• Published 13th Jun 2013
  • 2,876 Views, 57 Comments

Foalsat by Pinkie The Series - Starlight Dash

This is a the continued version of Foalsat by Pinkie in this version Starlight is shown doing more foal related activities and letting go of all her worries.

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Chapter 2: Princess Playdate

Foalsat by Pinkie The Series

-3 week later after the Pinkie incident-

Princess Celestia runs through the hospital halls as fast as she can searching for room 209. When she reaches her destination there on the hospital bed sitting upright was a diapered Starlight looking around curiously.

"Starlight!" The Princess says running to her daughter and hugging her.

"Mommy!" Starlight says hugging her mother.

Celestia takes a better look around to notice that the mane 6 and a doctor were here as well. The doctor walks up to Celestia.

"Um Princess a word if I may." The doctor asks.

Princess Celestia walks with the doctor.

"We don't know what happened, but shes been acting very strangely requesting you and wanting a pacifier? Now we have looked at her file and it says has something called a Foal instinct is that correct?" Doctor asks adjusting his glasses.

"Yes that is correct." Celestia says looking back to see the mane 6 trying to distract Starlight who is crying for her mommy.

"We have a made a diagnoses and we think somehow is may have taken over." The doctor says confused.

"I know this issue. It's happened before." Celestia explains.

"I see...Well in any case you can take her home now. Shes got no physical injuries or mental injuries. I'll just go get your exit papers." Says the doctor reviewing her notes.

Celestia thanks the doctor and goes back to her daughter. She looks at the mane 6.

"Do you ponies know anything about this." The Princess asks.

"Not at all Princess we just found out about this our selves." Twilight says.

Starlight interrupts the conversation.

"Mommy can we pwease go home!" Starlight says holding a stuffed butterfly.

"Of course sweetie." Celestia says in a sweet tone.

"Where did she get the butterfly?"

"I brought it! After I heard about what happened! Foals love stuffed animals and thought it could cheer Starlight up!" Pinkie says jumping up.

"Thank you I appreciate the gesture." Celestia says.

When all was said and done The Princess signs Starlight out and tries to walk home with her, but Starlight insisted on being carried thankfully Starlight only weighed few pounds so Celestia could carry her on her back. All throughout the walk back the mane 6 talked about the possibilities and other things that Starlight couldn't understand in her current state.

"Princess won't it be fun caring for a foal?" Pinkie asks Celestia out of nowhere.

"I won't be caring for her. I'll have Princess Cadence take care of her. I know very little of caring for foals." Celestia says.

Pinkie stops in her tracks.

"But but you have too! It's like code! A mother has to take care of the daughter in certain situations!" Pinkie says pressing the matter.

Celestia giggles at Pinkies outburst.

"I understand my little pony, but even if I wanted like I said I know very little to nothing about caring for a foal as I said before." Celestia says looking at Pinkie.

"What if we taught you?!" Pinkie suggested.

By this time Starlight started crying from the arguing Celestia was ready to argue but thought against it for the sake of the foal.

"Fine I shall allow you to help me take care of Starlight now." Celestia says trying to calm down Starlight.

Pinkie Pie works her magic by going up to Starlight and making silly faces. This stops Starlight's crying as she begins to giggle and eventually laugh.

"See nothing to it!" Pinkie says smiling.

"I suppose." Celestia says looking at the giggling foal worried.

They all arrive at the castle where Celestia leads them to nursery deep from within.

"Wow this place is amazing!" Pinkie says jumping everywhere.

The nursery was sun and moon themed with a toy box, carpet, crib with a sun and moon mobile, and changing table. It was fit with everything a foal needed to be happy, but the real spectacle was the giant sun and moon mobile on the ceiling that moved the sun in the day and the moon in the night.

"It was supposed to be Starlight's nursery, but because she didn't really want to be treated like a foal before me and Luna just left it alone." Celestia explains.

"It's um nice." Fluttershy says looking over the room.

"I never thought a palace would have its own nursery." Rainbow Dash says looking over the mobile.

Pinkie hops over to Starlight who is busy observing the room and all the bright colors. She pulls back Starlight's diaper to find it wet.

"Somepony needs a change!" Pinkie announces.

Celestia levitates Starlight up and onto the changing table which fit her perfectly.

"Um how do I do this?" Celestia says levitating a diaper and powder.

"You mean you don't know?" Pinkie asks.

"I only remember helping Luna when she was younger." Celestia says looking at Pinkie Pie.

"You really don't know anything about foals. Well we can remedy that together!" Pinkie says hopping over to the changing table.

"Shall we begin?" Celestia asks.

"Sure! First you have to remove the old diaper!" Pinkie says point to Starlights tapes on her diaper.

Celestia with magic removes the tapes and takes off the old diaper.

"Now you wipe her down and then powder her." Pinkie instructs

Celestia throws away the old diaper then proceeds to wipe and powder Starlight spreading the powder everywhere.

"Then all you gotta do is secure the new diaper and your done!" Pinkie says happily.

Celestia levitates the front of the diaper up to Starlight then secures the tapes. She looks over her work with delight knowing she passed her first lesson on taking care of a foal with flying colors.

"It wont always be so easy sometimes you have to distract them so be ready for that!" Pinkie says.

Celestia nods. She takes Starlight off the changing table and sets her on the floor. Starlight runs over to the toy box and pulls out a stuffed sun. Then she runs back up to Celestia.

"Wis is fow you mommy!" Starlight says hoofing the sun to Celestia.

Celestia giggles slightly.

"And what am I to do with a sun little one?" The Princess asks

"Waise the sun!" Starlight says doing one hop.

Celestia looks at the plushie sun confused at first, but then raises the sun above the foals head with her magic. Starlight's giggles happily. Pinkie appears right behind Celestia. She gets down and puts her ear up to Starlight's Stomach which growls.

"I think somepony is hungry, but I don't have the time today. Pinkie Pie if you could please take over from here?" The Princess asks.

"Of course Princess you can count on old Pinkie to take care of your foal!" Pinkie says saluting The Princess.

"Good if you need anything I had a mother pony come in and set everything up playpens, high chairs, its all setup! Anyway I must be going!" Celestia says walking away from the group.

Starlight tries to run after Celestia with her stuffed sun, but Pinkie stops her.

"No no baby Starlight mommy needs to go work! Besides don't you wanna have fun with Auntie Pinkie?" Pinkie says throwing confetti into the air. Starlight ignores the comment and begins to chew on the stuffed sun.

"I'll take that as a yes." Pinkie says grabbing the sun and replacing it with Starlight's custom pink and black pacifier.

Pinkie walks into the dining room with Starlight on her back. The dinning room was white with one side Luna's banners and the other Celestia's and at the middle of the room was a long dinning table that had a beautiful red rug underneath and at the end table was a highchair styled pink and black.

"If I had known Starlight was this light I would have carried back on our little playdate!" Pinkie says.

"I still think this is a little werd." Applejack says

"I agree. Why don't we just make this Celestia's problem? She HER daughter!" Rainbow Dash says flying overhead.

"Have you no soul! This poor little foal is our friend! We can't just abandon her! We should try and help her the best we can!" Rarity says patting Starlight head.

"Besides how often do you get to look after a baby alicorn." Fluttershy says nuzzling Starlight's neck.

"Enough with chittter chatter! It's food time!" Pinkie says walking over to the highchair at the end of the table

Pinkie lifts Starlight up making rocket ship sounds as Starlight "flies" into the highchair. Once she is in Pinkie straps her into it and pushes the tray in. A sound of quietly arguing is heard as Cadence pushes her Aunt Celestia into the room.

"She is your daughter! Go take care of her!"

Celestia stands upright and goes over to the 7 ponies.

"Princess what are you doing here I thought you had work to do?" Twilight asks.

"Well all my" Celestia looks over at Cadence who glares. She clears her throat "All my work is done so now I can learn on how to take care of my bundle of joy."

"Great! You watch her while I go find some food! Weeeeee!" Pinkie says cartwheeling into the kitchen.

"I think I'll go help her just in case." Twilight says wincing as she hears plates shattering.

As Celestia watches Twilight run out then she diverts her attention to her daughter who is being surprisingly well behaved.

"You seem harmless at the moment."

Starlight throws her arms up symbolizing she wanted out of the highchair.

"Pway! Pway!" Starlight says her eyes big and watery.

"Aren't you hungry though?" Celestia asks.

Starlight shakes her head, but her stomach tells another story as it growls. Celestia was about to go find Pinkie, but when Pinkie hops out with a small bowl of a yellow substance, three jars, and a bib on her back the Princess sits back down.

"Um Pinkie wheres Twilight?" Rarity asks.

"Shes cleaning up!" Pinkie says smiling.

Celestia decides to get back on topic.

"So what did you find?" She asks curious of what Pinkie Pie acquire on her journey.

"I found some mashed carrots, some applesauce, and something called alfalfa plus some banana pudding!" She says putting the objects on the table.

"Alfalfa is what me and Luna's parents feed us as a foal. If my memory serves me well it doesn't taste very good, but it is excellent for growing foals!"

Pinkie shrugs then ties the bib around Starlight's neck and opens the mashed carrots. She takes a spoonful and holds it up to Starlight's mouth. Starlight eyes it carefully before accepting the mashed substance.

"At least she likes it! Sometimes you gotta distract them with a stuffed animal or make them laugh or one of my favorites make silly noises like Pegasus flying into the factory for work or something like that!" Pinkie explains.

"Ok distract, tickle, and make noises." Celestia says watching Pinkie shovel spoon after spoon of the mush into the foals mouth.

Pinkie feed Starlight everything then finally opens the alfalfa immediately Starlight's doesn't like it. Starlight crosses her hooves and turns her head away her eyes closed.

"Looks like it's time for the distraction!" Pinkie says holding up the stuffed butterfly she brought earlier.

Starlight uncrosses her hooves and stares at the flying butterfly long enough for Pinkie to get a spoonful of the nasty stuff in Starlight's mouth. After the distracting method fails Pinkie moves on the noises.

"bzshhhhhh here comes the Pegsi flying into Cloudsdale!" Pinkie says moving the spoon into the now entertained Starlight's mouth.

Starlight swallows and sticks out her tongue still not liking the alfalfa.

"A couple more spoonfuls and then shes done!" Pinkie says scoop up another spoonful.

"I assume we are going to do the tickle method now?" Celestia asks.

"Mhmm and you get to tickle her!" Pinkie says.

Celestia nods and begins to tickle her daughter in the side where she most vulnerable. Starlight bursts into a fit of giggles allowing the rest of the alfalfa to be deposited into her mouth. After all is said and done Pinkie wipes Starlight with the bib the best she can and lets her out of the highchair. As soon as Starlight touches the floor she takes off running.

"Well she was in a might hurry to get out of her." Applejack said.

"Starlight wait you need a bath!" Pinkie says running after her.

The rest of the ponies walk to the bathroom to find Pinkie had caught Starlight with the help of Princess Cadence.

"She huuu has a lot huuuu of huuu energy" Cadence pants.

Pinkie is too busy to notice the other ponies because she is busy preparing the bath.

"Alright so now we-" Pinkie is cut off by Princess Celestia.

"Um Pinkie do you think I could do this one on my own?" Celestia asks.

Pinkie slightly shocked recovers quickly and nods.

"Go right ahead!" Pinkie says stepping aside and extended her hoof.

Celestia walks into the bathroom and sees Starlight sitting quietly on the floor. Celestia does the first thing that comes to mind and takes off Starlight's diaper, after doing so she levitates Starlight gently into the bathtub which has plenty of bubbles. Next she pours water onto Starlight's getting her wet all over. Starlight doesn't care and continues to play with the bubbles by throwing them into the air. Celestia takes the shampoo and conditioner and squirts them in Starlight's mane and coat getting. She rubs it all in then rinses her daughter again. She takes Starlight out and dries her off.

"Now all I have to do is diaper her? correct?" Celestia asks.

"Yep!" Pinkie says hopping to the nursery.

Starlight is laid down on the over sized changing table where Celestia proceeds to diaper her. After she is diapered Celestia fits a light Pinkie onesie sleeper over onto her and lays her into the crib which has a sun and moon mobile.

"Wow you did that without my help!" Pinkie says impressed.

"Yes and I must thank you my little pony for your assistance in teaching me on how to take care of my daughter!" Celestia says cheerfully.

"Well it's not over yet! You still have to give her a bottle to help her sleep!"

"Oh I'll just go get that and-" Celestia is stopped in mid sentence.

"No need I already prepared it." Says Princess Cadence walking over levitating a bottle full of formula.

"I thought you said I had to do this on my own." Celestia says chuckling.

"You did good enough auntie." Cadence says passing the bottle into Celestia's magic hold.

"I wouldn't have done anything if you didn't force me." Celestia says.

"Eh it was nothing." Cadence says

Celestia puts the bottle in Starlight's mouth who suckles it immediately. After she is done Starlight falls asleep and the mane 6 say there goodbyes.

"I am happy all you ponies came and supported me with this. I'm sure Starlight will appreciate this as much as I do!"

The ponies wave goodbye and leave Celestia to her little foal.


Pinkie stretches through a black circle in the story.

"Awwwww I love happy endings!" Pinkie says.

"Pinkie what are you doing! You cracked my screen!" I say.

"oopsie sorry!" Pinkie says blushing.

"Tell that to all who read this story! Now their screens are cracked too!" I said completely annoyed.

"Well it's not my fault I defy logic besides it's the end of the stories!" Pinkie says now laying on her black circle.

"It's not the end Pinkie not even close." I say facehoofing.

"Really? But how are you gonna continue this?" Pinkie asks.

"Well I told the fans to give me suggestions hopefully I get something awesome and if I don't I'll think of something." I explain.

"Oh ok!" Pinkie says.

"You know we are really just filling in text here now right!" I say.

"Eeyup! See ya next time ponies!" Pinkie says holding a giant hammer.

"Pinkie WAIT!" I say before she smashes my entire screen to pieces

"Dammit Pinkie."

Author's Note:

Sorry if this took too long and if the chapter is short and please leave a comment on what I should do next I am open to suggestions! The one who gives me a suggestion I like will be mentioned in my next chapters author notes. Oh yea also be sure to point out any grammer errors and such I wrote this at like 5:00 in the morning so yea there might be a few.