• Published 11th Jun 2013
  • 25,149 Views, 5,071 Comments

We Remember Everything - Thunderscourge

Loki Odinson of Asgard has fallen from grace, only to find himself in an unknown realm. Reaching out to him is Princess Luna, whom he shares many similarities with. Will Loki take her help and get better, or will he spurn it because of his arrogance?

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I Won't Give Everything Away

A/N: Special thanks to Oubliette, Evilhumour, hs0003, Pacman_The_Peach, Kamunari, Killabyte, Cadmium, Dracofalcon, Ketvirtas, and Drgnwolf for your comments last chapter. Thank you again, and I hope to continue hearing from you all!

Title is from the song "Headstrong" from Trapt.

Your thoughts mean everything to me and I would love to hear from you in the comments below! Comments are :heart: after all, and I could not get by without them from you all!

It had taken some effort, but Luna tracked down Lady Frigga as soon as the queen was done meeting with Odin to discuss the Aether. Luna was pleased to be able to speak with Frigga once again, always happy to talk to the warm and welcoming woman whom had raised Loki as her own.

“Lady Frigga,” Luna gave a small bow of acknowledgment to her superior in this realm.

Frigga smiled at Luna at the exit of the throne room she had met with Odin in, “It is good to see you. You received my summons I assume?”

“Of course. Is there something you need assistance with?”

Frigga nodded solemnly, her lips going from a frown to a sad smile as she spoke, “With the aid of Heimdall I foresaw this current situation with the Aether. It holds, historically, similar qualities to your own ailment and so I thought that it would be good to have you with us as we handle this perilous matter.”

Luna nodded, able to understand the queen’s reasoning, “Of course,” her own face faltered as the news from Volstagg and Fandral came back to mind, “I understand that the Loki we got back is a fake…”

A warm smile and a touch to Luna’s shoulder by the queen helped alleviate some of her pain, though it was her words that truly made Luna feel better, “Don’t worry. We will have my son back soon enough. Once this series of chaos ends we will resume our efforts in finding him.”

Still, Luna gritted her teeth as she thought about what she would like to do with the pseudo-Loki who dared fool her by his mere appearance. She shuddered to think what she may have done or fallen for if his true nature had not been discovered, “I would like to see this fake Loki.”

“I have interrogated him and received much knowledge, including Loki’s supposed location,” Frigga smiled, knowing that this knowledge might stop Luna from murdering the captive and also alleviate some more of her stress.

“You know of Loki’s location?” Luna’s eyes grew large at the possibility, but it was the newly arrived Thor from the throne room who spoke, “We must go at once!”

Luna agreed hastily as Jane joined beside Thor, “We must—”

Frigga’s touch to Luna’s shoulder warped into a tight, warning grip, “It is the twisted world of Niflheim, and he is a captive of the personification of Death itself,” she shot a motherly look at Thor, “Your last visit there almost ended in the loss of both you and Loki.”

Thor lifted his hammer Mjolnir up and pointed it away as he spoke, “I care not the risk. If we know his location I will locate him swiftly and return him to us. I do not care who stands in my way!”

Frigga hung her head as she began to see that there was little she could now say to stop Thor, “Your father will not allow you to leave.”

“Then I will disobey my father to save my brother,” Thor stated as a matter of fact.

Luna stepped beside Thor and out of Frigga’s grasp, “I shall accompany him.”

Frigga shook her head no, first glancing down before up into Luna’s eyes, “You will stay. I need you here for the removal of the Aether.”

As much as Luna wanted to disobey Frigga’s order as well, she knew that Thor was an accomplished warrior. Thor had been going on journeys for hundreds of years before they met, and she could entrust this to him. She needed to learn to let others handle matters for once, even if this was one of great personal importance.

Luna turned to Thor and gave him a strong look, “Thor, you bring him back.”

Thor knelt down before Luna, “I promise on my life that I will.”

“And we shall help!”

Thor rose and Luna turned to face four more additions to their party, these being Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. Fandral and Volstagg stood at the front while Sif and Hogun stood back, allowing their two more upbeat allies to take center stage.

“What kind of friends would we be if we just let them go off on fun adventures alone?” Volstagg laughed heartily before bowing and kissing Luna’s hand, Fandral then shoving him out of the way to do so himself.

Sif spoke next, her eyes narrowed on Luna before looking to Thor and his mother, “Loki has fallen, but he is our prince. I will help our realm and save the traitor prince.”

Thor shook his head no, but a large smile found its way onto his gentle face, “You three need not come with me. Father may—”

Fandral cut him off with an arm slung around his good friend, “Thor, since when did we actually listen to authority? Our little escapade to Jotunheim without his permission is what set this all off, if we think back far enough.”

That brought a collective laugh out of the entire crowd, “Very well. You may come, but don’t slow me down! We will free my brother and return in time to help deal with this Aether matter.”

Thor turned to face his lover, his face growing concerned as he gazed at her worried face, “Jane, you will safe here. My mother will make sure the Aether is removed and you are returned to normal.”

“Be safe,” Frigga warned as the warriors all began to set off to go to the Bifrost. As they left, Luna could not help but add in a bit of raunchy humor.

“And make sure to bring back the right Loki, Thor! I would prefer to have the correct one with me tonight.”

That brought about another collective laugh from the group, as well as an amused sigh from Frigga and a blush from Jane. Once the others were all departed, Luna spoke up again.

With a look to Frigga, Luna began to channel her magic, “If I am to assist in any magical capacity, I should be in my stronger, natural form.”

Frigga gave her an approving nod, “Go ahead.”

Jane felt her mouth drop as Luna instantly changed into a large black horse with a blue ethereal mane before her. Frigga was quite amused by how Jane jumped back in surprise, having expected a reaction of this kind from the moment Jane and Luna meeting was inevitable.

Jane’s jaw continued to stay down, her face wracked with intense shock from the transformation, “You’re a horse?” she turned to Frigga, still dumbfounded, “Did you know she was a horse?”

Frigga nodded, only for Jane to continue on without giving the others time to speak.

“Does Loki?”

Luna snorted while Frigga sighed and stated in a slightly amused tone, “Of course, but that is another story entirely.”

“Probably take a couple books to tell,” Luna joked before nodding in the direction of the medical chambers, “Now, should we begin? We should get all the texts we need—”

The noise of clashing metal far down the hallway caught Luna’s attetion. A group of guards were rushing towards where the noise was coming, and she could not help but feel a little worried. The odd event made her pause before questioning it.

“Now what is that?”

Frigga glanced to observe it too before looking back to Luna with a frown, “There are some prisoners that were recently brought in from the Nine Realms in our attempts to cleanse it. It sounds as if one escaped from our damaged cells and is causing havoc.”

Yelling down the hallway made the three women all grimace. With a sigh, Frigga continued speaking, “We have just enough forces to handle a prison riot. If you would not mind putting it down quickly, I can begin things with the Aether.”

Luna nodded, quite ready to relieve some stress by bashing heads, “Of course.”

Heimdall had placed Thor and his allies in the only place on Niflheim not covered in intense fog. Normally there was no such place, but Thor and company were able to be granted passage because of this abnormality that only happened on the rarest of occurrences.

The area they were put down was a flat plateau with a building over on the side with a large portal sitting atop it. As the group all began to observe their surroundings, Fandral was the first to speak up, “So, where do we start?”

He was not expecting the instant response of Thor yelling, “Loki!”

Thor began to run off towards the dark building before using Mjolnir to lift off to take off and reach the top of the building where the familiar figure of Loki was in combat against a tall purple giant.

“There seems like a good idea,” Volstagg responded as well before running off after Thor, the others following right in behind him.

Thor yelled out to Asgard’s guardian, who should still be able to hear him given the lifting fog, “Heimdall, are you listening? We have found Loki—”

Thor was cut off when Loki was tossed into him, knocking Thor off his feet and almost off the edge of the building he landed on.

Sprawled over his brother, Loki coughed as he grew a small frown, “Thor…” he sighed as he began to get up, “You came.”

Thor rose up too as Sif and the Warriors Three all climbed their way up to join them, “Of course I have, brother.”

Loki leveled one of the warglaives in his hands at Thanos, who stood contently by the portal in waiting for Loki, “This is the foe who crushed Asgard, brought me here, and who ordered the invasion of your favored planet.”

Thor growled, but Loki moved the warglaive back to block him from moving forward. This was not the time.

With five new arrivals beside him, their entrance by Bifrost that Loki had seen out of the corner of his eye, and a whole lot of built up anger against Thanos, Loki let out a mocking cackle.

“Sorry Thanos, but I will be going now. It’s not you, it’s me,” he paused to further insult his foe, “Oh, and the fact that I can not stand you. That is a surprisingly large part of it to be honest.”

Thanos was not one to allow others to insult his name, at least not in his presence, but he was not about to allow himself to be riled up by the master manipulator known as Loki who twisted and minced words to make others do as he pleased.

“Heimdall, now would be a good time to let us depart!” Thor bellowed, wanting to make sure they left with Loki without also falling victim to the monster who so casually wrecked Asgard.

No rainbow light appeared, however, causing the group to falter. What was wrong with Heimdall? The fog was still lifted in the area, so things ought not be too difficult for Heimdall to locate them even if the magic on the world did mess with his vision greatly.

Across from them Thanos just smiled, knowing far more than they could hope to. This worried Loki, who began to try and think as to why Heimdall would not just bring them right back while he likely still had his attention on them.

“Heimdall, what is the hold up? Can’t get the old sword up?” Fandral joked nervously as he prepared his sword for a fight. If Heimdall did not bring them back soon they would have quite the fight on their hands.

“Heimdall?” Loki called out, hoping that the guardian would heed his call. Sadly, no response came. No Bifrost bridge opened, and that left the six in Niflheim with Thanos.

Still trying to figure out the mystery, Loki turned to Thor with a question, “Is something happening in Asgard?”

Thor frowned as he thought over what recent events might account for Heimdall’s absence, “We found the Aether, but everything was fine when we left…”

Loki had his own theories about why possibly Heimdall might be busy, but he was not going to worry Thor just yet. For now he needed to figure out a way to get them all out of there, “That portal there is another way to Asgard. To get to it though means getting past him.”

“Teleport us then, brother. That is in your power, correct?” Thor questioned, not understanding why Loki had not just left via this method yet.

That brought a frown to Loki’s face, as he detested things reminding him of his handicap, “My magic is currently in a rough patch, and I don’t have time to explain it to you now.”

They were in trouble. Asgard’s finest were nothing against the might of Thanos, and he was standing directly in the way of them and their freedom.

Loki was going to have a long talk with a young Hela about manipulating men to do as she pleased, including using them to trap your father and keep him from the freedom just within his grasp.

And, for that matter, trapping your father in a hellish existence to begin with.

Back in Asgard Luna was not having a great time herself, though it was a considerably better position than Loki’s.

“Go back to your cells or I will not hesitate in ending your lives!”

She had followed the guards in her Asgardian form to go to the jail and threaten some ungrateful whelps who believed themselves good enough to break free and escape prison. One larger one, a very tall and broad figure with dark armor and a menacing mask that appeared to be grafted on his face, had already escaped and left behind a few boiling guards in his wake.

Given that Luna arrived at the scene where the current riot was taking place, she just reasoned with herself that he would be caught by someone else while she handled the other dozens of prisoners trying to escape and be free.

Luna was standing at the front of the guards fighting back the tide of prisoners, and when one of the escapees decided to strike her in the face the princess decided to do a repeat of the Manticore incident.

The woman’s ashes were a good enough message to the prisoners, who all began to flee from Luna.

“Anyone else?” Luna boasted as they all continued to flee, all scared of the instant laser that had destroyed the woman so quickly, “You handle the rest—”

Luna stumbled to one side and bumped into a guard beside her, in the end using him to remain upright as she felt a wave of dizziness as the castle shook around them.

“Milady!” the guard yelled, helping her back to her full height. Luna felt the brief dizziness pass as the castle continued to shake and the sounds and cries of fighting broke out elsewhere.

“I am fine…” Luna murmured, “But what was that?”

When Luna teleported to the throne room to question the disturbance, she did not expect to find him in combat against an elf with a creepy mask. His honor guard were also all engaging these odd beings, and Luna found herself stunned to once again find this place in conflict.

Luna blasted away the opponent Odin was fighting easily before helping the others locked in combat, though she watched with awe as a bomb from one of the warriors assaulting Asgard created what appeared to be a black hole and dragged one of the guardsmen into the abyss it created.

Luna made an effort to force the offending elf through as well, and was glad when she managed to get half of him through before it closed.

With the room’s immediate enemies dealt with, Luna turned to Odin with a worried expression.

“Odin, what is happening?”

“The Dark Elves have returned,” the king of Asgard said heavily, his breath labored from the combat he had just been engaged in. While the other soldiers seemed to have taken out a few elves each given the bodies at their feet, Odin had a good dozen by his own.

First Discord, then Sombra, now these Dark Elves and their eternal night that was not too unfamiliar a concept to Luna. Luna was beginning to be fed up with these new arrivals that no-one thought to mention until it was about time for them to show up and fight.

“Any other enemies or races you conveniently believe dead that may come back to haunt us? Just a thought. You and my sister seem to be quite inept in this area.”

Odin growled at Luna as he pointed to the open doors, where another group of Night Elves approached, “Enough talk, horse! They outnumber us and our lives are in imminent danger! They have assaulted the entire castle and disabled our defenses, so if we do not stop them we will lose Asgard!”

Luna turned to face the newcomers with a sheepish grin, “Right, priorities,” as she powered up her magic once more she added, “Expect snark later.”

Her magic blew the elves away before they could even get into combat with Odin and his men, which gave the Allfather time to speak to some of his still standing soldiers.

“Send a squadron to the weapons vault, defend it at all costs. Seal the dungeon.”

Luna smiled as she noticed Frigga slip by a guard and into the room, more guards trailing behind the queen to come and join those Odin had in the throne room.


Odin turned from his men to warmly greet his wife, “Frigga.”

Luna noticed that the men he gave orders to remained where they stood, not having been dismissed. As Odin was busy with Frigga, Luna yelled at them in his stead, “Go already! Time wasted here is time you could be saving your comrades!”

Odin nods to Luna in approval of her chastising them, and the men Odin spoke with depart as ordered. Focusing again on Frigga, Odin tried to give her a reassuring smile, “It’s a skirmish. Nothing to fear.”

Sadly for him, Frigga knew better, “You’ve never been a very good liar.”

“Keep an eye on the Midgardian. They have yet to reach the medical wing. I’ll come for you when it’s safe.”

Frigga nodded, accepting that she was to be kept away from all of this during the battle’s proceedings, “Take care.”

Odin smiles as he reaches out to Frigga affectionately, “Despite all I have survived, my Queen still worries for me.”

Luna felt her heart melt a little at the display. Even if he was flawed, she could see that Odin had a heart in him. Even if his wrath and pride could overshadow it, it was there in the end. She only hoped that she could share such a longstanding bond with her own loved one.

“It’s only because I worry over you that you have survived,” Frigga warmly quips.

Frigga teleports away to meet with Jane, intending to take care of her in her own way that would help deter the Dark Elves should they find her. This left Luna with Odin, who turned to the horse princess with a still warm smile.

“They have attacked the residential section. You may wish to check up on your student and your guest. We can manage things here, though I would ask that you help fight when you have managed things there, or assist Frigga at the very least.”

Luna nodded to him and gave him a smile back, “Of course. I will do my best to keep her safe. You have my word.”

Odin nodded just as more elves broke into the room to attack him and his men, “Loki has chosen well. Now, go. I will handle things here.”

Luna took no time to teleport away, a large part of her now worried about what might have happened to Trixie in all of this.

When Luna arrived in Loki’s room, she did not expect to find Trixie blasting back an intruding Dark Elf so hard that its creepy doll-like mask shattered. Kael’Thas was busy trying to close the door, but more elves were fighting their way through to try and get to the inside. Luna quickly dispatched them with her powerful magic, allowing the elf to finally slam the door shut and leave them in relative safety for the moment.

Trixie took note of Luna as her mentor took care of the other elves, sighing in relief as she was now saved though still confused about this whole mess, “Mother, what is going on?”

Based on what she had learned recently, Luna tried to give a quick summary to her student, “An insane race is invading in an attempt to get an artifact that could end the universe or something along those lines,” she left out the part about eternal night so that her student/daughter wouldn’t draw a comparison between these vile beings and Nightmare Moon, “We don’t have enough soldiers to fight them off right now, but we could use some help. Go to Heimdall, return to Equestria, and bring back whomever you can as soon as possible.”

Trixie scoffed at the idea, not wanting to leave Luna alone against an invading army, “And leave you to fight them by yourself? You really shouldn’t—”

Luna grit her teeth as the door slammed open and knocked Kael’Thas down, “Trixie, now. That’s an order!”

“But, I just don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be—” Trixie tried to explain her reasoning only to be cut off by the loud noise of Luna blasting Dark Elves back and into oblivion.

Before Trixie could resume after the blasting subsided Luna continued with a smug voice, “I can handle myself. These fools won’t even lay a finger on me, I promise. Now go,” Luna cast a look down to the recovering Kael’Thas, “Elf, stay out of the way. With your level of magic you are useless and a liability.”

His head hung in resignation, “I am afraid I must agree,” he then lifted a hand to his ear and sighed, “Besides, some might confuse me for the enemy.”

With this Trixie left with severe reservations about this all, while Luna herself prepared to see where else she could help out.

There was war to be fought.

Odin having left the room briefly to combat a large force of elves in the hallway, the Einherjar guards still posted in the room to protect it were not ready to have a ship crash into it and for Dark Elves to pour forth from it. Their weapons were higher tech than those more ancient ones used by Asgard, and as such their laser beams and black hole grenades wipe out the guards in a rapid assault.

Behind these attacking elves came another figure, this one dressed in more regal armor than his brethren. Like the others he had black and white adorning his armor, but his was more well crafted and befitting of a king. Unlike the others he also did not wear a mask on his face, though he did have a helmet that covered the sides and back of his head.

This figure walks past the throne of Odin and tosses one of the grenades the others had been using at it, the resulting explosion and hole utterly wiping out the throne and some of its nearby steps. A symbol that Asgard had fallen and that their reign in the universe was drawing to a close.

The elves had departed before Odin returned, who had spent some time observing the charred bodies of some of his men in the hallways. They had died by seemingly been boiled alive and he had no explanation for this phenomena, though he was worried that there was one in the enemy ranks able to do such a terrible thing.

Once he returned to his throne room, Odin and his men surveyed the carnage wrought about it. The grenades had taken their toll on the room, and Odin cringed to think what it must feel to be subjected to one of those horrible devices.

Seeing the ship and the missing throne, Odin realizes that the enemy’s leader may have arrived which meant that…

The color in Odin's face drained at his realization, “Frigga.”

All six of the Asgardians had chosen to rush the portal and see if they could make it through, knowing themselves to be outmatched given what Thanos did to Asgard even without the power of the Infinity Gauntlet he stole. This plan, however did not work well as he simply batted them all back with a blurring speed. Only Loki was able to avoid him, having barely sidestepped the giant’s attack.

Thanos’s follow up strike sent Loki sprawling though, at which point Volstagg rose up and tried to draw attention away from his prince by striking at Thanos with an axe. The strike hit Thanos and instead of drawing blood the weapon broke, stunning Volstagg as he looked down at his favorite blade.

“What kind of monster are you?” the large warrior whispered as he observed just how outmatched they all were.

Thanos smirked down at him but gave no response before swinging a leg around to catch the bulky member of the Warriors Three in the side, the impact of which sent Volstagg flying back in the air. His momentum carried him over the edge of the building, and his comrades yelled as they saw what happened.

“Volstagg!” they all yelled with intense worry, and even Loki found himself reaching out towards the way he went. There was little chance the warrior had survived the strike, and even if he did he would not be in any condition to move or continue fighting. He was as good as dead, as Thanos would not likely let them retrieve him.

Amused by their reactions, Thanos decided to make this a game of sorts, “I think I will now continue with you, my failed Lieutenant. It is not as if your friends can even do anything to me, and I doubt your oaf of a brother would leave without you.”

Thanos lunged forward to attack Loki, but instead of striking the fallen prince he found himself being held in place by another large figure.

“I do not think so.”

Loki found himself surprised to see the figure of Illidan standing before him, taking the charge for him and holding Thanos back in place.

“You died…” Loki gasped in disbelief, knowing what he saw elsewhere in the realm. A dried, magic drained, dead husk does not a savior make.

“And it seems I will do so again. This is a world of eternal torment after all,” Illidan stated while growling in pain, his entire body straining to keep Thanos in place as they struggled for power, “Now go!”

Loki turned to grab Thor so they could make a dash for the exit, only for Thor to try and turn the other way. Loki growled at the resistance, knowing that they likely only had seconds before Thanos overpowered Illidan and made this sacrifice in vain, “Thor, if we don’t leave now we may never do so!”

“I…I can’t—” Thor stammered as he held a hand out towards where Volstagg had disappeared to. He couldn’t just leave a friend here, not when this was supposed to be about saving a loved one.

“You foolish demonic elf, I will make you suffer for this transgression!” Thanos growled as Illidan began to lose ground.

Loki continued to try and drag Thor with him, “You can honor him by leaving this world alive. Now come on!”

It took the teary-eyed Sif nodding to Thor to get the man to follow the others out of the world and through the portal leading to Asgard, though it was not done without tears.

Loki was saved, but a friend had been lost to each of them.

Frigga was not surprised when one of the invading army came to the medical chamber. A tall, lithe Dark Elf strode into the entrance to the room with piercing eyes falling upon the Queen of Asgard. The figure of Jane stood behind the Queen with fearful eyes, not knowing what was about to happen but anxious about the possibilities.

The queen motioned for Jane to step back as she herself moves forward to address the newcomer.

“Stand down, creature, and you may still survive this.”

The Elf does not seem outwardly intimidated by her ultimatum as he continues to approach, though he does give Frigga a wide berth as he walks in, “I have survived worse, woman.”

While not too familiar with the Dark Elves granted their long disappearance, Frigga could not help but realize the more intricate armor and costume to this elf that implied a greater rank than the doll masked elves fighting elsewhere.

“Who are you?

His voice was rough as he finished approaching, the elf drawing his weapon to do combat, “I am Malekith, and I would have what is mine.”

To Frigga, that could only mean that he wanted the Aether, which also meant that he could sense it and locate its presence. He would know that it was in this room, and could likely tell Jane had it. Frigga did not spare a look at her so as to not draw any unnecessary attention to her, though Jane did move further back to put even more distance between herself and Malekith.

As Malekith drew just within reach Frigga whipped her own sword. Her strike caught the Dark Elf in the face and also caught him completely by surprise, sending him reeling to one side as the sudden impact deterred his threatening approach.

With Malekith off guard from the upward swipe, Frigga continued her assault by reversing the movement and bringing it down towards his neck. Malekith sidestepped this and retreated back as Frigga’s sword stops in the air where it should have slain him.

Having put space between them, the Elf snorted at Frigga while blood dripped down his cut face. He drew his own sword once again and brought it up to fight.

Frigga smiled smugly at the elf, revealing the same grin that her younger son might give an opponent, “My sons, the warrior princes of this realm, did not inherit everything they have from their father. I will let you call off your forces and leave, Malekith of the Dark Elves. You appear to be their leader, if your dress and manners speak as boldly as your words.”

His retort to this was a vicious snarl as he lunged forth to kill the insufferable woman who stood in his way. Frigga quickly parried with her one-handed sword, blocking his larger two-handed blade with finesse one might not expect at her age.

Malekith had been underestimating her skill because of her regal appearance and gender, but her display thus far had him realizing he needed to actually consider this a true battle just as if he was fighting the realm’s protector. He had lost everything once and would not lose it all again because of some housewife.

The Lord of the Dark Elves tried forcing Frigga’s blade down with his superior strength, locking the blades together and drawing himself closer to her. Her reaction was not to resist the surge downward, but rather to allow him to focus his body forward as she withdrew her own blade and spun around him.
Malekith’s blade clashed against the floor just as Frigga’s hilt slammed him in the spine and knocked him reeling. The Dark Elf recovered quickly from this disgrace by hurtling his body one hundred and eighty degrees and using his full force to strike the unguarded image of Frigga there.

The blade cut through her like butter, but then again it did so because that Frigga was only an illusion left there momentarily for the real one to move aside and slit her blade across a less armored part of his side armor. Malekith howled as the elder woman drew more blood from him, though he found himself even more outmatched as a hard elbow caught him across the chin and sent him sprawling.

Frigga quickly drew her sword up into the air and batted Malekith’s blade from his loose hand. Now without a weapon, Malekith quickly found her blade burrowing into the same wound she gave him before and in fact going deeper. His wound was given relief and fresh air as Frigga withdrew it to instead slap it into his chestplate and knock him off his feet.

The queen lowered the blade to Malekith’s throat as he tried to rise, his back to the medical table and blood now spilling onto the floor. Before she could threaten him one last time to have his forces stand down, a large black hand from behind grabs her and lifts her into the air.

A giant being of twisted black armor and a demonic appearance pulled her off Malekith, and without any trouble it tugged her blade from her hands and held it up to threaten her instead.

Malekith is grinning as he rises, one of his hands lowered to his bleeding side as he sneers at the captive Frigga.

“And I did not gain everything I have by myself. Well done Algrim,” the lord mimics Frigga’s speech about her sons in a fully mocking manner.

With Frigga disabled, Malekith had free reign to seek what he came for. He leaves his trustworthy lieutenant with the queen as he approaches Jane, who has become a quivering mess ever since Frigga was caught off guard. She could have easily mentioned the approaching giant, but that fact slips from the wounded elf’s mind.

He holds a hand out to Jane while still gripping his side with the newly bloodstained other. The man continues his firm and stiff mannerism as he speaks, “You have something, child. Give it back.”

He reaches out to Jane, but as he grabs at her she disappears in the same manner that Frigga had just recently. Realizing instantaneously that Jane is a projection, Malekith turns to Frigga with a newfound fury.

“Witch! Where is the Aether!?”

Too constricted by the giant’s powerful grip to escape with magic to escape, Frigga keeps her face cool as she realizes that this will kill her. It would be better she die than this monster get what he desired and wipe out her kingdom.
“I’ll never tell.

Malekith grows a small smile as he realizes that he can just search for it on his own with how beaten Asgard’s forces were. The Aether could not be too far, as he could still feel it. He did not need this witch of a queen any longer.

“I believe you.”

The giant moves to slit Frigga’s throat with her own blade, but he is stopped by a growling voice behind him drawing his attention.

“Touch her and I will end your lives as brutally and slowly as possible.”

Malekith and Algrim both turn to face the newly arrived Luna, who stands in the same entrance that they came through moments before. Her eyes are narrowed and her face is turned in a snarl as she looks over them with complete loathing.

They had Frigga hostage. Luna may like the Queen of Asgard quite fondly, but it was Loki who would be completely broken if anything were to happen to Frigga. She would not let them bring harm to the Queen, though the Princess of Equestria had a feeling this would be easy given how one of them was bleeding and the other seemed to be a brutish fellow.

Malekith waves a hand at Luna, more concerned about the Aether than this new woman trying to stand in his way, “Algrim, deal with the newcomer.”

The dark figure known as Algrim tosses Frigga aside so hard that the queen slams against the wall and crumples down to the floor. Given how little effort he put into the throw, Luna could tell that he possessed a great deal of raw strength, but that was not something she could not handle.

Algrim tossed the sword aside as well and began to walk towards Luna, who just scoffed at the giant creature as she summoned forth her magic power to blast him back, “Funny, you think big and tough will beat me. Thor cannot even touch me, what makes you think this hulking behemoth will have a chance?”

Luna, to prove her point, unleashed her magic forward to hit the slowly accelerating behemoth running at her. Electricity surged forward and slammed into the giant being, bringing a smile to Luna’s face as she saw her attack connect.

That smile evaporated as she realized that it did not stop his stride at all, and before Luna could react further she had a giant black fist uppercutting into her gut. She gasped as she felt the strongest hit of her entire life impact her stomach, not only causing her discomfort on one side but also throwing out her back and causing her spine extreme pain as well.

“What the—” was all Luna could choke out before another fist slammed into her cheek, nearly dislocating her jaw in a single hit. Just as Frigga sent Malekith spinning to one side Algrim had done the same to Luna, with the Princess of the Night completely winded and disorientated in this small exchange.

Luna attempted to teleport, but her mind was too clouded for her to manage any kind of magic before Algrim grabbed her by the neck and began to spin. Luna felt like she was going to throw up blood right before being spun around and tossed at a brutal pace into a wall. Her back slammed into it and Luna instantly found herself growing numb.

This Algrim was stronger than anything she had fought in combat before, at least in terms of sheer physicality. His giant, black armored arms contained more might in them than even an Ursa Major and Luna was paying the price for underestimating his durability and power.

As Luna slumped against the wall, Algrim did not let up his attack. He charged forth and with a brutal stomp he came down on one of her legs. In a sickening snack Luna felt the limb break in more than one place as his large black foot came down. She howled in pain just long enough for him to punch her just below the throat to shut her up.

Luna felt her voice die as the giant Dark Elf being began to unleash a flurry of punches on her torso and throat. She could not get up because of her broken leg, and any strength and energy she had were taken right out of her by the sheer intensity of the beating she was receiving.

Algrim continued this brutality for a half minute before lifting Luna up by the throat and gripping it tightly. The princess hung weakly in his hand as the loyal servant of Malekith turned to his master for further orders.

Malekith smugly looked at the handiwork of his soldier as he approached the slowly recovering Frigga, who was beginning to rise to her feet once again.

“One last chance, Witch. Give me the Aether and I will not prolong the pain of either you or your family, as well as this wretch who so foolishly thought she could oppose us,” he grabbed his discarded sword from before and levied it at her back, stopping Frigga as she remained on her hands and knees, “Like you.”

Luna fell harshly onto the ground as Algrim abruptly dropped her to go along with Malekith’s statement. She instantly went about healing her leg with her magic, though she had trouble doing much more than a minor mend given how out of it she was feeling. Blood was dripping down her leg and onto her hand from another wound, but Luna could only focus on the biggest thing keeping her from fighting back.

Seeing the condition Luna was in pulled at Frigga’s heartstrings. She regretted that the foreign princess was being dragged into this tragedy, but that would not stop the queen from protecting her people.

“You are a fool if you think you can bring pain to my family,” Frigga defiantly declared. She would remain strong until the end, as a true queen of Asgard should.

Malekith had given her enough chances, and so it was without pause that he plunged his sword through her unguarded back. It exited out of her gut, and after he removed it the queen dropped to the floor.

The sight brought an energy familiar to Luna in spades, and the weakened princess forced herself up quickly with this newfound pool of energy.

“You bastard!”

Algrim was not able to knock her back down in time to stop Luna from unleashing her torrent of electricity at Malekith, who turned to face her just in time to catch it with his face. He stumbled back as the energy ravaged and scarred his milky white face, the lord of the Dark Elves surprised by the sudden assault.

The attack would not continue, however, as Luna herself took a blow to the head and was knocked off her feet by the still strong Algrim. Luna’s power drained as quickly as it rose with her anger, the princess barely retaining consciousness as she fought to just keep her eyes open.

Algrim rushed over to his master who was clutching his face in complete agony. By the time the giant had reached his side though, Malekith had removed his hands from his face and shook off the remaining jolts of electricity from her assault. He would not let this stop him when he was so close to the Aether, even if he was in excruciating pain.

“Come, Algrim. The Aether is just in the other room,” Malekith hissed as he forced himself to fight through the pain wracking his body and head towards the exit where he could continue tracking down Jane and the Aether.

Algrim left Luna defeated on her back to follow Malekith. She had proven no threat after all, and he ought to stay by his wounded commander.

With the two gone in search of Jane, who Frigga had carefully hidden beforehand, Luna was left with the impaled queen alone in the room.

“Frigga…” Luna coughed, blood spurting from her lips as she tried to rise to her feet once more. It felt like so long ago, but she had been left like this once before. Defeated and unable to help someone she considered a friend.

This time, however, it was not Loki murdering Phil Coulson, it was a foreign and ancient foe slaying said prince’s mother.

Luna felt as if her entire body was broken. The hits she took each felt like they were breaking something, and each was going to leave her as black and blue as her Nightmare form. She hated herself for not confronting them in her true form with its more powerful magic potential. Instead she now lay slumped on the ground as a broken mess of flesh, blood and bones.

Even beaten to near death, Luna felt her energy returning as she thought about just how much she wanted to put those two men in the ground. Make them pay for harming and possibly killing Frigga.

That energy allowed Luna to teleport across the room and crumple down beside the similarly defeated Frigga, whose eyes were closed in such a way that Luna feared she was too late.

Luna shrieked in pain as she rolled over onto her side and forced her near broken arm to grab the sword impaling Frigga. With a growl Luna managed to tug the blade from her flesh, but Frigga still did not stir.

“Not again…I’m not letting someone die again when I can save them…” Luna murmured to herself, her anger rising as she coughed out more and more blood. She couldn’t feel the majority of her body at this point, but she was not going to tell Loki that she watched his mother die.

It was another great effort to then channel her healing magic into Frigga’s wound, but a soothing coldness in the room made it easier for Luna as she continued. Luna poured everything she could into this, and when the wound sealed she felt wracked with anxiety. Had she just healed a corpse?

Luckily for her, Frigga’s mouth turned into a smile and her eyes flickered briefly. The queen reached out to Luna’s face, Frigga touching Luna’s bloodied cheek just before the queen lost consciousness once again.

Luna felt her heart soar as she realized that she just saved Frigga’s life. Content, Luna felt her body beginning to shut down. She had no more energy to spare herself, at least not yet, so she had best conserve what she could…

Her eyes almost closed when the cold room grew much more so. It was uncomfortably cold. Cold as Jotunheim when she visited it, and that was no warm summer.

Luna rolled her head over towards where it was coldest. Where the cold seemed to be coming from was a dark clothed figure with a ghastly appearance and a scythe in hand. Luna’s eyes widened as her mind reeled at the possibility of who this was.

Was it a member of the Dark Elves? No, they had no reason to send someone in when they had the chance to clean up moments before…

Luna’s eyes continued to stay wide as her mind came to another possibility. Something Frigga had mentioned earlier that day was gnawing at her mind.

“You…” Luna’s voice quivered as she spoke to the new figure, who remained still where they appeared. Their figure appeared to be that of a woman’s, but Luna had a hard time confirming anything given how covered they were, “Who are you?”

This could be the being of Death itself that Frigga had mentioned. The same one who had Loki and Trixie these past days, and who retained Luna’s lover even now as one of her prisoners.

The figure took a few steps towards Luna before stopping. It looked down at her, its head tilting in seeming thought before it continued walking on by. Luna craned her neck around again to see where it stopped, only to find herself frightened when it stopped beside Frigga.

“Stay away from her!” Luna yelled, energy jumping back into her veins and allowing her to half rise up in protest, “I’m not letting you take her you heartless bitch! You took Loki already, I’m not letting you take his mother too!”

Luna prepared to unleash a blast of magic, not accepting that this being of Death had come to take her would-be mother-in-law. Her attack was cut off as the being disappeared completely and Luna felt a quick jab of an object to her upper back that slammed her down into the ground.

Now facing the ground again, Luna twisted her head up to see that she was underneath the scythe of the mysterious woman who had appeared and not said a word. Luckily for her it was the not bladed end, so Luna took no more damage, not that she was sure she could feel much more pain anyways.

Luna could swear she heard the beginning of an angry noise before it cut off completely in a garbled way, as if something was inhibiting it. A cold hand touched her back, and before Luna could do anything more it was all gone. Warmth flooded back into the room, the scythe pinning her disappeared, and Luna was left wondering if it ever happened to begin with.

Rolling back over, Luna felt an extremely queasy and sickened in the pit of her stomach. She passed it off as the blood dripping down her legs and forming a small pool beneath her legs, but Luna just tried healing herself down there to see if it would calm the trickle of blood.

It did, but Luna was left broken beside Frigga as she finally began to lose consciousness.


Lady Death had been the only one to leave the world of the living in that room.

Author's Note:

A/N: So, really long chapter with some major events. Really hope to hear from you all about what you think! We're in full Thor The Dark World now, but things are going down differently already...let's see how this goes! Please leave your thoughts in the comments below, and thanks for reading! :heart:

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