• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 2,529 Views, 153 Comments

Derpy: Overcoming Trials - vincent5000x

Summer is over and its time for Derpy to finish her final year of school. But she never realized just how hard it would be with Dinky in her life.

  • ...

Chapter 10: The Next Day


“So, how did everything go yesterday?” Dilvent asked as Derpy placed her bags down and took her seat.

“How did ‘what’ go?” Derpy questioned.

“You know, how did the whole thing with Shooting Star go?” Dilvent asked with a giant grin. “Carrot Top says you flaunted her in seconds.”

“Why does everypony think that we were going to fight?!” Derpy grumblked as she let her head hit the desk.

“He’s just pulling your hoof, Derpy,” Minerva giggled from her seat.

“I was actually hoping to get a few laughs,” Carrot Top chuckled. “You should’ve seen Dilvent’s face when I first told him.”

“I-I was j-just playing along!” Dilvent began to stutter in reply sheepishly. Quickly clearing his throat, he recomposed himself before continuing. “Besides, Derpy’s way too soft to fight somepony.”

“It’s because of the muffins,” Carrot Top chuckled as she got up from her desk and moved closer to Derpy. With one of her front hooves, she began poking at Derpy’s side, causing the pegasus to giggle. “She’s a squishy as the muffins she eats.”

“Stop that!” Derpy scoffed pushing her friend away with a chuckle. “And I can fight, I just don’t want to.”

“Why is everypony talking about fighting?” a new voice questioned. Looking over, Derpy wasn’t surprised to see that Shooting Star had finally made it to homeroom.

“We’re not talking about fighting,” Derpy sighed, a slight tone of annoyance just barely noticeable in her voice. “Dilvent simply wanted to know how it went between us.”

“And the fact that you’re at least talking is all I need to know,” Dilvent said with a smile and a chuckle.

“Yes, well…” Derpy began, turning away from Shooting Star with a sigh. “Everypony wanted me to at least give her a chance, so we’ll see how it goes.”

“And I won’t mess it up!” Shooting Star proclaimed with a smile. “Now what do you say we all…”

“No,” everypony replied blandly, facing forward with equal looks of boardom.

“What!?’ Shooting Star almost shouted, causing most of the room to look at her. “But all I was going to say is that we…”

Before Shooting Star could continue, the bell rang, ending home room.

“Well, looks like we’ll have to finish this conversation at lunch,” Carrot Top said with a smile while picking her bags up from the ground.

“What she said,” Dilvent mumbled, following behind Carrot Top; Minerva and Derpy wordlessly following as well.

“Wait for me!” Shooting Star quickly called after them, moving to stand next to Derpy.

The rest of the morning seemed to drag on forever as Shooting Star stuck to Derpy’s side every chance she could. By the time lunch finally rolled around, Derpy was beging to regret her choice.

“She just won’t leave me alone…” Derpy grumbled as she and her friends took their regular seats, Shooting Star having left to check in with the counselor. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was a blood drawing tick.”

“That’s not a very nice thing to say about somepony,” Minerva replied sternly. “Even if she’s annoying, she’s only doing to try to make up for what she did.”

“Are our lives really so boring that this is all we can talk about?” Carrot Top sighed.

“What else is there to talk about?” Dilvent questioned with a slight chuckle.

“Food,” Carrot Top stated matter-of-factly.

“What are next test will entail in math?” Minerva tried to input, asking more than saying.

“Dinky,” Derpy said with a smile.

“Boy’s, duh!” Shooting Star’s voice rang, drawing everypony’s attention. Without waiting for a reply, the mare took a seat next to Dilvent, smirking at the stallion.

“Pass…” the others stated in reply.

“Fine,” Shooting Star almost wined as she slouched down.

“Anyways,” Dilvent began as he looked towards Derpy. “Derpy, you and your dad are still coming over Friday, right?”

“Of course,” Derpy chirped happily.

“Right,” Dilvent replied with a nod. “Before I forget, my mom wanted to know if we should get or move anything in the house for Dinky.”

“Oh, there’s no need for any of that,” Derpy shrugged before a look of realization crossed her face. “Just be sure your room’s door is closed and locked. I really don’t need her around your ‘collection’.”

“What are you ponies talking about?” Shooting Star asked as she looked between Dilvent and Derpy.

“Dilvent’s dad hosts a poker night every now and then,” Carrot Top said off hoof. “My uncle and Derpy’s dad are some of the ones who play. Me and Derpy go to make sure that neither of them bet the houses.”

“Oh, can I come?” Shooting Star asked looking towards Dilvent with a smile. “My dad likes poker and I could meet your parents.”

“While I’m sure my parents would be fine with it,” Dilvent said as he suppressed a laugh. “But, you should be asking Derpy.”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” Derpy said with a grin as she put on an innocent face.. “But are you sure you wanna go? Because just about everypony there will know what happened, and who’s to say what they will think of you.”

“I-I’m sure…” Shooting Star began to hesitantly reply a slight look of fear crossing her face. “I mean, it won’t be that bad, will it?”

“Only one way to find out,” Carrot Top chirped with a giggle.

“I… I guess so,” Shooting Star gulped. “Won’t know until then.”

“Oh, it wont be that bad,” Dilvent said as he pulled a small blue gem from his bag and bighting a small chunk of it off. “Nopony will be happy to see you, but you have nothing to worry about.”

“O…Okay,” Shooting Star half responded as her eyes locked onto the gem Dilvent was eating. “So, you really do eat gems?”

“Yeah,” Dilvent replied with a confused look. “I eat one every day at lunch. What did you think this was, candy?”

“Uh, yes actually,” Shooting Star replied with a sheepish smile.

“I thought it was an ice pop,” Derpy chuckled, causing everypony to laugh.


“I don’t like having my face washed!” Dinky tried her best to push her mother and the cloth she had, away.

“Now now Muffin,” Derpy said as she continued to wash Dinkies face of her snack. “We don’t want you to be messy when you meet new ponies, do you?”

“Is she ready yet,” Derpy’s father asked as he entered the room. Dinky couldn’t help but stare at him oddly, since he wasn’t wearing his uniform.

“Yep!” Derpy chirped as she stopped wiping at the small foal. “Are you ready, Muffin?”

“Ready for what?” Dinky looked at her mother in confusion. Just then, a thunderous ponding sounded through the house.

“Well, looks like Shooting Star and Big Rig are here,” Derpy’s father heavily sighed. Watching the stallion leave, Dinky couldn’t help but wonder why he didn’t look too happy.

“Big D!” a loud gruff voice echoed through the house, causing Dinky to shrink back slightly.

“It’s okay, Muffin,” Derpy said as she rubbed Dinky’s back. “He’s just loud.”

“… and it hurt when we stopped talking,” the same gruff voice said in a more manageable tone. After a few moments, three ponies entered the room. One was Dinky’s grandfather, another was a very nervouse looking Shooting Star. But the third was a whole other story.

He had a deep red coat and charcoal black mane and tail. And while he didn’t have wings or a horn, he was even bigger than her grandfather, almost towering over the other stallion.

“So this is the little filly, huh?” The larger pony said as he began to walk closer to Dinky and her mother.

“He’s really big.” Dinky couldn’t help but shrink back as the stallion stood in front of her and Derpy.

“Hi, Mr. Rig,” Derpy greeted as she continued to rub Dinky’s back softly, helping her to feel at ease.

“Derpy, I gotta apologize for what my daughter did. I’m sorr-“ Big rig began to say, falling silent as Derpy raised a hoof.

“There’s no need for you to apologize Mr. Rig,” Derpy said as she picked Dinky up. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“Alright then,” Big Rig sighed before looking at Derpy with a friendly smile. “and that’s enough of that ‘Mr.’ stuff. Just call me ‘Rig’ like everypony else.”

“And this is Dinky,” Derpy replied with a chuckle, holding the little foal out to say hello.

“He’s even bigger up close.” Dinky couldn’t help but stare wide eyed at the stallion.

“Hello there little one,” Big Rig said as he reached out and ticked, Dinky’s belly with a hoof, causing the little foal to giggle.

“Okay, we met her, can we go now?” Shooting Star asked from the rooms enterence.

“Right then, let’s go!” Derpy’s father proclaimed, leading the group out of the room and out the house.


“That is just so cute,” Big Rig commented as he watched Derpy pull the wagon with its precious cargo.

“It’s how we usually get around together,” Derpy replied. “It’s a lot better than leaving her in some silly harness and she can move around and look at everything.”

“I’m mostly just surprised that you still have this dusty old thing,” Big Rig chuckled. “But I’ve been surprised a lot lately.”

“That’s life for ya,” Derpy’s father replied with his own chuckle. “Just don’t be surprise when you lose today.”

“So you still think you can actually win?” Big Rig asked as the group turned another street. Turning his attention to Derpy, he continued. “How has he not gambled away your house yet?”

“Because I won’t let him,” Derpy chuckled. Looking around, Derpy was happy to see that they were only a few more blocks from Dilvent’s.

“So, Big D,” Big Rig said, drawing Derpy’s fathers attention.

“What cha need, Rig?” the other stallion responded without looking over at Big Rig.

“Is it true that this, Dilvent is half dragon?” Big Rig asked, the tone of his voice revealing that he didn’t really believe it.

“Yes, he is,” Derpy’s father openly laughed. “At first I thought he was one of those Thestrals, or bat ponies. But he’s legitimately half dragon.”

“So, there’s a dragon where we’re going?” Big Rig asked, his voice shaking slightly.

“No,” Derpy chuckled, noticing the large stallions slight signs of fear and worry. “Dilvent’s the closest thing to a dragon you’ll find around here. He was adopted when he was five.”

“Oh, well that’s good,” Big Rig sighed happily as the group stood outside a large gated house.

“Well, this is it,” Derpy said as she opened the front gate and walked in.

“Not a bad place,” Big Rig commented as he looked up at the two story house. Look, Derpy saw the same light brown house she had come to know within the past few years. The roof looked like it had been retiled, but other than that, it was still the same.

“Goldenrod, Dilvent’s father, is a professor at the local university,” Derpy’s father responded as he walked up to the front door and rung the bell. Within seconds the door opened, revealing a smiling Carrot Top.

“Finally!” Carrot Top sighed. “We've been waiting forever for all of you.”

Moving to the side, Carrot Top allowed everypony to make their way into a mildly large hallway. Leaving the wagon outside, Derpy carried Dinky inside, making sure to whip her hooves before going to far in.

“Careful Derpy, Miss Breeze is literally waiting to jump the two of you the moment you walk into the living room,” Carrot Top chuckled as she closed the door behind the final pony.

“I expected as much,” Derpy chuckled as she nuzzled the top of Dinky’s head before moving forward. “Well, let’s get the introductions over with.”