• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 1,604 Views, 26 Comments

The farmgirl's prince - Charzoid

Its been 1months since the gala and Celestia decides to help her nephew change his attitude

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Getting ready for the new and paranoid

There were rare times that Prince blueblood could ever count himself wanting to ever rebel against the wishes of his elder family members,and this was one of those times. "How can my own aunt do this to me?Out of all things to make me do, surely my mother and father couldn't approve of this."If it was something as minor as writing the psycho unicorn an apology for the cake or whatever,the prince could understand but right now this whole thing felt completely unnecessary. Only good thing about it was Green Gust was going as well to make sure they weren't mugged during the stay or something.

His friend Green Gust on the other hoof,was practically giggling like a school filly at the thought of this adventure. Guards don't don't get to travel much unless they're escorting somepony in such a case as this one.Theres not a lot of socializing aloud and most ponies who see the armor on him get intimidated and avoid him like a mad dragon.

"Cheer up BB,this might whine up being good for us both in the end if you just stay positive."Green Gust could tell he was going to just make this whole thing worse for himself if he kept acting so childishly upset about it.

"First off you know I hate the nickname BB and I can't see how you expect this be good by any definition. This is going to be the most tortuous and horrid 5 months of my life. I'll have no more giant fluffy pillows to sleep on, imported brushes from Tarpan France for my mane,and those tasty 4 star boiled cabbage with spinach you know I can't breath without! If thats not bad enough we're going to be living with common savage pony hell with ponies that likely carry worms,fattening nasty food,and evil birds."Blueblood shivered at the thought of it all.

Green Gust mentally shook his head at his friend imagination and behavior toward the whole thing. It was moments like this he was happy his parents let him go to a public pegasus flight school and not a private one. He knew that blueblood's real fear was being someplace new to long from what his stuck up parents spoiled him in. They made a big deal out of him being perfect for Mr. show pony contests all over Equestria and product modeling as well. It was amazing to Green Gust that the prince was even able to achieve his cutie mark by accident when his little cousin Ace went missing. It took guards hours looking through every build but blueblood did it in mere minutes with his navigating and tracking talent,just by following the scent of one of ace's toys.

"Your exaggerating way to much now. They may not be rich but from what I hear from guards who've been there before its a pretty decent place with with very friendly ponies. Equestria Daily gave it an award for most in shape community also and I'm sure you can't get any kind of health award like that if you have worms." He then made sure blueblood was strapped in securely to the chariot before starting to flap his wing to take off for the sky. A question then crossed him mind.

"Since when are you scared of birds anyway? You play with Philomena all the time when you visit here."Green asked.

"Thats because Philomena is a tamed bird not a wild one and I know its easy for you to say how sweet things will be since you've made no enemies."replied Blueblood with a pout on his muzzle.

"You're not even going to live near that Rarity mare and shes the only pony you ticked off. Why do you think the others will dislike you,the great nephew of Celestia?"Green Gust wanted his friend to at least try to be be positive throughout the ride.

"We're going to be living with one of Rarity's friends aren't we? She could have them all behave crude to me out of spite or just for their own twisted amusement! Especially whoever it is I'm going to be working for.There has got to be a law against this someplace." Blueblood pouted some more.

"Thats just you exaggerating the whole thing out of proportion again. Trust me its all in your head,your own aunt wouldn't send you out someplace that she thought you'd get mistreated,sick,injured,or killed. Plus she is the law so I'd think she'd know or not. Don't you remember what Celestia planned?"Green smiled at the memory.

"How could I forget?"Blue grumbled thinking back to what his auntie Celestia said.

_flash back 15 minutes ago

"Ponyville. I'm going to have you and green gust live with one of my most trusted pupils named Twilight Sparkle in the Ponyvile Library for 5 months. I've sent a letter already letting her know of your arriving"declared his one millennium year old aunt.

"But!Wha-Wha What am I suppose to do in such a place?"he ask although he knew no answer she gave,he'd agree to liking.

"You'll be doing the following as I've listed here"she then used he magic to lift a piece of numbered paper to him.

1" Work at Sweet Apple Acres every 3 days a week,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday"

2" Help Twilight with her studies and organizing if she needs it 2 days a week on Thursday and Friday "

3" Make some new friends whenever you can"

4" Report all you've learned once every week either by Green Gust or Spike the Dragon who is also Twilight's friend."

"PS- Green Gust-Make sure he stays safe and out of danger but don't hover him. Some challenges he'll have to take on his own."

"What do you mean by take on challenges on my own?"Prince Blueblood asked.

"You'll know when the moment comes but don't worry my nephew,I think you'll come out alright in the long run of things."was her only reply before she sat up and flew out the door.

End flash back

"I do suppose she could of been a bit more clear with that last part but I'm sure she knows you'll be ok for the most part. Things could even be fun if you stay positive and take a nap to relax yourself before we get there."Green Gust told him

"I really hope your right "said blueblood as he started to drift of against the breeze wind of the ride.

Mean while somewhere in sweet apple acres

"So your saying that Princess Celestia's nephew blueblood is gonna be working here for 5 months?"questioned applejack

"Thats what the letter told me. He'll be living with me though so you won't have to worry about making a new room for him." Twilight replied

"Well thats good in all but I reckon I'll have to deal with a lot of complaining either way if I remember him right from the Gala."said Applejack

Applejack could be patient with most new ponies that had a bit of trouble but constant complainers,who did nothing for themselves made her loose her temper faster then she'd like to admit. The prince complained about her food when he was at her booth from what she remembered. The way he fainted from a little messy caked coat told her,he was one of those germ phobia things that Twilight once told her about. He'd seemed like the colt version of Rarity to her only lazier and pickier. She wouldn't treat him unfairly for any of that stuff but she wouldn't go easy on him either.

"He was a pansy from what I remember and even though hes Celestia's nephew I don't plan on letting getting away with not respecting my farm."the cowpony informed twilight.

"She told me hes mostly decent but just needs to learn some better work ethics.After the gala,Celestia realized how bad his social skills with non-rich ponies has become also,but I can handle that part. Since his parents have him enter a lot of those Mr.pony Universe Contests and had part time tracker duty with the guards for a of them is his only friend,haven't helped either."Twilight explained

"What the hay is tracker duty?"asked Applejack.

"From what I've read its a job for ponies with advance tracking magic skills.They detect and search for wanted criminals or missing ponies,pets,etc. I think I'll ask him about it more when he gets here. Maybe he'll be helpful since you could use a helping hoof around the farm now." said Twilight.

Last week Red Delicious got 2 of his legs broken and a head cold from hang-gliding into a lake on a dare by Scootaloo. He'd be in the hospital for a while and was the the second strongest to Big Macintosh with plowing the fields.Part time workers like Caramel and his brother Clover were good also when they came on time but Caramel's forgetfulness and Clover's dozing off mid work,could be a hassle.

"I suppose your right there Twi."Applejack agreed

Author's Note:

The second chapter of this old story.I originally got up to 4 chapters before stopping.I tend to make errors without noticing and on my fanfiction.net account, when I'd try to fix them it would either rewrite the error when I'd try to save or make a new error. So far I haven't had that problem here and hopefully will be able to make this story more then 4 chapters after I upload chapter 4.Words in Italic are thoughts,bold emphasis,and underlined words are to when scenes are transferring