• Published 15th Feb 2012
  • 948 Views, 9 Comments


When a pony is forgotten, it never returns.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Evil Enchantress

Pinkie stared at the pony in front of her. ''C'mon, Pinkie! Ideas!'' She snapped at the mirror.
After about an hour of thinking, still nothing. But Pinkie didn't give up. All it took was one thought of her missing friends, or how the others didn't believe her, and she was back on track. She needed to save..to save.. Pinkie felt a thrill of fear.
She couldn't remember their names.
Pinkie shook her head. ''No!'' She shouted angrily, and ran headfirst into the nearest wall in an act of frustration. She rebounded, like rubber, and landed on the bed. But for once, Pinkie didn't attempt to repeat the act. She closed her eyes, and thought.
''Pinkie, dear, are you alright?''
''NO RARITY I AM NOT, I AM TRYING TO REMEMBER APPLEJACK AND TWILIGHT'S NAMES, THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT! WHY WOULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT TO INTERR-Oh hey!'' The pink party-pony zipped up to the open door and hugged the surprised unicorn. ''Thanks Rarity! I soo totally need to throw you a..''
Pinkie paused to inhale, making Rarity wince in anticipation.
'''Thanks for helping me remember the names of our missing friends that you won't believe existed but I DO!' super duper special party! I'll get the party cannon! No, no, the MEGA party cannon! That one shoots ca-'' A swift hoof to the face silenced her, knocking her to the floor in the process.
''Rarity!'' Pinkie moaned. ''You only needed to ask me to stop!''
''I did, dear. Several times, but you obviously didn't hear me.''

Pinkie blinked, a small 'Oh.'' escaping her lips. She bounced up, and looked at Rarity curiously. ''Well..Why are you here? I was trying to think of a plan to save Twilight and Applejack!''
Rarity ignored the urge to turn and run from the hyperactive...explosion, instead staring her dead in the eyes.
''Pinkie, we think you've been enchanted with dark magic. You show all the signs...'' Rarity trailed off as the mix of happy emotions coming from her friend stopped.
Rarity took a deep breath. ''Yes, dear. You've been imagining things-'' Pinkie opened her mouth to argue, but a glare from the white unicorn sealed it again. ''You've been a tad more insane than usual, demonstrated by your outburst just then, and...Well, to be quiet frank, you've been talking to mirrors and throwing yourself at walls. If that isn't downright crazy, then may the Queen help us all.''
Pinkie's mouth dropped. ''How did you...?''
Rarity sighed again. ''I was there for a long time, Pinkie.'' She answered.
''Oh. Well, how does that even count towards dark magic?''
Rarity let the pause stretch on a moment longer before speaking again. ''Chances are the magic that's possessing you can see into your mind and soul through anything that has a reflection. At least, that's what the book said.''
''The point is, Pinkie, is that this dark magic will slowly start to affect us all. It will turn us against each other, until even Queen Night herself can't stop us.''
Pinkie frowned. ''Queen Night? Don't you mean Princess Celestia?''
Silence answered her.
Rarity felt dread well up in her at the mention of the name. She didn't know why...Yes. She did! The tyrant...Although Rarity couldn't remember exactly what she had done, but it had been bad. And Pinkie was supporting her?!
Rarity did the only thing that felt right. She screamed.
''How dare you say that forsaken name? And you call her a princess! She lost that title long ago, after...after...'' The memory hit. ''After plunging the land into eternal day!'' Rarity's voice teemed with hate, making Pinkie wince. She didn't care though. The party pony deserved it!
''Do you truly think that SHE is even the tiniest bit worthy of our pleas?!'' Then realisation dawned, lighting the truth. ''That's it! Ce..Cele...SHE'S possessing you with her dark magic!'' She frowned angrily. ''To the the castle with you!'' Her horn lit up and knocked a very surprised Pinkie unconcious.
Applejack was confused, to say the least. Ponies were running everywhere, screaming news of a possessed pony. Yet nopony actually mentioned who it was. The result was everypony who heard running around screaming about an unknown possessed pony. Applejack opened her mouth, ready to try and silence the crowd, but a thunderous voice did the job for her. '' Everypony, STOP!
The command rang through Applejack's mind and ears, making it seem as though it came from every direction.
''The pony in question has been in captivity from the start. All this fuss for nothing! I should have all you punished for this!''
A few ponies winced at this, and even Applejack felt a flicker of fear. She hadn't done anything wrong yet, not bad enough to be punished anyway, but she'd seen the whip scars on Big Mac's flank after he'd dropped the Royal Wine. He'd told her it was nothing, but she knew better.
The voice started again. ''No. I shall take pity on you ponies, but let it be known that if this is to happen again, ALL of you will be punished severely!'' The voice paused, and when it continued it was calmer. ''I wish to see Applejack in the Judgement room. Everypony else, forget what I just said.''
Applejack frowned. ''Wah?''
''What is it, sis?''She hadn't noticed Applebloom come to stand next to her during the announcement.
Applejack looked down at her little sister in disbelief. ''Don't tell me yah didn't just hear what Queen Night said.''
''What, about us being punished, then not? Ah'd be surprised if somepony didn't!''
Applejack felt her blood freeze. ''Anything else?''
The voice echoed in her head again, though Applejack could tell only she was hearing it this time.
''Judgement room NOW, Applejack.''
Applejack gulped, and headed off. Nopony knew about the Judgement room, even though it took up a good qautre of the first floor of the castle. Many ponies suspected it was for criminals to be judged, and Applejack had agreed with them. But now she felt unsure; If that was the reason, why make ponies forget she was going there?
Applejack froze, her hoof hovering above the floor.
i]She can make ponies forget things....Is she the reason all this is happening? That seemed the most obvious answer, and Applejack felt quite stupid for not realising it straight away. But why? What does she have to gain? All of us, everypony I've spoken to agreed we applied. Maybe Queen Night isn't behind this, and somepony else is doing it? Maybe she's pinning the blame on her..Maybe somepony is using her!
The hoof clops on the corridor sped up as the orange pony surged towards the Judgement room, giving brief apologies to every pony she knocked. She reached the large door, labelled 'Judgement Room - INVITATION ONLY'. Applejack swallowed, and knocked. Rescue mission or not, the Queen would probably fry her if she just charged in.
''Come in.''
The voice was firm, but not angry. Applejack hoped this was a good thing, and pushed open the door.