• Published 15th Feb 2012
  • 948 Views, 9 Comments


When a pony is forgotten, it never returns.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Twilight Who?

Pinkie Pie looked at the three ponies in front of her. ''I'm glad you could all come to this very important meetin--''
She was cut off by Rainbow Dash. ''Pinkie, this is the third or fourth time you've called us here in the past month.'' She paused to gesture around Sugar Cube Corner. ''Let me guess, you're going to talk about another one of your imaginary friends going missing.''
Pinkie Pie visibly deflated. ''You guys are mean meanie pants! This prank isn't funny any more!'' Tears were quickly gathering at her eyes. ''Applejack isn't my imaginary friend, you know that! Neither is Twilight! Why won't you listen to me!? All those other ponies...They weren't...'' She trailed off.
Fluttershy sighed sadly. ''Pinkie, I know you're upset, but you just need to accept it. We don't know who Twilight Sparkle, Derpy, Bon Bon...And this new pony, Applejack. We just don't know who they are. You've never mentioned Applejack before, anyway..It sounds like you're just making them up as you go along. And it's not just us, Pinkie. You're the only pony who seems to remember them, if they ever even existed. I mean, if they were our friends, we'd remember them, I'm sure...'' She said all this with a sympathetic look on her face, but her kindness was rejected by Pinkie, who turned her back to them. ''You're not very good friends then, are you? Why did you forget them!?'' She cantered towards the door, crying freely now.

Fluttershy glanced around at her friends helplessly. ''Should we go after her?''
Rarity and Dash both gave her a dissaproving look. ''I know you find it hard seeing Pinkie like this, but she really needs to seperate her fantasy from real life.'' Dash's voice was tired, a common factor after a meeting hosted by Pinkie Pie. Rarity nodded.
''Yes, for once I feel I agree with Rainbow. Pinkie needs to get a grip on reality for once. She's always been a bit..odd, but now she's just taking it up a whole level. Don't you agree?'' Rarity was frowning slightly.
Fluttershy looked down. ''Well, what if Pinkie is on to something? Where would she get this from''
''What I'd like to know is where she got talking flour from!''
''Rainbow is right, although she needs to take this more seriously.'' Rarity spoke over her glare, directed at Dash. ''But Fluttershy, darling, I really do doubt that I'd be forgetting people like that in a hurry. The most talented unicorn in all of Equestria? Living in our little Ponyville?
We'd get a little publicity, to say the least!'' Rarity finished her sentence with a flourish of hooves. But she stopped suddenly as a new thought occured to her. What if...? She turned her gaze directly towards Fluttershy, who squeaked a little. Rarity realized she was probably scaring her a little, and lightened her gaze. But she still had to ask...
''Rarity, what's wrong?'' Fluttershy was a little worried; Rarity had impressed it upon them all that it was rude to stare, until she saw <i>what</i> they were staring at. Fluttershy blushed a little at the thought.
''Fluttershy, do you remember any of the ponies Pinkie Pie has been talking about?''
Fluttershy jumped a little, but then quickly regathered her senses. ''No, Rarity. I've never heard of Applejack, Twilight...Any of the ponies Pinkie's mentioned.''
Rarity nodded. ''Then we can only conclude this; They never existed anywhere except for Pinkie's mind.''
As the group nodded in agreement at this a dark mass of energy slunk away, it's job done.

Applejack picked up the dirty tray and deposited it into the 'Cleaning' basket, and continued to do so until the room was cleared out. She then pushed the basket into the chute and began to trot towards the Servants Dorm, her chores done.
''Applejack, wait.''
Applejack turned and fell into a clumsy bow. She righted herself before replying. ''Yes, yer Majesty?''
Queen Night Sky looked down at her servant. ''Would you fight for me?''
Applejack found herself nodding, without even thinking.
''Would you kill for me?''
Applejack looked at the ground. Kill..? But any doubts seemed to flee her mind as a strange, warm feeling replaced it. ''Yes, yer majesty. I'd die for you, and I'd kill for you.''
The queen nodded in approval, and Applejack headed towards the door. She walked slowly, giving the queen enough time to cast a final spell.

Big Mac looked at his younger sister sadly, her stomach rising and falling as she slept. Applebloom hadn't even looked at him since he got here, and when he spoke to her she just looked away awkwardly and made an excuse to get away. Applejack had explained to him that, until a few days ago, they thought he had never existed. He'd asked her to stop there; he'd never been able to comprehend something like that without losing sleep over it, and in this place you needed all the sleep you could get. He closed his eyes for about the umpteenth time that night, before opening them again.
Eeyup. All the sleep you could get.