• Published 15th Feb 2012
  • 948 Views, 9 Comments


When a pony is forgotten, it never returns.

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Pure Magic

Upon stepping through the door to see the sights behind it, Applejack felt a very confusing rush of emotions.
First, she felt relieved. Her queen's controller wasn't trying to kill her. Good.
Then came the confusion; Was anyone even controlling her?! Bad.
Then she saw the pink party pony, who was obviously elated. She would probably be screaming with joy if she wasn't gagged. Really good.
Finally, the hate and anger hit hard, and it bit right into Applejack. Memories came, of her friends insulting her, her family, home, work, anything she held dear. This ruled out every other feeling, and she had a sudden impulse to charge up to Pinkie Pie and hoof her in the face. She probably would've too, if Queen Night hadn't used her telepathy magic to stop her.
''Hey!'' Applejack cried in anger, momentarily forgetting who was holding her. She was swiftly reminded by the spasms of pain that shot through her.
''What was that, Applejack?''
''Er..hehe, Sorry, yer Majesty.'' Applejack muttered, now feeling embarrassed, but that didn't mean the anger had left.
''Good. Now, you may be wondering why I brought you here.'' The Queen gestured around the room, somehow managing to look regal even if she was only waving a hoof around. ''Truth be told, I had a feeling that our little traitor might recognize you, am I right?''
Applejack nodded, and Pinkie Pie pulled at her gag, still making odd noises, until a dark aura tore the cloth away.
The gag reappeared over the torrent of words, stopping them, although that didn't seem deterr Pinkie who attempted to carry on speaking. Applejack didn't wait a moment longer for her chance to speak, lest it slip away.
''Now listen here, Pie. Why tha' hay are you so happy to see me? Last time Ah saw you, you were throwin' yer all at me.'' Pinkie stopped talking (or more accurately, trying to talk) and gave Applejack a very confused and hurt look.
''Don't pretend you don't remember, Ah'll never forget tha' way you were insultin' mah family, an' everything Ah worked fer! Why do yah think Ah'm here, Pinkie? Because of YOU!'' Applejack had slowly been walking towards Pinkie Pie as she mini-ranted, and decided to add emphasis to her last word with a hoof to somepony's face. It didn't feel as good as Applejack expected
Pinkie Pie was crying now, though Applejack had no idea why. She was only stating the obvious, and she She attempted one last time to get her message through, but finally gave up. She looked away, but Applejack pulled her head back roughly.
''Don't think Ah'm done! Ah wanna know WHY, Pinkie! Why'd ya have to go and do all that? An' what's all this about ya'll being a traitor?! Ah know ya feel strongly, but treason? Pinkie, Ah don't think yer you anymore.''
Applejack stopped and took a deep breath. She never noticed her mouth moving of it's own accord.
''Ah hate you.''
Applejack stepped back, her rant over.
Pinkie ripped the gag off, her frustration and hurt mounting. ''WOULD YOU JUST BUCKING LISTEN?! I DIDN'T..I DON'T...'' Pinkie trailed off, before remembering the imposing threat of being gagged started off again. ''What I mean is, I swear to Ce-Queen Night..That I would never, ever, hurt you! I promise! I don't hate you, even if you hate me!''
Applejack's eyes narrowed. ''When did Ah ever say Ah hated you? Ya have done alot to me, but Ah don't hate you. An' don't think Ah believe you about 'not hurting me'. 'Cuz if that was a prank, then ya have a problem, Pinkie.''
''But..you said..you hated me..?! Gah, never mind. But..Applejack, I promise that if I ever did hurt you, I'm sorry for it.''
Applejack nodded, but kept her gaurded look. There was still more to know. ''But that still don't explain why.''
Pinkie looked down. Suddenly, she remembered what Rarity had said. Could it be..? She looked up again, and stared Applejack straight in the eyes, her mouth ready to form the words. But...
''Yes, Pinkie?''
''Pinkie Pie, what are you doin'?!''
In the space of three sconds, Pinkie Pie had shot across the room, and was now glaring straight into her eyes.
''If you don't get out of there, I swear to Celestia-'' She ignored the shudders from Applejack. ''-I'll find a way to kill you.''
''Really now, Pinkie. Do you truly think you can kill ME? The voice came from almost directly behind her, filling the happy-go-lucky pony with dread. Pinkie wanted to run and hide, get away from the thing that could kill her in one swipe. Applejack had already fainted, what stopped her from doing the same?
Then it stopped, and Pinkie turned around.
''Queen Night. What have you done to Applejack? To my friends, to Equestria[i/]?''
The alicorn smiled. ''I made them forget.''



Pinkie snarled. ''I figured that much.'' She straightened her pose, standing proudly. ''And now you're going to kill me, because I can resist your magic.'' Coward. Pinkie added in her mind. For her plan to work, the Queen needed to be calm. If it didn't work, then she'd still have a chance to escape.
The Queen spread her wings, and sharpened knives rose from the floor. ''Spot on.''
Scratch the chance to escape. Let's hope Pinkie Logic is correct...For once.. Pinkie almost winced at her own thoughts, but played the insolent. ''Where are your manners? I have one final thing to say. You wouldn't be a true villain if you didn't let me have my final words.''
Again, the evil smile appeared on the Queen's face. ''Speak away, pony. I won't deny you your last words. Don't try begging though. There is nothing you ca-''
''Twilight Sparkle.''
''Twilight Sparkle. Can you hear me?''
The alicorn seemed to dissapear, leaving behind a shell of pure magic. Purple magic. ''Not Twilight. Not Sparkle. Nothing. I'm power..Power to be used, nothing more.''
''I feel nothing but the dark..he..Help me..Pink...Pinkie... ''
Pinkie felt like bursting into tears. What had the Queen done...?
''NO! The image shattered, and once again the powerful alicorn, now furious, stood before her. '' I will NOT let you defeat me again! I will kill you, Laughter!''
The final piece of the B plot fell ie...whatever that meant.
''Nightmare Moon.''
nto plac
Rainbow, Rarity and Fluttershy stared at the floor of Rarity's boutique. They'd arrived a few minutes after Rarity had returned from the castle.
''I can't believe she was being controlled...''
''I know, Rainbow. But she wasn't in her own mind.'' Fluttershy's comforting words did nothing to stem Dashie's river of pain and hurt.
''But it's old pony lore that to be controlled, you have to accept it! Pinkie must've agreed to it! Why?!''
The blue pegasi flew upwards, and began to beat the ceiling with ferocity.
''Rainbow, dear, please calm down. Cele...She must have used Discord's mind tricks, that's almost the only way to use mind magic against us.'' Rarity was making sense. Rainbow drifted down from the ceiling, blinking back the tears.
''What will they do to her?''
Rarity looked down. ''They'll...Kill her, Rainbow.''

Author's Note;
I just saw Derpy's new voice....It's Apple. It has to be. Hasbro wouldn't....APPPPLEEE >:C
Anyways, this is fun to make. Really fun. A lot of questions, eh? Soon to be answered! >:D

Comments ( 2 )

Ohh.... I was really enjoying this one :( Fantastic story! I'm so sorry it didn't get more attention.


Well, I will probably rewrite it for the premise - but to be honest, I just think this is my lowest standard.

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