “Spikey-Wikey” because of it. “Yes,” replied Twilight. "Remember all the nice things he’s done for us?”

“You mean like when he saved me from that Timberwolf?” said Applejack. She remember when they had staged a fake Timberwolf attack so that Spike would save her and get out of her debt.

“Or when he took care of our pets while we were gone?” asked Fluttershy.

“Or when he made us some super yummy snacks?” asked a bouncing Pinkie Pie.

Twilight nodded. “Spike’s been very helpful and loyal to us and I think we should give him a special treat to show our appreciation.”

“I agree with Twilight,” said Rarity. “Spike has been an absolute darling and we should thank him.”

“Yeah,” put in Applejack. “Let’s do something nice for the little guy.”

Pinkie Pie continued bouncing in excitement. “I know!” she cried. “How about a big Thank You party? It’ll have Cake, Ice Cream, Balloons and a Big Banner with ‘Thank You for Being a Great Friend’ written in Green Fire like when he uses his fire breath!”

”Looks like we’ve got a plan,” said Rainbow Dash.

Meanwhile, Spike was still looking at the page of the Love Potion.

”If The Cutie Mark Crusaders could do it, then so can I,” he said with determination. “Now how do I make this?”

Now, this love potion was actually a more advanced form of the Love Potion made that one Hearts and Hooves Day, meaning that keeping the tasters of the Potion from looking into each other’s eyes for one full hour wouldn’t cure them. However there was an antidote for it incase something did go wrong. Spike began reading the instructions.

“Step 1; ‘Fill ¼ of jar with a sweet liquid’,” he read. “Hmm, juice can be sweet.”

Spike filled a jar a quarter of the way full of grape and strawberry juice.

“That was easy,” he said, taking a taste of juice. “What’s next?” He read the next step. “Step 2; “take 3 roses and mix them with pure bee’s honey’… Wait a minute. I have to get honey from a hive?” he gulped. Spike knew that bees would get angry if you disturbed them, but he also wanted to do the potion.

First he bought some roses. Then he spotted a hive nearby. Nervously, he walked towards the hive.

”Uh, hey there guys,” he said to the bees. “You mind of I take some of your honey?”

The bees answered with an angry buzzing. Spike quickly grabbed the hive and raced off as fast as he could with the bees chasing after him. He ran into the Library and slammed the door just in time. The bees formed together to make a mad face and flew off to make another hive.

“Phew,” sighed Spike with relieve. “That was close.”

Spike mixed the roses with the honey. Then he added the mixture to the jar of juice.

“Alright, the final step,” he said. “Step 3; ‘Stir quickly with a feather while adding a couple drops of liquid rainbow and a bit of cloud.’ Piece of cake,” he said, smugly.

Spike went outside and saw a cloud in the sky. It was close enough where he could go to the balcony and reach. He jumped up at the cloud as high as he could and grabbed a bit of cloud.

”Got it!” he cried. Then he went into the basement and opened a cupboard full of potions. To his shock the bees from earlier were there. They looked at him with sinister grins.*

”This again?” Spike gulped. The chase was on once again. The bees chased him all over the library until he outsmarted them and closed a window on them. Spike thought for a minute and tossed their hive to them.

“There,” he said triumphantly.

He ran back to the basement, grabbed a bottle labeled “Liquid Rainbow” and went back upstairs to the mixture. “Now all I need is a feather to stir this together.”

Then Spike noticed Owlicious, Twilight’s pet owl, sleeping nearby. Spike quietly sneaked up to the sleeping owl and plucked one of his feathers. This caused the owl to wake up. He was very cross at Spike for waking him up.

”Hoo! Hoo!” hooted Owlicious crossly. Then he started chasing Spike, pecking him on the head with his beak.*

”Ow!” cried Spike. “Hey, cut it out!”

Owlicious stopped his attack and angrily hooted at Spike for waking him up. Then flew back to his post to sleep.

”Boy,” said Spike, rubbing the spot where Owlicious had attacked him. “It’s true what they say; ‘Make an owl angry and he’ll make you regret it’.”

Spike added the cloud bit and a few drops of Liquid Rainbow to the mixture and began stirring it with the feather. The mixture glowed bright pink and a puff of pink smoke appeared in the shape of a heart.

”Looks good so far. Now I just need to see if it really works.”

Spike then noticed a male and female bird glancing nervously at each other on a branch outside. This gave him an idea. He took a bit of the potion and put it in two small dishes. He then put the dishes in front of the birds who begin to drink it.

”I sure hope this works,” said Spike. He had put a lot of effort into making the potion and he wanted it to pay off.

Suddenly, the birds looked up at each other, began chirping happily and flying off together. Spike was very pleased.

”It works!” he cried in excitement. “I did it! I made a potion all by myself! Wait until Twilight hears about this.”