• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 2,529 Views, 153 Comments

Derpy: Overcoming Trials - vincent5000x

Summer is over and its time for Derpy to finish her final year of school. But she never realized just how hard it would be with Dinky in her life.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Counseling Session Part 2


“And I’m supposed to believe that?” Derpy questioned, becoming slightly annoyed. “We’ve been here for over an hour and all I’ve heard from you is that you noticed her acting like the monster she is.”

“I’m not finished with my story yet!” Shooting Star yelled in agitation, her face forming a scowl. But almost as suddenly as her scowl appeared, it faded and a look of worry took its place.

“I-I’m sorry,” she began to stutter. “I didn’t mean to yell at you like that, but you're being kind of a bi…”

“Miss Star,” Essa quickly interrupted. “Why don't you finish your story before the day runs out, okay?”

“I already know what happened after that point,” Derpy said. “She and that monster drugged me, foalnapped Dinky, and left me unconscious for several hours.”

“But that wasn't what was supposed to happen!” Shooting Star nearly yelled. “She said we were just going to scare you, and that was supposed to be it. I didn’t even know that Dinky was hers until after we left your house!”


"Miss Gem, what are you doing?!" Shooting star called after Glittering Gem. But like the past several blocks, the unicorn remained silent. Only the sound that came was the sound of the foals cries. "Miss Gem, what the buck are you doing?!"

It was only when passing ponies began looking at the passing group that the unicorn reacted, pulling the other two into an alley with her magic.

"You shut that infernal thing you call a mouth, before I shut it for you!" Glittering Gem seethed through her teeth, her magic keeping a firm hold on the other two.

"B-but you took D-Derpy's foal..." Shooting Star began to reply in a panic, only for her mouth to be clamped shut with magic.

"I TOOK what was mine!" Glittering Gem nearly yelled.

"W-what?" Shooting Star stuttered, trying her best to understand what the unicorn had meant. "But..."

"But what?" Glittering Gem said with a menacing smirk. "A pony like me can't have a foal? Well, here's a little bit of free advice, at a big party, stop drinking after the second bottle. Then you'll at least be able to tell them to wear protection."

"Them?!" Shooting Star whimpered as she stared at her old idol.

"What, you can't honestly believe I got to where I am by looks alone? And here I thought you had what it takes?" Glittering Gem continued with slight a chuckle.

Shooting Star continued to look at the unicorn in horror. She couldn't understand how somepony she had looked up to for so long, could be such a monster.

"Well, are you coming?" Glittering Gem called in a huff from the alleys entrance. The foal still crying in the mares magical grip, squeezing the pony doll tightly.

"I’m going to the police!" Shooting Star yelled at the mare. But even as she said it, she didn’t move.

"If you were going to go to the police, you would have already done so. Now come!" Glittering Gem ordered.

At first, Shooting Star turned to run. But before she could find the courage, she found herself turning back and following Glittering Gem back into the street.


“That makes it even worse!” Derpy yelled, cutting into Shooting Stars story. Pausing for a moment, Derpy was surprised to see Essa silently listening. “It means that you still helped her, even after you knew something was wrong!”

“But I didn't know…” Shooting Star began quietly, only to trail off once again.

“I don’t care if you didn't know,” Derpy said, trying her best to calm her rising nerves. For several moments, nothing was said as the bell rang, signifying the passing of another period.

As the silence continued, Derpy watched as Shooting Star continued to look down at the, still full, tray of food in front of her. Every few minutes, her face would contort, as if she were about to say something, only to fall back into a saddened expression..

“Derpy?” Essa began, breaking the silence.

“Yes?” Derpy replied, looking at the mare as her anger settled slightly.

“You and Shooting Star used to be friends, right?” the mare asked, a caring smile on her face.

“That was a long time ago,” Derpy huffed, a little agitated by the question. “We were friends up until high school. Then, when some of the older ponies started picking on me, she joined in, instead of defending me. It was shortly after that that, Carrot Top transferred in and she became my new friend”

“So I've heard…” Essa grumbled, her right eye twitching slightly.

“You know how it goes,” Shooting Star began, slouching slightly. “We didn't talk or do anything together for that entire summer and when we finally met back up, we just weren't the same.”

“But it didn't have to be,” Derpy quietly began. “We could of still been friends, but you seemed to like making fun of me. So, why?”

“I finally had a chance to be part of the popular group, and I just thought…” Shooting Star began half heartedly, only to trail off as Derpy began to speak again.

“Why did you stop being my friend?” Derpy interrupted as her eyes began to sting. “Why did you start making fun of me? Why did you turn your back on me? Why would you help a monster like Glittering Gem?!” Derpy couldn't understand why it was happening, but all the anger in her body was beginning to confuse her.

“Derpy,” Shooting Star began as she made her way over, wrapping the other mare in a hug. “I’m sorry for everything. I know that there’s no way for me to make it up, and I know you may never forgive me, but I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry it took you and a foal almost dieing for me to realize how much of a horrible pony I’ve been.” Suddenly, Derpy felt several drops fall on her shoulder as Shooting Star’s own tears began to fall. “After I left the hotel, I swear I was going to the police! But then I saw you out on the street crying and everything just started to happen so fast and I panicked. I didn’t mean to run from you, I just… just…”

Before she could even stop herself, Derpy returned Shooting Stars hug as she began feel her anger subside slowly. Continuously, Shooting Star tried to explain herself further on, but her own crying was making it almost impossible.

Derpy took one final glance at the mare holding her. Her once styled mane was disheveled, what little makeup she had on was trailing down her face, and her tears soaked both her cheeks and Derpy’s coat.

“I… I understand,” Derpy finally relented. Giving Shooting Star a moment to collect herself, Derpy continued. “I understand that you didn't mean for the things that happened to happen. But that doesn't mean that I forgive you. If you want my forgiveness, you're going to have to really earn it, okay?” Derpy finished with a caring smile.

“You mean… you're giving me another chance?” Shooting Star asked as tears began to fall once again, a smile on her face.

Derpy was about to say yes, but caught herself before she said it. Once again all the memories of the torment she and her friends had received from Shooting Star and her friends flashed through her mind.

Suddenly, Derpy remembered the incident she was told of between, Dinky and the young colt, High Lane. Even though she had been scared into thinking, Dinky had been hurt. She still forgave the young colt. Thinking about it, Derpy couldn't help but smile.

It might not be the same, but it was enough to assure her. “Yes, I’m giving you second chance,” Derpy said with a smile. Almost instantly, the air was squeezed out of her lungs as she was pulled into another bone crushing hug.

“Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” Shooting Star began repeating, listening her grip just enough for Derpy to breath. “I promise, I'll do everything I can to make it up to you. I swear!”

“Okay…” Essa said, catching the younger mares attention. “I did not see that coming…”

“What?” Derpy asked as she was finally released from Shooting Star’s death hug. “What's that supposed to mean?”

“I actually expected more yelling and even having to continue this tomorrow,” Essa replied, a slight look of confusion on her face. “Maybe even call security to break up a fight?”

Both Derpy and Shooting Star stared at the counselor with equal looks of confusion.

“Thats actually what I expected too,” Shooting Star admitted with a sigh, looking at Derpy with a slight look of shame.

“Does everypony think that I’m just going to go crazy?” Derpy questioned as she look at the other two mares.

“Well, Miss Harvest did tell me about a time where she found you openly worshiping a muffin,” Essa chuckled.

“Ug, am I ever going to live that down?!” Derpy sighed, flailing her forelegs in the air.

“Wait… you worshipped a muffin?” Shooting Star asked, giggling slightly.

“I think we’re getting off topic again,” Derpy grumbled.

“Right,” Essa calmly replied. “Derpy, you understand though that, Shooting Star didn't mean for you and your daughter to be put in danger, right?”

“yeah…” Derpy sighed. “I guess I’ve kind of always known that, but I was just so angry that I let it cloud my mind.”

“You actually had your friends a little worried as well,” Essa said as she looked down at some notes she had. “I thought I would have to use these, but I guess you don't need a reminder on how others see you.”

“Wait, what did they say about me?” Derpy asked, intrigued by the thought of what her friends had said about her.

“Only good things,” Essa began. “They were mostly just worried because they’ve never actually seen you angry, so they didn't know what to do. The rest was Miss Harvest going on about things I wish I could forget…”

“I’m sure she was just messing with you, she probably made up half of what she told you,” Derpy giggled. “Its just part of her sense of humor.”

“Right… well, she should probably see a psychiatrist,” Essa replied mostly to herself.

“So…” Derpy mumbled, looking between Essa and Shooting Star. “Can I go now? The day’s almost over and I have to pick Dinky up from daycare.”

“If you think that’s all that needs to be said, I don't see why not,” Essa chuckled half heartedly. “Although, I would like to see you two together again in a few days, if that’s ok?”

“Only if it doesn't take all day again,” Derpy replied as she stood back up and placed her saddlebags on her back. “Well, I’ll be going now, goodbye everypony.”

“Wait,” Shooting Star said before Derpy could leave. “I’m glad that I finally got to apologize to you, even if it did result in more crying… but do you think I could… I mean, can I please…”

“If you want to ask me something, just ask,” Derpy sighed.

“Can I please apologize to your daughter?” Shooting Star quickly asked as she clamped her eyes shut and shrunk back.

“What makes you think I’d let you anywhere near her?!” Derpy yelled before she could stop herself.

“You're right, I shouldn’t of said anything!” Shooting Star quickly replied.

“No, no,” Derpy quickly began. “Its ok. But why do you want to apologize to her?”

“Because I put her life in danger too,” Shooting Star replied. “I had plenty of chances to run and turn Glittering Gem in for what she was doing. But I was afraid of what would happen to me if I did. I had so many chances to stop her, but I didn't, and because of that, both you and your daughter got hurt and almost died.”

After Shooting Star was done talking, Derpy took a moment to think. She understood why Shooting Star wanted to apologize. If anything, it was Dinky who deserved an apology, but she still didn't want Shooting Star near her.

“Fine…” Derpy grumbled, knowing that it was something that had to be done. “I’ll let you apologize, but you have to do as I say!”

“Absolutely!” Shooting Star said with a hopeful smile.

“One, you come with me to pick her up from daycare,” Derpy began, which Shooting Star quickly nodded in agreement to. “Then, you wait outside until I come out with her. After that, you will still stay at least five feet away, then you can apologize. Okay?”

“Okay,” Shooting Star replied with a smile. It was at that point that Derpy noticed how bad Shooting Star looked.

“But, do you mind cleaning yourself up a bit? Your makeup is causing weird streaks in your fur,” Derpy asked. With nothing but a quick nod and smile, Shooting Star rushed off towards the door. But the moment she opened it, she jumped back as a orange haired mare tumbled into the room.

Without picking herself up, Carrot Top looked up at the other three mares and gave a weak smile. “This is… exactly what it looks like,” she sighed as she got back on her hooves.

“I’ll… I’ll be right back,” Shooting Star mumbled as she zipped out of the room.

“Did the final bell already ring?” Derpy asked as she turned to look at Essa for confirmation. Unfortunately, the mare wasn’t paying attention as her gaze stayed locked on Carrot Top as her left eye twitched.

“No, the teacher just let us all leave a few minutes early,” Carrot Top replied with a smile before looking at Essa. “Hello again Miss E, since we got some time, want me to finish telling you about…”

“No!” Essa quickly interrupted with a slight cough. “I mean, the bell will ring any moment now and I really got to get home.”

“Oh, okay,” Carrot Top shrugged. “You ready to go Derpy?”

“Yeah, we just gotta wait for Shooting Star,” Derpy said as she began to leave the room, turning only to give the counselor a final goodbye. “Goodbye Miss E, I’ll be sure to come back next week.”

“Oh, I’ll come too,” Carrot Top added in. Derpy couldn't help but giggle as Essa’s faced paled at what Carrot Top had said.

With that, the two walked out into the hall, closing the door as they left.

“You really have to stop tormenting ponies like that Carrot Top,” Derpy chuckled as they stood in the hallway.

“But they make it so easy sometimes. Besides, its something my entire family does and its fun,” Carrot Top replied with a chuckle. Just then, Shooting Star appeared from around a nearby corner, her makeup removed and her mane looking slightly better than it had a few moments earlier.

“Good to see you too finally made up,” Carrot Top said with a smile. “So are you coming with us to pick up Dinky?”

“Uh… yeah, I still have to apologize to her too,” Shooting Star replied as the last bell of the day finally rang. Soon, the halls were full of ponies leaving for the day.

“So are we waiting for, Dilvent and Minerva or…?” Shooting Star asked as she looked around for the other two.

“No, Minerva rushed off saying she didn't want to be late for something,” Carrot Top began as she lead the others out of the building.

“And what about Dilvent?” Shooting Star asked with some hesitation.

“He went to pick his dad up from work,” Carrot Top replied, raising her brow slightly.

“Oh…” Shooting Star sighed with a slight look of disappointment.

“You better watch out Derpy, you may have some competition,” Carrot Top whispered to her friend.

“Competition for what?” Derpy asked, not really understanding what Carrot Top was talking about.

“I don’t even know why I try anymore,” Carrot Top grumbled as she continued to lead the way. Both Derpy and Shooting Star following close behind.

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long for such a short update.
The next chapter should be longer and be out sooner.
until next time ^.=.^

Edited by: Drakiro The Dragon