• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 2,876 Views, 57 Comments

Foalsat by Pinkie The Series - Starlight Dash

This is a the continued version of Foalsat by Pinkie in this version Starlight is shown doing more foal related activities and letting go of all her worries.

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Chapter 1: Why me?

Foalsat by Pinkie The Series

"Come on Starlight what's so hard about this?" Twilight asks.

"I can't I just can't! I might wear a diaper but I can't speak like a foal no way!" Starlight says being stubborn.

Starlight a black coated Alicorn with a pink mane and tail, even though being a full grown mare her size is slightly smaller than most mares making others mistake her for a teen pony or sometimes an older filly. Starlight though is really a 1 year old foal made from magic. She stands reading over a book that she had found in the useless section of the Canterlot libraries.

"What's so hard about speaking foal? Anypony can do it!" Rainbow asks now chiming in with them.

"I don't know, but I can't it's not something I can just do out of nowhere!" Starlight says.

"Darling that doesn't even make any sense." Rarity says confused by Starlight's words.

"I know. Why did you guys even bother to help me with this in the first place?" Starlight asks.

"Because your our friend and friends stick together no matter what!" Applejack says.

"Also because you asked us to help." Fluttershy says.

"Yea well now I see I was being stupid." Starlight says.

Pinkie Pie out of nowhere falls from the ceiling landing on Starlight.

"Maybe you should observe a foal! I'm sure that would help or just eat lots of peanut butter then try talking! I know I make foal noises when I eat peanut butter and did you know that peanut butter is also great for cookies! and-" Pinkie is cut off by Starlight.

"Pinkie I appreciate the enthusiasm but I can't observe a foal. I just wish I wasn't so afraid to act like one. It's just being the daughter of the princess means I have to live up to that name and well I can't act like a foal with that kind of weight on my shoulders. Plus it would be creepy." Starlight explains

Starlight walks over to a window in Twilight treehouse. This was her favorite window because it had the best view of Canterlot from ponyville, but the only reason why she could see it is because it was a clear blue sky kinda day. Starlight turns back around and looks at her friend trying to think of a better answer.

"I mean if I was somehow forced into it I'm sure I'd just give in. I know for a fact that whenever I get near the nursery in the castle I just wanna hug my mother and snuggle with her. I figured out that it was because I had a foal instinct for things like that. If I could activate that instinct on cue that would be marvelous. But I have to be forced into it to work or it just comes on out of nowhere." Starlight explains.

"Well then we just need to find somepony willing to take care of you as a foal!" Pinkie says bouncing around Starlight.

"That's another problem I look like a full grown mare. No pony in their right mind would want to try erm well baby me. Its a ludicrous idea!" Starlight says.

"Yea that would be pertty weird see'in you all foalified." Applejack says.

"I think it would be a riot!" Says Rainbow Dash.

Applejack then proceeds to hit Rainbow Dash on the forearm causing her to revoke her last sentence.

"Come on theres gotta be someway! I know I could find somepony willing to foalsit you!" Pinkie says eager.

"You know what Pinkie if you can find somepony to foalsit me I will gladly go along with it. But for now I gotta go I'm sure my mother is having another fight with Discord. I wish the chaotic being would just leave her alone!" Starlight says getting her stuff together.

Starlight bids her friends a farewell and starts to fly back to Canterlot.

-3 days later-

Starlight stops by Sugarcube Corner to see if Pinkie Pie had any success in her foalsitter hunt. Once Starlight enters the shop she is greeted by the smell of foal powder and a bouncing Pinkie Pie.

"Hey Pinkie I came by to-" Starlight is stopped in mid sentence by Pinkie.

"Guess what guess what guess what!?!" Pinkie says practically screaming.

"What?" Starlight says unsure whether to brace herself or relax.

"I found you a foalsitter!!" Pinkie screams.

Starlight lowers her ears in embaressment. Luckily the shop was closed at the time and no pony was around except for the twins and cakes who appear to be packing up for something.

"Lower your voice you're gonna tell everypony in Equestria at this rate." Says Starlight.

"Sorry Starlight" Pinkie says lowering her voice to a normal volume.

"Now who's the foalsitter?" Starlight asks

"Me!!!" Pinkie says actually screaming this time.

While Pinkie is yelling confetti flies into the air landing on Starlight who starts to turn pale.

"Y-you?" Says Starlight as she gulps down a knot growing in her throat.

"Mhmm!" Says Pinkie.

"Pinkie I don't think this is such a good id-" Starlight is silenced by Pinkies hoof.

"Foals don't talk like normal ponies silly! They like they have W's in the words or at least I think some foals do." Says Pinkie

Pinkie smiles widely while Starlight sighs.

"wis is gwoing to bwe a wong dway." Says Starlight.

Pinkie happy from the results of Starlight's speech takes her upstairs to the twins nursery to explain the situation.

"Now Mr. and Mrs. Cake will be leaving so I have to watch after you and the twins. Now are you going to be a good foal for Pinkie winkie?" Pinkie asks.

Starlight feels sick to her stomach but also slightly amused either way she decides to follow through with this I mean she doesn't wanna make Pinkie Pie sad.

"Wes." Starlight says.

"Yes?" Pinkie says.

Starlight sighs.

"Wes Pwinkie." Starlight says.

Pinkie jumps with delight. She gallops over to changing table and gets the supplies ready for Starlight. Starlight just sits there thinking what she had done to deserve this.

"All ready! Hop up Starlight!"

Starlight walks over after taking off her crown and boots and lays down on the changing table which was slightly smaller than the one she has in her room at the castle. This causes her hind legs to drape over the side of the table, but none the less Pinkie continues. She first wiped Starlight down with some cold foal wipes this causes Starlight to shiver, then proceeded powder her, finally Pinkie threads Starlight's tail through the hole in the diaper and put the tapes on.

"All done!" Pinkie says in a bright tone.

"Gweat." Says Starlight obviously not amused.

Pinkie then out of nowhere sticks a pink pacifier into Starlight mouth.

"Now stay here I gotta see the cakes off!" Pinkie says.

With that Pinkie bounces off downstair while Starlight spits out the pacifier and lays there trying to process everything that just happened. This was short lived when Pinkie comes back not even a moment later.

"They're gone you can come downstairs now!" Says Pinkie poking her head in the doorway then disappearing.

Starlight was happy to at least be able to walk even though she doesn't weigh much only a few pounds due to her magic constructed body, but she doesn't want Pinkie to know for fear of further humiliation. Starlight walks downstair to find that Pinkie was in the kitchen doing who knows what and the twins were busy building a block tower. They immediately stop building once they see Starlight come down the stairs, Starlight blushes brightly at the thought of actual foal ponies making fun of her with that in mind Starlight tries to sneak into the kitchen only to be pushed back out by Pinkie Pie.

"No bad Starlight. Your not supposed to be in here yet!" Says Pinkie with a serious look on her face.

Starlight shocked began to complain but Pinkie shoves another pacifier in her mouth as a result she wanted to continue further but thought against it and went to sit with Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Once she sits next to them the young filly and colt begin to giggle on the account of Starlight wearing a diaper and using a pacifier just like they do. Starlight blushes so hard that not even her black coat can conceal it. Starlight was still shocked on how serious Pinkie Pie was being this changed when she heard the double doors to the kitchen open and Pinkie comes walking out with three bottles.

"Here we go! One for you and you and you!" Pinkie says as she hooves the bottles out.

Starlight pushes hers away this makes Pinkie sad and her mane starts to deflate.

"Please Starlight." Pinkie says with a sad face.

Starlight not wanting to see her friend cry grabs the bottle and puts it in her mouth.

"Now all you gotta do is suckle!" Pinkie says as her mane reflates.

Starlight rolls her eyes and begins to drink down the milk she immediately spits it out after the first drop touches her tongue.

"Whats wrong is it not warm enough?" Pinkie asks confused.

It was real foal formula not milk. It wasn't so much that it tasted bad because it tasted sweet she was caught of guard and spit it out over instinct. Starlight picks up the bottle and starts to suckle on it again this time actually drinking it. She then lays on her back while suckling as she tries to get every last drop.

"See its not so bad!" Pinkie says happily.

Starlight ignores Pinkie and continues to get every last drop of formula. What Starlight doesn't know is that she cleaned out the bottle a long time ago. Pinkie Pie notices this after about 5 minutes and takes the bottle away, as she takes it away Starlight reaches out for it again. After Starlight realizes what shes doing she stops and suckles on her pacifier again.

"Well well look who likes being a foal!" Pinkie says with joy.

"I dwon't wike being a fwoal." Starlight says with her back turned to Pinkie.

"I'll just have to try harder then!" Pinkie says.

Pinkie leaves Starlight to play with twins, but Starlight instead goes off into her own secluded corner not wanting to play with the foals. She sits there watching them closely till her view is obstructed by a pink blur.

"Why aren't you playing with the other foals?" Pinkie asks.

Starlight stays silent and pouts not wanting to speak in a foalish manor.

"Oh come on turn that frown upside down!" Pinkie says trying to cheer up Starlight.

Starlight turns her head.

"Nwope." Starlight says.

"Stallion your stubborn! No matter I can make anypony smile." Pinkie says.

As Starlight averts her eyes Pinkie sneaks up behind her and at the last second before Starlight notices Pinkie tackles Starlight and begins to tickle her. Starlight unable to contain herself begins to laugh uncontrollable.

"N-no f-fair!" Starlight says to which she covers her mouth knowing that she broke foal talk.

"Ah ha! You broke foal talk now you must be tickled more!" Pinkie says in a playfully tone.

"Nwo pwease don't tinkle mwe Pwinkie!" Starlight pleads as she plays along.

Pinkie begins to tickle Starlight again who seems to start enjoy the foal treatment. After awhile Starlight gets up from her tickle session and trots over to the other foals. Starlight in a very shy manner walks over and sits down blushing slightly. The twins politely offer her a building block with the letter S on it. Starlight hesitantly takes it and begins to help them build their tower. About 20 minutes of playtime Pinkie comes out with a big smile on her face Starlight looks over smiling back as she waves. Pinkie comes over and checks each foals diaper.

"Clean, Clean, Clea-" Pinkie stops mid sentence.

Starlight blushes so bright knowing Pinkie stopped on her.

"Come with me little foal cause you need a changey wangey!" Pinkie says giggling.

Starlight follows Pinkie upstairs and instinctively lays on the changing table. Pinkie grabs a fresh diaper, some wipes, foal powder, and some rash creme. Starlight moved around so much pinkie couldn't even begin to change her. Pinkie distracted Starlight with a stuffed butterfly while she removed the old diaper and cleaned her. When this grew old Pinkie made silly faces causing Starlight to laugh and giggle allowing Pinkie Pie to finish up with the powder and creme. When all was said in done they both headed back downstairs where Starlight went backing to playing. This was short lived when Pinkie comes out of the kitchen again.

"Alright you two come with me and Starlight you wait here." Pinkie says picking up the two foals.

Starlight completely heart broken tries to follow but Pinkie pushes her back.

"Starlight stop!" Pinkie says holding Starlight back.

Starlight keeps trying to push through this put Pinkie between a rock and a hard place. Pinkie puts the twins down and takes Starlight back over to the tower.

"Stay here for one minute." Pinkie says running off.

Starlight decides to wait hoping Pinkie will show her the surprise, but instead of a surprise Pinkie comes back with a foal leash.

"Hold still or I'll pinch you with the clip." Pinkie warns Starlight.

Starlight remains still as Pinkie fastens the leash around Starlight then ties her to a post in the shop.

"Alright now if you take that off no surprise and then it's straight to bed. Do we understand each other?" Pinkie says eyeing Starlight.

"Wes Pwinkie." Starlight says slightly disappointed.

Pinkie nods in satisfaction then proceeds to pick up the twins again and bring them into the kitchen. Starlight tries to wait patiently but the curiosity is killing her and being part foal makes it all the more worse. Starlight was just about to take off the harness when Pinkie comes back with twins in hoof, she sets them down on the floor to play again. Pinkie come over to Starlight and takes her off the leash.

"Is Starlight ready for her surprise!?" Pinkie says bouncing up and down.

Starlight in a calmer manner than Pinkie nods and follows her to the kitchen. What was waiting for Starlight shocked her slightly, One of the highchairs were sparkling clean and next to it on the island counter in the middle of the room was a bowl. Pinkie walks over to the highchair.

"Now hop up so I can strap you in and we can begin!" Pinkie says with great enthusiasm.

Starlight gets straight into the highchair thankfully her slender body and her slightly smaller size than an average mare allows her to fit into the highchair. Once in Pinkie slides in the tray and straps Starlight into the highchair so she doesn't fall out. Starlight waits patiently for her lunch and is rewarded with her favorite treat in all of Equestria, Pureed bananas which Starlight has loved ever since Celestia made her eat it. Pinkie holds up the spoonful of the delicious treat to Starlight's face.

"Alright time to eat up!" Pinkie says smiling.

Starlight gladly accepts the spoonful of pureed bananas with great bliss. The process is continued till the bowl is empty and Starlight was a mess which Pinkie didn't plan on.

"I knew I shoulda used a bib!" Pinkie says regretting her past decision.

Pinkie leaves Starlight in the highchair and gets a warm washcloth to clean up the mess. Starlight was feeling pretty sleepy until the ding of the shop door woke her up.

"Hello Pinkie are you here?" Fluttershy says in her cute and innocent tone.

Starlight begins to freak out knowing one of her friends was on the verge of discovering her and Pinkies secret. After Pinkie finished cleaning up Starlight she let the foal down and went to greet her other friend. Pinkie bounces up to Fluttershy smiling happily.

"Hiya Fluttershy! Watcha doing here?!" Pinkie says bouncing around her friend.

"Well I was hoping to find Starlight here, her mother asked me to come find her." Fluttershy explains.

"She's in the kitchen! Follow me!" Pinkie says bouncing toward the kitchen.

When the duo arrive they find Starlight trying to escape out the backdoor this angered Pinkie.

"Where do you think your going!?" Pinkie says with a frown on her face.

"I uh I well you see." Starlight says trying to get the words she needs.

Fluttershy just stands there confused.

"Pinkie whats going on?" Fluttershy asks.

Pinkie starts from the beginning explaining all the past events up to the present point in time. Fluttershy only smiles and pats Starlight's head.

"It's nothing to afraid of Starlight! I personally would love to be treated like a foal. Plus foals are cute and fun to play with!" Fluttershy says.

"Well I'm not young and cute like a regular foal." Starlight says.

"That's not true! Your age is the same and you looked pretty cute while I was foalsitting you." Pinkie says smiling wide.

Starlight cheers up slightly from her friends support.

"Thanks girls." Starlight says hugging them.

"Oh um Starlight?" Fluttershy says.

"Yes?" Starlight says.

"You might want to um get dress your mom is on her way here." Fluttershy explains.

"Ok I just need to get dressed before she finds out." Starlight says walking toward the door.

"Too late." Princess Celestia says walking through the door holding Starlight's things.

"Oh hi mommy....." Starlight's voice trails off.

"Home now!" Celestia says anger welling in her face.

"Yes mommy." Starlight says walking out the door.

The Princess walks out the door with her daughter and flies back to the castle keeping a close eye on her. When they get back Starlight runs to her room and shuts the door. She jumps under the covers of her bed crying slightly. After 1 hour Celestia walks into Starlight's room her armor gone.

"Starlight?" Celestia says her voice sounding sweet and caring.

"Go away." Starlight says cold.

"Starlight its not going to make things any better by crying." The Princess says sitting on the bed.

"Well if we talk your going to yell at me." Starlight says.

"Starlight I won't I promise." Celestia says.

Starlight gets out from under the covers sniffling.

"Starlight sweetie why did you lie to me about all that?" Celestia asks.

"Because you would get mad at me for destroying your reputation or because I wasn't doing my job as a princess." Starlight explains half crying.

"Baby I don't care about any of that!" Celestia says.

"Then why were you so mad at me?" Starlight asks.

"Because you lied to me about it all. I don't care about anything as long as your happy! If you want to be treated like foal then that's fine with me!" Celestia says pulling her daughter closer.

"Really? I could be sucking on a pacifier or sipping out of bottle and you wouldn't care?" Starlight asks again.

Celestia giggles.

"No as long as my baby girl is happy then I'm happy." Celestia says hugging Starlight.

"I love you mommy." Starlight says.

"I love you too baby girl." Celestia says falling asleep with foal.