• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 4,391 Views, 92 Comments

Of Strawberries and Lemonade - Sam Cole

Twilight and Rarity try a spell to find their special sompony, then try everything to change the results

  • ...

36 hours remain

Chapter 2: 36 hours remain

The next morning was greeted by light showers, the weather team thoroughly doing its duty to keep the town green. Twilight got an early start to Rarity’s, using a simple spell to keep herself dry. Her hooves dragged as the tired mare stopped and dropped off some letters in the mail. Twilight held the last one for a minute though. She knew it was what Rarity would want, but she still gave pause over it. She sold herself on the idea of who the letter was for. That was why she was unable to send it. That was why she didn’t sleep last night. Of course that was way.

Twilight was happier to be at Rarity’s by the end of her walk, the light rain turning into a full shower, and her spell barely holding it at bay. Twilight was glad to see a sign on the door from Rarity, telling her to just come in.

“Hello dear,” Rarity sang from the other room as the bell chimed with Twilight’s entry. “Could you bring the teapot over?”

“Of course,” Twilight nodded, and grabbed the mentioned china in her magic. The smell of camomile almost put the poor mare to sleep as she carried it to the white mare, who was sitting daintily in front of her large bay window, watching the rain.

“It’s so peaceful right now,” Rarity sighed. “I love this time of year, right before the summer.”

“Yeah, the rain is really relaxing,” Twilight smiled as Rarity motioned for her to sit with her. “I love to lay in bed on mornings like this and just read.”

“You always love to just lay in bed and read,” Rarity retorted playfully. “But I get what you mean. The rain just seems to...”

“Wash away your troubles for a bit,” Twilight finished with a yawn.


“Didn’t sleep well.” Or at all...

“This whole true love ordeal is a tad much,” Rarity nodded, right and yet so wrong. Her only response was a head softly meeting her shoulder, as she looked over to the tired lavender mare that had passed into the world of dreams. “Hmm. Sleep well Twilight. I don’t mind waiting a bit.”

Rarity turned back to the window streaming with water as she nodded to herself. I don’t mind at all.

An hour later saw a somewhat refreshed mare coming around, as her friend finally got up and made the poor girl some coffee. Twilight groaned as she had to get up, but quieted down with each sip. Now her mind was back to the problem at hoof, though if you asked her exactly what was the problem, she would have trouble saying.

“So I thought of something Twilight,” Rarity finally said, tried of the silence. “What if the spell gave a false positive to us because we were both under it’s charm?”

“Possible, but not likely,” Twilight dismissed. “I think Cadence would have taken that into consideration. But questions like that are why I sent her a letter today.”

“Twilight, you didn’t tell her about... well, us, did you?” Rarity asked, much more calmly than she felt.

“I would not be surprised if Cadence gleans that from the letter in all honesty,” Twilight said to Rarity’s snort of anger. “But it is rather well placed among 166 other questions regarding the spell.”

Rarity’s anger gave way to confusion, as that was the last thing she was expecting. “166?”

“Yeah. Things like cross species, destiny versus accumulated knowledge to render, time and date considerations, estrus concerns, dietary feedback leading up to the spell, allergies, re-”

“Okay, enough,” Rarity laughed. “You never fail to impress me with your knowledge and creativity Twilight.”

Twilight stumbled over her words, and blushed at the complement, pushing back her messy mane. “Thanks Rarity...”

“Oh no,” Rarity snorted again.


“No. I know that blush. Are you actually falling for me Twilight?” Rarity demanded.

“What?! No! Why would you think something like that?”

“Wha- I-” Rarity balked, caught off guard by the turn about.

“You’re in love with me, aren’t you?” Twilight accused, with a very coy smile. “It’s okay if you are. I won’t tell...”

“Oh knock it off Twilight,” Rarity blushed, all of her thunder and vigor drained. Was it Rarity, or did Twilight look a little hurt by that? No, surely not. Twilight would never fall for another mare. Not for me... “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just reading too much into body language right now.”

“It’s alright,” Twilight managed, reminding herself of her goal to not end up with Rarity. Though the librarian had to admit, it would be an interesting relationship. Not perfect, but- No! Stop it brain! She’s your best friend! This is not up for discussion! It was a stupid little thought, and now it’s just rattling around in here! I don’t love Rarity! “I was just teasing...”

After a full two minutes of awkward silence, the pair made their way outside, ready to tempt fate again and prove the spell wrong. But there was one overwhelming problem at the moment. The fact that neither of them had a clue as to how they would get random ponies to agree to kiss them. In truth, they could just flirt their way through town, all the colts would love a kiss from Rarity, but the idea of actually doing that made the mares feel just plain dirty.

“Miss Rarity!” A friendly voice called out, as she trotted toward the still silent pair.

“Oh, hello Aloe,” Rarity smiled. “Good to see you dear.” Twilight watched as the white mare leaned forward and made a quick kiss to the side of Aloe’s cheek, and it gave her an idea. When Rarity pulled to the other side, Twilight bumped her, causing the innocent air kiss to make just the slightest amount of contact.

Aloe exploded at the touch though, as she threw her hooves around Rarity, and began to feather the poor, resisting mare with kisses. “YES! Oh my Yes! I Love You Miss Rarity! I Love You!”

“Aloe! Stop this Now!” Rarity demanded, pushing Aloe off and glaring at her and Twilight. With an accusing hoof, Rarity cut to business. “Twilight, what the hay was that?”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight muttered. Thankfully, Twilight was much smarter with social situations than she was given credit for, and quick with a clever idea. “I saw the way Aloe was looking at you, and figured I would play matchmaker...”

“Twilight, I- Never mind, it’s alright dear. But next time, just ask. Aloe, I am so very sorry, but I... I don’t have feelings for you. Like that...”

“No, I am sorry Miss,” Aloe muttered, looking to the ground. “I let my hopes get the better of me. Please do not hold that against me.”

“Not at all dear,” Rarity smiled kindly.

“Though I must ask, why do I taste lemonade?”

“That is a wonderful question,” Rarity lied, looking to Twilight for help, but the lavender mare just shrugged. Thankfully, Aloe was content with that.

“Must just be a craving then. The weather has been so nice of late...”

“I guess so...” Rarity tried. Aloe shrugged off the odd day, hoping she would be forgiven in time, or forgotten entirely. But as she trotted away, Rarity felt the onset of a new idea.

“Twilight, I think you just gave us the answer we needed.”


“The problem of getting the kisses. Just do it in greeting. Slip the kiss in a hurry, and brush it off,” Rarity explained as if asked the color of the sky.

“But what about the taste?” Twilight asked, poking a hole in Rarity’s airtight plan.

“... Damn.”

“Just say it’s a face cream like I said yesterday?” Twilight suggested.

“That won’t work, we’re kissing them,” Rarity dismissed.

“Oh, yeah. Lipstick?” Twilight ventured.

“On the cheek,” Rarity corrected.

“Damn. Play dumb?”

“It’ll do I guess,” Rarity sighed. “So let’s stop wasting time, and get you your colt.”

“What about you?” Twilight asked as she and Rarity began to trot away.

“Well, finding one love of your life in three days is hard enough. Let’s not add to it.” The pair nodded, thinking the plan here was odd, but they had no other options. They trotted around town, but every time Rarity would suggest a pony, Twilight would shoot it down.

“No, I can’t date him,” Twilight muttered, her quickly growing mantra.

“Why not?” Rarity demanded. “Caramel is a very nice colt.”

“He has a girlfriend,” Twilight shot back.

“Oh she’s all wrong for him anyways,” Rarity retorted, a bit too loudly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sassaflash snapped at Rarity.

“I-” Rarity paled.

“Hey, don’t yell at her!” Caramel shot back. “She’s Apple Family. That makes her my family.”

“Oh this again,” Sassaflash leered at Caramel. “Apple’s all the way. Always help an Apple. Apple Apple Apple!”

“Twilight?” Rarity leaned into her friend. “Run.”

Neither looked back, as they missed out on the messiest and nastiest breakup in Ponyville history. In later years, a breakup would be rated on how close it was to the fabled Caraflash breakup of 03. Nopony ever got within a .6, oddly enough.

“Rarity, stop,” Twilight sighed as Rarity tried to make her kiss literally a random stranger at the train station.

“Well, you’re not making this easy,” Rarity shot back.


“Here, how about this darling. Is there any pony whom you have feelings for?”


“Of a romantic nature?” Rarity pressed on.

“...Yes, but don’t laugh.”


“I have a bit of a crush on Time Turner...” Twilight muttered.

“Time Turner? The actor that plays Doctor Whooves?” Rarity snorted. “Oh my darling, every mare in Equestria has a crush on Time.”

“I just love the way he plays the Doctor, alright,” Twilight groaned. “But I don’t want to be thought of as some clingy fan girl.”

“My dear, you might just be the perfect mare for him. Let’s find out,” Rarity smiled. “Because there he is now.”

“What?! Where?” Twilight panicked, looking around in a hurry till she saw the joke of it. “Oh har har Rarity. Not funny.”

“What’s not funny?” Time Turner asked as he came around the corner, startling both mares.

“He really is here!” They both cried, before straightening up and trying again.

“Hello Mr Turner. My friend here thinks the world of your program.” Rarity smiled as Twilight just stared wide eyed at her celebrity crush.

“Oh goodie! I love fans!” Time smiled brightly. He took Twilight’s hoof and shook it gallantly. “Never get enough of the feeling myself, meeting somepony that you just love. It’s fantastic.”

“I-I-I... You’re the Doctor!” Twilight broke down. “I love your representation of the Doctor, Mr Turner!”

“Oh please, call me Time. Though you can call me the Doctor if you prefer Twilight.”

“How did you know my name?” Twilight recoiled.

“Oh, I’m a big fan of your work as well, Miss. Your theories on Antimatter manipulation are astounding,” Time smiled.

“You read my dissertation?” Twilight beamed. “No pony ever wants to read those,” She finished with a glare at Rarity.

“I’m still working on it dear,” Rarity offered.

“I do need to be off now, train to grab, things to do,” Time said at last, grabbing Twilight’s hoof yet again. “Addio.” He said as he kissed Twilight’s hoof, making the mare blush, then stall.

“That’s not right,” Twilight muttered.

“Why do I taste-” Time began, but was cut off by Twilight kissing him on the lips.

“This is... Rarity, kiss him.”

“What?” Both asked of Twilight.

“I can’t describe it, just kiss him,” Twilight ordered. Rarity shrugged and kissed Time on the cheek, her look instantly changing form nonplussed to confused as she did.

“Is that...”

“I would love to stay and chat, but I have no clue what you two are doing, and am afraid you unicorns are crazy,” Time interrupted, stomping off in a huff. “Try to be nice to the fans, and they start kissing you all over! Bloody hell, they’re worse than Jack...”

“...Did you taste bananas also?” Twilight finally asked.

“Yes, more over the banana daiquiri...” Rarity muttered.

“You know what, I don’t even want to know...” Twilight muttered in defeat, shaking her head as she and Rarity wandered away to ruin another pony’s life.

As the pair sat in Sugarcube corner, their argument was garnishing more attention than needed. Twilight argued that she did not want to end up with just some random pony. Rarity argued if it was fate, it would work. But she was relenting.

“Okay Twilight You can find love your way.”

“Thank you,” Twilight breathed in relief. “I just wish you would stop trying to set me up with some random pony is all. I don’t know them.”

“Well what do you want me to do?” Rarity asked hotly again. “All the ponies you know are mares.”

“Okay, you have a point,” Twilight groaned, letting her head hit the table.

“What’s up gals?” Pinkie asked happily startling Rarity, though really after all these years the white mare should have been more used to it. Pinkie was still all smiles, even as she looked to Twilight groaning into the table. “Late on a friendship report again?”

“Why do I keep getting asked that?” Twilight groaned. “And no, we’re in the middle of-”

“Are you two playing a game?” Pinkie asked, looking between them eagerly. “Is it Truth or Dare? Oh I hope it’s Truth or Dare! Can I play? I choose Dare!”

“You want a dare?” Rarity asked, taken aback. “Okay,” She smiled deviously. “Kiss Twilight-”

Pinkie didn’t care to let Rarity finish as she darted forward and planted a kiss on Twilight’s lips as Twilight shot up to tell Rarity off.

“-On the forehead...” Rarity finished lamely.

“Yay! It’s all lemonadey too,” Pinkie smiled.

“My turn. Pinkie, get Rarity,” Twilight ordered, and smiled as she watched the pink blur shoot over the table and tackled Rarity, trying desperately to kiss her now. Twilight smiled as the Cakes came over to see what the fuss was.

“I’ll have a cappuccino, please,” Twilight calmly ordered with a smile.

“Stop it Pinkie!” Rarity screamed.

“But it’s a dare!” Pinkie retorted.

“Maybe Fluttershy?” Rarity offered as they wandered around town, now told they are not allowed in Sugarcube corner for the next week.

“Well, she is really shy, polite, kind. She could work for either of us,” Twilight reasoned.

“If we were lesbian,” Rarity corrected.

“Well, seeing as I have no choice but to try, I guess I have to be,” Twilight snorted.

“You can always try your luck with a colt,” Rarity offered kindly.

“No, I- Let’s just get this over with,” Twilight groaned. They crossed the bridge to Fluttershy’s, to be greeted by the sound of laughter?

“Does Fluttershy have company?” Rarity asked, picking up her pace.

Twilight knocked on the door, to now come face to face with an old... to use the term loosely, friend. “Why hello Twilight! And Miss Rarity too, what a pleasure.” Discord chuckled.

“Discord!? Why are you here... and wearing a pair of boxers and a tie?” Rarity asked.

“Game of chutes and ladders,” Discord shrugged.


“You don’t want to know,” Discord interrupted. Fluttershy fell around the door, hanging onto the frame and laughing heartily.

“Hey- Hey you. Hi.” She sang, her breath caked with alcohol.

“You got her drunk!?” Both mares asked the spirit.

“No, she got herself drunk,” Discord corrected. “I just came by for a spot of friendly fun... Alright, you got me, I came to get her drunk. This is just hilarious!”

“Hey, hey Twilight,” Fluttershy slurred, falling into the mare, “You smell nice.”

“Fluttershy, why did you let Discord get you drunk?” Twilight asked.

“He asked,” Fluttershy hiccuped.

“Fluttershy, I... nevermind,” Rarity surrendered. “You’re one of a kind my dear.”

“Awe. Thanks,” Fluttershy smiled as she reached out and hugged Rarity, pulling her into Twilight as well. “You’re neat.” She giggled and kissed Rarity on the head, and then giggled again.

“Oh lord,” Twilight groaned.

“Twi,” Fluttershy said as she pulled Twilight down to kiss her on the chin. “You’re special too.”

“My my my, little Fluttershy is learning so much,” Discord laughed, eating some popcorn. “Now kiss them again...”

“Shut up Discord,” Twilight shot back. “I’m really getting sick of the taste of lemonade.”

“Oh? That’s what I taste,” Fluttershy laughed.

“Lemonade?” Discord asked, arching his brow.

“Oh it’s nothing,” Rarity supplied.

“And am I to guess you don’t want to tell poor old Discord?”

“Well, it’s a long story...” Twilight offered. Discord only shrugged, as he leaned down and kissed both mares on the head to a relieving taste of lemonade for the two.

“Oh, somepony revisited Destiny Kiss. Good for them,” Discord laughed. “I remember that spell. Helped me find the love of my life. Right before she turned me to stone...”

“Ah- Ah- Oh my gosh!” Twilight finally managed. “You and the Princess!?”

“No, the Queen,” Discord corrected. “As it happens, I get turned into stone a lot...”

“I wonder why?” Rarity muttered under her breath.

“Anyways, I think my mind will melt if I stay any longer,” Twilight nodded. “Fluttershy, are you gonna be alright here with... Him?”

“Mmhmm. Discord is a good good friend. He even feeds the ani- ani- the cute things,” Fluttershy giggled.

“Don’t worry about us now my dear. Fluttershy is in good hands. Take care now,” Discord smiled as he closed the door.

“The spell cuts through all influences, remember?” Twilight asked as she and Rarity continued to stare at the closed door.

“All too well darling. Fluttershy should have been sober the second she kissed us...” Rarity muttered. Twilight and Rarity sat around for a minute, but either Fluttershy passed out, or Discord sound proofed the house, thus leaving their quandary unfulfilled.

Inside the house though, things were much different, as Fluttershy wiped her brow. “Oh thank goodness they bought that.” She grabbed her empty glass, and headed back to the kitchen. “I need another white griffon. Anyone else need anything?”

“No, we’re all good in here,” Discord nodded, taking his seat again at the table of seven ponies and creatures, plus himself. “So, this hand aces low, six is wild. Buy in is still thirty bits, and right now Angel Bunny is in the lead.”

“Come on Filly Fortune,” Filthy Rich sighed. “Baby needs a new pair of shoes.”

“What about Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked Twilight as they sat around the park that evening, the dusk starting to give way to the cool night. Twilight had insisted on being here, and Rarity was not about to complain. It was a picture perfect night so far. But the longer it lasted, the more distant Twilight felt.

“Really?” Twilight asked flatly.

“Yeah, it was doomed from the start,” Rarity sighed.

“Zecora?” Twilight offered.

“Could you stand her constant rhyming?” Rarity asked.

“Now that you mention it...”

“That’s what I thought. Cheerilee?”

“No. She tries too hard to fit in around me. It makes me self conscious,” Twilight blushed.

“I understand my dear,” Rarity smiled. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“All of this stress. Pushing you to find somepony while I just sit back. Everything, I guess,” Rarity confessed.

“Hey, you don’t need to do that,” Twilight muttered, wrapping her foreleg around the white unicorn. “I wanted to try this spell out too. And I’m happy so far.”


“Yeah. I’ve gotten to spend two days with one amazing mare,” Twilight smiled.

“Oh my, thank you Darling,” Rarity blushed. “You know, though none of this has turned out the way I had hoped, if nothing changes, I just wanted to-”

“Surprise!” Pinkie shouted from behind the bench, leaping over and kissing Rarity on the lips like she had Twilight. “Yay, more lemonade! Rarity, it’s your turn now! Truth or Dare?”

“Pinkie! We were in the middle of something!” Twilight snapped at the oblivious party machine.

“No, it’s alright. I should have guessed something like that would happen,” Rarity growled at no pony in particular. “Sorry, hello Pinkie. I choose Truth.”

“Oh boy,” Pinkie smiled. “Okay, is there anypony you have a crush on?”

“A crush?” Rarity asked with a chuckle. “Not so much. But I am learning to respect somepony more than I ever thought I could. Maybe this is love, maybe it’s not. But it’s what I have right now, and I’m fine with that.”

“Rarity?” Twilight asked, and thus silenced Pinkie. “Are you saying...”

“I’m not saying anything darling,” Rarity said with a soft smile. “Sometimes, nothing speaks volumes.”

“Yeah, yeah it does,” Twilight smiled, then frowned. “Rarity, I have to come clean.”

“Me too.”

“Me three,” Pinkie interjected, raising her hoof into the air. “I know what’s going on here.”

“You do?” Both mares asked the party machine.

“Yeah. It’s pretty obvious. I was just trying to pretend it was something different,” Pinkie nodded. “I had a Pinkie Sense a few days ago that life was going to change drastically around here. And I think this is it. You two need some alone time,” Pinkie smiled. “I’ll see you girls later, okay?”

“Pinkie, I- Okay,” Twilight smiled. Sometimes, the loud mare was the deepest of them all, and it was so easy to forget that too. Pinkie trotted away with a smile, leaving Rarity and Twilight alone.

“She planned that,” Rarity finally said with a nod. “Hmph. Clever girl. So, what were you going to say my dear?”

“Huh? Oh, right. Rarity, I did something today,” Twilight began, and looked down to her hooves. Rarity was shocked, the conversation not going the way she had thought it would. But Twilight pressed on. “Something I regret. I- I wrote to Fancypants.”

“Oh? Well, he is a good friend Twilight. I’m sure he would love a letter from you,” Rarity dismissed.

“Not like that,” Twilight muttered. “I asked him to come to Ponyville tonight. To meet you here.”

“Why would you do that Twilight?” Rarity asked, her fear building up. What is going on here? Did I miss something? I thought she was not trying on purpose. But then she...

“I told him you had feelings for him,” Twilight cringed. “And wanted a date.”

“Twilight,” Rarity gasped.

“I’m sorry,” Twilight cried. “I just want you to be happy. And Fancypants is the colt to do that for you.”

“Twilight, you’re wrong. I don’t need anypony to make a life for me!”

“No, you don’t need that, but you deserve somepony you can actually love.”

“Are you saying I could never come to love you Twilight?” Rarity asked in a hushed tone. “Are you saying you’re not good enough for my love?”

“Yes.” Twilight stated for a matter of fact. “He’s here,” Twilight shuddered as she looked up to see the colt in question just entering the clearing of the park.

Twilight wanted to cry, to tell Fancypants off, to do something! So she did something. She stood, and looked at Rarity, tears in her eyes. “Go get your perfect future Rarity,” The lavender mare smiled, and cried. She didn’t let Rarity get a word out, as she turned, and bolted from the park, never once looking back.

“My word, was that Lady Twilight?” Fancypants asked as he made his way to Rarity. “I wonder what has gotten into that mare?”

“Love,” Rarity whispered, and watched her friend continue to run away. She wanted to get up, give chase, but alas, she was too stunned by her friends selfishness to think clearly, and she made a mistake.