• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,149 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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Our Promise From That Day

A/N: Special thanks to XaldinLance, IkioStar, ABitterPill, Ketvirtas, Amethyst blade, hs0003, Mutie Genic, Kamunari, DEI Caboose, Magestikus, Scarheart, Evilhumour, helljack666, Killabyte, Oubliette, Drgnwolf, and Cadmium for your comments last chapter. Thank you again, and I hope to continue hearing from you all!

Title is from the song "Friends" from Gundam 00.

Your thoughts mean everything to me and I would love to hear from you in the comments below! Comments are :heart: after all, and I could not get by without them from you all!

“Look at my legacy, Algrim. I barely remember the time before light.”

“Our survival will be your legacy.”

“The Asgardians will suffer as we have suffered. I will reclaim the Aether. I will restore our world and I’ll put an end to this poisonous world.”

Granted the exhausting day and night she had gone through, Trixie slept until half the next day was over. Luna let her sleep while guiding her dreams to be as peaceful and far from her own dark past as they could. Instead, Luna played memories concerning the warmer moments shared between them.

This constant comfort of her sleeping daughter was interrupted with a quick series of knocks on the door. Trixie instantly stirred from her sleep, her ears perking up softly at the noise while Luna exited the dreamscape with a snarl on her face.

Luna did not particularly care for being interrupted, nor did she want to be taken from Trixie’s side.

“Oh what is it now?” she muttered under her breath, drawing out a small chuckle from the good spirited Trixie who still had yet to open her eyes and move from beneath Luna’s sheets.

Luna gently rose so as to not disturb the awake yet still resting Trixie. Stretching her long limbs out and flapping her wings once, Nightmare Moon went over to greet whatever unfortunate soul had knocked.

Luna opened the door and looked down with scrutiny only to find the Asgardian duo of Volstagg and Fandral standing before her, the former kneeling down at the sight of her and the other bowing and speaking, “Sorry for disturbing you my lady, but Lady Frigga is requesting your presence at Asgard.”

Luna’s ears perked up greatly at that, and she grew very excited at the prospect of Frigga needing her for something. Very excited, in fact, as that could only mean one thing to Luna.

“Has Loki awoken?”

The two warriors exchanged a nervous glance before Volstagg gave a hesitant nod, “Yes, though Lady Frigga does not seem to think it’s the right one,” Luna’s instant look of confusion and deflation spurred him to continue, “We can explain more, but Lady Frigga asked you come post haste.”

Luna was not quite sure she even should go if it did not have to do with Loki. Trixie would not likely be fine on her own, and leaving her would be quite like abandoning her…it would not help matters at all.

Still, Luna trusted Lady Frigga to only call for her when absolutely needed. That meant that it might be best for Trixie to instead come with her instead of stay behind.

Luna turned her head back toward the bed, “Trixie, are you okay with coming to Asgard again?”

Trixie lazily rolled out of the bed, dragging a blanket down with her. After a moment of stillness she gave a yawning, “Sure,” and proceeded to get up. She summoned her hat and cape to her side, Luna having removed them during the night and also having had them repaired by a tailor.

As Trixie placed the items on, Luna turned back to the men in the doorway, “Come, let us go.”

Trixie was less groggy from the Equestria Games and her experience with her birth mother by the time they reached Asgard, even managing to cower in fear at the sight of Asgard’s guardian Heimdall. He only nodded as the four returned to Asgard, allowing them to pass him and enter.

Once Luna and the others reached the castle they approached the throne room to find Frigga, only to find instead Odin leaving it and no Frigga in sight. With this being the case, Luna decided to confront the Allfather alone and question him concerning the matter.

With a nod of the head she dismissed Volstagg and Fandral, “Take her to Loki’s chamber and set her up there.”

Fandral bowed as he took his exit, “As you wish,” as he turned he waved a hand for Trixie to follow him and his ostentatious goatee, “Come now, Trixie! I’ll show you all of the greatest sights of the castle on the way.”

“The ones that haven’t been destroyed, you mean,” Volstagg joked, “At least the main hall remains intact. We couldn’t be without some good meat, now could we?”

“I’m a vegetarian...” Trixie commented as she too left Luna, accepting that she was going to be in the company of these merry buffoons for the time being.

Luna had to run for a moment in her Asgardian form to catch up to Odin, who was walking furiously away from the throne room, “Allfather, where is Lady Frigga?”

He did not break step or slow down as she approached him, his guards giving her a begrudging look as she did so, “She is busy handling the imposter returned to us in Loki’s stead,” he only took a second to look back at her before turning back forward with his one eye, “You may meet with her when she is finished. For now, you are free to accompany me as I accost my derelict son.”

Seeing as Luna had little else to do and would love to hear Odin show a harsher side to Thor (given the elder son’s favored status), Luna nodded once and fell into pace alongside the golden armored Allfather with her own indigo armor shimmering beside his.

“I think I just may.”

When they arrived at their destination, the healing chambers of all places, Luna let Odin stalk forward with anger towards Thor. She decided to hang back and lean against one wall as she watched, not wanting to interrupt the tirade that was about to happen just yet.

“My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?” Odin complained as he looked at Thor, who was standing by a medical observation table where a seemingly normal Midgardian was being inspected.

Thor turned to his father with a grim expression, “She’s ill, and mother allowed it—”

Frigga’s permission did not halt Odin’s fury, and the Allfather did not seem to particularly approve of Thor’s lover, “Yet this woman is mortal. Illness is their defining trait. Have you forgotten that in your time among them?”

This made Luna snort and speak up, wholly amused at the scene, “I am in agreement. I do not remember the last time I fell ill like mortals tend to do every other week.”

Thor sent a look to Luna before ignoring her in favor of responding to Odin, “I brought her here so we can help her. What is so wrong with that?”

His response does little to humor Odin, who scoffs at the idea, “She does not belong here in Asgard any more than a goat belongs at a banquet table.”

The woman on the medical table sits up with a very indignant face, “Did he just—” she turned to face Odin with a shocked expression, “Who do you think you are?”

Unlike Thor’s responses, this does seem to lighten Odin’s mood slightly, if only because he is mocking as he says, “I am Odin. King of Asgard. Protector of the Nine Realms.”

Luna has to stop herself from breaking down in laughter at the utter shock and humiliation reflected now in the woman’s face, as her rhetorical question was met and trumped by reality.

She tries to save some grace, but does not get far, “Oh. Well I’m—”

Odin cuts her off, his voice confident as he states, “I know very well who you are. Jane Foster.”

This draws Luna’s attention, as until now she has only heard of this so called ‘Jane’. Looking at her did little to impress the princess though, as a skinny and short woman with no real power was of no interest to Luna, “So you are Thor’s Midgardian lover. You are far punier than I expected. I’m sure he likes you for your personality.”

Just like with Odin, Jane took offense at being mocked by someone she did not even know, “And just who are you? I get him insulting me, but I don’t even know you.”

Luna gave a mocking curtsy, snickering the entire time, “I am Luna. Princess of Equestria, Jotunheim, and Asgard. I am Loki’s lover.”

“Enough, this is not some verbal contest,” Odin interrupted once more before resuming his questioning, “What is she doing here despite my orders to the contrary? We spoke of this many times these past months.”

“Something’s within her father. Something I have not seen before.”

“An unborn child?” Luna snarked, tilting her head back to laugh at her own joke while the others in the room only glared at her.

“Leave his accosting to me, outsider,” Odin warned before turning back to face his son, “Her world has its healers, they’re called doctors, let them deal with it,” he paused to beckon the guards that had followed them, “Guards! Take her back to Midgard!

The guards approach Jane, but Thor steps forward to try and stop them.

“No I wouldn’t—”

A burst of dark magic rips emits from Jane’s body and knocks the men back, completely flooring them and surprising everyone else still standing whose name was not Thor.

Luna gasped as she noticed magic not wholly unlike her own. Instead of a dark color mixed with green though, this was dark mixed with red. The feeling it gave off felt quite familiar to Luna, and suddenly the unknown thing Thor mentioned before became wholly more interesting to Luna than the woman it was possessing.

“—touch her,” Thor finished a moment too late. Despite the dazed nature of the guards, Thor instead took interest in the condition of his lover, “Jane, are you alright?”

Odin steps forward and runs his hand over Jane's arm. As he does so, her skin glows red.

“It’s impossible,” Odin mutters to himself.

Luna narrowed her eyes as she observed Jane, hoping to see if any traces of the magic lingered but finding none, “Just what was that? Is what has infected her defending her?”

“No. It’s defending itself,” Thor stated grimly, his face revealing his worry about Jane.

Odin turned to leave, expecting the others to follow behind him, “Come with me.”

Luna did not budge, instead pointing a thumb in a different direction, “I would much rather meet with Lady Frigga. You can have fun with whatever dangerous disease that is. My stomach was upset already yesterday, so that is about as close to sick as I want to get.”

Odin stopped and turned back, “You need to hear this as well. We will need your magical knowledge in this matter.”

Luna opened her mouth to complain, but the sight of a familiar Asgardian healer caught her eye and so she stopped the complaint hanging in her throat.

“Fine, but where will you be? I have something to inquire about first.”

“The library. I trust you have visited it?”

Luna shrugged. She spent most of her time in Asgard with Loki in his room, so she was not exactly an expert of each and every room, but she surely had been in it and could teleport there, “Briefly, though I may spend some time there in the future. Now, I will join you shortly, so go have fun walking.”

With this, Odin departed with his son and Jane, while Luna stayed back to talk with the person she noticed in the room.

The person in question was Eir, the Asgardian who helped Luna alongside Frigga when they were observing her instead of Jane, and also the person Luna entrusted a certain foreigner with, “Eir, what is the condition of that Elf that I left in your care?”

Eir smiled to Luna as the princess took note of her, the medical expert approaching her as she responded warmly, “He is awake, though after a brief bout of insane rambling of what appears to be past memories, he has settled down into a sane state of amnesia.”

Luna was surprised to hear that things had gone so well in terms of restoring him to normal, since that’s what it was sounding like they did, “What did you do to him?”

“We did the same process we did to you to remove that dark energy, though we have refined it more. The energy drain he was suffering from stemmed from tainted magic that made his body burn through all of the rest he possessed, so by removing the tainted magic we have returned him to a normal level of being.”

Luna nodded as she mulled over the information. Because he no longer appeared insane, and thus dangerous, perhaps they could use him as more than a rabid attack dog, “And what of his magical prowess now?”

Eir shook her head sorrowfully, “He likely is no better than a child at magic now. An aftereffect of his condition, though we cannot know for certain if he can or can not regain his previous potential. The only traces of magic left in him are not even natural to him, but rather are belonging to your student and that witch he drained.”

Just because they could use him for more did not mean that Luna did not still appreciate his ability to drain a witch’s magic if need be, “Can he still drain magic at least?”

“No, that seemingly was lost when we did the treatment. It likely was a side effect of his body’s constant burning off of magic.”

“Well, at least he is no longer dangerous to us,” Luna brought a hand to her chin as she finished considering his usefulness, “But he also is no longer useful, at least in how he’s been used thus far.”

Eir only nodded, leaving Luna to think another moment. The silence in the room gave time for Luna to remember something important, at which point she spoke up again.

“The Elf is awake, correct?” Luna smiled to Eir as she hatched a brilliant plan, “Send him to Loki’s chambers, where my student is staying. She could perhaps learn something from him given the differences in their magic.”

Eir bowed her head before turning to go do as she was told, “Of course, your highness.”

Trixie, Luna reckoned, could use the company. She had no real friends currently, so maybe this could turn out for the best. She would undoubtedly need more than one emotional support to get over the reveal of her own past.

Luna managed to get to the library before Odin and the others because of the utilization of her teleportation. She greeted them with a nod when they arrived, but she did not join them or draw too close. She was there to listen, and did not care to really talk with the mortal or either of the men, even if she did have a respect of sorts for Thor outside of the family dynamics.

Odin begins to narrate to both Thor and Jane, while meanwhile Luna closes her eyes to focus on listening, “There are relics that predate the universe itself. What lies within her appears to be one of them. The Nine Realms are not eternal. They had a dawn, as they will have a dusk. But before that dawn the dark forces, the Dark Elves, reigned absolute and unchallenged.”

Thor is the next to speak up, his voice slow as if he was quoting someone, “‘Before the eternal night, the Dark Elves come to steal away your light.’ These were the stories mother told to us as children.”

Us. That made Luna cringe slightly as she realized that meant him and Loki. How things must have been different those many years ago.

Odin resumes his narration, “Their leader, Malekith, made a weapon out of that darkness, it was called the Aether. While the other relics often appear as stones, the Aether is fluid, and ever changing. It changes matter into dark matter, and seeks out host bodies, drawing strength from their life force. Malekith sought to use the Aether’s power to return the universe to one of darkness. But, after eternities of bloodshed, my father Bor finally triumphed; ushering in a peace that lasted thousands of years.”

“What happened?” Jane asks innocently. Luna snorts, already knowing the answer out of her experience in the political world.

“He killed them all,” Odin responded simply.

Luna was not exactly about to let Jane’s naiveté get off the hook, so she spoke up, “Exactly as he should have. To sacrifice one race for the existence of every other is just simple math.”

The more idealistic but less experienced Thor spoke up next, “They are always alternatives, but are you certain, Father? The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them, and yet here it is.”

“The Dark Elves are dead,” Odin affirms strongly, though the mention of the species brings to mind the Elf that was to be in Loki’s room with Trixie. Luna doubted they had any relation beyond the name of their races, but that might not stop him from being questioned concerning the matter.

“Does your book happen to mention how to get it out of me?” Jane asks Odin in an almost pleading voice. Luna could tell that Jane most certainly did not want a dark, dangerous, and powerful force inside of her, something she and Luna had in common.

“No. It does not,” Odin replies cryptically.

Luna opens her eyes and approaches the group so that she can actually engage them instead of give snarky commentary, “Ominous, but I have a very quick solution for you. You’ll be on your way back to Midgard before the day is out.”

Odin turns to her with actual interest, his face surprised that this foreigner may know something, “Speak what you know, outsider.”

His interest brought a smile to Luna’s face, as this was something she actually had a good idea for. Dark magic was dark magic after all, even if one shined red and one shined green, “Your wife tried taking the dark energy in my body out through an arcane method she studied. I hear that a more extreme version has been used on an Elf I left here in your captivity to remove damaging energy from him. Apply the same process to this Midgardian here and remove the Aether from her system.”

This news brings looks of both surprise and joy to Jane and Thor, while bringing a smug smile to Odin’s own face. This was great news to him as it not only proved that this foreign princess was worthy of his smart son, but also a way of him removing the less desirable woman from Asgard by curing her and then sending her on her way, “I will have Frigga contemplate the matter, but you may just have the right idea about how to solve this issue the Midgardian faces.”

“Don’t you just love how they talk like I’m not here?” Jane whispers to Thor, only to still be heard by the advanced beings she was speaking about entirely.

Luna beats Odin to responding with a smug grin, “I do, and will continue to do so until you have proven yourself to be more than a low class wench trying to poach herself a prince.”

Luna’s tendency to speak her mind and see things in a based manner did not sit well with the offended party, as well as her lover who instantly moved forward to confront her, “Lady Luna, you will not—”

Odin’s snort of laughter halts Thor in his tracks, “I had not thought of things that way before, but this is a matter to discuss after we have handled the Aether. Go your separate ways for now as we await Frigga’s return.”

Thor takes Jane by the hand roughly to bring her out of the library, leaving Luna with Odin. Luna nods to him before teleporting away, not having any particular reason to stay with him when she could be tending to the emotionally unstable Trixie.

Upon teleporting into Loki’s room Luna was surprised to find herself ducking as Trixie leapt over her. The Unicorn kept going after jumping over Luna, running across the large bedroom away from what Luna realized was the Elf she ordered to be sent to this room.

“Trixie, what is going on here?” Luna questioned as she watched her apprentice continue her gallop away from the pursuing Elf, who did not appear malicious in his chase but rather amused as he ran after her.

Trixie seemed to realize Luna was there just as Luna spoke, her mind previously having been solely focused on escaping the Elf running after her. Her voice was panicked and high pitched as she continued to run away, “Ahhh, Princess Luna! Princess Luna! This Elf just came, and get it away from me! Send it to the moon!”

Luna could not believe this.


Trixie knocked Loki’s reading table over, the structure and its books joining many other pieces of furniture on the ground. Luna let out an exasperated sigh as the Elf tripped over them, only to then keep chasing.

“Bloody Elf, go away!” Trixie yelled as she kept running.

Luna could tell that Trixie had spent no time understanding or inquiring about this Elf was no longer a possible threat. She was running away and screaming for her life for no reason, though Luna could at least tell that it was semi-playful on Trixie’s part. Trixie wasn’t teleporting after all, so something else must have happened when Luna was not there to prevent this from being a full on real panic.


This time Trixie knocked over a chair, which in turn hit Luna’s leg. That was about the time when Luna decided to end this farce of a chase.


Trixie came crashing to a halt, stopping almost on a dime right before hitting the wall. This did not stop the Elf from not getting the memo in time and then tripping over Trixie to find himself with his face planted against the wall.

Trixie jumped away from him but otherwise remained still as he worked on gathering himself. Luna seized this moment to speak up in both amusement and annoyance.

“He can’t steal your magic.”

Trixie titled her head in confusion, “Wait, he can’t?” Trixie abruptly turned towards the Elf and jabbed a hoof in his direction while yelling, “Then why have you been chasing me, Absy?!”

Now less dazed from his collision, the Elf bowed halfway over to Trixie, “I live to serve, Mistress Trixie. I am Prince Kael’Thas of the High Elves…and that is about all I know.”

Trixie grumbled about him having his own name for a moment before grumbling more intelligibly, “You could have just said that to begin with!” Trixie waved her hoof around to point at the very disheveled room, “Now just look at what you made the Great and Powerful Trixie do.”

“My apologies, Mistress. I only wished to touch your magnificent coat in its infinite sheen, though I will refrain from doing so from now on, Mistress.”

Trixie and Luna both rose an eyebrow at that, though Luna let her student and daughter speak up about the matter, “Why are you calling me that? You’re not wearing the mind control saddle vest I made for you.”

Kael’Thas frowned as he tried to think, his glowing eyes making it semi-difficult for Trixie to read his emotions, “You feel…” he struggled to find a word before he just gave up and shrugged, “Well, familiar. And when one cannot remember, they cling to what feels right.”

Luna decided to interject, as a theory crossed her mind about the Elf considering Trixie to be familiar, “Trixie, if I may,” she turned to the Elf and snapped her fingers, “Elf, summon forth your magic but do not do anything with it.”

Kael turned to Trixie to confirm if he should or should not do this, but Trixie nodded wordlessly for him to do so. She was interested to see what Princess Luna was thinking about the Elf.

In a flash, Kael’Thas summoned forth an aura of magic around his hand. The fact he could summon this very small amount of magic did not interest Luna, but rather the color of it did very much. She had no idea what color it had been originally, but she had a feeling that if anything it wasn’t this particular shade of purple too much before.

Trixie recognized the color as well and her jaw dropped, “Wait, that’s the color my magic was!” she leapt forward and started pawing up at his hand with her front hooves, “You still have it, give it back!”

Luna called out to her student to stop her from her silly attempt to take her power back, “Hold on Trixie. I think with all of the chaos and energies that have influenced him recently, some wires may have been crossed,” Luna coughed nervously as she remembered a certain detail, “Eir said that your magic and Lorelei’s are all that remain in him…”

Trixie’s face froze as she thought about what her teacher just said. If what Luna was saying was true, then…

“Wait, so the gross pervert, whose magic has to do with manipulating men through their affection, and I are both influencing him?” Luna nodded to Trixie’s question, causing her student to yell, “Ewwww! Elf, stop calling me mistress and trying to serve me at once!”

Kael’Thas kneeled down and shook his head no sorrowfully, “I am afraid I cannot, mistress.”

Trixie frowned at him while tapping his forehead with a hoof, “Because your head is screwed up?”

His sorrowful appearance turned instead into a playful smile, “No, out of choice.”

Trixie turned to Luna with another frown, “You sure he’s okay in the head now? The doctor who dropped him off said so before leaving me with him, but I’m not so sure.”

Luna sighed, not having expected this particular complication, “Trixie, try not to make too much of it. You have a devoted follower it seems. Try not to take it for granted,” she grew her own frown as another fact about the semi-crazy Elf came to mind, “Too bad he is as good at magic now as a filly.”

Luna’s words actually brought out a very curious side of Trixie, and her student moved her hoof from Kael’s forehead to her own chin, “Hmmm…”

After a moment of mental deliberation, Trixie announced in a loud voice, “From here on out, Kael’Thas of the High Elves, you shall be my apprentice in all things magic! Your duties shall be listening to your teacher, feeding her, and grooming her fantastic hair. This list may also be altered whenever I please. However, I will do my best to support you and help you, and I promise to help you accomplish whatever goals you set forth.”

He continued his kneeling bow to her, not seeming at all opposed to this arrangement, “Of course, mistress. I will do my best, and it is my desire to see that you accomplish what you wishes as well.”

Luna found herself amused by how the affection magic mixed with Trixie’s own life force and magic caused an infatuation of the Elf with Trixie herself. She could not complain about the results though, since this now meant that they had another tool in their arsenal, and this one had the title of Prince attached to it.

Trixie continued her decree with the same gusto, “In return, I will learn whatever magic I can from you, so you shall be my teacher in a way too. We will be equal partners who help and support eachother in magic so as to promote a fair learning environment.”

It was quite difficult for Luna to stop herself form commenting on how this was not how one generally goes about making friends, but she managed to for Trixie's sake. She could definitely use a friend, even if she would treat them like a servant, student, and teacher as well. Trixie couldn't just have anything be too simple except for her diet.

Little did Trixie know that was the specific reason Luna had the Elf brought there to begin with, “I was just going to suggest that,” Luna cleared her throat as she realized she was still standing amidst a very messy room, “Now, Loki will not be happy if this room is a mess when he returns, so I would restore it to its previous state when you two are done ‘learning’.”

That brought a nervous chuckle out of Trixie, “Of course,” seeking to find a way to not have to clean the room right away, Trixie tried to make herself sound useful, “Is there anything you need me to take care of in the meantime? What do they require us here for anyways?”

“I have not spoken with Lady Frigga yet, so I am not quite sure, but soon enough we will know. I think it has something to do with a magical source of energy known as the Aether, but we will have to wait and see,” Luna prepared herself to teleport, but made one last note before doing so, “Now, I am going to go see if Frigga is ready to talk. You make sure this room is clean by the time I get back, okay?”

“Of course!” Trixie chirped, and so Luna took that as a promise.

As Luna teleported away to find Frigga, she could swear she heard:

“I think she meant you clean, Mistress, not me.”

“Of all the ways to end a journey…”

A portal between Asgard and Lady Death’s Hel stood before Loki. This was it. He could be home in a moment.

Too bad a tall, broad, mean, purple giant stood in-between him and it.

“I haven’t seen you in awhile, Thanos. How are you doing? Have the Infinity Gems been treating you nicely?”

Thanos snorted at Loki as the Asgardian slowly walked towards him, “Yes, including the one you failed to retrieve for me.”

That brought back memories. Old memories for Loki, who had much distance from the incident Thanos referred to, “Ahhh, still sour about that.”

Thanos did not seem to be as willing to joke around as Loki, keeping a grim façade as Loki approached him at a snail’s pace, “I do not know why Lady Death has called for me to be here, but if you think you can just leave through this portal you are mistaken.”

“Seeing as how she grants me my magic, I cannot just teleport past you. It seems she wants to see us fight,” Loki revealed. It was an annoying fact, but a fact nonetheless. He had no more magic, but his daughter could supply him with an endless supply when she deemed him worthy of it.

He had to rely on other skills to get this far in this Hel though, and it was with those skills that he was ready to do battle even if he knew the outcome already, “So, let’s give her a good show, shall we?”

Author's Note:

A/N: Suggested watching: Thor The Dark World, because it is that time, people! Can't wait to continue this, and hope you all give Luna some leeway concerning her treatment of Jane since she has no reason (besides Thor's opinion, which is not worth much given his lack of intelligence) to trust Jane yet or see her as anything but a random mortal who is leeching off Thor.

Can't wait to hear from you all, so please leave your thoughts in the comments below, as they are seriously what helps me write so much! Liking and favoriting the story help too, as does following me. Morale support of the highest fashion! Comments, likes and follows are :heart: after all, so please let me know what you think!

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