• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 4,384 Views, 92 Comments

Of Strawberries and Lemonade - Sam Cole

Twilight and Rarity try a spell to find their special sompony, then try everything to change the results

  • ...


Chapter 6: Strawberries

“Hello dear,” Rarity sang a week later as she trotted into the Library, floating along a stack of letters for her girlfriend. One in particular though warranted her attention. A certain envelope from a certain Crystal Empire.

“Hey Babe,” Twilight called lazily, slowly getting to her hooves. “Ugh, I remember when reading letters was fun...”

“That was before they were all expense reports or requests for royal aid,” Rarity nodded as she set down the stack of letters, making sure to put the one from Cadence in the lavender princess’s hooves. “But ones from family should help you feel better.”

“She probably wants to know when I’m going to arrive for the Equestrian Games next month,” Twilight giggled as she opened the letter and began to read, although quickly her smile turned into a frown. “Or she wants me to test the Destiny Kiss spell again?”

“Why on Equis would she want that?” Rarity asked, trying to read the letter now.

“She- Oh...” Twilight muttered, looking forlorn at the parchment. “She says I need to test it, that I need to know...”

“Know? Know what my love?” Rarity stammered as Twilight cast the familiar spell on herself. “Twilight?”

Twilight didn’t say a word as she leaned forward and kissed Rarity, though for the first time since they had started dating, it lacked passion, it lacked heart. But it did carry a strong taste.

“Still strawberries love,” Rarity sighed in relief.

“Yes, that’s what she was afraid of,” Twilight muttered.


“I’m going to love you the rest of my life Rarity,” Twilight slowly said, looking to her hooves as if they were an enemy. “My life. You’re the pony I will love forever more.”

“Darling, I love you too, and I always will,” Rarity cooed as she sat Twilight down, and set herself in her love’s lap, hanging off her girlfriend’s neck.

“Yes, but I’m going to live much, much longer than you now...”

“Oh Twilight... oh...” Rarity began, but the reality of it hit her like a ton of bricks. Her lover, her one true love in life, was cursed to be immortal. “Forever. After I...”

“Don’t say it,” Twilight ordered, looking down to the white mare. “I really want to be with you Rarity, and with Celestia as my witness, I will. But I need to go see somepony.”

“Who?” Rarity stammered as Twilight stood up and headed out the door.

“Anypony that can help. I love you Rarity.”

“Wait!” Rarity cried as she ran over and kissed Twilight goodbye. “Don’t do anything reckless now.”

“I won’t,” Twilight smiled, and let the door shut softly behind her, leaving a very worried Rarity behind.

“What should I do now?” Rarity questioned, bouncing from hoof to hoof as she panicked. “What to do? What to-”

A loud bang cut off the white mare as she spun around to see Spike tripping over a stack of scrolls for Twilight, cursing their existence.

“Oh hello darling. I thought you were out and about today?”

“Na,” Spike sighed, looking up to the white mare. “I was planning a letter, but I kinda have nothing to write...”

“Oh, I’m sorry Spike,” Rarity pouted, moving over to help up the dragon. “Say, why don’t we spend the day together. It will be fun, just like old times.”

“Um, no.” Spike stated, making Rarity do a double take. “The last thing I want to do when I’m feeling down is help you shop.”

“Well then darling, how about I help write your letter? A small way to make up for the years of golden friendship you’ve shown me.”

“What?! No! I can’t let you do that!”

“Why not Spike?”

“Because it’s personal,” Spike muttered.

“But it’s a letter. As in to somepony e-” Rarity began, till she saw right through the dragon’s ruse. “It’s a love letter!?”

“I don’t know what you’re-” Spike began, but Rarity’s smile cracked the ice he was trying to form. “Yes. There’s a certain pony I want to ask on a date, but I have no idea what to say to them.”

“I’ll help you Spike. Let’s start by getting them a nice gift to show your chivalrous side,” Rarity smiled.

“Yeah, I know what she’d love!” Spike cheered.

“Hehehe! So it is a girl!”

“... Buck…”

In a hut deep in the Everfree Forest sat a zebra and a princess, breathing deep of the odd smelling plants around the striped mare’s home. Twilight was here for answers, but she was not prepared for this today, a hut filled with smoke and what definitely smelled like her herbal zebra remedies.

“Zecora? What’s with all the smoke in here?”

“Hello Twilight, for whom the world sings. What can I do for the unicorn with wings?”

“I was here to see if you could make a potion...” Twilight hesitantly asked, though she was choking on more smoke that she knew was capable. “What is with this smoke?”

“I must admit this is rather thick. But this smoke will keep me from getting sick.”

“Ah. So I guess you got the bug going around town?” Twilight asked, to which Zecora nodded fiercely, with a scowl too boot. “Well, I hate to trouble you when you’re not well, but I need a potion of immortality, if one exists.”

“A brew of life is what you desire, so your love itself will never expire.”

“Yes. Please, I don’t want to watch Rarity die. I have time right now, but I don’t want to wait.What if the worse happens? I need this sooner rather than later.”

“I am sorry Princess Twilight. There is no brew, nor is it right.” Zecora sighed, shaking her head. “A potion stops not after long. You would then be left to sing a sad song.”

“Then make me a poison. One that can kill an immortal,” Twilight ordered. Or rather tried to. It is hard to be imposing when you have to stop to cough every so often.

“Twilight, my friend! You disgrace me to no end!” Zecora spat, rounding on the lavender mare. “I will make no such potions for you today. For your life is one hefty price to pay.”

“Please,” Twilight begged. “I can’t stomach the thought of living alone without her now.”

“Then go home to your love Twilight. Behold her beauty in the light.” Zecora smiled, placing a kind hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “She loves you dearly, with all her heart. Treat her fondly, like rare art.”

“Thanks Zecora,” Twilight smiled as she was ushered out and began to head to her next stop. If Twilight could not find potions to do it, she would have to find a spell. In the largest Library in all Equestria, the Crystal Empire.

“Over here Rarity,” Spike called as he wormed his way through rack after rack in the comic store.

“Just a second Spike,” Rarity urged, looking fondly at a costume headpiece. “It’s so garish, but I love it...”

Rarity set it aside though, reminding herself that this was not her shopping trip, but her time to play aide to Spike as he had so many times before. And just in time too, as the small dragon bounded around the corner, a look of fear gripping his scally features.

“RUN!” Spike screamed as he barreled past.

“What in Cele-” Rarity began till she smelled smoke. Smelling smoke is almost always a bad thing, even more so when surrounded by stacks and stacks of dry paper. Rarity gave chase to Spike as the dragon escaped, just managing to make it out safely before the owner caught up to them.

“Spike, the hay happened in there?!” Rarity demanded as they ran away.

“I sneezed!”

“I thought you had a hanky for that!”

“I did! It caught fire!” Spike yelled back.

“How? It was asbestos!”

“I don’t know,” Spike smiled. “But it was awesome!” Rarity sighed as she and the dragon continued to run, although her anger and fear gave way soon enough, as she began to enjoy the chase.

Twilight had come to the north, seeking the sagely advice of the printed word, words from before her time. Words that would tell her how to save the one she loved. It was so sad to the lavender mare, and the longer she thought about it, the more it burned her up. But she could not find the right spells in here. Not even with the spell Pinkie had inspire that Twilight had come to call ‘Ctrl F.’ No, she would have to talk to Cadence, see what the other mare knew.

Why? Why would Celestia let me and Cadence fall in love like this if she knew we would only be hurt by their deaths later on in our lives! What is it? Does she want us to feel this pain, to humble us? Does she seek revenge for a lost love of her own? Is she just being evil?

“Twilight!” Princess Cadence called out, smiling broadly to the studious mare.

“Hello Cadence,” Twilight nodded, although her greeting lacked the same emotion the older mare’s did. Twilight was ready to explain her reasons for being here, when Cadence broke the ice.

“You couldn’t find an answer either?”

“What?” Twilight recoiled.

“To our problem. I thought if anypony could figure out a solution, it would be you...” Cadence sighed. “So I am doomed to lose Shiny one day...”

Twilight watched as her sister-in-law broke down, and began to cry, heaving uncontrollably. Twilight had to say something, anything. “I was here to see if you had an answer as to why we immortals could love. But I guess not. Oh turnips! This is so- So evil!”

“I know,” Cadence sobbed, snot beginning to drip from her nose. “Why has Celestia forsaken us?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight sighed, and felt the fire in her heart begin to roar again, “But she’s about to tell us why! Come on Cadence, we’ve got a princess to see!”

“Spike, what is this called again?” Rarity muttered through the tight plastic mask she now wore. “And how does this relate to helping you write a letter?”

Spike stifled his laughter as he explained the game before them now. “This is paintball Rarity. You take your marker and try to hit other players with a ball of paint. Last team with a pony not hit wins. As for how this helps, I’m kinda hoping she would like to play...”

“I see. So why is it just you and I versus my sister and her friends?” Rarity asked hesitantly.

“I told them they might get their paintball cutie marks,” Spike chuckled. “Come on, I’m a natural at this and you’re an adult. We should be more than able to beat three accident prone fillies.”

“Oh alright,” Rarity sighed, as she readied her marker for the match. The whistle sounded, and the air filled with paint moving at painful velocities. Rarity soon discovered just how painful it was.

“Ow! Ouch! Owie! Stop it!”

“Stop standing there and take cover!” Spike ordered.

“Ah! It’s in my hair!”

“Damn it Rarity!”

On the other side of the field, three fillies laughed as they watched the three colts they had switched places with demolish their friends.

“We should really tell Spike we already tried to get paintball cutie marks girls,” Applebloom finally said.

“And miss out on this?” Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo asked, watching as Rarity ran around in circles, failing to grasp the concept of cover.

Twilight was not alone anymore. She had back up. She had another Princess with her. She was going to get answers now. Answers and bucking solutions. The two mares burst into the royal hall of the goddess Celestia, their faces set as they let their rage and sorrow overpower their better judgement. The act of bursting in full of rage actually happens all the time to normal ponies, who usually end up on ‘Guards’ for it.

“Princess Celestia, we need to have words with you!” Twilight snorted while Cadence egged her on.

“Of course Twilight,” Celestia nodded as she closed the door and ushered out her guards. “What is it? Are we under attack? It’s that damned Smooze again, isn’t it?”

“What?” The bookish mare recoiled, then righted herself. “No. This is about a wrong done to us.”

“Oh?” Celestia asked, knotting her brow in confusion.

“We’re worried about the ponies we love!” Cadence burst in.

“Oh thank mom, I thought it was something serious,” Celestia sighed in relief.


“Sorry Twilight. I understand that love makes you worried, and you two happen to be a tad over excitable, but you two have nothing to worry about. Shining and Rarity are just fine,” Celestia smiled as if that solved anything.

“But what about when we have to watch them die?!” Twilight screamed.

“Good heavens, why the buck would you want to watch that?”

“We don’t,” Cadence snorted. “But we won’t have a choice anymore.”

“Why do you say that?” Celestia asked kindly, like a mother trying to understand her child’s story.

“Wha- Why do you think?” Twilight barked at the goddess, “We’re immortals now!” And Celestia had the audacity to laugh at this.

“Oh that’s a good one,” Celestia chuckled, but slowed as she saw the two mares in question glare at her. “Wait, you two think you’re immortals?”

Now it was the others turn to stall. “You mean we’re not...”

“Girls, follow me. I feel I have to explain some facts of life to you,” Celestia frowned as she came to the two mares.

“No more Spike, please,” Rarity groaned as she sat back in a booth at the cafe. “I’m bruised and exhausted.”

“I’m sorry Rarity, I didn’t mean for any of that stuff to happen,” Spike frowned, looking to his iced tea. “It just sort of did.”

With a large sigh, Rarity began to chuckle. “It’s alright. So do you now know what to write to your little girlfriend, Spike?”

“I- She’s not my- Do you really think I should ask her out?” Spike asked, blushing a bit.

“Oh quite so,” Rarity confirmed. “So who is it?”

“I’m not sure I should say… I mean I’m just a librarian's assistant, and she’s… perfect…”

“Spike, don’t you dare insult yourself,” Rarity commanded. “Do you understand me? You are a gem if ever I have seen one, and any mare in Equestria would be honored to have you.”

“Thanks,” Spike mumbled, though she could tell he did not buy it quite yet.

“So, is it Spitfire?”

“I trapped her in a water tower once,” Spike winced as he had to relive that day.

“I’m so sorry Spike…”

“It’s cool. I need to be reminded of that once in a while, or else I might slip up again,” Spike smiled

“Daring Do?”


“Drat. Fleur De Lis?”

“She’s available,” Spike nodded sagely. “And quite the stunning unicorn. Many of Canterlot high society covet her.”

“Really? It’s Fleur?!”

“Not even close.” Spike chuckled. “She’s probably spoiled rotten by those other guys,” Spike dismissed. “I don’t want to be competing for fleeting affection, but a true statement of love.”

“Spike, that’s very grown up of you to say,” Rarity smiled, proud of the dragon.


“Wait, it’s not Applejack is it?” Rarity’s smile flashed to a frown then as the mare leaned forward, piecing ‘true statement’ in her mind with the honest orange mare. “Don’t you dare break my cousin’s heart.”

“It’s not her! Geez,” Spike stammered. “Never mess with an Apple, huh?”

“Now you’re getting it.” Rarity smiled fondly.

“Though just out of curiousity, what if I said it was Fluttershy?” If Spike thought Rarity was upset at him for even thinking about her family, he was in for a whole new world of fear as he stared at a pony hell bent on protecting Fluttershy from lecherous fiends.

Celestia walked through the grand halls of the Canterlot Castle with two very confused mares in tow.

“Princess, what do you mean we aren’t immortal?” Twilight asked as she struggled to keep up both mentally and physically.

“Well, just that my friend,” Celestia chuckled. “Neither of you two is immortal.”

“But- But we’re alicorns...” Cadence weakly said. “I was born over 1500 years ago of Pete’s sake!”

“Yes, you are, and yes, you were. Luna and I put you into a magical slumber for 1500 years though because it was not yet your time Cadence. You were given memories of that time so you would awake without a gap in time.” Celestia frowned. “As for the two of you, you have both worked very hard to get to here ladies, and that is why you transcended your bodies and became Alicorns, but you are not goddesses.”

“How can that be thought?” Twilight asked, still not getting the message.

“Twilight, only a pony that is born an Alicorn is immortal. Only they are gods and goddesses.”

“So what does that mean for us?” Cadence asked slowly.

“Well, you’re both still perfectly mortal,” Celestia smiled at them. “Twilight, I must say, I thought you of all ponies would have figured this out long ago.”


“I mean, if every Alicorn was an immortal, Luna’s and my mother would still be with us,” Celestia explained. “She was the first pony to ever transcend, and she bore myself and Luna shortly there after. My sister and I were born Alicorns, so we are well and truly immortal.”

Now Cadence was beginning to catch on, and see the light. “So our kids will be true Alicorns?”

“Exactly.” Celestia smiled.

“So they will have to watch everypony they love die?” Twilight asked, pouting at the thought.

“Oh heavens no,” Celestia laughed. “Immortals cannot fall in love.”


“It’s part of being immortal. We loved our mother, and all of our friends, but not in the way that you have come to love Shining and Rarity. It’s just not in us to romantically love. Literally. Immortals have no need for love because we have no need to procreate. Reproduction is a construct of biology, and one we do not share.”

“That’s so sad,” Twilight pouted.

“Really? I kind of like it. Less messy,” Celestia dismissed as she wandered off again, making both mares stop dead in their tracks. Their imaginations ran wild with ideas.

“Forget it, I don’t want to know,” Both finally said together as they gave chase to Celestia again.

“Rarity, I’m home!” Twilight called out as she trotted back into her beloved treehouse.

“Hello dear,” Rarity called from the bedroom, though her voice lacked any hint of play to it.

“What happened to you babe?” Twilight asked as she trotted up and laid eyes on the poor mare.

“Spike happened,” Rarity huffed. “And now I’m covered in welts and blisters.”

“What did he do this time?” Twilight sighed.

“Have you ever heard of paintball darling?”


“Indeed,” Rarity nodded, then patted the bed next to her. “Come here. You sound like you have good news.”

“Yes,” Twilight smiled as she climbed in next to Rarity. “I found out something.”

“What’s that my love?”

“I’m not actually immortal,” Twilight smiled. “Only ponies born as Alicorns are immortal. So Cadence and I are both still mortal. But our children will be immortal, and true royalty.”

“Darling, that’s-” Rarity began til one thought hit her. “Twilight, how are we supposed to have a foal?”

“I- What?” Twilight asked as a flash of green flames down stairs whisked away what both mares knew to be a letter to the Princess.

“We’re both mares dearest. How are we supposed to have a child?”

“We just started dating for Celestia’s sake Rarity!” Twilight scoffed. “And now you want kids?!”

“What? I- I thought-” Rarity stammered till Twilight’s snort of laughter cut her off.

“I’m kidding babe. We have all the time in the world, we’ll figure it out as it comes.”

“You’re evil Twilight,” Rarity laughed, resting her head on Twilight’s shoulder.

“Although... we could try turning you into-”

“Not even an option, love,” Rarity said with a smile as she started to drift off to sleep. Or so she would have, had a knock at the door not called for immediate attention. “Who could that be?”

Twilight let Rarity lay as she ran downstairs to open the door, noting along the way a certain lack of a dragon that was just down stairs. But Twilight didn’t get much time to think about things like that as she opened the door to a very important guest.

“Greetings Twilight,” The Princess of the Night greeted. “Is Spike here?”

“Hello Luna… Why are you looking for Spike?”

“I came regarding the letter he just sent me actually…”

“Spike’s letter was for you?!” Rarity screamed as she could be heard falling off the bed. “Owie! Twilight, I’m hurt! Come take care of me!”

“Ah- I- Spike wrote you a love letter?” Twilight stammered. She didn’t mean to ignore Rarity, and were it not for Luna, she would jump at the chance to be with her right now, but this was rather large news.


“Spike! Get out here now!”

With a small amount of banging and shuffling, Spike returned from wherever he had discovered with a sullen look. “Hi Prin-”

“Would tonight work?” Luna blurted out as soon as she saw the dragon, stunning everypony and making Rarity forget all about her pains. “I loved the Batmane comics! And your invitation to go play ball with paint sounds marvelous! I would love to Spike!”

“Wait… I thought immortals couldn’t love?” Twilight finished, looking between dragon and goddess.

“Normally we can’t. But a dragon is as immortal as an Alicorn. I have read many great books on love throughout my life, and I wish to know this feeling! As the only other immortal in Equestria right now, I have to believe this chance lay solely with Master Spike. In all honesty, I don’t want to be alone… I want someone to share my life with, and I believe a family is the best way to go about that. I cannot romantically love you Spike, but you’ll never be alone.”

“But it’s not love…” Rarity muttered as she came down stairs.

“Not as you know it,” Luna nodded.

“I get what you’re saying though. The happiest day of my life was when Twilight became an Alicorn, because I thought I would have her in my life forever then. Now I can have you in my life too Luna. If you’ll have me.” Spike nodded.

“Spike, I’m afraid I’m not an immortal though,” Twilight frowned for her friend, who could only respond with a shrug.

“Then we’re back to the original idea, but now I can hang out with a total knock out of a goddess!”

“Oh Spike!” Luna blushed.

“You can’t love, but dragons can. We can feel love because we can feel greed. I think with your past, your strong heart an urge to be loved, you can learn to feel love too Princess, if you’ll let me teach you that is…” Spike smiled. “You’re the only Alicorn to ever want love, Princess. Let me be the one you find it in.”

“Spike… I would be honored to learn of love from you,” Luna smiled as she knelt down and kissed Spike on the cheek

“Our little Spikey Wikey and Princess Luna?” Rarity muttered. “Bwahaha! This is the best thing ever!”

“Spike, go out and enjoy the night,” Twilight sighed.

“Actually, I had hoped he would like to engage in a friendly game of ’Left 4 dead’ first?” Luna inquired with what she believed was a puppy dog stare.

“... No, I’m sorry, but I want a little time with my girlfriend, if you catch my drift,” Twilight whispered to the goddess of the moon.

“Ooo, I like that idea!”

“Whatever for?”

“Ugh…” The pair of lovers groaned. But those who were just robbed of that kind of fun will always do that, in the end.

Author's Note:

No, I'm not being mean to Rarity. This is not hate on her, it's just some good fun. Also a bit of awesome Spike, but I digress.