• Published 3rd Jun 2013
  • 16,744 Views, 330 Comments

Casanova Spike - Riddleja

Spike's curiosity causes the Mane 6 to fall in love with him.

  • ...

Spike and Pinkie Pie

Meanwhile, Spike was in town trying to find out what had happened back there with Twilight.

”It’s just odd,” he said, “that after all these years she’s in love with me. Maybe she's just suffering from too much reading. I'll see if I can get her to consider doing outdoor activities that don't involve reading.”

Spike soon got thirsty and made his way to Sugarcube Corner.

“A nice Strawberry milkshake should help me feel better,” he said.

Soon Spike arrived at Sugarcube Corner. He looked around.

”Hello?” he called. “Anyone here?”

Suddenly from out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie tackled him to the ground in tight hug.

“Hiya, Spikey!” she giggled while hugging him. “How’s my bestest dragonfriend in the world doing?” And she hugged him even tighter.

At that moment Carrot Cake and Cupcake came in and saw what was going on.

”Pinkie Pie, what is going on here?” asked Cupcake. “What are you doing with Spike.”

”Spike is here and I thought I’d give a sweet welcome to the dragon that won my heart,” answered Pinkie Pie.

“Won your heart?” Spike’s voice was muffled from Pinkie Pie’s hug. At last he managed to free himself.

”One Strawberry Shake, please,” he said to the Cakes, gasping for air.

So Spike got his shake and sat down at a table to enjoy it, with Pinkie Pie bouncing around him excitedly.

“Let me get this straight,” said Spike. “When you said I won your heart, you mean you’re in love with me?”

Pinkie Pie nodded her head excitedly and jumped up and down all around the room and back.

“But why?” asked Spike. After all, he was just a baby dragon.

“Because you’re just so cutesy-wutesy!” answered Pinkie Pie, pinching Spike’s cheeks. “We’d make the cutest, most funnest couple in Ponyville! Then you could move in with me and we’d make all kinds of yummy treats together! Wouldn't that be great?”

“Not really,” muttered Spike, as he continued enjoying his shake.

Unfortunately Pinkie Pie heard him and her Mane deflated.

”You… you don’t like me?” she asked sadly, on the verge of crying.

Spike realized what he had said and quickly corrected himself.

“No no no no! I’m sorry, Pinkie Pie, I didn't mean it that way!” he pleaded. “Please don’t cry! Of course I like you!”

Suddenly Pinkie Pie’s Mane re-inflated and she wrapped Spike in a gentler hug.

“Aw, how can I stay sad when my wittle cuddly wuddly Spikey Bear is here to cheer me up?” she giggled as she cradled Spike.

“I didn't mean to make you feel sad there, Pinkie Pie,” explained Spike. “You know I like you. I just said ‘not really’ because I was wondering how Twilight would handle it.”

“Oh,” said Pinkie Pie in a jealous tone. “Twilight.”

“If I moved out of the Library and moved in with you,” continued Spike, “Twilight would probably be sad and feel lonely.”

”Oh,” replied Pinkie Pie, remembering her friend. “Well why didn't you say so? I don’t want one of my best friends being sad.” Suddenly she gasped. “That gives me an idea!” she cried. “Forget you moving in with me, I’ll just move in with you and Twilight! Then we can be one big happy family serving as both a Library AND a Bakery!” Pinkie Pie continued to bounce around in excitement of her idea. “Well, I've got to get back to work,” she said. “See you later, Spikey Bear.” And she nuzzled him before skipping happily back into the kitchen.

”Yeah,” said Spike. “Later.”

Spike finished his Milkshake, left his payment at the register and left. In the kitchen, Pinkie Pie watched Spike go.

“He smells like cupcakes,” she sighed, lovingly.

Author's Note:

Edit: Like with part 3, I took out the OC mentions.