• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 1,604 Views, 26 Comments

The farmgirl's prince - Charzoid

Its been 1months since the gala and Celestia decides to help her nephew change his attitude

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Auntie's orders

It was a relaxing and quiet day to be a prince in ones castle in Canterlot. It might not technically be his place or his land but Prince blueblood enjoyed these silent mornings to himself. It was just him,a mirror, and the one thing in all of Equestria that mattered the most right now,his soft pretty amber colored mane.

Beautifully quiet mornings like this one were the perfect times to groom one's self after all. It took his mind off of how only a month ago that crazy unicorn mare embarrassed him in front everypony at the Gala. He still didn't get what caused her to go from sweet as a deer to ugly as a donkey so fast. Was it just the little cake accident?

*knock knock*"Blueblood, are you up yet?"said the familiar voice of one of his guards from home. Since his parents were to busy to pick him up even after hearing of the Gala disaster, they sent one of their guards to look after him.

"Yes Green Gust I'm just doing my morning grooming."
Unlike the Equestrian Canterlot guards, Green Gust was a forest green pegasus stallion with an all black buzz cut,orange eyes, and silver armor. Him and Blueblood had been what the prince thought of as real friends since they were both little colts.

Green Gust opened the door. "You really should get out of this room more often."said Green.

"It not like theres anything important going on. Plus I've just started my grooming just now ."Blueblood replied.

Green just rolled his eyes at this remark. That was practically his answer everyday this past week. Not that he didn't still exercise and eat his royal dinner but he wasn't as social as he use to be. Likely from being around the upper class ponies he didn't like.Gust knew despite his self centered ness, Blueblood was a good social guy to those he knew well enough.

"Don't you wanna at least go out and meet a pretty mare, play some checkers,or something like we use to?"asked the green pegasus.

His only reply was a shake of the head no from the prince.

"Well in this case that's both good and bad for you because your dear aunt Celestia ordered me to get you."said Green Gust.

"Why is that a bad thing?"Blueblood asked his friend.

"She used the the special tone."said the green gaurd. The special tone was what anypony that ever worked for the princess or at least knew her long enough,learned to fear. It meant you were about do or hear something she wanted you to do whether you like it or not. No argument. Period. Philomena the Phoenix got this tone often for pranks.

"But this is suppose to be my vacation from doing stuff!"Whined the unicorn stallion.

"Its your aunt my brony and I wouldn't get her mad with waiting If I were you." advised Green Gust.

Knowing his friend was very right about this,Blueblood got off his flank and made a quick trot toward his aunt's throne room with green guest flying ahead of him.

"Princess Celestia, I got a message! A message for ouch!"exclaimed a cross eyed grey Pegasus.She accidentally crashed into the throne room window rather than through it.

"Are you OK ditzy doo? "asked the princess.

"Yes princess,just got a little head lump hee hee."Ditzy said giggling

Using her unicorn magic, the princess lifted Ditzy and the letter she was carrying. She also healed the clumsy mail pony's head wound. "Thank you for your service Ditzy." Celestia thanked her.

"Oh! No problem at all your royal-ness ."With that Ditzy doo zoomed off almost hitting the window again on the way. Celestia sometimes worried for that pony's mind at times.

"Auntie,did you wish to speak with me?"said her nephew Blueblood

Celestia turned to see both her nephew and his guard walking into the room. The guard bowed his head as she got up and she flew over to them.

"Yes, nephew blueblood I wish to speak with you about something important and you've arrived at a good time to." She turned her head to the green guard. "You stay for this to since you'll be a part of this as well."

Green gust did as he was told and stayed beside his friend. Prince blueblood had a sudden very very bad feeling about what his aunt had to say.

"First off I want to hear what happened between you and the unicorn Rarity you were with."she demanded.

This definitely took him off guard. Green Gust,who wasn't at the Gala at the time,kept a poker face but was curious to hear. The only thing that blueblood told him was he met bipolar mare at the gala.

"What about it?"he asked confused

"Start from beginning to end for me."Celestia replied

"OK,well the night started off quite nicely. I was just walking around when I saw this very pretty grayish white unicorn with a gorgeous dress on in the garden. She introduced herself as Rarity and I put the flower she was sniffing on myself so she'd admire me more. Things seemed OK to me from there. She put her dress cape on a puddle so we could get across the room at some point. It was odd how reluctant she was to open a simple door for me and then she tried to make me pay for carnival food from a cute earth pony mare in a hat. I didn't realize it was fatty sugary carnival food she was selling until the pony offered it to us for free and I ate it. Do you know how much fat I've heard are in them? A LOT!So I spat it out and told them both I didn't like that greasy junk food. Then we went inside and she was really quiet for some reason. Then out of no place this pink blur of hooves went flying through the air and into some cake. The cake went flying everywhere and I panicked and grabbed what I thought was a nearby chair for a shield but it was Rarity and she got really really mad at me. Before I could say sorry she started screaming at me and called me the most non princely prince she'd ever met. Like its my fault cake decided to come raining that day."he finish.

By the time he was done,Celestia was shaking her head in at the prince's behavior. She heard all this from Rarity and it seemed her thoughts were confirmed. Her nephew needed to learn how to be more helpful to other ponies and behave kinder to the less rich. Not that he was cruel or mean on purpose to anypony but he needed to be more considerate to others.What she had in mind would definitely be for his own good.

Green Gust on the other hoof was trying not to bust out laughing at his friend's ignorance.

"Nephew,that mare's name was Rarity and she was expecting you to be a gentlemen and do the simple things for her out of politeness.That pony's food you spat out was a friend of hers and you insulted her by doing what you did".Celestia told him with a disappointed tone.

"Gentlemen? The last time I tried being a gentlemen to a pony she nagged me about not letting her be an independent mare and blah blah about her mare rights." he replied.

"Thats because you were overdoing it and you under did it this time and then some, so I've got no choice but to send you on your first mission to a place that helped a certain student of mine. Hopefully it will help you as well."she was using the special voice now.

"Where?"he asked._


No need to be psychic to tell where this is going. Like I said this was made way back after S1's final.Now that the characters and ponies have a bit more background this can go a lot more places.I dare declare myself the one who first came up with the whole pro-redeeming of blueblood thing that I've been happy to see poping up more in stories lately. If not as much redeem at least not make him out as Satan's pet in every story.